XIPL User Manual.V2.0.0.16 - EN PDF

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XIPL User Manual

© Vieworks 2019 All rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual should not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Vieworks. The specifications and related information in this manual may be changed without notice. Refer to Vieworks Download System (VDS) for the latest version of our manuals.


  XIPL User Manual 

Contents 1.  Information ................................................................. ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................... .................................. 4  1.1 

Cautions .................................................................................................................................................... 5 


License Guide ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 6 

1.2.1 1.3 

OpenCV Library Librar y License Licens e ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. ............. 6

Document Guide ..................................................................................................................................... 7 


Symbols ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. .............. 7


Notation ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ............................. ............. 7


Document Revision Information .......................................................................................................... 8 

2.  Instruction .................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ................................................................... ................................10  2.1 

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 11 


System diagram ................................ ................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...........................11 ...........11


Main components component s .............................. .............. ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................11 ........11


Main features ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. .................................11 ................11


Recommended Specifications ............................................................................................................. 12 


Workstation ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ...................12 ...12


License ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..............................1 ..............12 2

3.  Installation................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .................................................................... ................................14  3.1 

How to Install ........................................................................................................................................ 15 


Checking the Operation Status of Server ......................................................................................... 19 


Checking the Activation Status of Server ......................................................................................... 20 


Folders and files .................................................................................................................................... 21 

4.  XIPL TOOL..................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ................................................................... ................................ 22  4.1 

Basic Composition................................................................................................................................. Composition................................................................................................................................. 23 


Menu Guide ............................................................................................................................................ 24 


File ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................24 .......24


Edit ............... ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ......................26 ......26


Option ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..............................2 ..............26 6


Process ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..............................2 ..............28 8


Tool .............................. .............. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ......................28 ......28


Help ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................30 ....30

4.3  Tool Button Guide ................................................................................................................................. 31  4.3.1 Select ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................31 .31

4.3.2 Rev. Rev .

Zoom ............................... ............... ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................32 .32 Page 2 of 53



  XIPL User Manual 


Manual Zoom ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................32 32


Pan ............... ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ......................32 ......32


ROI W/L ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ...........................32 ...........32


Crop ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................33 ...33


Conver to raw ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................34 34

4.3.8 4.3.9

Invert..................................................................................................................................................................................34 Fit ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .........................35 .........35


1 x 1 ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................35 ...35


1 x 2 ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................35 ...35


2 x 1 ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................35 ...35


2 x 2 ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................35 ...35


Process ................................ ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..............................3 ..............35 5


Post LUT ............... ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................ ................................ ...........................37 ...........37


Close .............................. .............. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................38 ...38


Close All ............................... ............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ............................38 ...........38


Image Display Guide ............................................................................................................................ 39 


Image Display information informat ion ................................. ................ ................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .....................40 .....40

5.  Image Processing ................................................. .................................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................... .... 41  5.1 

Basic Composition................................................................................................................................. Composition................................................................................................................................. 42 


Parameter Adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 43 


Adjustment Buttons .............................................................................................................................. 51 


Definition of Terms ............................................................................................................................... 52 

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  XIPL User Manual 

1.  Information This section informs about the rules and revised history of this manual. Cautions License Guide Document Guide Document Revision Information

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  XIPL User Manual 


Cautions If the user is not fully aquainted with this manual, the system can be malfunctioned or u unsuspected nsuspected problem can be happened due to carelessness. care lessness. To prevent any medical accidents, the user should fully understand the instructions of this manual before operating this system.

When the user operates XIPL, take the following precautions. Otherwise, problems may occur and a nd the equipment may not function correctly. 1  Image processing, reading of image, and data store must be performed in accordance with the law of each country where the program is being used. Also, the user is responsible for protecting the privacy of image data. 2  In no event will Vieworks be liable for direct or indirect consequential damage arising out of the use of this program. Vieworks will not be liable for loss of image data due to any reason. 3  Before using this program, be sure to read this manual thoroughly. thoroughly. Also, read the ma manuals nuals of relevant instruments in the system. Keep this manual where it is easily accessible. 4  Other systems and product names in this manual are the trademarks from their manufacturer.

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  XIPL User Manual 


License Guide V ision Library. The software developer would like to thank for whom XIPL uses the Open CV Computer Vision XIPL uses contributes to the abovementioned libraries.

Here below lists the license statements required to be shown on the software for the use of the libraries. librar ies.

1.2.1  OpenCV Library License Intel License Agreement For Open Source Computer Vision Library

Copyright (C) 2000-2006, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. Copyright © 2008-2011, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved. Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:   Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the

following disclaimer.   Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the

following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this

software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors con tributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties warra nties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

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  XIPL User Manual 


Document Guide This document is an operation manual for XIPL  users. You can install XIPL  and process images acquired XIPL users. XIPL and from the detector by using various image management and a nd adjustment tools.

Target This manual is intended for the enginneers who install VXvue  / XIPL  and for the end users. VXvue / XIPL and

Contact Us For any comments or inquiries regarding this document and relevant products, contact via email below.




Customer Support team in Vieworks


[email protected]

1.3.1  Symbols This product should be operated under the safety instructions with the warning or caution symbol in this manual. It is important for you to read and understand the contents to operate the products safely.


  This symbol is used for indicating a potentially hazardous situation when whe n operating this

program in advance. Users should be well we ll aquainted with this symbol and the rrelated elated contents.


  This symbol is used for indicating product related references and supplementary

information. Users are recommended to read the sentences with this notice carefully.

1.3.2  Notation Bold types Words in bold indicate products terms, or the sentences which are a re needed to transmit clear meaning to the customers.

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  XIPL User Manual 


Document Revision Information S/W version of the document Manual



VXvue Mammo


1.1 1.2
















  The versions above are meant to be used for document revision only. They do not

guarantee compatibility across all referenced models.

Document revision history Version


Revision History




Initial release

Generic Technology Team



Revised newly

Generic Technology Team

(Changed) 2.2.2 Operation system (Changed) 2.2.3 License 1.2


(Changed) 3.1 How to Install

Generic Technology Team

(Changed) 4.2.2 Option (Changed) 4.3.6 Crop (Changed) 2.2.2 License 1.3


(Changed) 3.1 How to Install

Generic Technology Team

(Added) 3.3 Checking Activation Status (Changed) 3.1 How to Install 1.4


(Changed) 4.3 Tool Button Guide

Generic Technology Team

(Changed) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment (Changed) Corporate logo, Contact address, fax number 2.0


(Changed) 4.2 Menu Guide

Generic Technology Team

(Changed) 5.1 Basic Composition (Changed) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment Rev. Rev .

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  XIPL User Manual 

(Changed) Contact address





(Added) 5 Image Processing

Generic Technology Team



(Added) 5 Image Processing

Generic Technology Team

(Changed) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment

Generic Technology Team

(Added) 4.2.4 Tool - Parameter Editor (Added) 5.1 Basic Composition 60


(Added) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment (Removed) 4.2.2 Option

Medical Imaging SW Team

- Collimation-based W/L - Adjusting W/L automatically when changing the crop format (Added) Screen image and description in chapter 4.2.1 due to popup window change when loading raw file (Added) Description of PureImpact in chapter 4.2.5 (Addition) Numbering on screen image in chapter 5.1


(Added) Description of PureImpact logo in chapter 5.2

Medical Imaging SW Team

(Changed) Screen image in chapter 4.1 (Changed) PureImpact Parameter in chapter 5.2 (Removed) Minimum Specification (32bit) in chapter 2.2 (Removed) Screen image and description in chapter 4.2.1 due to popup window change when loading raw file. 2018-08-21 2018-09-19 2019-01-15

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(Added) 2.2 Recommended Specifications (Added) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment (Changed) 4.2 Menu Guide (Changed) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment (Changed) 5.2 Parameter Adjustment

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Medical Imaging SW Team

Medical Imaging SW Team Medical Imaging SW Team



  XIPL User Manual 

2.  Instruction This section gives an overview of the XIPL and its structure.

Overview Recommended Specifications

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  XIPL User Manual 


Overview advan ced image processing software developed by Vieworks. XIPL (X-ray Image Processing Library) is the advanced XIPL (X-ray It is organized with XIPL.TOOL  and XIPL.SERVER , and you can process images acquired from VXvue  with XIPL.TOOL and VXvue with various image processing tools. This program provides prov ides high quality images to users by itself or integrating with VXvue VXvue..

2.1.1  System diagram

2.1.2  Main components Component XIPL

Description Vieworks image processing software for processing images acquired from VXvue. VXvue.


Image processing program by users. (provided from XIPL) XIPL)


Image processing server program for the actual image processing.

2.1.3  Main features   Separates our image processing module and your viewer system completely to prevent any affect.

da ta as the same way of your viewer   Available to send / receive our image processing module and data program.   No need to manage parameters from your viewer system.   Available to apply the upgrade version of our image processing module to your viewer system directly.

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  XIPL User Manual 


Recommended Recom mended Specifications This section provides information abour the recommended specifications for installing and using u sing XIPL XIPL..

  If the specifications cannot meet the recommended ones, they may affect the functions

and processing speed of the system.

2.2.1  Workstation Item

Minimum spec.

Recommended spec.

Windows 7 64bit Professional OS

Windows 8.1 64bit Professional Windows 10 64bit Professional


Intel® Core™ i5-3330 CPU@3GHz

Intel® Core™ i5-3770 CPU@3GHz





1024 by 768, 32bit

1680 by 1024, 32bit

2.2.2  License Item

Description  program with a dongle key provided by Vieworks.   You can install the XIPL XIPL program  program with XIPL SDK Dongle.   You can use the XIPL XIPL program Dongle. A watermark is displayed

on the image after image processing if you use XIPL SDK Dongle. Dongle.

USB Dongle Key


When you use USB Dongle Key except XIPL SDK Dogle, Dogle, be sure to activate  for normal image processing by connecting con necting the Vieworks XIPL.SERVER  for detector to your PC where XIPL  is installed. XIPL is

  If you use one of the following license keys, be sure to activate a ctivate XIPL.SERVER  for  for

normal image processing by connecting the Vieworks detector model to your PC where XIPL XIPL is  is installed.   VXvue, VXvue Quantum, VXvue Light, VXvueMammo

License Key




XIPL Runtime

  If you use one of the following license keys, you can process images without

activating XIPL Server. Server.

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VXvue Demo, VXvue Quantum Demo, VXvueMammo Demo


DxWorks Demo



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  XIPL User Manual 

XIPL SDK License (For developer) You can use the XIPL SDK  license  license when it is difficult to connect a detector. Search license.lic (or *.lic) from the XIPL  folder which has been installed previously, and then remove the license file. After that, issue the XIPL folder XIPL license again as follows. XIPL license

  A watermark is indicated on the image after image processing.

< 3.1 How to Install> Install> for the detailed information about activating XIPL SERVER .   Refer to for more information.

  For human application with linear postLUT

  For veterinary application with linear postLUT

6  Click Install  button to install the program in succession. Install button

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  XIPL User Manual 

7  Click Finish  button to reboot your PC. Finish button

8  When you restart the system, the license input window is displayed on the wallpaper wa llpaper as follows. Key in the screen below.   Get a license by using Hardware Key in

  Contact to the relevant department of Vieworks for the detailed information about the license issue.


If you are provided USB Dongle Key beforehand, Key beforehand, connect it to the PC and click X button in the window.   The license input window may not be displayed if you connect USB Dongle Key before Key before restarting the 


 are XIPL are   A new license input window can be displayed if the specifications of PC installed XIPL

changed. Refer to about the Vieworks’ policy of server activation depending on license keys or dongle keys.

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  XIPL User Manual 

9  Check if the XIPL.SERVER  icon  icon is displayed d isplayed on the tray at the bottom of wallpaper. Status


The server is disabled after installing XIPL.SERVER . The server is activated after installing XIPL.SERVER . (Or uneccessary to activate)

  Click the XIPL.SERVER  icon  icon at the tray with a right mouse button and click About  to check the About to

activating condition of the server.

10 When XIPL.SERVER  is  is activated normally by searching a connected detector, the following message is displayed once and the warning icon is disappeared.

  When XIPL.SERVER  is  is activated normally, the activation state is maintained for 1 month (30 days)

without connecting the detector again.

  If the connected detector is searched under the activation state, the expiration date is revalidated.

11 Open Windows T Task ask Manager by pressing Ctrl  + Shift  + Esc  keys or click the right mouse button on Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys the free space of the task bar.

  The program is installed successfully if XIPL.KEEPALIVE.exe  and XIPL.SERVER.exe  are in the Process XIPL.KEEPALIVE.exe and XIPL.SERVER.exe are Process  


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  XIPL User Manual 


Checking the Operation Status of Server 1  Click the right mouse button on the XIPL SERVER  icon  icon at the bottom of the window and click Log Log..

2  See the operational status of XIPL.SERVER  by  by checking the following window.

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  XIPL User Manual 


Checking the Activation Status of Server 1  Click the right mouse button on the XIPL SERVER  icon  icon at the bottom of the window and click About About..

2  You can check the activation state of XIPL.SEVER  as  as follows;

  Activation (example)

  Deactivation (example)

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  XIPL User Manual 


Folders and files All folders and files of XIPL  are located in C:\XIPL XIPL are C:\XIPL..

Folder Name



Includes files needed to integrate XIPL XIPL with  with your viewer system. This folder is created when installing setup1.x.x.xd.exe  only. setup1.x.x.xd.exe only.


A license file is created in this folder by inputting the license key.


Includes LUT information for mapping image curve after processing the image.


Built-in parameters are included. If you make a new parameter, save it to this folder.


 program files are included. XIPL.SERVER  program


XIPL.TOOL program files are included. XIPL.TOOL program

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  XIPL User Manual 

4.  XIPL TOOL This section provides information about the composition of XIPL TOOL and its way of use.

Basic Composition Menu Guide Tool Button Guide Image Display Guide

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  XIPL User Manual 


Basic Composition a s follows. XIPL.TOOL is composed of 4 basic areas as XIPL.TOOL is


1 Menu   Provide the button-controlled menus to conduct specific functions.

2 Tool Buttons   For image processing   For adjusting layout of the image display window

pa rameter   For opening the adjusting window of image processing parameter 3 Page Display Window   It shows page information of the image displayed on the window. The yellow framed page number

means the current displayed image on the window.

pa ge using a mouse wheel. When you mov move e the mouse wheel on the page number,   You can change the page the image or window is changed to another a nother and the selected one is located to the first layout.


Description The 1st and 2nd pages are displayed on the window. (in 2X1 or 1X2 layout status) “1” means the selected image or window display. The 2nd and 3rd pages are displayed on the window. (in 2X1 or 1X2 layout status) “3” means the selected image or window display

4 Image Display Window

  It displays an image and its basic information. Four images can be displayed on each page but you

cannot change their sequence.

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  XIPL User Manual 


Menu Guide

4.2.1  File Load Loads ‘img’ and ‘raw’ format files of Vieworks. Format Description A file composed of the image format of Vieworks. This file calls the pixel value as well as the additional information.

  Window / Level   Radiography model information   Step information   Pixel Spacing information   Crop information   Effective Area information   PostLUT information  


Image characteristic information This file calls the pixel value of the image only, and the t he step is displayed in blank.

  W/L is configured from 0 to the maximum value of the relevant bit.



16383 for 14bit, 65535 for 16bit

  Crop is configured as an open state maximally.   Post LUT is configured as ‘Linear’.

  When loading a raw image, the following pop-up for detailed information setting appears.

You can set the detailed information of a raw ra w file by entering the following values. Item




0 ~ 1,000,000 (Default: 0)

Inputs header size to the file (Unit: byte.)


1000 ~ 5000 (Defualt: 3072)

Inputs width of the image.


1000 ~ 5000 (Defualt: 3072)

Inputs height of the image.


14 or 16 (Defualt: 14)

Inputs the number of bits for one pixel of the image. (Unavailable to modify at present.)

  The header, W and H are determined automatically by judging the size of the detector and the

corresponding information is provided in advance.

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  XIPL User Manual 

Here is an example of the raw file size format provided in advance: Item


Header: 0

VIVIX-S 1417 Series

Size: 2560 X 3072 Header: 0

VIVIX-S 1417 Series (If stored by rotation)

Size: 3072 X 2560 Header: 0

VIVIX-S 1717 Series

Size: 3072 X 3072 Header: 0

VIVIX-S 1012 Series

Size: 2048 X 2560 Header: 0

VIVIX-S 1012 Series (If stored by rotation)

Size: 2560 X 2048 Header: 0

VIVIX-M 1008 Series

Size: 2304 X 3072 Header: 0

VIVIX-M 1008 Series (If stored by rotation)

Size: 3072 X 2304

  Pre-provided raw formats may be added or deleted without notice.   Since the number of bits in the image can not be determined automatically, it must be

specified by the user.   Rotation items are as follows;

  If you click the button on the lower left, the image width (W) and height (H) values are exchanged.




Flips the raw image horizontally and opens it.


Flips the raw image vertically and opens it.

Save as   Saves the image file to ‘raw’ format.

a nd the information except pixel value is not recorded.   The cropped image is saved as full view, and  / W2  sections. LUT is saved as applying to W1 W1 / W2 sections.   Post LUT is

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  XIPL User Manual 

4.2.2  Edit Item


Clear Annotation

Deletes all annotations of the selected image.

Delete Selected

Deletes selected annotations. Moves into the statistics annotation mode. In this mode, you can drag a


mouse button on the image to display the statistic information.


Maximum value of pixels within selected area of the image.


Minimum value of pixels within selected area of the image.


Average value of pixels within selected area of the image.


Standard deviation pixels within selected area of the image.


Rotates the selected image by

 clockwise.   90˚ clockwise.


Rotates the selected image by

 counterclockwise.   90˚ counterclockwise.


Flips the selected image vertically. vertically.  


Flips the selected image horizontally. horizontally.  

4.2.3  Option Sync W/L Synchronize W/L  of the currently displayed images after clicking the right mouse button to adjust W/L W/L of W/L..

Sync Pan/Zoom Synchronize the status of Pan/Zoom  of the currently displayed images. Drag the left mouse button in Pan Pan/Zoom of Pan   or Zoom  status to adjust its status. Zoom status

 or Zoom  cannot be operated smoothly in   If the sizes of loaded images are different, Pan Pan or Zoom cannot

the synchronized status.

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  XIPL User Manual 

Value on pixel The value of each pixel is displayed when the image is magnified to more than 3200%.   The coordinate and position value of a mouse cursor are indicated at the bottom of screen.

un der low magnification if the value is high.   The pixel value can be viewed as overlapped under   The pixel value of cropped part and black-colored part outside of effective area are also indicated.

Interpolation Mode Select the option of Interpolation Mode applied Mode applied to the monitor.



Nearest Neighbor

Interpolates the nearest pixel


Bilinear interpolation

High Quality Bilinear

High quality bilinear


Bicubic interpolation

High Quality Bicubic

High quality bicubic


GDI library interpolation

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  XIPL User Manual 

4.2.4  Process Process by filename 1  You can make image imag e process by the provided parameter in the image processing parameter folder or by file name of the new parameter. Click Process by filename and filename and the following window is displayed.

2  Choose the desired parameter and click Process  button to process the currently selected image. The Th e Process button folder route is C:\XIPL\PARAMETER . 3  You can search the t he parameter file name by entering it into the search box and apply to the selected image directly.

4.2.5  Tool Parameter Editor

  You can adjust multiple parameters at the same time

whi le saving parameters.   The error message is displayed if an error occurs while

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  XIPL User Manual 

Function Button


  Select and open one or multiple parameters at the same time. dr op it to the Parameter Editor    Drag the desired file with a mouse button and drop Editor 





If a path or file name of the t he selected parmater is overlapped to another one, it cannot be opened.

  Delete one or multiple parameters from the list.

  Select all items of the parameter list.

Select All


Press Ctrl + A on a keyboard to make the same task.


Press Esc on a keyboard to release all selected parameters.

  Process an image with the selected parameters. ima ge is processed by the changed value   If the parameter value is changed, the image


without storing the value separately. Save

  Save one or multiple parameters at the same time.

  For HS8 parameter : Contrast / Sharpness / Brightness / ToneType value of the

selected parameter(s) can be decreased or increased by 1.

  For the PureImpact parameter : Contrast / BodySlope / BSAdjustment / Brightness /

ToneType / BRCompression / BRSmoothing / StructureBoost / DetailEnhancement /

- /+

DetailFrequency / Sharpness / SharpeningSize / N.Reduction value of the selected parameter(s) can be decreased or increased by 1.

  Depending on the range of values, the decrease / increase motion may be limited.

Parameter List

  You can change the parameter value directly.   If you select multiple parameters and change a specific value, all relevant values are changed.

hav e been changed before the user loads   Some parameters are displayed in bold with red letters which have current parameters.   Press Ctrl or Shift key while clicking a mouse button to select multiple parameters. If you want to choose

one parameter under this condtion, click a desired parameter in the Name  field. Name field.

  You can also select all parameters by pressing Crtl  + A keys. Crtl +

Esc key.  key.   Release the parameter selection by pressing Esc

  Only one parameter type can be opened simultaneously from two parameter types (HS8 and


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  XIPL User Manual 

Select Header 1  Click a right mouse button on Header to display PrameterEdito PrameterEditorr Column Selection window. Selection window.

  Check or uncheck the box to display / hide a specific column.

  The selected status is maintained when you execute the program next time.

4.2.6  Help About Display the version information of XIPL.TOOL  and the information about server activation. XIPL.TOOL and

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  XIPL User Manual 


Tool Button Guide

4.3.1  Select Button

Description Select Annotation  and drag it with a mouse button to move or to change its size. Annotation and

  A green frame is displayed around the selected image, and it is processed when you

click Process  button in the window. Process button

Menus and tool buttons applied to the selected image (or display area) are as follows.   Load   Save   Clear Annotation   Delete Selected   CW/CCW   Flip/Mirror   Manual Zoom   Process   Invert

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4.3.2  Zoom Button

Description Adjust the image size.

  Zoom-in: Max. 12800% / Zoom-out: Max.5%   The value of each pixel is indicated if the image is magnified to more than 3200%.

4.3.3  Manual Zoom Button

Description Change the zoom status of an image to the specific value directly. Click the button of pre-defined ratio or input the desired number manually.

4.3.4  Pan Button

Description Move the selected image to the desired position by dragging a mouse button on the image.

4.3.5  ROI W/L Button

Description Adjust brightness and contrast of an image based ba sed on the selected area automatically.

  Click and drag the right mouse button to draw a square. The W/L value is adjusted

based on min/max value of data distribution within the square.

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4.3.6  Crop Button

Description Crop an image to the desired size. (Rectangle,, Ellipse   Three types of shape are provided (Rectangle Ellipse,, Polygon Polygon)) and you can change

its shape by clicking the right mouse button.

Rectangle / Ellipse Crop

  A dotted box on the image is the cropped area.

u nit.   The box size is marked in pixel or inch unit.

  If pixel spacing information is existed, the size is marked in inch. If not, the size is marked in pixel.

  The pixel unit is marked as Width px x Height px.

  The inch unit is marked as Width x Height.

  Drag vertex or angle of the crop box with a mouse button to adjust its range.  

You can move the whole crop box when dragging a mouse button within it.

  The crop box is changed as a full view when double clicking a mouse button within it.

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Polygon Crop

(C) Polygon Crop   The location of polygon crop is displayed with dotted and solid lines.

Crop and add a vertex by clicking a mouse button. The final vertex can be made by   Choose Polygon Crop and double-clicking the mouse button.   The maximum number of vertexes you can add is 10.   The crop box size is marked in pixel or inch unit.

  If pixel spacing information is existed, the size is marked in inch. If not, the size is marked in pixel.

  The pixel unit is marked as Width px x Height px.

  The inch unit is marked as Width x Height.

  You can adjust the shape of each vertex by moving it with a mou mouse se button.

  You cannot move the dot lines.

4.3.7  Conver to raw Button

Description Convert the image to view it as raw format.

  When you load a raw image file, the pixel value is converted at the time of loading

the image.

  When you load Vieworks’ img format file, it is converted to raw data which is loaded

with the img file.  is converted to the maximum value of 0~14bit. (Ex.14bit: 16383)   W/L W/L is

4.3.8  Invert Button

Description Invert black and white of the image

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4.3.9  Fit Button

Description Fit an image to the image display window. If the image is cropped, the cropped area is fit to the window.

4.3.10  1 x 1 Button

Description Display one image on the image view window. (1x1 layout).

4.3.11  1 x 2 Button

Description Display two images on the image view window in lengthways.

4.3.12  2 x 1 Button

Description Display an image on the image display widthwise. (2X1 layout).

4.3.13  2 x 2 Button

Description Display four images on the image display. (2X2 layout).

4.3.14  Process Button

Description Display the window for controlling image process parameter.

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< 5 Image Processing> Processing> for getting information about the way to adjust image   Refer to
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