Xexun GPS Vehicle Tracker XT008 User Manual

October 4, 2016 | Author: xxgpstracker | Category: N/A
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Download Xexun GPS Vehicle Tracker XT008 User Manual...





Thank you for purchasing GPS Vehicle Tracker. This manual shows how to operate the device smoothly and correctly. Make sure to read this manual carefully before using this product. Please note that specification and information are subject to changes without prior notice in this manual. Any change will be integrated in the latest release. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. 1

Content 1





Hardware description






Wires connection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.2 3.3

Interior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Relays connection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 5 5





Battery and SIM card installation ------------------------------------------------------------------




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------




--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --



Fortifying mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------8.1 Engine started alert



---------------------------------------------- --------- --------


8.2 Movement alert --------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------


8.3 Power cutoff alert --------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------


8.4 ENGINE-OFF Remotely function ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------


8.5 Increase relays function --------------------------------------------------- --------- -------8.6 More function with using the relays 8.7 Checking the working status 9 Tracking mode

----------------------------------------- --------- ------- 9

---------------------------------- --------- --------

Initialization ---------------------------------- --------- -------


Change the Password




Auto Track




Movement alert


Overspeed alert


IMEI checking


-------------------------- --------- -------- -------


9.6. Tlimit Function


---------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ------

9 9 10 10

---------------------------------- --------- ------11 ---------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------- --------- --------

9.10 Time zone setting -----------------------------------------------------------------

12 12 13 14 15 15

9.11 SOS

--------------------------------- --------- --------

9.12 SMS LINK 8.13 SMS ONE

--------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2


9.14 Low battery alert 9.15 SMS center

--------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------ --------- --------

9.16 GSM ID

--------------------------- --------- -------

9.17 Motion Sensor 9.18 SD Card

---------------------------- --------- --------


------------------------------ --------- --------

9.19 SIM conversion from A to B

------------------------------ --------- --------


Monitoring and Talking Mode

------------------------------ --------- --------


GPRS setting



MMS picture function






Faults & Solutions


Cable connection diagram



16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 19









1 Summary Working based on existing GSM/GPRS network and GPS satellites, this product can locate and monitor any remote targets by SMS or GPRS,and guard against theft of Vehicle.

2 Applications 

Rental vehicle / Fleet management etc

Covert Tracking

3 Hardware Description 3.1 Wires Connection


SIM B Card slot

Connect GSM antenna

For upgrade the firmware

Connect GPS antenna

DC +9-36V Working status indicator

GPS indicator

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



1 3



5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19


1 SP – Connects the round speaker (connection is ready ,only need connect the speaker) 2.SP + Connects the round speaker (connection is ready ,only need connect the speaker) 3. MIC + microphone +(connection is ready) 4. MIC + microphone -(connection is ready) 5. GND SOS GND (connection is ready) 6. SOS SOS +(connection is ready) 7. Oil test (analog input port )connects the black wire for the fuel sensor. Note: Please use our fuel sensor only. 8. ACC (digital input port) connect the ACC (ignition) 9. V + connects relay, connction is ready,conencts the relay,it works. 10. Output (digital output) Connects the extra relays 11. Temperature test (analog input port) connects the middle connector of the round temperature sensor. 12. Cut oil (digital output) connects the relay, connction is reay,conencts it,it works. 13. Out A (digital output) for the extra relay. 4

14. Out B (digital output) Connection of RFID voice control 15. IO6 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car. 16. IO5 in(digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car. 17. IO4 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car. 18. IO3 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car 19. IO2 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the ca 20. IO1 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the ca Note: Two UART with the connectors of A.B C D; E F G H for 2 purposes. A. Connect the extra camera B. For input/output the data Connects any conenctors ABCD or EFGH optionally, function actived. UART1 (A.GND B.RX C. TX D.+5V) UART 2 (E.GND F.RX G.TX H.+5V)

3.2 Interior

Put SIM card here A(back of Mainboard)

Put SD card here


Relays connection Conencts the tracker



Connect oil routes

Connect oil routes

4 Specs Content Dimension. Weight Network Band GPS chip GPS sensitivity GPS accuracy

Specs. 8.2x8.2x2.8cm 195g GSM/GPRS GSM850/ 900/1800/1900Mhz SIRF3 chip -159dBm 5m Reacquisition 0.1s Cold status 45s Warm status 35s Hot status 1s

Time To First Fix




Battery Standby Storage Temp. Operation Temp.

Chargeable changeable 3.7V 1100mAh Li-ion battery 50hous -40°C to +85°C -20°C to +55°C


5%--95% non-condensing

5 Battery and SIM card installation Make sure that there is no call transfer and call display is on, and PIN code off. The SMS message must in Text format, can’t be identified for PDU format.

Steps: 1.Open the rear cover, insert a SIM card to the simcard slot A. (If using one simcard,do not insert it into simcard slot A since the default simcard is simcard B) 2.Insert the SD card 3.Use a stick to pick up the simcard slot B,insert the simcard. 6

SIM card A

Use a stick to pick up the

Install SD card

Insert the simard slot with the sim card

Put the SIM card into the slot with the right direction.

6 Startup 

Put the SIM card and SD card in right places.(Put the B card slot in place,the indicator light will blink quickly after 10 seconds, remove card slot B, tracker stops working)

Connect the power supply of the car (The red indicator inside the tracker is on when conencting the 9-36 V power supply)

It takes 40-60 seconds to get the GPS and GSM signals and begins to work.The red indicator blinks every 1 second,the blue GPS indicator blinks every 3 seconds.

Everything is ready when the blue GPS indicator blinks normally, then you can do the following Settings.

7 Use This product has four operating modes,Fortified, tracking, and the talking and listening, and four models to switch to each other When after startup, default 7

state for tracking mode, you can send SMS fortify + password transferred to fortify mode,Send monitor + password transferred to monitor mode, send talk + password turned to call mode, send tracker + password turned back to tracking model type

7 Usage The tracker has three working modes: Fortifying mode, Tracking mode and Monitoring mode. Working modes can be changed reciprocally. The default mode is Fortifying mode,sends command tracker+password,gets tracking mode,sends minitor+passwords,get monitoring mode,sends fortify+password,goes back fortifying mode

8 Fortifying Mode Under the fortifying mode, call the tacker to arm or disarm the fortify function.When the forify mdoe is armed,the indicator blinks every 4 seconds and if blinks every 1 second,means the fortify is disarmed.(There is no cooridnates goes back for call when tracker works in fortifying mode) When the fortify is armed,the alerts will be as below:

8.1 Engine Started illegally Alert In fortifying mode, the tracker will start the ACC examine automatically. It will warn up the user when the engine is started. Alert SMS format: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F fortify imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333

8.2 Movement Alert This function is using for the owner to get an alert when the tracker moves out of a restricted district (500m radius), Response SMS format: lat: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F moved imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333

8.3 Power Cutoff Alert In this mode, the tracker will warn up the user automatically when the main power is cut off unwontedly,such as if someone cut the wire connected the car with the device, it will alert “Battery with 8

coordinates”. Alert SMS format: lat: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F battery imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333

8.4 ENGINE-OFF Remotely function ( Remark::You can send the below sms after the relay and the related wires conencted) 8.4.1 Send “powercar123456 11”, tracker disconnects the oil and electricity and cut the engine,car stops slowly and you will get SMS powercar ok. 8.4.2 Send“powercar123456 00”,tracker connects the oil and electricity,the engine will be restore,you will get SMS powercar ok.

8.5 More function with using the relays Please send the below commands to control the extra relays. relaya123456 0 control the OC output of wire A, 0 is the output low Voltage level ,1 is the output high voltage level. relayb123456 0 control the OC output of wire B, 0 is the output low Voltage level ,1 is the output high voltage level. Output123456 101 control the OC output of the output wire, 0 is the output low Voltage level ,1 is the output high voltage level.(101 is the variety of the voltage of the relay,high-low-high,the interval is 1 second, it can be 010 also,means low-high-low, the inteval is 1 second as well, can be used for car door open

8.6 External input detection function Thre are 6 detective wires,if you need external input data or signals(such as the information of the door and tail of the car) 15. IO6 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car.) 16 .IO5 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car) 17.IO4 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car) 18.IO3 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car) 19.IO2 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car) 20.IO1 in (digital input port) connects the detective circuit of the switches for the doors and tail in the car) SMS string is : lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F Trigger6Start imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333

SMS alert string is: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F Trigger6Stop imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333 Remark::Trigger6Stop is low voltage level, Trigger6Start is high voltage level, 6 is item no. of IO IN, informs you the origin of the alert.


8.7 Checking the working status ( fortify or no fortify ) You can send SMS command “fortified123456” to tracker, it will report “ fortifying “ or “ no fortify “ to you. Out of Fortifying mode SMS format: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F no fortify imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333 Fortifying mode SMS format: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F fortify imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=100%,T=40,RFID=3333333

9 Tracking Mode 9.1 Initialization Send SMS “begin+password” to the unit, it will reply “begin ok” and initialize all the settings. (default password: 123456)




begin ok

9.2 Change the Password Send SMS password+old password+space+new password to change the password. (default password: 123456)



password123456 888999

password ok

9.3 Authorization 9.3.1 Send SMS “admin+ password+ space+ cell phone number”to set

the first authorized number,

the other authorized numbers should be set by the first authorized number.


9.3.2 Send SMS noadmin+password+space+authorized number to cancel the authorized number. 9.3.3 When an authorized number sends SMS or dials up the unit, it will reply a SMS as below:










imei:354776031555474 05 43.5 460 01 2533 720B, Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333 Lat: 22.566901 long: 114.051258== Coordinate 0.00 === speed 14/08/09 06.54== Date&Time F:3.85V 1 == Signal:F

== battery power charging

0 means no charging

==== Full GPS signal

0 means weak GPS signal

354776031555474== IMEI 05=number of satellites ( from 3 to 10) 43.5=Altitude 460 = MCC

Mobile Country Code

01 == MNC 2533= LAC

Mobile Network Code Location area code

720B= Cell ID Oil=80% T=40 RFID=3333333

油量值 温度值 当前用的 RFID 卡号

9.4 Auto-Track This function is using for the user to receive SMS with Geo-info in a certain time.

9.4.1 Set up: Send SMS t030s005n+password to the unit, it will report the Geo-info at 30s intervals 11

for 5 times.It will reply as “t030s005n OK”

9.4.2 Send SMS t030s***n+password to the unit, it will reply SMS heaps of times. You will receive a reply as “t030s***n OK”

9.4.3 Send notn+password to delete the “ auto track “.





Notn ok

Tlimit Function

9.5.1 Send “tlimit123456 50” (50 is the restricted distance in meter, minimum is 1m, maximum is 6000m), tracker replies “tlimit ok” (note: this command should work along with auto tracking command) Once this function is set up, the tracker will only send coordinates if the moving distance is not less than the restricted value in each interval, otherwise, it will not send new coordinates.

9.5.2 Send” tlimit123456 0 “ is to cancel this function, tracker replies ” tlimit ok”.

9.6 Geo-fence Set up a geo-fence for the unit to restrict its movement within a district. The unit will send message to the authorized numbers when it moves out of the district.

Notes: This function will be invalid if the unit moves outside the district. You need to re-set it if you want this function again. 12

9.6.1 Send SMS stockade+password+space+longitude,latitude; longitude,latitude to the unit to set the restricted district. Remark:The first latitude&longitude is coordinate of the top left corner of the Geo-fence, while the second latitude&longitude is the coordinate of the bottom right corner.




stockade ok

114.124845e,22.56718 5n;114.777888e,22.55 5666n 9.6.2 Send SMS nostockade+password to deactivate this function.




nostockade ok

This function will be invalid if the unit moves outside the district Response SMS format: stockade!+geo-info. It will alarm one time in each setting.

From:13188888888 lat: 22.566923 long: 114.051331 speed: 0.00 28/11/10 03:33 F:4.32V,0, Signal:F stockade imei:359587011016261 05 41.5 460 01 2533 720B Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333

9.7 Movement Alert 13

This function is using for the owner to get alarm when the tracker moves out of a restricted district.

9.7.1 Set up: Send SMS move+password to the unit to set the movement alert. then the unit will reply “move ok!” if the setting is successfully.




move ok

9.7.2 Cancel:Send SMS nomove+password to deactivate this function This function will be out of effect after the unit moves outside the district.




nomove ok

This function will be invalid if the unit moves outside the district Response SMS format: move!+geo-info. It will alarm one time in each setting.

From:13188888888 lat: 22.566923 long: 114.051331 speed: 0.00 28/11/10 03:33 F:4.32V,0, Signal:F move imei:359587011016261 05 41.5 460 01 2533 720B Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333


9.8 Overspeed Alert: This function is using for the owner to control the target’s speed.

9.8.1 Set up: Send SMS speed+password+space+080 to the unit,such as “speed123456 080” TO:13188888888


speed123456 080

speed ok

9.8.2 Cancel: Send SMS nospeed+password to the unit.




nospeed ok

Response SMS format: speed+080!+Geo-info (suppose the speed is 80km/h). The tracker will check the speed in 1 minute interval and alarm if it is overspeed.

From:13188888888 lat: 22.566923 long: 114.051331 speed: 0.00 28/11/10 03:33 F:4.32V,0, Signal:F speed imei:359587011016261 05 41.5 460 01 2533 720B Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333

9.9 IMEI Checking: Send SMS imei+password to the unit to check the IMEI number of the unit.

TO:13188888888 Imei123456

From:13188888888 15


9.10 Time Zone setting Send “time zone+password + GMT time ,reply “time zone ok”. (note: if GMT time is positive, just write the number. If time zone is negative, have to write –1)




Time zone23456 1

Time zone23456 -1

time zone ok

9.11 SOS Button Press the SOS for 3 seconds, it will send “help me !+ Geo-info” to all the authorized numbers in 3 minutes. Alarm SMS format:: lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F help me imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062, Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333

9.12 SMS LINK 9.12.1 Send “smslinkone+password”, The tracker will reply a GOOGLE map link to admin number.The position can be checked directly on smartphone(with GPRS enabled) Format:http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=22.567610,114.051227&speed: 0.00 12/11/10 14:36 F:4.22V Signal:F imei:012207000691839

9.12.2 Send “smslink123456”, it will reply “smslink OK” . The tracker will send the following SMS format always. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=22.567610,114.051227&speed: 0.00 12/11/10 14:36 F:4.22V Signal:F imei:012207000691839

9.12.3 Send “smstext123456”, it will reply “smstext OK”. The tracker will send normal SMS 16

9.13 SMS ONE Send “smsone+password”.The tracker will reply coordinates by SMS to admin number or by GPRS to server

9.14 Low Battery Alert When the backup battery is less than 3.7 V, it will send low battery alert to admin number

9.15 SMS Center ( or appointed number) 9.15.1 Setup: Send SMS adminsms+password+space+cell phone number to setup the SMS center. The tracker will reply Geo-info & authorized number to sms center number numbers call or send command to the tracker

even if the admin

9.15.2 Cancel: Send SMS noadminsms+password to cancel the SMS center. Response SMS format: authorized number+Geo-info

9.16 GSM ID(this function can be add or delect for customization.) GSM ID are in each sms or gprs data. The tracker can be found by GSM ID without gps signal. But the customers have to ask their GSM operator for data base of the GSM ID.

9.17 Motion Sensor This function is used to protect the vehicel or tracker when it is touched.

9.17.1 Setup: Send shake+password+space+1-10 to the tracker to set up this function.(1-10 means the level of intensity)

9.17.2 Send SMS shake+password+space+1, 1 is the least sensitivity . Have to shake the tracker strongly to get the alert.

9.17.3 Send SMS shake+password+space+10, 10 is the most sensitivity . Have to shake the tracker slightly to get the alert

9.17.4 Cancel: Send SMS shake+password+space+0 to remove this function.

9.18 SD card function A mini SD card can be put in the tracker’s SD card slot. The GPRS data can be saved in the SD card if GPRS is disconnected. It will send data to the GPRS server again if GPRS is connected again.

9.18.1 Setup: Send SMS sdlog+password+space+1 to activate the sd card-saving function 17

Cancel: Send SMS sdlog+password+space+0 to the tracker to deactivate this function

9.18.2 Setup: Send SMS readsd+password+space+1 to ask the tracker to send data in the SD card to the GPRS server. Cancel: Send SMS readsd+password+space+0 to ask the tracker to stop sending data in the SD card to the server.

9.19 SIM conversion from A to B 9.19.1 If you are using simcard B,sends a command selectsim123456 A,after 1 minute,simcard A works,and Simcard B stops working.The same thing for after sending selectsim123456 B

9.19.2 When 2 simcards are working simultaneously.Simcard A loses the GSM signal,simcard B will work automatically,the same thing for Simcard B.

9.19.3 Send selectsim123456 A, A card works permanently, send selectsim123456 B,B card works permanently, send selectsim123456,will transform automatically between A card and B card

10 Monitor and Talking Mode 10.1 Send then





response from






can hear the voice around the tracker after your call.

10.2 Send SMS talk+password,it will reply “talk ok”, if connects the round speaker,you can have 2 ways communication. (Remark: Send “volume+password+60” to adjust the volume,60 is variable, the grades from 0-99,from low to high level,send volume123456 0 for listen in only.)

11 GPRS setting APN(access point name), IP, PORT have to be set up for gprs function. Apn user, apn password have to be set up also if there are. So please contact with the gsm operator for them


Set GPRS protocols

11.1.1 Set TCP protocols:Send SMS Gprsmode+password+space+0 to set up TCP protocol, tracker will reply GPRSMODE ok。 (note: TCP is the default mode in the firmware)

11.1.2 Set UDP protocols: Gprsmode+password+space+1 to set up UDP protocol, tracker will reply GPRSMODE ok。

11.2 Set IP address and port: 18

Setup: adminip+password+space+IP address+space+port. If setup successfully, the tracker will reply SMS “adminip ok” Cancel: Send SMS noadminip+123456

11.3 Set APN Setup: Send SMS “APN+password+space+B card APN content+ space +A card APN content.”If setup successful, the tracker will reply SMS “APN ok”. (Remark:if use B card only, then no need to set A card APN content) Cancel: The old APN will be invalid automatically when a new APN is set.

11.4 Set APN USER Setup: Send “APNUSER+password+space+B card APN user content+ space +A card APN user content”, the tracker will reply SMS”APNUSER OK”. (Remark:if use B card only, then no need to set A card APN user content) Cancel: The old APN user name will be invalid automatically when a new APN user name is set.

11.5 Set APN’s Password Setup: Send “APNPASSWD+password+space+B card APN password content+ space +A card APN password content”, the tracker will reply SMS”APNPASSWD OK”. (Remark:if use B card only, then no need to set A card APN password content) Cancel: The old APN password will be invalid automatically when a new APN password is set.

11.6 GPRS setting The tracker will hang up the calling in gprs mode when an authorized number calls to the tracker, then send gprs data to the server. GPRS Format: serial number, the authorized number, GPRMC data, GPS signal( F is strong L is weak), alarm information, imei , satellite number ,altitude, battery power (F is full,L is weak), charging state( 1 charging ,0 no charging), byte number, checksum, MCC, MNC,LAC, CELL ID Oil=80%油量值 T=40 温度值 RFID=3333333 RTID 卡号码 For example: 100312033421,13145826175,GPRMC,033421.851,A,2234.0209,N,11403.0733,E,1.87,347.73,12031 0,,,A*62,F,help me, imei:354776036842240,03,73.5,F:4.14V,0,138,46772,460,01,2533,720B Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333

12.MMS Camera settings 12.1 Positioning of the camera into the upper socket device.(Note: Use function locator take pictures inside must be put a 1G SD card) 12.2 In the locator set authorization number, Authorized steps set the same as above 9.3.( Note: Authorized number of mobile phone have MMS.) 19

12.3 Set locator SIM card MMS settings: Formats such as:MMSSET123456 cmwap 80 mmsc.monternet.com ( Note : CMWAP is APN 80 is IP and port

mmsc.monternet.com is

CENTER) 12.4

Automatic photos set instructions: mms123456 120 5

(Note:120 for time interval,

Minimum for 60, Unit is seconds,5 is taken to send the number of sheets,Such as shooting countless 999)

12 MMS Photograph function setting 12.1 Connect the camera with the tracker (note: must insert a 1GB SD card to the tracker when using the MMS photograph function) 12.2 Set authorization number for the tracker (note: authorization number phone should have MMS function.) 12.3 Set the APN, APN user, APN password for the tracker 12.4 Format: MMSSET+password + Spaces + APN + Spaces + USER + Spaces + PASSWORD 12.5 Auto photographing: mms123456 120 5 (note: 120 means 120 seconds interval, minimum is 60 seconds, 5 means the number of picture)

13.RFID Function 13.1 RFID Reader wiring 13.1.1 The RFID locator line plug socket in the next row,Socket on the positioning of a brown

thread receives the output line purple line,Faulty card didn't sound。Figure:

Brown received a purple line thread


13.1.2 Cord and plug connected to the correct post,RFID reader on a red light,Where you can charge。 13.2 RFID

Card reader use

13.2.1 RFID

Card reader reading card

On the RFID card into the reader, Reader will emit a long sonorant,To illustrate the card to be read success, Then there is position in positioning information task in RFID = this card number, If the boot did not read the card RFID = empty. 13.2.2 RFID Card authorized: Send text messages:

rfidadd123456 11A156789

Format: rfidadd+ password + Space + Card number

Reply: rfidadd OK (May authorize the card number 10)

Note: Authorized CARDS is a sound when long ring, That the success of credit card. Unauthorized credit card number is three short beeps, That unsuccessful. And there is a warning letter .lat: 22.567908N long: 114.051395E speed: 0.00 05/01/11 04:47 F:3.87V,0, Signal:F imei:354776036842240 05 130.8 460 01 9523 29062,Oil=80%,T=40,RFID=3333333

13.2.3 RFID

Delete card authorization:

Send text messages:

rfiddel123456 11A156789

Format: rfiddel + password + Space + Card number 13.2.4 RFID

Card authorized inquires 21

Reply: rfiddel OK


Send text messages: rfidlist123456 Format: rfidlist + password 13.2.5 RFID

Reply: 11A156789 22356C88

Reply to the current authorized card number

Function switch

Send text message: rfid123456 1/0

(1 : Open function, 0: Off function) Reply: rfid OK

Forma: rfid + password + Space +1or 0 (Note: This function opens the relay is disconnected, At this time only brush RFID card relay will get through, Now connected again after ACC shut and disconnect ACC relays, such as available again when the relay to brush RFID card, Repeated this action convenience team management)

13.2.6 RFID

Switch function inquires

Send text message: rfidsec123456

Reply: rfid on/off

Forma: rfidsec + password



Please comply with the instructions to extend the unit life: 1. Keep the unit dry. Any liquid, i.e. rain, moisture, may destroy or damage the inside circuitry. 2. Don’t use & store the unit in dusty places. 3. Don’t put the unit in overheated or overcooled places. 4. Handle carefully. Don’t vibrate or shake it violently. 5. Clear the unit with a piece of dry cloth. Don’t clean in chemicals, detergent. 6. Don’t paint the unit, this may cause some foreign materials left in between the parts. 7. Don’t disassemble or refit the unit. 8. Please use the battery and charger provided by manufacturer. Using other batteries and chargers will cause unwanted situation. 9. Don’t dismount the antenna randomly, or use other antennas. This may interfere the transmission, and increase the radiation as well.

15 Faults & Solutions Faults Startup Fail Hangup Fail

Solution Check the SIM and see if it is fully charged or correctly installed. Check if the unit received GPS signal or not,or if the SIM card there is calling display or not.


Monitor Fail

Location report in digits of zeros.

Check if the authorized number is setup or in the coverage of signals. Don’t use it in the place beyond reach of signals. Place the unit outdoors, especially when starting it up.

(Remark: The times of alert returns by tracker can be customized ,it supports GPRS commands and PC commands settings,the comamnds are the same as sms comamnds )


Accessories diagram

16.1 . Fuel sensor diagram

Red wire connect s+DC9-36V

Blue wire connects GND

Black wire connects the tracker’s Oil test wire

16.2 The temperature sensor diagram:


VO+connects the tracker’s temperature test wire

VO-connects GND

VDD connect s+DC9-36V GND connects GND Temperature detecting stick, put to test temperature place

16.3 Camera Connection







connector on the inside row 4PIN


RFID Connection

Connect this cable to the output of the first purple line

This connector into the locator in the next row 4PIN connector


This is connected to the next row of connectors and RFID

Row on the joints and this camera is connected

More informations about GPS Tracker from the official website: http://www.gpstrackerchina.com/


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