Xbox One Marketing Plan Final
December 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Microsoft Xbox One Marketing Plan Gregory Steinbrenner 10/20/2014
Table Ta ble of Contents
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................3 Situational Analysis...........................................................................................................3
Introduction.......................................................................................................................3 Market Analysis................................................................................................................3 Customer Analysis............................................................................................................4 Cometitor Analysis.........................................................................................................! Microso"t #bo$ %ne Analysis..........................................................................................& Marketing Objectives........................................................................................................' Marketing Strategies.........................................................................................................' Action Plans........................................................................................................................(
Inno)ation.........................................................................................................................( *romotion.........................................................................................................................( +istribution.......................................................................................................................( *roducts..........................................................................................................................10 Market Research..............................................................................................................10 Financial Analysis............................................................................................................11 Contingency Plans............................................................................................................11 References.........................................................................................................................12 Aen!ix...........................................................................................................................12
Executive Summary
Microso"t is trying to establis, t,e #bo$ %ne as t,e )ideo game console leader in t,e -ideo -i deo Game Industry. ,e #bo$ %ne is a t,ird generation )ideo game console "or Microso"t. ,e )ideo game industry continues to to ,a)e steady grot,. oe)er c,allenges "ace "ace manu"acturers o" )ideo game consoles as demand de mand "or smart ,one and tablet as continue to increase. In addition t,e cost o" )ideo game consoles limits t,eir a)ailability to certain certain segments. Alt,oug, an oortunity e$ists as ne segments e)ol)e in t,e )ideo game industry industry suc, as it, omen and older adults Microso"t must "ind ays to ac,ie)e a cometiti)e ad)antage it, t,eir #bo$ %ne system o)er Sonys *layStation 4 and intendos i iii 5. ,e #bo$ %ne ,as been branded as an all6in6one all6in6one entertainment system. It ill c,ange t,e ay eole e$erience ,ome entertainment. Microso"t must continue to de)elo inno)ations it, t,e #bo$ %ne to di""erentiate itsel" "rom its cometitors de)elo romotions t,at ill osition itsel" as a brand leader design e$clusi)e ne )ideo game titles and ork it, distribution artners to control costs. Situational Analysis Introduction Introduc tion
2014 sa t,e release o" t,e t,e eig,t, generation o" )ideo games consoles. ,is includes t,e Microso"t #bo$ %ne t,e Sony *layStation 4 and t,e intendo ii ii 5. Alt,oug, t,ese comanies are cometing against eac, ot,er "or market leaders,i t,ey also "ace cometition "rom smart,ones tablets tablets and smart -s. Some analysts ,a)e redicted t,at t,e eig,t, generation ill be t,e last generation o" ,ome ,o me consoles due to t,e roli"eration o" t,ese ot,er de)ices. ,e #bo$ %ne ,ad a resectable "irst year o" sales it, 3 million units sold by +ecember 31 2014 and ! million units sold by Aril Aril 17 2014. oe)er t,e *layStation 4 ,as led t,e -i -ideo deo Game market in units sold. Microso"t ,as tried to rede"ine t,e ne #bo$ console as more t,an 8ust a )ideo game console but rat,er an 9all6in6one entertai entertainment nment system.: oe)er Microso"t ,as "ailed to brand t,e #bo$ %ne in t,is manner. manner. ,is marketing lan ill e)aluate oortunities to strengt,en t,at brand in order to imro)e t,e osition o" t,e #bo$ %ne and increase grot, in sales. Microso"t must also be reared to deal it, t,reats "rom "rom its rimary cometitors ;intendo and Sony< along it, secondary cometitors suc, smart,ones and tablets. Market Analysis Analysis In Setember 2014 nearly &0= o" adults reorted t,at t,at t,ey)e layed )ideo games it,in t,e ast mont, on at least one lat"orm indicating t,at )ideo games ,a)e become a rominent source o" entertainment "or t,e ma8ority o" consumers. ;arland ;arland 2014< oe)er t,e market ,as also undergone s,i"ts in t,e ast se)eral years it, t,e e$losion in oularity o" mobile games and t,e rise o" digital distribution esecially it,in t,e *C gaming segment o" t,e
market. ,e >ey ?$ternal +ri)ers to grot, in t,e industry industry ,a)e been er caita disosable 3
income@ time sent on leisure and sorts consumer con"idence inde$@ ercentage o" ser)ices conducted online@ and trade6eig,ted inde$. ;>a,n 2014< In "i)e years leading u to 2014 industry re)enue increased at an a)erage annual rate o" 0.'=. In 2014 t,e re)enue is e$ected to total 40.( billion ell belo t,e eak o" 42.( billion rior to t,e 9Great Becession:. +ue to t,e lengt,y ait beteen ne )ideo game console releases t,e industry ,as long been deendent on add6ons and accessories to retain consumer interest. ,e release o" >inect a motion sensor "or t,e #bo$ 3&0 artially o""set o""set signi"icant declines in industry re)enue. ;#bo$ 2014< ,e groing library o" games "or eac, o" t,e ma8or consoles ,as steered many consumers toard lo6cost reoned )ideo games games.. oe)er analysts e$ect groing consumer incomes t,e late62012 release o" t,e ii 5 and t,e 2013 release o" #bo$ %ne and *layStation 4 to lead to a 4.3= re)enue grot, in 2014. Consumers sent 1.1 billion on ne ,ysical games and consoles at 5.S. retailers during t,e "i)e6eek eriod "rom Aug. 31 to %ct. 4 2014 according to industry6tracking "irm ,e *+ Grou. ,at is u 2 ercent "rom 1.07 billion o)er a similar eriod in 2013. ,e year6 long grot, o" ne6console sales is making u "or lackluster )ideo game sales. uture grot, e$ectations "or t,e -ideo Games industry ,a)e been signi"icantly moderated as t,e icture o" t,e market "or gaming on mobil mobilee lat"orms becomes clearer. clearer. Since mobile games are sold at muc, loer rices comared to traditional console and *C games t,eir rise may "oretell a slodon o" t,e )ideo game market market in t,e 5nited States. ,ile t,e recent launc, o" t,e ne$t generation gener ation )ideo game consoles is e$ected to rekindle interest in t,e more e$ensi)e console gaming market t,e rise o" lo6cost lo6margin mobile gaming market may eig, on t,e o)erall gaming market. market. ConseDuently t,is is e$ected to ull re)enue donard as consumers ay less er ,our "or gaming entertainment. entertainment. Be)enue is e$ected to reac, 4'.4 billion in 201( as a result o" t,e e$anding oulation and an increased ercentage o" Americans ,o lay )ideo games as t,e game6laying game6laying generation ages. ,is reresents an a)erage annual grot, o" 3.0= during t,e ne$t "i)e years ;?$,ibit 2
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