Wydawnictwo Militaria. #187. Ferdinand Elefant.pdf

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Pam.erj§ger ,,Tiger" (P) Sd K.fz 184 ,.Ferdinand" m 122 (Fw. Wtlhelm Flintrop?) z 1. kompanii 653. schwere Pam.erjagcr Abteihmg, Orzel, front wschodni, lipiec 1943 roko. 1'11n?Cr;JJ;.Cr "'T1ga·· c/111cr.· f>a11/t:rjiigcr Alwi/ung. /·11s1,·m f'tw11. Jul) /'N3.

Janusz Ledwoch

Ferdinand Elefant

Warszawa 2003

Oktadka - Arkadiusz Wr6bel Plansze barwM - Grzegorz Jackowski Rysunki detali - Wiktor Malginow Plany - Jacek Szymanski Opracowanie redakcyjne - Artur Winiarski Zdjecia/ Photo Credits: CAW, Warszawa, Polska NTM, Praha, Republi ka Czeska, Tank Museum, Bovington Camp, England, 000 Strategia KM (ASKM), Moskwa, Rosja, RGAKFO, Moskwa, Rosja, U.S. Army Official.

Wszelkie prawa zastrzeione. Zadna cze§C tej ksi (the mi'>s· mg 'chicle " 1110,t h~cly " Ferd inand" Fgst 150 OJI tc,tcd at Kummef\dorl). fhe 216th S111rmpa11=er Ah1ei/1111g had 42 ··Brummbiirs" Ju,t pnor to the attack. the unit add111onally rem forced "nh mo cornpamcs of B I \' rad10-controllcd as..ault 'chicle, (36 uni!'> each) Dunng the Kul'>k op.:m11on. the 656th Regiment w;i.. pan of Army Group · Miit« " \\Jthm the XXXXlst Annorcd Corp, commanded by Genera l Harpe. The 653rd Battalion ;,upponcd the acti\ities of the 86th and 292nd Infantry Divisions. Behind them attacking St11rrnpa111c r IV of' the 2 I 61h St11r111pm1zer Ahteil1111g and Sturrngcschiit1, 40 assault guns of the I 77th and 244th St11r111gesch1lt= Ahtl'ihmg. The 654th Battalion supponcd the attack of 1he78th Stunn Infantry Oivi,1on on Malo Archangiclsk. On the liM day of attack. the 653rd Di,ision ad\ anced all the wa) to Alehandrm ka. deep "1th in the enemy\ dcfcn,J\c hncs. "Ferdinands" de,troycd 26 T- 34176 tanks and ten' of antHank gun>. " Ferd inands" of the 654th Battalion led the attack of the 508th Rcg1111cn1 of the 71!th DJ\ision on Hill 238.1 and 253.5 and on


Jagclp:u11cr ,,Tiger" ( P) ,,Fcrdin:1nd" Fi:st 150 019 (F\\. llcint Rempel) nr ., 133" z I . korn1rnnii 653. schwcre Panzerjiii;:cr Abtcilung, K:irnclcn , sicrpicl1 1943 roku. Pojazcl posi:i da pr1cnieslom1 bocznq skrtynk~ z nnr1,~d1i:1111i na tyl pojazdu. A Jagdpt111zer "Tiger" (P) ",..enliumul" l"p,st 150019 (Fw. Hein= Rempd) no "133" of the !st Company 653nl sc/111·en• fl1111ze1jiiger A/)fei/1111g. Kart1t.1·cl1e1~ A 11gu.H 1943. Note tlw 11111111111 "'"·' mewed to 1/ie rrnr of the 1•ehide. IASKM I


t Bri16sk


• Minsk

~ Klracuw

- • ' • Ont!

05.07.1'43\ ( · · : Kursk



ZWL\ZEKSO BntU U1twski

us sR Cbark6w.


Dzialaoia bojowe i przemarsze 656. schwere Panzcrjiiger Regiment w i 94:J. roku, 653. Schwere Panzerjagcr Abteilung w 1944 i 614. schwere Heeres Panzerjager Kompanie w latach 1944-1945 Operational deployment and movemem of the 656th schwere Panzerjiiger Regime/I/ in 1943 and 653rd schwere Panzeljiiger Abteihmg in I 944 and 614th schwere Heeres Pa11ze1jiige r Kompanie in I 944-1945.

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wchodJtly dwa dywizjony ,,Ferdinand6w" maj«J""'"'"'

typ6w sowiec kich poja1d6w pancernych. W w,mmkdch m.rncwrowej bitwy ku rskicj uj;iwnily sie jedn.ik tal...ic ustcrki, zwlas1CLa brak odpowicdnicj odporno5ci n,1 tr,1ficnia w pancer7 boczny (podc1,1s bi1wy wiclokrotnie dochod/ilo do ;ytuacji, gdy a takujqcc ,, Ferdinandy" wdzieraly sic klincm l.ilcko w ugrupowanie pucc:iwnika, natomiast ,11,1kuj1111:e1jiiger Ahrei/1111~ near Cis1em11 i11 March 1944. Powyi,cj. ,.Ferdinand" Fw. Custava Kossa por1.11cony po us1,kodzcniu nu minic, 29 lutcgo 1944 roku Ahol'e. F11: G11-11m• KM\:. immnhili:ed "F1•r1/i11wuf". ll'hich r1111 m•er a mine a11d rt!mt1111ed there. Fehr1111n-19. 1944. l/\SK\l l


u i:or~. Zolni cr1e d~\\iLji .. Herm ann Gorini:.. pr1cc hod1~ obok po rzuconego ..Ferdina nda" urr1.. \\'e rne ra Kiihla, 29 lu lego 19-14 roku. fop S11/d1en of the ..llerma1111 Giir111g .. /)m,11111 /)ti\\ by the aba1ulom!tl Ufl=. lfrme1· Kiih/\ ..Ferdi111111d ... Febnu11J· 19. 1944. Po\\ yicj. Zd obyly .. l': lcfant" nr ,, 102" /, I. ko1111>a11ii 653. ~c lrn crc Pnnzerjiige.- A blcilung. Z tylu \\id oczne godlo kompanii ,, U" (od 11111.wiskn dow6dcy j ednoslki Hplm . Ulbrichtu). • 1/1111'auh gun) for destroying enemy annorcd \Chicles. Six person crew: dri,cr. radio operator (gunner-radio operator in the ··Elefant•·-equipped unm.). commander. gunner and two loaders. A 12.8 cm SO L/61 PzFgst V S r gun had a five man crew driver. commander. gunner and t\\O loaders .

HULL The hull had a completely welded design and was composed of a frame made of steel T-bar and angle bar to "hich annor plates were attached. The armored plates "ere surface hardened by carboni7.a· tion and welded using electrical "clding. The annor schematic of the assau lt tank is rrcscntcd in the drawing on page 67. The additional front annor of the " Elefant/Fcrdinand" It i~ fastened with 32 special bolts to the front of the hull. The add1ttonal annor "as compnsed of three separate armor plates. T he vehicle's hull was divided into the engine companment, in the center. and the fighting companment, located in the rear of the vehicle. The drivcr"s and radio operators (or radio and machine





30 80

30 80

100 + 100


20 Ferdinand 20 + 30 Elefant

20 Ferdinand 20 + 30 Elefant

Berge Ferdinand/Elefant





80 50



Schema! opancerzenia. Armor schematic drawing.

OPIS TECHNICZNY Ciei kie dzialo pancerne przeinacione do zwa lczania pojazd6w pancernych przeciwnika. Zaloga szekioosobowa: kierowca, radiotelegrafista (,, Elefantach" , strzelecradiotelegrafista), dow6dca, celowniczy i dw6ch ladowniczych . Dzialo samobieine 12,8 cm Sfl L/ 61 PzFgst V mialo zaloge piecioosobow(1 - kierowca, dow6dca, celowniczy i dw6ch ladowniczych.

KADtUB Kadlub o konstrukcji calkowicie spawa nej skladal sie ze szkieletu wykonanego z teownik6w i k(1townik6w stalowych, do kt6rych byly mocowane plyty opancerzenia. Plyty pancerne utwa rdzane byly powierzchniowo przez naweglanie i laczone za pomoca spawani a e lektrycznego. Schemat opancerzenia dz iala pancernego iostal przedslawio ny na rysunku . Na uwage zasluguje dodatkowe opancerzeni e czolowe ,,Elefanta/Ferdinanda" przykreca ne za pomocC of1hc Pz K1ifw VI "Ti1:cr" tnnk. lni1ially, 600 mm wide trnck> were used 10 be replaced by 640 mm 1racks. The 12.8 cm Sil L/61 Pt. F1:st V SP gun had 16 road wheels independcnily suspended on tor..ion bars. The road wheel distribuled along 1hc emire length of 1hc 'clucle. The road "heels had a d1amc1er of 700 mm. The 1cnsion wheels \\Cre located in lhc rear of 1hc 'chicle\ hull and 1hc dri\e sprockets 111 the front There were three re1um roller. guiding lhc lmck's return. Tracks were 520 mm "idc, wi1h each Imel. having 85 links. 1rack lcnglh on ground (wheelbase) was 4750 mm. wi1h laleral track span from ccmcr of each ir.ick 2100 mm.


Sowiecki rysunek w6zka k61 jezdnych z amortyzaCjl\ spr'I

r//,• .?ncl Comp•m>

653n1'd111 er 194.1.

Panzerjiiger ,,Tiger" (P) Sd Kh 184 ,,Ferdinand" z 653. schwere Panzerjagcr Abteilung, Nikopol, front wschodni, grudzien 1943 roku. Pn/J/cr1iiccr 'Tigc•r" (Pi Stl J...J°L ls.I "fi.•f
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