WS 10.8 Worksheet On Solution Concentrations
September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Worksheet 10.8
A solution is made up of two parts, the SOLV and the SOLUTE . The solution could be SOLVENT ENT and CONCENTRATED or DILUTE . SOLVENT SOLVE NT SOLUTE CONCENTRATED DILUTE
The liquid which dissolves the solute. It is usually water. water. The substance which dissolves - often a solid, but not always. There is a lot of solute and a little water. There is a lot of water and only a little solute.
When we measure out 50cm of a solution, e.!., hydrochloric acid, we measure out some solventt "water# and some acid to!ether. solven to!ether. In any reactions reactions of the acid, it is the $%l particles which whi ch are involved involved.. The The water is &ust a carrier carrier for the acid, acid, so when when we measur measuree out a volume of the solution, we want to 'now 'now how much acid it contains. To do this, we need to define the CONCENTRATION of of the the solutio solution. n. This tells us us how much solute there is in a solution. In chemistry chemistry,, (how much) means means MOLES and the ( fixed fixed volume of the solution. volume) is ta'en as * cubic decimetre "*dm #. + *dm is *000cm and is the same volume as * litre./ DEFINITION Co#$e#tr%t&o# o' o' sol(t&o# " +moles ,er m ♦
#(m*er o' mo moles o' o' sol(te ol(me o' sol(t&o# m"
ou must learn this relationship and ou a nd be able to use it and rearran!e it to calc calculate ulate moles of solute or volume of solution, !iven the other two quantities. 1emember that the volume must be in dm , so convert from cm if necessary. necessa ry. The units for concentration are mole !e" cu#ic decime$"e which is written mol%dm&' 2ab bottles use the letter M "meanin! "meanin! mol(" # and this is the same thin! as mol%dm&'
3se th 3se thee trian trian!l !lee op oppo posit sitee to he help lp yo you u answ answer er the the ques questi tion onss wh whic ich h fo foll llow ow.. 4ome wor'ed eamples are !iven to help you.
moles o' sol(te $o#$e#tr%t&o# +mol.m!"-
ol(me o' sol(t&o# +m"-
Ex(m!le)& *+ What is the concentration of a solution which contains 6 moles of copper "II# sulphate in 7dm of solution8 concentration 9 moles ÷ volume 9 6 ÷ 7 9 0.5 mol. A,) m ol.m m !" -+ $ow many moles of sodium hydroide are there in 600cm of a solution of concentration 0.6 8 "1emember that 600cm 9 600 ÷ *000 9 0.6dm#
Worksheet 10.8 A,) moles 9 concentration × volume 9 0.6 × 0.6 9 0.0/ moles UESTIONS *+ C(lcul($e C(lcul($e $he co,ce,$"( co,ce,$"($io, $io, i, mol%dm mol%dm&' of e(ch of $he followi,. olu$io,)& (+ #+ c+ d+ e+
*0 moles of potassium hydroide in 5dm of solution. *.5 moles of hydrochloric acid in dm of solution. 0.5 moles of calcium chloride in 500cm of solution. 0.6 moles of sulphuric acid in *00cm of solution. 0.0:5 moles of ma!nesium sulphate in 65cm of solution.
-+ /i,d $he ,um#e" ,um#e" of mole mole of olu$e olu$e i, e(ch e(ch of $he followi,. followi,. olu$io, olu$io,)& )& (+ #+ c+ d+ e+
6dm of 6 - nitric acid. 0.65dm of 0.7 ammonium chloride solution. 600cm of 0.; sodium carbonate solution. 70cm of 0.6 - hydrochloric acid. 00cm of 7 - sodium hydroide solution.
'+ /i,d /i,d $he co,ce co,ce,$" ,$"($i ($io, o, i, mol%dm mol%dm&' of $hee olu$io,)&
In question question ' you have to find the concentration of a solution startin! from a m( of solute. The first step is to use the relative formula mass "1# solution.
Worksheet 10.8 d+ 65cm of 0.05 copper "II# sulphate "%u4> 7# solution. "1A< of %u 9 ?7# e+ *.5dm of 0.7 - nitric acid "$> #. "1A< of 9 *7#
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