
December 11, 2016 | Author: J Mar De Vera | Category: N/A
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Writing Wri ting introductory, transitional, and concluding paragraphs

Intr Introductor oductory y paragr paragraph aphs, s, conclu concludin ding g paragr paragraph aphs, s, and transi transitio tional nal paragr paragraph aphs s have have Introductions tions prepare a reader for the topical special special roles roles in an essay/com essay/compositi position. on. Introduc paragraphs that follow, conclusions bring the topical paragraphs to a close for a reader, and transitional paragraphs   help the read reader er move move throug through h comple complex x materi material. al. Generally, special paragraphs are shorter than topical paragraphs.

Introductory paragraphs In informative and persuasive writing, an introductory paragraph prepares readers for what lies ahead. For this reason, your introduction must relate clearly to the rest of your sentence. If it points in one direction and your essay goes of in another, your reader will be confused—and may even stop reading.

introduct uctory ory device device to lead into the n intro introduc ductor tory y paragr paragraph aph often often includ includes es an introd central idea and to stimulate interest. !o !o be e"ective, an introductory device must relate to the composition#s central idea and to the material in the topical paragraphs. $ere are some devices for introductory paragraphs% •

&rovide relevant bac'ground information.

 !ell  !ell an interesting interesting brief story or anecdote. anecdote.

Give a pertinent statistic or statistics.

(a'e a stimulating statement.

s' a stimulating )uestion or )uestions.

*se an appropriate )uotation.

(a'e a useful analogy.

+ene a term used throughout the composition.

$ere are things to avoid in introductory paragraphs% •

+on-t be too obvious. void statements li'e li'e In this essay I will be tal'ing about the cause and e"ects of bullying. +on+on-tt apol apologi ogi0e 0e.. void void self self1c 1cri riti tica call stat statem emen ents ts su such ch as I do not not have have much much bac'ground in this sub2ect or I am not sure if I am right, but here is my opinion. +on-t use overworn expressions. void empty statements li'e ll you need is love or $aste ma'es waste.

Transitional paragraphs  transitional paragraph usually consists of one or two sentences that help the reader move from one ma2or point to another in long composition.

Concluding paragraphs In informative and persuasive writing, a conclusion brings discussion to a logical and graceful end. !oo !oo abrupt an ending leaves your reader suddenly cut o", and a conclusion that is merely trac'ed onto an essay does not give a reader a sense of completion. In contrast, an ending that 3ows gracefully and sensibly from what has come before it reinforces reinforces tour ideas and increases the impact of your composition. $ere are common ways to conclude a composition% •

*se the devices suggested in writing introductory paragraphs—but avoid using the same device in the introduction and conclusion of an essay.

4ummari0e the main points of an essay.

&oint toward the future.

What to avoid in writing concluding remar's% •

+on-t go o" the trac'. void introducing an entirely new idea or adding a fact that belongs in the body of a composition. +o not merely reword your introduction. lso do not simply list the main idea in each topic sentence or restate your main topic. While a summary can refer to those points, it must tie them into what was covered in the composition. If the introduction and conclusion are interchangeable, you need to revise. revise. +on-t announce what you have done. void statements such as In this paper I have tried to show the main causes for the drop in oil prices. +on-t use absolute claims. void statements such as !his proves that5 or If we ta'e this action, the problem will be solved. lways )ualify your message with expressions such as !his seems to prove5 or If we ta'e this action, we will be wor'ing toward a solution of the problem. +on#t apologi0e. void casting doubt on your material by ma'ing statements such as I may not have thought of all the arguments, but5

67F767897% Gordon, 7mily 6, and :ynn ;uitman !roy'a. . Simon & Schuster Workbook For Writers .

7nglewood 9li"s, 8.?.% &rentice $all.

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