Writing Part 2 3 Aptis

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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R eadi ng books club Part 3

1 R easo son n jo j oi n iin n the r eadi ng books club. Good to hear from you. I saw the informations of our club in the website, so I decided to join in. I joined in the hope of finding someone with the same hobbies about reading books.

 2 Wha Whatt types of book do do you like lik e and why? hy? I am keen on reading science books which helps me to enrich my knowledge, broaden my horizon and boost my imagination. Moreover, it helps me to blow off steam after hard working days.

 3The cl club ub i s pla lann nnii ng to make som some books avai liab liable onl nlii ne based sed on the type typ es of books books our member s enjoy enjoy r ead adii ng ng.. Wha What do do yyou ou thi think nk of this thi s iide dea a? I think that planning to make some books available online based on the types of books our members enjoy reading reading seems to be a good idea. I mean, it helps our to attract more new members to our club.

E vir vir onme nment club Part 2

P lea lease se wr wr i te her her e about your your sug suggg este sted da acti ctivi viti tie es ffor or the club There are many activities to proctect the environment such as: planting trees, collecting the rubbish, using publish transport,… which help our planet clear and green.

T r avel vel club Part 3

1 Re R easo son n for j oi ning ni ng thi thiss club club??


Good to hear from you. I saw the informations of our group on the Internet, so I decided to join in. I joined in the hope of finding someone to travel with. Moreover, it is a good way to meet new friends.

 2 Whe Wherr e woul uld d you lik like e to tr avel and why? hy? I would like to travel to the beach. I like it because which helps me have a sense of newness and freshness. Moreover, I like the fresh atmosphere in there which helps me to blow off team after hard woorking days.

 3 The cl club ub i s pr epari ng a webpage on pla lace cess our member s would like lik e to vi visi sit. t. Thi nk abo about thi thi s id i dea? I think that preparing a webpage on places our members would like to visit seems to be a good idea. It can attracts more new members to our club. Moreover, we can base on this idea to motivate our members.

F i tness ness club Part 2

R easons why yyou ou a arr e i nte nterr ested sted in in the fi tness tness cl club. ub. I am interested in the fitness club. I like it because it helps me to strengthen my health and keep in good shape.

New campus Part 3

1 What W hat pr pr ob oblem lemss do yo you uh have ave?? Good to hear from you. I am fine. Everything in my new campus is very  beautiful. I am interested in the atmospher atmospheree in there . Despite it is very noisy which make me can not focus on.


 2 H ow do you hand handle le your p prr oble lem ms? Because my new campus is very noisy which make me can not focus on learning , so I decided to move out . I hired a pension which next to my school.

 3 Se Sett up a Wha WhattsApp sApp gr gro oup wi th our fri fr i ends nds so that hat we can sha shar e i deas. What Wh at do you you thi think nk ar e the pr os and and cons cons of sett settii ng up our our WhatsApp WhatsA pp  gro  gr oup ? I think that setting up a WhatsApp group seems to be a good idea. I mean, it can attract more new members to our club. But it is difficul to check the informationss which someone share on. information

C omputer uter club Part 2

Days and times you can come for computer lessons and the programs you would wo uld lilikke to lear lear n. I am busy in the afternoon every day, so I can come for computer lessons in the morning all days of week. I would like to learn Microsoft Excel. Part 3

1 Why you you jo j oi ne ned d in ? Good to hear from yo. I saw the informations of our club on the Internet, so I decided to join in. I joined in the hope of finding someone with the same hobbies about computer.

 2 H ow do yo fe fee el about the compute uter cclu lub b? I am impressed by this club. All of them are very friendly which made me feelcomfortable when learning and taking part in clubs’ activities. I feel happy when joining in this club.

 3 Wha Whatt do you think about tr ai ning pr ovi ded i n the comput ute er clu club b?


I think that training provided in the computer club seems to be a good idea. I mean, it helps our members of club enrich the knowledge, broaden the horizon and cement the relationships.

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