Write a Program to Implement BASIC COCOMO Cost Estimation Model

March 21, 2017 | Author: msoni_6 | Category: N/A
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Download Write a Program to Implement BASIC COCOMO Cost Estimation Model...


c              c #include #include int i,ss[3]; float kloc,fp,E[3],D[3],P[3]; float a[3] = { 2.4, 3.0, 3.6 }; float b[3] = { 1.05, 1.12, 1.20 }; float c[3] = { 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 }; float d[3] = { 0.38, 0.35, 0.32 }; void calc(int i) { E[i] = a[i]*(pow(kloc,b[i])); D[i] = c[i]*(pow(E[i],d[i])); ss[i] = E[i] / D[i]; P[i] = kloc / E[i]; printf("\n\tEffort, E = %f PM",E[i]); printf("\n\tDevelopment Time, D = %f M",D[i]); printf("\n\tStaff Size, SS= %d Persons",ss[i]); printf("\n\tProductivity, P = %f KLOC/PM",P[i]); } // End of CALC function // // Start of MAIN function // void main() { clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the number of Function Points : "); scanf("%f",&fp); printf("\n\nMultiplication factor for 'C' is 128 LOC/FP."); kloc = (fp*128.00)/1000.00; printf("\n\nKLOC = %f",kloc); printf("\n\nESTIMATIONS FOR BASIC COCOMO ARE :") printf("\n\nFor Organic Mode :"); calc(0); printf("\n\nFor Semidetatched Mode :"); calc(1); printf("\n\nFor Embedded Mode :"); calc(2); getch(); } // End of PROGRAM //


Enter the number of Function Points : 1250 Multiplication factor for 'C' is 128 LOC/FP. KLOC = 160.000000 ESTIMATIONS FOR BASIC COCOMO ARE : For Organic Mode : Effort, E = 494.922424 PM Development Time, D = 26.415821 M Staff Size, SS= 18 Persons Productivity, P = 0.323283 KLOC/PM For Semidetatched Mode : Effort, E = 882.542542 PM Development Time, D = 26.850197 M Staff Size, SS= 32 Persons Productivity, P = 0.181294 KLOC/PM For Embedded Mode : Effort, E = 1589.448853 PM Development Time, D = 26.444715 M Staff Size, SS= 60 Persons Productivity, P = 0.100664 KLOC/PM

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