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-his WRC u!!etin chronic!es the *ee!opment o" the metho*s *etai!e* in '$#E (CC1+1+ 'ppen*i6 7 'ssem0!y o!t $tress %etermination9. )t inc!u*es a!! the in"ormation necessary to ena0!e engineers concerne* ith sea!ing re!ia0i!ity to repro*uce an* 0ui!* on the or: that ent into that part o" (CC1. -he intent is not to repro*uce the metho* or to inc!u*e a!! *etai!s o" the *ee!opment o" the metho*. )nstea* it is to proi*e re"erences to the *ocuments ritten *uring the *ee!opment o" the metho* an* to proi*e a**itiona! *etai!s to assist in the un*erstan*ing an* e6tension o" the metho* in the "uture. -his WRC u!!etin proi*es re"erences to the historica! *ee!opment artic!es; an e6p!anation o" the 0asis "or the metho*; a step0ystep gui*e as to ho to app!y the '$#E co*e e
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