Worshipping the Wrong God

February 13, 2017 | Author: Alok Jagawat | Category: N/A
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Worshipping the wrong God; pseudo Rationalists Associations like Tarksheel Societ y and Scientific and rational societ y of India reall y ma ke me laugh for their lack of knowledge and their pseudo rationalists ca mpaigns. Recentl y one of the m offered a price of Rs2500000 to an yb od y who will successfull y predict the election results of Loksabha. Let me revise the questions and their mentalit y with so me true rational explanation. It is ver y evident that the mentors of these so called organisations hardl y know an ything about astrolog y. The y have not studied it because the stud y of astrolog y requires a lifeti me to stud y it. Their criterion is based on Charlatans and con artists on television shows and series. So first of all these pseudo scientists are opposing a science that the y have not studied well and the y are opposing it on the basis of people who are noting but i mposters of trul y a mazing science. Secondl y their whole episode whether it is laid down b y Mr.Rand y or these organisations is nothing but a publicit y stunt. For their update, astrolog y requires exact birth data of people involved in the predictions (Which the y will not provide). In this present instance the y require the data of all people fighting the elections in Calcutta. You cannot foretell the number of seats but yo u can foretell who is going to win these elections. To this the y have knowingl y turned a blind e ye. A true rationalist does not ignore an idea because he cannot explain it. The y are pseudo rationalists who need publicit y stunts to feed their wrong Gods. Their criteria of price mo ne y are based on definitions which ignore the basic data provisions for astrologers. The y know this ver y well. So the y tr y to i mple ment things their wa y, as the y cannot give you an y price mone y. So far the y have not even me t the real astrologers and the y live in a third world me ntalit y of not accepting things that are happening around the world. The y will turn a blind e ye to this whole article because it is going to reveal the realit y and truth. The y will turn a blind e ye to the prediction me ntioned in a Gujarati Newspaper which me ntioned the exact date of event with the place. Not to mention that the earthquake did occurred at the sa me place on the sa me date. Let me first explain what Vedic astrolog y is. Vedic astrolog y is as old as our civilization, as there are archaeological proofs to prove the sa me. The ancient books written muc h before Galileo’s forefather took a birth, explained all nine planets and true astronomical positions of planets. What these i mposters prove to be their discover y was discovered muc h before their father ’s were toddlers. The y have just na me d their English s ynon yms and nothing else. These organisations started with some true motives in hands such as opposition against all kind of priest craft and fakers. I agree to this believe, because I a m strictl y against all kind of thugs and exploits. I a m also against ma gic Talis ma ns because I know that yo u cannot mould the laws of nature as easil y as b y wearing a Talis man round yo u r neck. But I believe that later on these organisations turned to ridiculous behaviour and publicit y stunts when the y ca me to know that the roots of their ver y existence are soiled. The y were feeding the wrong God and once the y realized it, the y turned to cleverl y guarded questionnaire which the y know that nobod y can answer. “Even the greatest fool can ask you more questions than the wisest man can answer”

For exa mple I can also oppose their publicit y stunt with my own questionnaire which this people will not answer. I can also quote a price double their own, but I do not need their publicit y stunt for the sa me: 1. Tell me how a person dies? The y have to rationall y explain the death of a person and not the cause of death. Explain death in a true scientific ma nner. T hey w il l not be abl e t o expl ai n it becaus e t hei r fak e God does not hav e t he l eas t i dea how t hi s happens . Si nce t hey cannot prove i t ( Whi ch i s t he par t of thei r ps eudo r at i onal i t y) t hey s hou l d bel i ev e t hat deat h never t akes pl ace and t hey can l i ve fore ver.

2. Tell me about the birth of a person? Ho w life does co mes in shape. The y have to explain this with technical details. Mind yo u I a m not talking about Chromoso mes. I a m not talking about bio electrical waves; I a m talking about the cause and reason of origin of an undefined force. T hey w il l not be abl e t o expl ai n it . Si nc e the y cannot prov e it (Wh i ch i s t he part of t hei r ps eudo r at i onali t y ) t hey s houl d beli e ve t hat bi r t h nev er t akes pl ace and t hey can deny thei r ow n exi s t en ce.

The y generall y question people who are either ill placed or half knowledgeable. Moreover you cannot call a person with full knowledge as a gi mmick because he is a human being. The y should know that even doctors with equal and well balanced expertise someti mes fail to save their patients with equal proble ms. If we work according to their di m- witted criteria then even doctors should be nothing but well balanced con artists pla ying with their patient’s life. But we know this is not the truth, we know that the y are humans and mi stake is a part of hu man life. Even an average brain can tell you that people die not just because of doctors, and as a reason even ordinar y brain knows that me dical science is a true rational science. It become s pseudo science when it ignores true happenings and is not able to explain it. For exa mple pseudo science will not believe in life after death pheno menon. The y will get so me illogical data to prove their point but there are people and research which can prove the m otherwise. For their updates the y should read details on this page from Dr. Mich a e l Sa bo m ‘h t tp : // www. n e a rd ea th . com /e xpe r ien ce s/e vide n ce0 1 .h tm l ’ .

These so called rationalists give me a heart y laugh because their so called knowledge is nothing but ill infor mation. I challenge the m to send me three people of their choice from unknown quarters and me and my organisation will reveal life histor y of at least one person with re markable accurac y. One person, because other ma y lack the data required b y m y organisation. The y will never accept this offer because the y consider their shell their world. The y do not know about happening and advance me nt in astrological fields. Their patrons are close brain people who just sing a common song. Nobod y cares to go deeper and the y just need so meone to bla me it on.

The y


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methods used to prove telepath y and p rem on it io n s. T he se a re p ub lish ed b y The British Science Association and no ill infor med bod y like theirs. The y need to break open their shells to understand the difference between true rationalis m and their own brain child. It is ti me that the y should stop feeding their wrong Gods. Alok Jagawat

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