Worldwide Masters Programs in HCI & IxD

May 27, 2016 | Author: Hezi_Taniani | Category: Topics, Art & Design
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List of worldwide masters degree Programs in human-computer interaction and interaction design. last update: December 20...


Worldwide Masters Programs in


Created by Hezi Taniani

email: [email protected] HCI: Human-Computer Interaction IxD: Interaction Design Generated reviews from Interaction Design Association Photos by Robert Scales & Design Jam London


USA Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) • MS in Human-Computer Interaction: Website: • MS in Digital Media (MS in Information Design & Technology) Website:

Carnegie Mellon • Program in HCI program (1 year) Website: • Program in Interaction Design (2 years) Website: • Master of Tangible Interaction Design Website:

University of Baltimore • M.S. Interaction Design and Information Architecture Website:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT Media Lab) • Master of Science - Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) Website:

University Of Michigan • Master of Science in Information (MSI), HCI Specialization • Review: Faculty include George Furnas, Judy Olson, Gary Olson, and Paul Resnick. I found the program to be strongest in UX research and collaboration/social software/online communities. Website:

Cornell University • HCI program Website:

Indiana University - Bloomington, Indiana (IUB) • Master in human-computer interaction Design - requires 36 credit hours to graduate. Technically, you could do that in about 16 months if you took classes in the summer. Website:

Indiana University - Indianapolis, Indiana (IUPUI) • Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction • Certificate in Human-Computer Interaction Website:

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY • MS in HCI • Online HCI MS program Website:

New York University – ITP • The Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), Tisch School of the Arts (2 years). • Review: It's a great program with an extremely diverse offering in terms of courses, faculty; the students are almost 50% international. The program has evolved over time, & is constantly changing to keep pace with the field. What I loved about ITP was, apart from some wonderful people I met, the chance to dabble with different technologies: digital video, audio, physical computing, mobile, etc. ITP is strong on experimentation, so if you like a less structured, playful approach to things, you'll like it here. That said, it pays to keep yourself focused especially in the second year on career goals & appropriate courses & project work: the party does end, & one may find one has been playing in the sandbox too long! Website:

Stanford, California • MS Computer Science - Human Computer Interaction • Review: Pretty flexible with elective units but requires Computer Science breadth (graphics, programming, etc). You can waive out of the breadth with equivalent coursework. Especially good if you're interested in ubiquitous computing. Website:

University of Maryland • Human-Computer Interaction Lab Website:

School of Visual Arts, New York • The MFA in Interaction Design program trains students to research, analyze, prototype, and design concepts in their business, social, and cultural contexts. Website:

University of California, Berkeley -iSchool • Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) Website:


Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts • MS in Human Factors in Information Design • Review: It's more heavily weighted to the cognitive science side of IxD and understanding how we process the world around us (sight, sound, touch), but there are also required applied courses in design, research and testing. It also houses the Design and Usability Testing Center that provides testing services for corporations. Joe Dumas, PhD who, with Ginny Redish, wrote the book *A Practical Guide to Usability Testing* teaches there. Website:

Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) – Chicago • Master of Information Technology and Management Website:

DePaul - Chicago • MS in HCI. - It is 13 courses, so more like two years if attending full time. Website: /Pages /MSinHuman -ComputerInteraction.aspx

Simon Fraser University's - School of Interactive arts and Technology • Review: there is a great set of faculty and facilities that have combined for a great program. It's one of the few undergrad Interaction Design programs (they also have MA and PHD options). Website:

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), NEW YORK • Master degree in HCI (as well as a certificate, and it is at least to some degree doable remotely). • Review: it is a very well-established and long-running program (must be 20 years, almost now, and in the distance learning game, that means something), granting graduate degrees in many tough engineering fields as well, with a rigorous video satellite model (or at least they did when I was there... the interactive satellite courses with all the multiple cameras and course discussions did require sophisticated work site facilities, so most attendees were at big companies, like GM, IBM, and so on). • Website:

RICE UNIVERSITY • Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in HCI & HF (Human Factors) Website:

STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT OSWEGO • Interdisciplinary Master's Degree Program in Human Computer Interaction Website: dex.html

Michigan State University- MindLAB • HCI program Website: Review: focusing on human-computer interaction, communication, and virtual environment Website:

University of Washington • MS program in Human Centered Design & Engineering Website:

Florida International University • Human Factors Program - Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering • Review: It is housed in an Enterprise Systems Design program, so it focuses on designing big scale interactions like social networks, e-business systems and the like. The interaction design in that kind of system is much more interesting than what I have seen being done at a lot of other programs…And the other benefit is that you get to live in sunny Miami! • Website:

University Of Colorado • Boulder Digital Works (BDW) • Program Ad: • Website:

Virginia Tech's Center for HCI - Website:

Canada University Of Toronto • Master of Information Website: • The Interactive Media Lab (IML) Website: • KMD Collaborative Program (interaction between media, technology, design and society) Website:

EUROPE Sweden Umeå Institute of Design (UID) • Master in Advanced Product Design / Interaction Design / Transportation Design. Review: They have a fully international master program in IxD which has a combination of studio courses, and applied design projects .According to BusinessWeek's global list of top 200 design programs 2006 ( ) UID is listed as one of only 33 listed schools outside of the US. Website: • HumLAB -

Malmö University - School of Arts and Communication • Master degree in Interaction Design (2 years). • Review: since 1998! - Studio-based, general emphasis on innovative concept development, use/ activity focus and user participation. First year provides intro to the scope of the field, with studio themes such as Mobile computing, Physical computing, Mass media and interactive media, and Digital gaming. In the second year, students specialize in a field of their choice and execute their graduation projects. A couple of design-theoretical courses are included to enhance reflective and communicative abilities. Admission once a year, applications in mid-April, studies start around the

end of August. 16 seats available, selection based on portfolio or design test. As with all Swedish university education, there are no tuition fees. Website:

Chalmers University of Technology • Master in Interaction Design and technologies (2 years) Website:

Hyper Island • A two-year university course focused on on-line related technologies, products, services and businesses. Website:

Finland Aalto University, Helsinki • Media LAB (MLAB) - MA IN NEW MEDIA - MA IN SOUND IN NEW MEDIA Website:

Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki • Innovation and Design Program • Review: It's a mix between Business, Marketing and Design, including the Service Design part. When I was there, the schedule was 3 full days per month, so that it could be done along a full-time job. (There are good sides and bad sides to this approach). Oh, it's free, by the way : ) But you do have to support your stay in Finland. • Website:

Denmark COPENHAGEN institute of interaction design (CIID) • Interaction Design Program • Review: a collaborative initiative between CIID and The Danish Design School(DKDS). Our aim is for students, faculty and staff to work together in a multi-cultural, multidisciplinary studio environment to co-create a new kind of education that is relevant for academia and industry. After a rigorous selection process, 21 students from all around the world have been chosen to participate in a full-time, experimental version of a future Masters course in interaction design. Website:

Netherlands European Media Master of Arts (Emma Program) • Game Design and Development • Interaction Design • Digital Media Design • Digital Video Design • Image Synthesis and Computer Animation • Sound and Music Production • Sound and Music Technology • ECompostion in Context - Review: I did my MA there a couple years ago. Very creative faculty and a rewarding program. I'd recommend it to those who are comfortable with self-directed study, as it's a lightly structured program (taught in English, but very Dutch culturally) and is probably a better fit for those with a running start on what they want to pursue academically. Website:

Delft University of Technology • Master of Science Design for Interaction Website: • Master of Science Integrated Product Design Website:

Design Academy Eindhoven • Master in IM Design (Industrial, interior and identity design) • Master in Man & Humanity Website:

United Kingdom Royal College of Art (RCA) • Interaction Design Program Website:

University College London (UCL) • MSc in HCI with Ergonomics • Review: I completed my HCI degree in UCL and now I am a well-seasoned UX professional in the industry. UCL (UCLIC) offers very solid theory / academic foundation, with the advantage of its excellent Psychology department and Computer Science department. On the other hand, the program at UCL was also very close to industry. During my time at UCLIC, I have had plenty of chances to take part in usability testing, user centred design and rapid prototyping Website:

City University London - MSc in Human-Centred Systems Review: I'm just finishing up my MSc in Human-Centered Systems from City University. It was a great experience, and definitely a combination of theoretical and practical. I found that I learned as much from my cohorts as I did from my professors. We were an eclectlc group, ranging from recent uni grads to people like me with 10-20 years experience in the industry. The friendly push-pull between the academics and practitioners was unexpected but very valuable to the experience. Website:

MIddlesex University • Interaction Design Center (IDC) Website:

The University Of York • MSc in Human-Centred Interactive Technologies (HCIT) - Review: I got both my undergrad and postgrad from York. It's an incredible University, a beautiful city and the Dept. of Psychology and the Dept. of Computer Science are both world class. I would recommend them without hesitation. - Website:

Kingston University • MA/MSc in User Experience Design • MSc in User Interaction Design • Review: interdisciplinary project across the faculties of Art, Design and Architecture, Arts and Social Sciences, Computing, Information Systems and Maths and Science. It aims to bring together diverse and heterogenous

expertise and resources in digital media, providing a collaborative focus for the varied teaching, research and enterprise activities currently taking place within the University. •


L'École de design Nantes Master program in Tangible Interfaces / New Mobilities / Virtual reality Website:

University Paul Sabatier & Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - Master in HCI Website:

Spain Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona • Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media Website:

• Master Program in Information, Communication and Audiovisual Media Technologies (TICMA) Website:


The Domus Academy & Interaction Design Institute Ivrea • Interaction Design Master courses. • Review: IDI and Domus Academy unified their Interaction Design Master courses. During this year, the two individual courses took place within Domus Academy in Milan. From January 2007 there will only be one Interaction Design Master course that will sum up the know how and culture of the two prestigious institutes.The new IDI and Domus Academy I-Design combined course, which started in January, is certified by the University of Wales, and lasts 12 months carrying 180 credits. It will offer its students an innovative experience in the didactic nature of this sector, unifying the best of the experience from both institutions to reach the best results in theory and practice. Website:


University of Applied Sciences Potsdam • Interaction Design Lab (IDL) Website:


Experience Design Lab, KHLim • Website:

Switzerland Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) 

MA Program in Interaction Design Research area: Sonic Interaction Design / Finance and Banking Experience


University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland • Master in Interaction Design Website:

Portugal University of Madeira & Carnegie Mellon University program • Master in HCI ( dual degree in 2 years) Website:

Outside USA/Europe Brazil Universidade Positivo, Curitiba • User-Centered Design Program • The course brings the experience of designers and engineers of CESAR professionals / researchers from Curitiba and brings a professional discuss for the area of interaction design and user experience. The path chosen is the user-centered design, the same used by renowned companies such as IDEO, CESAR, Apple, Intel, IBM, Nokia, Adaptive Path and many others. Website:

Faber-Ludens Institute 

Specialization Course on Interaction Design


Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (ID KAIST) -

Master of Science

Singapore Nanyang Technological University • Master of Arts In Interactive Design Website: s/MasterofArtsinInteractiveDesign.aspx

Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University • Master of Interaction Design Website:

China Dalian Maritime University (SEUC program) 

Master in usability engineering / HCI design Website:

India Indian institute of technology Bombay • Interaction Design program Website:

Australia The University of Sydney 


The university of Queensland 

Master of Interaction Design (MIDes) website:

University of Technology Sydney 

Master in Interactive Media and Learning (IML) Website:


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