Worldclass Preventative & Predictive Maintenance: ND RD

December 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Worldclass Preventave & Predicve Maintenance with Prof. Len Gelman



22 - 23






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program overview

Tired of facing endangered deadlines, decreased efficiency, increased operaon cost due to scarce maintenance pracces?! Having the right Prevenve and Predicve Maintenance (PPM) system in place to tackle sudden breakdowns of equipment and machinery is crucial to eliminate the menoned drawbacks. We understand understand that this is at mes easier said than done, and that implemenng implemenng such maintenance maintenan ce system can be a tricky business. This is why we have designed a course that offers a step-by-step guide on PPM installaon, current performance assessment all the way to implemenng advanced maintenance and enhancing the overall producvity of your plant and machinery. Implemenng an effecve and efficient Prevenve and Predicve Maintenance system for various technologies is a challenge many managers face. This program introduces parcipants to various technologies and shads light on ps, tricks and best methods used for differdifferent technologies, whether operang factories, plants, building or fleets you will be able to grasp the core of effecvely protecng your assets.


who is this program for

This course is designed for maintenance supervisors, supervisors, managers, PM leads, CMMS managers, planners, engineers and people who are training for these posions. PM techs can also benefit from this training. We also welcome representaves from operaons (Parcularly producon control): Aerospace & Aviaon - Cement & Ferlizers - Facilies &T ranspiraons - Mining & Minerals Ulies  - Power Generaon, Transmiss Transmission ion & Distribuo Distribuon n - Automove & Manufacturi Manufacturing ng Chemicals & Pharmaceucals - Food & Beverage  - Petrochemical, Oil & Gas

Benefits of aending this event: - Reducing waste in PM acvies acvi es - What changes to make ma ke to improve reliabili reliability ty - How to gain producvity through small changes in thinking - How to plan and schedule PM tasks - Developing task lists li sts for different equipment - How things fail and their impact on PM - Characteriscs of the best PM inspectors - How can we adopt Planned Component Replacement? What are the basics of predicve maintenance? - Using the P-F curve to choose inspecon frequencies - Develop, implement and supervise the prevenve and predicve maintenance program - Economize money and company’s resources by using sophiscated technique and method in order to opmize the affecvity of maintenance - Prevent the company’s equipment and tools from damage and make the machine’s living period longer - Decrease the down me


program curriculum

Session 1: Introducon Definions of Maintenance  - Build Systemac Maintenance Taccs for Your Organizaon Prevenve (Time Based) Maintenance - Predicve (Condion (Condion Based) Maintenance Maintena nce - New Generaon Proacve Maintenan Maintenance ce - Maintenance by Redundancy - Reacve (Run to Failure) Maintenance - Opportunity Maintenance - Opportunisc Maintenanc Maintenance e Session 2: Creave Disassembly for Shutdown Maintenance


Precision Maintenance - Predicve and

Prevenve Maintenance: the Main Concepts and Seven Basic Quesons - Idenfying Major Costs of Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance The Key People in Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: a Planner, Maintenance Supervisor, Storeroom Personnel, an Operaons Super-intendant Operator The Key Maintenance Metrics for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: Reliability, Mean Time Between Failure, Mean Time to Failure, the Instantaneous Instantan eous Failure Rate, Equipment Availability and maintainability, Mean Time to Repair Praccal Exercises on Reliability for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: Outsourcing Ou tsourcing vs. In-House; What Works Best for Your Your Organizaon? Organizao n? - Spare Part Management and Outsourcing - Operaons vs. Maintenance: Aligning Operaonal Requirements with Maintenance Capabilies - Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: Industrial Case Study - The Main Maintenance Key Performance Indicators, including for - Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance

Session 3: Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: Seven Stages Process - Asset Funcons: Primary and Secondary - Asset Failure: Potenal and Funconal - The P-F Interval, the Net P-F Interval and Mulple P-F Intervals for Predicve Maintenance Esmaon of Opmum Maintenance Interval for Predicve Maintenance Esmaon of Opmum Maintenance Interval for Predicve Maintenance: Industrial Case Studies - The Operang Context of Assets - The Operang Context: Industrial Case Studies - Asset Failure Modes - Asset Hidden and Evident Failures - Asset Failure Consequences - Asset Failure Effects


program curriculum Session 4: Hidden Consequence Consequencess - Safety and Environmental Consequences Consequen ces - Operaonal Consequences - Non-Operaonal Consequences - Root Causes of Asset Failures; an Approach of Six Root Causes for Predicve Maintenance - Root Causes of Asset Failure for Predicve Maintenance: 17 industrial - Case Studies (outlines are on s separate sheet below) - 9 Classical Steps of Failure Assessment for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - Failure Assessment for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - Industrial - Case Studies Session 5: Six Paerns of the Instantaneous Asset Failure Rate: Tradional View, Bathtub, Slow Aging, Best New, Random Failure and Worst New - Relaonship Between the Failure Rate Paerns and Maintenance Taccs - Failure Management for Maintenance: Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance Tasks and default Maintenance Acons - Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance Tasks: On-Condion Tasks - Restoraon Tasks - Discard Tasks - Default Maintenance Acons: Failure-Finding Acons - Redesign - Run-to-Failure - Determining When to Predict/Prevent Failure and When to Allow Failure to Occur; Opmal Selecon of Maintenance Tacc - Logic Diagram for Opmal Selecon of Maintenance Tacc - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - FMEA: Ranking Criteria and Industrial Case Studies - FMEA: Praccal Session - Failure Mode, Effect and Cricality Analysis (FMECA) for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - FMECA: an Industrial Case Study Session 6: Equipment Troubleshoong and Condion Monitoring for Predicve Maintenance - Fault Tree Tree Analysis for troubleshoong troublesho ong - Vibraon Condion Monitoring for Predicve Maintenance: basics and Main Technologies - Condion Monitoring by Acousc Emission for Predicve Maintenance: Basics and Main Technologies - Condion Monitoring by wear Debris for Predicve Maintenance Basics and Main Techniques Condion Monitoring by Infrared Thermography for Predicve Maintenance: Basics and Main Techniques - Condion Monitoring for Predicve Maintenance: Maintenanc e: 9Industrial Case Studies (including 44 video presentaons) - Assessment of Condion Monitoring vendor for Predicve Maintenance - New Internaonal Standard for Predicve Maintenance - Asset design for Beer Predicve Maintenance


program curriculum Session 7: Advanced Soware for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance - Soware Capabilies Equipment Selecon Based on Selecon Quesons and Cricality Factors - Failure effect Categorizaon Categorizao n - Selecon of Maintenance tacc - Esmaon of Opmum Interval for Prevenve and Predicve Maintenance - Maintenance Task Packaging - Management of Correcve Maintenance Acons - Creaon of Reports and Graphical Charts) - Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance; System Capabilies Session 8: Management of Unplanned Works - Esmaon of Planned versus Unplanned Works - Work Order Generator and Issue - Management of Maintenance personnel Database - Gauge Calibraon Management for Predicve Maintenance - Management of Condion Monitoring Data for Predicve Maintenan Maintenance ce - Creaon of Stascal and Reports - Esmaon of the Main Maintenance KPIs - New Generaon Soware for Maintenance: enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise resource Planning Soware: the Main Trends - Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance for shutdowns: Pre-Shutdown, shutdown and Post-shutdown Stages - Prevenve Maintenance for Overhauls: Time Between Overhauls, Service Limit Overhauls and New Limit Overhauls - Management of Maintenance Backlog Backlo g for Predicve and Prevenve Prevenve Maintenance - Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance : Industrial Case Studies - Implementaon of Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance: Teamwork and Facilitator - Human Errors in Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance; Reducon of Human Errors - Applying Predicve and Prevenve Maintenance and What Maintenance Achieves - Review: Learning Outcomes Closing Comments


program curriculum Workshop of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) - Workshop to undertake a FMEA of a specific machine/equipment: Review design and operaon of chosen machine/equipment - Review failure history and failure modes - Review root causes of failure modes; esmate root cause occurrences - Review failure consequences; esmate severies of consequences - Review detecon/ diagnosis capabilies - Esmate the risk priority numbers - Assign opmized maintenance task/frequencies Root Causes of Asset Failure for Predicve Maintenance: 17 Industrial Case Studies: Maintenance of two stage vercal pump - Maintenance of a vacuum exhauster - Maintenance of an engine turbocharger - Maintenance of a steam turbine - Maintenance of a primary air fan - Maintenance of two large fans


meet the trainer Prof.. Len Gelman Prof Gelm an Prof. Len Gelman (UK) holds Ph.D. and Dr. of Sciences (habilitaon) degrees. He has trained and consulted the industry across the world. He is the author of over 200 publicaons (including 17 patents, 2 books, and 2 book chapters) chapte rs) in the areas of maintenan maintenance, ce, condion monitormonito ring of complex mechanical systems and root cause analysis. Prof. Gelman has over 35 years of real-life industrial experience in maintenance. He has developed and delivered training programs worldwide for both offshore and onshore facilies, including maintenance planning and scheduling, machinery failure analysis and prevenon, reliability centered maintenance, condion monitoring of machinery, risk assessment for producon and operaons and problem solving and decision making. Prof. Gelman is a Fellow of the Brish Instute of Non-Destrucve Tesng Tesng (BINDT) and UK Instuon Instu on of Diagnosc Engineers, Engine ers, Chairman Chairma n of the Condion Monitoring and Diagnosc Technology Technical Commiee of the BINDT, President-Elect of the Internaonal Instute of Acouscs and Vibraon, Honorary Editor of the Internaonal Journal Journal of Condion Monitoring and Chairman of the Internaonal Society for Condion Monitoring. He was Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief of the book series “Condion monitoring”; He is Chair of the 2007 World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Honorary Co-Chair of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and 2014 20 14 World World Congresses Congresses of EngineerEngineering and Chair of the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, and 2014 Internaonal Condion Monitoring Conferences. Prof. Gelman is a Chief Designer of numerous technologies and engineering prototypes for vibraon fault detecon/diagnosis/isolaon. Some of Len's client's include: • DIALOG MALAYSIA • ROLLS-ROYCE • BOEING • INDORAMA • SHELL  • QATAR PETROLEUM • SKF • ERIKS • DRESSER-RAND • CATERPILLAR  • ORYX • ARAMCO • ENGEN PETROLEUM • QATAR GAS • PETRONAS  • PRASARANA • FIRST SOLLAR  • NESTLE SINGAPORE • NESTLE MALAYSIA  • WESTPORTS MALAYSIA • KAREX INDUSTRIAL SDN BHD • PTP MALAYSIA  • AA SDN BHD MALAYSIA • CIMA MALAYSIA


what others say about us “It is good for me to get knowledge of prevenve and predicve maintenance. This will help me very much as well our company. The main strength of this program is development of prevenve and predicve strategy. Mr. Len is very knowledgeable trainer. trai ner. I feel very good and happy. Thank you Aydan Group Plt. Plt.”” – Ngere Thein, Maintenance Execuve Officer, Premier Coffee Myanmar “This training is very informave and could be beneficial for my career develop- ment. The main strength is on the trainer. He is well experienced and a very knowledgeable. His experse is very useful for training like this. Aydan Group is very supporve and choose a great training.”  – Carol Caroline, Technical Assistant, KPOC Malaysia “It is a very good training for me as I am a maintenance planner. This will help me to improve my planning in future. Mr. Len is just excellent trainer. He helped me to make an planning in good way. Great organized training by Aydan Group Plt.” – Jegan, Maintenance Planner, Coca-Cola Bole Malaysia Sdn Bhd “Great training overall. Good trainer and great interacon and arculaon. The main strength of the training is different methods of PM and RCA explained. Well done Aydan Group Plt.” – Kevin Jok, X-Fab Sarawak Sdn Bhd  “Very good training. trainin g. Main strength of training is simplified si mplified and clear underunde r- standing of definion on prevenve and predicve maintenance. Good job Aydan Group Plt”. – Loy Ching Hou, Maintenance Manager, Kossan Latex Industries (M) Sdn Bhd


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22nd & 23rd of July 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia

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