Descripción: el presente texto es el empleado en el centro venezolno americano del zulia correspondiente a los niveles 7...
.l INLE . l ì a CHEE NGAGL Ee a r n i n g '
HeinleELT,a part of Cengage Learning,and NationalGeographic have partnered to createEnglish language learningmaterials whichbringourworld andits differentculturesto life.Throughthe new rangeoÍ titlescreatedunder thisinitiative, we aretogetherchanging the waythe worldlearnsEnglish. Founded in 1888to "inspirepeopleto careaboutthe planet",the National Geographic Societyis oneof the world! largestnonprofitscientificand educational organizations. lt reaches morethan325millionpeoplein more than 34 languages throughits magazines, books,T[ interactivemedia,maps, films,andmusic.Proceeds from theseactivitieshavefundedmorethan9,000 scientific,conservation, proiectsaroundthe world. andeducational Formoreinformationon our NationalGeographic materialsfor learnersof please English, Please to learnmoreabouthowyoucan becomeinvolvedwith NationalGeographic.
National GeoBraphic's netproceeds supportvitalexploration, programs. conservation, research, andeducation
ScopeandSequence Getto KnowYourWorldl
IV vi
Unit 1 r-oodfromthe Earth Video.Journal
2 12
Unit4 TheBody Video-iournal
38 48
Unit7 Luxuries VideoJourna
74 B4
Unit8 Natu VideoJ O U r n a
86 96
Unit9 Lifein the Past VideoJournal
98 '108
Unit 10 Travel VideoJournal
110 120
Unitl1 Careers Vìdeo Journal
122 132
Unit12 Celebrations VídeoJournal
134 144
146 150 152
Skils Index CredÌts
Contents iii
. Compare whatpeople VerbtenseÍeviewl usualy do w th whatthey \ m ô ê n r ê < ê n r Ì ê n ( ê aredorngnow v5.pre5ent . ldentify re!lonalstaple foods contìnuou5 tense I eat n.e evetyd]y. .Talkabouttraditlona She'scooking frshnow. fam y diShes past Slmple tense . Understand howa regional (ÍeguarandÌrreguar) foodbecomes an Weleornedhawto intefnat ona dish
Geographlca regions
. Communicate withpeope P r o c o n t n o r É o r t t o n c o tromdlffeÍent cultures Hehastrcveled to manycaunttìes. . l\,4ake smalltalkwÌthnew Signa words:already, PeoPle . Usesn'ìalta k to b/edkthelce evet,yet Haveyaueverseen . LearnhowpÍofessionals a gircfíe? Dreaktne rce
CultuÍe, comÌÌuncaton,
C imate Foodstaples
. Reflecton pasi accomp/i5hl.n eÍìts . Usefoo arìd enouqhto ta k about abi t es
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