Workshop Manual Transmission of HT200 SDLG Volvo

April 3, 2017 | Author: Mao LiuGong | Category: N/A
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Download Workshop Manual Transmission of HT200 SDLG Volvo...


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Foreword This Service Manual deals with the design, working principles and repair instructions for transmissions HT200 and HT201. The instructions apply assuming that the transmission is removed from the machine or exposed in the machine. The necessary approach operations can be found in the Service Manual for the machine type concerned. The work procedures are based on the use of special(999)-tools, tools which can be made in your own workshop(E-tools)and standard tools generally available on the marker. All lifting devices such as strops, slings, ratchet blocks etc., must comply with appropriate National Regulations for such equipment. VME accept no responsibility if any lifting devices, tools or working methods other than those described in this publication are used. This warning symbol will appear at various points in this manual in conjunction with warning statements. Its appearance means ³WARNING! BE ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!´ The information and data given in this manual are valid at the time of publication. It is our policy to constantly strive to improve our products. The right therefore is reserved to make changes in design and improvements whenever it is believed the efficiency of the product will be improved, without incurring any obligation to incorporate such improvements in any product which has been shipped or is in service. Under our policy of continual product improvement, VME reserve the right to change specifications and equipment without prior notice. ࡽ䀰 ᵜ㔤‫؞‬᡻޼⎹৺ HT200 ઼ HT201 ਈ䙏㇡Ⲵ䇮䇑ˈᐕ֌৏⨶઼㔤‫؞‬䈤᰾DŽ 䈤᰾䘲⭘ҾӾᮤᵪк᣶лᡆ൘ᮤᵪкᰐ䚞ⴆⲴਈ䙏㇡DŽ⴨‫ޣ‬ᵪරⲴᗵ㾱༴⨶᫽֌ਟ൘ᵜ㔤‫؞‬᡻޼ѝ᢮ࡠDŽ ᐕ֌䗷〻ᱟ䴰㾱ᴹ⢩↺ᐕާ઼ḷ߶ᐕާˈ⢩↺ᐕާਟԕ൘䖖䰤䟼࣐ᐕˈḷ߶ᐕާ䙊ᑨਟ൘ᐲ൪ҠࡠDŽ ᡰᴹᨀॷ㻵㖞ྲⳞᑖǃ਺㍒ǃἈ䖞ㅹˈᗵ享䚥ᆸ↔㊫㻵༷Ⲵഭᇦ⌅㿴DŽ ྲ᷌֯⭘Ⲵԫօᨀॷ㻵㖞ǃᐕާᡆᐕ֌ᯩ⌅䶎ᵜҖᡰ᧿䘠֯⭘ˈVME н᢯ᣵԫօ䍓ԫDŽ ᵜ䆖⽪ḷᘇՊ൘ᵜҖⲴཊ༴ࠪ⧠ԕ֌Ѫ䆖⽪䈤᰾DŽᆳⲴਜ਼ѹѪĀ䆖੺ʽ䆖ᜅʽᴹ‫ޣ‬ᛘⲴᆹ‫ޘ‬ʽ ā

ᵜ᡻޼ѝⲴؑ᚟઼ᮠᦞ൘ࠪ⡸ᖃᰦᱟᴹ᭸ⲴDŽᡁԜⲴ᭯ㆆᱟᤱ㔝᭩䘋ᡁԜⲴӗ૱DŽഐ↔‫⮉؍‬ ሩӗ૱䘋㹼䇮䇑᭩䘋Ⲵᵳ࡙ˈᖃᡁԜ䇔Ѫӗ૱䴰㾱᭩䘋ˈवᤜ䘀䗃઼㔤‫؞‬ѝⲴӗ૱ˈᒦሩަ䘋㹼᭩䘋ᰦн ᢯ᣵѹ࣑DŽ 䢤Ҿᤱ㔝ӗ૱᭩䘋Ⲵᯩ䪸ˈVME ‫⮉؍‬൘ᴤ᭩ᰦн亴‫ݸ‬䙊⸕Ⲵᵳ࡙DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Contents FOREWORD......................................................................................................................... 1 SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................ 4 STANDARD TIGHTENING TORQUES............................................................................. 8 DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................... 10 GENERAL REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................ 11 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................... 16 Transmission, reconditioning................................................................................................ 16 Torque converter, rebuilding................................................................................................. 31 Torque converter, reconditioning........................................................................................... 32 Oil pump and turbine shaft bearing, reconditioning.............................................................. 42 Damping valve, reconditioning............................................................................................. 45 Gear selector valve, reconditioning....................................................................................... 46 Lubricating oil valve, reconditioning.....................................................................................52 Power take-off, reconditioning.............................................................................................. 52 Forward and first clutches, dismantling and assembling....................................................... 54 Reverse and second clutches, dismantling and assembling................................................... 71 Third and fourth clutches, dismantling and assembling........................................................ 85 Transmission, assembling...................................................................................................... 103 Piston unit for parking brake HT200, reconditioning....................................... 111 Piston unit for parking brake HT200 HT201,reconditioning...................... 114 DRAWINGS OF E-TOOLS WHICH CAN BE MADE IN YOUR OWN WORKSHOP.... 130 DRAWINGS Clutch shaft, forward-first, HT200........................................................................................ 132 Clutch shaft, reverse-second, HT200.................................................................................... 134 Clutch shaft, third-fourth, HT200, transmission 136 Clutch shaft, third-fourth, HT200, transmission 138 Clutch shaft, forward-first, HT201........................................................................................ 140 Clutch shaft, reverse-second, HT201..................................................................................... 142 Clutch shaft, third-fourth,HT201........................................................................................... 144 Torque converter.................................................................................................................... 146 Torque converter.................................................................................................................... 147


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

ⴞᖅ ࡽ䀰....................................................................................................................................... 1 㿴Ṭ....................................................................................................................................... 5 ḷ߶㍗പ࣋⸙....................................................................................................................... 9 䈤᰾....................................................................................................................................... 10 а㡜‫⨶؞‬䈤᰾....................................................................................................................... 11 ‫⨶؞‬䈤᰾............................................................................................................................... 16 ਈ䙏㇡ˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................................... 16 ਈ⸙ಘˈ䟽ᯠࡦ֌............................................................................................................... 31 ਈ⸙ಘˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................................... 32 ⋩⌥઼⏑䖞䖤᢯ˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................... 42 䱫ቬ䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................................... 45 ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬............................................................................................................... 46 ⏖━䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................................... 52 ਆ࣋ಘˈ‫⨶؞‬....................................................................................................................... 52 ࡽ䘋઼аẓ⿫ਸಘˈ᣶࠶઼㻵䝽....................................................................................... 54 ‫ق‬䖖઼Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘˈ᣶࠶઼㻵䝽....................................................................................... 71 йẓ઼ഋẓ⿫ਸಘˈ᣶࠶઼㻵䝽....................................................................................... 85 ਈ䙏ಘˈ㻵䝽....................................................................................................................... 103 HT200 㕆ਧ-2790 Ⲵࡦࣘ⍫ຎˈ‫⨶؞‬................................................................................. 111 HT200 㕆ਧ 2791-઼ HT201 Ⲵࡦࣘ⍫ຎˈ‫⨶؞‬................................................................114 ਟԕ൘䖖䰤⭏ӗⲴ E-ᐕާⲴമ㓨...................................................................................... 130 മ㓨 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈࡽ䘋઼аẓˈHT200........................................................................................ 132 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈ‫ق‬䖖઼ҼẓˈHT200........................................................................................ 134 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ઼ഋẓˈHT200 㕆ਧ-2205...................................................................... 136 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ઼ഋẓˈHT200 㕆ਧ 2206-..................................................................... 138 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈࡽ䘋઼аẓˈHT201........................................................................................ 140 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈ‫ق‬䖖઼ҼẓˈHT201........................................................................................ 142 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ઼ഋẓˈHT201........................................................................................ 144 ਈ⸙ಘ................................................................................................................................... 146 ਈ⸙ಘ................................................................................................................................... 147


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Specifications WEIGHTS Transmission with dropbox, Power take-off(2 pcs)and torque converter approx. Torque converter, approx.

840kg 110kg

1852Ib 243Ib

TIGHTENING TORQUES Torque converter-transmission housing Power take-off Oil distributor Suction strainer Cover for suction strainer Transmission oil pump Torque converter attaching bolts Drive flange nut Cover for shafts Brake housing-cover Induction sender unit Gear selector valve Lubricating oil valve Washer, turbine shaft Gear selector valve sleeve, solenoid ASCO Bolt ASCO Sleeve, solenoid Skinner Bolt skinner Upper shaft in dropbox:3 pcs attaching bolts 1st tightening Stop screws, 3 pcs, first tightening Attaching bolts,3 pcs final tightening


Nm 80 45 25 25 20 45 45 600 45 45 45 25 25 40 25 5 12 3 40 20 80

kgf m 8 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 4.5 4.5 60 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 0.5 1.2 0.3 4 2 8

Ibf ft 59 33 18 18 15 33 33 443 33 33 33 18 18 30 18 4 9 2 30 15 59

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

㿴Ṭ 䟽䟿 ਈ䙏ಘवᤜ࠶ࣘ㇡, ਆ࣋ಘ(2 ṩ)઼ਈ⸙ಘˈབྷ㓖 ਈ⸙ಘ, བྷ㓖.

840kg 110kg

1852Ib 243Ib

㍗ᇊ࣋⸙ Nm 80 45 25 25 20 45 45 600 45 45 45 25 25 40 25 5 12 3 40 20 80

ਈ⸙ಘ-ਈ䙏㇡༣փ ਆ࣋ಘ 䝽⋩ಘ ੨⋩└㖁 ੨⋩└㖁ⴆ ਈ䙏㇡⋩⌥ ਈ⸙ಘപᇊ㷪ṃ 傡ࣘ⌅‫ޠ‬㷪⇽ 䖤ⴆ ࡦࣘ㖙༣ ᝏᓄՐᝏಘঅ‫ݳ‬ ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰 ⏖━䰰 ෛ⡷,⏑䖞䖤 ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰྇ ASCO ⭥⻱䰰 㷪ṃ ASCO ྇, Skinner ⭥⻱䰰 㷪ṃ skinner ࠶ࣘ㇡к䖤:3 ṩപᇊ㷪ṃㅜа⅑㍗പ →ࣘ㷪䪹ˈ3 ṩ ㅜа⅑㍗പ പᇊ㷪ṃˈ3 ṩ ᴰ㓸㍗പ


kgf m 8 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 4.5 4.5 60 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 0.5 1.2 0.3 4 2 8

Ibf ft 59 33 18 18 15 33 33 443 33 33 33 18 18 30 18 4 9 2 30 15 59

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

TRANSMISSION Make Type Designation Clutch drum, end float Forward First Reverse Third Fourth Disc clearance Forward clutch First clutch Reverse clutch Second clutch Third clutch Fourth clutch Return springs, first, second and third, loaded length, pressing force 944-1076N(212-242Ibf) Return springs, forward and reverse, loaded length, pressing force 828-1076N(186-242ibf) Return springs, fourth, loaded length pressing force 927-1057N(208-237Ibf) Shaft, end float Clutch shaft, forward-first Intermediate gear, preload Output shaft, preload Torque converter Make Type Gear selector valve Spring for main pressure, (HT200)length at a load of 387-427N(87-96Ibf) Colour marking Spring for main pressure, (HT201)length at a load of 430.6-462.6N(97-104Ibf) Colour marking

Volvo BM Hydro-mechanical HT200 HT201 0.1-0.7mm 0.2-1.0mm 0.2-1.5mm 0.4-1.3mm 0.5-1.5mm

0.004-0.028in 0.008-0.039in 0.008-0.059in 0.016-0.051in 0.020-0.059in

1.9-5.3mm 1.7-5.0mm 1.9-5.3mm 1.7-5.0mm 1.3-4.9mm 1.2-4.0mm

0.075-0.209in 0.067-0.197in 0.075-0.197in 0.067-0.197in 0.051-0.193in 0.047-0.157in







0.15-0.22mm 0.03-0.08mm 0.03-0.08mm

0.006-0.009 in 0.001-0.003in 0.001-0.003in

Rockford-division single-stage

53.8mm yellow


53.8mm blue



VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

ਈ䙏㇡ ࡦ䙐 ㊫ර ਽〠 ⿫ਸಘ 啃ⴈ, 䖤ੁㄟ⑨䳉 ࡽ䘋 аẓ ‫ق‬䖖 йẓ ഋẓ 䖞ⴈ 䰤䳉 ࡽ䘋ẓ⿫ਸಘ аẓ⿫ਸಘ ‫ق‬䖖ẓ⿫ਸಘ Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ йẓ⿫ਸಘ ഋẓ⿫ਸಘ എսᕩ㉗,аẓ,Ҽẓ઼йẓ,᢯䖭䮯ᓖ, ঻㍗࣋ 944-1076N(212-242Ibf) എսᕩ㉗,ࡽ䘋ẓ઼‫ق‬䖖ẓ,᢯䖭䮯ᓖ, ঻㍗࣋ 828-1076N(186-242Ibf) എսᕩ㉗,ഋẓ,᢯䖭䮯ᓖ ঻㍗࣋ 927-1057N(208-237Ibf) 䖤, 䖤ੁㄟ⑨䳉 ⿫ਸಘ䖤,ࡽ䘋ẓ-аẓ ѝ䰤喯䖞,亴䖭 䗃ࠪ䖤,亴䖭 ਈ⸙ಘ ࡦ䙐 ㊫ර ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰 ѫ঻ᕩ㉗, (HT200)䮯ᓖ ൘䖭㦧 387-427N(87-96Ibf)л 仌㢢ḷ䇠 ѫ঻ᕩ㉗, (HT201)䮯ᓖ ൘䖭㦧 430.6-462.6N(97-104Ibf)л 仌㢢ḷ䇠

Volvo BM ⏢঻᫽㓥 HT200 HT201 0.1-0.7mm 0.2-1.0mm 0.2-1.5mm 0.4-1.3mm 0.5-1.5mm

0.004-0.028in 0.008-0.039in 0.008-0.059in 0.016-0.051in 0.020-0.059in

1.9-5.3mm 1.7-5.0mm 1.9-5.3mm 1.7-5.0mm 1.3-4.9mm 1.2-4.0mm

0.075-0.209in 0.067-0.197in 0.075-0.197in 0.067-0.197in 0.051-0.193in 0.047-0.157in







0.15-0.22mm 0.03-0.08mm 0.03-0.08mm

0.006-0.009 in 0.001-0.003in 0.001-0.003in

Rockford-division অᶱ

53.8mm 哴㢢


53.8mm 㬍㢢



VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ VOLVO STANDARD TIGHTENING TORQUES The tightening torques in the following tables apply to bolts with a tensile strength of 8.8.The table are to be considered as a general instruction for the tightening torque of nuts and bolts when no other torque is stated. N.B. For flanged bolts type U6FS the values should be increased by 10%. Nuts and bolts should be cleaned and lubricated with oil. Metric coarse and fine threads Thread


M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M24

10 f 24 48 85 140 220 430 740

Kgf m 2 5 10 18 25 45 85 150

1.0 f 2.4 4.8 8.5 14.0 22.0 43.0 74.0

Ibf ft 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.8 2.5 4.5 8.5 15.0

7.4 f 18 35 63 103 160 320 550

1.5 3.5 7.4 13 18 33 63 110

UNC threads Thread


1/4¶¶ 5/16¶¶ 3/8¶¶ 7/16¶¶ 1/2¶¶ 9/16¶¶ 5/8¶¶ 3/4¶¶ 7/8¶¶ 1¶¶

9 f 18 33 54 80 120 170 300 485 725

2 4 8 14 20 30 40 70 115 175

Kgf m

Ibf ft

0.9 f 0.2 1.8 0.4 3.3 0.8 5.4 1.4 8.0 2.0 12.0 3.0 17.0 4.0 30.0 7.0 48.5 11.5 72.5 17.5

6.6 f 13 24 40 59 89 130 220 360 530

1.5 3.0 5.9 10 15 22 30 52 85 130

UNF threads Thread


Kgf m

Ibf ft

1/4¶¶ 5/16¶¶ 3/8¶¶ 7/16¶¶ 1/2¶¶ 9/16¶¶ 5/8¶¶ 3/4¶¶ 7/8¶¶ 1¶¶

10 f 3 22 5 40 10 63 18 98 23 145 35 200 50 355 85 565 135 800 200

1.0 f 0.3 2.2 0.5 4.0 1.0 6.3 1.8 9.8 2.3 14.5 3.5 20.0 5.0 35.5 8.5 56.5 13.5 80.0 20.0

7.4 f 2.2 16 3.7 30 7.4 46 13 72 17 110 26 150 37 260 63 420 100 590 150


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ ⊳ቄ⊳ḷ߶㍗പ࣋⸙ л㺘ᨀ‫׋‬Ҷ㷪ṃᕪᓖѪ 8.8 㓗Ⲵ㍗പ࣋⸙DŽᵜ㺘ᱟ⭘ᶕ൘⋑ᴹަᆳᢝ⸙㿴ᇊᰦ֌Ѫ㷪⇽઼㷪ṃ䘎᧕Ⲵа㡜 㿴ᇊDŽ ⌅‫ޠ‬㷪ṃ U6FS Ⲵ㍗പ࣋⸙䴰㾱໎࣐ 10%DŽ 㷪⇽઼㷪ṃᓄ䈕㺘䶒␵⌱઼⭘⋩⏢⏖━DŽ ㊣ࡦ㋇㷪㓩઼㓶㷪㓩 㷪㓩㿴Ṭ


M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M24

10 f 24 48 85 140 220 430 740

Kgf m 2 5 10 18 25 45 85 150

1.0 f 2.4 4.8 8.5 14.0 22.0 43.0 74.0

Ibf ft 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.8 2.5 4.5 8.5 15.0

7.4 f 18 35 63 103 160 320 550

1.5 3.5 7.4 13 18 33 63 110

㔏аḷ߶㋇⢉㷪㓩 㷪㓩㿴Ṭ


1/4¶¶ 5/16¶¶ 3/8¶¶ 7/16¶¶ 1/2¶¶ 9/16¶¶ 5/8¶¶ 3/4¶¶ 7/8¶¶ 1¶¶

10 f 19 34 55 81 121 171 301 486 725

2 4 8 14 20 30 40 70 115 175

Kgf m

Ibf ft

0.9 f 0.2 1.8 0.4 3.3 0.8 5.4 1.4 8.0 2.0 12.0 3.0 17.0 4.0 30.0 7.0 48.5 11.5 72.5 17.5

6.6 f 1.5 13 3.0 24 5.9 40 10 59 15 89 22 130 30 220 52 360 85 530 130

㔏аḷ߶㓶⢉㷪㓩 㷪㓩㿴Ṭ


Kgf m

Ibf ft

1/4¶¶ 5/16¶¶ 3/8¶¶ 7/16¶¶ 1/2¶¶ 9/16¶¶ 5/8¶¶ 3/4¶¶ 7/8¶¶ 1¶¶

10 f 3 22 5 40 10 63 18 98 23 145 35 200 50 355 85 565 135 800 200

1.0 f 0.3 2.2 0.5 4.0 1.0 6.3 1.8 9.8 2.3 14.5 3.5 20.0 5.0 35.5 8.5 56.5 13.5 80.0 20.0

7.4 f 2.2 16 3.7 30 7.4 46 13 72 17 110 26 150 37 260 63 420 100 590 150


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Description Transmissions HT200 and HT201 are hydro-mechanical, four-speed, power shift transmissions with torque converter, cylindrical spur gears with counter-rotating shafts and hydraulically actuated clutches. The transmission consists of three main parts. A front part with torque converter, transmission oil pump and power take-off. A centre part with cylindrical spur gears, hydraulic clutches and control valves. A rear part with dropbox and parking brake. The power from the engine to the road wheels is transferred hydraulically and mechanically through the transmission. The hydraulic transfer of power takes place in the torque converter which in addition to transferring the torque also multiplies it. The mechanical transfer of power is done by gear wheels which are in constant mesh. The gears on the clutch shafts rotate freely but are locked when a speed gear is engaged. There are three clutch shafts transferring the power and they are: one for forward and first speed gear, one for reverse and second speed gear and a third shaft for the third and fourth speed gears. The gear changing is by electro-hydraulic means. When a gear is selected, one or more of the gear selector valve solenoids are activated which actuate the gear selector valve spools, which in turn control the oil flow to the clutch shafts. The gear selector valve is fitted by the transmission oil filter and it consists of valve housing, six valve spools and five solenoids. One of the spools acts as a pressure control valve and it differs from the other spool which are alike and interchangeable. The spools, which on the hydraulic diagram are named S2, S3, S4and S5, are gear selector spools. Neutral and drive is selected with spool S1. The sixth spool controls the main pressure. The gear selector spools have two positions. They are kept in the resting position by a spring and caused to move to the other position by pressure differences controlled by the solenoids. In order to obtain the desired gear, electric current is required at one or more of the solenoids, which, in their turn actuate the valve spools. The neutral and forward/reverse drive spool can also be actuated mechanically, in the case of loss of electric power, by means of two adjusting screws. In order to prevent accidents, if there should be loss of current to one or more of the solenoids while operating, neutral or a higher gear will be automatically selected. The only exception is when operating in the fourth speed, shifting to the third speed will take place. As the down shift is only one step, the slowing-down of the machine will not be too sudden. A special valve(damping valve)is fitted on the outside of the gear selector valve. This damping valve controls the application for the forward and reverse clutches, giving the shifting between forward and reverse correctly balanced characteristics.

䈤᰾ ਈ䙏㇡ HT200 ઼ HT201 ᱟ⏢࣋ᵪỠⲴˈഋẓ䙏ᓖⲴˈࣘ࣋ᦒẓⲴਈ䙏㇡ˈᒦфव ਜ਼ਈ⸙ಘˈᑖᴹሩ䖜䖤Ⲵശḡ↓喯䖞ˈ⏢࣋傡ࣘ⿫ਸಘDŽ ਈ䙏ಘवਜ਼йњѫ㾱䜘ԦDŽ ࡽ䶒䜘Ԧवਜ਼ਈ⸙ಘˈਈ䙏⋩⌥઼ਆ࣋ಘDŽ ѝ䰤䜘Ԧवਜ਼ശḡ↓喯䖞ˈ⏢঻⿫ਸಘ઼᧗ࡦ䰰DŽ ਾ䶒䜘Ԧवਜ਼࠶ࣘ㇡઼ࡦࣘ䜘࠶DŽ ӾਁࣘᵪՐࡠ䖞㛾кⲴࣘ࣋㓿䗷ਈ䙏㇡Ⲵ⏢઼࣋ᵪỠՐࣘDŽਈ⸙ಘ䘋㹼ࣘ࣋Ⲵ⏢࣋ 10

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Րࣘˈᱟ䘋㹼䖜ॆ઼໎࣐ᢝ⸙ⲴൠᯩDŽᑨஞਸ喯䖞䘋㹼ࣘ࣋ⲴᵪỠՐࣘDŽ⿫ਸಘ䖤 кⲴ喯䖞൘ᒣᰦ㠚⭡䖜ࣘˈ൘䙏ᓖ喯䖞֯⭘ᰦ᡽䬱ᇊDŽ ᴹйњ⿫ਸಘ䖤䘋㹼ࣘ࣋䖜ॆˈԆԜᱟ˖аṩᱟࡽ䘋઼ 1 䙏ẓ喯䖞ˈаṩᱟਾ䘰઼ 2 䙏ẓ喯䖞ˈㅜйṩᱟ 3 䙏઼ 4 䙏ẓ喯䖞DŽ ẓսⲴਈॆᱟ‫׍‬䶐⭥⏢ᯩ⌅DŽᖃ䘹ᤙањẓսˈањᡆཊњẓս䘹ᤙ䰰㷪㓯㇑ާᴹ ⍫ᙗˈ֯ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰䰰ᵶ䘀ࣘˈ᧗ࡦ⋩⏢⍱ੁ⿫ਸಘ䖤DŽẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ᱟ䘲ਸਈ䙏⋩ └␵ಘⲴˈᆳवᤜ䰰փˈ6 䐏䰰ᵶ઼ 5 њ㷪㓯㇑DŽަѝаṩ䰰ᵶ֌Ѫ঻࣋᧗ࡦ䰰ˈᆳ оަᆳࠐṩ⴨լфާᴹӂᦒᙗⲴ䰰ᵶн਼DŽ⏢঻മ㺘䟼Ⲵ䰰ᵶ S2ˈS3ˈS4ˈS5 ᱟ喯 䖞䘹ᤙ䰰ᵶˈS1 ᱟ䘹ᤙᯝẓᡆ傡ࣘⲴ䰰ᵶDŽㅜ 6 ṩ䰰ᵶ᧗ࡦ⵰ѫ঻DŽẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ᵶ ާᴹєњս㖞DŽᆳԜ⭡ᕩ㉗᧗ࡦ൘䶉→ս㖞ᡆ⭡㷪㓯㇑᧗ࡦⲴн਼঻〫࣋ࣘ㠣ަᆳ ս㖞DŽ ѪҶ㧧ᗇᵏᵋⲴẓսˈ䴰㾱ањᡆཊњ㷪㓯㇑޵䙊ᴹ⭥⍱ˈ֯⴨ᓄⲴ䰰ᵶ⍫ࣘDŽᯝ ẓ઼ࡽ䘋/ਾ䘰傡ࣘ䰰ᵶ൘㕪ཡ⭥࣋Ⲵᰦ‫ى‬ҏਟԕ䙊䗷єњ䈳ᮤ㷪䪹ᵪỠ傡ࣘDŽѪҶ 亴䱢һ᭵ˈᖃ᫽㓥ᰦањᡆཊњ⭥⻱䰰Ⲵ⭥⍱ђཡˈՊ㠚ࣘ䘹ᤙᯝẓᡆᴤ儈ⲴẓսDŽ ୟаⲴֻཆᱟ⭡ഋẓᦒѪйẓᰦਁ⭏DŽ䢤Ҿਚᱟ䱽ҶаẓˈᵪಘⲴ䱽䙏нՊཚケ❦DŽ ањ⢩࡛Ⲵ䰰˄䱫ቬ䰰˅䱴൘Ҷẓս䘹ᤙ䰰Ⲵཆ䶒DŽ䱫ቬ䰰᧗ࡦҶࡽ䘋઼ਾ䘰⿫ਸ ಘⲴ֯⭘ˈ֯ࡽ䘋઼ਾ䘰Ⲵᦒẓᒣ㺑⢩ᙗᴤྭDŽ

Transmission, HT 200/201 1 Torque converter 2 Lubricating oil valve 3 Parking brake housing ਈ䙏㇡ˈHT 200/201 1 ਈ⸙ಘ 2 ⏖━䰰 3 ‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘ㇡փ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Transmission, HT 200/201 1 Oil filter 2 Damping valve 3 Gear selector valve 4 End coverˈforward-first˄reverse-second, obscured˅ 5 End cover, third-fourth 6 Draining of gear selector valve, only HT 201 or the rebuilt version of HT 200 ਈ䙏㇡ˈHT 200/201 1 ⋩└ 2 䱫ቬ䰰 3 ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰 4 ਾⴆˈࡽ䘋-аẓ˄ਾ䘰-Ҽẓˈമкн᰾ᱮ˅ 5 ਾⴆˈйẓ-ഋẓ 6 ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰Ⲵᧂ≤ˈਚᴹ HT201 ᡆ䟽ᯠࡦ֌Ⲵ HT200 ާᴹDŽ

NEUTRAL POSITION The pumps P draw oil from tank N through strainer O. The flow from pump P2 is forced through filter S and on through line F to pressure-limiting valve U, which is a valve spool built into the gear selector valve. From the pressure-limiting valve the oil is conducted to the different gear selector spools. All spools are in the resting position. The valve spool L(neutral and drive spool)blocks the oil flow to spool H(forward and reverse spool). The spool M(high and low spool)allows flow of oil through duct V to spool K(controlling the third and fourth speed gears)which in this position conducts the oil to the third gear in clutch G, which thus becomes engaged. Because the neutral and drive spool is in the resting position and prevents oil flow to the forward and reverse spool, no transmission of power takes place. The valve spool J(controls the gears for the first and second speeds)does in this position not obtain any oil from valve spool M. When the main pressure has been built up, the spool in valve U moves to the open position and lets the oil through. 12

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ This flow joins the flow pump P1 and is conducted through line X, with its safety valve AA protecting the torque converter, to torque convert A and through the same to the cooling circuit which thus controls the pressure in the torque converter. If the temperature is so high that the oil needs cooling, the thermostat directs the flow to cooler T. At lower temperatures the cooler is by-passed, and the flow is directed to the lubricating circuit where valve C limits the lubricating oil pressure. Through line Y the lubricating oil is supplied to all clutches which then are both cooled and lubricated. The superfluous oil from the lubricating oil valve is conducted by to the pump. Symbol diagram, neutral position, HT 200 and 201 A Torque converter C Lubricating oil valve F Connecting line, filter-gear selector valve G Third clutch H Forward and reverse gear shift spool I Thermostat J First and second gear shift spool K Third and fourth gear shift spool L Neutral and drive gear shift spool M High and low gear shift spool N Oil sump O Strainer P Pump R1 Reverse damping valve R2 Forward damping valve S Filter T Oil cooler U Pressure-limiting valve V Pressure duct Y Lubrication ling X Line to torque converter AA Torque converter safety valve オẓս㖞 ⌥ P Ӿ⋩㇡ N ੨⋩㓿䗷䗷└ಘ ODŽӾ⌥ P2 ᶕⲴ⏢⍱㓿䗷䗷└ಘ S ઼㇑㓯 F ࡠ䲀঻䰰 Uˈ䲀঻䰰 U ᱟ䳶ᡀ ൘ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ѝⲴDŽ Ӿ䲀঻䰰ѝᶕⲴ⋩⏢㻛ᕅሬࡠн਼Ⲵẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ᵶˈᡰᴹⲴ䰰ᵶ䜭༴Ҿ䶉→DŽ 䰰ᵶ L˄オẓ઼傡ࣘ䰰ᵶ˅䱫ᥑҶ⋩⏢⍱ੁ䰰ᵶ H˄ࡽ䘋઼‫ق‬ẓ䰰ᵶ˅ DŽ䰰ᵶ M˄儈վẓ䰰ᵶ˅‫ݱ‬䇨⋩⏢ ⍱㓿䗷㇑䐟 V ࡠ䗮䰰ᵶ K˄᧗ࡦ 3 ẓ઼ 4 ẓ˅ˈ൘䘉њս㖞ᕅሬ⋩⏢⍱ੁ⿫ਸಘ G кⲴㅜй喯䖞ˈ֯ަਈ Ѫᐕ֌⣦ᘱDŽഐѪオẓ઼傡ࣘ䰰ᵶ༴൘䶉→ս㖞ˈᒦф䱫→⋩⏢⍱ੁࡽ䘋઼‫ق‬ẓ䰰ᵶˈഐ↔⋑ᴹࣘ࣋ⲴՐ 䙂DŽ 䰰ᵶ J˄᧗ࡦ 1 ẓ઼ 2 ẓ䙏ᓖ˅൘↔ս㖞⋑ᴹ㧧ᗇӾ䰰ᵶ M ᶕⲴ⋩⏢DŽ ᖃѫ঻࣋ᔪ・䎧ᶕᰦˈ䰰 U ѝⲴ䰰ᵶ〫ࣘࡠᔰਓս㖞֯⋩⏢䙊䗷ˈ⏢⍱࣐‫ޕ‬Ӿ⌥ P1 ѝᶕⲴ⏢⍱ˈ㓿䗷㇑ 㓯 Xˈ‫؍‬ᣔਈ⸙ಘⲴᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰 AAˈࡠҶਈ⸙ಘ A ઼㓿䗷к䶒Ⲵ㇑䐟ࡠߧত㇑䐟ԕ᧗ࡦਈ⸙ಘⲴ঻࣋DŽ ᖃ⋩⏢⑙ᓖཚ儈䴰㾱ߧতᰦˈ㠚ࣘ䈳⑙㻵㖞֯⏢⍱ⴤ᧕⍱ੁߧতಘ TDŽᖃ⑙ᓖվᰦˈ⏢⍱㔅䗷ߧতಘⴤ᧕ ⍱ੁ⭡䰰 C ᧗ࡦ঻࣋Ⲵ⏖━㇑䐟DŽ䙊䗷㇑䐟 Y ⏖━⭡ᨀ‫׋‬㔉ᡰᴹⲴ⿫ਸಘˈ֯ަণ㜭ߧত৸㜭⏖━DŽ ᶕ㠣⏖━䰰Ⲵཊ։⋩⏢㻛ᕅሬ㠣⌥DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ ㅖਧമ㺘ˈ ᯝẓս㖞 A ਈ⸙ಘ C ⏖━䰰 F 䘎᧕㇑㓯ˈẓս䘹ᤙ䰰-䗷└ಘ G ㅜй⿫ਸಘ H ࡽ䘋઼‫ق‬ẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ I 㠚ࣘ䈳⑙㻵㖞 J аẓ઼Ҽẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ K йẓ઼ഋẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ L オẓ઼傡ࣘ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ M 儈䙏઼վ䙏䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ N ⋩‭ O 䗷└ಘ P ⌥ R1 ‫ق‬ẓ䱫ቬ䰰 R2 ࡽ䘋䱫ቬ䰰 S 䗷└ಘ T ⋩ᮓ U ঻࣋᧗ࡦ䰰 V ঻࣋㇑ X ਈ⸙ಘ䘎᧕㇑䐟 Y ⏖━㇑䐟 AA ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰

Symbol diagram, neutral position HT200, ser. no.-2003 ㅖਧമ㺘ˈᯝẓս㖞 HT200ˈ㕆⸱-2003 For ser. No. 2004-. See the inset damping valves 㕆⸱ 2004-ˈ㿱ᨂ‫Ⲵޕ‬䱫ቬ䰰DŽ 14

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Symbol diagram, neutral position HT201

ㅖਧമ㺘ˈᯝẓս㖞 HT201

Flow diagram, neutral position. HT200 For,see the inset damping valves A Torque converter C Lubricating oil valve D Forward and first clutches E Reverse and second clutches F Connecting line, filter-gear selector valve G Third and fourth clutches H Forward and reverse gear shift spool I Thermostat J First and second gear shift spool K Third and fourth gear shift spool L Neutral and drive gear shift spool M High and low gear shift spool N Oil sump O Strainer P Pump R1 Reverse damping valve

⍱〻മˈᯝẓս㖞DŽHT200 㕆⸱-2003 ሩҾ㕆⸱ 2004-ˈ㿱ᨂ‫Ⲵޕ‬䱫ቬ䰰 A ਈ⸙ಘ C ⏖━䰰 D ࡽ䘋઼аẓ⿫ਸಘ E ‫ق‬ẓ઼Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ F 䘎᧕㇑䐟ˈẓս䘹ᤙ䰰-䗷└ಘ G йẓ઼ഋẓ⿫ਸಘ H ࡽ䘋઼‫ق‬ẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ I ⑙ᓖ䈳㢲㻵㖞 J аẓ઼Ҽẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ K йẓ઼ഋẓ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ L ᯝẓ઼傡ࣘ䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ M 儈䙏઼վ䙏䖜ᦒ䰰ᵶ N ⋩‭ O 䗷└ಘ P ⋩⌥ R1 ‫ق‬ẓ䱫ቬ䰰 15

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ R2 S T U V X Y AA

Forward damping valve Filter Oil cooler Pressure-limiting valve Pressure line Line to torque converter Lubrication line Torque converter safety valve


ࡽ䘋䱫ቬ䰰 䗷└ಘ ⋩ᮓ 䲀঻䰰 ঻࣋㇑䐟 䘎᧕ਈ⸙ಘ㇑䐟 ⏖━㇑䐟 ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰

仌㢢˖ 㓒㢢=⿫ਸಘ঻ 㬍㢢=ਈ⸙ಘ঻ 哴㢢=⏖━⋩঻ 㔯㢢=⑙ᓖ䈳㢲㻵㖞঻

Colour key: Red=Clutch pressure Blue=Torque converter pressure Yellow=Lubricating oil pressure Green=Atmospheric pressure

Repair Instructions TRANSMISSION, RECONDITIONING 43771 Tools: 999 2628 999 3131 999 3387 999 3517 999 3538 999 3577 999 3582 999 3586 999 3590A 999 3598 999 3599 999 3616 999 3659 999 3712 999 3713 999 3716 6 999 001 6 999 002 6 999 010 6 999 060 6 999 070 6 999 080 6 999 088 6 999 090 6 999 100 6 999 105 6 999 110 6 999 115 6 999 120

Lifting chain Draw bolt Sleeve Spanner Draw bolt Spanner Spanner width across flats 2 5/8¶¶ Tooth segment Gear Tensioning tool Centre support Fitting tool Bearing puller Sleeve Draw bolt Press tool Handle Handle Plug Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 16

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 6 999 130 6 999 150 E 943 E 1215 E 1224 E 1228 E 1630 Puller

Plate Plate Guide pin, 2 pcs Fixture Fixture Lifting eye Gauge Kukko 15-3 Kukko 17-2 Kukko 18-2 Kukko 18-3 Kukko 20-20 OTC 943 with bolt 515S Bolt M8ˈcut-off length 50 mm Bolt M8, cut-off length 160mm Bolt M10, length 60 mm, 2 pcs Bolt M10, length 100mm, 3 pcs Bolt M20, length 150mm, 4 pcs Adjustable stand Depth gauge, range 0-25 mm Dial gauge with magnetic base 11 666 013 pump 11 666 014 Jack

‫ ⨶؞‬䈤᰾ ਈ䙏㇡,‫⨶؞‬ 43771 ᐕާ: 999 2628 999 3131 999 3387 999 3517 999 3538 999 3577 999 3582 999 3586 999 3590A 999 3598 999 3599 999 3616 999 3659 999 3712 999 3713 999 3716 6 999 001 6 999 002 6 999 010 6 999 060 6 999 070

ॷ䱽䬠䬮 ⢥ᕅ㷪ṃ ྇ㆂ ᢣ᡻ ⢥ᕅ㷪ṃ ᢣ᡻ ሩ䗩ᇭᓖ 2 5/8¶¶Ⲵᢣ᡻ 喯⇥ 喯䖞 ᣹㍗ᐕާ ѝ䰤᭟᫁ 㻵䝽ᐕާ 䖤᢯᣹ࠪಘ ྇ㆂ ⢥ᕅ㷪ṃ ᥔ঻ᐕާ ᡻ᷴ ᡻ᷴ ๥ຎ ᶯ ᶯ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ᶯ ሬੁ䬰, 2 ṩ ᐕ֌ཀྵާ ᐕ֌ཀྵާ ਺㙣 ḷ߶ቪ Kukko 15-3 Kukko 17-2 Kukko 18-2 Kukko 18-3 Kukko 20-20 OTC 943 with bolt 515S 㷪ṃ M8,ᡚ→䮯ᓖ 50mm 㷪ṃ M8,ᡚ→䮯ᓖ 160mm 㷪ṃ M10,䮯 60 mm, 2 ṩ 㷪ṃ M10,䮯 100mm, 3 ṩ 㷪ṃ M20,䮯 150mm, 4 ṩ ਟ䈳ᮤਠ ⍻␡Ԛ,䮯ᓖ 0-25mm ⻱ᙗᓅᓗॳ࠶㺘 11 666 013 ⌥ 11 666 014 ॳᯔ亦 Dismantling 1 Fit the transmission and check that the oil is drained. If the filter is left on the transmission, remove the filter and its console. On the HT201 also remove the oil draining pipe between gear selector valve and dropbox housing. ࠶䀓 1 ߶༷ྭਈ䙏㇡઼Ựḕ⋩⏢ᐢ㓿ᧂᒢDŽྲ᷌䗷└ಘ൘ਈ䙏㇡ Ⲵᐖ䗩ˈሶ䗷└ಘ઼สᓗ〫৫DŽ HT201 ਈ䙏㇡ҏ㾱ሶẓս䘹ᤙ䰰઼࠶ࣘ㇡փѝ䰤Ⲵ⋩⏢ᧂ⋴㇑ 〫৫DŽ 2 Remove the damping valve 2 〫৫䱫ቬ䰰 3 Remove the gear selector valve 3 〫৫ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰 6 999 080 6 999 088 6 999 090 6 999 100 6 999 105 6 999 110 6 999 115 6 999 120 6 999 130 6 999 150 E 943 E 1215 E 1224 E 1228 E 1630 ᣹ᤄಘ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

4 Mark and disconnect the oil hoses from the oil distributor plate and remove outer and inner oil distributor plate and intermediate plate. NOTE: The socket head bolts which retain the inner plate and oil pipes on the inside of the plate. 4 ḷ䇠઼᣶ᔰ䝽⋩ಘᶯкⲴ⋩㇑ˈ〫৫ཆ䜘઼޵䜘䝽⋩ಘᶯ ઼ѝ䰤ᶯDŽ ⌘᜿˖䘎᧕޵ᶯ઼⋩㇑Ⲵ㷪ṃ㾱䘎᧕ࡠᶯкDŽ

5 5

Mark and remove the hose from the lubricating oil valve and remove the lubricating oil valve. ḷ䇠઼᣶ᔰ䘎᧕⏖━䰰Ⲵ⋩㇑ˈ〫ᔰ⏖━䰰DŽ

6 Remove the oil distributor plate and remove the oil pipes from the oil distributor for second speed reverse. NOTE: The pipes on the inside of the plate. 6 〫৫䝽⋩ᶯˈӾ䝽⋩ⴈк〫৫‫ق‬ẓҼẓⲴ⋩㇑ ⌘᜿˖⋩㇑൘ⴈ޵䜘DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

7 7

8 8

9 9

Remove the cover from the torque converter, take care of any shims. Undo any locking and remove the locking washer. 〫৫ਈ⸙ಘⲴ㖙ⴆˈ‫؍‬㇑ྭෛ⡷ˈᶮᔰ䬱 ᇊ 〫৫䬱ᇊෛസDŽ

Lift up the torque converter. Weight approx. 110Kg(243 Ib) ਺䎧ਈ⸙ಘ 䟽䟿བྷ㓖 110Kg˄243Ib˅

Remove both the power take-offs. 〫䎠ਆ࣋ಘDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

10 Remove the oil pipes for forward-first, reverse-second and the connecting pipe to the torque converter foot. Also remove the lubrication oil pipe for forward-first and reverse-second and on HT201 the return oil pipe. 10 ৫ࡽ䘋аẓǃ ਾ䘰ҼẓⲴ⋩㇑ˈ䘎᧕ࡠਈ⸙ಘᓅ䜘Ⲵ⋩㇑DŽ 〫৫ࡽ䘋аẓˈ‫ق‬ẓҼẓⲴ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ〫৫ HT201 Ⲵഎ ⋩㇑DŽ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

‫ق‬ẓҼẓ ⏖━⋩㇑ ‫ق‬ẓҼẓ ࡽ䘋аẓ ࡽ䘋аẓ 䘎᧕㇑ എ⋩㇑˄HT201˅


Remove the torque converter safety valve. Take out spring and ball. 11 〫৫ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰DŽ 〫䎠ᕩ㉗઼䫒⨳DŽ

12 Remove any circlip from the turbine shaft. Move pipe and spring guide for the torque converter safety valve and remove the pump cover. NOTE: Alternatively the oil pump can be removed as a complete unit as shown in the figure. Weight of complete oil pump approx.30 kg(66 Ib) 12 ৫⏑䖞䖤кⲴԫօᕩ㉗ᥑസˈ〫৫ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰кⲴሬ㇑ ઼ሬੁᕩ㉗ˈ〫৫⌥ⴆDŽ ⌘᜿˖ྲമᡰ⽪ˈ⋩⌥ਟԕ֌ѪањᮤփⲴঅ‫〫ݳ‬৫ ᮤփ⋩⌥Ⲵ䟽䟿㓖Ѫ 30KG˄66Ib˅


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 13 13

Remove the oil distributors, torque converter foot and turbine shaft. ৫䝽⋩ⴈˈਈ⸙ಘ᭟㞯઼⏑䖞䖤DŽ

14 Remove inner circlip, spacer ring (HT200) and support ring from the reverse-second clutch shaft. 14 Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤к〫৫޵䜘ᕩ㉗ᥑസˈ䳄⿫⧟˄HT200˅઼ ᭟᫁⧟DŽ

15 Remove outer circlip from the third-fourth clutch shaft. 15 ‫ق‬ẓഋẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤кⲴཆ䜘ᕩᙗෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 16

Remove the bolts for the housing halves and lift up the front half. Weight approx. 125Kg (276Ib) Tap lightly on the third-fourth clutch shaft. Make sure that all clutch shafts remain in the Lower housing half. 16 〫৫㷪ṃˈ਺䎧кॺ㖙༣DŽ 䟽䟿བྷ㓖 125KG˄276Ib˅ 䖫᣽йẓ-ഋẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤 ⺞ᇊᡰᴹ⿫ਸಘ䖤൘л⨝㖙༣޵DŽ

17 Lift away intermediate gear. 17 ਆ䎧ѝ䰤喯䖞DŽ

18 Lift out the clutch shafts in the order: reverse-second, forward-first and finally the third-fourth shaft. The weight of the clutch shafts are approx: reverse-second 50 Kg(110Ib), forward-first 50 kg(110Ib)and third-fourth 30Kg(66Ib). 18 л䶒Ⲵ亪ᒿ਺ࠪ⿫ਸಘ䖤˖ ‫ق‬ẓҼẓˈࡽ䘋аẓˈйẓഋẓ ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵ䟽䟿བྷ㓖ᱟ˖ ‫ق‬ẓҼẓ 50kg˄110Ib˅ˈࡽ䘋аẓ 50Kg ˄110Ib˅ˈйẓഋẓ 30Kg˄66Ib˅DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 19 19

Remove the cover for the suction strainer and take out the strainer. 〫৫੨⋩└㖁Ⲵⴆᆀˈ᤯ࠪ└㖁DŽ

20 Remove circlip, lock washer and the rear drive flange. 20 〫৫ᕩᙗᥑസˈ䬱ᇊෛസ઼ਾ傡ࣘ⌅‫ޠ‬


Remove the bearing retainer. Take care of any shims. 21 〫৫䖤᢯ᢈ ‫؍‬㇑ྭᡰᴹෛ⡷


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 22 Remove circlip, lock washer and the front drive flange. 22 〫৫ᕩᙗᥑസˈ䬱ᇊෛസ઼ࡽ傡ࣘ⌅‫ޠ‬DŽ

NOTE˖With effect from transmission the lower output shaft has been changed to the version shown blow. ⌘᜿˖Ӿਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 2791 䎧л䗃ࠪ䖤ਈѪҶл䶒䘉⿽ṧᔿDŽ

࣋䗃ࠪ䖤ˈӾ㕆⸱ 2791 ਾᴹ᭸

TRANSMISSION 23 Remove the cover of the brake housing together with piston. ਈ䙏㇡ 㕆⸱-2790 23 〫৫ࡦࣘᵪᷦⲴ㖙ⴆ઼⍫ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 24 Take out the brake discs. Also remove the locking pin. 24 ਆࠪࡦࣘⴈ 〫৫䬱ᇊ䬰


Take out the brake housing. Use two bolts as puller screws. NOTE: The threaded length of the bolts should be increased to approx. 40 mm. 25 〫৫ࡦࣘᵪᷦ ֯⭘єṩ㷪ṃ֌Ѫ亴ᔰ㷪ṃ ⌘᜿˖㷪ṃⲴ㷪㓩䮯ᓖ䴰㾱໎࣐ࡠབྷ㓖 40mmDŽ Continue according to point 27 page 36. ᧕лᶕⲴ↕僔Ѫ 27.


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ TRANSMISSION rebuilt version ਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 2791-ᡆ‫؞‬ᮤ⡸ᵜ 23

Remove the three plugs in the cover of the parking brake and release the parking brake application by pulling in the three bolts in the piston. Remove the brake housing bolts and lift away the cover together with piston and spring 23 〫৫‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘ㖙ⴆкⲴйњ๥ຎˈ䙊䗷᣹ ࠪ⍫ຎкⲴйњ㷪ṃˈ֯傫䖖ࡦࣘ䀓䲔DŽ 〫৫ࡦࣘᵪᷦ㷪ṃˈ਺䎧㖙ⴆ৺⍫ຎˈᕩ ㉗DŽ

24 24

Pull away the bearing ᣹ࠪ䖤᢯DŽ

25 25

Take out the brake discs. ਆࠪࡦࣘⴈDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


Take out the brake housing. NOTE: Use screwdrivers or pincbars. 26 ਆࠪࡩ䖖ᵪᷦDŽ ⌘᜿˖֯⭘㷪э䎧ᆀᡆ

27 27

Lift out the output shaft. ਆࠪ䗃ࠪ䖤DŽ

28 28

Remove the splash plate. 〫৫ᥑ≤ᶯDŽ


Remove the cover and remove the bearing retainer for the third-fourth shaft. Take care of any shims. 29 〫৫㖙ⴆˈ〫৫йẓ-ഋẓ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯ᢈDŽ ‫؍‬㇑ྭᡰᴹෛ⡷DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 30

Press the third-fourth shaft out of the gear. NOTE: Hold the gear so that it does not fall down to the bottom of the transmission. 30 ሶйẓ-ഋẓ䖤঻ࠪ喯䖞DŽ ⌘᜿˖ᨑտ喯䖞֯ަнՊᦹ‫ޕ‬ਈ䙏ಘⲴᓅ 䜘DŽ

31 31

Lift out the gear. ਆࠪ喯䖞DŽ


Remove the bearing cover for the reverse-second clutch shaft and remove the end washer of the shaft and the support ring of the bearing. 32 〫৫‫ق‬ẓҼẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯ⴆˈ〫৫䖤 Ⲵਾෛസ઼䖤᢯Ⲵ᭟᫁⧟DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 33

press out the gear wheel for the second speed and the clutch drum. NOTE: Hold the clutch drum so that it does not fall to the bottom of the transmission housing. 33 ঻ࠪҼ䙏喯䖞৺⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ ⌘᜿˖ᨑտ⿫ਸಘ啃֯ަнՊᦹ‫ޕ‬ਈ䙏ಘⲴ ᓅ䜘DŽ

34 34

Remove the tool and take out the gear wheel. 〫৫ᐕާˈਆࠪ喯䖞


When required, drive all remaining bearing out of the housing. The bearing of the intermediate gear are pulled out according to the figure. 35 ྲ᷌䴰㾱ˈሶᡰᴹ࢙։䖤᢯ਆࠪ༣փ ѝ䰤喯䖞䖤᢯ṩᦞྲമᡰ⽪᣹ࠪDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ TORQUE CONVERTER, REBUILDING ਈ⸙ಘˈ䟽ᯠࡦ֌ When repairing torque converter up to and including ᖃ‫⨶؞‬ਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱Ѫ 2464 ৺ԕлⲴਈ transmission, the torque converter should ⸙ಘᰦˈਈ⸙ಘ䴰㾱᤹ԕл᧿䘠䟽ᯠࡦ be rebuilt as described below: 䙐˖ Regarding the changing of torque converter foot ‫ޣ‬Ҿਈ⸙ಘᓅ䜘࣐кᕩᙗෛസᱟӾਈ when a circlip has been introduced 䙏ಘ㕆⸱ 1639 ᔰ࿻Ⲵˈ㿱 130 亥DŽ transmission, see page 130. 1 In order to keep the stator according to earlier version, a recess has to be milled out in the stator for the wear washer. Then drill and ream a new hole for the guide pin. 1 ѪҶ֯പᇊ⡷оᰙᵏ⡸ᵜа㠤ˈѪҶ᭮㖞ෛസ ൘പᇊ⡷к䬓ࠪҶањࠩ‭DŽਾѪሬੁ䬰䫫ᢙҶањᆄDŽ

1 Blunt end of rotor blade 䖜ࣘਦ⡷Ⲵ䫍䀂 2 Reference diameter ส߶ⴤᖴ 3 Reaming depth 㔎␡ 2 Check that the thrust bearing has a running clearance in the torque converter foot. If this is not the case, the torque converter foot Should be machined as described below. 2 Ựḕਈ⸙ಘᓅ䜘Ⲵ᧘࣋䖤᢯ᴹ䘀ࣘオ䰤DŽ ྲ᷌нᱟ䘉⿽ᛵߥˈਈ⸙ಘᓅ䜘ᓄ䈕ྲл䶒 ᧿䘠ⲴᵪᶴDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ TORQUE CONVERTER, RECONDITIONING ਈ⸙ಘˈ‫⨶؞‬ Op. no. 43711 Tools˄ᐕާ˅: 999 2628 Lifting chain 䎧䟽䬮 6 999 001 Handle ᢺ᡻ 6 999 065 Plate ᶯ 6 999 115 Plate ᶯ Dial gauge with magnetic base ᑖ⻱ᙗสᓅⲴ⍻ᗞԚ Dismantling ᣶࠶ 1 Mark the pump housing halves and part the halves. 1 ḷ䇠л⌥༣Ⲵ࠶⭼ˈᒦ⋯⵰࠶⭼ሶަ᣶࠶DŽ

2 2

Lift away turbine rotor and thrust bearing. ਺䎧⏑䖞䖜ᆀ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ


Remove the stator and thrust bearing. Take care of any shims. For rebuilding of stator, see page 39. 3 〫䎠ᇊᆀ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ‫؍‬㇑ྭᡰᴹෛ⡷DŽ ሩҾᇊᆀⲴ䟽ᯠࡦ֌ˈ㿱к亥DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 4 4

Lift up the thrust and oil distributor washers. ᨀ䎧᧘઼࣋࠶⋩ෛസDŽ

5 5

Remove the bolts and lift away the pump rotor. 〫䎠㷪ṃˈѮ䎧⌥䖞䖜ᆀDŽ

6 6

Tap out the bearing. ਙࠪ䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 7 7

Remove the circlip. 〫䎠ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

8 8

Drive out the drive sleeve. ᢃᦹՐࣘ྇DŽ

9 9

Drive the bearing out of the pump housing half. ሶ䖤᢯Ӿ⌥ॺ༣ѝᢃࠪDŽ

10 10

Clean and change necessary parts. ␵⍇઼ᴯᦒᗵ㾱Ⲵ䜘ԦDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Assembling 㻵䝽

11 Fit a new O-ring in the drive sleeve. 11 㔉Րࣘ྇ᆹ㻵ањᯠⲴ O ᖒസDŽ

12 Drive in the bearing in the gear which drives the power take-offs. 12 ሶ傡ࣘਆ࣋䖤Ⲵ喯䖞㻵к䖤᢯DŽ

13 Fit the pump rotor on the gear which drives the power take-offs according to earlier made marks. Tighten the bolts to 95 N m(70 Ibf ft). 13 ሶ⌥䖞䖜ᆀṩᦞ‫Ⲵࡽݸ‬ḷ䇠ᆹ㻵ࡠ傡ࣘਆ࣋ 䖤Ⲵ喯䖞кDŽ 㷪ṃ㍗പ࣋⸙ 95N m˄70 Ibf ft˅.


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

14 Fit the thrust and oil distributor washers in the pump housing half. NOTE˖The locking of the washer in done with the guide pin. 14 ሶ᧘઼࣋䝽⋩ෛസᆹ㻵ࡠ⌥ॺ༣DŽ ⌘᜿˖ෛസⲴ䘎᧕䰝䬱ᱟ֯⭘Ҷሬੁ䬰DŽ

15 Fit the thrust bearing 15 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ

16 Insert any existing shims and the thrust washer. NOTE: The locking of the washer and the shims with the guide pin. NOTE: If parts which affect the end float have been changed, the determination of the shim thickness should be carried out according to point 23.Therefore, no shims should be fitted at this stage. 16 ᨂ‫⧠ޕ‬ᴹⲴෛ⡷઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ෛസ઼ෛ⡷Ⲵ䰝䬱ᱟ֯⭘ሬੁ䬰DŽ ⌘᜿˖ྲ᷌ᖡ૽ࡠㄟ䜘⎞ࣘⲴ䜘Ԧᴤᦒˈࡉෛ ⡷Ⲵ৊ᓖ䴰㾱ṩᦞ 23 ᶑ䇑㇇ࠪᶕˈᡰԕᵜ↕⋑ ᴹਸ䘲Ⲵෛ⡷DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 17 Position the stator 17 ᆹ㻵ᇊᆀ

18 Insert the thrust washer and thrust bearing. NOTE: The locking of the washer is done with the guide pin. 18 ᨂ‫࣋᧘ޕ‬ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ⌘᜿˖ෛസⲴ䬱ᇊᱟ֯⭘ሬੁ䬰DŽ

19 Fit the turbine rotor. 19 ᆹ㻵⏑䖞䖜ᆀDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

20 Position the cover Use two bolts. 20 ᆹ㻵ⴆᶯ ֯⭘єњ㷪ṃ

21 Drive the bearing into position in the pump housing half.(Applies to HT200 up to and including transmission Drive the bearing against the cover.(Applies to HT200 with effect from transmission or rebuilt version and HT201) 21 ሶ䖤᢯ᆹ㻵൘⌥ॺ༣Ⲵս㖞кDŽ ˄䘲⭘Ҿਈ䙏 ㇡㕆⸱ 1638 ৺ԕлⲴ˅ ֯䖤᢯䶐տⴆᶯDŽ˄䘲⭘ҾӾ 1639 㕆⸱ѻਾ Ⲵ HT200 ᡆ䟽ᯠࡦ֌⡸ᵜ઼ HT201˅DŽ

22 Assemble the pump housing halves according to earlier made marks. Use only four bolts. NOTE: The existing marks according to the Figure on both the housing halves should be Displaced 180erelative to each other. 22 ֯⭘ᰙӋᰦ‫Ⲵى‬ḷ䇠ሶ⌥ॺ༣ᆹ㻵൘а䎧DŽ ਚ֯⭘ഋњ㷪ṃDŽ ⌘᜿˖ྲമᡰ⽪൘єњ⌥ॺ༣кⲴᆈ൘Ⲵḷ䇠 䴰㾱⴨ሩҾሩᯩ᯻䖜 180eDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 23 Turn the torque converter. Make sure that stator and turbine rotor are at the bottom. Measure the total clearance between oil distributor washer and thrust bearing. Make sure that the feeler gauge on the E-tool does not flex. The reading on the dial gauge+ the thickness of the feeler gauge=the total end float. Select shims so that the clearance becomes 0.1-0.7 mm(0.004-0.028 in). Make a note of the shim thickness. 23 㘫䖜ਈ⸙ಘˈ֯ᇊᆀ઼⏑䖞䖜ᆀ൘ᓅ䜘DŽ ⍻䟿࠶⋩ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯Ⲵᙫ䰤䳉DŽ ⺞ᇊ E-ᐕާкⲴ⍻䳉㿴нᕟᴢDŽ ⍻ᗞԚⲴ䈫ᮠ+⍻䳉㿴Ⲵ৊ᓖ=ᙫᵛㄟ䰤䳉DŽ 䘹ᤙෛ⡷֯䰤䳉䈳㠣 0.1-0.7mm ˄0.004-0.028 in˅ DŽ ሶෛ⡷Ⲵ৊ᓖ‫ڊ‬њḷ䇠DŽ

24 Part the pump housing halves. 24 ᣶࠶ᔰ⌥ॺ༣DŽ

25 Lift away turbine rotor and thrust bearing and remove the stator. 25 ᨀ䎧⏑䖞䖜ᆀ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯ˈ〫䎠ᇊᆀDŽ

26 Heat the stator in an oven to approx.125ć (257eF)and remove the thrust washer. NOTE: If the stator is placed in the oven with the washer turned downwards, the washer may, under favourable conditions, fall out of the stator. 26 ሶᇊᆀ᭮ࡠ࣐✝㇡ѝ࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 125ć ˄257eF)ˈ〫䎠᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ⌘᜿˖ྲ᷌ሶᇊᆀ᭮൘࣐✝㇡䟼ᰦሶෛസᵍੁлˈෛസ ਟ㜭㠚ࣘⲴӾᇊᆀѝᦹлDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 27 With the stator still warm, position the shims calculated in point 23 and the seat for the thrust washer, provided washer and seat were parted. 27 ൘ᇊᆀ⑙ᓖ䖳儈ᰦˈᆹ㻵к↕僔 23 к䇑㇇ ࠪⲴෛ⡷ˈྲ᷌᧘࣋ෛസ઼ᓗᱟ࠶ᔰⲴˈᆹ 㻵к᧘࣋ෛസᓗDŽ

28 Position the thrust washer. NOTE: The locking is done with the guide pin. Allow the stator to cool and make sure that seat and thrust washer are at the bottom when the parts have cooled down. 28 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖֯⭘ሬੁ䬰䬱ᇊDŽ ‫ݱ‬䇨ᇊᆀߧতˈ൘䜘Ԧߧতਾ⺞ᇊᓗ઼᧘ ࣋ෛസ䜭൘ᓅ䜘DŽ 29 Position the stator. 29 ᆹ㻵ᇊᆀ 30 Insert the thrust washer and thrust bearing. NOTE: The locking is done with a guide pin. ᨂ‫࣋᧘ޕ‬ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ⌘᜿˖֯⭘ሬੁ䬰䬱ᇊDŽ 31 Fit the turbine rotor. 31 ᆹ㻵⏑䖞䖜ᆀDŽ 32 Assemble the pump housing halves according to earlier made marks. Use only four bolts. NOTE: The existing marks on both the housing halves should be displaced 180erelative to each other. 32 ṩᦞࡽᵏⲴḷ䇠ሶ⌥ॺ༣㻵䝽DŽ ਚ֯⭘ഋњ㷪ṃ ⌘᜿˖ྲമᡰ⽪൘єњ⌥ॺ༣кⲴᆈ൘Ⲵḷ䇠䴰㾱⴨ሩ Ҿሩᯩ᯻䖜 180eDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 33 Position the torque converter with the cover downwards. Make sure that stator and turbine rotor are at the bottom. Check that the end float between oil distributor washer and thrust bearing is 0.1-0.7mm(0.004-0.028 in). If the clearance is not within the prescribed valve, the shims must be changed. 33 ሶ㖙ⴆੁл᭮㖞ˈ⺞䇔ᇊᆀ઼⏑䖞 䖜ᆀ൘ᴰᓅ䜘DŽỰḕ࠶⋩ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯Ⲵ ㄟ䜘オ䳉൘ 0.1-0.7mm(0.004-0.028in). ྲ᷌オ䳉н൘㿴ᇊ㤳ത޵ˈᗵ享ᴯᦒ⴨ᓄⲴ ෛ⡷DŽ

34 Drive the sleeve into position with a soft Hammer and lock with the circlip. 34 ⭘䖟䭔ሶ྇ᮢ䘋ˈᒦ⭘ᕩᙗᥑ⧟䬱ᇊDŽ

35 Position all bolts in the pump housing halves. Tighten the bolts to 55 N m(40 Ibf ft) 35 ᆹ㻵⌥ॺ༣кⲴᡰᴹ㷪ṃ ᤗ㍗࣋⸙ 55N m˄40 Ibf ft˅


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ OIL PUMP AND TURBINE SHAFT BEARING, RECONDITIONING ⋩⌥઼⏑䖞䖤᢯ˈ‫⨶؞‬ Tools: ᐕާ˖ 6 999 001 Handle ᢣ᡻ 6 999 080 Plate ᶯ 6 999 088 Plate ᶯ Puller OTC 943 with puller bolt 515S 䫣ᆀ OTC 943 ઼᣶㻵㷪ṃ 515S Flat bar 70*20 mm, thickness 5 mm ᡱᵶ 70*20 mmˈ৊ 5 mm 1 Mark and dismantle the oil pump. Remove gear and shafts. 1 ḷ䇠ᒦ᣶л⋩⌥DŽ 〫䎠喯䖞઼䖤DŽ 2 Clean and check all parts. Change damaged and worn parts. 2 ␵⍇઼Ựḕᡰᴹ䴦ԦDŽ ᴤᦒᦏൿ઼⹤ᦏⲴ䴦ԦDŽ 3 Position gear and shafts, thoroughly lubricated. 3 ᆹ㻵ྭ喯䖞઼䖤ˈᖫᓅ⏖━DŽ 4 Assemble the oil pump. 4 㓴㻵к⋩⌥DŽ 5 When required, remove the circlip for the turbine shaft outer bearing race from the pump housing and pull out the bearing race. Remove the thrust washer. Or alternatively, make a weld bead in three places evenly distributed in the bearing race. Cool the bearing race and lift it out. NOTE: Cover the recess in the housing for the thrust bearing with a wet rag or similar. 5 䴰㾱ᰦˈሶ⏑䖞䖤ཆ䜘䖤᢯ᓗസӾ⌥༣〫䎠ˈ᣹ࠪ䖤᢯ᓗസDŽ 〫䎠᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ᡆ㘵ˈ൘䖤᢯ᓗസ൷र✺йњ✺⛩ˈߧত䖤᢯ᓗസᒦሶ ަᨀࠪDŽ ⌘᜿˖⭘⒯ᐳᡆަᆳሶ᭮㖞᧘࣋䖤᢯Ⲵ༣ࠩ䘋䜘ⴆտDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 6 Remove the circlip and press off bearings and washers from the tubing shaft. Check that the lubricating hole in the shaft is open. 6 〫৫ᕩᙗෛസˈӾ⏑䖞䖤к঻ᔰ䖤᢯઼ෛസDŽ Ựḕ䖤кⲴ⏖━ᆄ֯ަᢃᔰDŽ 7 Change the turbine shaft sealing ring. 7 ᴤᦒ⏑䖞䖤ᇶሱസDŽ

8 Heat inner thrust washer and bearings to approx. 100ć(212eF). Fit thrust washer and bearings into positon. The chamfer of the thrust washer should be turned away from the shoulder. ࣐✝޵䜘᧘࣋ෛസ઼䖤᢯ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć˄212eF)DŽ ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼䖤᢯DŽ ᧘࣋ෛസⲴᯌ䶒ᓄ䈕䖜⿫ਠ㛙DŽ

9 Fit the spacer washer and lock with the circlip. 9 ᆹ㻵䳄⿫ෛസ઼ᕩᙗෛസDŽ

10 Fit the thrust bearing and position the sealing ring. 10 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋䖤᢯઼ᇶሱ⧟DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 11 Fit thrust washer, 5mm, into position, Turn the chamfer downwards(against the torque converter) and drive in the turbine shaft outer bearing race. 11 ᆹ㻵 5mm ᧘࣋ෛസࡠਸ䘲ս㖞ˈሶᯌ䶒ੁл᭮㖞˄ሩ⵰ਈ ⸙ಘ˅ ˈሶ⏑䖞䖤ཆ䜘䖤᢯ᓗസᮢ䘋DŽ

12 Fit the circlip. 12 ᆹ㻵ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ DAMPING VALVE, RECONDITIONING 䱫ቬ䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬ Dismantling ᣶࠶ 1 Remove the two covers and take out the springs. 1 〫䎠єњⴆᆀˈਆࠪᕩ㉗DŽ 2 Take out pistons and springs. 2 ਆࠪ⍫ຎ઼ᕩ㉗DŽ 3 Clean and change necessary parts. Change the O-rings. 3 ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒᗵ㾱䴦ԦDŽ ᴤᦒ O ᖒസDŽ NOTE: There are two versions of the valve spool. They are fully interchangeable. Use the same spool version. The newer spool gives a smoother gear-shift. ⌘᜿˖ᴹє⿽⡸ᵜⲴ䰰ᵶˈԆԜާᴹᆼ‫ޘ‬ӂᦒᙗDŽ ֯⭘਼а⡸ᵜⲴ䰰ᵶˈᯠ䰰ᵶާᴹᴤྭⲴᦒẓḄ亪ᙗDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Assembling 㻵䝽 4 Fit pistons and springs into position. 4 ሶ⍫ຎ઼ᕩ㉗ᆹ㻵䘋⴨ᓄⲴս㖞DŽ 5 Insert the springs and fit the covers. 5 㻵‫ޕ‬ᕩ㉗ˈᆹ㻵㖙༣DŽ GEAR SELECTOR VALVE, RECONDITIONING ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬ Tools˄ᐕާ˅: 999 3577 Spanner(solenoid valve type ASCO) 999 3517 Spanner(solenoid valve type Skinner) 999 3577 ᢣ᡻˄ASCO ර⭥⻱䰰˅ 999 3517 ᢣ᡻˄Skinner ර⭥⻱䰰˅ Dismantling

1 Remove cover and leads. NOTE: The lead marking in the cover. 1 〫䎠㖙ⴆ઼ሬੁḡDŽ ⌘᜿˖൘㖙ⴆк‫ڊ‬кሬੁḷ䇠DŽ

2 Loosen the solenoid valves and lift them up NOTE: The star washers under the valves. 2 ᶮᔰ⭥⻱䰰ᒦሶަ਺䎧DŽ ⌘᜿˖⭥⻱䰰л䶒ᴹᱏᖒෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 3 Remove the retainer for the solenoid valves together with valve spool and spring. NOTE: The O-rings. 3 ሶ⭥⻱䰰Ⲵ‫؍‬ᤱ઼ᷦ䰰ᵶ઼ᕩ㉗а䎧〫䎠DŽ ⌘᜿˖O ᖒസDŽ

4 Remove the cover. 4 〫䎠㖙ⴆDŽ

5 Remove the pressure-limiting valve spring together with the guide. 5 ሶ঻࣋᧗ࡦ䰰ᕩ㉗оሬੁ㻵㖞а䎧ਆࠪDŽ

6 Lift out springs and spools. 6 ਆࠪᕩ㉗઼䰰ᵶDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

7 When required the solenoid valve seats can be removed. Use a small drift to drive out the seats. 7 ᖃ䴰㾱ሶ⭥⻱䰰䰰ᓗ〫䎠ᰦˈ֯⭘ањሿᆄ䭔ሶަᮢ ࠪDŽ

8 Remove the cover. 8 〫䎠㖙ⴆDŽ

9 Remove the pressure-limiting valve. 9 〫䎠঻࣋᧗ࡦ䰰DŽ 10 Clean and change necessary parts. Change The O-rings. 10 ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒᗵ享Ⲵ䴦ԦDŽ ᴤᦒ O ᖒസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Assembling

11 Position the washer of the pressure-limiting valve and the spring. 11 ᆹ㻵঻࣋᧗ࡦ䰰Ⲵෛസ઼ᕩ㉗DŽ

12 Drive the valve seats into position, if these were removed. Lock with locking fluid, strong. NOTE: The seat may be without a recess. 12 ሶ䰰ᓗᮢ䘋⴨ᓄⲴս㖞ˈྲ᷌ᆳԜ⍫ࣘˈ⭘ᕪ࣋㜦ሶ ԆԜപᇊDŽ ⌘᜿: 䰰ᓗਟ㜭⋑ᴹࠩ‭DŽ

13 Bolt on the cover. Tighten the bolts to 15 Nm(11 Ibf ft). Bolt on the solenoid valve retainers Together with valves, springs and O-rings. NOTE: Make sure that the tapered end of the spring sticks out of the valve. Tighten to 12 Nm(9 Ibf ft)(Skinner)and 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft)(ASCO). 13 ᤗк㖙ⴆкⲴ㷪ṃDŽ ሶ࣋⸙㍗പࡠ 15 Nm˄11 Ibf ft˅ ᤗк⭥⻱䰰പᇊᷦⲴ㷪ṃDŽ वᤜ䰰ˈᕩ㉗઼ O ᖒസDŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞‫؍‬ᕩ㉗Ⲵ䭕㹼ቮㄟըࠪ䰰DŽ ᤗ㍗࣋⸙ 12 Nm˄9 Ibf ft˅˄skinner ර˅ ઼ 25 Nm˄18 Ibf ft˅˄ASCO ර˅ DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

14 Position the locking for the solenoid Valves. A solenoid valve with separate retainer for locking of all solenoids is introduced on HT200 with effect from transmission and on HT201. Earlier version is provided with separate toothed washers under each solenoid valve. 14 ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊ⭥⻱䰰DŽ ⇿њ⭥⻱䰰֯⭘ањ࠶䳄ᷦ⭘ᶕ䬱ᇊˈ 䘉⿽ᯩ⌅ᓄ⭘൘Ҷ HT200 㕆⸱ 2097 ԕ ਾ઼ HT201. ᰙᵏ⡸ᵜᱟ֯⭘࠶䳄喯ᖒ ෛസ᭮㖞൘⭥⻱䰰лDŽ

15 Fit the solenoid valves. NOTE: Earlier version socket head Bolts. Connect the leads. For how to connect, see the Marking inside the cover. 15 ᆹ㻵⭥⻱䰰DŽ ⌘᜿˖ᰙᵏᖒᔿⲴࠩཤ㷪䪹DŽ 䘎᧕ሬੁ㻵㖞 ṩᦞ㖙ⴆ޵䜘Ⲵḷ䇠䘋㹼䘎᧕DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 16 Fit the cover. 16 ᆹ㻵㖙ⴆDŽ

17 Position spring and spool in the respective Bores. 17 ൘⇿њ䰰㞄ѝᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗઼䰰ᵶDŽ

18 Position the spool for the clutch pressure-limiting valve. 18 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ঻࣋䲀ࡦ䰰Ⲵ䰰ᵶDŽ

19 Check that all spools move easily and bolt on the cover. Tighten the bolts to 15 Nm(11 Ibf ft). 19 Ựḕᡰᴹ䰰ᵶਟԕ㠚⭡〫ࣘˈᒦк㍗൘㖙ⴆкDŽ㍗ᇊ࣋⸙Ѫ 15Nm˄11 Ibf ft˅.


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ LUBRICATING OIL VALVE, RECONDITIONING ⏖━䰰ˈ‫⨶؞‬ Dismantling ᣶࠶ 1 Remove both end covers and take out spring, washer and spool. 1 〫ᔰᡰᴹㄟⴆˈਆࠪᕩ㉗ˈෛസ઼䰰ᵶDŽ 2 Clean and change necessary parts. 2 ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒᗵ㾱Ⲵ䴦ԦDŽ 3 Insert spool, washer and spring. NOTE: The stud of the spool towards the washer. Bolts on the end covers. 3 㻵‫ޕ‬䰰ᵶˈෛസ઼ᕩ㉗ ⌘᜿˖䰰ᵶⲴḡཤሩ⵰ෛസDŽ 㷪ṃᆹ㻵൘ㄟⴆкDŽ POWER TAKE-OFF, RECONDITIONING ਆ࣋ಘˈ‫⨶؞‬ Tools˄ᐕާ˅˖ 6 999 001 6 999 050 6 999 065

Handle Plate Plate

ᢣ᡻ ᶯ ᶯ

Dismantling 1 Remove the circlip for the drive sleeve and take out the drive sleeve. 1 〫䎠Րࣘ྇Ⲵᕩᙗᥑസˈ〫䎠Րࣘ྇DŽ

2 Remove the outer circlip of the bearing. 2 〫৫䖤᢯Ⲵཆᕩᙗᥑസ 3 Press out the shaft. 3 ঻ࠪ䖤DŽ 4 Press the bearing from the shaft. 4 Ӿ䖤ѝ঻ࠪ䖤᢯DŽ 5 Clean and check and change necessary parts. 5 ␵⍇ǃỰḕǃᴤᦒ䴰㾱Ⲵ䴦ԦDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Assembling 6 Press the larger bearing onto the shaft. NOTE: The bearing is positioned on the same side as the circlip groove of the shaft. 6 ሶ䖳བྷ䖤᢯঻㻵൘䖤кDŽ ⌘᜿˖䖤᢯ᆹ㻵൘䖤кᕩᙗෛസ‭Ⲵ਼а‫ח‬DŽ 7 Fit the smaller bearing in the housing. 7 ሶ䖳ሿ䖤᢯ᆹ㻵ࡠཆ༣кDŽ 8 Insert gear and spacer ring in the housing. Press in the shaft together with the bearing. Make sure that the pressing force is applied on the inner race. Lock with the circlip. 8 ൘ཆ༣ѝ㻵‫ޕ‬喯䖞઼䳄⿫⧟DŽ ઼䖤᢯а䎧঻‫ޕ‬䖤кDŽ ⺞‫࣋঻؍‬䜭֌⭘൘Ҷ޵྇സкDŽ ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䬱ᇊ 9 Fit the drive sleeve into position and lock with the circlip. 9 ሶՐࣘ྇㻵‫⴨ޕ‬ᓄս㖞ˈ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䬱ᇊDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ FORWARD AND FIRST CLUTCHES, DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLING ࡽ䘋઼аẓ⿫ਸಘ ᣶࠶઼㻵䝽 Dismantling ᣶࠶ 1 Place the shaft in the fixture and remove the sealing rings(piston steel ring type)for the forward clutch from the shaft. Pull off the bearing. Remove the thrust washer. 1 ሶ䖤പᇊˈӾ䖤к〫৫ࡽ䘋⿫ਸಘᇶሱ⧟ ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ ᣹ࠪ䖤᢯DŽ 〫৫᧘࣋ෛസDŽ

2 Remove the thrust bearing and the thrust washer. 2 〫৫᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

3 Lift up the clutch drum. 3 Ѯ䎧⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

4 Remove bearings, thrust washer, thrust bearing and thrust washer. 4 〫৫䖤᢯ˈ᧘࣋ෛസˈ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ

5 Remove the circlip and lift away the thrust plate. 5 〫䎠ᕩᙗᥑസˈᨀ䎧᧘࣋ᶯDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 6 Lift up the disc pack 6 ᨀࠪⴈ㓴ԦDŽ

7 Apply the tool and remove the circlip. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt of the tool can be screwed in at least another 100mm(4 in), before starting to compress the spring. NOTE: Compress the spring only so much as to make it possible to remove the circlip. 7 ֯⭘ྲമᐕާˈ〫৫ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ ⌘᜿˖൘঻㕙ᕩ㉗ѻࡽˈ⺞ᇊᐕާкⲴ㷪 ṃ㠣ቁ᯻‫ޕ‬㷪㓩 100mm(4 in). ⌘᜿˖ሶᕩ㉗঻㕙ࡠਟԕ〫ࣘᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

ড䲙ʽ The force of the compressed spring is 1000-1100 N (225-247 Ibf) ঻㕙ᕩ㉗Ⲵഎ༽࣋ᱟ 1000-1100 N (225-247 Ibf)

8 Remove the tool, the clutch hub and the spring. 8 〫䎠ᐕާǃ⿫ਸಘ⇲઼ᕩ㉗DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

9 Lift up the support ring. 9 ᣶л᭟᢯⧟DŽ

10 Remove the application piston. Remove the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) piston and the gear wheel. 10 〫৫᫽㓥⍫ຎDŽ 〫৫ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅⍫ຎ઼喯䖞

11 Turn the shaft, pull off the bearing and remove the spacer ring. 11 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ᣹ࠪ䖤᢯઼〫ᔰ䳄⿫⧟DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

12 Remove the circlip 12 〫䎠ᕩᙗᥑസ

13 Remove the wear ring by prising up the clutch drum. 13 〫৫⼘ᦏ⧟DŽ

14 Lift up the clutch drum together with the bearing. Remove the bearing and the wear ring. The wear ring may be left in place and removed to together with the hub according to point 19. 14 ሶ⿫ਸಘ啃઼䖤᢯а䎧᣶л 〫䎠䖤᢯઼⼘ᦏ⧟ ⼘ᦏ⧟ਟԕ⮉൘৏䜘࠶ˈ❦ਾṩᦞ↕僔 19 ઼⿫ ਸಘ⇲а䎧〫䎠DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 15 Remove the coiled locking ring. NOTE: When removing , make sure that the end of the coiled locking ring is flush with the end of the circlip, in order to be able to remove the coiled locking ring. 15 〫䎠䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ ⌘᜿˖᣶лᰦˈ⺞ᇊ䬱ᇊধ⧟Ⲵᵛㄟоᕩ ㉗ᥑസⲴᵛㄟᱟᒣ喀ⲴDŽԕ‫ׯ‬㜭ཏ᣶л䬱 ᇊধ⧟DŽ

16 Remove the locking ring for the disc pack and lift up the thrust plate. 16 〫৫ⴈ㓴ԦⲴ䬱ᇊ⧟ˈᨀ䎧᧘࣋ᶯDŽ

17 Lift up the disc pack 17 ᨀࠪⴈ㓴ԦDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 18 Compress the return spring for the application piston. NOTE: The thrust plate. Remove the split locking washer. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt on the tool has a movement of at least 100mm(4 in), after starting to compress the spring. 18 ঻㕙᫽㓥⍫ຎⲴഎսᕩ㉗DŽ ⌘᜿˖᧘࣋ᶯ 〫৫ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖൘ᔰ࿻঻㕙ᕩ㉗ѻਾˈ⺞ᇊᐕާкⲴ㷪ṃ㠣 ቁᴹ 100mm Ⲵ〫ࣘDŽ

ড䲙ʽ The force of the compressed spring is 1000-1100N(225247 Ibf) ঻㕙ᕩ㉗Ⲵ࣋ᴹ 1000-1100N˄225-247 Ibf˅ 1 2 3 4

999 3598 999 3599-1 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ Locking washer 䬱ᇊෛസ

19 Remove the tool and lift up the thrust washer, clutch hub and spring and also the wear ring, if not removed earlier. 19 〫ᔰᐕާˈᨀ䎧᧘࣋ෛസˈ⿫ਸಘ⇲ˈᕩ㉗ˈ⼘ᦏ ⧟˄ྲ᷌ᰙ‫⋑ݸ‬ᴹ〫䎠˅ DŽ

20 Remove the application piston and remove the sealing rings (piston steel ring type) from the shaft and the piston. 20 〫䎠᫽㓥⍫ຎˈӾ䖤к〫䎠ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ ઼⍫ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 21 Check that the holes for the cooling oil in the shaft and in the gear wheel align. It should be possible to insert a drill bit with a thickness of at least 5 mm through both holes. If this is not possible, change the gear wheel. The gear wheel is shrunk onto the shaft and must thus be heated before it is pressed off the shaft. When necessary press the shaft out of the gear wheel and the dual-stage application piston. 21 Ựḕ䖤઼喯䖞ࡇкⲴߧত⋩ᆄDŽᡰᴹᆄᗵ㾱 㜭ᨂ‫ޕ‬৊ᓖᴰሿ 5mm Ⲵ䫫ཤDŽྲ᷌⋑ᴹਟ 㜭ˈᴤᦒ喯䖞DŽ 喯䖞ᱟ䗷⳸䝽ਸ൘䖤кⲴˈഐ↔㾱঻ࠪ䖤ᗵ 享㾱࣐✝喯䖞DŽ ᖃ䴰㾱ሶ䖤Ӿ喯䖞઼Ҽ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎѝ঻ࠪDŽ

22 When necessary press the shaft out of the gear wheel and the dual-stage application piston. Remove the circlip, clean and change necessary parts. Make sure that the holes in the gear wheel, pistons and the ducts in the shaft are not clogged. 22 ᖃ䴰㾱ᰦሶ䖤Ӿ喯䖞઼Ҽ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎѝ঻ ࠪDŽ 〫䎠ᕩᙗᥑസˈ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒᗵ㾱Ⲵ䜘ԦDŽ⺞ ‫؍‬൘喯䖞ǃ⍫ຎ઼䖤䗃䘱㇑кⲴᆄ⋑ᴹ๥ ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Assembling

23 Heat the gear wheel and the dual-stage application piston in an oven to approx. 100ć(212eF), if these parts where Removed. Check that the circlip for the dual-stage application piston is in position on the shaft and put on the piston and the gear-wheel. NOTE˖Make sure that the dual-stage application piston fits closely up against the circlip even after the parts have cooled down. 23 ሶ喯䖞઼Ҽ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎ࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100 ć˄212eF)ˈྲ᷌䘉Ӌ䴦Ԧᐢ㓿᣶лDŽ ỰḕҼ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎⲴᕩᙗᥑസᐢ㓿㻵кˈ ሶ⍫ຎ઼喯䖞㻵кDŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞‫؍‬൘ߧতਾҼ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎ઼ᕩᙗᥑ സⲴᆹ㻵䝽ਸ㢟ྭDŽ

24 Turn the shaft and fit the sealing ring(piston steel ring type)on the first clutch shaft end. Lubricate the ring with petroleum jelly. 24 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ൘аẓ䖤ᵛㄟᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ ຎ⧟˅ DŽ ⭘⸣⋩ส⏖━⏢⏖━ᇶሱ⧟DŽ

25 Position the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 25 ൘⍫ຎкᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 26 Make the rings stay in position by coating them with petroleum jelly and position the piston. 26 ֯⧟ᆹ㻵ࡠսᒦ⭘ࠑ༛᷇⋩⎲ᣩˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ

27 Position spring and hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.72mm(2.83 in)and the number of coils is 4.5. The length of the hub is approx.53mm(2.09 in). 27 ᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ ID Ѫབྷ㓖 72mm(2.83in)઼㓯സⲴ㕆⸱ Ѫ 4.5DŽ⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖབྷ㓖ᱟ 53mm(2.09in).

28 Position the tool and compress the spring using the thrust plate as a support for the tool. Make sure that the hub enters the splines. Fit the locking ring halves with the chamfer upwards. 28 ᆹ㻵ᐕާˈ֯⭘᧘࣋ᶯ֌Ѫᐕާ᭟᫁঻㕙ᕩ㉗DŽ ⺞ᇊ⇲䘋‫ޕ‬喯‭DŽ ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊॺ⧟ᒦ֯ަᯌ䶒ੁкDŽ

29 Release the tension of the spring and make sure that the locking ring halves engage correctly. Remove the tool and the thrust plate. 29 䟺᭮ᕩ㉗঻࣋ˈ⺞‫؍‬䬱ᇊॺ⧟ஞਸ↓⺞DŽ 〫䎠ᐕާ઼᧘࣋ᶯDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 30 Position the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc and then an externally splined disc and so on. There are 9 externally splined and 9 internally splined discs. The disc thickness is 2.0mm(0.08in). The internal diameter of the discs is 99.1mm(3.90 in). Lubricate the discs. 30 ᆹ㻵ᶯDŽ ᔰ࿻ᱟањ޵‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈ᧕⵰ањཆ‫ח‬ཊDŽ 䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽ ᴹ 9 њཆ‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ9 њ޵‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭ⲴDŽ ᶯⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.0mm(0.08 in)DŽ ᶯⲴ޵ᖴᱟ 99.1mm(3.90 in)DŽ ⏖━ᶯDŽ

31 Position the thrust plate and secure with the Circlip. Check the disc clearance which should be 1.7-5.0mm(0.067-0.197in). 31 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯˈ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䘋㹼‫؍‬ᣔDŽỰḕᶯ Ⲵ䰤䳉Ѫ 1.7-5.0mm(0.067-0.197in)DŽ

32 Position the coiled locking ring. 32 ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

33 Position the wear ring approx.5.0mm(0.2 in), and the bearing. If necessary heat the ring to approx.100ć(212 eF). Lubricate the bearing with oil. 33 ᆹ㻵⼘ᦏ⧟བྷ㓖 5.0mm(0.2 in)઼䖤᢯DŽ ྲ᷌䴰㾱ሶ⧟࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć˄212eF)DŽ ⏖━䖤᢯DŽ

34 Position the clutch drum. 34 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

35 Position bearing and wear ring approx.5.0mm ˄0.2 in˅ DŽIf necessary heat ring to approx. 100 ć(212eF)DŽ 35 ᆹ㻵䖤᢯઼⼘ᦏ⧟བྷ㓖 5.0mm(0.2in)DŽྲ᷌ 䴰㾱ˈ࣐✝⧟ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

36 Position the circlip. 36 ᆹ㻵ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

37 Check the end float which should be 0.2-1.0mm(0.008-0.040 in) 37 Ựḕᵛㄟ䰤䳉Ѫ 0.2-1.0mm˄0.008-0.040 in˅DŽ

38 Position the spacer ring, 5.0mm (0.2 in), heat the bearing in an oven to approx. 100ć(212 eF) and position the bearing.. 38 ᆹ㻵䳄⿫⧟ 5.0mm(0.2 in), ࣐✝䖤᢯ࡠབྷ 㓖 100ć(212eF)ˈᆹ㻵䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

39 Turn the shaft and position the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the gear wheel for the forward clutch. Lubricate the rings with petroleum jelly. 39 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ൘ࡽ䘋⿫ਸಘⲴ喯䖞кᆹ㻵ᇶሱ ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ ⭘⋩⏖━⧟DŽ

40 Position the sealing ring(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 40 ੁ⍫ຎкᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

41 Fix the ring with some petroleum jelly and Position the piston. 41 ሶ䘈к⎲каᇊ⋩⏢ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

42 Position support ring, spring and hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.95 mm(3.74 In) and the number of coils is 4.5. The length of the hub is approx.77 mm(3.03 in). 42 ᆹ㻵᭟᫁⧟ˈᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠⲴᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ ID བྷ㓖 95mm(3.74In),ধസⲴ㕆⸱ ᱟ 4.5.⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖབྷ㓖ᱟ 77mm(3.03 in).

43 Position the tool and compress the spring. Make sure that the hub engages the splines. NOTE: The hub only fits in one particular position. Make sure the circlip engages its groove Correctly. NOTE:Make sure the circlip engages its groove correctly. 43 ᆹ㻵ᐕާǃ঻㕙ᕩ㉗DŽ ⺞ᇊ⇲䘋‫ޕ‬喯‭ ⌘᜿˖⇲ਚ㜭㻵ࡠ⢩ᇊⲴս㖞DŽ ⺞ᇊᕩᙗᥑസᆼ‫ޘ‬ஞਸҾࠩ‭DŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞ᇊᕩᙗᥑസᆼ‫ޘ‬ஞਸҾࠩ‭DŽ

44 Remove the tool and position the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc and then one externally splined dis and so on. There are 10 externally splined discs and 10 internally splined discs. The disc thickness is 2.7mm(0.11 in). The ID is 133mm(5.24 in) Lubricate the discs. 44 〫৫ᐕާˈᆹ㻵ⴈDŽ ᔰ࿻ᱟањ޵‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈ᧕⵰ањཆ ‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽ ᴹ 10 њཆ‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ10 њ޵‫ח‬ཊ䭞‭ ⲴDŽᶯⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.7mm(0.11 in)DŽ ᶯⲴ޵ᖴᱟ 133mm(5.24 in)DŽ ⏖━ᶯDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

45 Position the thrust plate and secure with the Circlip. Check that the disk clearance of the Clutch is 1.9-5.3 mm(0.075-0.209 in). 45 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯᒦ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസപᇊDŽỰḕⴈ Ⲵ䰤䳉Ѫ 1.9-5.3mm(0.075-0.209 in).

46 Position the thrust washer, thrust bearing and another thrust washer. NOTE: The thickness of the washers is 2.4 mm(0.09 in)and their ID is 54.2 mm(2.13 in). Lubricate the parts. 46 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസˈ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼ਖањ᧘࣋ෛ സDŽ ⌘᜿˖ෛസⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.4mm(0.09 in),޵ᖴ Ѫ 54.2mm(2.13 in). ⏖━䴦ԦDŽ

47 Position the clutch drum. 47 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

48 Position the needle bearings. 48 ᆹ㻵┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

49 Position the thrust washers and the thrust Bearing. Fit the thin thrust washer, 2.4 mm (0.094 in) innermost and the thicker washer, 6.4 mm(0.25 in) outermost. The ID of the washers is 54.2mm(0.13 in). Lubricate the bearings. 49 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ሶ䖳㮴Ⲵ 2.4mm(0.094 in)Ⲵෛസ㻵ࡠᴰ䟼 䶒ˈሶ䖳৊Ⲵ 6.4mm(0.25 in)Ⲵෛസ㻵ࡠᴰ ཆ䶒DŽ ෛസⲴ޵ᖴѪ 54.2mm(0.13 in). ⏖━䖤᢯DŽ

50 Heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć ˄212eF˅and position the bearing. 50 ࣐✝䖤᢯ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć˄212eF˅ˈᆹ㻵䖤 ᢯DŽ

51 Check the end float which should be 0.1-0.7 mm(0.004-0.028 in). If the clearance is too great, change the thrust bearing and the thrust washer. NOTE: The sealing rings(piston steel ring type) should be fitted to the shaft after the end float has been adjusted. 51 Ựḕᵛㄟ⎞ࣘ㓖 0.1-0.7mm(0.004-0.028 in). ྲ᷌䰤䳉ཚབྷˈᴤᦒ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᇶሱസ˄䠁኎ᇶሱ⧟˅൘ᵛㄟ⎞ࣘ 䈳ᮤᆼѻਾᆹ㻵ࡠ䖤кDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

REVERSE AND SECOND CLUTCHES, DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLING. ਾ䘰઼Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ ᣶࠶઼㻵䝽 Dismantling ᣶࠶ 1 Press or alternatively pull off gear wheel and bearing race. 1 ঻ࠪᡆ᣹ࠪ喯䖞઼䖤᢯สᓗDŽ

2 Remove the thrust bearing and thrust washers. 2 〫䎠᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

3 Remove the clutch drum. 3 〫䎠⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

4 Remove the needle bearings. 4 〫䎠┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ

5 Remove the thrust bearing and the thrust washers. 5 〫䎠᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

6 Remove the circlip for the disc pack and lift up the thrust plate. 6 〫䎠ⴈ㓴ԦⲴᕩᙗᥑസˈᨀ䎧᧘࣋ᶯDŽ

7 Lift up the disc pack. 7 ᨀ䎧ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ

8 Tighten down the tool and remove the circlip. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt on the tool has a movement of at least 100 mm(4 in), after beginning to compress the spring. NOTE: Only compress the spring so much that the circlip can be removed. 8 ᤗлᐕާˈ〫䎠ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᔰ࿻঻㕙ᕩ㉗ਾˈ⺞‫؍‬ᐕާкⲴ㷪ṃ㠣ቁ〫 ࣘҶ 100 mm˄4 in˅DŽ ⌘᜿˖ਚᴹሶᕩ㉗঻㕙ࡠ䏣ཏⲴ䟿ˈ᡽㜭〫ࣘᕩᙗ ෛസDŽ 䆖੺ʽ The force of the compressed spring is 1000-1100N (225-247 Ibf). ঻㕙ᕩ㉗Ⲵ࣋Ѫ 1000-1100N (225-247 Ibf)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 9 Remove the tool and lift up the hub, spring and support ring. 9 〫䎠ᐕާˈᨀ䎧⇲ˈᕩ㉗઼᭟᫁⧟DŽ

10 Remove the application piston and remove the Sealing rings˄piston steel ring type˅from the Piston and the gear wheel. 10 〫䎠᫽֌⍫ຎˈӾ⍫ຎ઼喯䖞к〫䎠ᇶሱ⧟ ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

11 Turn the shaft and remove the coiled locking ring from the second clutch shaft end. NOTE: When removing, make sure that the coiled locking ring end is flush with the end of the circlip in order to be able to remove it. 11 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈӾҼẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤ᵛㄟ〫䎠䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ ⌘᜿˖〫䎠ᰦˈ⌘᜿䬱ᇊধ⧟Ⲵᵛㄟ઼ᕩᙗᥑ സⲴᵛㄟᱟᒣ喀Ⲵˈԕ‫ׯ‬㜭ཏ〫䎠DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 12 Remove the circlip for the disc pack. 12 〫䎠ⴈ㓴ԦⲴᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

13 Lift up the thrust plate and lift up the disc pack. 13 ᨀࠪ᧘࣋ᶯˈᨀࠪⴈ㓴ԦDŽ

14 Compress the return spring for the application piston. NOTE: The thrust plate. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt of the tool has a movement of at least 100 mm(4 in), after starting to compress the spring. 14 ঻㕙᫽㓥⍫ຎⲴഎսᕩ㉗DŽ ⌘᜿˖᧘࣋ᶯ ⌘᜿˖ᔰ࿻঻㕙ᕩ㉗ਾˈ⺞‫؍‬ᐕާкⲴ㷪ṃ㠣 ቁ〫ࣘҶ 100 mm˄4 in˅DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

15 Remove the tool and lift off the pressure plate, Clutch hub and spring. 15 〫䎠ᐕާˈᨀࠪ঻࣋ᶯǃ⿫ਸಘ⇲઼ᕩ㉗DŽ

16 Remove the application piston and remove the seals from the piston and the shaft. 16 〫৫᫽㓥⍫ຎˈ〫৫⍫ຎ઼䖤кⲴᇶሱസDŽ

17 Make sure that the holes for the cooling oil in the shaft and in the gear wheel align. It should be possible to insert a drill bit which is at least 5 mm thick through both boles. If this is not possible the gear wheel must be changed. The gear wheel is shrunk onto the shaft and must therefore be heated before it is pressed off. 17 Ựḕ䖤઼喯䖞ࡇкⲴߧত⋩ᆄDŽᡰᴹᆄᗵ㾱 㜭ᨂ‫ޕ‬৊ᓖᴰሿ 5mm Ⲵ䫫ཤDŽྲ᷌⋑ᴹਟ 㜭ˈᴤᦒ喯䖞DŽ 喯䖞ᱟ䗷⳸䝽ਸ൘䖤кⲴˈഐ↔㾱঻ࠪ䖤ᗵ 享㾱࣐✝喯䖞DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 18 If necessary press the shaft out of the gear wheel and the dual-stage piston. 18 ྲ᷌䴰㾱঻ࠪ喯䖞઼Ҽ㓗⍫ຎDŽ

19 Clean and change necessary parts. Make sure that the holes in the gear wheel(one from either side) in the pistons and the duct in the shaft are not clogged. 19 ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒᗵ享Ⲵ䴦ԦDŽ ⺞䇔喯䖞кⲴᆄ˄ᡰᴹ䶒кⲴ˅൘⍫ຎкˈ 䖤кⲴ㇑‭н㜭ᴹ䱫⺽DŽ

Assembling 20 Heat the gear wheel and the dual-stage piston in an oven to approx.100ć(212eF), if these parts where removed. Check that the circlip for the dual-stage piston is correctly positioned on the shaft and fit piston and gear wheel. NOTE: Make sure that the dual-stage piston fits right up against the circlip, also when the parts have cooled down. 20 ྲ᷌喯䖞઼Ҽ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎᐢ㓿᣶лˈሶަ࣐ ✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)DŽỰḕҼ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎ Ⲵᕩᙗᥑസᱟ੖ᐢ㓿ᆹ㻵ࡠҶ䖤к↓⺞Ⲵս 㖞ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎ઼喯䖞DŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞‫؍‬Ҽ㓗᫽㓥⍫ຎߧতлᶕᰦˈҏ㜭 ᆹ㻵ࡠҶ↓⺞ս㖞ˈ㍗䶐⵰ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

21 Turn the shaft and position the sealing ring( piston steel ring type) on the second cluth shaft. Lubricate the ring with petroleum jelly. 21 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ൘Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤кᆹ㻵ᇶሱസ˄䠁 ኎⍫ຎර˅ DŽ ⏖━ᇶሱസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 22 Position the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 22 ൘⍫ຎкᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

23 Attach the rings by lubricating them with petroleum jelly and fit the piston. 23 ⏖━ᇶሱ⧟ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ

24 Position spring and hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.72 mm(2.83 in) and the number of coils is 4.5. The length of the hub is approx.53 mm(3.09 in). 24 ᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠⲴᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ޵ᖴѪ 72mm(2.83 in), 㓯സⲴḷਧᱟ 4.5DŽ⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖབྷ㓖Ѫ 53mm(3.09 in)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 25 Position the tool and compress the spring. Use the thrust plate as a support for the tool. Make sure that the hub engages the splines. Fit the locking ring halves with the chamfer facing upwards. 25 ᆹ㻵ᐕާˈ঻㕙ᕩ㉗DŽ֯⭘᧘࣋ᶯ֌ѪᐕާⲴ ᭟ᤱᶯDŽ ⺞䇔⇲ஞਸҾ喯‭DŽ ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊॺ⧟ˈᒦ֯ަᯌ䶒ੁлDŽ

26 Release the tension of the spring and make sure that the locking ring halves are correctly positioned. Remove the tool and the thrust plate. 26 䟺᭮ᕩ㉗Ⲵ঻࣋ˈ⺞䇔䬱ᇊॺ⧟ᐢ㓿↓⺞ᆹ㻵DŽ 〫䎠ᐕާ઼᧘࣋ᶯDŽ

27 Fit the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc and then one Externally splined disc and so on. Turn the rounded side of the teeth upwards. There are 9 discs of each kind. The disc thickness is 2.0 mm(0.08 in) The ID of the discs is 99.1 mm(3.90 in). Lubricate the discs. 27 ᆹ㻵ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ ᔰ࿻ᱟањ޵䜘ཊ䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈ᧕⵰ᱟањཆ䜘 ཊ䭞‭Ⲵᶯˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽሶ喯Ⲵശᖒ䗩ੁкDŽ ⇿⿽㊫රᴹ 9 њⴈˈⴈⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.0mm(0.08 in)DŽ ⴈⲴ޵ᖴѪ 99.1 mm(3.90 in)DŽ ⏖━ⴈDŽ

28 Postion the thrust plate and secure with the circlip. Check the disc clearance of the clutch which should be 1.7-5.0mm(0.07-0.20 in). 28 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯˈ⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䬱ᇊDŽỰḕ⿫ਸಘⴈ Ⲵオ䳉Ѫ 1.7-5.0mm(0.07-0.20 in)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

29 Position the coiled locking ring. 29 ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ

30 Turn the shaft and position the sealing rings (piston steel ring type) on the gear wheel for the reverse shaft. 30 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ൘എࣘ䖤кⲴ喯䖞кᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟ ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

31 Position the sealing ring(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 31 ൘⍫ຎкᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎ᇶሱ⧟˅ DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

32 Fix the rings with some petroleum jelly and position the piston. 32 ⏖━ᇶሱ⧟ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ

33 Postion support ring, spring and hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.95 mm(3.74 in), and the number of coils is 4.5. The length of the hub is approx.77 mm(3.03 in). 33 ᆹ㻵᭟᫁⧟ˈᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠⲴᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ޵ᖴབྷ㓖Ѫ 95mm(3.74 in), 㓯സⲴḷ ਧѪ 4.5DŽ⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖབྷ㓖Ѫ 77mm(3.03 in)DŽ

34 Position the tool and compress the spring. Make sure that the hub engages the spines. NOTE: The hub only fits in one position. Fit the circlip. NOTE: Make sure the circlip engages its groove correctly. 34 ᆹ㻵ᐕާˈ঻㕙ᕩ㉗DŽ ⺞䇔⇲ஞਸҾ喯‭DŽ ⌘᜿˖⇲ਚᴹањ↓⺞Ⲵᆹ㻵ս㖞DŽ ᆹ㻵ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞䇔ᕩᙗᥑസ↓⺞Ⲵஞਸ൘ࠩ‭䟼DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

35 Remove the tool and position the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc and then fit an externally splined disc and so on. The number of disc are 10 of each kink. The disc thickness is 2.9mm(0.11 in) The ID of the discs is 133 mm(5.24 in). 35 〫ᔰᐕާˈᆹ㻵ⴈDŽ ᔰ࿻ᆹ㻵ањ޵ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ᧕⵰ᆹ㻵ањཆ ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ‫⅑׍‬ᆹ㻵DŽ ⇿⿽ᖒᔿⲴⴈⲴᮠ䟿Ѫ 10ˈⴈ৊Ѫ 2.9mm (0.11 in)DŽ ⴈⲴ޵ᖴѪ 133mm(5.24 in)DŽ

36 Position the thrust plate and secure with the Circlip. Check the disc clearance which should be 1.9-5.3 mm(0.07-0.21 in). 36 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯˈ⭘ᕩᙗᥑസപᇊDŽ Ựḕⴈ䰤䳉ᓄ൘ 1.9-5.3mm(0.07-0.21 in)ѻ 䰤DŽ

37 Position thrust washer, thrust bearing and another thrust washer. NOTE: The thickness of the thrust washers is 2.4 mm(0.09 in).The ID of the discs is 54.3 mm(2.14 in). Lubricate. 37 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസˈ᧘࣋䖤᢯ˈਖањ᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖᧘࣋ෛസⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.4mm(0.09 in). ⴈⲴ޵ᖴѪ 54.3 mm˄2.14 in˅ ⏖━DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

38 Postion the clutch drum. 38 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

39 Postion the needle bearings. Lubricate. 39 ᆹ㻵┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ ⏖━DŽ

40 Position the thrust washers and the thrust bearing. The thickness of the washers is 2.4mm(0.09 in) and the ID is 54.3 mm. Lubricate. 40 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ෛസ৊ᓖѪ 2.4mm(0.09 in), ޵ᖴѪ 54.3mmDŽ ⏖━DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

41 Heat the gear wheel and the inner bearing race to approx. 100ć and 212eF and fit the gear and the bearing race into position. 41 ࣐✝喯䖞઼޵䜘䖤᢯สᓗࡠབྷ㓖 100ć઼ 210eF ᆹ㻵喯䖞઼䖤᢯สᓗDŽ

42 Check that the gear wheel and the bearing race fit up against the shoulder when they have cooled down. Check the end float which should be 0.2-1.5 mm (0.008-0.059 in). If the clearance is too great, change thrust bearing and thrust washers. NOTE: The sealing rings(piston steel ring type) should be fitted on the shaft after adjusting the shaft end float in the transmission. 42 ᖃ喯䖞઼䖤᢯สᓗߧতлᶕᰦˈỰḕᆳԜᆹ㻵 ս㖞㍗䶐⵰ਠ㛙DŽ Ựḕᵛㄟ⎞ࣘ䰤䳉Ѫ 0.2-1.5mm(0.008-0.059in). ྲ᷌䰤䳉䗷བྷˈᴤᦒ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅䴰㾱൘䈳ᮤᆼ䖤ᵛ ㄟ⎞ࣘ䰤䳉ਾᆹ㻵ࡠ䖤кDŽ



1 Remove the sealing ring(piston steel ring type) from the shaft. NOTE: With effect from transmission the clutch drums and the externally splined discs are the same as those in the other clutches. Other parts have not been changed and therefore, earlier type clutch shafts can be rebuild to the new type. See also figure on page 148. 1 Ӿ䖤к〫ᔰᇶሱസ˄䠁኎⍫ຎസ˅ DŽ ⌘᜿˖Ӿਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 2206 Ⲵᖡ૽ˈ⿫ਸಘ啃઼ ཆ䜘ཊ喯‭ᶯ઼ަᆳ⿫ਸಘѝⲴᱟаṧⲴDŽަᆳ 䴦䜘Ԧ⋑ᴹਈॆˈഐ↔ᰙᵏⲴ⿫ਸಘ䖤ਟԕ䟽ᯠ ࡦ֌ᡀᯠ㊫රⲴDŽ 㿱 148 亥മDŽ

2 Remove the circlip and the spacer ring and pull off the bearing. 2 〫৫ᕩᙗᥑസ઼䳄⿫⧟ˈ᣹ࠪ䖤᢯DŽ

3 Remove the spacer ring and lift up thrust bearing and thrust washer. 3 〫৫䳄⿫⧟ˈਆࠪ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

4 Lift up the clutch drum. 4 ਆ䎧⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

5 Remove the needle bearing. 5 〫৫┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ

6 Remove washers and thrust bearings. 6 〫৫ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

7 Remove the coiled locking ring. NOTE: In order to be able to remove the coiled locking ring from its groove, its end should be flush with the end of the circlip. 7 〫ᔰᕩᙗধ⧟DŽ ⌘᜿˖ѪҶӾ‭ѝ〫ࠪᕩᙗধ⧟ˈᕩᙗধ⧟Ⲵᵛㄟ 䴰㾱઼ᕩᙗᥑസⲴᵛㄟᒣ喀DŽ

8 Remove the circlip for the disc pack and lift up the thrust plate. 8 〫৫ⴈ㓴ԦⲴᕩᙗᥑസˈਆ䎧᧘࣋ᶯDŽ

9 Lift up the disc pack. 9 ਆ䎧ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

10 Compress the return spring for the application piston. NOTE: The thrust plate. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt on the tool has a movement of at least 100 mm(4 in), after starting to compress the spring. 10 ঻㕙᫽㓥⍫ຎⲴഎսᕩ㉗DŽ ⌘᜿˖᧘࣋ᶯ ⌘᜿˖൘ᔰ࿻঻㕙ᕩ㉗ѻਾˈ⺞䇔ᐕާкⲴ㷪ṃ 㠣ቁᴹ 100mm(4 in)Ⲵս〫DŽ 䆖੺ʽ The force of the compressed spring is 1000-1100N (225-247 Ibf). ঻㕙ᕩ㉗Ⲵ঻࣋Ѫ 1000-1100N(225-247 Ibf)DŽ Remove the split locking washer. 〫৫ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസDŽ

11 Remove the tool and lift up the thrust plate, clutch hub and spring. 11 〫৫ᐕާˈਆ䎧᧘࣋ᶯˈ⿫ਸಘ⇲઼ᕩ㉗DŽ

12 Remove the application piston and remove the sealing rings(piston type rings) from the shaft and the piston. 12 〫৫᫽㓥⍫ຎˈ〫৫䖤઼⍫ຎкⲴᇶሱ⧟ ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

13 Turn the shaft and remove the circlip. 13 䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ〫৫ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

14 Remove washers and thrust bearing. 14 〫৫ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ

15 Lift up the clutch drum. 15 ਆ䎧⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 16 Remove both needle bearings. 16 〫৫єњ┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ

17 Remove washers and thrust bearing. 17 〫৫ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ

18 Remove the coiled locking ring. NOTE˖In order to be able to remove the coiled locking ring from its groove, its end should be flush with the end of the circlip. 18 〫ᔰᕩᙗধ⧟DŽ ⌘᜿˖ѪҶӾ‭ѝ〫ࠪᕩᙗধ⧟ˈᕩᙗধ⧟Ⲵ ᵛㄟ䴰㾱઼ᕩᙗᥑസⲴᵛㄟᒣ喀DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

19 Remove the circlip for the disc pack and lift up the thrust plate. 19 〫৫ⴈ㓴ԦⲴᕩᙗᥑസˈᨀࠪ᧘࣋ᶯDŽ

20 Remove the disc pack. 20 〫৫ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ

21 Compress the return spring for the application piston. NOTE˖The thrust plate. Remove the split locking washer. NOTE: Make sure that the bolt of the tool has a movement of at least 100 mm(4 in), after starting to compress the spring. 21 ঻㕙᫽㓥⍫ຎⲴഎսᕩ㉗DŽ ⌘᜿˖᧘࣋ᶯ 〫৫ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖൘ᔰ࿻঻㕙ᕩ㉗ѻਾˈ⺞䇔ᐕާкⲴ㷪ṃ 㠣ቁᴹ 100mm(4 in)Ⲵս〫DŽ 䆖੺ʽ The force of the compressed spring is 1000-1100N (225-247 Ibf). ঻㕙ᕩ㉗Ⲵ঻࣋Ѫ 1000-1100N(225-247 Ibf)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

22 Remove the tool and lift up the thrust plate, clutch hub and spring. 22 〫ᔰᐕާˈਆࠪ᧘࣋ᶯˈ⿫ਸಘ⇲઼ᕩ㉗DŽ

23 Remove the application piston and remove the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) from the shaft and the piston. 23 〫৫᫽㓥⍫ຎˈӾ䖤઼⍫ຎк〫৫ᇶሱസ˄ 䠁኎⍫ຎസ˅ DŽ

24 Clean and change necessary parts. Make sure that the holes in the separator plate and the ducts in the shaft are not blocked. 24 ␵⍇઼ᴤᦒ䴰㾱Ⲵ䴦ԦDŽ ⺞䇔䳄⿫ᶯкⲴオ઼䖤кⲴ䗃䘱㇑⋑ᴹ㻛๥ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Assembling

25 Postion the sealing ring(piston steel ring type) on the third clutch shaft. 25 ᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅൘йẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤кDŽ

26 Postion the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 26 ൘⍫ຎкᆹ㻵⍫ຎ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

27 Fix the rings with some petroleum jelly and position the piston. 27 ⏖━ᇶሱ⧟ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

28 Postion the spring and the hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.72mm(2.83 in) and the number of coils is 4.5. The length of the hub is approx.52 mm(2.05 in). 28 ᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠⲴᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ޵ᖴѪ 72mm(2.83 in)ˈ㓯സⲴ⡼ਧѪ 4.5 ⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖѪ 52mm˄2.05 in˅DŽ

29 Position the tool and compress the spring. Use the thrust as a support for the tool. Make sure that the hub engages the splines. Fit the locking ring halves with the chamfer upwards. 29 ᆹ㻵ᐕާˈ঻㕙ᕩ㉗DŽ֯⭘᧘࣋ᶯ֌ѪᐕާⲴ ањ᭟᫁DŽ ⺞䇔⇲ஞਸҾ㣡䭞‭DŽ ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊॺ⧟ˈᒦ֯ᯌ䶒ੁкDŽ

30 Release the spring tension and make sure that the locking ring halves engage their grooves correctly. Remove the tool and the thrust plate. 30 䟺᭮ᕩ㉗঻࣋ˈ⺞䇔䬱ᇊॺ⧟↓⺞ஞਸҾࠩ‭DŽ 〫৫ᐕާ઼᧘࣋ᶯDŽ 31 Position the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc then one externally splined disc and so on. There are twelve externally splined discs and thirteen internally splined discs. The disc thickness is 1.5mm(0.06 in). The ID of the disc is 99 mm(3.90 in). Lubricate the discs. 31 ᆹ㻵ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ ᔰ࿻㻵ањ޵䜘ཊ䭞‭Ⲵⴈˈ❦ਾ㻵ањཆ䜘 ཊ䭞‭Ⲵⴈˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽ ᴹ 12 њཆ䜘ཊ䭞‭Ⲵⴈ઼ 13 њ޵䜘ཊ䭞‭Ⲵ ⴈˈⴈⲴ৊ᓖѪ 1.5mm˄0.06 in˅ ⴈⲴ޵ᖴѪ 99 mm˄3.90 in˅ ⏖━ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 32 Postion the thrust plate and secure with the circlip. Check the disc clearance of the clutch which should be 1.3-4.9mm(0.06-0.19 in). 32 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯˈᒦ⭘ᕩᙗᥑസപᇊDŽ Ựḕ⿫ਸಘⴈ䰤䳉൘ 1.3-4.9mm˄0.06-0.19 in˅ѻ䰤DŽ

33 Fit the coiled locking ring in position. 33 ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ

34 Position thrust washer and thrust bearing. Place the thinner thrust washer 1.5mm(0.06 in) innermost and the thicker washer 2.4 mm (0.09 in)outermost. Lubricate the bearings. 34 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ሶ䖳㮴Ⲵ᧘࣋ෛസ 1.5mm ᭮൘䟼䶒ˈሶ䖳 ৊Ⲵ᧘࣋ෛസ 2.4mm ᭮൘ཆ䶒DŽ ⏖━䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

35 Position the needle bearings. 35 ᆹ㻵┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ

36 Position the clutch drum. 36 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

37 Fit washer and thrust bearing. NOTE: The thickness of the washer is 2.4mm(0.09 in).Fit the spacer ring, thickness 5 mm(0.20 in). 37 ᆹ㻵ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ⌘᜿˖ෛസⲴ৊ᓖѪ 2.4mm˄0.09 in˅ DŽᆹ㻵䳄 ⿫⧟ˈ৊ᓖѪ 5mm˄0.20in˅DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 38 Fit the circlip. 38 ᆹ㻵ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

39 Press the spacer ring up against the circlip and check the end float which should be 0.4-1.3mm(0.0160.051 in). If the clearance is too great, change the thrust bearing and the thrust washer. 39 ሶ䳄⿫⧟঻‫ق‬䶐տᕩᙗᥑസˈỰḕᵛㄟ䰤䳉Ѫ 0.4-1.3mm˄0.016-0.151 in˅ DŽ ྲ᷌䰤䳉ཚབྷˈᴤᦒ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼᧘࣋ෛസDŽ


䖜ࣘ䖤ˈ൘䖤кᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅DŽ ⏖━ᇶሱ⧟DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

41 Position the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the piston. 41 ൘⍫ຎкᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ DŽ

42 Fix the rings with petroleum jelly and position the piston. 42 ⏖━ᇶሱ⧟ˈᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ

43 Position the spring and the hub. Use a new spring. The ID of the spring is approx.72 mm(2.83 in) and the number of coils is 3.5. The length of the hub is approx.38 mm(1.50 in). 43 ᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗઼⇲DŽ ֯⭘ᯠᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗޵ᖴѪབྷ㓖 72mm˄2.83 in˅㓯സⲴ⡼ਧ Ѫ 3.5DŽ⇲Ⲵ䮯ᓖѪབྷ㓖 38mm˄1.50 in˅DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

44 Position the tool and compress the spring. Use the thrust plate as a support for the tool. Make sure that the hub engages the splines. Fit the locking ring halves with the chamfer Upwards. 44 ᆹ㻵ᕩ㉗ˈ঻㕙ᐕާDŽ֯⭘᧘࣋ᶯ֌ѪᐕާⲴ ᭟᫁DŽ⺞䇔⇲ஞਸо㣡䭞‭DŽᆹ㻵䬱ᇊॺ⧟ˈ ᒦ֯ᯌ䶒ੁкDŽ

45 Release the tension of the spring and make sure that the locking ring halves engage their grooves. 45 䟺᭮ᕩ㉗Ⲵ঻࣋ˈ⺞䇔䬱ᇊॺ⧟ᐢ㓿ஞਸ䘋 ࠩ‭DŽ

46 Position the discs. Begin with an internally splined disc and then continue with an externally splined disc and so on. The number of discs are 7 externally splined and 8 internally splined discs. The disc thickness is 1.5 mm(0.06 in). The ID of the discs is 99mm(3.90 in). Lubricate the discs. 46 ᆹ㻵ⴈ㓴ԦDŽ ᔰ࿻֯⭘ањ޵ཊ䭞‭ⴈˈ᧕⵰֯⭘ањཆཊ 䭞‭ⴈˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽ ᴹ 7 њཆཊ䭞‭ⴈˈ઼ 8 њ޵ཊ䭞‭ⴈˈⴈⲴ ৊ᓖѪ 1.5mm˄0.06 in˅DŽ ⴈⲴ޵ᖴѪ 99mm˄3.90 in˅DŽ ⏖━ⴈDŽ 47 Position the thrust plate and secure with the Circlip. Check that the clutch disc clearance is 1.2-4.0 mm(0.05 in-0.16 in). 47 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ᶯˈ֯⭘ᕩᙗෛസപᇊDŽ Ựḕ⿫ਸಘⴈ䰤䳉Ѫ 1.2-4.0mm˄0.05 in -0.16 in˅ DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

48 Fit the coiled locking ring. 48 ᆹ㻵䬱ᇊধ⧟DŽ

49 Position thrust washers and thrust bearing. The thin thrust washer 1.5 mm(0.06 in) should be fitted innermost and the thicker washer 2.4 mm(0.09 in)should be fitted outermost. The ID of the washers is 54mm(2.13 in). Lubricate the bearing. 49 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ৊ᓖѪ 1.5mm˄0.06 in˅Ⲵ㮴ෛസᓄᆹ㻵൘䟼䶒ˈ ৊ᓖѪ 2.4mm˄0.09 in˅Ⲵ৊ෛസᓄᆹ㻵൘ཆ䶒DŽ ෛസⲴ޵ᖴѪ 54mm˄2.13 in˅DŽ ⏖━䖤᢯DŽ

50 Position the needle bearing. 50 ᆹ㻵┊䪸䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

51 Position the clutch drum. 51 ᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ啃DŽ

52 Fit the thrust washer and thrust bearing. The thickness of the washer is 2.4mm(0.09 in)and its ID is 54mm(2.13 in). Fit the spacer washer on top of the thrust bearing. The thickness of the spacer washer is 5 mm(0.197 in) and its ID is 46 mm(1.81 in). 52 ᆹ㻵᧘࣋ෛസ઼᧘࣋䖤᢯DŽ ෛസⲴ৊ᓖᱟ 2.4mm˄0.09 in˅ˈ޵ᖴѪ 54mm ˄2.13 in˅ DŽ ሶ䳄⿫ෛസᆹ㻵ࡠ᧘࣋䖤᢯Ⲵк䶒DŽ ෛസⲴ৊ᓖᱟ 5mm˄0.197 in˅ ˈ޵ᖴѪ 46mm ˄1.81 in˅DŽ

53 Heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć(212 eF)and fit the bearing. The groove in the bearing should be facing upwards. 53 ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)ˈᆹ㻵䖤᢯DŽ 䖤᢯Ⲵࠩ‭ᓄ䈕ੁкᆹ㻵DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

54 Fit the spacer washer and secure with the circlip. 54 ᆹ㻵䳄⿫ෛസˈ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䘋㹼പᇊDŽ

55 Press the bearing upwards and check the end float which should be 0.5-1.5 mm(0.02 in-0.06 in). If the clearance is too great, change thrust bearing and washers. NOTE˖The sealing rings(piston steel ring type) should be fitted on the shaft after adjusting the end float. 55 ঻տ䖤᢯֯ަੁкˈỰḕᵛㄟ䰤䳉䈕൘ 0.5-1.5mm(0.02in-0.06in)DŽ ྲ᷌䰤䳉ཚབྷˈᴤᦒ᧘࣋䖤᢯઼ෛസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅䴰㾱൘䈳ᮤᵛㄟ ⎞ࣘ䰤䳉ਾᆹ㻵ࡠ䖤кDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ TRANSMISSION, ASSEMBLING ਈ䙏㇡ˈ㻵䝽 Reverse-second output shaft ‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ䗃ࠪ䖤

36 Remove the circlip for the inner bearing for the second clutch drum and change the bearing. Refit the circlip. 36 〫৫Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ啃Ⲵ޵䜘䖤᢯Ⲵᕩᙗᥑസˈ ᴤᦒ䖤᢯DŽ 䟽ᯠ㻵䝽ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ

37 Pull off the bearing inner race for the second Clutch drum, if the bearing is to be changed. 37 ྲ᷌䖤᢯ᐢ㓿ᴤᦒˈ᣶лҼẓ⿫ਸಘ啃Ⲵ䖤 ᢯Ⲵ޵䜘สᓗDŽ

38 Heat the inner bearing race to approx.100ć ˄212eF˅and fit the inner race. 38 ሶ޵䜘䖤᢯สᓗ࣐✝ࡠ 100ć(212eF˅ ᆹ㻵޵䜘䖤᢯DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 39 Fit the bearing and the gear for the reverse-second clutch output shaft. NOTE: The protruding hub boss should be facing downwards( towards the dropbox). If necessary heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć(212eF). 39 ᆹ㻵‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ䗃ࠪ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯઼喯䖞DŽ ⌘᜿˖ケࠪ⇲䴰㾱ᵍੁк˄ሩ⵰࠶ࣘ㇡˅ DŽ ྲ᷌䴰㾱ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)DŽ

40 Insert the output gear for the second clutch and the clutch drum in the outer gear. 40 ሶ䗃ࠪ䖤喯䖞ᨂ‫ޕ‬Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘˈሶ⿫ਸಘ啃ᨂ ‫ޕ‬ཆ䜘喯䖞DŽ

41 Press the output gear into position NOTE: Make sure that the bearing enters squarely. 41 ሶ䗃ࠪ䖤喯䖞঻‫ޕ‬⍫ຎDŽ ⌘᜿˖⺞䇔䖤᢯঻‫ޕ‬ᰦᡀᯩᖒDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 42 Heat the inner bearing race for the second clutch shaft to approx. 100ć(212eF) and fit it on the shaft. NOTE: The support hitch of the bearing race should be innermost. 42 ሶҼẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵ޵䜘䖤᢯สᓗ࣐✝ࡠབྷ 㓖 100ć˄212eF˅ˈᒦᆹ㻵ࡠ䖤кDŽ ⌘᜿˖䖤᢯᭟ᓗⲴ᭟᫁䫙䴰㾱൘ᴰ䟼䶒DŽ

43 Fit the bearing and the support ring. 43 ᆹ㻵䖤᢯઼᭟᫁⧟DŽ

44 Screw down the hexagon head bolts flush with the contact face on the washer to the shaft and tighten the bolts to 40 Nm(30 Ibf ft)DŽ Lock with the hexagon socket bolts tightening them to 20 Nm(15 Ibf ft). Tighten finally to 80 Nm(59 Ibf ft). Change the O-ring on the bearing cover and bolt on the cover. 44 ሶ‫ޝ‬䀂㷪ṃ᯻‫ޕ‬䖤ˈ֯ަ᧕䀖䶒᧕䀖ෛസ ሶ࣋⸙ᤗ㍗ࡠ 40 Nm˄30 Ibf ft˅DŽ ֯⭘‫ޝ‬䀂㷪䪹പᇊᒦ࣐࣋⸙ࡠ 20 Nm(15 Ibf ft)DŽ ᴰ㓸㍗പ࣋⸙ࡠ 80 Nm(59 Ibf ft)DŽ ᴤᦒ䖤᢯㖙Ⲵ O ᖒസᒦሶަപᇊDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Third-fourth output shaft 45 Remove the bearing from the third-fourth output shaft. 45 〫৫йẓ-ഋẓ䗃ࠪ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯DŽ

46 Drive the outer bearing race into position on the third-fourth output shaft. Position the bearing. If necessary heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć(212eF). 46 ሶйẓ-ഋẓ䗃ࠪ䖤кⲴཆ䜘䖤᢯สᓗᮢ‫⴨ޕ‬ ᓄս㖞DŽ ᆹ㻵䖤᢯DŽ ྲ᷌䴰㾱ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)DŽ

47 Insert the gear(protruding hub boss away from the torque converter side). If necessary heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć(212eF). 47 ᨂ‫ޕ‬喯䖞˄ケࠪ⇲䘌⿫ਈ⸙ಘ䗩˅ DŽ ྲ᷌䴰㾱ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

48 Position shaft and tool. 48 ᆹ㻵䖤઼ᐕާDŽ

49 Make sure that the tool centres on the inner bearing race. Press the shaft into the gear wheel and the bearing. 49 ⺞䇔ᐕާѝᗳሩ߶޵䜘䖤᢯สᓗDŽሶ䖤঻䘋 喯䖞઼䖤᢯䟼DŽ

50 Heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć (212eF)and fit it. Make sure that the bearing fits up against the shoulder when it has cooled down. 50 ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)ᒦᆹ㻵DŽ ⺞䇔ᖃ䖤᢯ߧতлᶕѻਾҏ㍗䶐⵰ਠ㛙DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 51 Change the bearing race in the bearing retainer for the third clutch outer shaft. 51 ᴤᦒйẓ⿫ਸಘཆ䖤к䖤᢯᭟ᷦкⲴ 䖤᢯สᓗDŽ

52 Bolt on the bearing retainer without an O-ring with three bolts and washers as shown in the figure. Tighten the bolts until the wavy washers become fully compressed. Then slacken the bolts approx. one turn in order to release any preload. NOTE: While tightening the bolts, make sure that the bearing retainer slides easily in the housing and that the retainer is not in an oblique position when the bolts have been slackened. Rotate the shaft at least five revolutions. Measure the slot where the shims are to be fitted in at least two places. Work out the average thickness. Select and reduce the shim thickness so that a preload of 0.03-0.08 mm(0.0012-0.0031 in) is obtained. 52 ሶ䖤᢯᭟ᓗ֯⭘йњ㷪ṃ઼ෛസྲമᡰ⽪ᤗ㍗ˈ㍗പ㷪ṃ ⴤ㠣⌒⎚ෛസ঻㍗DŽ❦ਾᤗᶮ㷪ṃаസˈԕ⭘ᶕ䟺᭮亴㍗࣋DŽ ⌘᜿˖㍗പ㷪ṃᰦˈ⌘᜿䖤᢯สᓗ൘ཆ༣кਟԕ㠚⭡〫ࣘDŽᤗ ᶮᰦˈสᓗ‫؍‬ᤱн‫ٮ‬ᯌDŽ ᯻䖜䖤㠣ቁ 5 സDŽ ⍻䟿ෛ⡷㠣ቁᆹ㻵є༴Ⲵ㓯‭ˈ䇑㇇ࠪᒣ൷৊ᓖDŽ䘹ᤙ઼߿ሿ ෛ⡷Ⲵ৊ᓖˈ֯ᗇ亴䖭Ѫ 0.03-.008mm(0.0012-0.0031 in)DŽ ᆹ㻵ањᯠⲴ O ᖒസDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 53 Bolt on the cover. Use a new O-ring and tighten the bolts to 45 Nm ˄33 Ibf ft˅. 53 ሶ㖙ⴆ㍗പDŽ ֯⭘ањᯠ O ᖒസᒦ㍗പࡠ 45 Nm˄33 Ibf ft˅ DŽ

Output shaft 䗃ࠪ䖤 54 Change bearings and O-rings on the output shaft. Pull off the bearings as shown in the figure. 54 ᴤᦒ䗃ࠪ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯઼ O ᖒസDŽ ྲമᡰ⽪᣹ࠪ䖤᢯DŽ

Heat the bearings in an oven to approx.100ć(212eF) and fit them. NOTE: If necessary the shaft is pressed out of the gear wheel. Heat or press the shaft back into position. ሶ䖤᢯࣐✝ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)ᒦᆹ㻵DŽ ⌘᜿˖ྲ᷌䴰㾱ሶ䖤঻ࠪ喯䖞DŽ ࣐✝ᡆሶ䖤঻എ৏ᶕս㖞DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 55 Bolt on the splash plate. Tighten the bolts to 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft). Insert the shaft. NOTE˖On HT200 on HT201, there is no bearing fitted. 55 ㍗പᥑ⒵ᶯDŽ ㍗പ㷪ṃࡠ 45 Nm˄33 Ibf ft˅ 㻵‫ޕ‬䖤DŽ ⌘᜿˖HT200 㕆ਧ 2791 ԕਾ઼ HT201 ൘䘉䟼⋑ ᴹ䖤᢯ᆹ㻵DŽ

56 Change the O-ring and on HT200 also the outer bearing race in the parking brake housing. Lubricate the O-ring with petroleum jelly. Position the brake housing. 56 ᴤᦒ O ᖒസˈ൘ HT200 㕆⸱ 2790 ѻࡽ䘈㾱ᴤ ᦒࡦࣘᵪᷦ䟼Ⲵཆ䖤᢯สᓗDŽ ⏖━ O ᖒസDŽ ᆹ㻵ࡦࣘᵪᷦDŽ

57 Position the guide pin for the brake discs and insert the discs. Begin with one internally splined and then continue with one externally splined disc and so on. There are 7 internally, and 6 externally splined discs. 57 ᆹ㻵ࡦࣘⴈⲴሬੁ䬰ˈ㻵‫ⴈࣘࡦޕ‬DŽ ᔰ࿻㻵‫ޕ‬ањ޵ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ᧕⵰㻵‫ޕ‬ањཆཊ䭞 ‭Ⲵˈԕ↔ѪᒿDŽ ↔༴㻵 7 њ޵ཊ䭞‭Ⲵˈ6 њཆཊ䭞‭ⲴⴈDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

58 On transmission HT200 on HT201. Heat the bearing in an oven to approx.100ć (212eF)and position the bearing. Make sure the bearing fits up against the shoulder when it has cooled down. 58 ਈ䙏㇡ HT200 㕆⸱ 2791 ѻਾ઼ HT201DŽ ࣐✝䖤᢯ࡠབྷ㓖 100ć(212eF)ˈᆹ㻵䖤᢯DŽ ⺞䇔ᖃ䖤᢯ߧতѻਾᆹ㻵ս㖞䶐䘁ਠ㛙DŽ

Piston unit for parking brake, HT200, reconditioning ‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘ⍫ຎঅ‫ˈݳ‬HT200 㕆⸱ 2790 ԕࡽˈ ‫⨶؞‬ 59 Remove the piston unit from the parking brake housing cover. Slacken the bolts evenly all the way round. NOTE: The force of the spring. 59 Ӿ‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘᵪᷦ㖙к〫䎠⍫ຎঅ‫ݳ‬DŽ ൘ശⲴаઘ൷रⲴ᭮ᶮ㷪ṃDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᕩ㉗࣋DŽ

60 Change the O-ring and if necessary the springs. The free length of the springs should be 74.3 mm(2.93 in)and 66 mm(2.60 in)at a pressing force of 900-1100N(202-247 Ibf). Change the seal. Drive the seal into position using handle and Plates. 60 ᴤᦒ O ᖒസˈྲ᷌䴰㾱ᴤᦒᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ㠚⭡䮯ᓖѪ 74.3mm(2.93 in),൘ 9001100N˄202-247 Ibf˅঻࣋лⲴ䮯ᓖѪ 66mm ˄2.60 in˅ DŽ ᴤᦒ⋩ሱDŽ ֯⭘ᢺ᡻઼ᶯሶ⋩ሱ঻‫ޕ‬DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 61 Dismantle piston and piston stop. Change the piston and the sealing rings and the under-lying O-rings. To facilitate the fitting of the sealing rings, they may be heated in warm water which will make them more supple. Fit the sealing rings without using hard or sharp objects. NOTE: The lips of the sealings should be facing each other. 61 ᣶л⍫ຎ઼⍫ຎ→ⴈDŽ ᴤᦒ⍫ຎ઼ᇶሱസ઼л O ᖒസDŽ ѪҶᴤᇩ᱃Ⲵᆹ㻵 O ᖒസˈਟԕሶަ⌑൘ ⑙≤ѝ֯ަᴤᇩ᱃㻵䝽DŽ ᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟ᰦн㜭֯⭘⺜Ⲵᡆ䬻࡙Ⲵ⢙փDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᇶሱസⲴଷਓ䴰㾱ሩ⵰ᖬ↔DŽ

62 Lubricate the rings with oil and assemble piston and piston stop. 62 ⏖━ᇶሱസˈ㻵䝽⍫ຎ઼⍫ຎ→ⴈDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

63 Fit the piston unit on the cover for the parking brake housing. It may be necessary to rotate the piston stops slightly to make the bolts fit. Tighten the bolts to 25 Nm˄18 Ibf ft˅. 63 ሶ⍫ຎঅ‫ݳ‬ᆹ㻵ࡠ‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘᵪᷦкDŽ ਟ㜭䴰㾱䖫ᗞⲴ᯻䖜⍫ຎ→ⴈᶕᆹ㻵㷪ṃDŽ ሶ㷪ṃᤗ㍗ࡠ 25 Nm˄18 Ibf ft˅DŽ

64 Release the parking brake application by tightening in the three bolts in the cover until stop. Then slacken the bolts one turn. 64 䀓䲔傫䖖ࡦࣘˈᤗ㍗㖙ⴆкⲴйњ㷪ṃ㠣ࡠᤗн ࣘDŽ ሶ㷪ṃഎ䖜аസDŽ

65 Fit the brake housing cover. NOTE: The O-ring. Tighten the bolts to 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft). 65 ᆹ㻵ࡦࣘᵪᷦ㖙DŽ ⌘᜿˖O ᖒസDŽ 㷪ṃ࣋⸙ᤗ㍗ࡠ 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft).


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Piston unit for parking brake, HT200 HT201ˈreconditioning ‫ڌ‬䖖ࡦࣘⲴ⍫ຎঅ‫ˈݳ‬ HT200 㕆⸱ 2791 ѻਾ઼ HT201ˈ‫⨶؞‬ 58 Remove the three bolts from the cover. Slacken the bolts evenly all the way round. NOTE: The spring force. Lift away the cover. 58 〫䎠㖙ⴆкⲴйњ㷪ṃDŽ ⋯ઘസ൷रⲴᤗᶮ㷪ṃDŽ ⌘᜿˖ᕩ㉗঻࣋DŽ 〫䎧㖙ⴆDŽ

59 Change seal and bearing race in the cover. 59 ᴤᦒᇶሱസ઼㖙ⴆ䟼Ⲵ䖤᢯สᓗDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

60 If necessary remove the springs. The free length of the springs should be 74.3 mm(2.93 in)and 66mm(2.60 in)at a pressing force of 900-1100N(202-247 Ibf). Change the sealing rings. To facilitate the fitting, heat the rings in hot water making them more supple. Fit the sealing rings without using hard or sharp objects. NOTE: The lips of the seals should be facing each other. 60 ྲ᷌䴰㾱〫ᔰᕩ㉗DŽ ᕩ㉗Ⲵ㠚⭡䮯ᓖѪ 74.3mm˄2.93 in˅ˈ൘ 900-1100N˄202-247 Ibf˅Ⲵ঻࣋лⲴ䮯ᓖ Ѫ 66mmDŽ ᴤᦒᇶሱസ ѪҶᴤᇩ᱃ᆹ㻵ˈᢺᇶሱസ᭮൘✝≤ѝ࣐ ✝֯ަᴤḄ䖟DŽ ⌘᜿˖ᇶሱസⲴଷਓ㾱⴨ሩ᭮㖞DŽ

61 Position the O-ring on the shaft outside the bearing and also the O-ring on the housing. Lubricate the sealing rings on the piston and the chamfered surfaces in the housing with petroleum jelly. Position the piston. Make sure that the sealing ring enters into to chamfered area. 61 ൘ཆ䖤᢯Ⲵ䖤к઼㖙༣кᆹ㻵 O ᖒസDŽ ⏖━⍫ຎᇶሱസ઼ཆ༣кⲴᯌ䶒DŽ ᆹ㻵⍫ຎDŽ ⺞‫؍‬ᇶሱസ᤹䘋Ҷᯌ䶒४ฏDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 62 Position the springs on the piston and put on the cover. Make sure that the springs remain located in their positions. Tighten down the cover as far as the bolts allow. Tighten the bolts evenly all the way round. Check that the sealing ring on the piston enters the housing evenly all the way round. 62 ᆹ㻵⍫ຎᕩ㉗ˈᆹ㻵㖙ⴆDŽ⺞‫؍‬ᕩ㉗‫؍‬ᤱ൘ ᆹ㻵ս㖞DŽ㍗പ㖙ⴆⴤࡠн㜭㍗പDŽ⋯ശઘ ൷रⲴ䘋㹼㍗പDŽỰḕ⍫ຎᇶሱ⧟⋯ശઘ൷ रⲴ䘋‫ࡠޕ‬ཆ༣DŽ

63 Fit the ordinary attaching bolts for the cover tightening them evenly all the way round to a torque of 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft). Replace the three long bolts. 63 ֯⭘Პ䙊㍗പ㷪ṃˈ൷रⲴ⋯ശઘ㍗പ㖙༣ 㠣 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft)DŽ ԓᴯ䮯㷪ṃDŽ

64 Release the parking brake application by tightening in the three bolts in the cover until stop. Then slacken them one revolution. 64 䟺᭮傫䖖ࡦࣘˈ㍗പ㖙༣кⲴйњ㷪ṃⴤࡠ н㜭䖜ࣘDŽ᧕⵰ᶮᔰ㷪ṃаസDŽ

65 Fit the space between the lips of the seals with grease. 65 ൘ᇶሱസଷѻ䰤Ⲵオ䰤⎲ᣩ⏖━㜲DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Transmission, assembling ਈ䙏㇡ˈ㻵䝽 66 Change seal and bearing race in the bearing retainer for the output shaft. Use handle 6 999 001, plate 6 999 080 and 6 999 105 for the seal and handle 6 999 001, Plate 6 999 105 and 6 999 120 for the bearing race. 66 ᴤᦒᇶሱ઼䗃ࠪ䖤к䖤᢯᭟ᷦⲴ䖤᢯สᓗDŽ ֯⭘ᢣ᡻ 6 999 001ˈᶯ 6 999 080 ઼ 6 999 105 ᴤᦒᇶሱˈ֯⭘ᢣ᡻ 6 999 001ˈᶯ 6 999 105 ઼ 6 999 120 ᴤᦒ䖤᢯สᓗDŽ 67 Bolt on the bearing retainer without an O-ring with three bolts and washers as shown in the figure. Tighten the bolts until the wavy washers become fully compressed. Then slacken the bolts approx. one turn in order to release any preload. NOTE: While tightening the bolts, make sure that the bearing retainer sliders easily in the housing and that the retainer in not in an oblique position when the bolts have been slackened. Rotate the shaft at least five revolutions. Measure the clearance where the shims are to be fitted in at least two places. Work out the average. Select shims whit a correct thickness reduced by 0.03-0.08mm(0.0012-0.0031 in) in order to obtain a preload. Fit a new O-ring. NOTE: It is important that the parking brake is released as described on page 121 point 64 or alternatively page 124 point 64. 67 ሶ䖤᢯᭟᫁⭘йњ㷪ṃ઼ෛസྲമᡰ⽪പ ᇊտDŽ㍗പࡠ⌒⎚ෛസᆼ‫঻ޘ‬㕙DŽ᧕⵰ᶮᔰ аസԕ䟺᭮亴㍗࣋DŽ ⌘᜿˖㍗പᰦˈ⺞‫؍‬䖤᢯᭟᫁━ࣘ↓ᑨˈᒦ ൘ᶮࣘ㷪ṃᰦ‫؍‬ᤱн‫ٮ‬ᯌDŽ 㠣ቁ䖜ࣘ䖤ӄസDŽ⍻䟿ෛ⡷㠣ቁᆹ㻵є༴༴ Ⲵ䰤䳉ˈ䇑㇇ࠪ䰤䳉DŽ䘹ᤙਸ䘲Ⲵ৊ᓖᖂ㓣ࡠ 0.03-0.08mm(0.0012-0.0031 in)ѻ䰤ԕ㧧ᗇ亴䖭DŽᆹ㻵ањ ᯠ O ᖒസDŽ⌘᜿˖᤹➗ 64 ↕㿴ᇊⲴሶ傫䖖ࡦࣘ䀓䲔ᖸ䟽㾱DŽ 117

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 68 Position the bearing retainer together with shims and O-ring. Tighten the bolts to 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft) Fit a new O-ring on the shaft. 68 ᆹ㻵䖤᢯᭟઼ᷦෛ⡷઼ O ᖒസDŽ ㍗പ㷪ṃࡠ 45 Nm˄33 Ibf ft˅ ൘䖤кᆹ㻵ањᯠ O ᖒസDŽ

69 Fit the rear drive flange. Tighten the nut to 600 Nm˄443 Ibf ft˅DŽ NOTE˖The tool increases the torque on the nut 15 times. Secure with the circlips. 69 ᆹ㻵ਾ傡ࣘ⌅‫ޠ‬DŽ ᤗ㍗࣋⸙ࡠ 600 Nm˄443 Ibf ft˅DŽ ⌘᜿˖⭘ᐕާ໎࣐㷪⇽Ⲵ࣋⸙ 15 ⅑DŽ ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസ䬱ᇊDŽ

70 Fit the front drive flange. Tighten the nut to 600 Nm(442 Ibf ft). NOTE: The tool increases the torque on the nut 15 times. Secure with locking washer and circlip. There are two versions of the washer. The difference between them is the pitch. Before removing the tool, try out which locking washer fits best. Never reduce the torque of the nut. Remove the tool. 70 ᆹ㻵ࡽ傡ࣘ⌅‫ޠ‬DŽ ࣋⸙࣐ࡠ 600 Nm(442 Ibf ft)DŽ ⌘᜿˖⭘ᐕާ໎࣐࣋⸙ 15 ⅑DŽ ֯⭘䬱ᇊෛസ઼ᕩᙗᥑസ䘋㹼പᇊDŽ ᴹє⿽ෛസˈԆԜⲴ४࡛ᱟᯌᓖˈ൘〫ࣘᐕާࡽ 䈅傼ଚ⿽ෛസᴤਸ䘲DŽн㜭߿ቁ㷪⇽Ⲵ࣋⸙DŽ 〫৫ᐕާDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 71 Drive the plug out of the cover for the forward-first clutch shaft. Put the cover back but without an O-ring and without shims leaving a slot between the cover and the housing of a approx.1 mm(0.04 in). 71 ᮢࠪࡽ䘋-аẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵ㖙ⴆѝⲴ๥ຎDŽሶ㖙 ⴆнᑖ O ᖒസ઼㮴ෛസ᭮എˈ֯㖙ⴆ઼ཆ༣ѻ 䰤⮉ࠪ㓖 1mm(0.04 in)Ⲵ㕍䳉DŽ

72 Drive the bearing for the forward-first clutch shaft into position. 72 ሶࡽ䘋-аẓ⿫ਸಘⲴ䖤᢯ᮢ䘋⍫ຎDŽ

73 Position the clutch shafts in the housing in the following order: third-fourth, forward-first and finally reverse-second. NOTE: Grease the rollers in the output shaft for the reverse-second clutch. Make sure that none of the rollers fall out of the cage. When in doubt, remove the cover at the end of the dropbox for the reverse-second output shaft in order to check that all rollers are in position. The reverse-second clutch shaft must be shaken down in order to make the disc splines engage. The shaft is fully home when the reverse gear is at the same level as the gear for the fourth clutch. 73 ṩᦞлࡇ亪ᒿ൘ᵪᷦкᆹ㻵⿫ਸಘ䖤˖ йẓ-ഋẓˈࡽ䘋-аẓˈᴰਾ‫ق‬ẓ-ҼẓDŽ ⌘᜿˖⏖━‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘⲴ䗃ࠪ䖤┊ᆀDŽ ⺞‫⋑؍‬ᴹ┊ᆀᦹࠪᣔസDŽྲ⋑ᴹ⌘᜿ˈ〫৫ ‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ䗃ࠪ䖤к࠶ࣘ㇡ᵛㄟ㖙ⴆˈỰḕᡰᴹ Ⲵ┊ᆀᱟ੖൘⴨ᓄⲴս㖞кDŽ‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ 䖤䴰㾱᩷㩭ԕ֯ⴈⲴ㣡䭞ஞਸDŽ ᖃ‫ق‬ẓ喯䖞઼ഋẓ⿫ਸಘ喯䖞൘਼а≤ᒣ㓯 кᰦ䖤ণᆹ㻵ࡠսDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

74 Position the bearing for the intermediate gear. 74 ᆹ㻵ѝ䰤喯䖞Ⲵ䖤᢯DŽ

75 Position the intermediate gear. 75 ᆹ㻵ѝ䰤喯䖞DŽ

76 Turn the torque converter housing and drive in the outer bearing race for the bearing of the forward-first clutch shaft. 76 䖜ࣘਈ⸙ಘཆ༣ˈሶࡽ䘋-аẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤᢯Ⲵ ཆ䖤᢯สᓗᮢ䘋DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 77 Place guards over the clutch shafts, i.e. plastic, rubber or similar and assemble the housing halves. Do not forget the O-ring on the suction duct. Use sealing compound. Tighten the bolts to 80 Nm(59 Ibf ft). NOTE˖The torque converter housing must be in the horizontal position when assembling, otherwise the bearings may be damaged. 77 ሩ⿫ਸಘ䖤䘋㹼‫؍‬ᣔˈ⭘ກᯉǃₑ㜦ᡆަᆳ ᆹ㻵ཆॺ༣DŽ ֯⭘ᇶሱࡲDŽ ሶ㷪ṃ㍗പࡠ 80 Nm˄59 Ibf ft˅. ⌘᜿˖㻵䝽ᰦਈ⸙ಘཆ༣ᗵ享≤ᒣ᭮㖞ˈ੖ࡉ 䖤᢯ਟ㜭ᦏൿDŽ

78 Lubricate the bearing for the reverse-second clutch shaft and drive the bearing into position. Secure with the circlip. 78 ⏖━‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵ䖤᢯ˈሶ䖤᢯঻‫ޕ‬⍫ ຎDŽ ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസപᇊDŽ

79 Fit support ring, spacer ring˄HT 200˅and circlip on the clutch shaft. NOTE˗The inner chamfer of the support ring should be facing the torque converter(outwards). Press down the circlip by raising the shaft while at the same time pressing down the circlip using the tool 999 3616. 79 ᆹ㻵᭟᢯⧟ǃ䳄⿫ᦒ˄HT 200˅઼ᕩᙗᥑസࡠ ⿫ਸಘ䖤DŽ ⌘᜿˖᭟᢯⧟Ⲵ޵ᯌ䶒ᓄ䈕䶒ሩਈ⸙ಘ˄ੁཆ˅ DŽ ᨀ儈䖤Ⲵ਼ᰦˈ֯⭘ᐕާ 999 3616 ሶᕩᙗᥑസ ঻лDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

80 Put the outer circlip for the third-fourth clutch shaft on the shaft. Lift the shaft with the aid of the tool and insert the circlip. 80 ሶйẓ-ഋẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵཆᕩᙗᥑസᆹ㻵ࡠ䖤кDŽ ֯⭘ᐕާሶ䖤ॷ䎧ˈ㻵‫ޕ‬ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ 81 Fit the turbine shaft. 81 ᆹ㻵⏑䖞䖤DŽ NOTE˖On HT200 ser. no. 1639-a circlip has been introduced on the turbine shaft to limit its end movement, see figure. If parts of the torque converter are damaged, a change to the new version should be made as follows: If earlier type shaft or cover are damaged, the shaft, cover and torque converter foot must be changed. Any shims are omitted and instead replaced by the circlip. If the torque converter is damaged, change shaft and torque converter foot in addition to the torque converter. The circlip is added. If the torque converter foot is damaged, no other parts need to be changed apart from the torque converter foot. The earlier version of the torque converter foot can be used if 5 mm(0.20 in) is milled off at the splines end, see figure. For further information of rebuilding the torque converter, see page 39. ⌘᜿˖HT200 㕆⸱ 1639 ԕਾᐢ㓿൘⏑䖞䖤кᆹ㻵Ҷањᕩᙗᥑസ ԕ䲀ࡦᵛㄟս〫ˈྲമDŽ ྲ᷌ਈ⸙ಘⲴ䴦ԦᦏൿҶˈṩᦞл䶒↕僔ᴤᦒᯠⲴ䴦ԦDŽ ྲ᷌ᰙᵏ⡸ᵜⲴ䖤ᡆ㖙ⴆᦏൿҶˈ䖤ˈ㖙ⴆ઼ਈ⸙ಘ᭟㞯䜭ᗵ享ᴤᦒDŽᡰᴹෛ⡷ 䜭ⴱ⮕ᒦ֯⭘ᕩᙗᥑസᴯԓDŽ ྲ᷌ਈ⸙ಘᦏൿˈ䲔ਈ⸙ಘѻཆ䘈㾱ᴤᦒ䖤઼ਈ⸙ಘ㞯DŽ໎࣐ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ ྲ᷌ਈ⸙ಘ㞯ᦏൿˈਚ䴰㾱ᴤᦒਈ⸙ಘ㞯DŽᰙᵏ⡸ᵜⲴਈ⸙ಘ㞯ਟԕ൘ᵛㄟ 5mm(0.20 in)㻛䬓৫ਾ֯⭘ˈྲമDŽ ‫ޣ‬Ҿਈ⸙ಘ䟽ᯠࡦ֌Ⲵᴤཊؑ᚟ˈ㿱 39 亥DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

82 Position the gasket and fit the torque converter simultaneously with the spring guide for the torque converter safety valve. Thoroughly lubricate and fit the lubricating oil pump gears in the pump housing. Fit the intermediate plate. Fit the pump unit to the torque converter foot. Tighten the oil pump attaching bolts to 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft). 82 ᆹ㖞ෛസ઼ᆹ㻵ਈ⸙ಘˈ਼ᰦᆹ㻵ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰Ⲵ ᕩ㉗ሬᵶDŽ ൘⌥ᇔ޵ᆹ㻵⏖━⋩⌥喯䖞ᒦᖫᓅ⏖━DŽ ᆹ㻵ѝ䰤ᶯDŽ ൘ਈ⸙ಘ㞯кᆹ㻵⌥অ‫ݳ‬DŽ ሶ⋩⌥ᤗ㍗࣋⸙ࡠ 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft)DŽ

83 Fit the circlip NOTE: This only applies to HT200 1639-or the rebuilt version of HT201. 83 ᆹ㻵ᕩᙗᥑസDŽ ⌘᜿˖ਚ䘲⭘Ҿ HT200 㕆ਧ 1639 ѻਾⲴᡆ HT201 Ⲵ䟽ᯠࡦ֌⡸ᵜDŽ

84 Fit the sealing rings(piston steel ring type) on the clutch shafts using petroleum jelly. Position the oil distributors. Tighten the oil distributor bolts to 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft). 84 ᆹ㻵ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ࡠ⿫ਸಘ䖤кᒦ⏖━DŽ ᆹ㻵䝽⋩ⴈDŽ ሶ䝽⋩ⴈⲴ࣋⸙ᤗࡠ 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft)DŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

85 Fit the lubricating oil pipe. 85 ᆹ㻵⏖━⋩㇑DŽ

86 Fit the oil pipes for the forward-first and reverse-second oil distributors and the oil pipe to the transmission oil pump. Bolt on the retainer for the pipes. Use new O-rings and lubricate with petroleum jelly. 86 ᆹ㻵ࡽ䘋-аẓ⋩㇑઼‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ䝽⋩ⴈ઼ਈ䙏 ⋩⌥⋩㇑DŽ ሶ⋩㇑᭟ᷦкᇊDŽ ֯⭘ᯠ O ᖒസᒦ⏖━DŽ

87 Fit the oil pipes and bolt on the oil distributor plate and the lubricating oil valve. Tighten the bolts to 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft). 87 ᆹ㻵⋩㇑ˈᒦ䘎᧕ࡠ䝽⋩ᶯ઼⏖━䰰кDŽ ㍗പ࣋⸙ࡠ 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft).


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 88 Fit the torque converter safety valve(ball and spring). 88 ᆹ㻵ਈ⸙ಘᆹ‫ޘ‬䰰˄䫒⨳઼ᕩ㉗˅ DŽ

89 Fill the pump with approx.1/4 of a litre (1/2 US pint) of oil in the pump. 89 ੁ⌥䟼⌘‫ޕ‬㓖 1/4 ॷ˄1/2 㖾ഭ ૱㝡˅⋩DŽ

90 Fit the torque converter. NOTE: The torque converter should be edge to edge or just below the end of the turbine shaft. 90 ᆹ㻵ਈ⸙ಘDŽ ⌘᜿˖ਈ⸙ಘ䴰㾱䗩䶐䗩ᡆਚ൘⏑䖞䖤Ⲵл䶒DŽ

91 Fit the turbine shaft locking washer(if required). Tighten the bolts to 40 Nm(31 Ibf ft). Lock the bolts. Use locking fluid medium if locking washer are missing. 91 ᆹ㻵⏑䖞䖤䬱ᇊෛ⡷˄ྲ᷌䴰㾱˅ ࣋⸙ᢃࡠ 40 Nm(31 Ibf ft)DŽ 䬱ᇊ㷪ṃDŽ ֯⭘䬱ᇊ⏢փสྲ᷌䬱ᇊෛസђཡDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 92 HT200 not the rebuilt version: Make sure that the circlip for the bearing on the turbine rotor fits up against the torque converter and measure the distance between the turbine rotor outer bearing race and the contact surface for the cover. Make a note of the measurement. Measure the corresponding distance within the Cover. Adjust with the aid of shims so that the bearing gets a clearance of 0.15-0.35mm( 0.006 in-0.014 in). 92 HT200 㕆⸱ 1638 ѻࡽ䶎䟽ᯠࡦ֌⡸ᵜ˖ ⺞‫⏑؍‬䖞䖜ᆀ䖤᢯Ⲵᕩᙗᥑസ㍗䶐⵰ਈ⸙ ಘˈ⍻䟿⏑䖞䖜ᆀཆ䖤᢯สᓗ઼㖙ⴆⲴ᧕䀖 䶒ѻ䰤Ⲵ䐍⿫DŽ ሶቪረ䇠ᖅлᶕDŽ ⍻䟿㖙ⴆ޵Ⲵ⴨ᓄ䐍⿫DŽ 䈳ᮤෛസⲴᮠ䟿֯ᗇ䖤᢯Ⲵ䰤䐍Ѫ 0.15-0.35mm(0.006 in-0.014 in).

93 Tighten the cover bolts to 40Nm(30 Ibf ft). 93 ሶ㷪ṃ㍗പࡠ 40Nm(30 Ibf ft)DŽ

94 Fit the gasket and the inner oil distributer plate. Use guide pins. Centre the plate and tighten down the four socket head bolts. Tighten to 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft). NOTE: Make sure that the pipes engage the holes in the plate. 94 ᆹ㻵ෛസ઼޵䜘䝽⋩ⴈDŽ ֯⭘ሬੁ䬰DŽ 䳶ѝᶯˈᒦ֯⭘ഋњ㷪ṃሶަപᇊDŽ ㍗പ㷪ṃࡠ 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft). ⌘᜿˖⺞‫⋩؍‬㇑㔃ਸҾᶯкⲴᆄDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

95 Fit gasket, intermediate plate, gasket and outer oil distributor plate. Centre the plate and tighten the bolts to 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft). NOTE˖Eight M8 bolts length 55 mm and two M8 length 25 mm. 95 ᆹ㻵ෛസˈѝ䰤ᶯˈෛസ઼ཆ䜘䝽⋩ⴈDŽ 䳶ѝᶯˈᒦᢃ࣋⸙ࡠ 25 Nm˄18 Ibf ft˅ DŽ ⌘᜿˖‫ޛ‬ṩ䮯 55 Ⲵ M8 㷪ṃˈєṩ䮯 25 Ⲵ M8 㷪ṃDŽ

96 Fit gasket and position the gear selector valve. Use guide pin. Fit two M8 bolts length 120 mm(=the ordinary attaching bolts)loosely. 96 ᆹ㻵ෛസ઼ẓս䘹ᤙ䰰DŽ ֯⭘ሬੁ䬰DŽ ᆹ㻵єṩ䮯 120mm Ⲵ M8 㷪ṃˈᰐ䴰㍗പDŽ

97 Fit a gasket and the damping valve. Tighten the valve bolts to 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft) NOTE: Six M8 bolts length 160 mm. 97 ᆹ㻵ෛസ઼䱫ቬ䰰DŽ ㍗പ䰰㷪ṃࡠ 25 Nm(18 Ibf ft)DŽ ⌘᜿˖6 ṩ䮯 160mm Ⲵ M8 㷪ṃDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ 98 Connect all oil hoses. Fit the oil draining pipe between the gear selector valve and the dropbox(HT201). 98 䘎᧕ᡰᴹ⋩㇑DŽ ൘喯䖞䘹ᤙ䰰઼࠶ࣘ㇡ѻ䰤ᆹ㻵ᧂ⋩㇑ ˄HT201˅ DŽ 99 Fit the oil strainer and bolt on the cover. Tighten the strainer attaching bolts to 25Nm(18 Ibf ft)and the cover to 20Nm(15 Ibf ft). The screw stud for the strainer should be secured with locking fluid which can stand a temperature of 150ć(300eF). 99 ᆹ㻵└㖁ˈሶⴆᆀ⭘㷪ṃࠍപDŽ ሶ└㖁㷪ṃ㍗പࡠ 25Nm(18 Ibf ft)઼ሶⴆᆀ㷪 ṃ㍗പࡠ 20Nm(15 Ibf ft)DŽ └㖁кⲴৼཤ㷪ṃ䴰㾱⭘㜦㍗പˈ֯ަਟԕ᢯ ਇ 150ć(300eF)DŽ 100 Check and adjust the end float for the forward-first clutch shaft by bolting down the bearing retainer without an O-ring with three bolts and washers as shown in the figure. Tighten the bolts until the wavy washers become fully compressed. Then slacken the bolts approx. one turn in order to release any preload. NOTE˖While tightening the bolts, make sure that the bearing retainer slides easily in the housing and that the retainer is not in an oblique position when the bolts have been slackened. Rotate the shaft at least 5 revolutions. Measure the clearance where the shims are to be fitted in at least two places. Calculate the average value. The correct end float should be 0.15-0.22mm (0.006-0.009 in). 100 Ựḕᒦ֯⭘йњ㷪ṃ઼ෛസᆹ㻵䖤᢯᭟ᷦԕ ሩࡽ䘋-аẓ⿫ਸಘ䖤Ⲵᵛㄟ䰤䳉䘋㹼䈳ᮤˈ ྲമᡰ⽪DŽ㍗പ㷪ṃⴤ㠣⌒⎚ෛസ㻛ᆼ‫঻ޘ‬ ㍗DŽ᧕⵰ሩ㷪ṃഎᶮаസԕ䟺᭮亴㍗࣋DŽ⌘᜿˖ᖃ㍗പ㷪ṃ ᰦˈ⺞‫؍‬䖤᢯᭟ᷦ൘ཆ༣ѝ━ࣘ㠚⭡DŽᖃഎᶮаസᰦˈ⺞‫؍‬ ᭟ᷦ‫؍‬ᤱн‫ٮ‬ᯌDŽ䖜ࣘ䖤㠣ቁ 5 സDŽ൘ෛ⡷㠣ቁᆹ㻵єњⲴ ൠᯩ 128

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ ⍻䟿䰤䳉DŽ䇑㇇ᒣ൷ᮠ٬DŽ↓⺞Ⲵᵛㄟ⎞ࣘ䰤䳉ᓄ䈕൘ 0.15-0.22mm(0.006-0.009 in)DŽ 101 Fit the plug in the cover. 101 ൘㖙ⴆкᆹ㻵๥ຎDŽ

102 Bolt on the power take-offs. Tighten the bolts to 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft). 102 ᆹ㻵ਆ࣋䖤DŽ ሶ࣋⸙㍗പࡠ 45 Nm(33 Ibf ft)DŽ

103 Remove the bolts which were used for releasing the parking brake and instead fit plugs. 103 〫৫⭘ᶕ䟺᭮傫䖖ࡦࣘⲴ㷪ṃˈᒦᆹ㻵㷪ຎԓ ᴯDŽ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

Drawings of E-tools which can be made in your own Workshop ਟԕ൘䖖䰤࣐ᐕⲴ E-ᐕާⲴമ㓨

E 943 Guide pin Blank, bolt part no.955332 E 943 ሬੁ䬰 ඟԦˈ㷪ṃ⢙ᯉ㕆⸱ 955332

E 1215 Fixture E 1215 ᐕ֌ཀྵާ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

E 1224 Fixture Material: SIS 1312 A Spacer, 4 pcs E 1224 ᐕ֌ཀྵާ ᶀᯉ SIS 1312 A ᇊսԦˈ4 ṩ

E 1228 Lifting eye A Blank 445 mm. Material SIS 2172 B Bolt M8 length 50 mm part no.955 300 E 1228 ਺㙣 A ඟԦ 445mmDŽᶀᯉ SIS 2172 B M8 㷪ṃ䮯 50mm 䴦Ԧ㕆⸱ 955 300

E 1630 Gauge 1 Self tapping screw, e.g. part no. 955 137 2 Feeler gauge 3 pipe E 1630 䟿㿴 1 ॺ㠚᭫㷪䪹ˈֻྲ⢙ᯉ㕆⸱ 955 137 2 ⍻䳉㿴 3 ⋩㇑


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft, forward-first, HT200 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈࡽ䘋-аẓˈHT200 1 Gear wheel, forward 喯䖞ˈࡽ䘋ẓ 2 Gear wheel, first 喯䖞ˈаẓ 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining holeˈclutch pressure ⿫ਸಘ঻ᧂ⋩ᆄ 5 Gear wheel 喯䖞 6 Application piston ᫽֌⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct, forward clutch ⋩㇑ˈࡽ䘋⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct, first clutch ⋩㇑ˈаẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱസ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Sintered discs ✗㔃ⴈ 14 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 15 Draining hole, lubricating oil ⏖━⋩ᧂ⋴ᆄ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎսᕩ㉗ 17 Taper roller bearing 亦䜘┊ᆀ䖤᢯ 18 Spacer washer 䳄⿫ෛസ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft, reverse-second, HT200 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈ‫ق‬ẓ-ҼẓˈHT200 1 Gear wheel, reverse 喯䖞ˈ‫ق‬ẓ 2 Gear wheel, intermediate gear 喯䖞ˈѝ䰤喯䖞 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ⿫ਸಘ঻ˈᧂ⋩オ 5 Gear wheel 喯䖞 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil ductˈreverse clutch ⋩㇑ˈ‫ق‬ẓ⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct, second clutch ⋩㇑ˈҼẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Sintered discs ✗㔃ⴈ 14 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 15 Draining hole, lubricating oil ⏖━⋩ᧂࠪᆄ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎսᕩ㉗ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑ⧟ 21 Bearings 䖤᢯


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft, third-fourth, HT200 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ-ഋẓˈHT200 㕆⸱ 2205 ѻࡽ 1 Gear wheel, third 喯䖞ˈйẓ 2 Gear wheel,fourth 喯䖞ˈഋẓ 3 shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⿫ਸಘ঻ 5 Separator plate 䳄⿫ᶯ 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct, third clutch ⋩㇑ˈйẓ 9 Oil duct, fourth clutch ⋩㇑ˈഋẓ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubracating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 14 Sintered discs ✗㔃ⴈ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎսᕩ㉗ 18 Spacer washer 䳄⿫ෛസ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ 21 Bearings 䖤᢯


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Cluthc shaft, third-fourth, HT200 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ-ഋẓˈHT200 㕆⸱ 2206 ਾ 1 Gear wheel, third 喯䖞ˈйẓ 2 Gear wheel, fourth 喯䖞ˈഋẓ 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ᧂ⋩オˈ⿫ਸಘ঻ 5 Separator plate 䳄⿫ᶯ 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct, third clutch ⋩㇑ˈйẓ⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct, fourth clutch ⋩㇑ˈഋẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings ᇶሱസ 13 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 14 Sintered disc ✗㔃ⴈ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎ〻ᕩ㉗ 18 Spacer washer 䳄⿫ᕩ㉗ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ 21 Bearings 䖤᢯


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft, forward-first HT201 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈࡽ䘋-аẓˈHT201 1 Gear wheel, forward 喯䖞ˈࡽ䘋 2 Gear wheel, first 喯䖞ˈаẓ 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⿫ਸಘ঻ 5 Gear wheel 喯䖞 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct, forward clutch ⋩㇑ˈࡽ䘋⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct, first clutch ⋩㇑ˈаẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱസ˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Sintered disc ✗㔃ⴈ 14 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 15 Draining hole, lubricating oil ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⏖━⋩ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎսᕩ㉗ 17 Taper roller bearings 亦䜘┊ᆀ䖤᢯ 18 Spacer sleeve 䳄⿫྇ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft reverse-second HT201 ⿫ਸಘ䖤 ‫ق‬ẓ-Ҽẓ HT201 1 Gear wheel, reverse 喯䖞ˈ‫ق‬ẓ 2 Gear wheel, intermediate gear 喯䖞ˈѝ䰤喯䖞 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⿫ਸಘ঻ 5 Grear wheel 喯䖞 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct reverse clutch ⋩㇑ˈ‫ق‬ẓ⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct,second clutch ⋩㇑ˈҼẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct, bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct, discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ㓴Ԧ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Sintered discs ✗㔃ⴈ 14 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 15 Draining hole, lubricating oil ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⿫ਸಘ⋩ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎ〻ᕩ㉗ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ 21 Bearings 䖤᢯


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂ Clutch shaft third-fourth HT201 ⿫ਸಘ䖤ˈйẓ-ഋẓˈHT201 1 Gear wheel, third 喯䖞ˈйẓ 2 Gear wheel, fourth 喯䖞ˈഋẓ 3 Shaft 䖤 4 Draining hole, clutch pressure ᧂ⋩ᆄˈ⿫ਸಘ঻ 5 Separator plate 䳄⿫ᶯ 6 Application piston ᫽㓥⍫ຎ 7 Split locking washer ᔰਓ䬱ᇊෛസ 8 Oil duct, third clutch ⋩㇑ˈйẓ⿫ਸಘ 9 Oil duct, fourth clutch ⋩㇑ˈഋẓ⿫ਸಘ 10 Lubricating oil duct,bearings ⏖━⋩㇑ˈ䖤᢯ 11 Lubricating oil duct,discs ⏖━⋩㇑ˈⴈ 12 Sealing rings(piston steel ring type) ᇶሱ⧟˄䠁኎⍫ຎ⧟˅ 13 Steel discs 䫒ⴈ 14 Sintered discs ✗㔃ⴈ 16 Disc pack return spring ⴈ㓴Ԧഎսᕩ㉗ 18 Spacer washer 䳄⿫ෛസ 19 Thrust plate ᧘࣋ᶯ 20 Circlip ᕩᙗᥑസ 21 Bearings 䖤᢯


VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

ਈ⸙ಘ 146

VOLVO HT200 ਎䙕㇧㔪‫ؤ‬ᢁ߂

ਈ⸙ಘ 1 ᕩᙗෛസˈਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 1639 ԕਾDŽ 2 ⼘ᦏ⧟˄ෛസ઼ᓗ˅ˈਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 2465 ԕਾDŽ 3 ෛ⡷ˈਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 2465 ԕਾDŽ 4 㖙ⴆˈਈ䙏㇡㕆⸱ 1639 ԕਾDŽ


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