Worksheet Solar Returns Final

April 28, 2017 | Author: babanp | Category: N/A
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Interpretation work sheet for solar return The solar return ascendant And its ruler’s show the potential for your outlook for the year: the scope of your temperament and personality: you’re possible approach to life and your path to self-awareness: also your appearance and general health in other words, the image you may project for the year in question. The sign on the ascendant adds its themes to your personality within the solar year, and you take on some of its coloring in addition to the sign on your natal ascendant. _______________________________________

The house in the solar return chart that holds the Sun is where much of the activity of the year is centered. It is the area of your life that can be revitalized now by the expenditure of personal energy: this is where expression of your ego can benefit you and it is here that you want to shine. _______________________________________ The house that comes to the ascendant of the solar return from the natal chart is particularly significant. This house and its ruler, both natal and the solar, denote other areas of activity and the conditions surrounding you during the year. If the sign on the solar return ascendant is within three or 4° of a natal cusp that is the house that comes to the ascendant not the one it is leaving. _______________________________________

Division of the planets by axis:

If the majority of the planets (both natal and solar return) are on the east side of the chart (including natal ascendant and Midheaven, but excluding

the lunar nodes, you may be called upon to make your own decisions on major issues and will very likely be able to express your free will and call your own shots during the duration of this return. You will feel very much in control of most situations. _______________________________________

If the majority of planets are on the west side of the chart, you will seem to have less control over situations and relationships and may have to accept choices and events as others call them. You may experience much involvement with other people during this year. _______________________________________

If the majority of the planets are up above the horizon, you tend to focus primarily on external events and will find it relatively easy to be objective and outgoing (to the extent this is possible in the needle chart). Business and social affairs may occupy much of your time. _______________________________________

If the majority of planets are below the horizon, you are concerned with internal reactions, quite subjective and some time during the year you may want to withdraw for while and live in your own little world.


Division of planets by houses: If houses one through four are emphasized (by having the majority of the planets, both natal and solar, in them), it is the year for self involvement. It is also a year for centering on personal needs, desires and affairs. It is also

year for taking responsibility for your own actions. Don’t be afraid to express the really you. Cater to yourself: do things that are important to you personally. _______________________________________

If houses five through eight are emphasized, much interpersonal involvement as promised, we’re others play a key role, and you at times must relinquish the reins of authority. Be open to other people’s concepts and expect some of them to make demands on your time and energy. _______________________________________

If houses nine through twelve are emphasized, it is considered a transpersonal time in your life, when you are involved with outside affairs, business and career. This is a time when you may get involved with community affairs or philanthropic projects. _______________________________________

If more planets are in angular houses it indicates a year in which to begin a new projects, start new relationships and attract attention. If the Sun and Moon are angular negatively, they can bring too much activity, lots of running around and little accomplishment. _______________________________________

If more planets are in succedant houses, it often signifies the completion of projects already underway in the solar return starts events may occur which bring opportunities for development and growth. Negatively use, this may indicate an obsession to stay with situations, people and projects long after they continue to be useful. _______________________________________

If more planets are in keeping and houses, it suggests a year of change as well as mental activity. The key is an attitude and adaptability and willingness negatively, one could inclined to a scattering of energy and not enough stability or stick to itness _______________________________________

Signs on the angles If Cardinal signs are on all four angles of the solar return chart it generally indicates a very active year: there is a lot of energy dedicated to the home, a partner, at work or business. It can be a time when you initiate new ideas or ventures. More physical activity than normal is suggested. Avoid rushing into situations unless you are fully aware of the situation. _______________________________________

If a fixed signs are all angles, a somewhat introspective year is denoted and there could even be financial concerns, especially if the second or eighth houses are emphasized. Depending on aspects, it need not necessary to note problems, but can indicate monetary dealings of subcontinent, such as buying or selling property or a car. You need outside of motivation or you could succumb to this inertia. This is a good year take action to make things happen. _______________________________________

If mutable signs are all in all the angles, there is a tendency to become involved with others, to be more aware of their needs, to communicate, and be social. This is a good time to focus on arts and crafts, to further educate or to undertake local or long-distance travel. The pitfall here is indecisiveness, procrastination, too much talk and not enough production. _______________________________________

If there is a cardinal ascendant and a fixed IC the beginning of the year is often very busy and active and could end with the achievement of your goals. To fully take advantage of this, it is necessary to establish some well thought out goals and get your priorities in line. _______________________________________

With a cardinal ascendant and a mutable IC, a great deal of activity is indicated, the results of which depend on or involve other people. If there is a fixed ascendant and a mutable IC, long-standing plans and affairs may change. Flexibility is important. This is a year when you may well learn the spirit of cooperation. _______________________________________

With a fixed ascendant and a cardinal IC, it is wise to take action on longstanding ideas and plans. It is a good year to move ahead with concepts or intentions that you have thought about for many years. _______________________________________

If there is a mutable ascendant and a fixed IC, others may influence you to start things you can’t want to finish. Approach commitments to others cautiously. Don’t allow yourself to become too dependent on other people. Versatility can be a plus when it is used for solid accomplishment with a mutable ascendant and a cardinal I see, you may be very active and involved with other people, but not always productively. It is most imperative to establish some permanent goals. _______________________________________

Interpretations: The intercepted access often becomes the focal point for the year. Generally

and there are interceptions, the houses involved are larger (by degrees) than normal. Two to three signs are in each house and when each of these design moves are considered in delineation, you can see the high focus of activity represented here the conclusion: in search septic planets may have trouble expressing themselves at the beginning of the year, but as the solar return chart moves forward, these plants move out of interception and then become more noticeable in the scheme of function during the year. AAnd intercepted sign of works beneath the surface of the normal activities represented by the house is in for a clue to Powell and intercepted planet will operate in the solar return chart is important to examine the house rules. Another significant feature of interception is the houses tied together. Significance of solar return houses The houses in the solar return chart our most significant because they’ve earned represents the theater of operation. Each house in the chart covers a wide range of experience, and through a thorough understanding of the ramifications of each House, the astrologer’s able to forecast possible arenas in action. The following house descriptions are applicable in assessing several avenues of solar return chart interpretation. They are particularly apt in describing actions were the solar they are particularly apt in describing actions were the solar return rulers are placed. Considerations to keep in mind: 1. The house placement of the Natal ruler of the solar return ascendant. _______________________________________

2. The house placement of the solar return ruler of the solar return ascendant. _______________________________________

3. The house cusp (Natal) closest to the solar return ascendant. _______________________________________ 4. The house placement of the Sun in the solar return chart. _______________________________________

Where are the solar return ascendant ruler is by house, shows where and how the function of that planet is operating the solar return ascendant ruler illustrates by its house position the way the function can work out. For example, with Gemini rising, Natal Mercury in the fourth house and solar return Mercury in the ninth, it may suggest activity in the home relating to ninth house fairs such as an exchange student coming to stay with you, or the opportunity to take some kind of home/study course. _______________________________________

Rising planets Any planet right behind the ascendant or in the first quadrant of the solar return chart is considered to be a rising planet, but the closer to the solar return ascendant, the more powerful the planetary themes seem to have. The natal planet rising has more impact in a solar return planet, but they both have significance, so be sure to consider both. If there are several planets in the first house, or in the 12th conjunct the ascendant (within no more than 5°), takes them all into consideration. If there are no planets in the first house, look at the closest rising planets, even if it is in the third house. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Whenever the moon is sending in a solar return chart, there is a general

feeling of restlessness and this often Indicates a move. _______________________________________

General Notes: for most accuracy keep all aspects between Natal and solar return planets within 5°. Solar return chart our most forceful when the natal ascendant rises, especially if the same degree is ascending within 3 or 4°.

When the angles are reversed, that is the seventh natal house is now the solar return ascendant, things do not seem to promising. You may feel at the mercy of other people or even had a marital or business partner run in. Jupiter or Venus rising may modify this. These same circumstances may prevail when solar return moon opposes the Sun on the other hand it may pave the way for a healthy balance between you and others because you are able to establish a middle ground between assertion and accommodation. _______________________________________

Any planet receiving a return within three to 4° is particularly significant, and the houses in the solar return chart ruled by that planet need special attention. _______________________________________

Solar return planets, the transits on the day, should be considered active only when they aspect a natal planet. _______________________________________

Any planet within 3° of the cost activates that house, any planet on an angle (the first, fourth, seventh or eighth or 10th house is) or within 5° before the

angle should get extras tension. So should the house this planet is in. _______________________________________

The solar return houses that hold the ascendant and midheaven are key houses in pinpointing the activity for the year. The one containing the ascendant suggests an area where you will take personal action: the one with the Midheaven indicates where you may take public or visible action. _______________________________________

Whenever one or more solar return planets form a key/square with the Natal square or opposition, particularly when a T-square becomes a grand Cross, you can expect a great activity in the solar houses Involved, especially when these configurations are triggered by limitations for eclipses.


When natal Saturn is found in the 12th house, you can be often promised the need to spend time alone, confinement, or even hospitalization. Yes________

No ________

Where in the solar return moon falls in the natal chart indicates in area at activity or own restlessness in the year. ___________________________________ We're solar return or natal Pluto are a place shows areas of opportunity for growth. ________________________________ Solar return or natal Jupiter in the 12th house can indicate a certain amount of protection for the year.

_______________________________ Whenever the solar return ascendant squares or quincunx the natal ascendant, there can be health problems or personnel changes (check others Solar return ascendant and sixth house aspects). Yes________

No ________

When solar return and natal selects midheavens are harmonious, your career may prosper; with difficult aspects, upsets in this area are possible. Adjustments are necessary if quincunxes are involved. A positive way to work this out is to redesign the old patterns and rid you of negative thinking.


No ________

Thinking in terms of house polarity when you read solar return charts (for example: an active 11th house can put the focus on your children or investments (fifth) as well as friends, social activity and business income (11th). Indicators of marriage: the third, seventh, ninth or 11th house is activated, either by coming to the ascendant or having the Sun or the ascendant ruler placed in one of them. Also Venus, Mars, Pluto and Saturn (either in natal or solar return) anger. At least three to four of the possible eight are necessary. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ For childbirth or pregnancy: the fourth, fifth and 11th house are activated. Lunar nodes (either in Natal or solar return) across the fifth or sixth axis or in cadent houses. The moon and/or natal ascendant and MC angular or in

the fifth or 11th house. Solar or Natal Neptune in the fourth. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

For promotion, and job or occupation change: the second sixth and 10th houses are activated. In the sixth, the changes often within the field for the company. In the 10th, it may indicate a change in career direction; moon and Mars show similar concerns. Also remember that a strong 6 house and 12th house can also mean a job change, counseling, therapy, volunteer work, etc. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Home changes: indicated by a third and fourth house activation. Moon, Mars or Uranus in the fourth can correlate with changes; Saturn here seems to suggest staying in the same place or delaying the move. With the moon, Mars or Uranus in third, you may feel the need for a change of environment and talk about it, but not necessarily do anything about. If that the seventh house is also involved with a home change, as represents a new home (fourth from the fourth). For a long distance home change, look for ties between the fourth and ninth house. If Uranus in the fourth house is the only indicator will not necessarily symbolize a move: it can indicate changes within the home, such as remodeling or someone else coming to live in your home or a current tenant leaves. Mars may highlight similar potentials. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Divorce: the third, seventh, eighth and ninth houses are activated; the third because of the dissolution of contract; the seventh indicates a break with the partner; eighth shows financial settlements and changes in sexual situations; the ninth depicts legal activity. Also Pluto, Uranus and Mars are usually angular. These same indications can also suggest a need for unique or new action, especially involving the public or a partner in parent Mars and Uranus) or breaking loose from restrictions and the need for more power (Pluto). ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Health: look at the first sixth in 12th house is. For surgery look at in the eighth and 12th (hospitalization) houses. With Mars in the eighth or on the ascendant, or the moon in the eighth with a challenging aspects, check for possible surgery. Many times these indications are present in cases of us Caesarian section delivered as well as cosmetic or dental surgery. Also remember that a strong 6 house and 12th house can also mean a job change, counseling, therapy, volunteer work, etc. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Inheritance: Strong second eighth house activity can mean an inheritance (with fourth), insurance settlements (with the seventh or ninth), an Audit by the IRS or going into debt; second/fifth/8/ may indicate luck in gambling or an investment. Strong third/ninth activation often Correlates with travel or educational opportunity; fifth/ninth can indicate a grandchild, if is eligible. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Love affairs: if the fifth and seventh houses are both activated and Venus is prominent, it usually indicates a love affair culminating in romantic commitment. If the person is already married, there may be an increase in the family; fifth/12th can indicate a clandestine affair or someone with someone who is already married; seventh/12th may suggest a partner who is not faithful. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


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