Worksheet of Mice and Men

July 1, 2018 | Author: teranespe | Category: N/A
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Of Mice and Men Chapters 1–2 While reading 1 Fi Finis nishth hthese esente ntence nceswi switht thther herig ightw htwor ord. d. drink cards fat trouble farm dead Thebiggermanwasverythi rmanwasverythirsty rsty,sohestarte ,sohestarted d a  Thebigge to…………fromthegreenpool. “Whydoy doyouwa ouwanta… nta…………mo ………mouse use?” ?” b “Why “Therew rewas… as…………i ………inW nWeed eed,Len ,Lennie nie.” .” c “The “Wherei reisth sthe……… e…………we …weare aregoi goingto ngto?” ?” d  “Whe “Iamgoi mgoingto ngtogiv givethe ethebos bossthe sthewor work k e “Ia ………….” f “We’llliveoffthe…………oftheland,” Lennieshoutedhappily. 2 Fi Findt ndther herigh ightwo tword rdsin sinCha Chapte pters1 rs1–2. –2. a Peopleusethistocarrythingsin.(p.1) ………………… Aplacewherepeop repeoplehavefru lehavefruit,veget it,vegetables ables b Aplacewhe andanimals.(p.4)………………… c Themostim Themostimportantpe portantpersoninacomp rsoninacompany any. . (p.4)………………… d  Somet Somethingisthis hingisthiswhenitisnotdi whenitisnotdifficul fficultto tto do.(p.5)………………… oufeelthiswhenyou swhenyouwantsometh wantsomethingtoeat. ingtoeat. e Youfeelthi (p.5)………………… f Peopleusethistocookonandtogetwarm. (p.5)………………… 3 An Answ swer erth theq eque uest stio ions ns.. Whatcolorwerethe orwerethemen men’’spants spants?? a  Whatcol ……………………………………………… Whatanimalsdid malsdidLennieal Lenniealwaysre waysremember? member? b Whatani ……………………………………………… Whydidn’’tGeorge tGeorgewanttodrink wanttodrinkthewater? thewater? c Whydidn ……………………………………………… d HowmanycansoffooddidGeorgehavein hisbag? ……………………………………………… Whatdi tdidLe dLenni nnieli eliket ketodot odotomic omice? e? e Wha ………………………………………………  WhatdidLenniewanttoh wanttohavewithhis avewithhisfood? food? f  WhatdidLennie ……………………………………………… 4 Ci Circl rcleth etheex eextra trawor wordin dinthe thesen senten tences ces.. a Georgesatdownnearoftheriver. b Lenniedidn’twantwantedtogiveGeorgethe mouse. Lennielikedpet likedpettingmice tingmicewithbyhisfi withbyhisfingers. ngers. c Lennie Georgehashaveto hashavetostaywithLe staywithLennie. nnie. d  George e Thetwomendidn’thavesomeanyketchup. f Georgewantedtolivinglivealone. c Pearson Education Limited 2008

PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Photocopiable Chapters 3–5 Chapters 3 –5 5 Writeth ritethenames enamesnexttoth nexttotheperson epersonwhosay whosays s orthinksthis. George Slim The Boss Curley Candy Lennie a “IthinkI’mgoingtohavetroublewiththese men.”………………… “Iamgoi mgoingto ngtotal talkto ktothe thebigm bigman. an.” ” b “Ia ………………… “Hisw iswife iferea really llylik likesm esmen.” en.”………… ………………… ……… c “H “Waitformein aitformeinthewoodsif thewoodsifthereisa thereisa d  “W problem.”………………… “Idon’’tlikethis tlikethisfarm.”…………… farm.”………………… …… e “Idon “Mydo ydoghad ghadnine ninepup puppie piesla slastni stnight. ght.” ” f  “M ………………… 6 Ar Areth ethese esesen senten tences cesrig right( ht(3)orwrong( 7)? c a Thereweretenbedsinthebunkhouse. Curleywasloo eywaslookingfor kingforhisfather hisfather. . b Curl c c Curl c Curleywasthebo eywastheboss ss’’sbrother sbrother. . Theprettywomanwor tywomanworeashortdre eashortdress ss d  Thepret c andredshoes. c e Lennielookedatthewoman’shair. Slimwas mwasvery veryint intell ellige igent. nt. f  Sli c 7 Un Underli derlinethewr nethewrongwo ongworda rdandput ndputtherig theright ht one. a Georgedidn’ttakeLennie’sfood. ………………… b Lenniewastheweakestmanonthefarm. ………………… c Curleywasahappyyoungman. ………………… Lenniesawagirlinagr sawagirlinagreendres eendressinW sinWeed. eed. d  Lennie ………………… Lenniedidn didn’’tlikethegi tlikethegirlinW rlinWeed. eed. e Lennie ………………… f Lenniewasamanontheinside. ………………… 8 Pu Putaw tawor ordon donthe thelef leftwi twitha thawor wordon donthe the right. n ew weak   before ugly   strong fast slow old sh or t after pretty tall

Of Mice and Men

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Activity worksheets


Of Mice and Men Chapters 6–8 9 Fi Finis nishth hthese esente ntence nceswi switht thther herig ightn htname ame. . Candy Lennie Curley Whit Slim Crooks …………………c ………clea leanedt nedthebu hebunkh nkhous ousean eand d a  ………… didsmalljobs. …………………w ………wast asthey heyoun ounges gestwor tworker ker b ………… onthefarm. …………………didn dn’’twanttohitso twanttohitsomeone. meone. c …………………di …………………w ………waso asouts utside idewith withasi asick ck d  ………… horse. …………………c ………coul ouldn dn’’tgoi tgointo ntothe the e ………… bunkhouse. …………………h ………hadt adtose oseead eadocto octorbec rbecaus ause e f  ………… hishandwashurt. 10 Puttheunderlinedlettersintherightplaceto makeaword. a Candyhadanncadiect…………………on thefarmandcouldn’tusehishand. b Curl CurleyhitLenn eyhitLennieinthehosm ieinthehosmcat cat …………………. c Geo Georget rgethoug houghtab htabouta outauft uftlai laibeu beu …………………farm. Georgedidn didn’’tthinkthe tthinkthefarmwasvery farmwasvery d  George pvsexenie…………………. WhitthoughtthatC ghtthatCurley urley’’swifewas e Whitthou rsgaeudon…………………becauseshe lookedatothermen. f Lennielikedtohearstoriesaboutmasanil …………………. 11 What’ What’sfirst?Numberthesentences,1– sfirst?Numberthesentences,1–6. 6. GeorgeandWhitpl andWhitplayedca ayedcards. rds. a  c George LenniewentintoCr ntintoCrook ook’’sroom. b c Lenniewe Candy,Lenniean ,LennieandGeorgeta dGeorgetalkedabo lkedabout ut c c Candy buyingafarm. Lenniebrokeall okeallofCurle ofCurley’ y’sfinger sfingers. s. d  c Lenniebr Curleywentloo ywentlookingforaf kingforafightwithSl ightwithSlim. im. e c Curle CurleyhitLenni yhitLennieintheface eintheface.. f  c Curle 12 Are Arethesesen thesesentence tencesrigh sright( t(3)orwrong( 7)? Candycouldn couldn’’tusehislef tusehislefthand. thand. a  Candy c Candycouldgive couldgiveGeorgethr Georgethreehundre eehundred d b Candy andfiftydollars. c c c Carlsondidn’thaveagun.  Whitthoughtthatafarm thatafarmwasagood wasagood d  Whitthought c placeforagirl. SlimwaswithCu swithCurley rley’’swife. e Slimwa c c f CarlsonwasafraidofCurley.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Photocopiable 13 Answ Answerthequ erthequesti estions. ons.  WhydidGeorgeandLenniealways andLenniealwaysworkon workon a  WhydidGeorge thesamefarms? ……………………………………………… WhatwereGeorge eGeorgeandWhitdo andWhitdoinginthe inginthe b Whatwer bunkhouse? ……………………………………………… WhydidWhitthink hitthinkCurle Curley’ y’swifewas swifewas c WhydidW dangerous? ……………………………………………… WheredidWhitsa dWhitsaywasanicepl ywasaniceplace? ace? d  Wheredi ……………………………………………… Whydid didWhi Whitwa twantto nttogoou gooutof tofthe the e Why bunkhouse? ……………………………………………… Wholiv livedi edinar naroomn oomnextt exttothe othedog dog’’sho shouse use?? f  Who ……………………………………………… Chapters 9–11 14 FindtherightwordsinChapters9–11. a Itmeansthesameasafraid.(p.28) ………………… b Somethingpeopleusetomakeordothings. (p.30)………………… otouchananimalwithyo alwithyourhand.(p urhand.(p.32) .32) c Totouchananim ………………… oreallynotlikeso notlikesomethingorso methingorsomeonealot meonealot. . d  Toreally (p.32)………………… e Tosaysomethingveryloudly.(p.35) ………………… f Peopleusethistokillotherpeopleand animals.(p.37)………………… 15 Writethenamesnexttothe ritethenamesnexttothepersonwhosays personwhosays orthinksthis. Lennie Slim Crooks Curley’s wife Candy   “OnlyS lySlim limand andtheb theboss osscome comeint intomy omy a  “On room.”………………… “Whydon’’tthementalk tthementalktome?” tome?” b “Whydon ………………… “GoawaynoworIwill ynoworIwilltellCur tellCurley ley.” .” c “Goawa ………………… “Shehasgotreall gotreallynicehair ynicehair.” .” d  “Shehas ………………… e “Iwillneverleaveyoubecausewe’reafamily.” ………………… “Let’ t’sfi sfindG ndGeor eorge!” ge!”………… ………………… ……… f  “Le

Of Mice and Men

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Progress test

PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme


Of Mice and Men


Chapters 1–2

b Candy Candyhada hadanacc naccident identandh andhurthi urthisleg. sleg.

1 Circletherig Circletherightword htwordorword orwords. s. a  Y  Young oungboys boys / girls / womenswaminthewater. womenswaminthewater. b Th Them emen enh had ad blue / black / red bagswiththem. bagswiththem. c Geo George rgeth thoug ought htthe thewa water terlo looked oked clean / dirty / cold . d  Lenni Lenniealwa ealwaysre ysremember membered edmice mice / rabbits / chickens . e Lennietooka Lennietookamouse mouse / work card / watch fromhis coat. f Georgethrewthemouseintothe Georgethrewthemouseintotheriver river / trees / fire . g  Thepe Thepeoplein opleinW Weedwa eedwantedt ntedto ohurt hurt / thank / pay  thetwomen. h WhenLenniecamebackfromthetreeshedidn WhenLenniecamebackfromthetreeshedidn’’t havemuch food  food / wood / water . i Le Lenn nnie iew wan ante teds dsom ome eketchup ketchup / vegetables / fruit with with hisfood.  j The There rewas wasen enoug oughf hfood oodfor for two / three / four men. men.

c Candy Candycoul couldn dn’’twor tworkvery kverymuch muchbuth buthecoul ecouldclea dclean. n.

………………… d  CandyandL CandyandLennie enniecoul couldsell dsellchick chickenson ensonthen thenew ew farm.………………… e Curl Curleywa eywasalw salwayslo ayslookingf okingforhis orhisbroth brother er. .

………………… f  WhitthoughtthatSlimwasweakerthanC  WhitthoughtthatSlimwasweakerthanCurley urley. .

………………… g Slimwashappywhenhecamebackintothe bunkhouse.………………… h Curl Curleyca eycalledL lledLennie ennieabig abig,stup ,stupidman idman. .

………………… i  j

Curleyc Curle ycut utLen Lennie nie’’sm smout outh. h.………………… Curleycr Curl eycriedli iedlikeagi keagirlwhe rlwhenLen nLenniehu niehurthis rthishand. hand.


Chapterss 3–5 Chapter 3 –5 2 Putasentenc Putasentenceonthelef eontheleftwithasent twithasentenceon enceonthe the right. a  Theme Themena narri rrived vedat at thefarmand b The Thebo bossd ssdidn idn’’t understandwhy  c Geo George rgedi didn dn’’tt ttake ake Lennie’smoney  d  Cur urle ley ywa was s dangerousbecause e Cu Curle rley’ y’sw swife ifewa wasa sa prettywomanwho f  Sl Slim imk kil ille ledf dfou our r puppiesbecause g  Le Lenn nnie iew was ash hap appy py  when h Le Lenn nnie ieli liked kedt to o touch i Sl Slim ims spok poke esl slow owly ly but  j Ca Carl rlso son nla laug ughe hed d  whenheheard


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

healw hea lway ays swa want nted edt to o fight. thei th eir rmo moth ther erc cou ould ldn n’t feedthemall. Sli lim mga gavve ehi him ma a puppy. took to okt the heir irb bag ags sto tot the he bunkhouse. hew he was asv ver ery ysm smar art. t. George Geor gew was ass spe peak akin ing g forLennie. soft so ft, ,pr pret etty tyt thi hing ngs. s.


Lennie Lenn ie’’s sse seco cond nd name. 9) be beca caus use ehe hew was ash his is friend. 10) rea really llyli liked kedmen men..

Chapters 6–8 3 Underli Underlinethewro nethewrongwor ngwordandput dandputtherighton therightone. e. a Georgewanted a  a bighousewithanice bighousewithanice bathroom.

Chapters 9–11 4 Finishthesente Finishthesentenceswi nceswiththeright ththerightword. word. threw games dead clothes scared legs feel mouth stupid noise a  Lenni Lenniewatc ewatchedC hedCurley urley’’swife swifewith withanop anopen en ……………. b Curl Curley’ ey’swifecall swifecalledCan edCandya… dya……………ol …………oldman. dman. c Lenni Lennielooke elookedatth datthe…………… e……………puppy puppy.. d  Lenni Lennie…………… e……………thed thedeaddog eaddogacro acrossthe sstheroom. room. e Curl Curley’ ey’swifeliked swifelikedto……… to……………her ……herhair hair.. f The……………ofthegunwentupthe mountains. g  Curl Curley’ ey’swifemov swifemovedher edherhands handstothe tothetopso topsofher fher ……………. h Them Themenpla enplayed…… yed……………on ………onSu Sunday ndayafter afternoon. noon. i Lenni Lennie’ e’sAu sAuntCl ntClaraga aragavehi vehimsome msomesoft soft …………….  j Lenni Lenniewas ewas……………a ……………andhe ndheputhi puthishan shandove dover r thegirl’smouth. 5 Ar Arethe etheses sesent entenc encesr esright ight( (3)orwrong( 7)? a Georgeandthemenwenttotown. c b Lenni Lenniekill ekilledthe edthepuppy puppy. . c c Lenni Lenniethr ethrewthe ewthedeadp deadpuppyo uppyoutof utofthef thefarm arm building. c d  Curley’swifelikedtofeelLennie’shair. swifelikedtofeelLennie’shair. c e Theot Theotherme hermenwer nwerelooki elookingfor ngforLenn Lenniean ieand d George. c


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Of Mice and Men

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