working capital management of the cement industry....
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The aim of the study is to know kno w the working capital management of the cement industry. The present chapter include a brief profile of the company .The chapter also includes objectives, scopes of the study and detailed methodology used in the research.
1.1. Research Research Problem Problem
In the research area there are five different different company that i have study their working capital management Birla Corporation, J !akshmi Cement ltd, "cc limited, #ltra Tech !imited, $anglam Cement.
1.11. Birla Corporation Limite
Birla Corporation limited is the flagship company of the $.% Birla &roup. Incorporated as Birla jute manufacturing company limited in '('(, it was !ate $r. $adhav %rasad Birla who gave shape to it. "s a chairman of the co mpany he transformed it from a manufacturer of the jute goods to a leading multi product corporation with a widespread activities. "fter the demise of $rs. %riyamvada Birla the company continued to consolidate in terms of profitability , competitiveness and growth under the !eadership of the $r. )ajendra *. !ohia , late chairman of the $.%. Birla Birla &roups.
#nder his leadership, the company posted its best ev er results in the years ended +'.+.-- and +'.+.--/. The company continued to record the growth in --/0-( and --(0'-. $.) 12 lodha is now Chairman of the the company Birla Corporation !imited.
i. Turnover of the Birla Corporation 3uring the year -'+0'4 Birla Birla Corporation limited recorded its its turnover of )*. 4''' crore. %rofit before ta5 ta5 is )s +4(. crore . ii.%roduct)ange of the Company Units
Bran Name
Birla cement
Is '4/( 7part :I8
works chanderia
cement 7%%C8
4+ &) : I*
cement works
9rdinary %ortland
/'4,;+ &r : I*
cement 79%C8 : 4+
's has been calculated from -'+0'4 to -'40';. The data
has been collected from< cement companies. It involves working capital ratios of Birla Corporation !td., %rism cement !td., J.. !akshmi cements !td., "CC, #ltra Tech cement !td. and J. cement !td. A. Birla corporation Lt ears
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