Workday Murali

July 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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OBJECTIVE  T  To o contribute my best skills and experienc experience e in an esteemed organization that provides a challenging environment promotion innovation & excellence. To enhance my level o proessional p roessional competence through hard work! dedication! perseverance and earnestness to learn.

SUMMARY  "T co cons nsul ulta tant nt ov over er an exp xper erie ienc nce e o #$ ye year ars s in u unc ncti tion onal al an and d technical areas o both Workday HCM & PeopleSof HRIS! %roven %rov en success in orkday "mplementations & development tasks with '$ years o experience as a orkday consultant or orkday ()* & on Workday S"d#o! ork orked ex exte tensi nsive vely ly in orkd orkday ay () ()* * bu busi sine ness ss pr proc oces ess! s! Be$e%&! •

A'&e$(eMa$a)e*e$! Co*pe$&a#o$! Perfor*a$(e Ma$a)e*e$! Re(r"##$)  and Payroll pro(e&&#$). orked extensively in development o orkday integrations with EIB! +ocume ument nt Tran ransor sormat mation ion and ork orkday day ,tu ,tudio dio as CoreCo$$e(or! +oc part o a ull lie cycle implementation pro-ect. mple mpl e exp experie erience nce in di/e di/eren rentt type types s o C"&o* repor&& developing Co*ple+ Cal("laed %eld& on reports. orked o rked extensivel extensively y on )ompensation and %ayr %ayroll oll "nteraces or or several clients. *ainta *ai ntaini ining ng the eb ser servic vices es cod code e and int integr egrati ations ons by usi using ng ,ML Ed#or and ,SLT Ed#or. )reated the overall data 0ow architecture design or orkday as an "nbound and utbound "ntegrations. +eveloped )omplex ))2 "ntegrations with di/erent )lient vendors and ,upported on %roduction %roduction +eployment. 3ood understandin understanding g o "ntegrati "ntegrations ons includi including ng We' Ser-#(e&! SaaS! orkday rchitecture! 2usiness %rocess 4ramework. +esign +es igned ed and ex execu ecuted ted dat data a con conver versio sion n proce processe sses s rom rom mul multip tiple le legacy systems to orkday. orked in ull lie cycle implementations orkday ()* using modules such su ch as ( (!! 2e 2ene ne6t 6ts! s! Total otal )o )omp mpen ensa sati tion! on! 2a 2ase se )o )omp mpen ensat satio ion! n! ariabl ariable e )ompe )ompensatio nsation! n! %ositi osition on *anage *anagement ment!! %ro6le %ro6le *anage *anagement! ment! %ero erorm rman ance ce *a *ana nage geme ment nt!! ec ecru ruit itin ing! g! %ay ayrrol olll an and d *a *ana nage gerr an and d 8mployee ,el ,ervice modules.


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+evelop! test! and implement orkday ()* )ore 2usiness %rocesses and )ompensation. 3ood 8xperience in eport +esigning Tool 9BIRT: in designing custom layouts to the report de6nitions. 8xtensive experience in implementation! development! customization! upgrading! integration & production support. or orke ked d on the bb-ect ect *an *anage ageme ment nt ,ys ,ystem tems s i.e i.e.. di/ di/er erent ent sec securi urity ty gr grou oups ps lik like ol ole e 2a 2ase sed d ,e ,ecu curi rity ty!! ;s ;ser er 2a 2ase sed d ,e ,ecu curi rity ty!! 2a 2ank nkin ing! g! ""nsu nsura ranc nce! e!  et etai ail! l! * *an anu uac actu turi ring ng & % %ha harrma ma.. +atabases > ,? ,erver! racle  T  Tools ools & anguages > aa,! T+! ),! A,T! A*


04#2 04 #201 015 5 -

PROJECT  .ESCRIPTION/ (enry ,chein! "nc. is the worldBs largest provider o  health care products and services to oCceDbased dental! animal health and medical practitioners.  4T;E8 5FFG )ompany and a member o the ,&% 5FFG and E,+? 1FFG "ndices! (enry ,chein employs more than 1H!FFF  T  Team eam ,chein *ember *embers s and serves more tthan han one million customers.  The pro-ect is mainly based on +eveloping )omplex 2ene6t "ntegrations! )ustom reports associated with it and con6guring new 2ene6t %lans in the orkday. lso"nterace to ,upport 8xisting "ntegrations built on orkday ,tudio and on 8nterprise 2uilder 98"2:.


RESPONSIBILITIES/ +esigned and developed a set o integrations to integrate orkday ( with ecruiting system. )on6guring new bene6t %lans in the orkday system and to do mass uploads o 8mployees to that %lans. •

or orke ked d on +es +esign ign and dev devel elopm opment ent o int integr egrati ations ons wi with th T#*e a$d ae$da$(e! Re(r"##$) & Be$e%& &y&e*& using EIB. +eveloped a Eew "ntegration ,ystem on ))2 to generate ("% 6le 98+" HI' 6le:. +eveloped a .o("*e$ Tra$&for*a#o$ Co$$e(or to transorm our "ntegration ,ystem utput to 8xternal endor 4ormat. "nvo "nvolv lved ed in Co*ple+ Payroll I$e)ra#o$ Up)rada#o$  developed on Workda with th mu mult ltii pa pay y grou groups ps on di/e di/erren entt %ay ayro roll ll orkday y S"d S"d#o #o  wi )onnectors. *apping and integrating local business processes with global business processes or all steps o worker lie cycle. "nvolved in %roduction "ssue "ntegrations and resolved the complexity and issues in it. +esigned and developed a set o integrations to integrate orkday 2ene6ts with 8mployee system. )reated & de6ned C"&o* repor& to pull the data or the "ntegration system. +eve +e velo lope ped d Co*p "ntegr egrati ation on sys system tem and )r )reat eated ed Co*ple+ le+ ,ML  or the "nt utb u tbou ound nd "nte "nter rac ace e wi with th the the exter xterna nall ,y ,yst stem ems s us usin ing g E$erpr#&e I$erfa(e B"#lder 1EIB2. %rovide solution and integration development with orkday including reJ eJui uirrem emen ents ts!! u unc ncti tion onal al sp spec ecs! s! de desi sign gn!! cu cust stom om de deve velo lopm pmen ent! t! integration! testing! and deployment. (elp team in unctional con6guration and technical integration o the orkday o rkday application.





ROJECT .ESCRIPTION/  TripdvisorG ripdvisorG is the trip. worldBs largesto/ers travel site! P enabling  travelers to plan T and book the perect Tripdvisor Tripdvisor trusted


adv advic ice e r rom om tra trave vele lers rs and a wid wide e var varie iety ty o tra travel vel choices choices and pla planni nning ng eat e atur ures es wi with th se seam amle less ss li links nks to bo book okin ing g to tool ols s th that at ch chec eck k hu hund ndrred eds s o  websites to 6nd the best hotel prices.  The pro-ect is mainly based on con6guration o orkday 2usiness 4ra rame mewo work rk!! orkd orkday ay stud studio io 8n 8nvi viro ronm nmen entt an and d to cu cust stom omiz ize e rep epor orts ts in workday studio which helps in deploying workday integrations.

RESPONSIBILITIES/ orked o rked on postDimplementation support and enhancements. )reating )re ating the integr integration ation B"&#$e&& Pro(e&&! )rea )reate te EIB3&! 3enerate ,prrea ,p eads dshe heet et Tem empl plat ate! e! a aun unch chin ingK gK sc sche hedu duli ling ng the the inte integr grat atio ion n  T  Templates. emplates. *apping and integrating local business processes with global business processes or all steps o worker lie cycle. orked o rked on orkday conversion processes and tools like EIB! Workday S"d#o  etc. +esigned )ustom +ashboards internally with multi worklets. (ands on designing 2usiness 4orm ayouts using 2usiness "ntelligence eporting eport ing tool 9BIRT:. )reated & de6ned custom reports and attached to the dashboards in the workda workday y. 2uild 2ui ld own we web b ser servi vices ces by de6 de6nin ning g cus custom tom repor reports ts as web ser servic vice e enabled and providing integration solutions. es espo pons nsib ible le o orr da data ta mi migr grat atio ion n r rom om lega legacy cy sy syst stem ems s to wo work rkda day y systems using 8"2. orked with orkday ,tudio to 6x integration related issues. "nvolved in the meetings with business process owners! SME 9sub-ect matter experts:! and ,ecurity udit team or reJuirements gathering and veri6cation stage. %rovide solution and integration development with orkday including reJ eJui uirrem emen ents ts!! u unc ncti tion onal al sp spec ecs! s! de desi sign gn!! cu cust stom om de deve velo lopm pmen ent! t! integration! testing! and deployment. 3atherr and analy 3athe analyze ze reJ reJuir uiremen ements ts and pro provide vide technica technicall advic advice e and best be st pr prac acti tice ces s with res espe pec ct to int nte egr grat atiion de deve vellop opm men entt an and d implementation. ;nderstands business reJuirements! con6gures the solution! develops prototype systems and assists with testing. •




0'#201' – 01#2014

PROJECT  .ESCRIPTION/ *ountain merica )redit ;nion is the second largest credit union in ;tah. "t is also the 1Lth largest credit union nationally by memb me mber ersh ship ip an and d had the the M'.'7N L' L'th th lar arge gest st in byassets! tota totall 5LL!##1 as asse sets ts..  s o *a *arrnative ch LF LF15 15! *ountain merica billion members! HL! branches! and more than 5!FFF shared branch locations available.  The pro-ect "nvolves developing o )ustom epor eports ts and creating )omplex )alculated 6elds or all the reJuirements in )ompensation! %ayroll! 2ene6ts! (ire! Termination and Time Tracking. "nvolved in the support or "ntegration  T  Team eam by )re )reating ating )omplex custom reports.

RESPONSIBILITIES/ orked directly with client and consulting technical teams to wrapDup high priority issues on reports. ork orked on se seve vera rall mo modu dule les s on wo work rkda day y rep epor orti ting ng incl includ udes es HCM4 •

 reporting. Payroll4 Be$e%& T#*e ra(k#$) 8xte 8xtensive nsively ly worke worked da$d on S#*ple4 Ad-a$(ed a$d *ar#+ repor&   and up to some extend o composite reporti reporting. ng. (ave (av e com comple plete te kno knowle wledge dge on all (al("laed %eld&  which gives the ability to build any kind k ind o complex reports. orked o rked with client to build new reports rom scratch and build a 6tKgap related to the technical aspect o workday reporting. (elping the client in de-elop#$) re5"#re*e$& and even develop the respective respectiv e 6elds reJuir reJuired ed or the workday report. 2ased on clie client nt reJuir reJuiremen ement! t! cr create eate design docum documents ents or workd workday ay rep epor orti ting ng an and d crea create te +a +ashb shboar oard d wh whic ich h give gives s al alll the the in inor orma mati tion on regarding those reports.


01#2012 - 02#201'

?og ogic ic )o )orp rpor orat atio ion n is a ma manu nua act ctur urer er o hi high gh PROJECT  .ESCRIPTION/ ? perorm pero rmance ance netwo networking rking serve serverr and stor storage age netw networkin orking g conne connectiv ctivity ity and appl ap plic icati ation on ac acce cele lera rati tion on so solu luti tions ons.. Th The e co comp mpan any y de deli live vers rs vi virt rtua uali lize zed! d! co conv nver erge ged! d! an and d cl clou oud d en envi virron onme ment nt so solu luti tion ons s to orig origin inal al manuacturers manuacturer s 98*s: and channel partners worldwide.

eJ eJui uipm pmen entt


 The %ro%ro-ect ect is to design organizational types! cost center (ierarchi (ierarchies es & to crea create te )o )omp mpen ensat satio ion n be bene ne6t 6ts s an and d pa pack ckag ages es and to mo moni nito torr em empl ploy oyee ee transa tra nsacti ctions ons whi which ch inc includ ludes es in con con6gu 6guri ring ng 2us 2usine iness ss proce process ss or var variou ious s components.


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+es +esign igned ed()*. bui built lt and ex execu ecuted ted dat data a )on )onver versio sion n rom rom %eop eople le,o ,ott to orkday )reated S"per-#&ory  rga rgani niza zati tion ons! s! Mar#+  rga rgani niza zati tion ons! s! Co& )enters! Lo(a#o$ and its hierarchie hierarchies. s. "nactivatin "nacti vating g ,uper ,upervisor visory y rg rganizat anizations! ions! )hang )hanging ing the rg rganiza anizations tions and moving the worker workers s into other ,upervisory rganizations. "nvolved in creating the pplicants! (iring applicants into supervisory rganizations. %ropose )ompensation or Eew (ire! design 2usiness process to hire an employee. )on6gured Work whic ich h in incl clud ude e orkda day y (o (o*pe *pe$&a $&a#o #o$ $ pa( pa(ka) ka)e& e&  wh employee=s salary! )ompensation 3rades! llowances! 2onus! *erits based on their pro6le. 4acilitating annual bonus and salary merit programs or both ;, and international business units. "mpl "m plem emen enta tati tion on o ,a ,ala lary ry ,tru ,truct ctur ures es or or di/e di/erren entt grad grade e pro6 pro6le le employees. )on6gured the processes like change -ob! compensation grades! mass hire! mass promotions. ssi s sign gniing Or)a Or)a$#6a $#6a#o$ #o$ Role Role& &! ssigning U&e U&er r 'a& 'a&ed ed Se( Se("r# "r#y y 7ro"p&. (ire (ir e int into o %osi ositio tion n *an *anage ageme ment! nt! )r )reat eate e )om )ompen pensat sation ion or new hir hire e empl em ploy oyee ees! s! ev evie iew w em empl ploy oyee ee hi hirre! ed edit it wo work rkda day y ac acco coun unts ts an and d resetting the passwords. +e6ning outputting o report to ork let options or chart options. %repared employee master data like wired inrastructure! wireless wirele ss communications! enterprise storage and industrial & others.

RESPONSIBILITIES/ "nvolved in esol esolving ving dayDtoDday production tickets in ( and %ayroll. "nvolved in integration o anguard and 8). "nvolved in 6tDgap analysis! compare reports between anguard and 8nterprise ( and payroll modules. etro6tte tted ( and %ay ayrrol olll based on new reJui uirrements and •

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customizations. )rea )r eate ted d cu cust stom omiz ized ed p ppl plic icat atio ion n 8n 8ngi gine ne pr prog ogra rams ms ba base sed d on us user er reJuirements. rote %eople )ode to customize the delivered ob-ects or ( records. orked on several customs Table udits and created Test scripts or unctional test. )on6gured and maintained all the tables involved in %ayroll processing! processing! such as %ay calendar!
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