Workbook For UPW

July 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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In order to be the best in whatever you do you need to answer three major questions –


1. What stops us from from moving forwa forward rd !aking !aking a"tion a"tion #eing #eing our best $. What "ontro "ontro%s %s and deter determines mines the the qua%ity qua%ity of our our %ives %ives &. Why do we do what what we do do What are are the u%timate u%timate drives drives behind behind a%% human human a"tions a"tions

“What lies before us, what lies behind us, is nothing compared to what lies within us”


1. W'(! W'(! )!*+) )!*+) ,) -*/ -*/ /*0IN /*0IN -*W -*W(D (D  _________________________  ____________ __________________________ __________________  _____  Whi%e we a%% e2perien"e "ount%ess variations3 there are two primary fears that a%% human h uman beings share –4 I.

We are not ________ _____________ _________ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _________ ________ ________ _________ _________  ____ 


We Won5t be ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ ________  ____ 

$. W'(! W'(! 6*N!*7) 6*N!*7) (ND D8!8/I D8!8/IN8) N8) !'8 9,(7I!: 9,(7I!: *- *, *, 7I08)  _________________________  ____________ ________________  ___  (%% of us have variety of emotions we "onsistent%y e2perien"e3 and these e2perien"e are driven by three for"es that mo%d the meaning we take from those emotions4 the three primary patterns of emotions "a%%ed the !(ID

The Model of Meaning : The TRAI

 !he sour"e sour"e of a%% emotio emotions ns is a "onste%%atio "onste%%ation n of  three for"es !orce " #

!orce " $

!orce " %

( +attern of 

( +attern of 

( +attern of 

 ___________________   _____________ ______ 

 ___________________   _____________ ______ 

 ___________________   ____________ _______ 

'ow you use your physi"a% body su"h as breath3 posture3 movement et".

Whatever you fo"us on3 you wi%% fee%

(s soon as we put words to an e2perien"e it "hanges the meaning we e2perien"e


W': D* W8 D* W'(! W'(! W8 D*_______________________ D*____________________________________ _________________________ ________________  ____ 

 !'8 -*, +I/(7 N88D) 1. ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ ________ ___

$. __________________________ __________________________________  ________ 

8verybody wants stabi%ity about their basi" ne"essities – food3 she%ter3 and other materia% resour"es. When peop%e "annot "ontro% their physi"a% "ir"umstan"es3 they may seek "ertainty through a state of mind ;su"h as re%igious faith or a positive out%ook<

+eop%e have a need to "hange their state +eop%e to e2er"ise their body emotions. !herefore they seek variety through a number of means – stimu%i3 "hange of s"ene3 physi"a% a"tivity3 mood swings3 entertainment3 food et".

&.________________________ &.___________ __________________________  _____________ 

?.______________________ ?.__________ _________________________ ______________  _ 

8verybody need to fee% spe"ia% and important in some way3 peop%e wi%% seek signi="an"e through obtaining re"ognitions from others or from themse%ves. When peop%e fee% insigni="ant3 they may make them fee% signi="ant by getting angry. angry. !hey may meet their need parado2i"a%%y by having others re"ogni>e the signi="an"e of their of their insigni="an"e or the si>e and "omp%e2ity of their prob%ems. It is important to remember that for many3 he%p%essness is power.

'uman need to fee% "onne"ted with someone or something@ ( person3 an idea%3 a va%ue3 a habit3 or a sense of identity3 "onne"tion may take the form of %ove or mere%y of intense engagement@ for instan"e3 one fee% "onne"ted by means of an aggressive intera"tion.

 !he !wo !wo )piritua% Needs


A.________________________ A.___________ __________________________ ________________  ___  8verything in the universe is either growing or dying – there is no third a%ternative. +eop%e are not spiritua%%y satis=ed un%ess their "apa"ities are e2pending

B_______________________ B__________ __________________________ ________________  ___   Cust as peop%e "annot survive without without others "ontributing in some way to their we%fare;No baby grows grows in its own< they "annot be spiritua%%y fu%=%%ed un%ess they are "ontributing to others as we%%.

“&etting goals is the 'rst step in turning the in(isible into the (isible)”

&*MMAR+: T &I. *MA/ /&


The 0 needs of 1ersonalit2 &pirit

The $ /eeds of

“It is onl2 b2 meeting the spiritual needs that 2ou will e3perience sustainable 4o2 5&) Momentar2 pleasure”

+eop%e =nd ways to meet these needs in positive and negative3 n egative3 or neutra% ways3 but every person =nds way to meet them in some way (ny a"tivity3 a"tion3 or emotion fu%=%% needs at a high %eve% be"omes3 in ee"t3 an addi"tion. 7ikewise3 7ikewise3 peop%e have positive and neutra% addi"tions.  !here is a%ways a w way ay to fu%=%% a need@ need@ the ski%% %ies in =nding a sustainab%e way to fu%=%% it3 and in a way that gives you more p%easure then pain3 as human a"tions are towards avoiding the pain and getting the p%easure every time.

3ercise: isco(ering 2our &I. human /eeds 1. W'(! W'(! (8 !'8 W(:) W(:) :*, :*, 8! 68!(IN!: 68!(IN!: ,N68! ,N68!(IN!:

68!(IN!: +*)I!I08


,N68!(IN!: +*)I!I08



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)INI-I6(N68 +*)I!I08

7*08E 6*NN86!I*N




3ercise: isco(ering 2our &I. human /eeds A) 6! T &I. *MA/ /& /&,, WI7 TW6 A A5 5 +6* 8/ 5A9*I/ 5A9*I/  M6&T;

8) WA WAT T AR T 76/& is great

W9 6! 9I!:


9IMITI/ 89I!& Identify two %imiting be%iefs that have been produ"ing unwanted or negative "onsequen"es in your %ife.



What negative "onsequen"es have you a%ready e2perien"ed as a resu%ts of this be%ief 


What negative "onsequen"es have you a%ready e2perien"ed as a resu%ts of this be%ief 

T *9TIMAT &*77&& !6RM*9A


1. $. &. ?. A.

now your your _______________ ____________________________ __________________________ ___________________ ______ 6%arity is powerJJJJJ now your __________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________3 _________3 Why is it a /,)! !ake __________________________ _______________________________________ __________________________ _________________________ _________________  _____  now what____________________ what_________________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________  _____  ________________________: ________________________:*,____________ *,________________________ _________________________ _____________________  ________ 

H. Dire"ted /ind F 'eart

G. )tru"tura% (%ignment F /a2imum )trength

B. /a2imum Nutrition

A. (erobi" 8nergy F +ower

?. (%ka%inity &. 8ssentia% *i% $. 7iving Water F 7ive -ood

0ita% #reathing F 7ymphasi>ing

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