Work and Pay Agreement

January 24, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Rdfi 4 mg <


DFZIIOIE^ ^HLQ DFZIIOIE^ ls odni me thi ]]]]]]ndy mg ]]]]]]]]], :2:2 JI^VIIE  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]   ]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]  (Hiriledgtir   (Hiriledgtir rigirrin tm ds ‘thi Qiccir“) mg thi mei

 pdrt DEN  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]] (Hiriledgtir rigirrin tm ds ‘thi Juyir“) mg  thi mthir pdrt. VHIZIDQ thi Qiccir hirijy dfriis tm sicc den thi Juyir hirijy dfriis tm juy

thi Wihlaci nisarljin le thi Qahinuci hiritm ds lt ls (hiriledgtir rigirrin tm ds ‘thi Wihlaci“) sujkiat tm thi tiros den amenltlmes hiriledgtir stdtin. 4.

^h ^hii aame menl nltl tlme medc dc prla prlaii m mgg thi thi Wi Wihl hlac acii sshd hdcc cc ji ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]. ].


^h ^hii am amen enlt ltlm lmed edcc sd sdci ci p prl rlai ai sshd hdcc cc j jii pd pdln ln j jy y th thii Ju Juyi yirr jy p pdy dyle lef fdw wii ii`c `cy y sdcii mg ]]] sdc ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]] tm ji pdl pdln n cdt cdtist ist jy >po IWIZ\







 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]] uetlc ndti mg gledc pdyoiet.


Hm Hmwi wivi vir, r, sshm hmuc ucn n tthi hi Ju Juyi yirr ni nigd gduc uctt m mrr n nic icdy dy pd pdyo yoie iett tw twm mw wii ii`s `s lle e d rrmw mw wlthmut kustlgladtlme den prlmr amesiet mg thi Qiccir dt dey tloi nurlef thls dfriioiet, pdyoiet wlcc grmo thdt omoiet mewdrns ji odni iviry twm (:) ndys nd ys.. ^h ^hii do domu muet et wl wlcc cc thir thirig igmr mrii ji adca adcauc ucdt dtin in gmr gmr idah idah nd ndy y de den n th thii amrrispmenlef domuet gmr : ndys mg wmr` pdln iviry twm (:) ndys jy >po. Dey De y gur gurth thir ir ni nigd gduc uctt mr ni nicd cdy y dgti dgtirr th thls ls drrde drrdefi fioi oiet et wl wlcc cc ris risuc uctt le th thii tiroledtlme mg thi ametrdat dt thi mptlme mg thi Qiccir.


^h ^hii Ju Juyi yirr sh shdc dccc wm wmr` r` d p prm rmjd jdtl tlme medr dry y pi pirl rlmn mn m mgg me meii (4 (4)) om omet eth hw wlt lthl hle e wh whla lah h Qicc Qi ccir ir shdc shdccc ds dssi siss ss hls hls ji jihd hdvl vlmu murr de den n pi pirg rgmr mrod odea eaii tm ni niti tirol rolei ei hl hlss

Rdfi : mg <


sultdjlclty tm amopcy wlth thls dfriioiet. Lg thi Juyir ls siie tm jridah dey de y mg thi thi am amen enlt ltlm lmes es wl wlth thle le thls thls pi pirl rlmn mn mr ls ni niio ioin in tm ji mg pm pmmr  mr   jihdvlmur den/mr cda`lef thi nrlvi tm pirgmro, thi Qiccir wlcc risirvi thi smci rlfht tm nlsametleui thls dfriioiet. Le thi iviet mg thls hdppielef,  pdyoiets odni wlthle thdt thdt pirlmn shdcc ji eme eme-riguendjci. -riguendjci. 9.

^h ^hii Qi Qicc ccir ir sshd hdcc cc,, up upme me tthi hi iixi xiau autl tlme me m mgg th thls ls D Dfr frii iioi oiet et f flv lvii pm pmss ssis issl slme me m mg  g  thi Wihlaci tm thi Juyir, jut mweirshlp mg thi Wihlaci shdcc mecy ji trdesgirrin dgtir thi gledc pdyoiet jy thi Juyir.


^h ^hii vi vihl hlac acii sh shdc dccc ji h hde deni nin n tm thi thi Ju Juyi yirr jy tthi hi Q Qic icci cirr wl wlth th d ^h ^hri riii Om Omet eth h Amoprihieslvi amooiraldc lesurdeai amvir.


Ci Cifd fdcc tl tltc tcii le tthi hi W Wih ihla laci ci sshd hdcc cc rrio iodl dle e vi vist stin in lle e th thii Qi Qicc ccir ir u uet etlc lc tthi hi J Juy uyir  ir  hds pdln thi cdst lestdccoiet mg thi domuet stdtin le acdusi 4 hirile.


^h ^hii Ju Juyi yirr sh shdc dcc, c, w whl hlci ci h hii ri ritd tdle less pm pmss ssis issm smry ry ttlt ltci ci mg mg th thii vi vihl hlac aci, i, ` `ii iip p lt lle e fmmn den sujstdetldc stdti mg ripdlr den shdcc jidr dcc amsts den rls`s dttdahlef thiritm.

) wii`s, den dnnltlmedc ahdefi mg pcufs iviry thrii omeths) tm `iip thi Wihlaci le fmmn wmr`lef amenltlme. Qiccir ody leslst Rdfi > mg <


me ji jile lef f pri prisi siet et mr riqu riqulri lri nm nmau auoi oiet etdr dry y prmm prmmgg gmr gmr de dey y od odle leti tied edea eaii datlvlty.

41.. 41

^h ^hii Juy Juyir ir sh shdc dccc flv flvii loo looin inld ldti ti em emtl tlai ai ttm m thi Qi Qicc ccir ir mg de dey y ahd ahdef efii le hl hlss rislnietldc dnnriss mr thi priolsis whiri thi vihlaci ls `ipt.


^h ^hii Ju Juy yir sh shdc dccc emt u usi si m mrr pirol iroltt th thii Wi Wihl hlaaci tm j jii us usiin le d od ode eei eir  r  ametrdry tm dey cdws, stdtutis mr rifucdtlmes mg thi Zipujcla mg Fhded gmr  thi tloi jilef le pcdai.


^hi Juy Juyir ir sshdc hdccc ` `iip iip thi Wih Wihlac lacii ggrii rii grmo dey nls nlstri triss, ss, ixi ixiaut autlme lme mr mth mthir  ir  cifdc prmaissis.

47.. 47

^h ^hii Ju Juyi yirr shd shdcc cc ue ueni nirfm rfm o odl dlet etie iede deai ai de den n rip ripdl dlrs rs le rris ispi piat at m mgg thi v vih ihla laci ci dt d oiahdeladc wmr`shmp tm ji dfriin upme jy jmth pdrtlis.

46.. 46

Loo Looin inld ldti ticy cy u upm pme e thi iixi xiau autl tlme me mg tthl hlss Df Dfri riio ioie iet, t, tthi hi Ju Juyi yirr shd shdcc cc,, le th thii edoi mg thi Qiccir nurlef thi ametleudeai mg thls Dfriioiet `iip thi Wihlaci amoprihieslvicy lesurin dfdlest ndodfi mr cmss jy thigt, glri den

suah mthir rls`s ds thi Qiccir ody spialgy wlth thi Qiccir emtin ds thi cmss  pdyii. d. ^h ^hii Ju Juyi yirr shdc shdcc, c, up upme me thi thi ix ixpl plrd rdtl tlme me mg th thii le lelt ltld ldcc th thri riii om omet eths hs lesu lesurd rdea eaii am amvi virr lesu lesuri ri thi thi Wi Wihl hlac acii wl wlth th QL QLA A Le Lesu surd rdea eaii Fhde Fhded d Cloltin den shdcc pdy thi prioluos ds thiy gdcc nui den suah mthir 

suos ds ody ji riqulrin tm `iip thi lesurdeai vdcln.  j. ^hi Juyir shdcc emt nm mr pirolt tm ji nmei dey dat whlah olfht rienir  th thii le lesu surd rdea eaii levd levdcl cln. n. ^h ^hii risp rispme mesl sljl jlcl clty ty cl clis is me th thii Ju Juyi yirr tm ji

Rdfi 9 mg <


daqudletin wlth dey suah dats thdt ody rienir thi lesurdeai levdcln den wlcc ji hicn guccy cldjci le thi iviet mg dey suah maaurrieai. a. Le thi ivie iviett mg thi Wih Wihlac lacii jilef ndo ndodfi dfin n nu nurle rlef f ametr ametrdat dat pir pirlmn lmn,, dcc omelis pdln uenir thi pmclay mg lesurdeai shdcc ji dppclin tm ripdlr thi ndodfi. n. Le thi ivi iviet et thi Wi Wihlaci hlaci ji jilef lef ndod ndodfin fin jiy jiymen men rip ripdlr dlr mr stm stmcie cie mr cms cmst, t, th thii omei omeiy y pd pdln ln ue ueni nirr thi thi pm pmcl clay ay mg le lesu surd rdea eaii shdc shdccc ji dp dppc pcli lin n le ripcdalef thi vihlaci den thi dfriioiet shdcc ametleui tm rue mr le thi dctiredtlvi ds ody ji dfriin jy thi pdrtlis dppclin tm sdln lesurdeai acdlo le pdylef thi jdcdeai riodlelef me thi amenltlmedc sdci prlai, den lg thiri ls dey surpcus cigt thiridgtir, suah shdcc ji pdln tm thi Juyir.

48.. 48

^h ^hii Juy Juyir ir od ody y tir tirol oled edti ti th thls ls Df Dfri riio ioie iett jy flv flvle lef f thi Qi Qicc ccir ir d wii wii`' `'ss emtlai le wrltlef. ^hi Juyir oust pdy dey mutstdenlef lestdccoiet whlah dri le drridrs dt thi tloi whie hi flvis thi emtlai mg tiroledtlme.

4po. Dey gurthir nigduct mr nicdy dgtir thls drrdefioiet drr defioiet wlcc risuct le thi tiroledtlme mg thi ametrdat dt thi mptlme mg thi Qiccir. a. Lg thi Qicci Qiccirr jia jiamoi moiss iet ietltc ltcin in tm loo looinl inldti dti pmssis pmssisslm slme e mg thi Wihl Wihlaci aci wlthle thi glrst mei yidr mg thls ametrdat, thi Juyir shdcc jiamoi ietltcin tm 42% mg thi tmtdc domuet ametrljutin lg thi Wihlaci ls le fmmn wmr`lef amenltlme den 49% mg thi tmtdc ametrljutin lg thi Qiccir jiamois ietltcin tm lo looi oinl nldt dtii pm pmss ssis issl slme me mg thi thi Wi Wihl hlac acii dgt dgtir ir th thii glrst glrst yi yidr dr mg th thls ls ametrdat. Hmwivir, lg dt thi tloi thi Qiccir td`is pmssisslme mg thi Wihl Wi hlac acii od odkm kmrr gdu gduct ctss dri gmue gmuen n me lt lt,, th thii am amst st mg ripd ripdlr lrss shdc shdccc ji ninuatin ninu atin grmo thi 42 42% % /49% ietlt ietltcioie cioiets ts mg thi Juyir. Lg thi amst mg  ripdlrs ixaiins thi 42%/49%, thi Qiccir ody ricy me thi surity. Vhiri thi amst ixaiins thi surity domuet thi Juyir wlcc fit emthlef.


Cif Cifdc dc ttltc ltcii le thi Wih Wihlac lacii sh shdcc dcc jia jiamoi moi vis vistin tin le tthi hi J Juyi uyirr lo looin oinldt ldticy icy (mr  smme thiridgtir) upme thi pdyoiet mg thi cdst lestdccoiet ciss dcc ridsmedjci r idsmedjci ninuatlmes gmr dnolelstrdtlvi ixpiesis, den thi Qiccir shdcc td`i stips tm trdesgir thi cifdc tltci le thi vihlaci tm thi Juyir.


^h ^hii Qi Qiccci cirr wlcc pr prmv mvln lnii thi Ju Juyi yirr wlt lth h me meii hmo moii-us usin in ie ief fle leii gmr gmr th thii vihlaci nurlef thi pienieay mg thls Dfriioiet.

Rdfi 6 mg <


::.. ::

^h ^hii Qic Qicci cir“s r“s nl nlsa sari ritl tlme me em emtt tm dpp dppcy cy th thii len lenla ladt dtin in sd sdea eatl tlme mess mr mvi mvirc rcmm mm`l `lef ef mg dey jridah, mr dccmwlef mthir oidsuris tm thi jieiglt mg thi Juyir (suah ds d pdyoiet hmclndy) ody emt ji letirpritin tm oide d ahdefi le thi tiros mg thls ametrdats upme dey guturi maaurrieai.

:1.. :1

^h ^hii Fud Fudrde rdetm tmrr gmr th thii Juy Juyir ir sh shdc dccc ji cl cldj djci ci gm gmrr dcc j jri rida dahi hiss den cl cldj djlc lclt ltli liss leaurrin jy thi Juyir nurlef thi pienieay mg thls Dfriioiet.

LE VL^EIQQ whirimg thi Rdrtlis hiritm hdvi hiriuetm sit thilr rispiatlvi hdens

den edois thi ndy den yidr glrst g lrst djmvi wrlttie.


]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]]  ]] 

(Edoi, Ametdat Em., Qlfedturi, Ndti)   Le thi prisieai mg;

 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]] 


(Edoi, Ametdat Em., Qlfedturi, Ndti)


]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]]  ]] 

(Edoi, Ametdat Em., Qlfedturi, Ndti)

Rdfi 8 mg <



Le thi prisieai mg; ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]]  QLFEIN J\ ^HI FYDZDE^MZ HIZILE RLA^YZI MG FYDZDE^MZ  (Edoi, Ametdat Em., Qlfedturi, Ndti)

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