Wordwall User Manual

October 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Make an interactive teaching resource in one minute

Step 1 - Pick a template


Step 2 - Enter your content

Step 3 - Play the game


List of templates 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7. 

Bar graph graph   Brainstorm   Brainstorm Category brainstorm brainstorm   Circle time time   tiles   Connecting tiles Conveyor belt belt   Crossword Crossword  

tiles   8.  Flip tiles 9.  Group sort sort   reveal   10. IImage mage reveal Labelled diagram   11. L abelled diagram 12. M atch up Match up   13. M Matching atching pairs pairs   Maths tiles   14. M aths tiles Moveable tiles   15. M oveable tiles 16. N ews feed News feed   Numbered tiles   17. N umbered tiles 18. Q uiz  Quiz 


19. R wheel Random wheel  Rank order      20. ank order Rating scale   21. R ating scale 22. S eating plan Seating plan   Sentence maker   23. S entence maker 24. S imple tiles Simple tiles   25. S ketch tiles Sketch tiles   Spider diagram   26. S pider diagram Stacked tiles   27. S tacked tiles Tally table   28. T ally table 29. T Tiles iles in a row row   Twitter feed   30. T witter feed 31. Word Word maker  maker  Word search   32. W ord search



1. Brainstorm

The brainstorm templates allow you to collect words and phrases from your audience.

Making the template There is no content to enter for this template. You'll skip this stage an go straight on to the next.

Playing a game Keyboard

There is a text entry box at the bottom of the screen use this to enter comments made by your audience. When you press 'submit' they will appear on screen.

Text Collect contributions from the group using the Wordpad handsets.

Web Collect contributions from the group by having them access a mobile web page.



Teaching ideas Classic brainstorming The namesake of this template involves the free collection of thoughts an ideas from the audience. Pose the audience a question or a problem. Give them a certain time limit to come up with their answers. Then ask the audience what they've come up with, this might involve volunteers and it might involve prompting individuals for a response. A mixture of these two strategies works well in practice.

Sequential brainstorming In this variation, you get the ideas from your audience one contribution at a time, giving the students a chance to discuss and reflect at each stage. The advantage here is that it allows people to respond to previous remarks and also avoids too many repeat answers. The downside is that with less thinking time at each step, this format can favour those who respond quickly at the expense of others.

Staged brainstorming A technique that mixes classic brainstorming and sequential brainstorming, is to split the activity into two or three stages. Give the audience a moment to think about the question, collate their answers. Then repeat the stage with the audience now having had a chance to reflect on the first few answers.

Say something quick Put your class into two teams. Pose your question, e.g. name a chemical element. Then prompt the first person for a response. Quickly type it into the activity and then move to the next person on the other team. If by the time you've typed it and ready to move on they don't have response, you move back to the other team. Go back and forth until you run out of space for new responses. Afterwards, sum up which team scored the most contributions.



2. Category brainstorm

The Category brainstorm template allows you to collect words and phrases from your brainstorm  template except that the contributions can be audience. It's similar to the  the  brainstorm placed under a series of headings, one on each page.

Making the template

Enter the categories as a list during the content stage. Each item in the list represents a page of the activity. brainstorm  activity. Each page behaves like a separate  separate  brainstorm

Playing the game



Keyboard There is a text entry box at the bottom of the screen use this to enter comments made by your audience. When you press 'submit' they will appear on screen. To navigate to the next or previous category, use the arrow button on the bottom row.

Text Collect contributions from the group using the Wordpad handsets.

Web Collect contributions from the group by having them access a mobile web page.

Teaching ideas Good and bad Take a classic brainstorm, where the audience comes up with responses or ideas, given a question or prompt. But ask people to come up with what they consider good responses and what they consider to be examples of bad responses. Create a brainstorm with two categories: good and bad. Then when you review the responses the class has come up with, place them on the appropriate page. This kind of approach can lead to a richer and more varied discussion than simply asking for 'good' responses.

Changing your mind Set up a story in which the facts are divulged in three or four stages. Create a category brainstorm in which you give brief headings to represent each stage. Tell the first stage of the story to the audience. For example, you might be telling a story of a man who stole from a shop. Get their response and note them. Now divulge the next stage of the story. Perhaps we learn that the man was stealing medicine he couldn't afford. Allow the audience to discuss and resubmit responses. Repeat until the story is completely told. Then conduct a review where you flick back through each page asking the audience to reflect and discuss why they changed their minds and what made them do so.

Anonymous evaluation Create a category brainstorm what evaluates ideas into different categories. For example, you might ask for solutions to a problem where the categories are: 'creative and interesting', 'practical and efficient', 'challenging but effective', 'crazy in a good way'. Have people submit ideas on to paper then put them all in pot, then have them dealt out again - tell people not to worry if by chance they end up with their own (this always seems to happen to someone!).



Go through each of the categories, inviting the audience to read out the idea they have if they think it applies to the category you are on - then add it so it appears on screen for all to read. Be careful to name your categories in such a way that none of them sound dismissive or it might stifle the answers people give.

3. Circle time

This template allows you to use the Wordpads as freestyle buzzers.

Making the template There is no content to enter for this template. You'll skip this stage an go straight on to the next.

Playing a game

Buzzer Use the Wordpad handsets as freestyle quiz buzzers, the first player to press any key will be highlighted. Tap anywhere to resume.

Eliminate This game extends Buzzer by allowing you to hold down on a player's chip to eliminate them from the game. 7


4. Connecting tiles

The connecting tiles template allows the creation of a set of tiles which can then be connected to other tiles.

Making the template

The items are created as a simple list of content. Each item in the list corresponding to one tile.

Playing the game Multiple connect

Tap tiles to zoom in. Tap again to zoom out. 8


The tiles will appear in a column on the left of the screen. The tiles can be dragged anywhere in the main area. If tiles are placed close to each other they will connect together, showing a bar between them. In the multiple connect game, each tile can be connected to up to four other tiles, one in each direction.

Paired connect In Paired connect, each tile can only form one connection, creating pairs.

Chain connect In Chain connect, each tile can form two connections, creating a chain of tiles.

5. Conveyor belt

This template allows you to grab items as the move across your view.

Making the template

Add the content as a list. Each item in the list will represent one tile.

Playing a game



Automatic The conveyor belt moves at a series of fixed speeds. Flicking it changes it's gear.

Manual The conveyor belt is moved manually by dragging it. The belt will slow to a halt when released.

Drag to sides An automatic conveyor belt runs vertically between two side bays. Tiles can be flicked off the belt to either bay.

6. Crossword

The Crossword template creates a word game in which words intersect with each e ach other in a criss-cross pattern. A list of clues may optionally be given at the side.

Making the template



Pairs of answer and clue should be added at the content stage. Note that it is not possible to assign an image in the template. Also note that clues can be omitted if desired to create an exercise with just the words visible. Note that the crossword will fail to create in circumstances where it isn't possible to construct one. Larger crosswords are rarely an issue, but be wary with very small crosswords that there are letters in common such that the exercise is possible to build.

Playing the Game

Reveal Words In this game tapping on any letter in a word will reveal that word. If you tap on a letter shared by two intersecting words, both words will be revealed.

Reveal Letters In this game tapping on any letter will only reveal that letter, the rest of the word will remain hidden until you individually select each of the letters.

Quick Reveal In this game tapping on any letter will reveal a word, but only for a few seconds, after which it hides away again. 11


7. Flip tiles

The Flip tiles template allows you to create two-sided tiles. Either side can show text, images or both. The template is similar to  to simple tiles  tiles except that content can be placed on both sides.

Making the template

Enter the content as two column list. Each pair of entries represents a single tile. On the left, is the text or image to display on the front of the tiles. On the right, is the text or image to display on the back of the tiles. Normally, the tiles will appear in the order you enter them (going left to right in rows). However you can opt to randomize their order in the options. The options also allow you to alter the grid layout.

Playing a game Turn over



In the turn over game, all the tiles have their front face showing at the start. Tap a tile to zoom into it, tap the tile again or tap the background to zoom out. Swipe a tile to flip it over, showing the back of the tile. The in-game menu contains additional commands to turn over all tiles. The shuffle command, mixes up the positions of the tiles. It also contains the  the  random roam  and  roam and random spinner  spinner commands.

Turn In the back turn back game, the controls are the same, except that the back face of the tiles is showing at the start. Eliminate In the eliminate game, all the tiles are showing their front face at the start. An additional control is introduced to eliminate tiles. By holding down, you can eliminate an tile - causing it to disappear from play. The in-game menu has the additional command to restore the eliminated tiles. This brings any eliminated tiles back into play.

Teaching ideas Question and answer This template can be used to support a simple question and answer format. Put the question on the front and the answer on the back. However once you've quizzed the class in this way, try flip all the tiles over and shuffle them up for good measure. Now with the answers showing, quiz the class to remind you of the question what gave it. For extra credit, have them pose a different question to the one posed that still have the same answer.

Top Five



In this activity, have a range of names of phrases that each have a numerical fact associated with them. For example, you could have a list of foods each with the number of calories contained in a 100g of that food. Another example might be countries with their populations. Now ask all the students to guess which they think are the top five values and note these down. Once the time limit is up, have a few different students reveal their answers and then flip over the tiles as they read them out. The winning student is the one who comes closest to picking the top five. A quick variation on this is to switch it around and then do the bottom five.

True and false Have series of statements on the front of the tiles. Then on the back of the tiles write true or false. Ask students in turn to pick a statement that is true, then turn if over to reveal. Then game ends once the teacher knows there are no more true statements that remain. A variation might be to ask every one to first note down which they think are true. The get a quick show of hands to find out how things there are 4 trues, who thinks there are 5 trues and so on. Once you hit on the group of people who have found the right number, pick one of them to go through their list seeing if they got it right. The advantage of this method is it requires everyone in the audience to first work out the answer for themselves.

All the same Have two groups of easily mixed up names or phrases. For example they might all be chemical elements, but some are metals and some are non-metals. Arrange it so that a metal is always on the front, when a non-metal is on the back and vice-versa. However don't put all the metals on front, have it so its a mixture, with plenty of nonmetals on the front as well. Now present the activity. The students will be given the task to try to make it so that only metals are showing. Go through each student in turn and ask them which tile they want to flip to bring it closer to completion. They will try to flip the tile only if the wrong answer is showing - but they may accidentally make it worse by flipping flippin g over a right answer. Once you get to the point where no student wants to flip and more tiles - reveal to them how they did.

8. Group sort

The group sort template allows creation of activities where you categorize items under group headings. The items may be pictures, text, or both. 14


Making the template

First enter your list of groups or categories in the 'define the groups' panel. When you've done this they'll appear as headings in the 'add items to the groups' panel. In this panel, you can then add your items for each group. For example you might have 'true' and 'false' as your group headings and then under 'true' list some true statements and likewise under 'false'.

Playing the game

Sort In the sort game, your items will all appear in the 'unsorted' area on the left hand side. The object of the exercise is to drag them across into the correct areas. The tile will gain a tick or cross to indicate if this has been done correctly. The in-game menu gives additional commands to restart the game, which will move all the tiles back to the start, and to reveal the correct answers, which will move them all to their correct place.

Unscramble 15


In the unscramble game, all of the tiles are already under the group headings, but they have been placed randomly. The object of the exercise is to move the tiles into their correct positions. Unlike the sort game, no indication of whether wheth er the placement is correct until you selects 'reveal answers' from the in-game menu.

Reveal In the reveal game, the tiles are all placed under their correct headings, but their faces are hidden. Swipe a tile to reveal it.

Teaching ideas Justify your decision In this exercise, create a group sort and play it in unscramble mode. Students now take turns to suggest a tile that should be moved. The important thing is not just that they name a tile and where it should go, but that they state at least one reason to back up their choice. For extra challenge, make it so that any reason given cannot be repeated for a second tile.

Get it wrong For this activity start the 'sort' game. Students must then take turns to go, but the object is not avoided making a correct answer. Once all the answers are placed and are incorrect. Then pick on each of the tiles in turn and ask students to move each tile again (into another group that is also incorrect). This obviously requires 3 or more different groups to work.

Baseball This activity works best if you have an interactive whiteboard. Have a small group of students attempt to complete the exercise playing 'sort'. However they must line up and take turns to bat, i.e. move one of the tiles. If they move it into an incorrect slot, they are out and they must sit down. If they answer correctly, they join the back of the queue. If an answer is made incorrectly, another student may use their go to correct it. The game ends when either all answers are moved to their correct position or when every player is out. up  and  and rank order order..  This activity can be conducted similarly with with  match up

Guess the next one Create a set of groups, an example might be Montagues and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet. Play the reveal game. Go through your audience, student by student, and have them make a guess at which character is to be uncovered next. At first it'll be just good luck if they get it, but towards the end of a group they'll have a better chance as there will be less characters remaining. 16


Once you've done all the groups, hide all the tiles and start over. This time they should be doing much better and it becomes a memory game. On a third round, they aren't to mention the character, but must instead describe the person to be turned next, e.g. he's Romeo's cousin. For extra competition, split them into two teams and keep score.

9. Image reveals

The Image reveal template displays a large image. The image is covered by a grid of tiles which contain words or phrases.

Making the template

On the left you can choose the image that will be hidden. Drop an image into this area using the clipboard, import or search box. On the right, you enter a list of the words that will cover the image. Note that if the number of items doesn't allow for a regular grid that will cover the whole image, blank items will be randomly added.

Playing the game Eliminate



Tap on a tile to zoom into it. Tap it again to zoom back out. Hold down on a tile eliminates it, revealing some of the hidden image.

Timed Eliminate A random tile will be automatically removed from the grid at regular timed intervals. The timing can be adjusted in the rule options.

10. Labelled diagram

This template allows you to place words and phrases over an image.

Making the template

You must write a list of simple text labels. 18


For the background you can leave it blank or insert an image.

Playing a game

Arrange Move the labels onto the image and arrange at will.

Create Arrange existing labels and add new labels using the keyboard.

11. Match up

The Match up template creates a activity in which pairs of items are matched together. These might be keyword and their definitions or questions and answers.

Making the template



Enter your content into the boxes. Each box has two sides: the left is for the keyword the right is for the definition. Each pair of items corresponds to a pair to be matched.

Playing a game Sort

In the sort game, your keywords will all appear in the 'unsorted' area on the left hand side. The object of the exercise is to drag them across into the correct position next to their definition. The tile will gain a tick or cross to indicate if this has been done correctly. The in-game menu gives additional commands to restart the game, which will move all the tiles back to the start, and to reveal the correct answers, which will move them all to their correct place.

Unscramble In the unscramble game, all of the keywords are already placed next to a definition, but they have been placed randomly. The object of the exercise is to move the keywords into their correct positions. Unlike the sort game, no indication i ndication of whether the placement is correct until you selects 'reveal answers' from the in-game menu.

Reveal 20


In the reveal game, the keywords are all placed next to their correct definition, but their faces are hidden. Swipe a tile to reveal it.

12.Matching pairs

This template allows you to play a classic matching pairs game. pairs game. The object of the game is to find and reveal pairs which are the same.

Making the template

You must enter a solo list of items. This list is then duplicated so there is then two identical tiles for every item entered.

Playing a game



Reveal Reveal keywords lined up next to their definitions.

Eliminate Drag items into place with their definitions, incorrectly assigned items will be eliminated and then returned to the unsorted area for another try.

13.Maths tiles

This template allows you to easily generate a  a flip tiles tiles  style exercise, but where each tile holds a maths problem.

Making the template

Maths questions can be entered directly using the  the  LaTeX equation entry. entry.  You can also auto-generate batches of questions. First select the type of question from the drop down list and then click on generate.

Playing a game



Reveal Flip tiles to reveal the answer on the other side. Hold down on the tile to eliminate it.

Joypad answer Use the Wordpad handsets to navigate the individual player chips from one tile to the next. Players may then answer the tile by entering the hidden text on its reverse side.

14. Moveable tiles

This template allows you to arrange a series of tiles which can be picked up and freely moved around.

Making the template



You must enter a simple list of items. Each item becomes a moveable tile.

Playing a game

Arrange Move the tiles from side area on the the main screen - the rearrange at will.


Draw on to the background area whilst being able to move and arrange tiles over the drawings.



15. Numbered tiles

This template allows you to display a series of items which are hidden behind a numbered grid.

Making the template

You must enter a list of items in numerical order. However note that is it possible in the options to randomly shuffle the items so that the displayed numbers don't match up with the list order.

Playing a game


Flip tiles to reveal the content behind the number. 25


Eliminate Flip tiles to reveal the content behind the number. The tile will eliminate after a momentary delay.

Quick reveal Flip tiles to reveal the content behind the number. The tile will flip back after a momentary delay.

16. Quiz

The Quiz template allows you create a series of multiple-choice questions.

Making the template

Type the question into the box at the top. You will see there are six spaces for answers, labelled A to F. Both the question and the answer can feature text, images or both. Fill in as many possible answers as you wish, but make sure they are sequential (i.e. ABC not ACE). Check the box next to the correct answer. You can set no answers to be correct or you can select one or more answers.



Playing a game

Viewer Questions are read from the big screen, the teacher controls the pace of the exercise and managing student responses. Tap tiles to zoom in or out. Swipe tiles to reveal individual answers. Use the arrows buttons to move between questions. The in-game menu gives additional commands to hide or reveal all answers.

Teaching ideas Teaching with a quiz is about more than plodding through, question-by-question, asking for hands up to see who knows the answer. There are endless variations and ways to engage your audience more deeply with a quiz. Here are just a few.

Place your bets Do a quick poll of the audience, this might be a show of hands, if its a Friday afternoon you might even be brave enough to have them shout out for each answer! But make sure you get in advance which answer people are opting for. Use the zoom function to highlight in on each answer one by one as you do it. Be the quiz master, use you're knowledge of the students to name drop them and add excitement. Only once you've milked it as far as it can go do you then reveal the answers. Extra suspense can gain by revealing one or two wrong answers first before you reveal the right one.

Team play The simple act of splitting your room into teams and allowing them to confer before answering adds enormous engagement due to competitive atmosphere created. Just 27


two teams is good, more than this and there is too much time spent not involved in the games. Go through the quiz giving each team in turn the opportunity to answer the question. If they get it wrong, give the other team a chance to steal the point - this is another reason why two teams is a good number, because it makes it simple. Games which involve 'buzzing in first' don't work so well unless you have specialist equipment such as the Wordpads to hand.

Question or nominate

This version works best if the questions are quite hard and you expect them to be getting a fair proportion of them wrong. First split the room into two to four teams. Then pick one team to start. You show them the question, they can then choose either to answer the question or to pass control to the other team if they think its too hard. To make it exciting you give a point for a right answer, but you take one away if a team gets it wrong. One a team has control, they keep control until they either nominate or get a question wrong. One word of warning: it can get nasty if you allow students to pick individuals to nominate rather than teams, so its not recommended.

What I should have asked In this game, you present the quiz question, but the object of the game isn't to say which answer is right. Instead you ask students to each come up with a different question, where the answer is one of the wrong answers they see. You then pick on a few students to read out their question and you pick other students to give the answer. Unlike a traditional quiz, this really gets them to think about the subject and not just be focused on winning the point.



17. Random wheel

The Random wheel template gives the teacher control of a wheel that can be spun. The wheel is divided into segments. When you spin the wheel it will land at random on one of these segments.

Making the template

Enter your content into the boxes as a single list. Each item in the list represents a segment of the wheel. The template options allow you to set it so that the segment positions are random and not in the strict order you entered the items. This order will then be different each time you play.

Playing a game



Just spin In this game you spin the wheel by dragging it with the mouse. To make it spin, hold the mouse, quickly move it and then release. This works particularly well if you have a interactive whiteboard or large format touch screen. The camera will zoom in as the wheel rotates and then out again when it comes to a stop. You can re-spin or intervene at any point.

Spin and Eliminate This game is similar to the above, but adds the function to remove a segment by holding down on it. You can undo the eliminations by selecting restore eliminated from the in-game menu.



18. Rank order

The Rank order template creates an activity in which a series of items is to be placed in a correct order.

Making the template

Enter the content as a single list of items. Note that the rank is displayed at the left of the item.

Playing a game

Rank In this game the items being in the left hand side 'unsorted' area. The object of the exercise is to move them into their correct positions on the right. 31


The in-game menu gives additional commands to restart the game, which will move all the tiles back to the start, and to reveal the correct answers, which will move them all to their correct place.

Unscramble In the unscramble game, all of the tiles are already under the rank headings, but they have been placed randomly. The object of the exercise is to move the tiles into their correct positions. Unlike the sort game, no indication of whether the placement is correct until you select 'reveal answers' from the in-game menu.


In the reveal game, the tiles are all placed in their correct position, but their faces are hidden. Swipe a tile to reveal it.

19. Rating scale

The opinion template creates an activity where items are positioned along on a sliding scale. This scale can be numbered or it can be textual descriptions, e.g. very bad, bad, good, very good. This kind of scale is sometimes termed a Likert scale or rating scale.

Making the template

The content entry screen is divided into two areas. The list of items should be placed in the left hand side area. These are the words or phrases that you wish the audience to assess. 32


The list of descriptors should be placed in the right hand side area. These are the labels for the scale, e.g. very bad, bad, good, very good. These can be quickly entered by selecting from one of the in-built options, or it can be fully customized by typing the list in by hand.

Playing the Game

Assign In the assign game, your list of items will appear as tiles in an unsorted column on the side. You can drag these items across and position them under the scale. You can only place one item on any given row of the scale.

Adjust In the adjust game, all the items are already placed in the middle of the scale. The position of the items can be adjusted by dragging them.

Exclusive assign This game is similar to assign, except that no two items can be assigned to the same descriptor, i.e. you can't give two items the same rating.

20. Seating plan

The seating plan template allows the drawing up of a classroom layout plan. Each seat is represented as a tile holder, and each student is represented tile which can be moved into any one of these holders.

Making the Template 33


First you should draw your room. This is achieved by clicking in the large white panel on the left. You can adjust the size of the plan with the room size drop down in the top right. Click once to add a seat and again to remove it. Next add your list of students. These go into the list on the right hand side. Note that it’s possible to paste in a list from another source (e.g. Excel or Word).

Playing the game Arrange

Tap a tile to zoom into it. Tap it again to zoom back out. Use drag to move the students into their correct place. The in-game menu contains a command to shuffle, which will rearrange the seats at random. In also contains commands to random r andom and  and random roam  roam which are particular useful in this template. Note that when the game ends, you'll be given an option to save the positions you've arranged.

Points tally

In this game, each student is assigned a point score. They all start on zero.   34


Swiping a tile to the left decreases their score by a point. Swiping it to the right, increases their score.

Lives tally This game is similar to points tally except that they start on a certain number of lives (3 by default, but this can be set in the rule options). If a student is reduced to zero lives, their tile fades out.

Hide and eliminate

In this game swiping a tile flips it over to obscure it. Holding down on a tile causes it to disappear from play. The in-game menu contains the additional command to restore the eliminated tiles.

21. Sentence maker

The Sentence maker template takes your text and splits it up into it's constituent words. These words can then be explored and manipulated. The screen space is split into a series of rows for the easy construction of sentences.

Making the template

Type your text into the boxes. Press return to split to text into sentences. The rows as they appear in the content entry screen dictate how it will be initially laid out during the game.



In the options, you'll find the ability to change how many blank rows appear above and below the main content. By default its two above and two below.

Playing a game Viewer

Use drag to move the tiles around. You can drop a tile in-between words and those in place will shuffle out of the way to make space. Tapping a tile will flip it over, hiding its text. Tapping on the empty row space zooms into that row. The in-game menu gives additional commands to hide and reveal all tiles at once.

Reveal The reveal game has the same controls as the viewer game, but all the text is hidden at the start of the game.

Teaching ideas Alternative words

Use the sentence maker to display a poem or short piece of prose. Flip tiles to hide words and then ask the audience to suggest alternatives that the author could have used.

Build our own sentence Place a selection of words onto the screen. Give the students two minutes and ask them to jot down the longest sentence they can. This activity could be extended by designating that certain words gave extra credit (perhaps write them in CAPITALS). A student got a bonus if they used one of these words (correctly) in the sentence.

Unscramble the motto 36


Take a motto or definition the students need to know and mix up all the words. Then have them figure out what the sentence should be in a given time limit. Once the time is up, nominate a student to come and restore the correct word order.

Pick and mix Take a formulaic sentence in a foreign language, e.g. je e.g. je joue au football football.. Then take each of the parts of the sentence and list the alternatives, i.e.  je, tu, vous, nous for nous for the first word. Once you've got all the building blocks on screen, maybe 20-30 words in total, have students pick and mix the words on the screen to generate grammatically correct sentences.

22. Simple tiles

The Simple tiles template allows you to create one-sided tiles. These can be images, text, or both. These tiles can be turned over to obscure their content. The template is similar to  to flip tiles, tiles, except that content can only be placed on the one side.

Making the template

Add the content as a list. Each item in the list will represent one tile. Normally, the tiles will appear in the order you enter them (going left to right in rows). However you can opt to randomize their order using the template options. 37


The template options also also allow you to set rows and columns. By default, the layout of the tiles is automatically adjusted to give an optimal view. However you can override this; if you wanted your tiles to be in a single row, you might set rows to 1. Note that a bonded layout is only possible with rows and columns set to auto.

Playing a game

Viewer In viewer game, all the tiles are visible at the start. Tap a tile to zoom into it, tap the tile again or tap the background to zoom out. Swipe a tile to flip it over, obscuring it's content. The in-game menu contains additional commands to show or hide all tiles. The shuffle command, mixes up the positions of the tiles. It also contains the  the  Random roam  and  roam and random spinner  spinner commands.

Reveal In the reveal game, the controls are the same, except that all the tiles are hidden at the start. Note that the shuffle command (in-game menu) is a useful way of mixing up the positions whilst the tiles are all obscured.

Eliminate In the eliminate game, all the tiles are visible at the start. An additional control is introduced to eliminate tiles. By holding down, you can eliminate an tile - causing it to disappear from play. The in-game menu has the additional command to restore the eliminated tiles. This brings any eliminated tiles back into play.

Teaching ideas 38


Don't let the name of simple deceive you into thinking the teaching applications of this template are few - it's one of the most broadly useful templates available.

Keyword display The original term wordwall  comes from the old classroom activity whereby whe reby keywords wordwall comes for a topic are pinned to a board. The purpose of doing this was in part to give a simple and clear way of students viewing the key vocabulary for an exercise. This template can be used for just that too. The tap to zoom command allows you to bring into sharp focus each of the words as you discuss them or explain their meaning.

What am I describing? Put a selection of keywords into the activity. Then the teacher starts to describe one of the words. Students then raise their hand or butt in when they know which one is being talked about. To add suspense, throw in a few red-herrings or broadly applying descriptions when you first start your explanation. It's more fun when a few people get it wrong first. You can mark their incorrect guess by flipping over the tile. Flip them all back again when you start the next round. You can throw them real curve-ball by describing the same word twice during the course of the activity. Just try to explain it from a totally different angle and see how long it takes for the penny to drop.

Explain one at random Put up a mixture of keywords, some of which are simple and some of which are complex or less likely to be understood by the audience. Pick on different students in turn. Once a student is picked, run the  random spinner  to pick a word. The student must then describe the meaning of the word. A spinner variation of this is to have them use the word in a sentence or ask a question where that word it the answer. Flip over the tile so it won't come up again, and then pick another student to continue.

Remember the sequence Take a list of words, facts or phrases that need to be learnt. An example might be the names of the planets of the solar system in order. Start with in the reveal game, so that they are obscured. Have a student attempt to name them all, with you uncovering each in turn to confirm their answer If the students gets one wrong, cover them all back up again and start again with a different student.



23. Spider diagram

This template allows you to display a web of circular tiles and radial spokes in a hierarchical pattern.

Making the template

You can construct the diagram by entering a list of items. These can be added as either siblings or child items, signifying the relationship between the new item and the selected one.

Playing a game

Viewer 40


View and navigate the spider diagram by tapping nodes to zoom in. Flip nodes to rotate the diagram.

Create Edit and navigate the spider diagram by tapping nodes to zoom in and entering text via the keyboard.

24. Stacked tiles

This template allows you to work with a series of tiles that can be stacked one on top of the other.

Making the template

You must enter a simple list of items.

Playing a game



Deal Deal out the tiles from the stack by tapping on the target place.

25. Tally table

This template allows you to keep a tally chart which can be added to as the game proceeds.

Making the template

You must enter a list of categories and the initial tally count for each category. By default these will be zero.

Playing a game 42


Flick tally Keep a tally by flicking the tile to the right to increase the count, or to the left to decrease it.

Audience poll Collect votes from your audience using the Wordpads. The tally is displayed immediately as it comes in.

26. Tiles in a row

This template allows you to display arrange a series of tiles in one long row.

Making the template

You must enter a simple list of items. These will be arranged into a single row. 43


Playing a game

View Tiles are arranged face up in a row. After each tile is flipped the viewpoint automatically moves on to the next.

Reveal Tiles are arranged face down in a row. After each tile is flipped the viewpoint automatically moves on to the next.



27.Word maker

The word maker template takes inputted text and splits it up into it's constituent letters. These letters can then be explored and manipulated. The screen space is split into a series of rows for the easy construction of words and phrases.

Making the template

Type your text into the boxes. Press return to split to text into letters. The rows as they appear in the content entry screen dictate how it will be initially laid out during the game. In the options, you'll find the ability to change how many blank rows appear above and below the main content. By default its two above and two below.

Playing a game Viewer



Use drag to move the tiles around. You can drop a tile ti le in-between letters and those in place will shuffle out of the way to make space. Tapping a tile will flip it over, hiding its text. Tapping on the empty row space zooms into that row. The in-game menu gives additional commands to hide and reveal all tiles at once.

Reveal The reveal game has the same controls as the viewer game, but all the text is hidden at the start of the game.




The wordsearch template creates activities in which a set of words are concealed with in a grid of random letters.

Making the template

Enter the words as a simple list of item. Each word corresponds to a row or column of tiles, where each tile is a letter. Avoid very long words when building a word search as the size of the wordsearch has to be at least big enough to contain the longest word. More compact grids tend to work better in practice.

Playing the game



Reveal in place In this game tapping on a letter that is part of a word will reveal the whole word. Tapping the revealed word will hide it again. The rule options contain an option to display the words to find. This will list all hidden words on the left hand side for the whole duration of the activity. The in-game menu contains additional commands to restart the game or reveal all the answers.

Remove from board In this game, tapping on a letter will also reveal the whole word, but the word will then move off the board to the right hand side. Tapping revealed word will hide it again. This variation allows students to clearly read the words that have been found, allowing them to more focus more easily on the vocabulary in use.

Quick reveal In this game, tapping on a letter will reveal a word, but that word will become hidden again after a few seconds.


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