Words to Impress an Examiner

November 3, 2018 | Author: Eleni Kakampoura | Category: N/A
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words to Impress an Examiner! aberration παρέκκλιση, εκτροπή, παρεκτροπή (n.) something (n.) something that differs from the norm (In 1974, Poland won the World Cup, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and aberration, and Poland have not won a World Cup since! abhor (v.) to (v.) to hate, detest ("ecause he alwa#s wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to pla# cric$et, %arcin began to abhor  the  the sport! acquiesce (v.) to (v.) to agree without protesting (&hough %r! Pospies'n# wanted to sta# outside and wor$ in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced  to her demands! alacrity ζωηράδα, ευθυμία, ευδιαθεσία (n.) eagerness, (n.) eagerness, speed (or some reason, )imon loved to help his girlfriend whenever he could, so when his girlfriend as$ed him to set the table he did so with alacrity ! ! amiable (adj.) friendl# (adj.) friendl# (*n amiable fellow, amiable fellow, +eil got along with ust about ever#one! appease (v.) to (v.) to calm, satisf# (When -err# cries, his mother gives him chocolate to appease him! appease  him! arcane (adj.) obscure, (adj.) obscure, secret, $nown onl# b# a few (&he professor is an e.pert in arcane /ashubian arcane /ashubian literature! avarice φιλαργυρία (n.) e.cessive (n.) e.cessive greed (&he ban$er0s avarice led avarice led him to amass an enormous personal fortune! brazen αδιάντροπος, θρασύτατος, ορειχάλκινος

(adj.) e.cessivel# bold, brash, clear and obvious (Critics condemned the writer0s brazen attempt to plagiarise ran$ow C'erwon$o0s wor$! brusque (adj.) short, abrupt, dismissive ()imon0s brusque manner sometimes offends his colleagues! cajole καλοπιάνω, παίρνω με το καλό, πείθω, τουμπάρω (v.) to urge, coa. (%agda2s friends cajoled  her into drin$ing too much! callous a!" # ασυγκίνητος, άκαρδος, ροζιασμένος (adj.) harsh, cold, unfeeling (&he murderer0s callous lac$ of remorse shoc$ed the ur#! candor ανυποκρισία (n.) honest#, fran$ness (We were surprised b# the candor  of the politician0s speech because she is usuall# rather evasive! chide κατσαδιάζω (v.) to voice disapproval (3ania chided  regor# for his vulgar habits and slopp# appearance! circumspect (adj.) cautious (&hough I promised %arta0s father I would bring her home promptl# b# midnight, it would have been more circumspect  not to have specified a time! clandestine (adj.) secret (*nnouncing to her bo#friend that she was going to the librar#, %aria actuall# went to meet eorge for a clandestine liaison! coerce  ε$αναγκάζω (v.) to ma$e somebod# do something b# force or threat (&he court decided that 5avid "ec$ham did not have to honor the contract because he had been coerced  into signing it! coherent

(adj.) logicall# consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what 3arold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent  statement! complacency αυταρέσκεια, εφησυχασμός (n.) selfsatisfied ignorance of danger ()imon tried to shoc$ his friends out of their complacency  b# painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them! confidant (n.) a person entrusted with secrets ()hortl# after we met, he became m# chief confidant ! connive (v.) to plot, scheme ()he connived  to get me to give up m# plans to start up a new business! cumulative (adj.) increasing, building upon itself (&he cumulative effect of hours spent using the World 6nglish website was a vast improvement in his vocabular# and general level of 6nglish! debase υποτιμ%, υπο&αθμίζω, ε$ευτελίζω (v.) to lower the ualit# or esteem of something (&he large raise that he gave himself debased  his motives for running the charit#! decry (v.) to critici'e openl# (*ndr'e 8epper, the leader of the Polish )elf 5efence part# decried  the appaling state of Polish roads! deferential (adj.) showing respect for another0s authorit# (5onata is alwa#s e.cessivel# deferential  to an# $ind of authorit# figure! demure σεμνός, συνεσταλμένος (adj.) uiet, modest, reserved (&hough ever#one else at the part# was dancing and going cra'#, she remained demure!

deride (v.) to laugh at moc$ingl#, scorn (&he native spea$er often derided  the other teacher0s accent! despot (n.) one who has total power and rules brutall# (&he despot  issued a death sentence for an#one who disobe#ed his laws! diligent (adj.) showing care in doing one0s wor$ (&he diligent  researcher made sure to double chec$ her measurements! elated (adj.) overo#ed, thrilled (When he found out he had won the lotter#, the postman was elated ! eloquent (adj.) e.pressive, articulate, moving (&he best man gave such an eloquent  speech that most guests were cr#ing! embezzle (v.) to steal mone# b# falsif#ing records (&he accountant was fired for embezzling 1:,::: of the compan#0s funds! empathy (n.) sensitivit# to another0s feelings as if the# were one0s own (I feel such empathy  for m# dog when she0s upset so am I; enmity (n.) ill will, hatred, hostilit# (-ohn and )cott have clearl# not forgiven each other, because the enmity  between them is obvious to an#one in their presence! erudite (adj.) learned (%# 6nglish teacher is such an erudite scholar that he has translated some of the most difficult and abstruse
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