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pai paddhati – a layman’s guide – part I Pai Paddhati is a system of analysing a horoscope or a Birth Chart created using the using the rules of Vedic or Sidereal astrology. The purpose of this post is to give a step-by-step process for using the Pai Paddhati. The Pai Paddhati was created by Dr Arjun Pai of Dr Arjun Pai Astrology. Astrology . He was assisted by Dr Kanholy Santhip Krishnan, Krishnan, Ms Eve James Mendoza and Mendoza  and astronomer Dr Aditya Togi. Togi . This explanation of Pai Paddhati here is neither with the permission of its creators nor does it carry any endorsement from them. However, the method itself is in public domain and thus, this blog post does not not in any way infringe on any copyright on the methodology. The original explanation for this technique was given in three separate public domain videos on KRSchannel hosted on YouTube. The original video links are here:  Video One: One: A short explanation of the technique by Mr Kapiel Raaj  Video Two: Part I of the exposition exposition of of the concept concept on on KRSchannel by the team which created this system  Video Three: Part Three: Part II of the exposition of the concept on KRSchannel For those who find the written word more vivid than a video,  here is a step-by-step walk-through walk-through of 

the process: Download the Pai Chart or the Pai Table from here I use the Pai Table (Excel) rather than the Pai Map (Schematic representation) representation) of the same Pai Table. I will, therefore, use the Pai Table to explain this process

Before you read this further, download the Pai Table: Table : Now, let’s look at the various columns of the Pai Table: 1. Column 1 is the Rasi in which the planet being analysed is placed. Column 2 is the Nakshatra Pada of the Rasi in which the planet being analysed is placed. So, if the planet is in Aries in Ashwini Pada 1 then Ashwini 1 will be shown in column 2. Column 3 is the Rasi Lord. The Rasi Lord for  Aries is Mars. Mars. Column 4 is the Nakshatra Lord. The Nakshatra Lord for Ashwini Pada 1,2,3 or 4 is Ketu. Column 5 is the Navamsa Lord. If a planet is in Ashwini Pada 1 in the Birth Chart (D 1 Chart) then that planet will be in Aries, in the D9 chart (Navamsa Chart). So, the Navamsa Lord is Mars as it owns Aries in the D9 chart too. Column 6  6 is the Purushartha of the Nakshatra Pada that the planet is placed in. For example, the Purushartha of Ashwini Pada 1 is Dharma or Goal Orientation or Target Orientation and that of Ashwini Pada 2 is Artha or Money Orientation and so on. 2.The next column is the SC Column. SC is Soul Cycle. All the 27 Nakshatras have been categorised


into 9 parts as under: SC I: Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika SC II: Rohini, Mrigashira, Mrigashira, Ardra SC III: Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha SC IV: Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni SC V: Hasta, Chitra, Swati SC VI: Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha SC VII: Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha SC VIII:Purva Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabisha SC-IX: Bhadrapada, Bhadrapada , Uttara Bhadrapada,, Bhadrapada Revati So, if you are analysing a planet in, let’s say, Bharani then Aries becomes the Lagna for that analysis (since Bharani is placed in Aries) and the 1st House becomes an important point for analysing that chart. Let’s take another example. If the planet that you want to analyse is placed in Vishakha Pada I then Libra becomes the Ascendant (Lagna) as Vishakha I is placed in Libra. If the planet you need to analyse is placed in Vishakha Pada 4 then Scorpio becomes the Ascendant as Vishakha Pada 4 is placed in Scorpio. Since Vishakha is part of Soul Cycle (SC) VI the 6th house from Scorpio (Vishakha 4) or the 6th house from Libra ( for a planet in Vishakha 1,2 and 3) becomes an important part of the analysis. 3. The column after SC (Soul Cycle) is the Rasi Cycle or Rasi Pada (RP). Each Rasi has 9 Padas. For example, Aries/Mesha has Ashwini Pada 1,2,3 and 4. This is followed by Bharani 1,2,3 and 4. This is followed by Krittika Pada 1 – completing the 9 Padas of Aries or Mesha Rashi. So, a planet in Aries Pada 1 will have Soul Cycle 1 and Rasi Cycle or Rasi Pada 1. If a planet is in Ashwini Pada 2 then it will  be considered as as having Soul Soul Cycle 1 and and Rasi Pada Pada 2. These details can be taken from the the Pai Table Table or the Pai Map. So, when analysing a planet in Ashwini Pada 2, one will make Aries the Lagna (as  Ashwini Pada Pada 2 falls falls in Aries). Since the Soul Soul Cycle for Ashwin Ashwin is 1 (for all 4 Padas Padas of Ashwini), Ashwini), the First House will be an important part of the analysis. Next, since planet under analysis is in Ashwini pada 2 the RP (Rasi Pada) is 2 making the 2nd House as an important focal point. The First House deals with self. The Second House deals with wealth/family. So with this combination of SC 1 and RP 2, the wealth or family or one’s own wealth could be analysed. 4. The next column is NL-O. NL-O stand for ‘Nakshatra Lord’s Lord’s Own House. If the planet being examined is in, say Bharani Pada 1 then the Nakshatra Lord’s Own Houses (NL-O) are Taurus and Libra. This is because the Nakshatra Lord of Bharani (under the Vimshottari Dasha System) is Venus and Venus owns Taurus and Libra. 5. The next column is ‘H’. H stands for House and indicates the House No. of the Houses specified under NL-O. The Houses under NL-O (above) are Libra and Taurus. Since Bharani 1 was being examined above, the sign of Aries (where Bharani 1 is placed) becomes the Lagna Lagna for the purpose of  this example. With Aries as the First House (Lagna), Taurus becomes the Second House and Libra  becomes the Seventh Seventh House. Therefore Therefore 2 and 7 are the indicators indicators here indicating indicating the role of Houses Houses 2 and 7 for the purpose of the analysis of this chart. 6. The next column is NL-M. NL-M stands for the Moolatrikona Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord. If  Bharani 1 is being examined (as an example), then NL-M is represented by Libra as Libra/Thula is


the Moolatrikona Rasi for the Nakshatra Lord Venus. 7. The subsequent column is H. This H stands for the House No. of the Nakshatra Lord which was identified in point 6 above. It was identified above that the Moolatrikona Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord,  Venus is Libra. Libra. Libra or Thula is is the 7th House from Aries Aries – where Bharani Bharani Pada 1 is placed. So, the 7th House becomes important in this analysis. 8. The next column is NL-E or the Exaltation Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord. If Bharani Pada 1 is being examined then the Nakshatra Lord is Venus and the Exaltation Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord is Pisces/Meena Rasi. 9. The column after NL-E is, once again, H. This This H here stands for the House No. of the Nakshatra Lord which was identified in point 8 above. It was identified above that the Exaltation Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord, Venus is Pisces. Pisces/Meena Pisces/Meena the 12th House from Aries – where Bharani Pada 1 is placed. So, the 12th House also becomes important in this analysis. 10. The next in line is the column NL-D or the Debilitation Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord. If Bharani Pada 1 is analysed then the Nakshatra Lord is Venus and the Debilitation Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord is Virgo/Kanya. 11. The column after NL-D is, once again (not again! They could have called this HD instead of H!) H. This H stands for the House No. of the Nakshatra Lord which was identified in point 10 above. It  was identified identified above that that the Debilitation Debilitation Rasi Rasi of the Nakshatra Lord, Lord, Venus is is Virgo. Virgo/Kanya Virgo/Kanya the 6th House from Aries – where Bharani Pada 1 is placed. So, the 6th House also becomes important in this analysis. 12. Now, the column is II-M or the Invisible Influence of the Moolatrikona Planet. Here’s how you determine it. If Bharani 1 is being analysed (or a planet in Bharani 1) then the Rasi in question is  Aries/Mesha since since Bharani Bharani 1 is placed here. The question question to be asked asked is: ‘ Is there a planet which has its Moolatrikona position in Bharani Pada 1 in Aries?” The answer is that  Mars has its Moolatrikona position in Aries in Bharani Pada 1 (The Moolatrikona position position of Mars extends from 0 degrees to 12 degrees in Aries). So, Mars becomes an important important planet in this analysis analysis 13.M,E,D – H: This is the heading of the next column. M stands for Moolatrikona. E stands for Exaltation position. D stands for Debilitation position. Here you have to check if any planet has its  Moolatrikona position in Bharani Pada 1 which which is being analysed. Mars has its MT (Moolatrikona) position in Bharani Pada 1 (which is the Nakshatra being analysed). Mars will cast its influence on  Aries (its Moolatrikona Moolatrikona House) which is House No. 1 (Aries as Lagna), Lagna), on Capricorn which which is the Exaltation Rasi of Mars (House No. 10 from Aries) and Cancer which is the Debilitation House of  Mars (House No. 4 from Aries). So, in this chart analysis, the MT sign (Aries which is the First House) will get the benefit of the positive influence of Mars, Capricorn, which is the 10th House will get the benefit of being the Exaltation position of Mars and Cancer which is the 4th House may suffer (this is the place where the native needs to work hard) if the native does not put in extra effort in this part of his/her life. 14. The next 2 columns are II-E and M,E,D -H. The concept of Moolatrikona (MT) which was applied in point no. 13 above has to be applied if there is any planet which has it Exaltation Exaltation Positon in Bharani Pada 1 (the Nakshatra being analysed). Since no planet has its Exaltation position here,


there is no Invisible Influence (II) associated with the Exaltation Exaltation of any planet in connection with Bharani Pada 1. 15. The last two columns are II-D and M,E,D – H. Check if any planet gets debilitated in the Nakshatra being analysed – which in this case is Bharani Pada 1. No planet gets debilitated here so there is no II (Invisible Influence) of any planet on its Moolatrik Moolatrikona ona Sign, Exaltation Sign or Debilitation Sign. However, if the Nakshatra being analysed had been Bharani Pada 2 then you would have noted that Saturn gets debilitated in Bharani Pada 2. If this had been the case then Saturn  would have cast its Invisible Invisible Influence Influence (II) on Aquarius Aquarius which is its MT sign and the 11th Rasi Rasi from the Lagna (Aries which hold Bharani Pada 2). Saturn would have also cast its II (Invisible Influence) on Libra which is the 7th House from Aries and the Exaltation Sign of Saturn. Also, Saturn would have also cast its influence on the Lagna (First House) which is Aries and which is the Debilitation Sign of Saturn. This concludes an explanation of Pai Paddhati. In the next instalment, I will analyse a chart using this technique. Should you have any queries, leave a comment or write or write to me. me.

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pai paddhati – a layman’s guide – part II, analysing charts In "Article"

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 Author: Bharat Ram

I am a senior Corporate Executive with over 25 years of Business Experience with India's leading companies. I have studied Astrology for over 15 years with some excellent teachers. teachers. View  View all posts by Bharat Ram

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Cosmic Insights

12 thoughts on “pai paddhati – a layman’s guide – part I”


Sandra May 3, 2017 at 7:04 pm

Thanks for this great article& thank you for the map and the table. It would be useful to write the meaning and characteristics characteristics of each of the soul cycles. Thanks in advance:) Like


Pushya May 3, 2017 at 11:08 pm

Thank you! Each Soul Cycle is a reflection of the houses. Soul Cycle 1 is House 1 and so on Like


Sandra May 3, 2017 at 11:40 pm

Thank you!:) Like

Lajjaram sharma February 2, 2019 at 8:44 pm

thank thank you for best research. Like

SRILAL De SILVA  August 28, 2017 at 6:57 pm

Unable to down load Pai chart and table from Australia Like


 V Vijayalakshmi Vijayalakshmi


September 2, 2017 at 6:21 pm

I do not have the Pai Chart with me. You may please write to email id on Cosmic Insights. Thanks Like


Priya September 24, 2017 at 3:48 am

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation Like


 Atma November 3, 2017 at 10:05 am

Thank you so much for the information and explanation. Great work  Like


 varununi4 February 8, 2018 at 11:34 am

 Which planet planet to analyze analyze for foreign movement movement and foreign foreign settlement settlement (both being being different)? Like


Soumita RC October 8, 2018 at 7:19 pm

Thanks for the write up but sorry to inform you that your downloadable files are not working. I tried several times but it did not download. Neither the pai map nor the pai table . Please guide Like



 V Vijayalakshmi Vijayalakshmi October 8, 2018 at 8:18 pm

Download it from here : http://app.cosm http://app.cosmicinsight icinsights.net/paimap-d s.net/paimap-download/ ownload/ Like


amit kumar August 30, 2019 at 11:41 pm

Excellent sir. It is very helpful. Like


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