Wizard of Oz - Noia Land

February 1, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Wizard of Oz

   w  o o     l   l  o o       f  f  o  o  t  t       y y s a a  e     h   t    i l  f e e  d l   W i  o  n s a  n d   i  n s t    r  t s i    z  u ui c  t  c  i  e e   P Pa  t  t e e r   n s.

By Paloma Rocha


Wizard of Oz Please, read all of the instructions before starting your  project.

Tools . Embroidery needle . Scissors. . Embroidery scissors.

. Pencil or elt marker. . Chopstick or pointy tool. . weezers or pliers.



Felt   Felt can basically be divided into two types: wool elt or washable elt. Wool elt is recommended recommen ded or these ornaments. Tese quality materials help dolls look their very best.

Cutting out shapes  Print a page 20, 21, 22 and 23 o this pd, and cut out templates templates using scissors.  race race templates onto elt using a elt marker or pencil and cut out on the line. Cut careully so edges are vertical, not slanted.

Cutting tiny shapes Remove paper  pattern 

Paper pattern  Felt  Cut 

 Cut out the paper pattern roughly and attach it onto elt. Roughly cut out the elt around the pattern, which will be easier to maneuver and cut to final shape without removing paper.

Sewing and embroidery  Tese dolls are embroidered embroidered and stitched together with embroidery embroidery floss. In case you´re not amiliar with one o the stitches, you can practice the stitches a ew times on a elt scraps beore b eore wo working rking on a doll. None o the stitches are difficult, but can take some practice to get perect. Always keep your stitches and the space between b etween them the same length. Be B e consistent with your sewing tension.  Or, i you want to keep embroidery to a minimum, you can sometimes glue on certain elements, instead o embroidering them.  You can experiment and use your imagination to customize the project.



Embroidery stitches 1. A󰁰󰁰󰁬󰁩󰁱󰁵󰃩 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Stitching a elt piece onto a elt surace. Place the appliqué on the background elt. Make tiny stitches perpendicular to the edge o the appliqué. 󰀲. O󰁶󰁥󰁲󰁣󰁡󰁳󰁴 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Simple stitch over the edge o the elt. Also called whip-stitch, is used to attach two pieces o elt. Tis isn´t a decorative stitch, so always use floss that matches the color o the elt and make the stitches small and neat. 󰀳. S󰁴󰁲󰁡󰁩󰁧󰁨󰁴 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Use a sim simple ple straight stitch to create a moti. moti. 󰀴. S󰁡󰁴󰁩󰁮 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Te satin stitch is composed o parallel rows o straight stitch and is ofen used to fill in anB󰁬󰁡󰁮󰁫󰁥󰁴 area with 󰁳󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: floss. Te make very stitch nice eyes anddecorative noses on sofies. 5. Te blanket is both and unctional. Use this stitch to accentuate an edge or to attach an appliqué. 6. B󰁡󰁣󰁫 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Tis simple stitch creates a solid line so it´s great or outlining shapes or creating text. A backstitch gets its name because you create it moving the needle a stitch backward beore moving it orward to create the next stitch. 󰀷. F󰁲󰁥󰁮󰁣󰁨 K󰁮󰁯󰁴󰁳: Te French knot produces a rounded knot that can be used to create a series o decorative dots. o make it, bring the needle up at the point at which you want to make your French knot, hold the thread and wrap it around the needle twice, as shown. Bring the needle back to the starting point and put the point back through the abric very near where it emerged (be careul not use the same exact hole) . Pull the needle to the back o the elt and pull taut. 󰀸. L󰁡󰁤󰁤󰁥󰁲 󰁳󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Te ladder stitch is used to attach separate parts such as a doll’s head. It’s called the ladder stitch because the stitches stitches look like a ladder until you pull the stitches tight to close the seam. Pull everyy our or five stitches as yo ever you u stitch. When the thread is tightened, the stitches should be virtual virtually ly invisible. 󰀹. R󰁵󰁮󰁮󰁩󰁮󰁧 S󰁴󰁩󰁴󰁣󰁨: Te running stitch is simple to make. Make this stitch by weaving the needle through the elt at evenly spaced intervals. Just be careul to keep the t he length o your stitches and the space between them same length. Tese illustrations will help you with any unamiliar stitches.

Overc rcas astt st stit itch ch 1. Applique stitch  2. Ove

3. S Str trai aigh ghtt st stit itch  ch 

4. Satin stitch 

2 in

1out  Keep thread at right angle

5. Blanket stitch

6. Back stitch   1out

2 in 1in

3 out

3 out

7. French knot 

2 in

Carry needle 1 stitch beyond previous stitch

Working direction  e  c  l e  c  i r c e  n   i   E    w   t w

Working direction

8. Ladder stitch 

9. Running stitch 

Working direction



Dorothy Materials

.Pipe cleaners. . Stuffing. . iny buttons (2) and blue ribbon. . Embroidery floss: Flesh tone, red, brown and blue.

. Blue elt (6”x 3”). . Brown elt (8”x 5”). . Flesh tone elt (3”x 4”). . Scraps o red and white elt. . Artist pastels (red or pink).

Running  stitch  Head  back 


Brown  straight  stitch 


Brown  back  stitch 

Hair  front 

Red  back stitch  o r    f o  g  f  i n g  e nn in   pe  O p g g    n n    i i     ff  tu   stu   s

Pigtails Overcast  stitch 

Red  Satin stitch 


Head  back  (wrong side) Stuff 


Overcast  stitch 

Careully position the hair at the top o the ace piece. Adjust the hair so that it´s centred correctly and pin in place. Sew the hairline onto de ace using tiny running stitch and two strands o brown floss. Draw the ace with a elt marker or a pencil. Tread an embroidery needle with two t wo strands o brown embroidery floss and sew the eyes and lashes onto the ace piece. Te eyes are made using a ew curving backstitches, and the eyelashes with two small straight stitches or each eye. Make doll´s brows by sewing a tiny straight stitch or each one. Re-thread the needle with red floss and embroider a small, curved mouth with a ew backstitches. Now, stitch the lips, using horizontal straight stitches positioned very ver y close together. Align the two pigtails pieces and sew together with a overcast stitch, using two strands o brown embroidery floss. Leave a gap at the top o the each pigtail and fill it with a tiny amount o toy stuffing, using a toothpick to arrange it evenly. Use craf glue to fix the pigtails in position on the wrong side o the second head piece.   Align the two head pieces together, right sides out. Tread an embroidery needle with a two strands o brown embroidery floss and sew the two head pieces together with a overcast stitch. stitch. Stop stitching when opening is ssmall mall enough or stuffing. Fill it with toy stuffing and stitch it closed. 5


Fold  in half 

Blouse  Arms

Appliqué  stitch 

Overcast  stitch 




Pocket  Pipe cleaner 

Sew on  the buttons


Blue  French knot 

Appliqué  stitch  Overcast  stitch  Front


Appliqué  stitch  Stuff 


o r     f o  g f  in g  n in  e n   pe  O p g  n   g  in  u f    f i  t u   st   s

Back  (wrong side)

Fold the arms shapes in hal. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o flesh tone floss and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Use pliers or an old scissors to cut a pipe cleaner 3” long. U Using sing the picture as a guide, push the arms onto the pipe cleaner. Position the skirt shapes on on the blouse shapes as pictured an and d pin them in place. I have included a template o the complete body (see page 20). You can use this template as a guide to get the positioning o the blouse and skirt just right. Sew the skirt and the blouse together using appliqué stitch and two strands o blue floss. Stick the suspenders onto the right sides o the dress ront and back, lining up the edges careully and sew it on, using two strands o blue floss. Position the pouch on the ront o the dress and sew it on, using usi ng two strands o blue floss to appliqué stitch the pouch in place, leaving the top open to make a pocket. Embroider three French knots on the center o the blouse to suggest buttons. Sew a button on one end o each suspender. Using the picture as a guide, pin or glue the arms in place on the wrong side o the body back shape. Align the two body shapes together and thread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges o the body using overcast stitch, sewing through all our layers o elt in the arms areas, leaving the bottom open. Pad firmly with toy stuffing, using a toothpick to distribute it evenly e venly,, then sew se w shut. 6


Paint the  cheeks

Shoes shapes

Add the  bows

Overcast  stitch 

Stuff  Ladder  stitch 

Place ront and back shoes shapes together and overcast stitch all the t he way around, leaving an opening at the top edge. Add a bit o stuffing and overcast stitch edge closed. Pin shoes to the bottom o the t he dress and ladder stitch ront ront and back onto the seam. Position the head so that it overlaps the body. Using an long embroidery needle and two strands o floss, attach them together using a ladder stitch through the head and the neck and going round and round till the head is secure. I the head seems wobbly, go back around one more time with the ladder stitch (see page 19). Add a bit o color to it cheeks using an artist pastel or powder blush. Rub the pastel on a piece o paper and then app apply ly the resulting powder with a sof brush. Place a ribbon around the doll´s pigtails and overlap the edges to make sure it fits snugly or a bow (the ribbon length may vary a bit, depending on how you stuff the pigtail). Make a little bow with the ribbon in each e ach pigtail.



Toto Materials . Scraps o gray gr ay and white elt. . Artist pastels (red or pink).

. Stuffing. . Embroidery floss: black, gray and white. Black  French knot 

Appliqué  stitch  Black  satin  stitch 

White  straight  stitch  Overcast  stitch  Black  straight  stitch 


Using the picture picture or reeren reerence, ce, stack the belly on top o o one ne o the  oto oto shapes, and stitch them together using appliqué stitch and one strand o the white embroidery floss. Embroider the ace. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o black embroidery floss and sew the eyes onto the ace, checking checking against the picture picture to get the placement right. Te eyes are made using two French knots. Make oto´s brows by sewing a tiny straight stitch or each one and placing at a slight angle. Embroider the nose to the ace using satin stitch and a vertical straight stitch. Align the two oto pieces together, right sides out. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o gray floss and sew the pieces together with a small overcast stitch. Leave a gap at the base o the dog and fill it with toy stuffing. When the padding is distributed, overcast stitch the gap closed.



Tin man . Light gray elt (6”x 6”). Materials

.Pipe cleaners. . Stuffing. . Embroidery floss: Dark and light gray, red and black.

. Dark gray elt (7”x 6”). . Scraps o brown, blue and red elt. . Artist pastels (red or pink).

Running  stitch 

Top head  front 

Head  back 

Face  Patch  Dark gray  French knot 

Light  gray  French knot 


Light  gray  backstitch 

Black  straight  stitch 

Overcast  stitch 

O    p e  s t   n i   n  u   g    f    f    f   o  i   n   g  r 


Black  back  stitch  Paint  the cheeks

Red  back stitch 

Careully place the top head ront onto the ace as shown and adjust the ace so that it´s centered correctly and pin in place. Attach the top head to the ace with appliqué stitches worked with two strands strands o gray floss. Keep Keep the stitches small so you´ll barely barely see them when you´re finished. Arrange the patch on the head, checking the illustration to position it correctly. Glue the patch down with a dot o abric glue to keep it in place while you sew. Running stitch around the edges o the patch using an embroidery needle threaded with a single strand o dark gray embroidery floss. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o light gray floss and backstitch two  vertical lines across the head. U Using sing the p picture icture as a guide, embr embroider oider several Fr French ench kno knots ts to suggest rivets. Draw the ace with a elt marker or a pencil. Tread an embroidery needle with two t wo strands o black embroidery floss and sew the eyes using a ew curving backstitches. Make doll´s eyebrows by sewing a tiny straight stitch or each eye and placing at a slight angle. Re-thread the needle with red floss and embroider a small, curved mouth with a ew backstitches. Align the two head pieces together, right sides out. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o gray embroidery floss and sew the two head pieces together with a overcast stitch. Stop stitching when opening is small enough or stuffing. Fill it with toy stuffing and stitch it closed. Knot thread and cut off excess. Add a bit o color to it cheeks using an artist pastel or powder blush. 9


Pipe  cleaners

 t  r c a s  e  v  O  t c h  s t i i t

Fold  in half  Dark gray  French   knot 

Dark  Fold  gray  in half  back  stitch 

Overcast  stitch  Pipe cleaner 

Fold  in half   t  r c a s  e  v  O  t c h  s t i t

Stick the knees onto the legs shapes, using just a tiny t iny quantity o craf glue. Careully sew a line o backstitches on the centerline o two knees shapes, using two strands o dark gray floss. Embroider a French knot on each end o this line. Fold the arms and legs shapes in hal. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss (using floss that matches the color o the elt) and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Make the same with the two arms and the two legs. Use pliers or an old scissors (don´t use good scissors to cut wire, it will ruin them) to cut 1 or 2 pipe cleaners: two 4” and one or two 3” long. Fold the long pipe cleaners in hal. Using Us ing the picture as a guide, push the limbs onto the pipe cleaners.

Funnel  hat  back 

Overcast  stitch 

Dark gray  back stitch 

Dark gray  French knot 

Funnel  hat  front 

Using the picture as a guide and two strands o dark gray floss, backstitch two slightly curving lines across the unnel and embroider three French knots. Align the two unnel pieces and overcast stitch together using two strands o light gray floss. Leave the bottom o the unnel open so it will fit over the head.



Body  back 

Running  stitch  Body  front  o r      f o  g   f  ng  ni  i  n  e n   pe  O p g    ng  i n  u f    f i   st   s t u 

Patch  Legs

Light gray  French   knot 


Appliqué  stitch 

Light gray  back stitch  Stuff 

Overcast  stitch 

Position the patch on the ront o the body and sew it on, using two strands o gray floss and running stitch. Glue the heart in the center o the patch piece and sew it on with one strand o red floss. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o light gray gr ay floss and backstitch two lines (one vertical and one horizontal) across the body. Embroider our French knots. Check against the picture to get the position right. Use small dots o abric glue or a pin to stick the t he arms and legs onto the wrong side o the body back. Align the two body shapes together and thread an embroidery needle with two strands o gray embroidery floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges o the body using overcast stitch, sewing through t hrough all our layers o elt in tthe he arms and legs areas, leaving a gap open. Pad with toy stuffing, using a toothpick to distribute it evenly, then sew shut. O v  ve  e   r  rc  c  a     st  a st i  i t  tc   ch      h

 t  r c a s  e  v  O  t c h  s t i t

Pipe cleaner 

Fold  in half 


Fold the handle shape in hal. Tread an embroidery needle nee dle with two str strands ands o floss and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Fill it with a pipe cleaner. Align the ront and back axe together, so the handle is sandwiched between them. Sew around the edges o the axe, using two strands o ggray ray floss. 11


Ladder  stitch (*)

Sew on 

Position the head so that it overlaps the body. Using a long embroidery needle and two strands o floss, attach them together using a ladder l adder stitch through the head and the t he neck and going round and round till the head is secure. I the head seems wobbly, go back around one more more time with the ladder stitch (see page 19). Set aside the unnel. Sew the handle to the tin man´s hand.



Cowardly Lion Materials

.Pipe cleaners and saety eyes (4mm). . Stuffing. . Embroidery floss: blank and sand.

. Sand tone elt (8”x 8”). . Gold tone elt (5”x 4”). . Artist pastels (red or pink).

Pipe  cleaners


B  oc  d   k  y   b a  ao  c d  k  y 

B o  od     y  d y  f r  r o  on  n   t  t 

    l    i    T  a

M a  an     e  n e 

Fold  in half  Fold  a st    in half   Overc a 

Overcast  stitch 

itch   st   s t itch 

Fold  in half 

Pipe cleaner 

T a i  il  l  t  t  i  ip   L e  eg    s  g


F a  ac  c   e  e  A r  r m  ms  I n  ns  e r  rt  t    e y  ye  e  s 

E y  ye  e   h o  o l  le  e    pl a  ac  c  e  e  m  m    e  en  n    t  t 

 B l a c k t  g h  r a i g  s t r  c h    t t    i i  t O pe n  n i  in     g  n g f o  o r  r   s  c

Appliqué  stitch 

st u  uf  f  f  f   i  in  n   g  g 

B l  l a  ac  c   k  k  sa t  ti  i n     n st i  it  t  c  c  h     h B l  la     c  a ck     k B a  a c  ck     st i  k i t  tc  c  h     h


Lion  back 


Lion  back 

 s t  r c a  e  v  O  t  h  s t i t c

Lion  back 

Fold   Ov  t  erca  s  st  v erca  in half  O ch   st it  it ch 

t  erca  s  st  Ov erca  ch   st it  it ch 

Paint  the cheeks

Sew on 



Fold the arms and legs shapes in hal. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Make the same with the two t wo arms and the two legs. Use pliers to cut 1 or 2 pipe cleaners: two 4” and one or two 2.5” long. Fold Fold the long pipe cleaners cleaners in hal. Using the picture as a guide, push the limbs onto the pipe cleaners. Glue or pin the mane shape and the ace into position, using a pin or a sparing amount o abric glue. Appliqué stitch around around the edges o the ace using usi ng two strands o floss. Careully, make two tiny holes with the tip o a very sharp pair o embroidery scissors. Attach the two saety eyes to the ace. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o black floss and satin stitch the nose. Make the mouth with a tiny vertical stitch, and two curved lines o backstitches at the base o the vertical stitch, ollowing the positioning in the picture. Use more embroidery embroidery floss to sew the whiskers. Sew six long straight stitches on the ace (three on each side). Make eyebrows eyebrows by sewing a tiny straight stitch or each eye and placing at a slight angle. Use small dots o abric glue or a pin to stick the t he arms and legs onto the wrong side o the body back. Align the two t wo lion shapes together and thread an emb embroidery roidery needle with two t wo strands o floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges o the body using overcast stitch, sewing through all our layers o elt in the arms and legs areas, leaving a gap open. Pad with toy stuffing, using a toothpick to distribute it evenly evenly,, then se sew w shut. Fold the tail shape in hal. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Insert a pipe cleaner. Using the picture as a guide, align the two tail tip shapes together, so the tail is sandwiched between them. Sew around the edges o the tail tip. Sew the tail t ail in position and paint the cheeks.



Scarecrow Materials .Pipe cleaner and Stuffing.

. Blue elt (2”x 4”). . Brown elt (7”x 4”). . Flesh tone elt (4”x 3”). . Light yellow elt (4”x 8”). . Scraps o red, black and green elt.

. 2 tiny red buttons .2 saety eyes (4mm). . Embroidery floss: Flesh tone, red, brown, black, light yellow, green,

. Artist pastels (red or pink).

gray, orange and blue. Running  stitch 

Hair  front 

Head  back 

E y  y e h o  ole  l  e  pla c  c e  em    e  m e   n  nt  t   


 q u é  A p p l i q  s t i i t t c  c h


Overcast  Black  straight  stitch 


I n  ns  e r  rt  t    e y  ye   es 

Red  back stitch 


Careully place the hair ront onto the ace as shown and adjust the ace so that it´s centered correctly and pin in place. Attach the hair to the ace ace with appliqué stitches worked with two strands o brown floss. Careully, make two tiny holes with the tip o a very sharp pair o embroidery scissors. Insert saety eyes and connectors at back. Center the red nose between the eyes, checking against the picture to position it correctly correctly.. Tread an embroidery needle with one strand o red embroidery embroidery floss and sew around the nose with a small, nea neatt appliqué stit stitch. ch. Tread the needle with two strands o black floss. Te eyelashes are made using a small straight stitch or each eye. Make scarecrow´s eyebrows by sewing a tiny ti ny straight stitch or each eye and placing at a slight angle. Re-thread the needle with red floss and embroider a small, curved mouth with a ew backstitches. Align the two head pieces together, right sides out. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss and sew the two head pieces together with a overcast stitch. Stop stitching when opening is small enough or stuffing. Fill it with toy stuffing and stitch it closed. Knot thread and cut off exces excess. s. 15


Pipe  cleaners Fold  in half  Slit 

 q u é  A p p l i q  c h  s t i i t t c

Overcast  stitch 

 t  r c a s  e  v  O  t c h  s t i i t Fold 

Pipe cleaner 

in half 

Fold  in half 

Cut straight slices into the light yellow shapes, being careul not cut until tthe he edges. Using the picture as a guide position the straw shapes on the legs and sew them in place using two strands o light yellow floss and appliqué stitch. Fold the arms and legs shapes in hal. Tread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss (using floss that matches the color o the elt) and overcast stitch around the edges using small stitches, leaving the top open. Make the same with the two arms and the two legs. Use pliers or an old scissors (don´t use good scissors to cut wire, it will ruin them) to cut 1 or 2 pipe cleaners: two 4.2” and one or two 3” long. Fold the long pipe cleaners in hal. Using the picture as a guide, push the limbs onto the pi pipe pe cleaners. Sew on  the buttons

Suspenders Shirt  Shirt 

 r e e s  D u n g a  f r  f  r o  o n  n t t Pocket 

Legs Running 

D u n  nb  a   g     a   re  r k ee s  ck   c

Appliqué  stitch 



o r     f o  g f  i n g  nin  e n   pe  O p g    n  g  in  u f    f i  t u   st   s

 r  e   o  ue  l u  G l  n  i n   pi   p


Overcast  stitch 



Stick the back suspenders onto the back shirt, lining up the edges careully and crossing the suspenders, and sew it on, using two strands o blue floss. Position the dungarees sh shapes apes on the sh shirt irt shapes as pictur pictured ed and pin them in p place. lace. I have included a template o the complete body (see (se e page 23). You You can use this template as a guide to get the positioning o the dungarees and shirt just right. Sew the shirt and the dungarees together using appliqué stitch and two strands o blue floss. Stick the ront suspenders onto the right sides o the body ront, lining up the edges careully and sew it on, on, using two strands o blue floss. Sew a rred ed button on on one end o each suspender. Position the pouches on the dungarees (using the picture as a guide) and sew them on, using two strands o blue floss to running stitch the pouches in place, leaving the top open to make a pocket. Using the picture as a guide, pin or glue the arms and legs in place on the body shape. Pin or glue the legs and the arms in place on wrong side o the body shape. Align the two body shapes together and thread an embroidery needle with two strands o floss. Stitch the pieces together around the edges o the body using overcast stitch, sewing through all our layers o elt in the arms and legs areas, leaving the top open. Pad firmly with toy stuffing, using a toothpick to distribute it evenly evenly,, then sew s ew shut.

H a  at t     f r  r o  on  n  t t   

A    p  p l   l  i q  qu    é     u st i i t  t c  ch      é   h Bird 

H a  atban  t  ban d  d 

Orange  satin   stitch 

H a t  b a c k

A  p p  pl  l i i q  qu     é  u é  st i i t tc  c  h     h

Gray  back stitch 


Overcast  stitch 

Orange  straight   stitch 

Place the hatbands on the ront and back hat shapes, being careul to align the hatband on the back hat shape with the hatband on the hat ront shape. Use Use the green floss to sew each hatband to the hat with appliqué stitch along the top and bottom o the band. b and. Place the bird shape in place on the hatband ron rontt and sew it on using appliqué stitch and two strands o black embroidery floss. Embroider some details on the bird shape (beak, wing, eye, eet), using the picture as a guide. Align the two hat pieces and overcast stitch together using two strands o light yellow floss. Leave the bottom o the hat open so it will fit over the head. 17


e s  c   e  ic   sl i  t sl  u t  C u 

e    he  d n  d     t h  un  o u   r o  e a  c   e  ac  Pl a  t  t  i  e e     r  u u    c c    e   se  s d d    n  k a n  c k  e c  n e  e s  h e  c   h  t c  it  t   st  s t t    h h    g    i  i g  ai   r a   st  w st  e w   f e  h   a  f  t h  it  w i 

L a d d e r  t c h  s t i t

Position the head so that it overlaps the body. Using an long embroidery needle and two strands o floss, attach them together using a ladder stitch through the head and the neck and going round and round till the head is secure. I the head seems wobbly, go back around one more time with the ladder stitch (see page 19). Cut straight slices into the straw-neck shape, being careul not cut until the edges. Place this shape around the neck and secure it with a ew straight stitches. Add a bit o color to it cheeks using an artist pastel or powder blush.



How to sew the head to the body: Doll front 

Ladder  stitch 

Doll front 

Doll back 

Ladder  stitch 

Ladder  stitch  Doll back  Couture 

Doll front 

Ladder  stitch  Doll back 

Doll back 

Doll front 

Doll front 


Doll back 

Doll back  Doll front 


Dorothy and Toto pattern Hair ront(cut 1) Brown Face (cut 1) Flesh tone

Arm (cut 2) Flesh tone

Hair back (cut 1) Brown Dress template Use this template as a guide to get the positioning o the skirt and blouse just right.

Pigtail  (cut 4) Blouse (cut 2) White


Skirt (cut 2) Blue

Pocket (cut 1) Blue

Shoe  (cut 4) Red oto (cut 2) Gray 

Suspenders  (cut 4) Blue Belly oto  (cut 1) White



Tin man Knee (cut 2) Light gray   1  1  )  t  u (  c  h  (   c   h   l u  u e   P a t   b  l

Leg (cut 2) Dark gray 

Head Back (cut 1) Dark gray 

Funnel (cut 2) Light gray 

Head ront (cut 1) Dark gray 

Face (cut 1) Light gray 

Handle (cut 1) Brown

Body (cut 2) Dark gray 

Body patch (cut 1) Blue Heart (cut 1) Red

Arm (cut 2) Light gray 


Axe (cut 2) Dark gray 


Cowardly Lion pattern

Face (cut 1) Sand tone

Lion (cut 2) Sand tone

Mane (cut 1) Gold

Arm (cut 2) Sand tone

Leg (cut 2) Sand tone

ail (c (cut ut 1) Sand tone

ail tip (cut 2) Gold



Scarecrow pattern Hair ront(cut 1) Brown

Hat back (cut 1) Light yellow 

C r o  ow      (  c u  u t  1  B l a  a c  ck       )  k

Nose (cut 1) Red

Hair back (cut 1) Brown

Face (cut 1) Flesh tone

Hatband (cut 2) Green Neck-straw   (cut 1) Light yellow  Leg-straw   (cut 4) Light yellow 

Sus pe nde r  rs   f r  ro   nt   ( c  c ut  2) Blue  Shirt (cut 2)


Pocket (cut 2) Blue Suspenders back   (cut 2) Blue

Hat ront (cut 1) Light yellow 

Body template

Arm (cut 2) Flesh tone

Leg (cut 2) Blue

Dungarees ront  (cut 1) Blue

Dungarees back   (cut 1) Blue 23


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 ©2013 Paloma Rocha. Tis pattern is intended or personal use only and not or commercial resale. Photocopying, emailing and the other copying to share these instruction is strictly prohibited by law without the designer´s written permission. Tank you or respecting the designer´s copyright.

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