Withdrawal of Appearance

June 7, 2019 | Author: Celestino Law | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines FOURTH JUDICIAL REGION MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT Branch ____ City of  

X Complainant !


CRI%INAL CA&E NO'    Fo$' G$(#e Th$e(ts

 Y Respondent.

)""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""") WITHDRAWAL OF APPEARANCE CO%E& NO*! the un+e$si,ne+ counsel fo$ the $espon+ent! unto unto this this Hono$ Hono$(bl (ble e Cou$t Cou$t!! -ost -ost $esp $espec ectf tful ully ly st(t st(tes es th(t th(t +ue to p$ofession(l (n+ pe$son(l $e(sons! un+e$si,ne+ $espectfully $e.uests th(t he be (llo/e o/e+ by this his Hono$ ono$(b (blle Cou$t u$t to /ith+$(/ +$(/ his his (ppe($(nce in this c(se (s counsel fo$ the $espon+ent0 Hencefo$th! un+e$si,ne+ $espectfully p$(ys th(t futu$e notices (n+ p$oc p$oces esse ses s of this this Hono Hono$(b $(ble le Cou$ Cou$t! t! (n+ (n+ ple( ple(+in +in,s ,s!! -oti -otion ons! s! co$$espon+ence fo$- the othe$ p($ty in this c(se be sent +i$ectly to the $espon+ent! o$ to (ny counsel /ho -(y subse.uently ente$ his (ppe($(nce fo$ the $espon+ent0

PRAYER WHEREFORE! WHEREFORE! p$e-i e-ises consi nsi+e$e+! $e+! un+e$si $si,ne ,ne+ counsel p$(ys th(t he be (llo/e+ to /ith+$(/ his (ppe($(nce in the (bo#e"c(ptione+ c(se (n+ th(t futu$e notices (n+ p$ocesses of this Hono$(ble Cou$t! (n+ ple(+in,s! -otions (n+ co$$espon+ence f$othe othe$ p($ty in this c(se be sent +i$ectly to the $espon+ent! o$ to (ny counsel /ho -(y subse.uently ente$ his (ppe($(nce fo$ the $es $espon+ on+ent ent! (n+ th(t the un+e$s e$si,ne+ ne+ be $elie#e+ f$o- (ll (ll $esponsibilities $el(ti#e to this c(se0 Othe$ $eliefs 1ust (n+ e.uit(ble un+e$ the p$e-ises ($e li2e/ise p$(ye+ fo$0

City of 3(coo$! C(#ite! Philippines0 No#e-be$ 45! 5647



 _______________________  Y

NOTICE OF HEARING The Branch Cler !" C!#r$ M#n%c%&al Tr%al C!#r$ Branch ____  G$eetin,s' Ple(se t(2e notice th(t the fo$e,oin, %otion to *ith+$(/ Appe($(nce sh(ll be sub-itte+ fo$ the consi+e$(tion (n+ (pp$o#(l of the Hono$(ble Cou$t upon $eceipt the$eof0

 ATT80 A3C

C!&' F#rn%(he): E F G

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