wishing you were here

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Download wishing you were here...


Chapter 01

“Tiffany, why can’t you just stay home? I am really worried about you going to school in Korea. Why can’t you just stay here, in America? You don’t even speak the language well.” Said a man looking at a girl who seems to be his daughter. Surrounding them were other passengers checking in at the airport, as well as their families. Her flight must be either very early or very late since there aren’t that many people at the airport at this time.

His daughter quickly responded to her father, “Daddy! It’s going to be just fine. We have talked about this many times already.”

It seems like she has already checked in her other suitcases since there was only one carry-on bag sitting on the ground next to her feet. Tiffany, a girl with short brown hair, doesn’t look tired at all despite the fact that she is at the airport either very early or very late in the day. To be exact, she was quite excited before her dad began this conversation that apparently had taken place “many times” already.

“I know, I know, but it still worries me. What if you offend someone with your poor Korean?” Her father acclaims.

“It’ll be just fine Daddy. Jessica will be there, and she will be able to help me out.”

“All passengers going on the flight to Korea must board the plane now to avoid any delays. I repeat all the passengers…”

“I have to go, Daddy!” She leaned over and gave him a hug. “I love you, Daddy. I’ll be fine, I promise. But I have to go now! Bye, Daddy.” She finishes her farewell to her dad then quickly grabbed her bag and head for the gate.

“I love you too, honey. Give me a call when you settle in to your hotel! And if anything happens, CALL ME!” He yells and waves at the sight of his only beloved daughter walking away towards the airport gate. He sighs then left the airport.


After an extremely long flight, Tiffany has finally arrived in Korea at 4:00 PM, her home country. It took her about another hour to finish checking out and reclaimed her luggage. One could be fooled by her one carry-on bag that she didn’t take anything with her. But the fact is, the second she exited the airport, you can see her cart with two huge pink suitcases. How she managed to pass the weight check is unknown.

“Yay! I’m finally in Korea!” She screamed excitedly in English extracting numerous of weird looks from the people around her. She noticed their eyes and just smiled back at them showing her pair of smiley eyes. Then feeling kind of embarrassed she continued to walk on.

Out on the street, she spotted a taxi driving towards her direction and quickly waved at him to get his attention. The taxi slowed down, stopped in front of her, then got out of his seat to help Tiffany with her two huge suitcases. After placing the suitcases in the trunk, both the taxi driver and Tiffany entered the car.

“Where would you like to go, miss?” The taxi driver asked in Korean.

Tiffany, sitting in the back seat, scratched her head then slowly responded back in Korean “Star Hotel, please” in her huge American accent. Then worried that the driver did not understand her, she handed him the brochure to the hotel.

“Star Hotel? Ok!” The taxi driver said. After driving off from the airport for a few minutes, the taxi began to start a conversation with Tiffany. “What are you, miss? Chinese? Japanese? Vietnamese?” He asked in his best English. “Let me guess, ok? You Chinese, right? Your Korean is very good for Chinese guest.”

“Um…” Already feeling embarrassed, she softly replied “I’m actually Korean.”

The rest of the ride was just in an awkward silent. But nonetheless, Tiffany enjoyed the sceneries that she passed by on the ride to her hotel. She just couldn’t wait until she gets settled in so she could roam the streets of Korea.

Finally, she arrived at the hotel. After Tiffany has paid him, the taxi driver helped her with her suitcases then drove off. Though struggling, she managed to pull both her suitcases to the front desk in order to check in.

“Do you have a reservation?” Asked the front desk lady in Korean.

“Yes ma’am, I do. My name is Tiffany Hwang.” Once again she used poor Korean. She wasn’t afraid of getting embarrassed anymore. Besides, she should get used to it if she wants to live here, she thought to herself.


After checking in, Tiffany, with the help of a hotel employee settled in room with her two pink suitcases. And just when Tiffany was about to go out on an adventure in Korea on her first day, she remembered that she was supposed to call her dad as soon as she settled in.

“Alright, I’ll give him a call before I go.” She took out the cell phone that her dad as personally got for her that would work in Korea as well. She dialed her dad’s number and waited till someone picked the phone up. “Hello? Daddy, it’s me Tiffany…Yes I’m ok. Nothing happened. Everything went fine…Yes I’m settled in the hotel…No, I haven’t called Jessica yet…I will I will in just a bit…Ok Daddy, I’ll let you get back to work…Bye Daddy, I’ll be fine and will call you as often. I love you, bye.” She then hang up the phone call and stood up.

“Korea, here I come!” She excited screamed again then left her hotel room without calling Jessica like she promised her dad.

Tiffany didn’t go too far from her hotel, afraid that she might be lost. Good thing her hotel was surrounded by many shops and restaurants for Tiffany to look around. She spent about hours walking around, buying things, eating, taking pictures and merely just observing places.

“Omo, it’s Dennis O!” She squealed as she saw a poster of her idol Dennis O’neil at a bus stop. She quickly took a picture of herself standing next to the life-size poster. One picture is not enough. Click. A different pose. Click. Another pose. Click. This time with her signature peace sign.

Once again, she found herself being stared at by numerous eyes. She cleared her voice in embarrassment then just walked away. Remembering that she passed by a bridge on the taxi she decided to take a look. It is already 9 PM and Tiffany isn’t even tired yet. She wants to observe the beautiful city light on that bridge that she has passed.

Finally she arrived at the bridge and stood on bridge looking down at the lake. Although with many cars passing by and strong winds, the city lights reflected on the surface of the lake was extraordinary beautiful for Tiffany. She noticed there was another girl standing about 10 meters down but she didn’t cared and continued to observe the city from the bridge. And as she was looking around, the girl that was standing there caught her attention.

“I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!” The girl screamed in Korean with both hands around her mouth.

It was too dark and thus, Tiffany can’t really see the girl’s face. She can see, though, that the girl had a medium hair length to her shoulder and wasn’t very tall. I wonder if she’s okay, Tiffany thought.

Tiffany finally decided that it was late so she headed back to the hotel. After taking a shower and brushing her teeth, she lie down on her bed. She must be too excited and anxious for another adventurous day that it took her another hour to finally fall asleep.


“Ya! Tiffany, open the door!” A girl screamed from outside of Tiffany’s room as she bangs against the door.

“I must be dreaming, who here speaks perfect English? Aish,” Tiffany mumbled as she tries to fall back to sleep.

Still the banging kept going. “Tiffany! Wake up already! Ya! It’s me Jessica!” The girl screamed again.

“Jessica? Oh…it’s Jessica. I don’t know a Jessica.” And as she was about to go back to sleep, her eyes popped open. “Wait, Jessica?! I’m coming!” She screamed back to the girl and quickly gets up from her bed to go open the door.

As Tiffany unlocks her door, the door swings open hitting the half asleep Tiffany in her forehead.

“Ow! What the heck, Jessica?!”

Chapter 02

“How did you know I was here?” Tiffany asked as she rubbed her fingers against her forehead.

“Your dad called me.” Jessica replied. Jessica has long hair passed her shoulders. She was wearing jeans with a casual top, while Tiffany was still in her pajamas. “Why, do you not want me here?”

“Of course I want you here! I was just surprised how you found me.” Still rubbing her forehead “Aigo, Daddy is so…he never trust his daughter!”

Tired of standing she gave herself permission to sit on Tiffany’s bed. “Maybe it’s because his daughter isn’t so smart that he has to worry about her all day and night.” Jessica joked.

“Hey! Is this how you’re going to greet your childhood best friend?” She raised her tone…but still rubbing her forehead.

“Why do you keep rubbing your forehead? What did you do? Let me see.” Pulling Tiffany’s hand from her forehead, Jessica could see the bruise on Tiffany’s forehead. No wonder she kept rubbing it. Must of hurt. “Ya! You got a bruise!” She yelled.

“What?! It’s all your fault! You swung the door open when I was right in front of it! Ow…I have a bruise now, great.” She whines as she checks in the mirror in the bathroom.

“Do you have any pain reliever cream?” Jessica asked as she looked around the room.

“Yeah, in my bag.”

“Here, let me help you.” Jessica walked in to the bathroom to help Tiffany with the pain reliever cream. She squeezed out a bit of cream from the bottle then rubbed the cream against Tiffany’s forehead.

While Jessica was rubbing the cream on her forehead, Tiffany eyes were on Jessica’s face. She hasn’t seen Jessica in person for 4 years now since Jessica moved back to Korea from the States, though they did keep in contact through the internet. And wow Tiffany thought to herself as she scans Jessica’s face from her forehead down to her chin. Her face is a bit different than before she thought, prettier to be exact.

“Jessica, you’re hot.” She finds herself saying it out loud then quickly covers her mouth.

“I know I am…” Jessica replied while still rubbing Tiffany’s forehead. “Since I’m at it, would you like a kiss along with it?”

Tiffany quickly nodded with a smile on her face but only to find disappointment to come. “You wish.” Jessica whispered as she backed away from Tiffany. “Your forehead should be ok now. Hurry, get dressed, I’ll show you around Seoul.” Jessica demanded as she smiled at Tiffany’s disappointed face.

After ten minutes, Tiffany has finished washing up and got dressed.

“Ok, I’m ready let’s go!” Tiffany excited said as she walked out of the bathroom. She had on a pair of jeans and pink top.

Both Tiffany and Jessica walked out of the hotel room, and closed the door.

“But we have to eat first.” Jessica added as they walk towards the elevator.

“I know. You like to eat. I remember.” Tiffany responded.


After Tiffany and Jessica ate lunch, Jessica showed Tiffany around. They went to parks, shopping malls/centers, theme parks, and as simple as riding on the bus looking out the window. Finally, there was a place that Jessica has to show Tiffany. It was their future university. It was Honey University.

“This is where we will be staying from tomorrow on for the next 4 years.” Jessica said.

“Wow, the school is beautiful! I’m going to have a great time here.” Excited Tiffany claimed, not knowing all the hardship she’ll face later on.

“Yeah, you won’t say that anymore after we start class.” There Jessica goes again, ruining the mood for Tiffany.

“Will we be roommates?” Tiffany asked.

“Yeah. With two other persons...kinda”

“What do you mean?”

“Well the building that we’re going to be in only has joint rooms. Meaning two rooms separated only by a shared bathroom for all four of us.” Jessica sighed “I’d rather be by myself.”

“Ay Jessica,” she nudged Jessica “You still haven’t changed a bit. Don’t be such a loner.”

“I’m not a loner. I’m already gonna share a room with you.” Jessica claims denying the fact that she doesn’t like people very much. “Hey, I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.” Jessica demanded.

“Eat? Again? Didn’t we just eat?” Tiffany questioned Jessica eating habits.

“That was lunch, now it’s dinner time. Let’s go!” and so Jessica dragged Tiffany along.


“(in Korean)No appa, everything is fine here. Don’t worry about me…I will move into the dorm tomorrow…Yes appa. Tell umma not to worry too much about me. I will be fine… Yes appa, goodbye.” As a girl hangs up her cell phone walking on the sidewalk of a street, another girl bump into her. The girl dropped her cell phone and at this time, the girl that bumped into her quickly grabbed her phone and ran.

“Ya! Come back! That’s my phone! Help! She took my phone!” The girl screamed as she chased after the other girl that took her cell phone. But no one seemed to care to stop the other girl.

The girl kept chasing the girl thief into a park where the other girl thief slipped on the watery ground. The girl who was chasing slowed down and walk towards the other girl thief who was down on the ground. Just when the girl thief was going to get back up and run, the other girl kicked her leg, making the girl thief fall down again.

“Give me back my phone!” The girl demanded while breathing heavily.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” said a third person with an extreme American accent towards the girl who want her phone back. “Why are you bullying another girl?” It was no one else but Tiffany. She was on her way back to the hotel with Jessica when the two girls caught their attention.

“What?!” The girl asked, still breathing heavily from the running.

“Tiffany, don’t mind them. Let’s go home.” Jessica said her calmed voice, not wanting bother other people nor to be bothered.

“You should go, I’ll talk some sense into this girl.” Tiffany bends down and lets the girl thief on the ground go.

“Ya! Come back!” The girl yelled as the other girl thief walked away sticking her tongue out. Then the girl turned back to Tiffany, “What do you think you’re doing?! Do you even know what’s going on?!” She screamed into Tiffany’s face with furious. Tiffany didn’t seem to care what the girl was trying to tell her. “She took my phone, you idiot!” She screamed again. “UHHH. This must be the most unluckiest day of my life!” The girl ran towards the direction that the girl stole her phone went.

Tiffany finally realized that she has misunderstood the whole situation and help the bad girl get away. “Hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Tiffany apologized but the girl has already left to chase the other girl.

Knowing she has done something wrong, Tiffany puts her head down and sighs. And since she did, she noticed a wallet on the ground where they were standing. She kneeled down to pick it up. After scanning the person’s ID she knew it was the girl who she had wrongfully accused. “Her name is Taeyeon? Hmm, she looks familiar in this picture. Hey Jessica, have you ever seen her before?” Tiffany asked as she turned her attention to Jessica and showed her the ID.

“No, never seen her before in my life.” Jessica answered after she took a two second glance at the ID.

Tiffany continued to dig the wallet to see if she could find a way to return the wallet to this “Taeyeon” girl. “Oh look, her student card. She’s going to Honey University too! We can find her there tomorrow and return it!” Finally Tiffany let out a smile after all the guilt she felt.

“Ok, now let’s go home shall we?” Jessica forced out a smile because though she asked…it was more like a command.

Chapter 03

(From now on, all speeches are in Korean unless stated)

“Taeyeon!” A girl screamed in excitement as Taeyeon enters the hotel’s lobby.

“Yuri? When did you get here? You should’ve told me to come and get you.” Taeyeon replied in excitement as she hugs Yuri who was rushing towards her.

“I did! I called you many times but no one picked up. But it’s ok, I just got here.” Yuri said as she let go of Taeyeon’s hug.

“Oh, yeah… I kinda don’t have my phone anymore.” Taeyeon mumbled and once again felt her anger from the incident with Tiffany.

“Why? What happened?” Yuri asked curiously. And so Taeyeon retold what happened to Yuri. “Oh my gosh, are you serious? I’m sorry such thing happened to you!”

“Well it’s over. Let’s go to our room and get us a goodnight sleep.” Taeyeon suggested with a lightly forced smile on her face as she reach into her back pocket to get her…wallet. “Wait, where’s my wallet? Ah, don’t tell me it fell out when I was chasing that girl! Aish the room’s key was in there! And my student ID!” Once again Taeyeon was furious of all the things that have happening to her lately.

After she and Yuri discussed, they decided to go to the front desk to ask for another key.

“May I see your ID please?” The front desk lady asked.

“But I lost my wallet and everything!” Taeyeon replied.

“I’m sorry but to prevent thieves faking as one of our guests we need to see their ID.” The front desk lady responded. Though she pity Taeyeon, it’s against the hotel’s rule if she give Taeyeon the keys.

“Oh great. This is such a great day. Good thing I always put my money in a different pocket or else I would have to walk home.” Taeyeon sigh. Then she recognized a hotel employee that helped her with her luggage earlier and pointed straight to him. “He helped me to get in my room earlier, he can prove that the room is actually mine!”

After checking with the hotel employee that the room really belongs to Taeyeon, the front desk lady gave Taeyeon the keys to her room. Taeyeon helped Yuri with her luggage then settled in the room where they spent the night together.


“Come on, hurry! You’re so slow, Jessica!” Tiffany nagged as she and Jessica pulled their luggage towards the school gate. Though she had her two pink suitcases with her she was still too hyper to get into her dorm. Even though she has already been in Korea for 3 days and is about to start school, she refuses to use Korean towards Jessica.

“Why are you so hyper? We’re just moving in to SCHOOL. Not like going we’re going on a vacation.” Jessica complained as she struggle with her own luggage.

Since today was the official day to move in, there were many other students checking in as well. The line to check-in to get their room assignments was long and it took Tiffany and Jessica about 45 minutes to get to the front. After checking in and receiving their room assignments, Tiffany couldn’t wait even another second and quickly dragged Jessica with her to their room. Because of the perfect English they used towards each other, they attracted many eyes of curious students. And so they both got to their side of the joint room and settled in.

“Let’s go look around the school! And maybe we can find that Taeyeon girl!” Tiffany quickly suggested to Jessica who is about to take a nap on her new bed. “Hey! Jessica! Are you really going to take a nap?!”

“Ya! Hwang Mi Young! We have 5 more days until school start to look around. Why rush? Just let me rest, ok? Goodnight!” Jessica scold then pulled the blanket over her head.

“Fine! I’ll go alone!” Tiffany screamed back then headed for the door. When she opened the door, she heard a bumping sound. Did she hit something?...or someone?

“Ow,” a sound came from the other side of the door. It sounded like a girl’s voice.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were there. Are you ok?” Tiffany quickly responded back in English, forgetting that she’s in Korea and she wasn’t even talking to Jessica. Then she stepped out of the room to talk to the girl.

“Huh?” The girl looked at Tiffany with much curiosity in her eyes. Then out her wild guess that Tiffany does not know Korean, the girl responded back in her Korean-accented

English, “It’s ok. Hi, my name is Yuri. I am your next door roommate. Nice to meet you.” Then she bowed to Tiffany.

“Hi! I mean annyonghaseyo.” Tiffany corrected herself then started to speak Korean towards her new roommate. “I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you too. Your name is YuRi?” Again with her huge American accent and the English “r” in Yuri’s name. Then she held out her hand and shook hand with Yuri who still looked confused. Oh wait, am I supposed to bow? Aish Tiffany you need to learn all the traditions or else you’d offend someone! Tiffany thought.

“Oh you speak Korean.” Yuri continued but now in Korean. “I just came to introduce myself since we will be sharing the bathroom and all.” Yuri tried to look over Tiffany’s shoulder to see that Jessica’s sleeping on her bed. “Is that your roommate?” She then asked.

“Oh Jessica? Yes, she’s my roommate. She’s taking a nap.” Tiffany replied with a mocking tone towards Jessica.

Jessica? Such a pretty name. She has an English name she must be a native English speaker as well? Yuri thought. “Oh, would you like to meet my roommate?” She asked.

Of course Tiffany couldn’t wait to see new people and quickly said “Yes!” and followed Yuri to her room.

“Taeyeon ah! Come meet our next door roommate!” Yuri said while opening the door to their side of the room.

Taeyeon was sitting on her bed unpacking her things. Once she heard Yuri’s voice, she stood up and walked towards the door to greet her new roommate.

Thinking that she should bow this time, Tiffany bends down and bows her head down in front of Taeyeon, hiding her face from Taeyeon. By the time she finished bowing and looked up, she quickly realized Taeyeon was the girl from yesterday.

“You! You’re that girl!” Taeyeon pointed as soon as she saw Tiffany’s face.

“You two know each other? How come I didn’t know this before?” Yuri asked.

“She’s the girl that made me lost my cell phone!” Taeyeon screamed bring back her anger.

Oh. So I guess she couldn’t catch that other girl last night. Ah Tiffany, you’re in trouble already. Tiffany thought. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.” Tiffany apologized again softly as she bends her head down.

“Sorry? Did you know how many meals I had to skip in order to save enough money for that phone?!” Taeyeon screamed in Tiffany’s face.

“Ya, Taeyeon. It’s ok. Look at her, she looks so apologetic. She must not mean to. She was trying to help a girl who she thought was being bullied.” Yuri said and patted Tiffany on her shoulder. “It’s okay Tiffany,”

“But I found this though.” Tiffany said pulling out Taeyeon’s wallet. “I was going to look for you since I know you will be going Honey University.” Handing the wallet back to Taeyeon.

“Yay! My wallet! I don’t have to worry about my student ID anymore.” Taeyeon rejoiced as she looked through her lost wallet.

“See. Now that you got your wallet back, don’t be mad at Tiffany anymore. Ok?” Yuri said as she wrapped her arm around Taeyeon’s shoulder. “How about we go and get lunch together?” Yuri suggested, hoping to be able to ease Taeyeon’s tension towards Tiffany.

“Whatever you want Yuri.” Taeyeon replied

“Great! Let me get Jessica, she loves to eat.” Tiffany excited responded then went to her side of the room to get Jessica.

“Jessica?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Yeah, it’s Tiffany’s roommate.” Yuri replied.


Chapter 04

“Jessica. Wake up.” Tiffany taps Jessica’s shoulder to wake her up.

“Leave me alone.” Jessica replied as she pushes Tiffany off of her bed.

“We’re about to go eat, wouldn’t you like to join us?” Tiffany added knowing how much Jessica loves to eat. Oh my gosh, her eyes just popped open when she heard the word eat. That scared the sh!t out of me. Tiffany thought as she saw Jessica quickly get up from her bed.

“Eat? Where? Who’s we? I’m ready.” Jessica stood up all ready to go.

“That was fast.”

“Why are you talking to me in Korean? Don’t you know how horrible your pronunciation is?” Jessica asked.

“Since I’m here, I’m going to have to use Korean. Come on let’s go.” Tiffany said as she pulled Jessica outside of the room.

“You never told me who’s ‘we’.” Jessica questioned Tiffany again not knowing she was about to bump into someone.

“Ya, watch out. Yuri’s behind you.” Tiffany warned Jessica and so Jessica took a step away from Yuri.

“Hi! I’m Yuri, your next door roommate! Nice to meet you” Yuri excitedly introduced herself as she did her greeting bow again like she did to Tiffany.

Jessica scanned Yuri from head to toe then finally said “Hi, I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you too.” Jessica replied in her typical calm voice and bowed her head a little bit. Just at that moment Yuri thought to herself Wow, her Korean is perfect. And I thought she would have an accent like Tiffany. And her voice is so sweet.

“I’m Taeyeon, I’m sure we’ve met before.” Taeyeon came from behind Yuri and introduced herself to Jessica and they both did a light bow to each other. Jessica recognized her but it didn’t bother it nor was she interested in knowing what has happened between her and Tiffany.

“We’re going to eat lunch with Yuri and Taeyeon.” Tiffany added excitedly and jumped up and down. But once she noticed the weird look on Taeyeon’s face she calmed down and apologized “I’m sorry”.

And so they all walked to the closest school cafeteria. After a few minutes each got themselves a tray of food and sat down together.

“So Tiffany, are you from the US?” Yuri asked as she took a bite into her food.

“Uh huh. And so is Jessica, right Sica?” Tiffany asked Jessica, hoping she would actually join the conversation. But to her dismay Jessica was only interested in her food and so only nodded.

“So did you both come to Korea together?” Yuri asked again, she is just too curious her two new roommates.

“No, Jessica came back from the States 4 years ago with her parents. I just came back to go to school here.” Tiffany answered as she continues to eat.

And just as Tiffany finished her sentence, Taeyeon had a smile on her face. No wonder your Korean sucks so badly she thought to herself.

As Yuri turned around, she saw that Taeyeon was smiling and once again it ranged the bell of her curiosity. “What are you smiling about Taeyeon?”

“Huh? Nothing. I wasn’t smiling. I was just eating.” Taeyeon answered, refusing to say the truth.

“So are you two friends? Or did you guys just meet?” Tiffany asked Yuri.

“Yeah we went to the same high school in Pusan.” Yuri replied.

“Alright, I’m done eating. You guys have fun, I’m going back to sleep.” Jessica said as she stood up from the table. And before anyone could say anything she has left.

“Jessica!” Tiffany yelled then turned back to Yuri and Taeyeon, “Sorry you guys, she doesn’t really like people. The only two things that she likes in the world are food and sleep.” Tiffany apologized as she glanced at Taeyeon again, this time it was more carefully. She does look familiar, but from where? Tiffany thought. “Um, Taeyeon, have we met before?” She finally couldn’t contain her curiosity and asked.

“Yeah, when you made me lost my phone.” Taeyeon replied coldly that resulted in an elbow from Yuri. Tiffany felt bad and just stop asking more questions.

They didn’t talk nor do much after that. Each of them went back to their own room after they finished their lunch. Some to unpack, one to just wonder around, and one to sleep. And soon it was night time…a time to wash up before going to bed.

“Jessica, I’m going to take a shower first, ok?” Tiffany told Jessica who was lying on her bed again, but this time she wasn’t sleeping. She was playing on her laptop. Tiffany went towards the bathroom and opened the door not noticing that the “occupied” light was on. By the time she could see what was in the bathroom, she saw Taeyeon standing there with only a towel wrapped around her body. And before she could react, Taeyeon turned around and saw Tiffany at the door.

“Ya! Don’t you see the light’s on?!” Taeyeon yelled at Tiffany whose eyes were still on Taeyeon.

Tiffany was frozen to the sight in front of her eyes. It took her another 5 seconds after she heard Taeyeon’s voice to blink and quickly turned around. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to. I forgot to look.” Then she quickly went back out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Oh my gosh. That was weird. Tiffany ah, what are you thinking about? Why is your heart beating so fast? Tiffany thought to herself.

“That was fast.” Jessica said after she heard the door closed. “Ya, why is your face so red? Are you ok?” She stood up from the bed and walked towards Tiffany then she placed

both of her hands on Tiffany’s cheek. “You’re burning up. Are you ok? Tiffany!” Waved her hand back and forth in front of Tiffany’s face. “Tiffany! Come back!”

Tiffany finally snapped back from her daze. “I’m okay. Uh, Jessica, why don’t you shower first?” After she finished her sentence Tiffany just walked towards her bed and sat on it.

“Um, ok.” Jessica replied though she was curious about Tiffany who’s always hyper just sat still on her bed. After she grabbed her clothes and towel and noticed that the occupied light was not on, she opened the door. But by fate, Yuri on the other side was also opening the door to her side of the bath room.

“Oh, Jessica. Go ahead, I’ll just wait till you’re done.” Yuri said with courtesy and a smile on her face.

“Ok, then.” Jessica replied without any emotion and went in the shower stall.

Since Jessica is now taking a shower, Yuri stepped back out to her side of the room.

“What’s wrong?” Taeyeon asked as she saw Yuri came out.

“Jessica is taking a shower now.” Yuri replied and went to sit down on her bed.

“That Tiffany girl is weird. How could she forget to look at the occupied light? And her reaction is so slow. It took her like 5 seconds before she could hear what I said.” Taeyeon said.

“Come on, Taeyeon. I’m sure you’ll forget to too one of these days. You’re just still holding grudge against her.” Yuri insisted.

“She did cause me to lose my phone, didn’t she?” Taeyeon replied in her mocking tone. And before Yuri could rebut, Taeyeon added “No more comments.”

After a while just sitting there and talking Taeyeon noticed the occupied light was turned off and said “Hey, the light’s off. Go shower.”

“Ok.” Yuri responded then went in the bath room.

While on the other side, Tiffany was still sitting on her bed, dazed out.

“Ya, Yuri’s going to take her shower so you’ll have to wait a bit. Ya. Tiffany. Tiffany.” Jessica sighed. “What am I going to do with you? Aish.”

Chapter 05

“Yuri let me hide behind you!” Taeyeon shouted after she saw the sight of a guy walking by. They were in the cafeteria eating lunch on their second day of moving in.

“Omo. Don’t tell me he followed you all the way here.” Yuri wondered as she saw the guy Taeyeon was hiding from.

“Ya, Kim Tae Yeon. Is that really you?” The guy saw Taeyeon and quickly walked over to their table.

Great. He caught me. Aish. Taeyeon thought as she forced out a fake smile. “Junsu. It’s you. What are you doing here?” She questioned.

“Same thing you are. I’m going to be going to school here. Are you excited? Because I am!” Junsu excited replied.

“Yeah, I’m really excited.” Taeyeon said sarcastically. I would be more excited if you weren’t here, she thought.

“Oh, hey Yuri! How are you?” Junsu asked again very excited. Finally, there is someone that’s as hyper as Tiffany.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Yuri replied with a smile.

“Ya Taeyeon, since school hasn’t started we should go out sometimes. I know a lot of cool places in Seoul.” Junsu suggested.

“Go out? Uh…yeah…sure…whenever.” Taeyeon expressed sarcastically

“Great! I’m free tonight. Let’s go out! I’ll wait for you at the school gate at 7, ok? Well, I’ll see you then! Bye bye!” Junsu coerced then quickly walked away without giving Taeyeon a chance to reject.

“Aish! What’s wrong with him?” Taeyeon whinned and stumbled her feet as he walks away.

“So are you going?” Yuri asked.

“Let’s not worry about it till later.” She sigh as she thought Why me? Why does he have to like me out of all the girls in the world?

After they finished eating, Taeyeon and Yuri went back to their room.


The hyperactive Tiffany was in her room with Jessica. Still prefer to stay inside, Jessica was lying on her bed reading her book in their cool air-conditioned room. It was now 5 PM.

“Jessica…Sica ahh.” Tiffany whines.

“What? What do you want?” Jessica groaned.

“Can we go out today? And have some fun? Please?” Tiffany nags as she grabs a hold on Jessica’s arm.

“Ya. Can’t you see I’m reading a book here? Don’t disturb me.” Jessica scolded though her eyes are still on the book without even a glance at Tiffany.

“Sica ahh. Jessica ‘unnie’ Sica jjang.” She whines as she shook Jessica’s right arm…the one that’s holding on to the book, causing the book to swing back and forth in front of Jessica’s face.

“Ya, stop it. I can’t read.” Jessica yelled as she tries to remove her arm out of Tiffany’s tight grip.

“Jessica ahhh. Please? Pretty please? I will love you forever and ever and ever!” Tiffany kept begging and nagging and whining as she shakes Jessica’s arm again. This time she added a pout on her face and a pair of puppy eyes that kept blinking towards Jessica.

“Aish. Fine. Fine.” And just as Tiffany’s face brightens, Jessica added, “Once you finish unpacking your two suitcases.” Causing Tiffany’s face to frown.

“How about one?”

“Nope.” Jessica shook her head. “Either you unpack both or we both stay here today.”

“Fine.” And with that Tiffany let go of Jessica’s arm and began to unpack her two gigantic pink suitcases.

Jessica sighs as she began to continue reading. You’re so easy to trick Tiffany. You won’t be able to finish unpacking till late night even if you try. Jessica thought and smiled to herself. But how wrong could she be?

The hyperactive Tiffany was too desperate for some fun that she worked like a bunny on caffeine. Within only two hours Tiffany has finished unpacking all of her things and placed them on specific shelves and locations. There were all of her electronics, random pink stuffed animals, piles of magazines and posters that has Dennis O’ on them, pink pencil case, pink flute in a pink case (the one we gave her), pink camera, plus many other pink things.

And just as Jessica was about to finish reading her book and lie back down on her bed, Tiffany quickly rushed over to Jessica. “Jessica! Look! I finished unpacking! Yay! Let’s go!” Tiffany excitedly showed Jessica who looked shock.

Oh no. I underestimated her. Jessica thought feeling like hitting herself in the head. “Fine.” Jessica grumbled as she stood up and grabbed her phone. “Well, are we gonna go or not?”

“Of course we are!”


“Yuri ah, go with me. I don’t want to go with him by myself.” Taeyeon plead.

“Ok, I’ll go with you.” Yuri happily replied since she knows how much Junsu bothers her.

And so they both walked out of their room and headed towards the stairs. Just before they pass by Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room, their door opens causing Taeyeon and Yuri to halt. At this time Taeyeon saw Tiffany jumped out of and thus an idea came to her mind.

“Tiffany. Jessica. Would you guys want to go out with us tonight?” Taeyeon asked with a plan in her mind.

“Where are you guys going?” Tiffany asked.

“We actually don’t know. A friend of us is taking us out and we’re wondering if you’d like to join us.” Taeyeon replied.

Seeing Taeyeon’s odd behavior, Yuri pulled Taeyeon a step back and whispered, “Ya, what are you up to?”

“With Tiffany hyperactive personality just like Junsu I’m sure they’ll get along and then Junsu wouldn’t want to hang out with me anymore.” Taeyeon whispered back.

“I’m fine with that, what about you Jessica?” Tiffany turned towards Jessica.

“Yeah, sure. I don’t care.” Jessica replied without any emotions, still bothered by the fact that she could be sleeping in her room now.

“Great. Then let’s go, Junsu’s waiting for us.” Taeyeon said as they headed for the school gate.

It took them about another two minutes before they all got to the gate where Taeyeon can see Junsu waiting.

“Taeyeon!” Junsu excited shouted when he saw her…with a few other girls.

“Hey Junsu! I invited a few friends with us, is that fine with you?”

“Um…yeah…It’s…fine.” Junsu said.

Chapter 06 Although Junsu did not like the idea of so many other people tagging along with him and Taeyeon, he did invite the four girls in his car and drove them around. Of course Taeyeon had to sit next to Junsu while Tiffany Jessica and Yuri sat in the back. Supposedly Junsu was going to take Taeyeon to a nice restaurant to eat with her alone, now he’s just going to have more guests.

“Taeyeon ah, you haven’t eaten yet, right? Let’s us all go to this nice restaurant that I know.” Junsu suggested as he drove his car.

“Yeah, up to you.” Taeyeon replied.

Coincidentally Junsu passed the bridge that Tiffany was on, on her first day in Korea. And as she looked out the window, she saw a couple of people standing there. Then she quickly looked at Taeyeon and realizes that it was Taeyeon who was at the bridge!

Tiffany snapped her finger and yelled out “Oh! I remember now! You’re the girl that was screaming ‘I can do it!’ at the bridge a few nights ago right? Taeyeon?” It caused everyone in the car to stare at both Taeyeon and Tiffany.

What? She saw me there? I can’t let the others know that I did such an embarrassing act. Taeyeon thought as she turns around and acts dumb. “What girl? Said what? What bridge? What are you talking about?”

“Remember? A few nights ago, at the bridge that we just pass by.”

“Nope. You must have mistaken me with someone else.” Taeyeon lied again.

“Really? Well you look a lot like that girl.” Tiffany said though she still suspects that it was indeed Taeyeon.

“We’re here!” Said Junsu as he parked the car and turn off the engine. “Let’s go in.” As he got out of the car and quickly rushed to the other side to open Taeyeon’s door.

“Thanks,” Taeyeon smiled.

“Taeyeon ah, I got something for you.” Junsu hinted then went to the back of his car and open the trunk. There he took out a bouquet then return to where Taeyeon was standing.

“I know you like all type of purple flowers and so I specially ordered them for you.” Junsu smiled as he handed Taeyeon the bouquet.

Oh gosh, what is he doing? Taeyeon thought and uncomfortably replied. “Um, thanks Junsu. But don’t do this again.”

“You don’t like flowers? I’ll find something different next time then.” Junsu smiled again unable to see the discomfort in Taeyeon.

“Ya, Yuri ah. Do you know what’s going on?” Tiffany asked as she stares at Taeyeon and Junsu walking a few steps ahead from her.

“Oh. Junsu has liked Taeyeon since high school. We believe that he came to this university because of her. But Taeyeon never likes him. I wouldn’t like him either if he bothers me 24/7.” Yuri replied as she stared over at the Jessica who has been quiet all this time. “Jessica ah, you’re so quiet.” She finally asked.

“I just don’t like to talk.” Jessica replied.

After Yuri finished her sentence, Tiffany came up with a plan in her head. She rushed towards Taeyeon and Junsu and squeezed in between them, grabbing Taeyeon’s left arm and Junsu’s right arm. “Hey, you’re Junsu, right?!” Tiffany smiled at Junsu showing her smiley eyes again. “I forgot to introduce myself but I’m Tiffany, Taeyeon’s friend.” She added with her smile again as she turned to Taeyeon who gave her the when-did-webecame-friends look.

“Uh, hi Tiffany!” Junsu forced out a smile though he felt very interrupted.

“I heard you’re from the same high school as Taeyeon, right? Wow you’re really cute. Do you have any other brothers or sisters?” Tiffany continues to question Junsu.

And so the whole way from the parking lot to the restaurant Tiffany was between Junsu and Taeyeon and keeps asking random questions. Even when the waiter shows the group to their table, Tiffany still remains in the middle between Junsu and Taeyeon and ended up sitting between them. She wasn’t going to let him sit next to her. Junsu kept his cool though he wishes to sit next to Taeyeon.

After they all has ordered their meal, Junsu tried to look over Tiffany’s shoulder and asked “Taeyeon ah, do you think I can have you phone number so if we were to hang out again, it would be easier to contact you.”

“Phone?” Tiffany once again interrupted. “Taeyeon doesn’t have a phone anymore.”

“I wonder why, Tiffany.” Taeyeon said sarcastically as she gave Tiffany her dirty stare. Still, Tiffany smiled back at Taeyeon. That’s all she could ever do. Taeyeon thought as she rolled her eyes.

“Wait, why not?” Junsu curiously asked.

“Someone took it from her.” Tiffany answered in place of Taeyeon.

“It’s a long story,” Taeyeon added.

“Oh yeah?” Junsu replied then smiled to himself. He must’ve thought of something. And

the whole night, Tiffany continued to interrupt Junsu and Taeyeon whereas Taeyeon doesn’t mind that at all.

“Jessica, so what do you like to do for fun?” Yuri asked, trying to start a conversation with Jessica.

“Sleep.” Jessica quickly replied. “Oh and eat.” She added.

Jessica’s odd and cold personality didn’t cause Yuri to lose interest in talking to her but actually raised her curiosity in getting to know Jessica more. I wonder how the icy Jessica and the hyperactive Tiffany became best friends. Yuri thought to herself as she continue to observe and compare the two.

After a whole night of interruptions the girls and Junsu returned to the university where they all went back to their room.


With her habit of taking a shower before bed, Tiffany grabbed her pajamas and towel and headed for the bathroom door. This time she checked to see if the occupied light was on, which it wasn’t. But once she opens the door she saw Taeyeon was about to walk in as well.

“The light wasn’t on this time!” Tiffany defends herself.

“I didn’t say anything. You go ahead then.” Taeyeon said and was about to headed back to her room when she heard Tiffany’s voice.

“It was you on the bridge, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then she steps out of the bathroom.

“Keep denying it. I know it was you.” Tiffany mumbled to herself as she enters the shower stall.


“Can you please wrap it for me? It’s a gift for someone.” Tiffany asked the employee at a store. It seems like she was in a cell phone store since there were lots of cell phone accessories hanging on the wall as well as many new phones in the glass display cabinet. Tiffany sighs and mumbled “I was saving for a new itouch but I guess I’ll just stick with my ipod nano.” She sighs again.

After the employee came back with the wrapped box, Tiffany paid the employee and left the shop.


It was about 9 AM when Tiffany got back to their dorm. When she opens the door, she noticed that Jessica was still lying in her bed. Of course, she thought.

“Tiffany, where did you go so early in the morning?” Jessica said half awake, as she looks at Tiffany.

“Oh, I just wanted to look around the school so I won’t get lost when classes start.” Tiffany smiled nervously.

“What’s that in your hand?” Jessica questioned.

“Oh, nothing. It’s nothing. Go back to sleep Jessica.” Tiffany suggested.


Chapter 07

Tiffany put her bags down then with the box still hiding from Jessica, she left the room again. Obviously she has bought a new phone for Taeyeon and is now looking for her. She knocks on the door of Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room. No one answered. She knocks again. Still no one answered.

“Maybe they’re down the cafeteria?” Tiffany wondered then headed for the cafeteria. But before reaching the cafeteria, she saw Taeyeon and Yuri leaving the cafeteria, heading towards her direction. Perhaps they were returning to their dorm. Just when Tiffany was about to call out Taeyeon’s name, Junsu came out of no where and got Taeyeon’s attention. She saw Yuri walked away leaving them alone then Taeyeon and Junsu walked

towards the stairs away from the crowd. Without knowing why, Tiffany had sneaked behind the door close by and overheard their conversation.

“What is it, Junsu?” Taeyeon asked.

“I got something for you.” Then he pulled a box out from behind him. “I know that you don’t have a phone anymore so I bought you this.” Junsu said then handed the box to Taeyeon as he smiles to her.

Oh my gosh, he bought her an iphone! Aish that guy. Tiffany thought as she looks down at the phone she bought Taeyeon. I’m sure that iphone is better than this pathetic phone.

“Woah! It’s the cool iphone that was on those commercials!” Taeyeon got really excited about the phone, but then calmed down again.

Just look as how happy she is. I guess she won’t want my phone anymore. Tiffany thought and sadly walked back to her room.

“Junsu, I don’t deserve this kind of present from you. I can’t take it.” Taeyeon handed the box back to him.

“It’s no biggie. As long as you like it, it’s okay. Just take it. Well, I have to go now.” Avoiding of getting rejected, Junsu shoved the box to Taeyeon then quickly walks away.

“Junsu! Junsu!” Taeyeon shouted but Junsu just kept walking away. She sighs then walks back to her room.


“So what did you guys talk about? Did he ask you out?” Yuri asked as Taeyeon came in the room.

“Don’t tease me. I’m already annoyed. He gave me this iphone but I don’t want to take it.” Taeyeon said as she puts the box on her desk.

“Oh, that phone is really expensive! You can listen to music and surf the internet on it.” Yuri complimented the phone as she looks at the box.

“I know, but if I take it, it’s like giving him hope. And I don’t want that.” Taeyeon reasoned.


“Where did you go again? With that box? Don’t think I’m blind, I saw it the first time.” Jessica interrogated Tiffany as she came in the door with the cell phone box in her hand. Tiffany didn’t answer and just sat down on her bed leaving the box on her bed. By the time Jessica noticed Tiffany’s sad face, she realized something must have happened. She didn’t say anything. She’s never like that unless it’s something serious. Jessica thought. “Tiffany ah, what’s wrong?” Jessica asked as she stood up and sat down on the bed next to Tiffany.

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” Tiffany replied and forced out a smile on her face.

“Alright then, but if you want to talk, you can always talk to me ok? Just not when I’m sleeping or when I’m eating.” Jessica joked as she stood up and walked back to her bed. I know she’s not fine. I can tell that her smile was forced. I’ve known her long enough to be able to tell the difference between her hyperactive smiles and her forced ones. But I won’t force her to tell me now. She thought.

Tiffany lied down on her bed and faced the ceiling when she thought to herself, Jessica’s right. What’s wrong with me? Why am I acting this way over a person I’ve just known? Aish forget it, Tiffany. You’re A ok! Yeah! I’m the Fany Fany Tiffany, I will always be happy. And she smiled again to herself.

“Tiffany, lets go out again tonight. What do you think?” Jessica suggested, thinking that it would make Tiffany feel better. “And maybe we could invite Yuri and Taeyeon too, since you like it when there are more people.”

I knew Jessica was trying to make me feel better and if I refused it would only convince her that there IS something wrong with me. Tiffany thought as she replied “Are you serious, Jessica? Of course! Yay!”


It was dinner time and there was no way Jessica could miss such a crucial time of the day. She and Tiffany went to the cafeteria and to have dinner when they saw Yuri and Taeyeon and invited them to sit with them.

“Hey Tiffany, Jessica.” Yuri said as she sat down on her chair.

“Would you guys want to go with us to the shopping center after dinner?” Tiffany excitedly asked.

“I’m interested! You, Taeyeon?” Yuri turned to Taeyeon and asked excitedly.

“Yeah, I’ll go.” Taeyeon replied.

So after they finished eating dinner and getting their things, the four of them took a taxi to the shopping center.

“Hmm…I think it would be better if we split up since we might not like where the other person want to go.” Yuri suggested.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Let us trade phone number so we can regroup later.” Tiffany said as she pulls out her phone.

“Here is my number,” Yuri showed Tiffany her phone and she and Tiffany exchange their numbers.

“And here is mine,” Jessica exchanged number with Yuri.

“Yeah, just in case she goes off to some hotel or restaurant without telling us.” Tiffany joked only to find Jessica’s slap on her shoulder.

“Well, in that case. I’ll just stick with Yuri since I don’t have a phone.” Taeyeon said surprising Tiffany.

“You… don’t have a phone?” Tiffany surprised and asked again.

“You know that I don’t.” Taeyeon reinstates herself.

I don’t know why but when she told us that she still doesn’t have a phone, it made me smile. Tiffany thought to herself as she smiled and Jessica took notice of her smile.

After that, they split up and shop in pairs. Taeyeon with Yuri and Tiffany with Jessica. That night, Jessica noticed how Tiffany shifted from forcing out her smiles to the hyperactive Tiffany that she has always known. She felt that it had to do with Taeyeon somehow but couldn’t figure out what it is. When it was time to regroup again, Taeyeon and Yuri came back with a few bags in their hands and so did Tiffany and Jessica.

“Are you girls ready to go home?” Tiffany asked.

Yuri takes a look at her phone and it was already 10 PM. “Yeah, it’s getting late. We should head back now.”

And as they walk out of the shopping center to find a taxi, Tiffany rushed to Taeyeon’s side.

“So, you haven’t gotten a new phone?” Tiffany asked.

“Where do you think I have the money to buy a new one?” Taeyeon gave Tiffany a sarcastic reply. Although she meant to sound mean, it only made Tiffany smiles.

Gosh, she IS weird. Why would she smile at my sarcasm? Taeyeon thought.

“That’s great.” Tiffany mumbled to herself.

“What did you say?” Taeyeon asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just nothing.” Tiffany denied then smiled at Taeyeon again.

And for the first time, Taeyeon couldn’t hold her smile in and smiled at Tiffany. But it wasn’t because she thought Tiffany was cute. She smiled because she doesn’t know what she’s going to do with this hyperactive weirdo next to her. She is truly amazingly… weird she thought as she shook her head in disbelief.

Chapter 08

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone was knocking on the doors of Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room, disturbing the two sleepy heads. It was about 8:30 AM.

Tiffany was too excited last night that she didn’t sleep till 2 in the morning thus she is really tired and does not wish to be awakened. Jessica didn’t stay up that late but since she’s the sleeping beauty, she never wishes to be awakened.

“Jessica, answer the door,” Tiffany whines as she covers her face with her blanket.

“No, you go.” Jessica replied as she went back to sleep.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone knocked again.

“Aish!” Tiffany grumbles as she gets on her feet and headed for the door a quarter awake three quarters asleep. “Who is it?” She opens the door…only to find that no one’s there. “UGH.” Tiffany, frustrated went back to her bed when she heard the knocking again. “Who is it?!” Tiffany screamed as she headed for the door again.

“It’s me Yuri,” Yuri’s voice was heard. But when Tiffany opens the door, no one was there.

“Yuri, don’t play games with me. Where are you?” The furious and tired Tiffany yelled.

“Over here, in the bathroom.” Yuri said.

Tiffany closed the front door then walked towards the bathroom door. Once she opens the door she finds Yuri standing there. “What is it, Yuri?” Tiffany asked making a face.

“I’m sorry, did I wake you guys up? I thought you guys would be up by now. You look very tired what did you do last night?” Yuri asked as she saw Tiffany’s pair of panda eyes.

“I was on the computer last night and didn’t sleep till 2, and our sleeping beauty over there doesn’t usually wake up till a minute before we go somewhere.” Tiffany said as she wipes her eyes.

“Well, I just wanted to invite you guys to have breakfast with us.” Yuri said.

“I’m ready!” Jessica shouted as she walked towards the bathroom where Tiffany and Yuri were standing.

“Woah.” Yuri commented as she laughs along with Tiffany. “Yeah, I almost forgot that she loves food.” She smiled again looking at Jessica wiping her eyes. Though she looks sleepy, she rather eats then to continue sleeping. She is odd…but unique in a way. Yuri thought. “So I guess you guys are going?”

Tiffany yawns as she stretches her arms out and said “I guess so. We’ll meet you guys at the door in 5 minutes.”

“Ok.” Yuri respond then went back to her room so Tiffany and Jessica could wash up and get ready.

Within 5 minutes Tiffany and Jessica changed, washed up, and went to Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room through the bathroom doors.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked as she looks around the room. And finally her eyes came across the iphone box on Taeyeon’s table.

“Ah, Taeyeon went to the convenient store close by to buy a few things. She’ll meet us down in the cafeteria in a bit.” Yuri said as she brushes her hair while facing the mirror.

“Who’s iphone is this?” Tiffany asked as she picks up the box.

“Oh, Junsu gave it to Taeyeon…well he didn’t give it to her…he shoved it to her without letting her reject it. Taeyeon didn’t want it since she thinks it would only give him hope.”

She didn’t want to accept it? But she looked so happy to me when he gave it to her. Tiffany thought.

Yuri replied as she walks towards Jessica who was standing there quietly again. “I’m still amazed by how you can wake up that fast.” She joked.

“Food is the magic alarm to me, that’s all.” Jessica replied.

“Ok, let’s go!” Tiffany suggested.

When Tiffany Yuri and Jessica arrived at the cafeteria, they saw Taeyeon heading towards their way.

“Hey guys,” Taeyeon said as she walks over.

And so they ate breakfast and started to head back towards their room when Yuri suggested that they should all go to the theme park. How could Tiffany refuse such a chance to play around? She quickly agrees with Yuri. Taeyeon also wanted to have some

fun so she said she would go. Jessica’s the only one left that didn’t feel too great about going.

“It’s going to be really hot,” Jessica said though she knows there was no way Tiffany would let her off the hook.

“Jessica, come on go with us.” Tiffany said.

“Yeah, Jessica go with us,” Yuri said then she thought of something “there are going to be lots of food there. And we’ll go to dinner right afterward.”

“Ok, I’m in.” Jessica replied.

“Good job, Yuri!” then Tiffany did a high five with Yuri. “You’ve already figure out how to deal with our sleeping beauty.” She joked.

*** “Hey, let’s go on that ride!” Taeyeon excited pointed to the rollercoaster.

“I’ve had enough of intense rollercoaster today.” Yuri shook her head and refused to go.

“I don’t want to go either. It’s getting too hot, I want to go in the castle over there. It looks cooler.” Jessica said as she pointed the castle.

“I’ll go with you, Taeyeon. I want to go on this ride too.” Tiffany said. There is no ride on the world that she would say no to.

“Well then, I’ll go with Jessica to the castle while you guys go on the rollercoaster. We’ll meet again here after we’re done with our rides, how about that?” Yuri suggested.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s go then.” Taeyeon said as she and Tiffany gets in line for the rollercoaster ride while Yuri and Jessica head towards the castle.

Since today is a weekday, there weren’t many people so the line did not take long. After the ride was over, Taeyeon and Tiffany walked out with a smile on their faces.

“That was a really cool ride.” Tiffany said.

“Wanna go again?” Taeyeon excitedly suggested. Tiffany nodded and they both went in for another time on the rollercoaster.

*** The castle that Jessica wanted to go to was actually a haunted house attraction. But they did not know since they went in without looking at the sign.

“It is much cooler in here,” Jessica said.

“Yeah, but isn’t it a bit too cool?” Yuri questioned.

Suddenly, a fake skeleton falls down from the ceiling in front of their faces causing both Yuri and Jessica to scream their heads off and jumped into each other’s arms. After 10 seconds, they calmed down and looked at each other but still not dare to move. Yuri was brave enough to look at the skeleton and noticed it was fake.

“It’s fake.” Yuri said…then slowly Jessica lets go of Yuri. “I think we’re in some sort of haunted house.” Then she looked around and saw a sign, and read it aloud “You may not turn around. You can only proceed. But if you are already too scared to continue, the exit door is to your left.” Yuri turns to her left and spot a door that’s marked “exit”. “The exit is this way, do you want to go on or get out?” Yuri asked.

“Let’s get out. It’s scary in here.” Jessica replied causing Yuri to chuckle.

As cold and odd of a person she is, it’s interesting to see her scared face. Yuri thought as she smiled and exit through the door with Jessica.

Chapter 09

Yuri and Jessica finally got out of the haunted house and so they headed back to the place where they’ll be meeting Taeyeon and Tiffany. But once they got to the place, Taeyeon and Tiffany was no where in sight.

“Hmm, do you think they’re still on the ride?” Yuri asked.

“Maybe. Let’s wait for them, here.” Jessica suggested.

“Jessica, you have a really sweet voice, you should talk more often.” Yuri said as she looks at Jessica.

“I’m not interested in anything nor do I care about anything to say anything.” Jessica responded.

“Well, at least you’re talking to me now.” Yuri smiled.

Yuri’s words seem to shock the emotionless Jessica. She’s right. Besides Tiffany, I usually don’t talk to anyone. And why is she trying so hard to talk to me when I’ve been so cold to her. Jessica thought as she reply, “`Because you ask too many questions!”

The sight of the normally quiet and emotionless Jessica getting frustrated made Yuri smiles. And as Yuri look around she saw Taeyeon and Tiffany walk out from the rollercoaster ride. They seem very happy and are talking and smiling to each other. “Ya! Over here!” She yells to get Taeyeon’s and Tiffany’s attention.

“The ride was really fun, you guys totally missed out!” Tiffany stated.

“Yeah. Tiffany and I had so much fun.” Taeyeon commented, “So how was the castle thing that you guys went to?” Taeyeon added.

Both Yuri and Jessica looked at each other with the I-don’t-want-to-let-them-know-thatwe-were-scared look. “It was ok. Nothing too exciting, but like Jessica said it was cooler than standing outside.” Yuri said. “So I see that you guys are fine now?” Yuri asked trying to change the subject.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and finally realizes how she was talking and laughing with Tiffany the whole time. “I guess so.” She replies as she notices Tiffany’s face brighten.

“That’s good to hear.” Yuri said then she noticed how Jessica was staring at the food court. “Hmm…I’m getting hungry. Let’s eat over there in the food court.

Everyone agrees with Yuri and headed over to the food court. There they got their food and sat down at a table. Taeyeon and Yuri on one side facing Tiffany and Jessica on the other.

“Today was really fun!” Tiffany asserted as she took a bite into her food.

“Yeah, it was. I’m glad we got to do something like this before school starts.” Taeyeon agreed.

“What about you, Jessica? Still preferred to stay back at the dorm?” Yuri teased. Although she did have a bit of fun, Jessica nodded to confirm her anti-social life style.

“I’m going to use the restroom so would you guys excuse me.” Tiffany said then smiles. But as she was about to leave, a guy bumped into her from the back. It caused her to lose her balance and fell forward toward Taeyeon, who at the time was drinking her cup of water. The falling Tiffany knocked over the cup and splashed water all over Taeyeon’s face. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Tiffany quickly apologizes. But is that enough?

“Ya! Hwang Tiffany!” Taeyeon screams as she wipes her face with a napkin. “You’re so dead.” She added.

“Uh oh.” Tiffany let out as she ran for her life while Taeyeon ran after her with a cup of water.

“Ya! Come back here!” Taeyeon shouts as she chased after Tiffany. They went round and round and round then finally Taeyeon caught up to Tiffany and pour the cup of water over Tiffany’s head.

“Ya! It wasn’t even my fault!” Tiffany yelled back as she wipes the water off her face and saw Taeyeon sticks her tongue out. “If I don’t get you back, I’m not Tiffany!” And with that Tiffany chased Taeyeon back to their table.

“Kids, stop playing around.” Yuri shouted.

“Ya, we’re even now. Stop chasing me!” Taeyeon screamed.

“Fine!” Tiffany said. And as they both return to the table, Tiffany secretly pour water on her bottle’s cap. She waited till Taeyeon sat down then splashed it in her face. “Now, we’re even.” Then both she and Taeyeon stick their tongues out to each other.

“If I didn’t know better, I would think that you guys had been friends for a while.” Yuri chuckled at the sight in front of her.

“If you’re going to be her friend, you have to prepare your mentality.” Jessica said. Woah, she actually used sarcasm this time. Is she finally opening up to Yuri and Taeyeon?

“What mentality?” Clueless of what Jessica is trying to say, Tiffany asked.

“That she’s going to be annoyed to death like me.” Jessica added.

“Jessica!” Tiffany grumbled.

By the way Jessica talked today Yuri let out a smile on her face. She’s finally open herself up to us. Yuri thought.


It is now 10 PM and the girls have all showered and were getting ready to sleep. When Tiffany saw Jessica get on her bed, she took the wrapped box and walk in the bath room. She knocks on the door to Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s side and waited till someone opens the door. It was Taeyeon, the person who Tiffany was hoping to see.

“Come in here, I have something for you. And close the door.” Tiffany said softly, not trying to wake anyone up.

“What is it?” Taeyeon got in the bath room and closed the door behind her. “Are you trying to be pervy in here?” Taeyeon joked.

“Yes.” Tiffany replied causing Taeyeon’s eyes to widen. “Just kidding.” She said and smiled at Taeyeon’s reaction. “Here, I got something for you.” Tiffany handed the wrapped box to Taeyeon.

“What is it?” Taeyeon asked as she took the box.

“Open it.”

And so Taeyeon unwraps the box and discovers a new phone box. It wasn’t the newest style like the iphone but it was still very high-tech. Taeyeon was surprised when she saw the box then look at Tiffany. “What’s the meaning of this?” She asked.

“It’s for you. Since I made you lose your phone, I’m giving you another phone.” Tiffany explained.

“I can’t take this. It looks expensive. Besides, you didn’t have to buy me another phone. Although I said all those things, I didn’t expect you to buy me a new phone.” Taeyeon said.

“Just take is as my Christmas, Birthday, and New Year gift for you. Since I don’t have anymore money to buy you more gifts.” Tiffany frowns.

Taeyeon chuckled. “Ya, Tiffany. You’re so weird. Ok, I’ll take it.” She replied.

“And you have to use it.” Tiffany added.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes. “You’re so much troubles. Fine.” Taeyeon said then opens the box and takes out the phone. She turns the phone on then asked “What’s your number?” Tiffany grabbed the phone and saved her number in Taeyeon’s new phone phonebook. “Fany?” Taeyeon asked looking at the name Tiffany has saved herself under.

“Uh huh.” Tiffany nodded then did her signature move “Fany Fany Tiffany!” Then she smiles again.

Taeyeon couldn’t hold in her laughter and laughed. “Ya, Tiffany. You’re supposed to be going to college?” Taeyeon joked causing Tiffany to stick her tongue out.

“Meany. Well, I’m going to sleep.” Tiffany said as she turns towards her bathroom door.

“Thanks, by the way.” Taeyeon added just before Tiffany opens the bathroom door. And so Tiffany turned around and gave Taeyeon another smile then return to her room.

Chapter 10

The fun ended when school officially starts. Since all the freshmen will be taking the same 5 subjects, classes are divided by the stories of the dorm. So those students living on the same story will be having those 5 classes at the same time together. Those subjects include Science, Math, History, English, and Tiffany’s worst nightmare, Hangul. Also everyone was required to participate in a sport that they might like.

“Jessica! Jessica, wake up! If you want to eat breakfast you need to wake up now! There is only 30 minutes left before class starts!” Tiffany yells as she shakes Jessica’s body back and forth.

“How about you go buy me food while I stay in bed for another 20 minutes?” Jessica nags, still with her eyes shut.

“No way! Ya! Wake up already! If you don’t I’m going to give you a body slam like on WWE! Ya!” Tiffany yelled again still shaking Jessica’s body.

“Ok. Ok. I’ll wake up…in 5 minutes.”

“No! You’re going to wake up now!” Tiffany screamed again and dragged Jessica off her bed, making her body hit the ground. Still, Tiffany didn’t bother and dragged her in the bathroom. “Wash up!”

“Jessica hasn’t woken up yet?” Yuri said as she peaked into the bathroom. After she saw Jessica lying on the ground, she found the answer. “Need some help?” Yuri asked. After Tiffany had nodded, Yuri came back to her room to get something then brought it back in the bathroom. The thing that Yuri came back with was nothing else but her breakfast. She kneeled down to Jessica’s level then ate her breakfast in front of her Jessica’s eyes with a smile on her face.

“Ya! How dare you eat in front of me?!” Jessica yelled.

“I guess she’s up now. I’ll go back to my room and get ready. I’ll see you guys in class later.” Yuri said then walks back to her room.

“Ya, Jessica. Hurry up and get ready.” Tiffany commanded.


After Jessica got ready, they only had 20 minutes left before school officially begins though it’s not another 10 minutes till students need to be in class. After they grab a quick bite for breakfast, Tiffany and Jessica rushed to their class. When they came in, they saw Taeyeon and Yuri sitting in the right corner, and it seems like they’ve saved Tiffany and Jessica both a spot. Tiffany and Jessica quickly get seated when the class bell rang. Tiffany’s behind Taeyeon and Jessica’s behind Yuri. It is now math class.

“That was so close! It’s all your fault Jessica.” Tiffany stated though quietly, not wanting to disturb.

“I’m sorry, I’ll try to wake up earlier tomorrow.” Jessica replied softly.

“Try? You WILL wake up earlier tomorrow.” Tiffany emphasized.

“Good morning class.” The teacher greeted the class.

“Good morning teacher.” The students replied.

“How is your first day so far in college? Well since today is just the first day, I will let you all have 30 minutes to chat at the end of class. But as of right now, I will go over the classroom rules and what materials are needed in this class.” The teacher announced and begins his lecture.

After the teacher finished there was still 30 minutes left and the teacher did as he promised and let them chat.

“I hope there won’t be homework from any other class.” Tiffany said hopefully.

“Yeah, I hope so too.” Yuri added. “Hey, have you guys chosen what sport you will participate in?”

“Tennis!” Both Tiffany and Jessica replied at the same time. But they didn’t seem surprised that the other said the same thing that they did.

“Wow, did you guys plan that?” Yuri joked.

“Well, back in the States, Jessica and I were double partners for our middle school tennis team. Although she left, I still continue to play tennis in high school. So I’m definitely going to continue playing tennis.” Tiffany answered then turns to Jessica, “Oh yeah, Yuri. There is another thing that Jessica likes to do besides sleeping and eating…and that’s tennis! But only at times since she still prefers to sleep and eat over tennis.” She joked.

“Really. Yuri and I were doubles partner in high school. Yuri, do you want to play tennis again?” Taeyeon jump in finally. She’s been sitting at her desk pretty dazed out.

“Since you three are going to, I can’t be left out. I’ll join tennis too!” Yuri agrees.

“Taeyeon ah, you look troubled. Are you ok?” Tiffany asked.

“Huh? I look troubled? I’m fine Fany ah.” Taeyeon replied then forced out a smile to cover her troubled mood.

“Taeyeon ah?”

“Fany ah?”

“When did you two become so close?” Yuri asked as she looks back and forth between Taeyeon and Tiffany.

“Why are you so surprised? It’s not like we were enemies or anything.” Taeyeon said creating a suspicious look on Yuri’s face.

“Well, anyways. I’m glad you guys are friends now.” Yuri smiled then she looked over at Jessica who was falling asleep on her desk. No wonder I stopped hearing her voice. I wonder when she fell asleep. Yuri thought. “Look guys.” She pointed over to the sleeping beauty, Jessica.

A little bit later, the bell rang and everyone gets up and walks towards their next class. Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon still looks troubled though she said everything is fine. She knows something’s troubling her but doesn’t know what it is.

While they’re walking to their next class, Taeyeon’s new phone vibrated and so she took and out. She got a new text message. But who else knows her new number besides Tiffany. Taeyeon read the message to herself, “Ya, Taeyeon. Why aren’t you telling me what’s wrong? You suck so badly at lying. If you want to make me believe that everything’s fine then don’t carry such a long face. Tiffany.” The simple message took

Taeyeon about 2 to 3 minutes to understand since some words were misspelled and some grammars were out of place. Taeyeon shook her head at Tiffany’s poor Hangul. Then she texted Tiffany back with the message “I’ll tell you later. And YOU, you suck so badly at Hangul! XP. Taeyeon.”

“Ya, Taeyeon. When did you get a new phone? How come I didn’t know about it?” Yuri asked surprisingly when she saw Taeyeon’s phone.

“Oh…this? Tiffany bought it for me.” Taeyeon replied with a bit of arrogance on her face.

“Oooh…” Yuri said then added “No wonder you two are so close now.”

“What? You make it sounds like I’m such a shallow person.” Taeyeon said.

“I knew it! It was that box that you brought back that morning, wasn’t it?” Jessica claims. And all Tiffany did was smiles back.

“Wait. You’re going to use her phone and not Junsu’s phone? What are you going to do about him?” Yuri asked.

Suddenly, Taeyeon’s mood dropped again. “I don’t know.” Taeyeon sighed.

After reading the text message that Taeyeon had sent her, Tiffany giggled a little. Then she noticed that Taeyeon’s mood drop when Yuri mentioned Junsu and so she knew that Junsu has something to do with Taeyeon’s troubled mood.

While they were walking towards their class, Junsu was watching Taeyeon from far away.

“It’s her again.” He mumbled to himself. “Always interrupts me and Taeyeon.”

Chapter 11

Finally, the school day was over. The four girls didn’t have much homework other than getting all the materials needed for each class. As the girls head back to their dorms after the final bell has rang, Taeyeon’s phone vibrated again. She took it out and noticed that she has a new text message…from Tiffany. She read the text to her “Meet me in the bathroom right when we both settle in our rooms.” She turned to Tiffany with a questioning face to why Tiffany had sent her such a text. Tiffany acts dumb and continues to walk. The second Jessica enters the room, her body was already on the bed. Tiffany puts down her things then went into the bathroom and waits for Taeyeon. Taeyeon settled in then came into the bathroom when she saw Tiffany standing there. What Taeyeon didn’t know was that Yuri had already noticed that the occupied light was on. Wait Taeyeon, someone’s in there! Oh no she went in. Yuri thought.

“So what’s going on?” Taeyeon asked.

“You told me you’d tell me why you look troubled. So tell me.” Tiffany said though she already has a clue of what’s going on.

“Oh. About that.” Taeyeon said. “Well, it’s nothing serious.”

“Don’t think you can walk out of here without telling me.” Tiffany demanded with her hands on her waist.

“Fine.” Taeyeon grumbled. “Well, it’s like this…before school started today…”


“Taeyeon!” Junsu shouted as he ran towards Taeyeon.

“Oh. Junsu. What’s up?” Taeyeon asked.

“Did you get my text?” He asked.

“What text?” Taeyeon asked back with a clueless look on her face as she pulls out her phone. Oh no. I’m not using his phone. Ah, Kim Taeyeon. Nice going. Taeyeon thought.

Junsu noticed her phone and his face sadden. “Did you get a new phone?” He finally asked.

“Oh, this. I…I actually got it before you gave me the iphone, that’s why I didn’t want to take your iphone.” Taeyeon lied.

“Oh. Really?” He mumbled. “Well, it’s fine.” He forced out a smile. “I just want to ask if you want to go out with me again tonight. Just me and you.” He asked with a hopeful smile on his face.

“Um, I’m not sure. I’m afraid not. I’m just worried that the teachers will assign a lot of homework.”

“How about I come to your dorm and ask you later today? Then you can give me a solid answer, ok? Well I have to go to class now. I’ll talk to you later!” Junsu, once again insisted, then quickly walks away without letting Taeyeon reject him.

***End of Flashback***

“Oh…But I don’t get it. If he hasn’t successfully asked you out ever since high school, shouldn’t he catch on that you’re not interested?” Tiffany questioned.

“Tell me about it.”

“Just tell him you like someone else already.” Tiffany suggested.

“But I don’t! And what if he asks about that person?” Taeyeon replied, “That wouldn’t do.”

“Oh, I got an idea! Taeyeon, you don’t have your racket with you, right?” Tiffany asked. When Taeyeon shook her head, Tiffany continued. “Me neither. We should all go to the sport shop close by and buy our rackets before Junsu gets here.”

“But then it would be rude since he told me he would come by.” Taeyeon protested.

“Just leave a note on the door that I dragged you out. Ok, let’s do it. I’ll get Jessica.” Tiffany insisted.

“Gosh you guys are so much alike. Never give me a chance to say anything.” Taeyeon grumbles then walk out of the bathroom.

Yuri has been staring at the bathroom door ever since Taeyeon walk in. She couldn’t hear anything but was wondering who was in there with Taeyeon. I wonder who Taeyeon’s in there with. And what are they doing in there? Oh she’s coming out. I’m going to check who was in there. “Oh Taeyeon, finally. I really need to go!” Yuri said as she rushes toward the door.

“Wait!” Taeyeon screamed. I can’t let her see Tiffany in there. She’ll think that we were doing something. Uh oh. Too late. She has already opened the door.

“Jessica?” Yuri asked, surprised. She was expecting Tiffany since she has been suspecting there’s something going on with them. What was Taeyeon doing with Jessica in the bathroom? Yuri thought as she stares at Taeyeon.

“Are we going, or not?” Jessica turns to them and asked not even bothered that they came in the bathroom when she was in there.

“Go where?” Yuri questioned as she gave Taeyeon her suspicious look.

“Oh. Well, since neither of us have our rackets. Tiffany and I talked about going to get our rackets together at the sport shop close by…” and before Taeyeon could finish her sentence she was interrupted by Yuri.

“When did you guys talk about that? I was with you both the whole time today.” Yuri interrupts

“We talked…over the phone. Yeah, over the phone.” Taeyeon quickly made it up. “Well, lets get ready, Yuri.” She quickly changes the subject. Phew. That was close. She thought.

“Oookay.” Yuri replied. I’m watching you. Yuri thought.

Well within five minutes, they were all ready to go. Tiffany even made a note saying “Sorry Junsu, Tiffany dragged me to go with her. I can’t go out with you today.” And taped it on Taeyeon’s door. Twenty minutes after they left, Junsu came to the door and saw the sign.

“Tiffany again. It’s her again. Why does she always have to mess up everything I plan?” Junsu grumbles as he walks back to his dorm feeling both mad and disappointed.


The way to the sport shop, Taeyeon avoided any close contact with Tiffany. Instead, she stays close to Jessica. She knows Yuri is suspecting between her and Tiffany and thus believes that by staying away from Tiffany, Yuri would lose her suspicion. However, by staying close with Jessica, Yuri even has a better reason to keep an eye on her. Finally, they arrived at the store.

“Oh, pink racket!” Tiffany shouted then quickly grabs the pink Prince racket off the shelf. “Sica ah, doesn’t this look like the one back in the states?” Tiffany asked showing Jessica the pink racket.

Jessica took a quick glance over it then replied, “Looks like it.”

“Tiffany, do you like pink or something?” Taeyeon asked since how excited Tiffany is seeing a pink racket.

“Have you not seen our room?” Jessica questioned her back. Taeyeon shook her head. “Well you should come over, and look at how obsessed she is with that color.” She added with sarcasm. When she turns her head to look around the store, something caught her eyes. She walks over to the shelf and grabbed a Head racket.

“Oh, I’ve always wanted a Head racket.” Yuri said when she saw Jessica grabbed the Head racket. As she looks around, she saw another Head racket and grabbed it. “I think I’ll take this one.”

“I’m getting this pink one.” Tiffany said smiling excitedly with the pink racket in her hand.

“I’m used to Prince so I guess I’ll take this blue Prince racket.” Taeyeon said as she grabs a blue Prince racket. Ironically, it’s the exact same style as the pink one that Tiffany has just picked out, except blue.

After a few more minutes of browsing the girls check out with the rackets that they chose. Tiffany and Taeyeon both got a Prince racket while Yuri and Jessica both got a Head racket. After checking out, the girls ate dinner at a close by restaurant then went home. As they walk past the school gate to enter the school, they didn’t notice that Junsu was staring out of his window and saw Tiffany and Taeyeon happily walking with each other, not noticing that they were separated by Yuri and Jessica. All he could felt was anger.


The next morning when Tiffany wakes up, she noticed that there’s a letter by her door. She quickly picks the up and letter and read it to herself, “Tiffany. Meet me behind the stairs on the second floor 30 minutes before class starts. Junsu.”

“What’s this all about?” Tiffany scratched her head. She didn’t want anyone else to know and quickly threw the letter away. “Let’s see, what you’re up to now.” She mumbles to herself as she head towards the bathroom to wash up.

Chapter 12

After Tiffany finished washing up she came back to the room to wake Jessica up.

“Jessica, wake up.” Tiffany said shaking Jessica’s body. Without permission, Tiffany pulls Jessica up and dragged her to the bathroom. Suddenly Yuri opens the door. “Yuri ah, can you help me wake Jessica up? I know you’re really good at it.” Tiffany asked.

Yuri stared at the sleeping Jessica on the floor and mocked, “I think she would prefer Taeyeon to wake her up, than me.” Then she walks out of the bathroom. She must still be suspecting something ever since last night.

At the time Taeyeon came in the bathroom and heard what Yuri said. “What are you talking about?” She asked.

“You know what I’m talking about.” Yuri added as she steps out of the bathroom leaving Tiffany and Taeyeon in the bathroom with their clueless face. Oh, and the sleeping beauty is still on the floor…sleeping.

Tiffany then turns to Jessica and shouted, “Jessica! If you don’t wake up, I’m going to stuff cucumbers in your mouth!”

“Ya! How dare you?! Don’t you know how much I hate cucumbers?!” Jessica shouted back as she stood up.

“Hurry up and get ready already.” Tiffany added, “I have to go somewhere a bit. Once I get back you must be ready.”

“Ok, ok already.” Jessica complains as she washes her face.

“Where are you going?” Taeyeon asked, still in the bathroom.

“Just somewhere!” Tiffany said then with a smile she walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t want Taeyeon to know that she’s meeting up with Junsu.


When Tiffany arrived, she saw Junsu was standing there waiting for her.

“Tiffany.” He said.

“What do you want?” Tiffany asked.

“I’ll just get straight to the point.” He said. “Well I’m sure you know that I like Taeyeon, right? And I just want to ask that you could and would stop interrupting us.” He finally spitted it out.

“What are you talking about? Interrupting you guys?” She responded and acted dumb about what she’s been trying to do. “I’m really sorry if I really interrupted you guys. I really didn’t mean to. Can you please forgive me? I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Tiffany dramatically apologized with her tears-filled puppy eyes.

Junsu didn’t know how he should react. He thought Tiffany would blow him off or something…not like this. “Err…” He said scratching his head. “It’s ok, Tiffany. I’m

sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude or anything.” He apologized back to Tiffany. “Just please allow me to borrow Taeyeon a few times. Ok?” He then asked.

“Of course! If Taeyeon wants to then definitely!” Tiffany quickly answers with a smile on her face showing her smiley eyes. Yeah, if she ever wants to hang out with you. Tiffany secretly thought behind her smile.

Wow, is she bipolar? How could someone changes from being so depressed to so hyper? Junsu thought as he smiled back to Tiffany. “Well, I have to get ready now. I’ll talk to you later.” Junsu said and walks away.

“Bye, Junsu!” Tiffany waved and smiles. Tiffany, you deserve 100 points for your acting skills today. Tiffany thought and sticks her tongue out as Junsu walks away.


Today Tiffany and Jessica actually made it to class a minute before the bell rings. Though they had to rush everything to be able to, it was an improvement for Jessica. And the school day goes by without much trouble. Today is the first official practice for those who want to join the tennis team. The four girls changed into their athletic outfits and headed to the tennis courts with their newly owned tennis rackets. By the time they got to the tennis court, there were already other students playing friendly matches with other students. Some are beginners, some are intermediates, and some are just like pros.

“Well, since today is the first practice. I just want you to find a partner and play a friendly match. I will be watching you guys play to be able to choose your double partners or if

you should be playing single. Now, let’s start hitting.” The female coach said as the students choose a partner to hit with.

Tiffany had chosen to hit with Jessica, her middle school double partner. Taeyeon and Yuri will be playing against each other on the court next to Tiffany and Jessica.

“I haven’t played with you for a while now. I hope we can be doubles partner again!” Tiffany excitedly yells as she serves the ball to Jessica.

“We’ll see.” Jessica replied as she rushes towards and returns Tiffany’s serve.

Finally, the coach blows the whistle and calls everyone in. The students were all sweaty since they have been playing for an hour in the heat.

“Ya, Jessica. You’re still as good as ever.” Tiffany said as she walks along side with Jessica heading towards the coach.

“Well, good job everyone. I’ve been watching all of you play and have now paired up the doubles and the chosen the singles players.’ The female coach said. “Sorry boys, the male coach is not here today. So you guys will have to wait for that later. I will only announce the girl players today. So listen up. Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Tiffany, you guys will be doubles partners. Kwon Yuri and Jung Jessica, you guys will be doubles partners. Choi Sooyoung and Lee Sunny, you guys will be partner. Min Sun Ye and Sun Mi you guys will be playing singles. Well, that’s it for today. Practice’s over.” The coach announced and the students started to head back towards their dorm.

“I’m going to be doubles partner with Taeyeon? I’m so excited! Let’s play a double game before we head back!” Tiffany suggested, so excited to play with her new double partner.

“I’m up for it. Unless if you guys are scared.” Taeyeon agrees.

“Let’s beat them, Jessica.” Yuri said as she turns to Jessica. The four walks towards the court when they saw Jessica nodded her head.

After a close match, they’ve finally agree to head home. The score was 7 to 5. Jessica and Yuri had beaten Taeyeon and Tiffany. Although the four were almost equally as good as each other, Jessica and Yuri seem to be slightly better. And also because Taeyeon is a bit short, or so she complains.

“If I was a bit taller, we would’ve beaten you guys.” Taeyeon remarks as they head back towards the dorm.

“Just admit that we’re better than you guys.” Yuri rebutted.

“We’ll beat you tomorrow so don’t get too cocky.” Tiffany butts in.

“Can’t wait till I get back in the dorm and shower.” Jessica shrugged and mumbles to herself minding her own business again.


After an hour of taking turn, the four girls took their showers and change into their casual clothes. Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone knocks on the door.

“You guys ready?” asked Tiffany inside the bathroom.

“Yeah, come in. The door is unlocked.” Taeyeon said.

“Can we work on the Hangul homework first? I really need help on that.” Tiffany asked with a face that describes her poor Korean.

“We know.” Taeyeon joked. “Ok, let’s start. Where’s Jessica?” She asked, causing Yuri to squint at Taeyeon again with her suspicious look.

“She’s actually done with her homework. Since she was the first one to shower, she used the time that we were in the shower to do her homework. Now she’s sleeping on her bed, waiting for dinner time.” Tiffany described.

“That was fast.” Taeyeon replied, surprised by Jessica’s speed.

“She always does her homework really fast so she could sleep.” Tiffany explained.

“Well, let us finish our homework then eat dinner.” Taeyeon suggested and so they get started on their homework. Since this is just the first week of school, homework load was not heavy and thus only took them about an hour to finish.

“Jessica, wake up. Time for dinner.” Tiffany yells shaking Jessica’s body.

“Okay, I’m up.” Jessica responds and the girls head for the cafeteria to eat their dinner.

Chapter 13

The next few days of school everything went…normally. Sleeping beauty woke up as late as usually but managed to get to class on time. After school, they four girls went to tennis practice as usual then back to their dorm to shower, and do homework. And for Junsu, he continued to ask Taeyeon out on a date. And like normally, Taeyeon rejected him or tried avoid him, some how. Today is Saturday and everything was about to go as normal until Yuri stepped out of her room to get something from the convenient store close by. Junsu had noticed that Yuri has stepped out and quickly knocked on Taeyeon’s room.

“Did you forget your keys?” Taeyeon asked from inside, thinking it was Yuri. When she opens the door she was surprised and felt annoyed to see Junsu. “Junsu, what is it?” She asked.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask if you want to go out tonight. I’ve asked your classmates and they said that you guys didn’t have much homework.” Junsu said slowly entering the room.

He even asked my classmates? What is he? Why won’t he get the fact that I don’t want to go out with him?! Taeyeon thought as she tries to block Junsu from entering her room. “Um, yeah. But I think Tiffany and I are going to play tennis against Yuri and Jessica in a bit.” She lied.

Tiffany was in the bathroom washing her face when Taeyeon’s and Junsu’s conversation caught her attention. Since Taeyeon’s bathroom door was unlocked, she could clearly hear what they’re saying. Ya, use a better reason, would you? Always using me as an excuse. Tiffany thought and continues to eavesdrop.

“I’m sure Tiffany wouldn’t mind if I borrow you for a bit. I’ve already asked for her permission if I could borrow you. And she says yes. Tiffany’s a really nice girl, she’ll understand.” Junsu insisted as he advances in the room.

Oh my gosh. He asked for her permission? And why in the world did she say yes?! I’m going to kill her! Taeyeon thought. “Even if that’s so, I’m really tired from the first week of school.” She lied and forced out a smile. “Oh, and your iphone. I’m sorry but it’s too much for me to accept it so please take it back.” Taeyeon grabbed the phone and handed to Junsu.

Junsu held on to the iphone box and stared at it. “You just don’t want to go out with me, right?” Junsu asked with a serious face. “It’s not like I’m dumb, Taeyeon. I know you’ve always tried to reject me or avoid me. I know. I’m not dumb. But I continue to be shameless because I believe that one day I will succeed in asking you out. Tell me, is there anything I can do or change so you would like me?”

“Junsu…” Taeyeon was speechless. She didn’t know what she should say next. She didn’t want to hurt him since she’s too nice of a person. Finally she thought of what Tiffany told her the other day. Just tell him you like someone else already. She recites it in her head. “It’s not your fault, Junsu. It’s me.” She paused, and reassured that this was the only thing she could say to him right now. “I already like someone else. And we’re in a relationship right now.”

Not only did Junsu’s eyes widen, so did Tiffany’s eyes. She covers her mouth and continued to listen while Junsu just stood there.

“Who is it?” He finally asked.

Oh shoot. Who am I going to say? Oh my gosh. What to do now? “I can’t tell you who it is.” Taeyeon pulled it off coolly.

“Don’t lie to me. You’re just trying to make me give up. I know.” Junsu insisted.

“No, I do like someone.”

“Then who is it?”

“It’s…it’s…” Taeyeon hesitated as she tries to think of something. What to do. What to do. She repeated in her head.

“You don’t like anyone, you’re just trying to lie to me. I can tell.” Junsu said.

Just then Tiffany opens the bathroom door and came in Taeyeon. Also at the same time, Yuri had come back from the convenient store. Tiffany noticed Yuri but ignored it and stepped in front of Taeyeon.

“Ya! Kim Junsu! She’s my girlfriend!” Tiffany shouted then quickly turns around and put her arms around Taeyeon’s shoulder. “So stop bothering her, already!”

They were all shocked by Tiffany’s words, even Tiffany herself. She didn’t know what she was doing but she didn’t care.

“So you’re telling me you and her are….? I don’t believe you!” Junsu yelled back in


“You don’t believe me? We’ve even kissed! I’ll prove it to you!” Tiffany said and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon’s eyes widen when she heard that Tiffany was going to “prove it”. What does she think she’s doing? Tiffany! Are you nuts? Taeyeon thought while giving Tiffany the don’t-do-it look.

To prove her point, Tiffany ignored Taeyeon’s don’t-do-it look. She wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s shoulder so she wouldn’t be able to struggle. Her face gets closer and closer to Taeyeon, to the point where they could felt each other’s breath. Taeyeon tried to struggle but Tiffany had such a tight grip on her so she was unsuccessful at doing so. Unable to struggle, Taeyeon gave in and closes her eyes, waiting for Tiffany’s kiss. When Tiffany saw that Taeyeon had closed her eyes, she also closes her eyes and begins to move towards Taeyeon’s lips. It took Tiffany about another two seconds before her lips touch Taeyeon’s. Their lips stayed in contact for the next three seconds. But to them the three seconds seem to last three centuries. Finally, Tiffany let go of Taeyeon and the kiss. Both Tiffany’s and Taeyeon’s cheeks were flushed red.

Oh my gosh. Tiffany, what are you doing? Do you even know what you’re doing? Are you crazy? Tiffany thought to herself as she stood next to Taeyeon.

Both Yuri and Junsu were shocked at what they’re seeing.

“But I thought you and Jessica were together? I saw you came in the bathroom with Jessica inside.” Yuri asked.

Taeyeon was still in shock to hear Yuri’s question thus, she ignored it completely.

“That was me. I was in the bathroom with Taeyeon. After Taeyeon and I had left, Jessica came in the bathroom.” Tiffany explained.

“Stop! I believe you now.” Junsu screamed then walked towards Taeyeon who was still in shocked from the kiss. “I’m sorry to have bothered you for so long.” With that Junsu walked out of the room with the iphone in his hand.

“Ok. I’m going back to my room now.” Tiffany said with a smile and tried to escape the scene before she gets in trouble.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower.” Taeyeon said as she grabs her towel and headed for the bathroom.

“Taeyeon! Didn’t you just take a shower?” Yuri asked but Taeyeon had already gone in the bathroom with Tiffany.

“Ya, what just happened out there? What were you thinking?!” Taeyeon asked as she wipes her lips with her hand.

“I was just trying to help you out. I…I didn’t know what else to do to make him believe so…” Tiffany tried to explain to Taeyeon.

“Aish, what are we going to do now?” Taeyeon scratched her head. “We can clear it up with Yuri but what about Junsu?”

“We’ll just have to act as a couple or else he’ll know that we tricked him.” Tiffany proposed.

“Me and you? A couple?” Taeyeon said.

“A FAKE couple.” Tiffany emphasizes. “It’ll only be for a while and only in front of Junsu.” She added.

“Ok, I guess.” Taeyeon sighed. “But you better not kiss me again!” She warned.

Tiffany chuckled. “Unless if you want me to!” She smiled then left the bathroom.

Taeyeon remembered that she has just taken a shower not long ago and walked out of the bathroom.

“I forgot that I had already taken a shower.” She said as she came back in the room.

“So what’s going on with you two?” Yuri asked.

“It’s not what you think it is.” Taeyeon responded then told Yuri about the whole incident..

Chapter 14

“Wait. So there’s nothing going on with you and Tiffany?” Yuri reassured.

“Nope. Nothing. We’re just friends.” Taeyeon replied.

“So, it was Jessica who you were in the bathroom with last time?” Yuri asked again and raised her eyebrow.

“No. It was Tiffany. But we didn’t do anything. We just talked.” Taeyeon explained. “And why do you always bring Jessica up? Is there anything going on with YOU TWO?” She questioned Yuri back.

“Eh? There’s nothing going on between us. Absolutely nothing. Think about it, Jessica only cares about sleep and eat. How can there be anything going on between us.” Yuri replied nervously.

“Geez. I was just asking you didn’t have to explain all of that to me. Well, let’s get some breakfast?” Taeyeon suggested.


“Ok. Let me get those two.” Taeyeon said and she went in the bathroom to get Tiffany and Jessica on the other side.

And she says there’s nothing going on between her and Tiffany. Yuri rolled her eyes.

“Tiffany, Jessica, breakfast!” Taeyeon shouted from inside the bathroom.

After a few minutes of getting ready, the four girls walked down to the cafeteria. As they were about to enter the cafeteria Tiffany linked arms with Taeyeon surprising her.

“Ya, what are you doing?” Taeyeon whispers. Tiffany didn’t say anything but used her eyes to tell Taeyeon to look behind her. Taeyeon acts like she was fixing her hair and looked behind her. She saw Junsu walking towards them and her body stiffed up.

“Just act normal.” Tiffany whispered back to Taeyeon and pulled her in the cafeteria following Yuri and Jessica.

Even after the girls got their food and sat down at a table, Tiffany noticed that Junsu was still watching them.

“Tae Tae ah…” Tiffany said giving Taeyeon the chills. “Open up. Ahhh.” She said as she blows the spoon of soup in front of her.

“Ya, isn’t this a bit too much?” Taeyeon whispered back.

“AHHHH!” Tiffany demanded. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and open her mouth so Tiffany could feed her. “Good girl.” She smiled.

The whole Tiffany feeding Taeyeon scene totally caught the sleeping beauty attention. She shifted her eyebrows and stared at the two in disgust. “What are you two doing?” She asked.

“Can’t you see? I’m feeding my TaeTae.” Tiffany answered with a smile on her face. “Another spoon, open up TaeTae. Ahhh.” She turns to Taeyeon who just looked embarrassed.

“TaeTae?” Both Jessica and Yuri asked.

“Whatever. You two are weird. I’m done. I’m going back to the dorm and read.” Jessica said then stood up and walks back to the dorm.

“I’m leaving too.” Yuri said then stood up and follows Jessica back to the dorm.

“Ya! Don’t just leave me here…with her.” Taeyeon groaned.

“Ya. Is this how you’re going to treat the person who helped you?” Tiffany asked.

“Help me? I think you’re just trying to take advantage of me.” Taeyeon mumbled to herself.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. Let’s go back to the dorms. I’m full.” Taeyeon suggested forcing out a smile.


“Oh, Taeyeon has the keys. Jessica, do you think you could let me in your room so I could go through the bathroom doors?” Yuri asked, though she was the one who locked the door earlier thus she does have the keys.

“Whatever. I don’t care.” Jessica replied as she opens the door and walked in letting Yuri close the door behind them. After putting down the keys on her desk, Jessica sat down on her bed leaning against the wall. She opens her book and starts reading ignoring the fact that Yuri is still standing there in her room.

“What are you reading?” Yuri asked.

“A book.”

“Oh. What is it about?” She continued to ask.


“Oh. I see.” Yuri said nodding her head. “So_”

“You know, my whole life I was nicknamed the Ice Princess for a reason, right?” Jessica interrupts.

“So? And your point is? I’m going to melt the ice then!” Yuri responded.

“Whatever. I don’t care. Just don’t bother me. I’m sorry but I have to sleep now so if you would.” With the cold remark, Jessica lie down and closed her eyes.

Even with the cold remarks, Yuri was not mad at Jessica at all. She was still very interested in figuring out Jessica and determined to change her. “Watch! I’m going to

melt that ice and make you a warm-hearted person.” She declared then through the bathroom doors she went back to her room.


“Ya. Hwang Fany. No one’s around so we can stop acting already.” Taeyeon said as she unlinked her arm with Tiffany’s.

Tiffany rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out. “Whatever Kim Taeyeon. You know you like it.” She smirked and went into her room while Taeyeon goes in her room.

“Ya, Jessica. I thought you were going to read?” Tiffany asks as she closes the door then went to sit down on Jessica’s bed.

“Your new friend was bothering me, so I thought if I went to sleep she would leave me alone.” She replies, still lying on her bed.

“Who? Yuri?” Tiffany asked again and Jessica nodded. “Oh come on. Yuri’s a nice girl. She’s just trying to be friends with you. And she is your doubles partner after all.” She defended Yuri.

“I don’t care. I don’t like to be bothered. And I don’t want nor need a friend.” Jessica said.

“What about me? Wasn’t I bothering you when we first met?” Tiffany questioned.

“Because you’re different.” She replied

“How so?”

“Because you were way more annoying than she’ll ever be.” Jessica protested.

“Whatever, you just fell in love with me. I know.”

“Keep dreaming.” Jessica said in English.

“You know it’s true.” Tiffany replied in English.

“And what’s with you and Taeyeon? What were you two doing?” Jessica asked and so Tiffany told her the whole story. “What?! You kissed her?!” She shouted.

“Yes I did. Why are you so shock? Are you jealous? Do you want a kiss too?” Tiffany gave Jessica a wink and got closer to her face.

“Ew, no. Stay away from me.” Jessica yelled trying to push Tiffany away from her. “You know what? A kiss?” She said calmly again. “I’m fine with it.” She added.

“What?” Tiffany asked as she eyes widen.

Jessica grabbed Tiffany’s neck and pull Tiffany in for a peck on her lips. “There. Now let me sleep.” She said then pulled the blanket over her head leaving Tiffany sitting there blanked out.

“What just happened?” Tiffany mumbled.

Chapter 15

Morning came and woke Tiffany up from bed. Still sleepy she finds her way to the bathroom. After she washed her face she started to brush her teeth, still with only half of her eyes open. Suddenly, the door from Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s side of the room busts open. Tiffany was shocked then as she looks clearly, she sees Taeyeon enters the bathroom. Tiffany quickly rinses her mouth and wipes her face.

“Ya, you scared me. Who was the one who asked if I didn’t see the occupied light last time?” Tiffany scolded at Taeyeon who just kept walking towards her.

“Tiffany ah…” She paused. “I have something to ask to you…” Taeyeon said softly as she steps forward, facing Tiffany at about only about 1 foot from her face. Their eyes are locked into each other’s.

Tiffany’s heart starts to beat fast since they were standing so close to each other. Her hands start to tremble. “What…is it?” Tiffany asked nervously. Oh my gosh. I’ve only felt this way when I saw her in the bathroom last time. What’s going on with me? She thought.

“If…” Taeyeon hesitated then slowly holds Tiffany’s hands bring them up to her cheeks. “If I tell you that I…that I like you more than just a friend…how would you react?” Taeyeon asks nervously still holding on Tiffany’s hands.

“Huh?” Tiffany questioned softly. Her heart is beating too fast for her to be able to think clearly. “I…I don’t know_”

Just when Tiffany was about to finish her sentence, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany in for a kiss on her lips. Tiffany’s eyes widen to Taeyeon’s action but did not resist. Finally Tiffany closed her eyes giving in to Taeyeon’s kiss and kisses her back.


“YA! HWANG MI YOUNG!!! What are you doing on my bed?!?! Ok, ok, I give up. I’ll wake up. Stop kissing me already! Ya!” Jessica shouted as she pushes Tiffany, who was lying next to her on her bed, away from her.

“Huh?” Tiffany asks wiping her eyes. When she opens her eyes and found herself lying on Jessica’s bed she was shocked. “Why am I on your bed?” She asked.

“You tell me!” Jessica yelled and wipes her cheeks. “Please don’t ever try to wake me up by kissing me.” She demanded.

“Kissing you? Why would I kiss you?” Tiffany asked with a clueless face.

Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Oh…you must’ve sleep-walked and got on my bed.” Jessica assumed. “So you must have kissed someone in your dream then! Who was it?!” Jessica asked.

It finally hit Tiffany what Jessica is talking about. Wait. Was it that kiss that Taeyeon gave me? It was a dream?! “Ah…I was kissing…Dennis O! Of course!” Tiffany made up and smiled. “And you just had to ruin the moment!” She added.

“Eh? If I didn’t wake you up, you would have taken advantage of me.” Jessica said, rolling her eyes at Tiffany. “If you didn’t wanted to wake me up then I’ll go back to sleep. Don’t ever get near me like that again.” She demanded.

“Whatever. Ok, go back to sleep then.” Tiffany said as she stood up and went back to her bed and lie down. Why did I have such a dream? She pondered. And the whole thing felt so real. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling. And her kiss was...Ya, Tiffany what are you talking about? It was all a dream…a dream Tiffany. And nothing else.

After lying on her bed thinking about the dream for a bit, Tiffany fell asleep again.

*** “Let’s ask them to join us.” Yuri suggested as she and Taeyeon get ready to go eat breakfast.

“Why? They can go whenever they want to.” Taeyeon replied.

“Come on, we’re roommates with them. It’s courteous to ask.” Yuri nags then finally Taeyeon headed in the bathroom.

“Ya, you two! You guys want to get breakfast with us?” Taeyeon shouted from the bathroom. After 30 seconds, no one answered so. Thinking that they couldn’t hear her, Taeyeon decided to open the door to their room. As she was opening the door, she heard and felt a bump.

“Ow!” Tiffany growled and rubs her forehead.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were right there. Why didn’t you answer?” Taeyeon asked

Tiffany finally lifts her face to see that it was Taeyeon standing in front of her. Just then her dream flashed back in her mind, widening her eyes. Tiffany, snap out of it. It was just a dream! Tiffany thought. “Uh…I…uh…we’ll be ready soon.” Tiffany responded though she didn’t actually answer Taeyeon’s question.

“Um, okay...”

After a while, Tiffany and Jessica got ready and join Taeyeon and Yuri to eat breakfast. Once the girls were in the cafeteria, Taeyeon quickly took notice of Junsu’s appearance. She quickly gave Tiffany a smile and linked arms with her.

Tiffany was surprised then turned around to question Taeyeon’s behavior “What are you doing?” In fact, she was quite nervous when Taeyeon touched her. Her heart felt like it’s beating faster. She finds herself stuttering when she asked the question.

“Junsu’s over there.” Taeyeon signaled to Tiffany. “Why else would I link our arms?” She added.

Tiffany looked around and saw Junsu. “Oh,” she replied. With Taeyeon linking arms with her and being so closed, she was once again reminded of her dream. She felt some sweats were about to drip down from her neck as she swallowed. Taeyeon looks so hot today. Omo. What am I saying? Tiffany thought as she continues to walk with the group.

“Ya, Tiffany. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked as she put her hand on Tiffany’s forehead. “You’re sweating a lot.”

Taeyeon action obviously intensified Tiffany even more. Tiffany continues to stare at Taeyeon’s face and continue to sweat like as if she has just exercised for two hours under summer’s sun. Her heart beats even faster than before. “Taeyeon ah…I don’t think I will be eating with you guys...I’ll be back in the dorm.” Tiffany weakly replied as she runs back towards the dorm.

“What’s wrong with her?” Yuri asked seeing Tiffany had just run off.

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s sick?” Taeyeon assumed.


Once Tiffany got in her room, she went to the bathroom and washed her face. Ya Tiffany. What are you doing? Why are you acting like this? And that dream, why does it keep repeating in my head whenever I face Taeyeon? Tiffany thought as she splashes her face with water. After thirty seconds she wiped her face with a towel then went back to her bed. This has never happened before. Not even when I was literally drooling over Dennis’ half-naked pictures. What is wrong with me? Do I…like girls? No, definitely not. There were many pretty girls that were in my life but none of them made me felt this way. Or is it that I might just like…Taeyeon? Ah, I’m so confused. What am I going to do?

Just then Jessica had just come back from eating breakfast with Yuri and Taeyeon. It seems like she hasn’t eaten yet since she was carrying 2 to-go boxes in her hand.

“Ya, Tiffany. Are you ok? Since you didn’t eat, I brought back breakfast for us.” Jessica said as she shows Tiffany the too boxes.

“Jessica, help me.”

Jessica was shocked by Tiffany’s words and quickly placed the boxes down on the table. Then she walks over to Tiffany’s bed and sat down next to her. “Ya, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Jessica asked.

“Ah, it’s so weird. I don’t know what’s going on. I have these weird feelings that I’ve never had. And I’m just so confused! Help me, Jessica! Help me!” Tiffany whines.

“Woah, hold up. You’re just saying a whole bunch of stuff. Slow down and tell me the whole story.” Jessica requested as she held onto Tiffany’s hands calming her down.

“It started last night when I have this dream…” And so Tiffany told Jessica about the dream and how she felt afterwards. “Do you think that I like her? Or why else do I feel this way?” Tiffany asked as she shakes Jessica’s arm.

“Well let me ask you one question. If Taeyeon were to kiss you, like in the dream, would you want to kiss her back?” Jessica asked.

Tiffany thought about it for a while then finally responded with a “Yes.” Then calmly she continues, “I think I’ve found the answer now. Thanks Jessica.” She smiled. “This is why you’re my best friend! Promise we’ll be best friends forever!” As she finishes her sentence Tiffany wrapped her arms around Jessica’s shoulder giving her a hug.

“Yeah, I will always be…your best friend.” Jessica said then forced out a smile. Her tone though, did not sound like she was any bit happy. To be exact, it sounded bitter. “Ok, I’m hungry. Let’s eat.” Jessica suggested as she stood up from Tiffany’s bed and grabbed the to-go boxes.

“Were you just trying to calm me down as fast as possible so you could eat?!” Tiffany questioned raising her eyebrows. “Just kidding. I know you wouldn’t do that. Let’s eat then.” She smiled again and joins Jessica at their little table.

Chapter 16

It has been a few weeks since that day that Tiffany realizes her feelings for Taeyeon. And since that day, Tiffany has accepted her feelings towards her. Although her heart still beats fast when she’s around Taeyeon, she can now pull it off coolly without Taeyeon noticing it. Although Taeyeon doesn’t have any special feelings for Tiffany and only used her to avoid Junsu, Tiffany is still very happy to play a part of their “fake” relationship. And Jessica could see that. The sleeping beauty that has never cared about anything other than eat and sleep has started to pay more attention to Tiffany and often take glances at her and Taeyeon.

On the other hand, Yuri continues to try to melt the ice in Jessica’s heart. With Tiffany’s tip, she has often successfully tricked Jessica into hanging out with her by providing food.

And it seems like it’s working for both Yuri and Jessica. But on the surface, only Jessica’s physical body was with Yuri. Her mind and heart resist to be warmed up. Either that or both her mind and heart were with Tiffany.


Today is the girls’ first game with Ko-Ko University (obviously made up). First doubles game is Taeyeon and Tiffany.

“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Tiffany.” Tiffany said with a smile as she shook hand with both of their opponents.

“Hi, I’m Taeyeon.” Taeyeon greeting then shook hands with their opponents.

“Hi, I’m Miyoung.” One of the opponents said and shook Taeyeon and Tiffany’s hands.

“And I’m Yoojin.” The other opponent greeted and shook their hands.

“Hey, isn’t that your name Tiffany? Miyoung?” Taeyeon smirked sticking her tongue out knowing that Tiffany hated her Korean name.

“Watch yourself.” Tiffany warned with her evil glare.

“Oh you two have matching rackets! That’s so cute.” Miyoung said smiling at them.

“Yeah of course since we’re_” Excitedly, Tiffany was about to spill everything out.

“Very close friends.” Taeyeon interrupted and forced out a fake smile to Tiffany.

“Are you guys ready?” Yoojin asked with courtesy. After seeing Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded the four girls began their game.

After the first point, Taeyeon and Tiffany were confident they could beat their opponents. It seems like they’ve just started playing so it was just an easy match for Taeyeon and Tiffany. They beat the poor girls by 8-1.

“Good game you two! You guys are really good.” Miyoung complimented as they shook hands.

“Thanks, you’re really good as well for just starting.” Tiffany replied with a smile on her face.

“Good game.” Both Taeyeon and Yoojin said as they shook each other’s hands. After they had finished shaking hands the four girls left the court for the next game.

“Good job guys!” Yuri shouted as Taeyeon and Tiffany came back to the bench. Yuri and Jessica have been sitting on the bench waiting for their turn as well as watching Taeyeon’s and Tiffany’s game.

“Kwon Yuri and Jessing Jung please come to court number two!”

“That was too easy for yall, watch us play.” Jessica smirked then jump off the bench with Yuri and headed for the court.

“Wait, Jessica.” Yuri shouted catching Jessica’s attention causing her to turn around. “I bought you a sweatband since I know you sweat a lot.” Yuri said handed Jessica the sweatband.

Jessica accepted the wristband and looked at Yuri, “Thanks.” She said and headed off for the game.

Gah, how many times does she actually say ‘thanks’? But she said it to me! Yay! Yuri thought and smiled.

“Look at her.” Tiffany pointed to Yuri. “She must’ve liked Jessica or else why would she be doing all this stuff for her.”

“We should hook them up.” Taeyeon suggested and both she and Tiffany nodded.

“Hey, Taeyeon and Tiffany. Nice game out there.” A girl said as she taps Taeyeon’s shoulder from behind. The girl’s name is Lee Sunny. She’s on the tennis team playing doubles with Choi Sooyoung. Taeyeon and Sunny has been getting close since they were on the tennis team together and have all of their classes together like her and Tiffany. Tiffany never liked the sight of her because every time she’s around, Taeyeon seems to always talks to her and ignores Tiffany. And her partner wasn’t much of a pleasant sight for Tiffany either and especially for Yuri. No matter where she is she’s always munching on something. Because of that Sooyoung and Jessica seems to have a lot in common and would often eat with each other.

“Oh, hey Sunny! Have you guys played yet?” Taeyeon asked excitedly. “If not, I want to watch your next game!”

“Wouldn’t you want to see Yuri’s and Jessica’s game?” Tiffany butts in before Sunny could answer Taeyeon.

“Ya, don’t be rude. Sorry she’s immature like that.” Taeyeon apologized then continues to have a decent conversation with Sunny ignoring Tiffany.

Immature? Did you just call me immature? Ya! Kim Taeyeon! How dare you? All because of her? Tiffany thought with much jealousy.

“Hey, Sooyoung and I are going to go out to dinner tonight, would you guys want to come with us?” Sunny asked.

“Oh, of course I_”

“GO YURI GO JESSICA!!! GO YUSICA!!!” Tiffany screamed cutting Taeyeon’s off from her sentence. Although after that Tiffany received a deadly glare from Taeyeon, she still managed to interrupt their conversation. It was worth it for her.

“Lee Sunny and Choi Sooyoung please come to the court number 3.”

“I guess we’re up next.” Sunny said then stood up with Sooyoung.

“I’ll come watch you guys play.” Taeyeon said as she stood up with Sunny and Sooyoung.

“Where are you going?” Tiffany quickly asked the second she saw Taeyeon stand up.

“I’m going to watch Sunny play on court number 3.” Taeyeon replied.

“But what about Yuri and Jessica?”

“I’m sure with you as their cheerleader they’ll be fine without me.” Taeyeon responded then left with Sunny.

Oh no you don’t. You’re going to leave me here to go with her? In your dreams! Tiffany thought as she quickly follows Taeyeon to the bench on court 3.

Yuri and Jessica were doing a great job on the court against their intermediate opponents. Their score as of right then was 6 - 2. They only need to win two more games and the game is theirs. But as Jessica sees Tiffany following Taeyeon to another court her mood changed. And it wasn’t a good one either. Jessica quickly becomes ill-tempered and hit all the balls that she gets out. After a few games the score was 8 - 8. And with the help of Yuri who was still in the game they managed to win the tie breaker by 7-5.

“Good games guys.” The four girls said as they shook each other’s hands and walk off the court.

Jessica immediately walks off to a place where no one was once she was out of the court. Her mood was still bad.

“What’s wrong, Jessica? Are you okay?” Yuri was worried and followed Jessica.

“I’m fine. Sorry I almost made us lost.” Jessica apologized as she wipes her sweats with her towel.

“Is it because of Tiffany?” Yuri asked as she looks at Jessica’s change in expression. “I’ve always noticed that you always have this special gaze towards her.” The next thing she notices was Jessica’s wet face. At first she couldn’t tell if they were the sweat on her face or tears but when she saw Jessica’s watery eyes, she knew they were her tears.

“Yuri ah. I don’t know how long I can keep this up anymore.” Jessica cried then finds herself get pulled into Yuri’s embrace.

“It’s okay, Jessica. Just let it all out. Just cry to me. I’m here with you.” Yuri expressed while patting Jessica’s shoulder. This is the first time I’ve seen any emotion on her face. But I would rather see the cold Ice Princess that she has always been than to see her crying like this. Does it hurt a lot? I promise I’ll be here for you whenever you need me. Yuri thought as she continues to embrace the crying Jessica.race the crying Jessica.

Chapter 17

After a while of staying in Yuri’s embrace, Jessica has finally calmed down. She released herself from Yuri’s embrace. “Did I trick you?” She forced out a cold smile. “I knew you were waiting for me to be emotional so acted out for you. Take it as my gratitude for your sweatband. Did you really think that the Ice Princess would actually cry? Don’t be a fool.” She chuckled then walked back to the bench.

“If it makes you happy to call me a fool then go ahead!” Yuri said as Jessica walks away. “Me, a fool?” She chuckled. “Babo, you can’t lie to me. But if you’re not ready to tell me, I won’t force you to. Just know that I’ll always be there for you.” She whispers at the sight of Jessica’s back walking away. Slowly she too walks back to the team’s bench.


“Sunny and Sooyoung, hwaiting!” Taeyeon screams as Sunny just scored a point for her team.

“Ya, Kim Taeyeon. You never cheer for anyone else! Why are you cheering for them?! For HER!” Tiffany protested angrily at Taeyeon.

“Ya, Hwang Miyoung. You need to stop giving Sunny this tone of yours. What did she ever do to you?” Taeyeon scolded at Tiffany.

“She did many things to me.” Tiffany mumbled.


“Why are you always on her side? I’m the one who’s your girlfriend!” Tiffany whines causing the people around to stare at them.

“Ya, be quiet. People are staring at us.” Taeyeon demanded. “And remember, we’re just a fake couple.” She added.

“Kim Taeyeon, I hate you!” Tiffany yelled and stood up to walk back to the other bench where Jessica and Yuri were playing.

With Tiffany’s yell, everyone around stared at Taeyeon. It was both curious stares and the annoyed stares.

“Sorry,” Taeyeon bowed and apologized. She ignored about the fact that Tiffany walked away and continue to watch the game.


“Jessica! Yuri!” Tiffany shouted as she sat down next to Jessica. “How did you guys do? Sorry, I had to go somewhere and couldn’t watch you guys play.”

“We won.” Jessica stated calmly.

“Jessica, why are you eyes red? Did you cry?!” Tiffany quickly noticed and asked.

“You’re kidding me. Why would I ever cry? It’s my contacts, they’re not feeling too good.” Jessica lied denying the fact that she did cry.

“Oh, okay.”

Just then Tiffany saw Sunye walks past her. She thought of something then quickly followed Sunye.

“Sunye!” Tiffany shouted catching Sunye’s attention.

“Hey Tiffany, what’s up?” Sunye turned around and asked.

“You know Junsu right?” Tiffany asked. When Sunye nodded she continued, “Can you spread a rumor to him for me?”

Sunye shifted her eyebrows, “Eh?” After seeing Tiffany’s secret weapon, her pair of puppy eyes, Sunye finally agrees. “What is it?”

“Can you please tell him that you heard from somewhere that Taeyeon and I are just a fake couple? And we only act as a couple in front of him.” Tiffany asked.

“Ookay? And why do you want me to tell him that?” Sunye questioned.

“Just do it, please. Pretty please?” Tiffany nags.

“Alright then, I’ll tell him that.” Sunye said. “Well I have to prepare for my next match so I’ll talk to you later.” She added and part with Tiffany.

Ya, Kim Taeyeon. I will never let you go to that Sunny girl. Tiffany thought with an evil smile on her face.


“Yuri, are you coming with us?” Taeyeon asked as she gets ready to go out with Sunny and Sooyoung.

“No, I’m tired from today’s tournament. You guys have fun.” Yuri replied lying on her bed reading a book.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone knocks on the door and Taeyeon walked towards the door and opens it.

“Hey, are you guys ready?” Sunny asked excitedly with Sooyoung behind her.

“Yeah, I’m ready. Yuri said she’s tired so she won’t be coming with us.” Taeyeon replied.

“What about Tiffany?” Sunny asked.

“Forget her.”

“Why what’s wrong? Oh yeah, I heard you guys argue while we were playing. Is everything okay with you two?” Sunny questioned.

“Don’t worry about it. She’s always immature like that.” Taeyeon answered. “Let us go.” She suggested.

“Um, ok.”

“Going somewhere fun without me?” Tiffany’s voice was heard from inside the bathroom. Then as soon as the door opens everyone could see Tiffany walking out.

“Hey Tiffany, join us!” Sunny invited Tiffany when she sees her.

“Thanks for the invitation Sunny, but then again I don’t think Taeyeon could go anywhere without me.” Tiffany smiled then linked her arms with Taeyeon.

“You guys are so cute.” Sunny complimented and smiled at them. “Let’s go then.” She suggested.

Though Taeyeon wasn’t expecting Tiffany to join them, Tiffany did end up going with them. Sunny though, does not seem to notice Tiffany’s jealousy and continues to be nice to both of them. The whole night, Tiffany never gave Taeyeon a chance to have a full solid conversation with Sunny. And although Taeyeon had warned her many times not to do so, Tiffany ignored her warnings completely. Finally it was getting late and the girls return to their dorm.

“Ya, Hwang Miyoung! What is your problem?” Taeyeon yelled as the two entered Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room. “Why do you always act so immature? Grow up already!” She continues to yell at Tiffany.

“You’ll never realize it, will you?” Tiffany cried as she storms through the bathroom doors back to her room.

“Right! Just run back to your room and cry! That’s all you’ll ever do!” Taeyeon shouted then sat down on her bed. “Did you see that? How immature can she get? I knew she was trouble the first time I met her.” Taeyeon pointed at Tiffany to Yuri then sighed.

“What did she do this time?” Yuri asked.

“Like every other time! Always being rude to Sunny and interrupts our conversation the whole night!” Taeyeon replied.

“She’s right.”


“You’ll never realize it.” Yuri continued.

“What are you saying?” Taeyeon asked.

“Do you really need me to tell you? She’s jealous!” Yuri replied. “Haven’t you notice that whenever you’re around Sunny, you completely ignore Tiffany and everyone else? Even I sometimes feel like I’m no longer your best friend.” She continues then gets up from her bed and walks over to Tiffany’s room.

“Where are you going? Are you mad too?” Taeyeon asked.

“I’m not that narrow-minded. I just want to go calm Tiffany down.” Yuri replied then walks through the bathroom doors to Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room.

Chapter 18

“Tiffany? What’s wrong?” Jessica asked when she saw Tiffany stormed back and hid herself under the blanket. Worried, Jessica got up and sat on Tiffany’s bed. “Tiffany, are you okay?”

“Jessica!” Tiffany uncovered herself and hugged Jessica. “I’ve always thought that loving someone is such a happy thing but why haven’t I felt any happiness ever since I love her? I know she doesn’t like me but does it have to hurt so badly?” Tiffany cries on Jessica’s shoulder.

Yuri heard everything as she was about to step into Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room. Finally she realizes Tiffany’s true feelings for Taeyeon. Tiffany, I know you are hurt. But do you know that there is someone else who’s hurt even more than you do? A person that has to hide her feelings from you. A person that has to see you in pain that was caused by another person that you love. I know, because I know this person. Yuri thought at the

sight of Tiffany and Jessica hugging each other. She decided not to bother them and walk back to her room.

“How is she?” Taeyeon asked when Yuri came back in the room.

“She’s crying. But don’t worry, Jessica’s comforting her.” Yuri replied.

“What about you? How are you?” Taeyeon asked and faced Yuri on her bed. “Your mood changed ever since you came back.” She added.

“I just feel sorry for Jessica.” Yuri replied then let out a sigh.

“Huh? Why?”

“You don’t understand.” Yuri said. “Ok, I’m going to sleep now. See you tomorrow.” She continued then lie down on her bed.

“Good night.”


While Yuri was still sleeping, Taeyeon has already finished getting ready for school. She purposely gets up a bit early today for a reason. She sat on her bed waiting for something to happened, and that thing happened when the occupied light above the bathroom door was turned on. Taeyeon knew Jessica wouldn’t ever wake up that early so it has to Tiffany, the person she was waiting for. She quickly marches to the bathroom door and

opens it. Just as she expect, Tiffany was in there washing her face. Once Tiffany sees Taeyeon, she rolled her eyes and starts brushing her teeth, ignoring Taeyeon.

“Tiffany ah…uh…” Taeyeon hesitated as she notices that Tiffany didn’t even look at her. Then she thought of the new Zia’s I’m sorry I love you song she has just heard and starts to sing a line from it. “Mianhae (I’m sorry) Mianhae Mianhae…” Still Tiffany was uninterested. She decided to recite it again. “Mianhae Mianhae Mianhae…” This time she noticed that Tiffany had turned around.

Taeyeon you dork. Tiffany thought as she turns around to hide the smile on her face.

“Ya…Fany ah.” Taeyeon whines trying to act cute. “Ok, I’ll say it. I’m sorry. You’re happy? I’m sorry that I didn’t realized how I ignored everyone else when I’m with Sunny. And I’m sorry that I yelled at you. I’m really sorry, okay? Would you forgive me?” Taeyeon finally apologized. Then she heard Tiffany giggled and turned Tiffany’s body around. “Oh! You were playing around with me!” she acts mad.

“It’s not my fault you’re such a dork Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany smiled. Then she notices Taeyeon’s pout. “Taeyeon ah.” She said biting her lips. “I want to tell you that I’m sorry as well. I shouldn’t have acted so immaturely towards you and Sunny. I’m sorry. So we’re even, now. Okay?” She continued then smiled sweetly at Taeyeon.

Looking at Tiffany’s smile, Taeyeon can’t help but to smile herself. “Okay, we’re even now.” She said.

“Actually, no I take it back.” Tiffany said. “You have to promise me something first,” She added.

“Eh? Tell me what it is first.” Taeyeon raised her eyebrows.

“You have to promise me that you’ll never yell at me again.” Tiffany demanded with a cute pout on her face.

“Okay I promise. Now get ready for school.” Taeyeon said as she turns around and walk back to her room.

After that, Taeyeon and Tiffany wake Jessica and Yuri up. It takes another 10 minutes or so for them all to get ready.

“So you two were just acting the whole time?” Some random girl asked as Taeyeon walked out of the room.

“What are you talking about?” Taeyeon asked looking clueless.

“You know the rumor that you and Tiffany are a fake couple. You guys just pretended so you could avoid Junsu. Stop acting, it’s all over the school now.” After she finished she walks off leaving Taeyeon looking clueless.

When Taeyeon saw Tiffany making a face she knew Tiffany had to do with all this. “Tiffany! What did you do?” She yelled.

“Well…I was just…a bit…impulsive after you blew me off at the tennis game…and I kind of…just kind of…told someone to tell Junsu that we were a fake couple…to you know…payback.” Tiffany hesitated and stuttered. When she sees Taeyeon’s eyes getting

wider she quickly added, “But, I didn’t think the whole school would know. And…and you promised me you wouldn’t yell at me.”

“Yeah, I won’t yell at you.” Taeyeon said calmly. “But I didn’t say I won’t hurt you, did I?” She shouted.

“Uh oh.” Tiffany quickly ran for her life while Taeyeon chased closely right after her.

“Tiffany! Stop running! Ya!” Taeyeon screamed as she chases Tiffany around the school.

Tiffany while running kept looking back to see Taeyeon and did not see who she was about to bump into. “Ow.” She groaned then looks up to find that it was, “Junsu! Hey! How are you?” She smiled nervously.

“Tiffany!” Taeyeon screamed as she ran towards Tiffany, not yet noticing Junsu. It took her another two seconds to notice that Junsu was right there with Tiffany.

“What a loving couple you guys are.” Junsu said sarcastically.

“Of course we are. Right TaeTae?” Tiffany smiled then stands next to Taeyeon and linked arms with her.

“Of course.”

“What about the rumor about you guys being a fake couple?” He asked.

“We’ve never heard of that rumor. Right, Fany?” Taeyeon replied.

“It’s probably because Taeyeon and I recently got into a fight. You know, couples get into fights. It’s just a normal thing.” Tiffany said. “Oh, we’re getting late. Let’s grab something to eat before your stomach growls again, TaeTae ah. Bye Junsu!” Tiffany said then quickly pulls Taeyeon with her and headed towards the cafeteria.

Once they were safe inside the cafeteria without Junsu, Taeyeon unlinked her arm with Tiffany causing her to pout.

“Taeyeonnieee~” Tiffany nags and shakes Taeyeon’s arm. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing that serious. Now we just have to act like a couple everywhere, and not just to Junsu. That’s all. Since he might be asking his friends to spy on us.”

“Oh…I see your plan now. You just want me to be with you the whole day, don’t you?” Taeyeon questioned.

“No…What are you talking about?” Tiffany denied with a mischievous look on her face.

“Oh you guys are here.” Yuri’s voice interrupts the conversation. “Jessica and I were wondering where you guys were.” She added.

“This kid right here deserves to be punished!” Taeyeon said pointed to Tiffany who just stood there and smile like as if she’s so innocent.

“It’s getting late, let us just eat and move on with the subject okay?” Tiffany suggested then dragged them to get in line.

After a while, the four girls ate their breakfast and rushed to class. So the whole school day, with or without Junsu, Taeyeon and Tiffany had to act as a couple. Taeyeon didn’t like the idea one bit but there was nothing else she could do unless if she wants to get with Junsu. Yuri can tell how uneasy Jessica was seeing Taeyeon and Tiffany being so close together so she tries to talk to Jessica as much as possible.

“Jessica ah, are you hungry?” Yuri asked while jogging side by side with Jessica during tennis practice. “Let’s go to a good restaurant I know after we finish our homework.” She suggested as she pants from the running.

“Ok.” Jessica replied making Yuri smile.

I guess food still works on our Ice Princess. Yuri thought to herself.


Chapter 19

“Hey you guys want to want to come with us?” Yuri asked while getting ready.

“Where?” Tiffany asked.

Tiffany and Taeyeon were also in the room since they had just finished doing their homework. Jessica was in her room sleeping like always. It’s unknown that she’s sleeping because she prefers to sleep or because she needed to avoid the sight of Taeyeon and Tiffany together.

“Me and Jessica are going to go out to eat.” Yuri explained.

“Oh…no you guys can go.” Tiffany said giving Taeyeon the wink.

“Yeah, I think I’ll stay. There’s actually something from English class that I didn’t get so I think I’ll ask Tiffany to help me on that.” Taeyeon said. She knew what Tiffany was up to.

“Um, okay.” Yuri replied with a weird look on her face but decided to ignore them and walk over to Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room to wake up Jessica. “Jessica, I’m ready to go.” She said.

“Ok.” Jessica replied as she stretches out of her bed.

So after Yuri and Jessica get their bags and phones they headed out.

“It’s going to be an interesting night for them.” Tiffany proposed. “So…Taeyeonnie…what are WE going to be doing, tonight?” She asked as she steps closer to Taeyeon who was sitting on her bed.

“Ya. What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyeon stuttered as she scoots back away from Tiffany on her bed.

“Well.” Tiffany said. “We’ve been acting like a couple all day, it wouldn’t hurt that much more if we continue to act like a couple for the rest of the night…would it?” She continued with a wink then faced Taeyeon on her bed.

“Wh…wha…what are you saying?” Taeyeon stuttered again trying to scoot further away from Tiffany but she’s already against the wall. “Ya! Tiffany! Don’t do anything or else I will scream.” She warned.

“Oh, and they’ll know that we’re a fake couple!” Tiffany rebutted. “Come on, just a kiss! It’s not like we haven’t kissed before.” Tiffany nags with her whining voices and puppy eyes.

“Stop playing around.” Taeyeon demanded as her back lean against the wall while Tiffany was within inches away from her. “Ya, I’m not playing around.” She added.

“I’m not either.” Tiffany reaffirmed herself. “Oh my gosh, Taeyeon! Look! What’s that on the door?!” Tiffany shouted then pointed her index towards the door. As Taeyeon turns her head to look at the door, Tiffany grinned evilly then took her chance and gives

Taeyeon a peck on her left cheek. “I won.” She said jumping off the bed as quickly as she could.

“YA! HWANG MI YOUNG!” Taeyeon shouted and was about to chase Tiffany and give her a lesson but by the time she gets off her bed, Tiffany had already went through the bathroom doors back to her room. “Ugh, that girl.” She grumbled and wipes her cheek. “I have to teach her a lesson!”


After Yuri and Jessica finished eating from the restaurant they decided to go on a little walk before headed home.

“Did you like the food, Jessica?” Yuri asked.

“It was good.”

“Do you like to sleep, Jessica?”

“Uh huh.”

“Do you like to eat, Jessica?”


“Do you like Tiffany, Jessica?”

“Uh huh…” Jessica paused, realizing she has just admitted it to Yuri without knowing it. “As a friend, yes.” She added trying to cover up her mistake.

“What about me, do you like me?” Yuri asked as she looks at Jessica. “As a friend, of course.”

“Yuri ah…” Jessica hesitated. “I’m really not worthy of all your effort. You will only hurt yourself if you keep this up.” She warned.

“I’ve already told you. I’m determined to melt the ice in your heart.” Yuri responded. “And just the fact that you’re saying this to me shows that I’ve made progress.” She continued with a smile on her face.


“Jessica.” Yuri interrupts. “You can’t stop me. And if you really don’t want to hurt me then just…let me into your ice castle. And give me a chance to melt those thick walls of ice around your heart.” Yuri stated as she looks deeply in Jessica’s eyes. And for that moment she could felt as though, she could see the warm-hearted Jessica through her eyes. The real pure hearted Jessica that was covered by the numerous layers of ice.

“Yuri…” Jessica paused. No one has ever put in so much effort to me as her since Tiffany. She is a really nice girl, I have to admit. And I have been tempted many times to allow her into my heart, to be able to comfort my pains. I don’t know how long I can keep resisting the temptation anymore. Because as my heart weakens, the more I feel the need of a comforting shoulder to lean on. Yuri ah…wait just a bit longer. I want to overcome my own problem before letting you into my heart. You don’t deserve to be just a shoulder

to lean on when I’m in rough times. You deserve to be more than that. Jessica thought as she looked at Yuri’s pair of eyes, hoping that Yuri would understand how she feels right now. “I_”

“Jessica, watch out!” Yuri shouted as she reaches her hand out to grab Jessica’s hand. Finally she was able to grab Jessica’s hand and pull Jessica towards her own body.

Jessica did not know what has happened and was surprised by Yuri’s action. It was not until another split second that she felt something passes by her back at high speed. She was startled and tightens her grip around Yuri’s waist closing her eyes. Seeing how Jessica reacted, Yuri wrapped her arms around her to calm her down as she look towards the red car that had almost hit Jessica. It seems like the driver was drunk since the car was swerving left to right on the road without pay attention to anyone. After a few more seconds, Jessica notices how close she was to Yuri and lets go of her body.

“Jessica, are you okay?” Yuri asked with her body as she checks Jessica’s body. “Are you hurt anywhere?! Aish, stupid drivers these days. If you’re hurt, I’m not going to let him go.” She stated, still checking if Jessica’s okay.

“Yuri ah, I’m okay.” Jessica responded as she held onto Yuri’s hands confirming that she is fine. “I’m not hurt.” She reaffirmed herself and looked straight into Yuri’s worried eyes. And that position was kept for another five seconds before Jessica lets go.

Biting her lips, Yuri suggested “I think we should head home now.” With Jessica’s nod, the two began to walk home. “What was it that you were going to say earlier?” Yuri asked trying to change the subject.

“Nothing really.” Jessica replied.



The next morning was Honey University second tennis tournament against another school. First doubles up again were Taeyeon and Tiffany while Yuri, Jessica, Sunny and Sooyoung wait at the bench watching their game. Sunye is also playing on another court with Sunmi watching from outside. After the two doubles introduced to each other they began the game.

Their opponents this time were not as easy as the previous ones. In fact, they are almost as good as Jessica and Yuri or even just as good. The scores were tightly close along the whole game. Both teams worked hard to get to each balls and their sweatiness shows that. Finally the game hit 8-8 and the girls have to play a tie-breaker.

“Me! Me!” Taeyeon screamed as she rushes towards the ball to her right. She aims at the ball and swings her racket towards it. It was the perfect shot and scored them their point. But when Taeyeon rushes back to her position, one of her feet stepped on some sort of marble and made her slip. “AH!” She screams.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany screams as she rushes towards Taeyeon who was on the ground. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She asked worriedly as she checks around Taeyeon. “Your knee is bleeding!”

“That’s fine but I think I sprained my ankle as well.” Taeyeon replied with a painful expression on her face.

“Let me take you to the nurse.” Tiffany said as she lifts Taeyeon up.

“No, I want to continue playing.” Taeyeon responded as she pushes Tiffany’s hand away, trying to stand on her own. “It’s okay Tiffany. I can do it. We only need one more point.” She said confidently. Tiffany nodded then they went back to their position.

The score is now 5-6 and it is Tiffany’s turn to serve. Tiffany, you have to serve your best serve now. You can’t afford not to. You can’t let Taeyeon run and in that case, the only thing you can do to prevent that is to ace your opponent. You can do it, Tiffany. Hwaiting! Tiffany thought to herself as she prepares her serve. “Hwaiting!” She whispers to herself as she throws the ball in the air. And with all the strength that she has left Tiffany smashed the ball with her racket. Tiffany did not even dare to look but when she heard the loud applause she knew she had done what she needed to do.

“Good games guys.” The four girls said as they shake hands with each other and exit the court.

“Taeyeon ah, are you okay? Let me help you. Here sit on the bench.” Tiffany said as she helps support Taeyeon walk to the bench. “Aish, your knee is bleeding. Does it hurt a lot?” She asked with her worried face as she blows air to Taeyeon’s wound hoping it would help. As she looks around she saw that the coach has brought the first aid kit and quickly take it from her. “Thanks coach.” She said as she help Taeyeon clean her wound. “Does it hurt, TaeTae?”

“Ya, Tiffany. You’re making it such a big deal. It’s fine.” Taeyeon insists noticing how everyone’s eyes were on them.

“No, you’re not fine.” Tiffany argued as she applies the band-aid on the wound. “Let me take you to the nurse.” She said. Taeyeon was about to refuse but with Tiffany’s glare she decided not to rebel and just lets Tiffany take her to the nurse.

Tiffany was too blind to Taeyeon that she did not notice how uneasy Jessica was sitting on the bench. Yuri, on the other hand, paid close attention to Jessica’s uneasiness. She knew it must be hard for Jessica to see the very person that she loves take care of another person, worse it’s Taeyeon, the person Tiffany loves. Jessica couldn’t hold it in anymore and removed herself from the scene. She quickly walks away to an empty place where no one was.

“Jessica!” Yuri shouted as she rushes behind Jessica.

Yuri, please don’t chase after me. Jessica thought as she increases her speed trying to hide her tears. Please don’t chase after me. I don’t want to give in to my weak heart and take you as a rebound. Please don’t chase after me. I don’t want to show you this side of me. At least not yet. And she continues to walk away with tears dripping down her face.

Chapter 20

“Jessica! Jessica!” Yuri continues to scream as she chases after Jessica. She wasn’t going to let Jessica be by herself knowing what she has just seen. She sped up and step in front of Jessica facing her. When she could see her face, Yuri was surprised to see all the tears on Jessica’s face. “Jessica…”

“Leave me alone!” Jessica yelled then pushed Yuri aside and walked forward. Just as she was about to continue walking, she felt a tight grip on her wrist pulling her back. It was no one else but Yuri. Please let me go. Jessica thought.

Once Yuri got a grip of Jessica’s wrist, she pulled her back and hugged her tightly. Though Jessica struggles to break free, Yuri wasn’t going to let her go by tighten up her grip even more. Soon, Jessica gave in and cried on Yuri’s shoulder.

“No one was like her.” Jessica cries. “No one cared about me enough to get to know me, but she did. Because of her, I felt as though in my life there was a bit of warmth. Though I never show it but only with her do I feel like I’m a warm-hearted person. I love her, Yuri ah.”

“You’re doing good. Just let it all out. Just cry as much as you need to.” Yuri advised as she pats on Jessica’s shoulder and forced a smile on her face. Hearing Jessica’s words, it just tears her heart apart. Although she knew it all along, with Jessica confirming it herself only worsen the pain. But what hurts her the most right at that moment was the sight of Jessica’s tears. Each drop of tears that dripped from Jessica’s eyes is like a stab in

her own heart. I can’t show her my pains. I have to show her that I am strong, and that I can give her comfort. Yuri thought as she continues to calm Jessica down.

After another minute of crying, Jessica slowly releases herself and looks at Yuri. “Yuri ah…” her voice cracks.

Yuri didn’t say anything and just places her hands on Jessica’s cheeks. Then slowly she uses her thumbs to wipe Jessica’s tears away. After she finished wiping Jessica’s tears away, Yuri looked into Jessica’s eyes and smiled. “Don’t run away again. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, come to me. I will always be there for you if you ever need me.” She stated.

“Yuri ah_”

“Not only can I be a shoulder for you to lean on, I can also be the next person to melt the ice in your heart and in your life. I promise I will make you feel warm again, and not only when you’re with me but also when you’re with just about anyone. Just give me a chance to do so, huh?” Yuri asked as she looked deeply in Jessica’s eyes with as much sincerely as she could show. Jessica looked back at Yuri then slowly nodded and hugged Yuri.

I know this is so wrong but it felt so right to finally open my heart for Yuri. I know it’s wrong knowing how I gave in to my weakened heart but I just can’t bare this pain anymore. I need someone to ease the pain in my heart, and that person is Yuri.

“Yuri and Jessica to court number 3. I repeat Yuri and Jessica to court number 3.”

“I think they’re calling us.” Yuri said as she lets go of Jessica’s hug. “Are you ready to hit?” She asked. When Jessica nodded, both of them headed back.

With Tiffany and Taeyeon gone, on the bench were only Sunny and Sooyoung who continued to watch their teammates. After the four girls introduced themselves, the game begins. Their opponents were definitely a lot better from the previous ones but if Yuri and Jessica try their best, it wouldn’t be too bad. And as it seems, both Yuri and Jessica tried their best at this game. Neither of them was losing their concentration and stayed in the game the whole match. After much sweat and effort, Yuri and Jessica won by 8-5.


“Is she okay?” asked Tiffany with her worried face again. She couldn’t help but to be so worried about Taeyeon.

“Her ankle is sprained, that’s all.” The nurse replied as she wraps Taeyeon’s ankle up.

“See, I told you it wasn’t that serious. You were just freaking yourself out.” Taeyeon said.

“I’ve wrapped her ankle so she should be fine now. Just try not to walk on that leg, okay?” The nurse advised.

“So you mean she’ll need crutches or how else can she walk without using that leg?” Tiffany asked.

“Yes,” The nurse replied. “But I suggest you to not attend class tomorrow if you’re going to need to be walking at all. You shouldn’t use any strength on that ankle within the next twenty four hours or else it’ll get worse.” She added.

“Thank you nurse.” Taeyeon thanked as she struggles to get off the patient bed in the nurse office.

“Ya! What do you think you’re doing? Stop!” Tiffany demanded then bends over in front of Taeyeon.

“Ya, what are YOU doing?” Taeyeon asked mocking Tiffany.

“Get on, I’ll give you a piggy ride back since you can’t use your ankle.” Tiffany said widening Taeyeon’s eyes.

“You?! Give ME a piggy ride?” Taeyeon questioned.

“How else do you think you’re going to get back in your room? Do you want to just walk and damage your ankle even more?” Tiffany reasoned. Taeyeon rolled her eyes but gave in to Tiffany’s demand and got on her back. “Gosh, you’re heavy for your size.” Tiffany remarked.

“Hey! Then let me off!” Taeyeon shouted.

“No!” Tiffany responded then slowly carries Taeyeon back to the dorm. Although it took her quite a while to go up the stairs, she was able to make it to the dorm. “Luckily we

only live on the second floor.” She said while dropping Taeyeon on her bed. She breathed heavily then drops herself on the bed as well next to Taeyeon.

“You’re the one who asked for it.” Taeyeon mocked looking at the panting Tiffany next to her. “Ya, go shower or something. You’ve been sweating the whole day and now it smells so bad.” Taeyeon commanded.

“You say it like as if you’re not smelly.” Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll go take shower. And once I’m done, I’ll help you shower.” She winked then hops off to her room to prepare to shower.

“What does that suppose to mean?” Taeyeon blinked in confusion. “Wait, is she telling me that she’s going to shower for me?!” Taeyeon asked herself in shock. Just then the door slowly unlocks and Yuri came in. “What happened? You looked brighter today.” She asked.

“Nothing.” Yuri replied with a smile and just sat on your bed. “How is your ankle?” She asked, remembering what happened during their game.

“I’m fine. I just sprained my ankle that’s all but Tiffany made it sound like such a big deal.” Taeyeon replied as she stares at her ankle. “Where’s Jessica?” She asked.

“Oh, she’s in her room. Probably sleeping again.” Yuri responded.

“Sleeping? Doesn’t she hate it when she’s all sweaty?”

“Oh, we took our shower in the locker room knowing it would take forever for all of us to shower back here.” Yuri replied as she lies down on her bed. “Didn’t you notice I was wearing a different outfit?” She asked Taeyeon back.

“Oh, I see.” Taeyeon said. “Wait, you guys took a shower…together?!” She asked causing Yuri to jump up on her bed.

“Ya! What are you thinking?” Yuri yelled and knocked Taeyeon’s head lightly. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” She demanded. “There are more than one shower stall in the locker room.”

Wow, what was I thinking asking that? Is it because Tiffany had just told me she was going to ‘help’ me shower? Taeyeon thought in her mind as she smiled nervously back at Yuri. “I wasn’t thinking dirty, it was just the way you said it.” She blamed Yuri.

“Ya Taeyeon. It’s still early, we should all go do something fun.” Yuri excitedly suggested. Taeyeon didn’t say anything and just stares at her ankle. It took Yuri another second to remember that Taeyeon had sprained her ankle. “Oh…I’m sorry.” She apologized.

“TaeTae, I’m done showering!” Tiffany shouted as she walks out from the bathroom to Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s side. “Now let me help you shower.” She added widening Yuri’s eyes who was just sitting there. “Oh, hey Yuri!” Tiffany smiled once she noticed that Yuri was also in the room.

“No wonder you asked if Jessica and I showered together. `Cause you guys were going to!” Yuri mumbled to Taeyeon’s ears. After hearing what Yuri had to say Taeyeon quickly shakes her head and hands denying it.

“What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked with a curious face seeing how Taeyeon shook her head. “Anyways, let me help you shower. You’re so smelly.” She said as she help Taeyeon gets up.

“You guys have fun. I’ll go check on Jessica.” Yuri stated then quickly went to Jessica’s side not wanting to see what Tiffany and Taeyeon were about to do.

“What are you doing?” Taeyeon asked as she struggles not to get pulled into the bathroom by Tiffany.

“What else?”

Chapter 21

“Just come in here.” Tiffany commanded pulling Taeyeon into the shower stall. “Lift up your_ Never mind, I’ll do it for you.” Tiffany said causing Taeyeon to widen her eyes and cover her body with her arms.

“Ya! Hwang Mi Young, stay back!” Taeyeon shouted. Tiffany rolled her eyes and walked towards Taeyeon. As Tiffany gets closer to her, Taeyeon just closed her eyes and tighten her grip on her own body.

“What are you doing?” Tiffany asked as she bends down and wrapped Taeyeon’s injured leg with a bag. Then she tightly taped around the bag sealing Taeyeon’s leg. “The nurse said you can’t wet your leg either so hopefully this should do.” Explained Tiffany.

“Huh?” Taeyeon let out reopening her eyes. “You meant lift up my leg?”

“What did you think I was telling you to lift up? Your shirt?” Tiffany shook her head in disbelief. “Ya! Kim Taeyeon, what kind of person do you think I am?!” She yelled. “I also put a chair in the shower stall for you in case you weren’t able to stand. Hmph!” She stated and made a face then left the bathroom.


While Taeyeon and Tiffany were in the shower, Yuri came to see Jessica in her room. When Yuri was in the room, she noticed that Jessica was sleep again. She shook her head and walked towards the bed.

“Look at you, sleeping peacefully already. And you were just crying so much earlier.” Yuri mumbled to herself and smiled at the sight of the sleeping beauty Jessica. I’ve never taken such a close-up glance her sleeping like this. Yuri thought as she continues to watch Jessica. Jessica ah, you are truly a sleeping beauty. Have you ever seen yourself sleep? You are so beautiful. Slowly she finds her hand reaching her Jessica’s hair, then brushing it gently. Suddenly Jessica made some movements causing Yuri to retract her hand quickly.

“Yuri, what are you doing here?” Jessica asked as she slowly opens her eyes.

“Uh…I…I.” Yuri stuttered trying to think of something to say. “I came to ask you what you want to eat.” She made up. But seeing Jessica looks like she’s not believing the excuse, Yuri added. “Since Taeyeon can’t walk, I was thinking maybe we should order something and ask them to deliver. So yeah, what do you want to eat so I can order?” Then she let out a nervous smile.

“Oh. Why don’t we just go down to the cafeteria and buy something back for all of us?” Jessica suggested.

“Yeah, I didn’t think of that.” Yuri said.

“Okay, just wake me up when we’re going.” Jessica stated then went back to sleep.

“Did she just went back to sleep?” Yuri mumbled to herself as she stares at Jessica, who’s sleeping soundly already. Just when she was about to turn around, Tiffany came in the room.

“Jessica’s asleep already?” Tiffany asked looking at Jessica. “Sleeping beauty will always be sleeping beauty.” Tiffany shook her head and sighs.

After Taeyeon finish showering the girls went down to the cafeteria to buy their dinner and brought it back to their dorm so they could eat together with Taeyeon.


Morning came and Taeyeon slowly stretches her arms out. She yawns then wipes her eyes with her hands. When she had finally opens her eyes while still lying on the bed, she noticed that Tiffany’s face was inches always from her, staring straight at her…as if she has been watching her sleep the whole time.

“Ya! You scared me! Don’t you know it’s scary to wake up and find someone’s face right next to their own?!” Taeyeon shouted as she jumps up on her bed from the fright. Then seeing all Tiffany does is smiling she rolled her eyes and looked around the room. “Where’s Yuri?” She finally asked.

“Yuri and Jessica are in class.” Tiffany replied still staring at Taeyeon’s face.

“Oh.” Taeyeon acknowledged. Then it finally hit her, “Wait. Then why aren’t you?” She asked.

“Because I have to take care of you since you can’t walk.” Tiffany responded with a smile then sat on Taeyeon’s bed. “Don’t worry, I’ve already ask Yuri and Jessica to take good notes so we can catch up.”

“Eh? Take care of me? You?” Taeyeon chuckled. “You just want to skip school and stay with me.”

“You’re only half right. You were right when you said that I wanted to stay with you but going to school or not doesn’t matter to me as long as I’m with you.” Tiffany smiled again.

Taeyeon shrugged at Tiffany’s statement. “Ya, you’re giving me goose bumps. Tiffany…” she hesitated. “Is it possible that you…like me?”

“I do!”

“Not as a friend, but as if you like me like me.” She restated her question.

“It’s very possible!” Tiffany responded but then she was afraid that it would freak Taeyeon out if she confesses to her right now. “But I don’t. Babo, what’s on your mind?” Tiffany added and knocked Taeyeon’s head lightly. If only you would ever know, Taeyeon. Tiffany thought as she sighs in her mind.

“What? It’s reasonable for me to think that. You have taken advantage of me before.” Taeyeon claimed glaring at Tiffany.

“Whatever. Hey are you hungry?” Tiffany asked. With Taeyeon nodding her head she added, “Let me get you some food from the cafeteria. I’ll be right back.”

After getting the food from the cafeteria, Tiffany headed back to the dorm. On her way back she bumped into someone that she did not wish to see at all.

“Hey Tiffany.” Junsu said. “Shouldn’t you be in class right now? And where’s your ‘girlfriend’ that you hang out with day and night?” He asked.

“Oh, Taeyeon sprained her ankle and did not to class today so I stayed with her too. Now I’m just buying her breakfast so we can eat together.” Tiffany forced out a smile on her face.

“I’m just kidding, Tiffany.” He chuckled confusing Tiffany as it shows on her face. “I’ve actually been over Taeyeon a few weeks ago. I was going to tell you guys that day when you bumped into me but you guys just walked off.” He explained. “So yeah, you guys don’t have to act anymore. I’ve known it all along.” He added.

“What?!” Tiffany asked. “So you mean, you don’t care about Taeyeon anymore?” She reaffirmed her beliefs. After Junsu nodded she thought to herself, Oh no. I can’t let Taeyeon know this. She’ll stop acting like a couple with me. “We weren’t acting. We’re really together. Anyways, I have to bring back our breakfast or else it’ll be cold. I’ll talk to you later, Junsu!” She bowed and greeted farewell then walks off. Hopefully we’ll never see you again so you won’t be able to tell Taeyeon about it.


So finally the school day was over. Jessica went into her room and Yuri went in hers. But as soon as Yuri opens the door, she saw Taeyeon sleeping on her own bed and Tiffany on

hers. Aish these lazy pigs. Yuri thought as she closes the door. After putting her bags and books down she went to Jessica’s side through the bathroom doors.

“What’s up?” Jessica asked when she saw Yuri came over. She was already lying on her bed only a minute after she got in the room.

“Taeyeon and Tiffany are sleeping over there so I didn’t want to disturb them.” Yuri responded. “On different beds though.” She added. Then there was a long silent between them. Neither had nothing to say to each other. “Jessica, do you know what melts ice?” Yuri asked breaking the silent.

“I don’t know, fire?” Jessica responded.

“Exactly! So I have a lighter right here, let me see if it could melt the ice in you.” Yuri declared as she sat down on Jessica’s bed with the lighter in her hand.

“Ya, what are you doing? Are you crazy?” Jessica questioned as she sat up on her bed. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous to play with fire?

“It might work, let’s try it.” Yuri suggested as she flicks the lighter on causing a little fire to appear.

“Ya! Kwon Yuri!”

As Yuri moves her hand towards Jessica, she showed a sign of pain and released the gas button on the lighter. “Ow!” She cried.

“Ya, are you okay? I told you not to play with fire.” Jessica lectured. Unknowingly she had held on to Yuri’s hand and rubs it gently. “Does it hurt?” She asked with a worried face and continues to rub Yuri’s hand.

Seeing Jessica’s worried face, Yuri couldn’t help but to smile. “I told you fire would work.” Yuri stated in her calm voice still smiling.

“Wait, did you just trick me?” Jessica questioned. Seeing the smile on Yuri’s face she knew she had been tricked. “Jerk!” She shouted then hits Yuri lightly on her shoulder.

“You’re already warming up to me. Am I that irresistible?” Yuri joked as she flings her hair.

“In your dreams.” Jessica said then kicked Yuri making her fall off the bed.

“Ya, that actually hurt.” Yuri whines as she rubs the back of her head.

“That’s what you get!” Jessica stated. “I’m going back to sleep.” With that she covered herself with the blanket. She didn’t really want to sleep, she just needed to cover up the smile that she couldn’t hold in any longer.

Since she couldn’t go back to her room, Yuri decided to take a nap on Tiffany’s bed.

Chapter 22

The next day, Taeyeon returned to classes again. Although she was limping along the way, Tiffany was always there to help her. Soon Taeyeon was able to recover fully.

Tennis practice was just over and the four girls returned to their dorms to shower. Tiffany was the last one to shower and thus finished last. Once she finished drying her hair, she quickly came over to Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked looking around the room then made a pout.

“Uh…” Yuri hesitated. “Taeyeonnie…went out with Sunny and Sooyoung.” She answered. “She didn’t tell you?”

“What?! She went out with Sunny and Sooyoung and didn’t even tell me?!” Tiffany grumbled with a frustrated face. Then she pulled out her phone and dialed Taeyeon’s number. “Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voicemail.” She dialed again and the same thing happened. “Ugh!” Tiffany grumbles again as she walks back to her room.


“That movie was so good!” Taeyeon remarked as the three of them walk out from the theater. “And Kang Dong Wan was so cute in it.” She smiled.

“Yeah the movie was really good.” Sunny agreed. “Hmm, I’m hungry do you guys want to eat something?” She asked.

“I do!” Sooyoung shouted in agreement. Both Taeyeon and Sunny laughed at Sooyoung and headed for a restaurant near by.

And as the three walk towards the restaurant, Taeyeon took out her phone and turn it back on. Once she saw the screen of her phone, her eyes widen and her jaw dropped. 52 missed calls?!?! 18 voicemails?!?! And 22 text messages?! What the heck? Was there an emergency? Wait…they’res all from Tiffany. Taeyeon thought as she looks through her phone. Then as she was about to read one of the text messages, her phone rang. It was no one other than Tiffany. “Hello?” Taeyeon answered.

“Ya! Kim Taeyeon! Where were you?! Why didn’t you pick up my phone calls?! Why didn’t you return my text?! Oh wait, your phone was off. Why was your phone off?! Why didn’t you tell me you were going out with Sunny and Sooyoung?! Are you trying to avoid me? Or hide from me?! Ya! Kim Taeyeon! Aren’t you going to answer me?!” Tiffany shouted from the other line. So loud that even the other pedestrians near by can hear. If Taeyeon hadn’t held her phone 3 inches from her ear, she might have gone deaf.

“Ya!” Taeyeon shouted back. “First of all, lower your voice! You’re about to make me go deaf!” Taeyeon stated. “Second of all, I couldn’t have answer you because you had your little monologue there, how am I suppose to answer you?! Third, I turned off my phone because I was in the theater thus I didn’t get any of your calls or texts. Anyways, I’m going to eat with Sunny and Sooyoung before we head home so I’m going to hang up now. And don’t you call back or else I swear you won’t be alive the next morning.” With that Taeyeon hung up without letting Tiffany say another word. She then turned to Sunny and Sooyoung and smiled shyly. “Sorry about that.”

“You guys are just like husband and wives.” Sunny joked.

“Don’t tease me, you know we’re just a fake couple.” Taeyeon responded. “She is so annoying sometimes.” She added.


“Ya!” Tiffany shouted in her phone but it was too late, Taeyeon had already hanged up. “Ugh!”

“Are you really going to wait for her?” Yuri asked as she sits on her bed reading a book.


Yuri shook her head. “What’s Jessica doing?” She asked.

“Sleeping.” Tiffany answered. “Ya, Yuri. Why are you so interested in Jessica? Do you like her?” She raised her eyebrows and questioned Yuri.

“What are you talking about?” Yuri replied acting dumb.

“You know what I’m talking about.” Tiffany smirked.

“What about you? Do you like Jessica?” Yuri asked and paid close attention to what Tiffany has to say.

“She is my best friend of course I do.” Tiffany replied.

“What do you think of her?”

“In what area?”

“Um…her looks? Her personality?”

“Well, you know. Jessica wasn’t nicknamed the sleeping beauty and the ice princess just because of her hobby and her personality. She is truly beautiful.” Tiffany described. “Never mind about me, what do YOU think of Jessica?” She questioned Yuri back. “I can tell by the way you look at her that you’re in love with her.”

Wow you’re so observant when it’s about other people’s business and not so much about yourself, just like Taeyeon. Yuri thought in her mind as she rolled her eyes at Tiffany. “What about you? I know you are in love with Taeyeon. In fact, the whole world knows it.” Yuri tried to change the subject.

“What? Is it wrong to love someone?” Tiffany responded then her mood drop as she added, “If only she was one of those people who knew.”

“It’s okay, Tiffany. She’ll figure it all out one day and you guys will be together.” Yuri encouraged Tiffany.

And so Yuri continued to read her book while Tiffany lay down on Taeyeon’s bed waiting for her to come home. Thirty minutes passed. When Yuri turned over to check on Tiffany, she had already fallen asleep. Yuri chuckled lightly. At that moment she thought of something then quietly get off her bed and went over to Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room.

Once she was over there, she saw Jessica sleeping on her bed again. “Jessica,” Yuri whispered next to Jessica’s ears. “Want to get some ice cream with me?” She asked quietly. Suddenly, Jessica sat up and surprised Yuri. Her eyes were still closed.

“Ice cream? What time is it?” Jessica asked as she slowly opens her eyes.

“It’s only 8.” Yuri replied. “And tomorrow is the weekend so we don’t have to worry about staying up late.” She added.

“Ok. Let me wash up a bit.” Jessica said as she gets off her bed and headed toward the bathroom.


After Yuri and Jessica had gotten their ice cream they sat at the table to enjoy their ice cream.

“Jessica ah, you need to start learning how to say hi people.” Yuri said as she licks her ice cream cone.

“I do.”

“No, you introduce yourself when you first meet someone and that’s about the only time when you say hi.” Yuri rebutted but Jessica was uninterested in listening to the lecture. “Let’s practice by saying ‘Hi Yuri.’. Come on say it.” Yuri commanded.


“You promised you would give me a chance to melt the ice. And this is the first lesson, now do it.” Yuri demanded. Jessica refused to do it by shaking her head.

“I’m a promise breaker.” She responded.

“If you don’t do it, I’m going to tell Tiffany that you’ve been secretly in love with her.” Yuri blackmailed Jessica and noticed how her eyes widen and slowly and unwillingly agree to Yuri’s demand.

“Hi, Yuri.” Jessica forced out in her cold and unwillingly tone.

Yuri rolled her eyes as she heard Jessica. “You better do it right.”

Even though she made a face, Jessica gave in and repeated, “Hi, Yuri” in a more friendly tone.

“Good. Now say ‘Hi, Yuri’ again with a sweet smile on your face.” Yuri directed.

“Ya! You don’t know what you’re asking for.” Jessica whined.

“I’ll buy you another ice cream cone.” Yuri added.


Yuri smiled seeing how easy it is to get Jessica to do something. “Then do it.”

Once again she made a face then finally did what Yuri asked for. “Hi, Yuri.” Jessica said with a sweet smile on her face. A smile that wouldn’t have happened in a million years if Yuri hadn’t bribed her for it.

Jessica’s sweet smile led Yuri in a wonder land as she smiled back to Jessica. Woah. Jessica just smiled…Jessica just smiled! To me! I will never forget this moment in my life. Yuri thought as she dazed out on Jessica’s smile.

“Ya. Yuri ah!” Jessica called as she waves her hand back and forth in front of Yuri’s dazed out face. “Snap out of it. I know I’m pretty but do you have to be so obvious?” She stated.

Finally, Yuri snapped out of it when she heard Jessica calling her. “You? Pretty? Keep dreaming.” Yuri said. “I was dazing off because of that cute boy that just walked by behind you.” She added, lying about what had gone off in her mind just a while ago.

“Eh?” Jessica turned around and saw no one. “Where?” She asked.

“He’s gone now.”

“Whatever. Aren’t you going to buy me another ice cream cone?” Jessica questioned as she finished off the cone that she had.

Chapter 23

And Yuri kept her promised and treats Jessica to another ice cream cone. They decided that it was already late and started to head home while Jessica eats her ice cream cone on the way home.

"So now that you can say such sweet and friendly greetings, you should say it more often." Yuri stated as she walks side by side with Jessica.

"Eh? You wish. I only did it because you blackmailed me." Jessica responded and licks her ice cream cone.

Yuri rolled her eyes at Jessica’s response. "Oh my gosh, Jessica! Look at that huge cucumber!" Yuri shouted and pointed to her left side.

"Ahhhh!" Jessica screamed and closed her eyes. "Don't get it near me!"

"Oh sorry, I was only kidding." Yuri chuckled then grabbed the ice cream cone from Jessica's hand while her eyes were closed.

"Ya! Kwon Yuri! How dare you trick me?!" Jessica yelled and chased after Yuri who stuck her tongue out to her. "Give me my ice cream back! YA!"

Yuri turned around and saw Jessica was only a few feet away from her looking furious. "Oh shoot." She breathed then continues to run. "Catch me if you can!" She yelled.

"Ah!" Jessica yelled.

By the time Yuri turned her head around, Jessica was already on the ground. "Jessica, what's wrong?!" She yelled and quickly runs back to Jessica. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yuri asked worriedly kneeled down at the same level as Jessica.

"You're not the only one who knows how you use trick." Jessica announced as she snatched the ice cream cone from Yuri’s hand and pushes the worried Yuri on the ground. Seeing Yuri's butt hit the floor, she sticks out her tongue and finishes her ice cream. Yuri didn't respond and only shows signs of pain. "Ya, Yuri. Don't play tricks on me again." Jessica said poking Yuri.

"I think I sprained my ankle. No, I think YOU sprained my ankle." Yuri replied as she tries to stand up. Unfortunately she wasn't able to but luckily Jessica caught Yuri in time. "And now I can't walk." She added staring at Jessica.

"Ya, I didn't mean to...I just wanted my ice cream back. It's your fault for tricking me...Fine, here. Let me carry you back." Jessica offered with a guilty face. Yuri didn't mind it at all and got on Jessica's back.

Ha! You think you can beat me at playing tricks? Yuri thought as she smirked at her smartness.


"Do you ever eat? You're so light." Jessica commented as she carries Yuri in the room.

"Ya, Yuri. What happened to you? Why are you on Jessica's back?" Tiffany, who was still in the room, asked when she saw Yuri and Jessica came in the room.

"Oh. Jessica just loves me a lot and offered me a piggy ride back here. Nothing is wrong with me, see?" Yuri claimed then hops off of Jessica's back and sat on her bed.

"OooOh. You tricked me again!!!" Jessica yelled pointed her index finger at Yuri who stuck her tongue out.

"Jessica, is that you?" Tiffany asked curiously and placed her hand on Jessica's forehead. "You're actually playing around with Yuri?"

Jessica stared at Tiffany's hand on her forehead then looked back at Yuri. "I wasn't playing around. She was just treating me to ice cream." Jessica replied and shoves Tiffany's hand off her forehead. "I'm going to sleep now." She said walking back to her room.

When Tiffany noticed Jessica had gone through the bathroom doors, she looked at Yuri. "Treating her to ice cream? And you tell me you don't like her?"

Tiffany refused to return to her room and fell asleep as she waits for Taeyeon to return. Yuri also fell asleep as it was getting late.

Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung actually decided to go to a noraebang (karaoke), thus returning later than expected. By the time she was in her room, Taeyeon saw Tiffany sleeping on her bed.

"Ya, Tiffany." Taeyeon whispered in Tiffany's ear as she pats her shoulder.

Tiffany yawned then slowly opens her eyes. "Taeyeon!" She said excitedly, almost shouting out loud.

"What are you doing on my bed?" Taeyeon asked in a lowly tone not wanting to wake Yuri up.

"Waiting for you of course since you told me not to call you back." Tiffany answered with a pout on her face.

"Eh?" Taeyeon shook her head in disbelief. "Well, I'm back now. So go back to your room and sleep." She demanded.



"Ya, why are you acting like this?" Taeyeon asked as she eats her breakfast sitting across from Tiffany. Besides her was Yuri and Jessica was across from Yuri. "I just went out with my friends. Do I need to report everything to you?" She questioned with much annoyance.

"I...I was just...worried." Tiffany replied trying to hide her jealousy towards Sunny. "I'm sorry, ok?" She smiled nervously trying to make up for what she did.

Taeyeon shook her head. "Always smiling. I don't know if I should consider that a good

thing or not." She remarked at the smiling Tiffany.

"Ya. You better watch yourself. I might be the only good thing that will happen in your life. And once you lose me, you will regret everything you have and haven’t done to me." Tiffany responded with much confidence and smirked. Taeyeon, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes at Tiffany carried on with her breakfast. "Well, I need to use the restroom, so I'll be back in a bit." Tiffany said with a smile then stood up.

After a while a group of random guys approached their table.

"So where's your little girlfriend?" A random guy mocked Taeyeon as he and a group of other guys walked pass Taeyeon.

"Shut up." She replied.

"Yeah, aren't you guys together twenty four seven? Day AND night?" Another boy from the group mocked Taeyeon and laughed with the rest of the group.

"I said shut up already." Taeyeon affirmed with anger in her tone. Ugh, these boys are so immature. And it's all Tiffany's fault for causing so much drama in my freshman year. Taeyeon thought.

"Why, aren't we saying the truth?"

Jessica was about to stand up and give the guy a slap across the face when Yuri held her back shaking her head. "Taeyeon, are you just going to let them talk like that?" Jessica asked with a yelling tone towards Taeyeon but Taeyeon didn't say anything. Jessica felt

mad that the very person that Tiffany loves so much is not doing anything about the situation, even if they were talking about Tiffany.

"And who are you? Her other girlfriend?" Another guy joked and laughed away at Jessica's face.

This time, Yuri had put up with all the remarks and softly said. "Ok, that's it." It was so soft that no one actually understood what she said until she stood up and splashed her glass of milk into the guy's face, the one that made fun of Jessica. "You GIRLS better learn how respect other people." She raised her voice screaming directly into the guy's face. She was mad. She was really mad. The glare that she gave that boy probably left a huge mark in his life since he just stood there and swallowed hard then ran away. The tension grew and all eyes were on Yuri.

"You! You better watch yourself." Another guy from the group warned pointing his finger at Yuri. Then they all turn around and left.

"That's what you get for making fun of my Jes_" Yuri paused, "my friends." She corrected herself. Once she turned around, she noticed that both Jessica and Taeyeon were staring at her. "What?" She asked innocently with a nervous smile then sat back down at the table.

"You were...great." Taeyeon said still staring at Yuri in disbelief of what she has just seen.

"Yeah..." Jessica agreed.

"Hey, I'm back!" Tiffany excitedly shouted then sat down across from Taeyeon. Seeing

how unexcited the girls look, Tiffany questioned. "What's wrong? Did something happen while I was away?"

"Nothing." Jessica replied. "I'm going back to the dorm now. I can't stand the sight of someone, right now." She left the cold remark then left.

"Jessica!" Tiffany called but did not get a respond. "What happened?"

"I'm going back to my room too." Taeyeon stated then stood up from the table and headed back to the dorm.

"Can someone tell me what just happened?" Tiffany questioned looking back and forth at Taeyeon who was leaving and Yuri.

"It's nothing. Come on. Let's go back too, Tiffany." Yuri suggested then grabbed Tiffany's hand and the two headed back to the dorm.

Tiffany decided that maybe it wasn't the right time to ask and kept her quiet. So everyone went back to their room, even Tiffany. She knew it’s not the best time to bother Taeyeon, especially after what she did last night, so she stayed in her room with Jessica.

Chapter 24

“Ya, Yuri ah. I didn’t know you had that in you.” Taeyeon commented when Yuri arrives in their room.

“I just felt annoyed.” Yuri responded then sat on her bed.

“It seems like that wasn’t the case. You were mad because they made fun of Jessica, right?” Taeyeon asked though she knew that she was right.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s so obvious. You like Jessica. I can see it.”

Again, so clear about other people’s business when you’re so blind to your own. Yuri thought as she remembers her conversation with Tiffany last night. “You’re wrong.” She denied.

“Whatever, you know it’s true.” Taeyeon asserted. “Speaking of Jessica, what’s with her today? She never seemed to care about anything but did you see her getting all emotional? And what she said before she left?” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“Well, you should consider the fact that those guys were making fun of Tiffany, her best friend.” Yuri reasoned though she knows that Jessica sees Tiffany as more than just a best friend.

“But what does that have to do with me? I’m not her best friend.” Taeyeon raised her voice.

Yuri just shook her head at Taeyeon. “I still don’t get why you’re so heartless to Tiffany. She’s such a sweet girl.”

“Sweet? 52 missed calls, 18 voicemails, and 22 text messages? You call that, sweet?” Taeyeon questioned.

“Well, she’s a bit impatient and impulsive, that’s all.” Yuri rebutted still trying to defend Tiffany.

“You will never know how I feel, Yuri.” Taeyeon said as she lies down her bed, feeling defeated by Yuri’s stubbornness.

“And you will never know how she feels.” Yuri mumbled then she lies down and took out her phone. “How are feeling?” Yuri typed then sent the message. After a while of lying on her bed waiting, her phone vibrated signaling that she has received a new text message. She read it to herself, “Fine.” Yuri rolled her eyes at the response.

“Can’t you give me a better response than that?”

“Ok, how about, I am fine?”

“Ya, Ice Princess. Can’t you_” Yuri was typing the message when she received another one that says. “Actually, I am not fine. I was scared by your action early.” Reading the

message in her mind, she chuckled a bit and wrote back another message. “If I hadn’t done anything, I’m sure you would have done something worse. Am I right?”


“Did you tell Tiffany what happened?”

“No. She didn’t ask. She’s just lying on her bed playing with her laptop. I would have been sleeping if someone hadn’t text me.”

“Hehe, sorry. Hey, Jessica. I’m bored, what do you recommend that I do?”

“I don’t know, sleep? And dream of me? That should be fun.”

“No wonder you sleep all the time. It’s so you can dream of me, right?”

“In your dreams. So yeah, you should go dream of me dreaming of you, so I can sleep too.”


“Ya, Jessica. Why are giggling over there?” Tiffany asked staring at Jessica from her bed.

“I wasn’t giggling. You must be schizophrenic.” Jessica responded denying the fact that she has been giggling while texting with Yuri.

“Whatever. Aren’t you usually asleep, at this time?” Tiffany asked again. This time she was smarter and slowly walks over to Jessica’s bed. She noticed that Jessica’s phone was vibrating next to her pillow, and before Jessica could grab it, Tiffany quickly snatched it away from her. “Ah…you and Yuri are texting each other. No wonder.” Tiffany asserted and looks through the texts that were exchanged between Yuri and Jessica.

“Ya! Give me my phone back!” Jessica shouted and got up from her bed trying to snatch the phone back from Tiffany.

“Oh, you guys are planning on dreaming of each other? How sweet.” Tiffany teased as she continues to read the texts. “Ya, Jessica. You never talk to me like that, and I’m your best friend. I’m jealous.” She stated still trying to keep Jessica away from her phone. “When did you guys start? How come I didn’t know about this?”

“None of your business. Ya! Give me back my phone!” Jessica shouted and chased Tiffany around the room trying to get her phone back. She heard the phone vibrated again.

“Jessica ah, do you want to go to the movies tonight? Just me and you?” Tiffany read the text messages out loud. “Yes, I would love you.” Tiffany wrote back in Jessica’s name.

“YA! I didn’t agree!”

“It’s great Jessica. You’re going to have a new friend, a girlfriend.” Tiffany teased Jessica again “You know you’d agree anyways if it wasn’t because of me.”

“That’s it. I’m getting my phone back.” Jessica stated then pretty much jumped Tiffany. Once Tiffany was down on the floor, Jessica grabbed her phone out of Tiffany’s hand. By

that time, Yuri had already responded. “Great, I’ll see you tonight then.” Jessica let out a sigh and stared at Tiffany. “It’s all your fault.”

“You’ll thank me later.” Tiffany smiled. “And that hurt, Jessica. I didn’t know you can get so violent.” She stated and wipes her butt from the fall. Hmm, Jessica has changed now. She actually cares about someone’s text. She usually ignores them unless if they were from me. But even if they were from me, she’ll only respond with short and specific message. Whatever, I’m glad she’s changing for the good. Tiffany thought as she looks over to her best friend looking troubled about the date later tonight.


So again, the four of them including Sunny and Sooyoung joined in for dinner in the cafeteria. Jessica completely ignored Taeyeon as she still holds grudge against her. But it’s not like Taeyeon cared about Jessica anyways. She was caught up between talking to Sunny and being bothered by Tiffany.

“Jessica, we’ll go after we finish dinner, ok?” Yuri said while sitting across from Jessica.

“Where are you guys going?” Sooyoung asked. “Will there be food involved?” She added while stuffing herself with food.

“We’re just going to the movies.” Yuri replied with a forced smile. Obviously she did not want to be interrupted by Sooyoung.

“I like going to the movies. There’s going to be popcorn. Can I join you guys?” Sooyoung excitedly asked.

“Uh…”Yuri hesitated looking back to Jessica with a puzzled look.

“How about me, you, Taeyeon, and Sunny get some ice cream instead?” Tiffany suggested trying to help Yuri out. “I’m sure you would like ice cream, more right?”

“Yeah! Let’s go get ice cream then.” Sooyoung quickly replied in excitement.

Yuri showed sign of relief causing Jessica to giggle in her mind. After 30 more minutes of eating the groups began to part in front of the cafeteria.

“Yuri and Jessica, you guys have fun.” Tiffany said giving Jessica a wink.

As they were about to part, a voice suddenly shouted “Yuri unnie!” catching Yuri’s attention. When Yuri turned around, she found herself hugged tightly by another girl. “Yuri unnie! I missed you so much!” The girl claimed. All eyes were on them, especially Jessica who was standing next to Yuri. After a while the girl lets go of Yuri and finally Yuri was able to identify who it was. The girl was extremely pretty, even prettier than a flower.

“Yoona?” Yuri asked in surprised to who is in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Yoona questioned.

“Of course, I am.” Yuri responded. “But answer me, what are you doing here?”

“I got transfer here! I missed unnie so much that I had to transfer here to be able to go to the same school as unnie.” She replied with a smile on her face. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Of course, I am!” Yuri excitedly responded to the news that just came to her.

“Oh, hey Taeyeon unnie!” Yoona turned around and greeted Taeyeon with a smile.

“Oh hey, Yoona. How have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while.” Taeyeon replied.

“I have been good, unnie.” Yoona answered. “Yuri unnie, you have to show me around! Let’s go!” she demanded and swings Yuri’s arm back and forth.

“Uh…I_” Yuri hesitated again looking at Jessica.

“Come on let’s go.” Yoona said and dragged Yuri unwillingly along. “Bye all the unnies!”

“Ya, Yoona. Calm down.” Yuri asserted then turns her head back to Jessica. “Jessica, I’m sorry. We’ll go to the movies another time, okay?” She was only able to say that before Yoona dragged her off. “And sorry you guys, I’ll introduce her to you all later.” She apologized for Yoona’s rudeness.

“Then you should come with us, Jessica.” Sooyoung invited.

“No, I think I’ll head back to the dorm.” Jessica replied feeling a bit of disappointment as she looks towards Yuri and a girl that’s supposedly “Yoona”. “Tiffany, don’t forget to get

me a cone when you head back.” She added, not wanting to miss out on the food, even though she doesn’t feel very happy.

“Um, ok.” Tiffany replied.

I wonder who that is to Yuri. Jessica thought as she heads back towards her room.

Chapter 25

Morning came and Tiffany with Jessica and Taeyeon were found eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Yuri was nowhere in sight.

“Where’s Yuri?” Tiffany asked seeing how Jessica didn’t seem right.

“Yuri and Yoona went to the theme park together this morning.” Taeyeon replied.

“Theme park? That early?”

“Yeah. They used to always be together before moving to Seoul.” Taeyeon explained.

“I’m going back to read now.” Jessica declared and stood up right after she finished eating her bowl of cereal. Whether she really wanted to go back to her room to read was unknown, though it was obvious that when Yoona was mentioned her mood was even worse.

After Jessica had gotten out of the cafeteria, Tiffany turned to Taeyeon and asked. “Ya, so who’s this Yoona?”

“Eh? Why do you care?”

“Can’t you see? Yoona totally interrupted Yuri and Jessica’s date last night.” Tiffany responded. “So who is she to Yuri?”

Taeyeon chuckled, Now Yuri is going to know how I feel when interrupted when she wants to be with someone else. “She’s Yuri’s cousin.”

“Oh…it’s just her cousin.” Tiffany showed signs of relief. “Hey, how about we join Yuri and Yoona at the theme park?” She excitedly suggested smiling her way out.


“Please?” Tiffany pouted.

“Don’t you still have homework to do?” Taeyeon asked avoiding Tiffany’s pout.

“No, I finished it while waiting for you the other night.” Tiffany replied with an excited smile still on her face.

“Hey, what are you guys up to?” Sunny’s voice was suddenly heard.

“Oh hey, Sunny, hey Sooyoung! You guys want to go to the theme park?” Taeyeon asked with a smile when she saw Sunny and Sooyoung.

“Yeah! I’d love to.” Sunny replied with a smile though she noticed that Tiffany didn’t look happy at all. Actually she was pretty disappointed that Taeyeon had just told her “no” but when Sunny came, it was a different story.

*** Well, as expected, Sunny was Taeyeon’s riding partner during their time at the theme park. Sooyoung and Jessica were riding partners since they always try to sneak off to eat while Tiffany was the only loner. She had to watch Taeyeon being happy with Sunny next to her while riding behind them with a stranger.

“Taeyeon unnie!” Yoona’s voice was heard catching Taeyeon’s attention.

“Oh, Yoona! Yuri!” Taeyeon shouted back. “You guys having fun?”

“Yeah, definitely! Right, Yuri unnie?” Yoona responded happily as she looks back at Yuri.

“Yeah.” Yuri responded. “When did you guys get here?” She asked as her eyes catch Jessica standing next to Sooyoung. “Hey, Jessica.” She said but Jessica only gave Yuri a slight nod.

“We just came about an hour ago.” Taeyeon replied.

When suddenly Sooyoung screamed. “Mandoo (dumplings?)!!! Jessica let’s get some!” Then she dragged Jessica along with her.

Yuri seems like she was about to say something…or held Jessica back but hesitated when Jessica didn’t even give Yuri any eye contact. She was then get pulled by Yoona excitedly pointed to a rollercoaster.

“Yuri unnie! Let’s go on that one!” Yoona shouted.

“Oh, that ride was very fun! Last time we were here, Taeyeon and I rode it twice!” Tiffany excitedly responded then remembers how fun she was when she was with Taeyeon.

Yup, as expected Tiffany was left with a stranger again while Yuri, Yoona, Taeyeon, and Sunny had their riding partners. And since Sooyoung and Jessica were always together off in their food paradise, Yuri and Jessica never had a chance to talk to each other. Even if they hadn’t gone off, Yoona was always with Yuri and thus, Yuri never had a chance to talk to her either ways. After staying there for the entire afternoon, the girls headed back.


“Jessica, am I that annoying?” Tiffany asked while lying on her bed in the room with Jessica. “Or else why does Taeyeon always tell me that.” She pouted.

“You can be.” Jessica responded truthfully. “But I dislike the way she’s talking to you like that. I’m sure anyone can find a better way to handle the situation.” She added with anger in her tone.

“Should I just give up on her?” Tiffany asked out of the blue as she sat back up on her bed. “My patience is running low. She doesn’t seem like she’s getting any of my hints. And all she ever does is hurt me. Do you know how much tears and pains I’ve kept inside of me?” She exclaimed and slowly her voice cracked as drops of tears slips down her cheeks.

Seeing Tiffany crying because of Taeyeon, Jessica wasn’t able to stay still. She quickly gets up from her bed then sat down next to Tiffany and lets Tiffany’s head onto her shoulder while wrapping her arms around Tiffany’s shoulder. “I know. I know how painful it is to see the person you love so oblivious to your love for them.” Jessica sympathized. I know this because that is how I feel every moment you’re with her. Don’t you know how much it hurts me as well? Jessica thought as she continues to console Tiffany.

“Don’t you know how jealous I am of you and Yuri? You guys are so cute with each other. Why can’t that happens between me and Taeyeon as well? Why?” Tiffany continued to cry on Jessica’s shoulder.

“Tiffany…” Jessica paused. “It’s okay. You will find happiness one day. And remember, you can always count on me.” She said.

After a while of crying on Jessica’s shoulder, Tiffany agrees to stop crying and went to bed. Jessica too headed for bed though she wasn’t able to sleep. She too wanted to cry

like Tiffany but she can’t show Tiffany her tears. Kwon Yuri, you’re a promise breaker just like I am. You said you’ll always be there when I need you, but where are you now? Are you with Yoona? Is she more important to you than I am? Jessica thought as she slowly pulls out her phone and typed up a message. “Yuri, meet me in the cafeteria as soon as possible.” But Jessica hesitated then closed her phone without sending the text. I shouldn’t bother their precious time together. Jessica thought then pulled the blanket over her head.


Unfortunately for Yuri and Jessica, Yoona also stays on the same floor as them, meaning their classes are pretty much the same. Throughout the school day, Yuri was busy with Yoona around her. Jessica took notice of everything and unknowingly avoided any possible eye contact from Yuri. Finally, it was time for tennis practice. However, Yoona wasn’t interested in tennis and joined the dance club instead.

“Jessica, I’m sorry I couldn’t go to the movies with you last night.” Yuri apologized as she hits the ball to Jessica.

“It’s fine. It wasn’t me who wanted to go anyways. It was Tiffany being naughty and replied to your texts.” Jessica replied coldly to Yuri and returns the ball.

“Oh.” Was all that came out of Yuri’s mouth. Wait, so it was Tiffany the whole time? Not Jessica? Yuri thought with much disappointment in her heart. “Would you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?” Yuri tried again.

“I’m sure Yoona will like it better if you take her instead.” Jessica replied coldly.

Did Jessica just deny my invitation to FOOD? Wait, could it that she’s jealous? Yuri thought. Jessica is jealous of Yoona? She smiled. “Ah, yes. Yoona would like it.” Yuri replied.

“Then take her instead! Why bother asking me?!” Jessica exclaimed and slammed her racket against the ball, almost hitting Yuri. Although she knew she had almost injured Yuri, she ignored it and left the court.

Yuri smiled confirming her beliefs that Jessica is indeed jealous. Noticed that Jessica left the court, she quickly chases after her. “Jessica!”

“What else do you want?”

“You didn’t let me finish my sentence.” Yuri shouted. “Yoona would like it but I didn’t say that I would, did I?” She added causing Jessica to stop walking away. Yuri let out a smile and quickly rushes to Jessica’s side. “I would prefer it much more to have dinner with you instead.” She said.

“And why would you?” Jessica asked with a hint of a smile on her face.

“Because I can bribe you with food in exchange for anything since you’re so easy to trick.” Yuri joked.

“Ya! You’re a jerk!” Jessica exclaimed then starts hitting Yuri’s shoulder.

Even though Jessica’s hitting her, all Yuri felt was happiness. She grabs Jessica’s hand and pulled her for a hug. “Ya, and you’re an ice princess…that’s been melted by the great Kwon Yuri.” She whispered to Jessica’s ears and continued to hug her.

Chapter 26

When Yuri hugged her, Jessica felt the need to hug Yuri back. And for that little moment she felt a bit of warmth and joy that hasn’t felt for so long. But something stopped her, “Yuri…” she hesitated then lets go of the hug. “I don’t think I’m ready yet.” She revealed.

“Why, what’s wrong?” Yuri asked.

“I think I still like Tiffany…” She paused while staring into Yuri’s eyes as they’re filled with tears. “You have to understand. I need to confirm my feelings, Yuri ah.” She asserted still looking directly into Yuri’s eyes. “I need confirm that I’m not just using you as a rebound and that I do in fact like you. Please wait for me.” She continued. Is it too much to ask? I know I’m being very selfish but I don’t want to lose you nor do I want to hurt you. Please Yuri, please understand me. Jessica thought.

Yuri didn’t want to show Jessica her tears and quickly swallows them back in to her heart. She forced out a smile and replied to Jessica, “I will wait for you. And even if your answer is not of what I desired, I will continue to wait until I can win over your heart. Jessica, I will wait for you.”

“But I’m hungry now.” Jessica joked trying to change the subject. “Are you still treating me to dinner?”

“Who said I was treating you? I was just asking if you wanted to come along.” Yuri replied as the two began to head back to the tennis court. Seeing Jessica grumbles, Yuri gave in to Jessica demand though she knows that it will only be like ripping her own wallet.


“So who exactly is Yoona?” Jessica asked shyly as Yuri and her wait for their food to arrive.

Yuri chuckled then asked Jessica back, “Are you jealous of Yoona?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Either way, you got jealous at the wrong person. Yoona is my cousin. Don’t you think we look alike?” Yuri explained as she sees Jessica’s mood lightened. “And unlike you, I’m straightforwardly telling you right now that I don’t like it when you’re with Sooyoung.” She admitted. “I have confident when it comes to rivaling against Tiffany but

knowing you so well, I don’t have any confident if I’m rivaling against an equally food lover.”

“Turning into Tiffany now, eh?” Jessica smirked. “Sooyoung is nice. She doesn’t ask anything of me. She doesn’t trick me. She doesn’t bother me. She just wants me to eat with her.” She replied listing all the nice characteristics of Sooyoung using the fingers of her hands.

“But the thing is you like being tricked, you like to be bothered and most important, you like it when I’m the one tricking and bothering you.” Yuri claimed with a sense of arrogance.

“In your dreams.” Jessica replied and chuckled. “Oh, food is here!” She excitedly welcomed the food that’s being brought to the table.


Although Tiffany had tried her best to keep her mouth shut, she failed miserably. The second she sees Taeyeon, her whole body is filled with excitement as if Taeyeon is like some caffeine substance.

“Taeyeon, Taeyeon ah! There’s a bug!” Tiffany screamed then ran to Taeyeon and jumped on her bed.

“Then go back to your room!” Taeyeon demanded ignoring the screaming Tiffany and carried on with her laptop. “I’m playing a game don’t bother me.” She added.

Tiffany made a face in disappointment and slowly switches to Yuri’s bed, not dare to step on the floor. Being bored, she turned on the TV and starts to watch her favorite drama, With All My Heart (made up). “Oh my gosh, why are you so dumb?!” She yelled at the TV screen. “She obviously likes you, can’t you see that after all the things that she’s done for you?! You will regret it.”

“YA! Can’t you watch that dumb drama in your own room?” Taeyeon shouted feeling annoyed by Tiffany’s shouting.

“I don’t want to be by myself over there.” Tiffany replied with a pout. But seeing how annoyed Taeyeon looked, she added, “I can’t because the bug is right there,” She pointed to the floor.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes then stood up and grabbed a broom from the bathroom. She then came out and chased the cockroach out of the room. “There, now you can leave.” She stated then sat back on her bed.

Feeling defeated, Tiffany head back to her room with a disappointed feeling. It wasn’t the first time though she still hasn’t been able to get used to it. After lying on her bed for a while, she heard the door unlocks. “Oh you’re home? How was your date with Yuri?” Tiffany asked seeing Jessica enters the room.

“We ate.” She replied not wanting to disclose any other ideas to Tiffany’s mind. “Did you get kicked back again?” She asked seeing how Tiffany was lying on her bed in a bad mood. After seeing Tiffany nodded, she continued. “Then why don’t you just give up already?”

“I want to, Jessica. But I can’t. I don’t know why I always find myself running to her.” Tiffany replied with a sigh. “If only the person I like is Yuri.” She said surprising Jessica. “Look how nice and patient she is with you. If I were you, I’d agree to be with her already.” She added.

“She is…a very good girl.” Jessica mumbled to herself in agreement.


“Where’s Tiffany? I would think that she’d be over here at this time.” Yuri asked as she enters the room.

“I just told her to go back to her room since she was bothering me. Seriously she needs to stop bothering me before I go off on her even though I promised not to yell at her.” Taeyeon exclaimed.

Yuri shook her head at Taeyeon. “You think being mean to her is a good tactics? Ok, even if you succeed by doing so, don’t you think she’ll be hurt?” She lectured then went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas.

“What about me? Do I deserve to be bothered to death?” Taeyeon reasoned knowing Yuri had already gone in the bathroom.


The next day went as usual though Yuri and Jessica seems to be together a lot more. After school ended, the girls changed into the athletic clothes and head to the tennis court

for their tennis practice. Before practice even starts, Tiffany had already seen Taeyeon and Sunny walking together. Not wanting to get left behind, Tiffany quickly rushes to Taeyeon’s side.

“Hey guys!” Tiffany greeted.

“Hey, Tiffany.” Sunny greeted back with a smile when Taeyeon didn’t even give her eye contact. “Oh Tiffany, I heard you also watch that drama With All My Heart. Do you like it?” She asked.

“Yeah, I like it, except for one character. I hate that girl named Sun Kyu. She’s always bothering the two main characters. It annoys me so much. She just doesn’t know when to stop bothering them. And interfere with the two main characters. I dislike her so much.” Tiffany exclaimed staring directly at Sunny.

“Ya, Tiffany! What are you trying to say?” Taeyeon raised her voice, sounding almost like yelling.

“Nothing. I’m just telling her how I hate that girl.” Tiffany responded then rolled her eyes.

“Apologize to her!”

“You! You promised not to yell at me!” Tiffany exclaimed. “And it’s all because of her?!” She added pointing her finger at Sunny.

“Ya, Taeyeon. I don’t think Tiffany is trying to be mean.” Sunny said trying to sooth Taeyeon down. “Right, Tiffany?”

“I don’t need your fake acting!” Tiffany yelled then ran off.

“Ya!” Taeyeon screamed but Tiffany continued to run away. “That girl needs to learn some manners.”

Tiffany had ran off to a tennis court and started to vent her anger on the tennis balls. After a while later, the coach came and gets the players started on their practice. Taeyeon and Tiffany were to play against Sunny and Sooyoung, and Yuri and Jessica were to play with Sunye and Sunmi. The whole time they were playing, Tiffany did not say anything to anyone. The only time she would say anything is when she was keeping score or if she was calling for the ball.

“Wait!” Sooyoung shouted after they had just finished a game. “Can I use the restroom? I’ll be back in a bit.” She said then rushed off to find a restroom.

While Sooyoung went to the bathroom, Taeyeon went to talk to Sunny at the net while Tiffany stayed back at the baseline. Still mad, Tiffany avoided every possible contact from both Sunny and Taeyeon. While just standing there by herself, she turns to watch the game that was happening behind her. It was Yuri and Jessica versus Sunye and Sunmi. Distracted by something, Sunmi was off when serving causing the ball to go beyond the short fence separating Tiffany from them. Tiffany noticed that the ball was heading for Taeyeon and quickly ran towards it.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany shouted then turned her back towards the ball, thinking that it would hurt her less. Finally the ball that was going 75 miles per hour hit her back.

“Sorry!” Sunmi shouted from the other court, though no one could really hear her from such distance.

“What?” Taeyeon asked in annoyance not realizing that Tiffany had just saved her.

“Nothing.” Tiffany replied forcing out a smile to hide the pain.

“Sooyoung is back, let’s continue.” Taeyeon said then walk back into position.

Not wanting to let anyone knows her pain, Tiffany swallowed it down and went back to the baseline. It is now her turn to serve. Taeyeon was in front of her at the net, and on the other side, Sunny was at the net while Sooyoung was back at the baseline ready to receive Tiffany’s serve. Showing signs of pain, Tiffany threw the ball in the air and pulled her racket back ready to swing at the ball. However, before she could hit the ball a strong feeling of pain attacking her back causing her to miss the ball completely.

“Ah!” A loud voice screamed.

“Sunny!” Taeyeon’s shouted then rushed to Sunny. “Are you okay?”

Chapter 27

Tiffany was surprised to hear Sunny’s scream and quickly turns to her direction. It seems like a tennis ball had hit Sunny’s face as she is down on the floor with hands over her nose. Tiffany did not know what has just happened since she had bend down when she felt the pain on her back. She knew it wasn’t her since her racket didn’t touch the ball. Still with the pain in her back, Tiffany rushed over to the Sunny at the net. But before she could get there, Taeyeon had turned around and gave her the most hatred glare she ever given and it stunned Tiffany. A glare that stayed deep in Tiffany’s heart.

“Are you happy now?! Your aim was right on.” Taeyeon scolded. “How immature are you?”

“What are you talking about?” Tiffany asked clueless of what was going on.

“Don’t try to pull this off with this act. I know you did it on purpose.” Taeyeon stated still giving Tiffany the worst look ever. “I know how well your serve is and no matter how bad it is, it would never go to the opposite side. Which means, you hit Sunny on purpose!” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“I didn’t!” Tiffany denied.

“You think by hurting Sunny, I would treat you better? You’re wrong!” Taeyeon yelled ignoring the fact that Tiffany had just denied the accusation. “I like being with Sunny because she’s not an immature little girl that clings to me day and night like you!” She yelled again.

“Do you really…think so…?” Tiffany asked as her voice cracks and tears fill her pair of eyes. “Is that all I am to you? Is it?” She asked again with drops of tears roll down her cheeks.

“Yes! Don’t you know how annoying you are? Always meddling into my business. And do you know how much I hated that?” Taeyeon stated.

“Am I that annoying? Do you…hate me?” Tiffany asked as her teary eyes looked at Taeyeon with hopes that she will not answer the question.

“YES! I hate you! I hate you Hwang Mi Young!”

Those words hit Tiffany hard. It felt like her heart was about to burst into million of pieces. The tears from her eyes couldn’t stop falling out and dripped from her chin. She swallowed and forced herself into forming another sentence. “If you hate me that much then let’s break up.” She said.

“Break up?” Taeyeon chuckled sarcastically. “I’ve been wanting to ever since we started this whole fake couple thing. And you know what? I saw Junsu with his new girlfriend yesterday. So THANK YOU!”

“Kim Taeyeon, I hate you!” Tiffany yelled then stormed out of the tennis court with her hand wiping the tears off her eyes. Why? Why did I fall in love you so that you can hurt me like this? What did I ever do to deserve this?

“Tiffany!” Jessica shouted and quickly followed Tiffany.

After Tiffany ran off, Taeyeon turned back to Sunny. “Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding.” Taeyeon said worriedly. “Let me take you to the nurse. I can’t believe she did this to you.”

With no where to vent her anger, Tiffany put it on painful back and legs and ran as fast as she had ever ran. But no matter how fast she ran or how long she ran, the pain in her heart could not stop as in shows in the non-stop amount of tears that dripped from her eyes. Finally with no strength left, Tiffany returned to her dorm.

“Tiffany!” Jessica pants grasping for air from running after Tiffany.

Once Tiffany sees Jessica, she quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly. “Jessica…” she cried.

“It’s okay, everything will be okay. I’m here.” Jessica said consoling Tiffany as she pats Tiffany’s back.

“Jessica, why does it hurt so much? Why do people say that being in love makes people happy? Why do they lie like that? Being in love is so painful. All I ever feel is sadness and disappointment.” Tiffany continued to cry on Jessica’s shoulder. Her tears just won’t stop. The words that had came out from Taeyeon’s mouth earlier had left a mark deep in Tiffany’s heart.

“They didn’t lie, Tiffany ah. They’re just missing the other half of it. Love can bring you all the joy in the world as well as all the despair you can imagine. But don’t worry Tiffany ah, you will definitely find happiness one day. May it be with her or someone

else.” Jessica counseled and continued to console Tiffany. As she pats Tiffany’s back she turned around and noticed that Yuri had been standing outside the door watching them. She looked at Yuri with guilt in her eyes. Yuri only showed her a forced smile as she lowered her head and went into her room. She wanted to say something, or even hold her back but she wasn’t able to. A part her wishes to run after Yuri and tell her not to misunderstand the situation and a part of her wishes to stay right where she was, comforting Tiffany.


After taking Sunny back to her dorm, Taeyeon went back to her room. When she opens the door, she finds Yuri lying on her bed staring off into space. She seems to be in full of thoughts.

“What are you doing there?” Taeyeon asked as she sits down on her bed. Yuri did not reply. “Ya, Yuri. Are you okay?”

“Don’t you know how much you’ve hurt her?” Yuri finally responded to Taeyeon. “Do you know how much pain she is in right now because you?!” She added raising her tone and looked at Taeyeon.

“If she hadn’t been so immature, I wouldn’t have_”

“Don’t you know that she likes you? No, she doesn’t like you. She loves you, Taeyeon!” Yuri exclaimed. “How can you not see that?”

“She what? What do you mean she loves me?” Taeyeon questioned Yuri, clueless of

what was going on.

“Tiffany…she loves you.” Yuri revealed. “Why else would someone get so jealous so easily seeing you with another girl? Why else would someone wish to stay with someone they’ve just known for a few months day and night? Why else would someone stay up all night waiting for you to come home?” She asked with anger at her best friend who is so oblivious to Tiffany’s feelings.

“Wha…what?” Taeyeon stuttered. “Even if she does, you shouldn’t expect me to like her back. I don’t like her like that.” She rebutted. “Besides, she’s one hyperactive girl. She’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“I can’t believe I have a friend like you.” Yuri exclaimed then left the room.



“I need some time by myself, Jessica.” Tiffany said sitting down on her bed. Tiffany had just stopped crying not long as her eyes are still puffy. She needed some times to be alone, some times to forget about the incident.

Jessica knew Tiffany need time and agrees to leave her alone. As she stares out the window, she could see Yuri sitting at bench in the courtyard. Yuri, she must be hurting. I need to talk to her. She thought then left the room and quickly rushes down to the courtyard. Once she there, she saw Yuri sitting there by herself with her head down.

She needs some time, I know. She had already told me and I am willing to wait. But why does it hurt when I see her consoling Tiffany? Yuri thought as she sat there on the bench.

“Yuri ah…” Jessica said in a lowly tone as she sat down next to Yuri. She then turns her head and face Yuri. Noticing that Yuri’s cheeks were wet she figured that Yuri must have cried. She slowly uses her hand to wipe away the remaining droplets of tears on Yuri’s face. Unknowingly, her own tears had formed and dripped down her cheeks onto Yuri’s hand. Yuri, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you. Jessica thought and continues to let her tears form drop by drop.

The second Yuri felt Jessica’ tears on her hand, she lifted her head and looked at Jessica. She noticed that Jessica is crying in front of her. “Jessica…just cry. Cry to me. Leave all your pain on my shoulder.” She stated as she pulls Jessica in for a hug. Jessica is hurt again. I don’t wish to see her like this. I feel so useless seeing her crying because of Tiffany. What should I do? What can I do? Jessica ah, it must hurt you a lot to see Tiffany in so much pain, right? Yuri thought. “Jessica ah, do you want to eat? I’ll treat you to any restaurant you want.” She offered hoping that it would distract Jessica’s pain.

However, Jessica shook her head. “No. I don’t want anything other than being in your arms right now.” She said and hugged Yuri even tighter.

Yuri was surprised by Jessica’s word but continued to hug her. After a little while, both Yuri and Jessica release the hug. “Do you want to eat now?” Yuri asked again.

“No.” Jessica shook her head. “I want to stay here with you a bit longer.” She said as she wraps her left arm around Yuri’s right arm then leaned her head onto Yuri’s shoulder. “Do you know that there are stars that are so far from earth that even if it stopped

glowing at this moment, we wouldn’t be able to notice it till a few centuries later or so?” She asked staring at the night sky above them. “Do you think that we will be together long enough to notice that a star has disappeared?”

Yuri looked at Jessica, unsure if she’s getting the right message that Jessica is trying to give her. After seeing Jessica smile at her, she knew that her beliefs are correct. “No.” She replied causing Jessica’s smile to fade into a frown. “We won’t just take notice of one star disappearing but many of them. And we will also see the new ones glow.” She added lifting Jessica’s smile again. And they continued to sit there looking at the stars until a strange noise was heard. Yuri knew exactly what it was and looked at Jessica who was biting her lips. It was no other than Jessica’s stomach growling. She chuckled then asked, “Ya, are you ready to go eat now?” Jessica quickly nodded and the two of them headed to a nearby restaurant to eat since it was already too late for the school cafeteria to be opened.

Chapter 28

“Ya, Taeyeon wake up.”

“Tiffany, go wake Yuri up first.” Taeyeon growled and pulls the blanket over her head.

“What are you talking about? I am up. Get up before you’re late.” Yuri stated and shakes Taeyeon’s body.

“Yuri?” Taeyeon asked and slowly opens her eyes.

“Of course it’s me. You think Tiffany would come here and wake you up like everyday after what you did to her yesterday?” Yuri responded rolling her eyes at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon didn’t say anything then went to the bathroom to get ready. When she was in the bathroom, she saw Tiffany brushing her teeth. Tiffany continued to brush her teeth as if she did not see Taeyeon at all. After she finished, she left the bathroom as if no one was there.

“Eh? Trying to play it cool?” Taeyeon muttered then went continued to wash up.


“Tiffany, didn’t you hurt your back yesterday? Does it still hurt?” Jessica asked but Tiffany did not answer. She seems blanked out. “Tiffany!” She shouted. “Tiffany, you’re scaring me. Are you ok?”

“I’m fine.” Tiffany replied, still with a blank expression.

“Let me see your back, is it ok?” Jessica asked but Tiffany didn’t reply. She walks around Tiffany to her back and slowly lifts up her shirt. “Oh my gosh, Tiffany. Are you sure you’re okay? There’s a big bruise there. Does it not hurt?” She exclaimed as she stares at the tennis ball size bruise on Tiffany’s back.

“I’ve already experienced the worst pain there is, that is nothing compared to it.” Tiffany replied then pulls herself away from Jessica.

“Tiffany, don’t scare me.” Jessica said worriedly.

“What’s wrong?” Yuri poked in from the bathroom door.

“She’s scaring me.” Jessica responded pointing to Tiffany.

“I’m fine. Really. Let’s just go to the class.” Tiffany stated then head for the door.

“Just let her be for a while.” Yuri suggested and pats Jessica’s shoulder.

Through out the day, Tiffany stayed quiet as in the morning. She did not make a sound. She did not smile. She did not cry. She was like a body without a soul. She managed to follow her classmates to class accordingly and that was about it. Jessica and Yuri tried to talk to her but failed miserably.

After the final bell rings, the announcement came on. “Attention all outdoor sport players, today’s practice has been canceled due to the rain. Indoor sport players will have their practice as usual.” With that being said, the girls went back to their dorm instead of dressing out for tennis practice.

“Tiffany, you haven’t eaten all day. Come on, let’s eat with me.” Jessica stated shaking Tiffany’s arm.

“I’m not hungry. You and Yuri go ahead.” Tiffany replied sitting on her bed hugging her legs. She has been sitting like that ever since she was back from school, not moving a muscle. Her head was down, her face was blanked, her eyes dazed out.

“At least drink some water, please?” Jessica begs handing Tiffany a glass of water. Seeing that Jessica is worried, Tiffany took the glass of water. “Well, Yuri and I will get something to eat. If you need anything call us, okay?” After seeing Tiffany nodded slightly, Jessica went out the room and met Yuri at the stairs. They then walk down to the cafeteria together.


Once Jessica and Yuri were down the cafeteria, they noticed that Taeyeon and Sunny were eating dinner together with Sooyoung. It seems like the ball hit Sunny really hard since there is a big bruise on Sunny’s nose. Taeyeon noticed Jessica and Yuri entered the cafeteria but did not say anything and continued her conversation with Sunny.

“I can’t believe her. She’s acting like nothing has happened.” Jessica stated. “Doesn’t she know how much she has hurt Tiffany? I need to talk some sense in to her!”

“Jessica!” Yuri called as Jessica walked over to Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung.

“I can’t believe you’re just sitting here like as if nothing has happened. Can’t you tell that you’ve hurt her? Can’t you see how you’ve faded the everyday smile on her face?” Jessica scolded staring straight into Taeyeon’s face.

“Ya!” Taeyeon yelled. “Why are you guys all blaming me? It wasn’t like I wasn’t been patient with her. I put up with so much of it already. And yesterday was when I can’t put it with it anymore.” She reasoned. “Just because she likes me doesn’t mean I have to like her back!”

“You!” Jessica yelled.

“Jessica!” Yuri held her back. “Come on let’s go. Just leave her.” She said and dragged Jessica away from Taeyeon. She didn’t want to cause too much of a scene since Taeyeon is still her friend.


The next few days were even worse. Tiffany still refused to eat. Although Jessica had tried many ways to get her to eat, she was not successful at all. She has tried to talk to her, beg her, feed her, and even threaten to stop eating but they were no use. Tiffany remained still on the bed as a few days back. She did not attend class. She did not go to tennis practice. She sat there and continued to sit there. She is now very pale.

Tonight again, Tiffany stayed still in the same position while Jessica was lying on her bed. As much as she tries to sleep, with Tiffany acting like that it wasn’t easy for her. Suddenly some music was heard. It sounded like it had came from the bathroom.

“Mianhae Mianhae Mianhae…”

Hearing the song played, Tiffany was reminded of how Taeyeon used to sang the song to her.


“Tiffany ah…uh…” Taeyeon hesitated as she notices that Tiffany didn’t even look at her. Then she thought of the new Zia’s I’m sorry I love you song she has just heard and starts to sing a line from it. “Mianhae (I’m sorry) Mianhae Mianhae…” Still Tiffany was uninterested. She decided to recite it again. “Mianhae Mianhae Mianhae…” This time she noticed that Tiffany had turned around.

Taeyeon you dork. Tiffany thought as she turns around to hide the smile on her face.

“Ya…Fany ah.” Taeyeon whines trying to act cute. “Ok, I’ll say it. I’m sorry. You’re happy? I’m sorry that I didn’t realized how I ignored everyone else when I’m with Sunny. And I’m sorry that I yelled at you. I’m really sorry, okay? Would you forgive me?” Taeyeon finally apologized. Then she heard Tiffany giggled and turned Tiffany’s body around. “Oh! You were playing around with me!” she acts mad.

“It’s not my fault you’re such a dork Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany smiled.

***End of Flashback***

The Tiffany that had been sitting on her bed motionless started to sobs. Tears formed and rolled down her cheeks as she thought of Taeyeon. “Kim Taeyeon, why are you so heartless?” She cried.

“Ya, Tiffany. Are you okay?” Jessica asked and quickly rushes over to Tiffany’s side. She began wiping her tears away but there were just too much. They kept coming out non-stop. “Tiffany ah…”

“Jessica!” Tiffany cried even louder then hugged Jessica. “Did you hear the song? Taeyeon once apologized to me singing that song. Do you know how happy I was? I thought that she really cared about me then. I really did. But now it hurts so much, Jessica ah. Those words that came out from her mouth are like thousand of needles stabbing at my heart. Why did I receive so much pain? Was it wrong to love her? Why didn’t she believe my words? Jessica ah, how can I get rid of this pain? It hurts a lot. It hurts more than anything in this world.”

“Just cry it all out. Just let it all out. It will be easier if you let everything off your chest. I will always be here for you whenever you need me to.” Jessica consoled and continued to hug Tiffany. After a few seconds, she noticed that Tiffany did not say anything and lets go of the hug. “Tiffany! Tiffany! Don’t scare me! Say something! Tiffany! Tiffany! Come on, don’t do this to me! Wake up!” She shouted as she shakes Tiffany’s body hoping it would wake her up.

Suddenly the door bursts open. “What happened?!” Taeyeon asked. The music that Tiffany heard actually came from Taeyeon’s phone as a ringtone since she was in the

bathroom. So she had been standing in the bathroom the whole time and overheard their conversation.

“She fainted!” Jessica exclaimed. “Call the ambulance!”


Tiffany had been taking by the ambulance to the closest hospital. She is now in the emergency room while Jessica Yuri and Taeyeon are outside waiting.

“Are you happy now?” Jessica yelled but Taeyeon did say anything. She just stood there patiently waiting for any news of Tiffany.

After waiting patiently for thirty minutes, the doctor finally came out. “Who’s here is Tiffany’s family member?” He asked.

“Both her parents are in the States, but I’m her best friend.” Jessica responded. “Is she okay?”

“She hasn’t been eating nor sleeping for a couple of days so her body was basically worn out. We have injected an amount of glucose in her body so she should be fine now. She just needs to rest for a couple of days and eat regularly. I highly suggested that she stays in the hospital during those days so we can keep an eye on her.” The doctor answered.

“Can we see her, now?” Yuri asked.

“She is asleep so I suggest that you do not interrupt her sleep since she hasn’t been sleeping for a while. But once she is awake you are welcome to see her then.” The doctor replied.

“Thank you, Sir.” Jessica thanked and bowed to the doctor as he walks off to treat another patient.

Chapter 29

After filling out some paperwork, Taeyeon, Yuri, and Jessica walked to the room where Tiffany will be resting for the new couple of days. They didn’t want to interrupt Tiffany’s sleep so they stood outside and watch her through the glass window.

Tiffany…she really loves me that much? Enough that she has done this to herself? Taeyeon thought as she watches Tiffany through the glass window. I’m sorry, I did not know that. I didn’t know that I had such an impact on you. And I’m sorry that I…can’t return your love. I am a bad person, don’t love me anymore. She felt somewhat guilty and regretful for what she has done. “I’m going back now.” She said then left the hospital.

Jessica did not want to leave Tiffany alone so she decided to stay here with her. With Jessica staying, Yuri had no choice but to stay with her as well, though she wanted to stay with Tiffany either ways. After a few hours of sitting on the bench outside Tiffany’s room waiting for morning, Jessica was found sleeping on Yuri’s shoulder. Soon Yuri too, fell asleep and leaned her head on Jessica’s.

Morning finally arrived and of course it was Yuri who woke up first while Jessica was still sleeping on her shoulder comfortably. Yuri had a good amount of time watching Jessica sleeping before she finds herself awake on Yuri’s shoulder.

“Finally awake?” Yuri teased with a smile.

“Your shoulder was comfortable that’s why I stayed in for a bit longer.” Jessica replied then slowly lifts her head from Yuri’s shoulder.

As they sat on the bench looking through the glass window of Tiffany’s room, they noticed some movement. After a few more seconds, they saw Tiffany’s eyes slowly opens. And so together they went in the room to check on Tiffany.

“Tiffany, are you okay now?” Jessica asked as she sits on the bed.

“I’m fine now.” Tiffany replied and showed them something that they hadn’t seen for the past few days, her smile. After looking around, Tiffany said, “I remember hearing Taeyeon’s voice.”

Jessica looked at Yuri then back at Tiffany. “She was with us when we took you in but left after the doctor treated you.” She replied though hesitated.

“Well, at least I know that she doesn’t hate me.” Tiffany stated.

“Tiffany you_”

“No, Jessica.” Tiffany interrupted. “I’m fine now, really. During the time that I was resting here, I’ve thought it over. I thought about how I still have you and Yuri by my side. I thought about my life and my future. And after all that thinking, I’ve decided that I won’t hurt myself any longer over this. I can’t let you guys worry about me.” She stated looking at Jessica with seriousness. “I’m really fine.” She added with a smile.


Jessica and Yuri had called the school to let them know that they won’t be attending school today since they had to take care of Tiffany. Even without them, Taeyeon went to school as normal. After the final bell rang, Taeyeon, Sunny, and Sooyoung walked to tennis practice as usual.

“Taeyeon!” A voice shouted catching Taeyeon’s attention. When she turned around she found Sunmi running towards her.

“What is it?” Taeyeon asked. Although they are on the team together, they rarely talked thus, it surprised her when Sunmi called out her name.

“I wanted to talk to you about something…” She paused. “I’m sorry but last time, it was actually me who accidentally hit Sunny.” She continued lowering her head. “I have been worried about my grades therefore I wasn’t able to concentrate that day and missed the

serve badly. I know I should have been more careful after the first one but it came unexpected. I’m really sorry for causing so much trouble.”

“What do you mean by the first one? There was a second one?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Oh, I guessed you didn’t see it. I had another bad serve when you guys were taking a break. I almost hit you but I saw Tiffany rushed over and used her back to block it from getting to you. I thought you would have noticed since I remember hitting that serve really hard.” Sunmi explained scratching her head because she was feeling so guilty.

“She did what?” Surprised from Sunmi’s words, Taeyeon asked with a raised tone.

“I was going to tell you that day but you guys left before I could have. And the following days I was not able to make it to tennis practice and thus I wasn’t able to tell you till today.” Sunmi stated.

“But Sunny must have seen it_”

“Actually,” Sunny interrupted. “I didn’t really see where the ball had come from since I was distracted by Sungmin oppa’s game on the men’s court.” Sunny shyly disclosed.

“Why didn’t you tell me? That means…I’ve wrongly accused Tiffany.” Taeyeon realized.


After the staying with Tiffany for an entire day, Jessica and Yuri returned to school the next day leaving Tiffany at the hospital. Though they left her there during the day, they

would always return after tennis practice was over. And they continued to do that till the 4th day, which was when Tiffany was discharged from the hospital.

Tiffany is fine now. She’s eating regularly like usual and smiles as usual though not as much. And since she was fine, she decided that she should come back to class on this very morning. Waking up as early as usually, she went in the bathroom to get ready. While brushing her teeth the door from Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s side swing opened.

“Yuri, are you in here?” Taeyeon asked as she sticks her head in the door…only to find Tiffany there. “Oh, sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Tiffany replied then carried on with brushing her teeth. She didn’t know how she should act in front of Taeyeon anymore and so she decided that it would be best if she keeps her mouth shut. She quickly finish brushing her teeth then turned to Taeyeon, “If you need to use the bathroom, I’m done.” She said then turns back around towards her room.

“Ya, Tiffany.” Taeyeon hesitated. When Tiffany turned back around she continued. “I’m…I’m sorry for accusing you the other day. And I…don’t really hate you. I was just being impulsive that day…”

Tiffany was surprised by Taeyeon’s word but just smiled and replied “It’s fine. I’m sure I was pretty annoying to you as well. So I’m also sorry.”

“Uh…no problem?”

“We’re still friends, right?” Tiffany asked, again with her usual smile then sticks her hand out waiting for a handshake.

“Yeah, definitely…” Taeyeon responded then shook Tiffany’s hand though it was quite awkward after all that has happened.

“Well then, see you around.” Tiffany bid farewell to Taeyeon then went back to her room.

“See you around?” Taeyeon mumbled to herself after Tiffany had left the bathroom. How could she act so normal again after what she’s been through? But ‘see you around’? This is the first time I’ve felt so distanced from her ever since the first week of school.


“Sica ah, wake up already!” Tiffany nagged as she shakes Jessica’s body back and forth.

“I haven’t had a goodnight sleep for so many days because of you! Let me sleep in a bit more. Or best if I just skip school today.” Jessica groans pushing Tiffany aside.

“Ya! Maybe I should get Yuri to wake you up. I’m sure she has a cucumber somewhere in her room.” Tiffany stated then chuckled evilly.

“What’s wrong? Jessica’s not awake yet?” Yuri poked in out of the blue from the bathroom door. “Let me try,” Yuri said then walks over to Jessica’s bed. “But you have to turn away though.” She added staring at Tiffany who was carefully watching her.

“Why?” Tiffany asked. But after seeing Yuri’s glare, she gave in. “Fine.” She replied then turned away.

Confirmed that Tiffany has looked away, Yuri slowly lowers her head getting closer to Jessica’s face. Once again, Yuri turned around to confirm that Tiffany is indeed looking away. After reconfirming herself, she turned back to Jessica and whispers to her ears. “Ya, if you wake up right now I’ll give you a special treat tonight.”

“What special treat?” Jessica asked back popping her eyes open to see Yuri so close to her face.

“A cucumber sandwich.” Yuri chuckled then pulled herself up from being so close to Jessica. “Come on, get up already.” She demanded and pulled Jessica up.

“Wow, you’re so good. Want to give me some tips?” Tiffany asked as she stares at Jessica who’s wide awake.

“Kwon Yuri, you’re a jerk.” Jessica stated then went to the bathroom to wash up.

“It’s a secret, I can’t tell you.” Yuri replied then smiled at Tiffany.

“Whatever. I don’t want to know what’s going on with you guys anyways…” Tiffany stated then rolled her eyes.

Chapter 30

Well, it has been a good two weeks since Taeyeon and Tiffany apologized to each other in the bathroom. Everything, well most of everything went back to normal. They all went to school, then tennis practice, then ate, and sleep. The only difference is that, Tiffany was no longer Taeyeon’s double partner due to the argument that took place two weeks ago. The coach had commanded that Taeyeon and Tiffany play singles now when Sunye and Sunmi play doubles. Another difference is that Tiffany and Taeyeon were stopped seeing around together like they used to be. Everyone knew that they had “broken up.”

With those changes Taeyeon and Tiffany had separated into two different friend groups. Taeyeon continued to be with Sunny and Sooyoung while Tiffany had Jessica. Yoona and her roommate Seohyun, occasionally switch back and forth between Taeyeon’s group and Tiffany’s group because of Yuri. Taeyeon is still Yuri’s close friend and roommate so it was logical that she would be with her group. As for Tiffany’s group, of course it was because Yuri is now Tiffany’s close friends, and not just because of Jessica or so she claims.

But whether it was because of guilt, curiosity, or other causes, it seems like Taeyeon had take numerous glances at Tiffany. To her, it felt very different since Tiffany used to be by her side twenty four seven for the past couple of months and now they barely talk to each other. It took her a while to get used to it as it shows her typical day life.

***A few days ago***

Today was a Saturday and Yuri seems like she wasn’t in the room. Taeyeon however was still lying on her bed since it was only about 8:30, too early for a student to wake up on a Saturday. After a while, Taeyeon slowly wipes her eyes and sat up on her bed. Then as she pulls the blanket off herself, she noticed her pajamas were of Hello Kitty.

“Omo, I can’t let Tiffany rush in her and see me in this. She’ll laugh at me for the rest of the day like last time_” Taeyeon mumbled to herself when it dawn on her. “Oh wait, Tiffany no longer walk pass that bathroom doors.”

***Another Day***

While playing games on her laptop, Taeyeon suddenly yelled out “Tiffany ah, can you get me something to drink?” She must be so into the game that she didn’t know that no one was actually in the room. As she continued to play the game for another few minutes, she paused and looks up to find no one was in the room. “It would have very embarrassing if she heard me.” Taeyeon mumbled then continued wit her game again.


Tennis practice was just called over by the coaches and all the players began to pack up. Tiffany quickly joins Yuri and Jessica after she finished putting all her stuff. As they started to head back home, Tiffany noticed some guy was running towards them.

“Hey! You’re Tiffany, right?” The guy asked.

“Aren’t you our number one men player?” Yuri asked recognizing him.

Nodding his head the guy introduced himself “I’m Donghae by the way.” Then stick his hand out to Tiffany waiting for a handshake.

“Hi! Yes, I’m Tiffany.” Tiffany replied with enthusiasm then shook his hand.

“Um…I know this is sudden but…” Donghae suddenly started to trembles and stuttered in his own words. “I wanted to ask if you and your friends want to join my friend and I for a dinner tonight.”

“Dinner? Hmm…what do you guys think?” Tiffany asked turning to Jessica and Yuri.

“I’ll go if there’s food.” Jessica replied with a grin.

“I guess I’ll join too.” Yuri added.

“Ok…um. So I’ll see you girls at the school gate at 7, ok?” Donghae asked. “Well my friend is waiting for me, so I’ll see you later.” He said then left to catch up with his friend.


“Where are you going?” Taeyeon asked seeing Yuri was getting ready while sitting on her bed trying to do an assignment from school.

“Dinner. This Donghae guy asked Tiffany and us to join him and his friend for dinner.” Yuri responded while staring at the mirror trying to put on her make up.

“Donghae? Our number one men player?”

“Yeah, him. He’s good at playing tennis and he’s cute. I think he has something for Tiffany.” Yuri said still fixing herself up using the mirror. “But you wouldn’t care, would you?” She added.

“Why do you always have to bring that up?” Taeyeon petitioned and showed signs of annoyance. “Well you guys have fun then.” She added then went back to her assignments.


“Oh, I forgot to introduce. This is my friend, Changmin.” Donghae said while sitting down at the table with Tiffany, Yuri, Jessica and his friend, Changmin.

“Uh, hello.” He greeted shyly.

“And this is Tiffany.” Donghae said pointing to Tiffany. After introducing Tiffany, Donghae scratches his head looking at Jessica and Yuri.

Believes that Donghae doesn’t actually know their name, Yuri introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Yuri. And this is_”

“I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you both.” She interrupted then introduced herself with a smile. Soon after that she felt her phone vibrated. She just got a text from Yuri. Why did I have

to bribe you for that smile before? She read the text to herself then looks at Yuri who was sitting next to her. She smiled then texted Yuri back.

Because you’ve already melt the ice in me. Yuri read the text and rolled her eyes. Me, or the guy in front of you? He has been staring at you ever since we sat down. And so have you. Yuri typed up the text and sent it to Jessica.

“Ya, what are you guys doing? Texting each other now, eh?” Tiffany asked noticing Yuri’s and Jessica’s odd behaviors.

“No, I’m texting Yoona.” Yuri replied then turned to Jessica when she added “She wants to spend time with me.” Causing Jessica to roll her eyes at Yuri.

“Hi, I’m Wenting.” A waitress interrupted. “I’ll be your waitress for tonight. May I take your orders?” she asked standing next to their table with a writing pad then carefully taking down all the food that are being ordered. “Your orders will be right out in just a moment.” She smiled then rushes back to the kitchen with the orders.

“So Tiffany, you’re from the States?” Donghae asked looking at Tiffany who’s in front of him.

“Yeah, can you tell by my accent?” Tiffany replied smiling shyly at her bad Hangul. “A lot of people make fun of my accent.” She added.

“Really? No…I think it’s cute.” Donghae remarked and smiled back at Tiffany.

“See, Jessica? He said my accent is cute.”


“Tiffany, are you always this outgoing to people you’ve just met?” Seeing how Tiffany acts in front of him, Donghae asked.

“I like talking to people.” She replied with her smiley eyes.

“Your friends must feel great to have you as a friend then.” Donghae complimented only to find Jessica’s sarcasm to follow.

“Imagine her always smiling and talkative to you twenty four seven. I wouldn’t think it’s a great thing.”

“Hey…” Tiffany whines.

“Hey, we’re planning on going to the movies after this. Would you girls like to join us?” Changmin asked, after seating there quietly for a while. Although he addressed the question to the girls, he was looking directly Jessica when asking the question.

“Yeah, I’d love to!” Tiffany excitedly responded. Obviously the hyperactive Tiffany is back though she might not be as hyper as used to.

“Yeah, I’ll join you guys too.” Jessica said.

After their food came out they ate and carried on with their conversation as they eat. Donghae continued to talk to Tiffany and she is willing to keep him company. Jessica

was actually participating in most of the conversation, especially those with Changmin. Yuri was the only one that wasn’t talking much and only watched over Jessica’s and Changmin’s conversation. Finally they finished their food and headed out of the restaurant.

“Actually, I think I’m not going to the movies.” Yuri stated once they were outside of the restaurant. Then looking at Jessica she added, “Yoona wants me to hang out with her.”

“Aww well, tell Yoona I said hi.” Tiffany said waving goodbye to Yuri.

“Bye guys. Have fun.” Yuri waved then started to head home.

Yoona actually never said anything about wanting Yuri to hang out with her. In fact, Yuri never got any text message from Yoona at all. She just didn’t want to see Jessica and Changmin together. And after walking for five minutes, she found herself at a park nearby the school. As she was about to sit down on a bench she heard someone’s voice.

“Kwon Yuri, you are a jerk.” To her surprise, when Yuri turned around she saw Jessica there with hands on her waist.

“I thought you’re going to the movies with Changmin and them?” Yuri asked.

Jessica rolled her eyes as she walks closer to Yuri. “If you don’t want me here, I can go back.” She said.

“Then go back.”

“Fine.” Jessica responded then turned back around.

“Ya!” Yuri shouted. “But I want you here…with me.” She added.

Jessica turned around and shook her head. “I don’t want to be here…” She said. “I want to be home.”

Yuri smiled then responded with “Fine, let’s go home.”

“You need to stop getting jealous over so little things.” Jessica stated on their way home. “And you said you wanted me to be more social. How can I be if you get jealous over anyone I talk to?”

“Who told you I was jealous? Jealous of what? Why should I be jealous?” Yuri denied by asking Jessica back.


As they continue to walk home, they saw a couple walking together holding each other’s hands. Yuri bit her lips then looked at Jessica. She was sure Jessica saw the couple too, but would it too sudden if I held her hand? Yuri thought. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then slowly moves her right hand towards Jessica’s left hand. She paused for a bit, reassuring her decision. Then she took another deep breath before sliding her fingers between Jessica’s. After getting a firm grip on Jessica’s hand, Yuri closed her eyes waiting for any sudden or dramatic reaction to hit her. But there wasn’t anything like that. Yuri opened her eyes and found Jessica lowered her head with a smile on her face.

Seeing Jessica smiled, Yuri knew she Jessica also felt the same way. She smiled then continued to walk back to their dorm hand-in-hand with Jessica.

Chapter 31

Yuri and Jessica were walking home from the park hand-in-hand when they ran into a little bit of a problem. What should they do when they arrive in front of Jessica’s door? They stood in front of the door, unsure of what they should do or say each other.

“Uh…” Both hesitated. “You go first then_” Again, they said it at the same time and just smiled shyly. An awkward moment of silent begins again.

“Do you…want to come in?” Jessica hesitated but asked shyly. “I mean, since Tiffany won’t be home until a while…you can play with me. I mean, you keep me company. I mean_” Oh great Jessica. You’ve said all the wrong things to say. Jessica thought wanting to slap herself.

“Uh…sure?” Yuri replied.

“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

“I do!” Yuri exclaimed. “I mean I don’t want to bother Taeyeon doing her homework over there. It would be great if I can stay in yours for a little while.” She pulled it off.

“Ok…” Jessica responded. They stood there for another ten seconds without doing anything. “Yuri ah…”


“You have to release my hand…I can’t get the keys in my left pocket.” Jessica said softly staring at her hand. After she heard what Jessica said, Yuri released her hand and Jessica was able to get the keys to open the door. Finally the door was open and the two went in then close the door behind them.

Jessica sat down on her bed and Yuri sat next to her. They had a little moment of silent since neither knew what to say.

“Let’s watch TV.” Jessica suggested breaking their moment of silent. Once the TV screen fully loaded it was playing the movie Titanic. And the worse timing of all, it was the scene where Jack and Rose were kissing each other on the car. When Yuri and Jessica saw the screen, their eyes widen as they turned to each other. “Let’s not watch TV now.” Jessica said and quickly turned it of.

“Jessica ah…” Yuri called softy.

“Huh?” Jessica asked softly then turned to face Yuri. Her face was very close to Yuri’s and they stood in that position for the next ten seconds without saying anything.

“Do you want your special treat, now?” Yuri whispered breaking the silent.

“What special treat?”

“A kiss.” Yuri replied as she moves closer to Jessica’s face.

Hearing Yuri’s words, Jessica’s eyes widen. She was about to give in when, “Wait.” She said interrupting the moment.


“What if Tiffany gets home and sees us?” Jessica responded.

“The movie will take a while. Even if it didn’t…look, she forgot her keys. We’ll be ok.”


Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone knocked on the door. It wasn’t on the doors of Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room but was actually Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room. Taeyeon was still doing her assignment when she heard the knock. She wondered who it is but stood up to open the door. Once she opened the door, she finds standing outside was…Tiffany.

“Tiffany…?” Taeyeon asked in surprised.

Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon then shyly said, “I forgot my keys and Jessica is probably sleeping so can I go through your bathroom doors?”

“Oh. Yeah, go ahead.” Taeyeon replied.

“Thanks.” Tiffany thanked then enters the room. As she headed for the bathroom door, she heard Taeyeon’s voice and turned around.

“Tiffany.” Taeyeon called. Tiffany turned around and had a questionable look on her face.

“What is it?”

“I haven’t talked to you in a while, just wondering how you’ve been.” Taeyeon stated.

“Oh, I have been very good.” Tiffany replied with her signature smile. “What about you?” She asked.

“I’ve been good.” Taeyeon replied. “I heard you guys were going to dinner with Donghae, how was it?”

“It was fun actually. Donghae was a fun guy. I had a lot of fun talking to him.” Tiffany said.

“Wait, so why was Jessica home earlier?”

“Oh. We were planning on going to the movies, Yuri and Jessica didn’t want to come with us so they left early. But since there was some accident near the theatre, the traffic was horrible, so we decided to go home.” Tiffany explained.

“I see I see.” Taeyeon acknowledged. “Well, we haven’t talked to each other for a while…maybe we can have dinner together sometimes…like in the cafeteria or something.” She suggested though reluctantly.

“Um…yeah that sounds good.” Tiffany responded. “Donghae wants to go to noraebang (karaoke) tomorrow, if you guys want to join us.”

“Yeah?” Taeyeon asked. “Ok, just let me know when.” She added.

“Yeah definitely.” Tiffany said then smiled again. “Well, I’ll go back to my room now, bye TaeTa_” She paused. “Taeyeon.” Correcting herself she smiled then walked through the door. After she opens the door on her side of the room, she saw Yuri and Jessica sitting on Jessica’s bed. They seem like they’re about to do something. “Ya, what are you guys doing?” Tiffany asked making Yuri and Jessica jump up in surprise.

“Tiffany…what are you doing back so early?” Yuri asked nervously as she stands up from Jessica’s bed. “And why did you go through that door?”

“Don’t try to change the subject, what were you guys doing?” Tiffany asked again shifting her eyebrows looking back and forth at Yuri and Jessica.

“Nothing.” Jessica responded denying any ideas.

“Whatever.” Tiffany rolled her eyes knowing exactly what they were about to do. “Oh and Donghae wants to go to noraebang tomorrow.” She announced as she lies down on her bed.

“Yeah? Will Changmin be there?” Jessica asked trying to stir some jealousy in Yuri’s mind. Just as she expect, Yuri quickly gave her a deadly glare after she asked the question.

“I’m assuming so since they’re best friends.”

“Then I guess I’ll be bringing Yoona and her roommate too.” Yuri stated with a smirk on her face. “I’m going back to my room now, tell me more about it later.” She said then starts to head towards the bathroom doors.

“I’ll walk her back to her room.” Jessica stated then quickly follows Yuri in the bathroom and closed the door behind them.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at Jessica. “Walk her? It’s only a couple of steps away. You’re so obvious.” She mumbled to herself then chuckled at the sight.

After Jessica closed the bathroom doors, she grabbed and pulled Yuri’s hand making Yuri turn around facing her. Once she pulled Yuri in closer to her body, she placed both of her hands behind Yuri’s ears and pulled her head in closer to her own. Right then was when she planted a light kiss on Yuri’s lips. Seeing how Yuri blushed, Jessica let out a smile and said “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”

“And do you know how you can make me look even cuter?” Yuri asked. “Kiss me again.”

“You’re too greedy.” Jessica stated then starts to the turn around to head back to her room.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Yuri said then pulled Jessica back towards her. After pulling Jessica’s body into her embrace Yuri reaches for Jessica’s lips. First she started with a light touch on Jessica’s lips, then begins to press their lips together as she felt Jessica’s hands around her neck pulling her in. Soon, they were making out while embracing each other in the bathroom. After a long passionate kiss, they lets go of each other. Both blushed and refused to look at each other feeling embarrassed.

“I’m going back to my room now.” Jessica said then rushed out of the bathroom leaving Yuri standing there smiling.


“Ya, I want to sing So Nyeo Shi Dae!” Exclaimed Tiffany excitedly with my microphone in her hand.

Just as planned, Tiffany, Yuri, and Jessica joined Donghae and Changmin at noraebang along with Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung.

“Let me choose that song for you then.” Donghae stated then smiled sweetly at Tiffany. Soon Tiffany begins to sing “Don't make fun of me because I'm young.” After Tiffany finished everyone applauded especially Donghae. “Taeyeon sings really well, here sing Taeyeon!” She suggested and by force she shoved the microphone into Taeyeon’s hand.

“Oh, I know what to pick for her to sing. She sings this song all the time.” Sunny stated then chose the song she wanted using the remote.

“Sunny, not that one.” Taeyeon warned but she was too late.

Soon the song came on and surprised both Tiffany and Jessica. It was no other song but Zia’s Saranghae Mianhae (I’m sorry I love you) song, the song that brought many tears to Tiffany the last time she heard it. Jessica knew because she was there when Tiffany cried and fainted in front of her. She looked over to Tiffany to see if she was ok and as expected, Tiffany did not look happy.

“Taeyeon sing, this is your favorite song, isn’t it?” Sunny asked insisting that Taeyeon should sing the song.

“Yeah, sing. I haven’t heard you sang that song in a while…” Tiffany requested as she forces out a smile.

“Um…okay.” Taeyeon accepted the request then begins to sing. Everyone was in awe with Taeyeon’s voice, even Tiffany. But once Taeyeon reaches to “Mianhae Mianhae Mianhae” part, Tiffany looked awfully worse and Taeyeon took notice.

”Um, I need to use the restroom for a bit.” Tiffany said then forced out a smile before leaving the room.

Taeyeon and Jessica knew exactly what’s going and both were about to stand up to follow Tiffany when Donghae volunteered to. “She didn’t seem right, let me check on her.” He said then followed Tiffany outside.

Chapter 32

After Donghae exit the room to look for Tiffany the rest carried on, except for Taeyeon and Jessica. Seeing how Taeyeon just sat there without saying anything, Jessica looked at her disgusted.

“I’m going to use the phone outside.” Taeyeon stated then stood up and walks outside.

Jessica rolled her eyes and mumbled, “You would never care about her.”

“What’s that, Jessica?” Changmin asked. He was sitting on Jessica’s left side while Yuri was on her right.

“Nothing.” She replied.

“Jessica ah, would you like to go to the movies with me?” He proposed then added, “Just me and you?”

Jessica smiled when she felt Yuri’s grip on her right hand. She turned over to Changmin and said, “Sorry Changmin, but I’m already taken.”

“What? Who is it? Do I know him?” Changmin questioned.

“You do but you don’t.” Jessica replied then smiled at him. “Ya, Yuri ah…you’re hurting me.” She stated once she turned to face Yuri. Once Yuri lets go of her grip, Jessica linked

her fingers with Yuri’s hand and leaned her head on her shoulder. “Stop being jealous.” She whispered.


Taeyeon didn’t really need to use the phone at all. She wanted to check if Tiffany was ok even though Donghae has already followed her. Once she was about to turn the corner, she heard Tiffany’s and Donghae’s voices causing her to halt and listen.

“Are you okay? You don’t look good.” Donghae asked as she looked at Tiffany worriedly.

“I’m fine, really...” Tiffany replied and forced a smile though the tears that formed were visible in her eyes. Her voice suddenly cracks.

“Tiffany, is there anything wrong? Is it because of…that song? Or…Taeyeon?” He asked though reluctantly. “I’ve heard of your relationship with Taeyeon before.” He added.

“I’m fine…” She lied in her crackling voice again trying to hold back her tears. “Let’s go back now.” She said forcing out another smile and headed back towards the room. And as they turn the corner, they heard Taeyeon’s voice and it surprised them.

“Yeah appa, I remember. I will watch my health, don’t worry. You should worry about your health too.” Taeyeon said then turns to Tiffany and Donghae signaling to them to go inside first. “What about umma, is she okay?” She asked but once Tiffany and Donghae had entered the room, Taeyeon closed her phone. Obviously, she was faking it. Tiffany,

you are still hurt because of me? Taeyeon thought as she watches Tiffany and Donghae enter the room.


After noraebang, the girls all went back to their dorm to rest. Needed to brush her teeth before bed, Taeyeon enters the bathroom and coincidently, Tiffany was also opening the bathroom doors.

“I’m just going to brush me teeth so if you don’t mind, go ahead.” Taeyeon stated seeing how Tiffany was about to go back out.

“I was going to brush my teeth as well.” Tiffany said then went back in the bathroom. And with that the two began to brush their teeth sharing the same sink. Just when Taeyeon was about to leave the bathroom, Tiffany called her. “Taeyeon ah.”

“What is it?”

“Um…” Tiffany hesitated. “Yuri and Jessica are going on a date tomorrow and I will be really bored at home alone…so…I was wondering if maybe we could…I don’t know…catch a movie together…or dinner…or something.” She finally asked with her trembling voice. “Only if you want to that is.” She added trying to avoid the impression that she’s clinging on her again.

Taeyeon thought about then replied, “Yeah, that’s fine with me. Sunny and Sooyoung are going to watch the men’s tournament tomorrow so I guess it’ll just be the two of us.”

Hearing Taeyeon’s answered, Tiffany smiled delightedly. “Ok then. How about we go at 5?” She suggested. After seeing Taeyeon nodded she smiled back. “But…never mind then I guess.” She said.


“I remember hearing that it’s going to rain tomorrow evening.” Tiffany stated dropping her delighted smile from earlier.

Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany’s expression and said. “Rain or shine I’ll be there, okay?”

“Okay! Deal!” Tiffany quickly responded then smiled again.

“Okay then, go to sleep.” Taeyeon said then the both of them goes back to their room.


“Ya, it’s 4:30, do you want to get ready now?” Taeyeon shouted from inside the bathroom.

“Ok!” Tiffany shouted back then began to get ready.

After ten minutes, Taeyeon finished getting ready. “Tiffany ah, are you ready?” Taeyeon asked as she pokes her head in the room. “Tiffany?” She called seeing no one in the room. “Where did she go?” She was about to call her when her ringtone goes off telling her that someone’s calling her. It was Tiffany. “Where are you?” Taeyeon asked.

“Sorry Taeyeon, something came up so we can’t go over there together. But meet me at the bus stop by the park and we’ll continue from there. But I think I’ll bit a bit late though, so wait for me.” Tiffany explained over the phone.

“Ok then, I’ll see you there in a bit then.” Taeyeon replied.

“Oh by the way, it looks like it’s going to rain so be sure to take your umbrella.” Tiffany added before hanging up.


“So what is it, Donghae?” Tiffany asked standing in front of Donghae at the park.

“I have to tell you something…” Donghae said. Seeing Tiffany’s questioned face, he continued. “I’ve liked you for a long time. I was going to make my move but then there were rumors that you and Taeyeon were…you know. Once I found out that it was fake, I quickly made my move and that was the first time we had dinner. Tiffany ah, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Donghae…I…” Tiffany hesitated, not knowing what to answer him. “I…don’t_”


After she hangs up, Taeyeon grabbed her stuff and headed out the door. It took her about fifteen minutes to walk from their dorm to the park. She was about to sit on a bench at the bus stop when something caught her eyes. It was Tiffany…with Donghae. They were

standing on a path in the park. Curious, she decided to watch them from far away. So is that what came up? Taeyeon thought as she watches them.

Standing there Taeyeon saw Donghae leaning towards Tiffany attempting to kiss her. The sight shocked her enough to cause her to let go of the umbrella in her hand. Her eyes were widened and her heart suddenly aches. She doesn’t know why she felt this way but that is how she felt. She didn’t know what else to do but to turn her back and not look at them. What else can I do but to turn around? Taeyeon thought as she walks away. As she leaves the rain starts to pour down but she continues to walk like an idiot. Like a body with no soul. All that was on her mind was Tiffany and Donghae. Tiffany has moved on. She thought.


“Donghae, please don’t!” Tiffany yelled and pushes him away from her as he tried to kiss her. After she has successful pushed him out, she stated. “I’m sorry but I don’t have any feelings for you, at least not yet.”

“Is it because of Taeyeon?” He asked.

“No. Why would she have anything to do with this?”

“Well anyways, I’m sorry for my action earlier. But I have confident that I will win over your heart one day.” Donghae stated with confidence then walked off.

After Donghae left, Tiffany let out a sigh. She quickly looks at her watch and noticed that it was already 5:05. “Oh no, I’m late.” She exclaimed then ran over to the bus station.

While on her way there, it started to rain causing her to pull out her hot pink umbrella to cover herself. By the time she gets there, she saw an umbrella on the ground. “It’s Taeyeon’s umbrella. Did something happen?” She questioned then quickly takes out her phone and dialed Taeyeon’s number. No one answered. “TaeTae ah, where are you?” She mumbled then quickly walks back to the dorm.

It took her about 20 minutes to get back to the dorm since it was raining really hard. When she arrived at Taeyeon’s door she quickly knocks on it. A few seconds later, the door opens and Taeyeon was standing behind it. It seems like Taeyeon has changed her clothes since they were different than before and looked dry. But it seems like her face is much paler than before.

Seeing Taeyeon there, Tiffany sighed out of relief. “Ya, Kim Taeyeon. I was only five minutes late. You didn’t have to leave.” Tiffany exclaimed.

“You didn’t need me to go with you. You have many other friends.” Taeyeon replied though very softly as if she didn’t have any strength.

“Taeyeon ah, you don’t look too good, are you okay?” Tiffany asked worriedly seeing Taeyeon’s pale face and her soft voice.

“I’m fine_”

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany shouted when Taeyeon closed her eyes and fainted. Luckily she was able to catch her before she fell to the ground. “Taeyeon ah, don’t’ scare me! Are you okay?! Wake up!” She shouted and shook Taeyeon’s body back and forth. “Let me take you to the nurse office.” She said then carried Taeyeon’s on her back. While carrying her

to the nurse office, she continued to talk to Taeyeon. “Taeyeon ah…you’ll be fine right?” “We’re almost there, just hang on.” “TaeTae ah, please be okay, please be okay.”

Chapter 33

“Is she okay, nurse? Please help her! Is there anything wrong?” Tiffany questioned the nurse shaking her arm back and forth.

Tiffany had taken Taeyeon into the nurse office where Taeyeon was placed on a bed in a private room.

“Calm down. She just has a high fever because of standing in the rain.” The nurse answered Tiffany. “Here, let her take his.” The nurse said handing Tiffany some medicine. “After you give her the medicine, you can take her back to her room. And just to help it even faster, place a cold towel on her forehead.” The doctor commanded to Tiffany and left the room. It seems though there were a few other students who need to be taken care of.

“Here, take this.” Tiffany said as she gave Taeyeon the medicine and a glass of water. After Taeyeon took the medicine, Tiffany took the glass and handed to the student aid standing there. “Let me take you back to the room.” She said then carried Taeyeon on her

back to her room.

Tiffany ah, why do you still care about me so much? You shouldn’t be nice to someone who has hurt you as deeply as I have. Taeyeon thought as she’s being carried by Tiffany half awake.

Luckily the rain she stopped and it was easier for Tiffany to carry Taeyeon back to the room. It takes her about 10 minutes to reach the room. She quickly but lightly set Taeyeon down on the bed. “Stay here, let me go get you a cold towel.” Tiffany stated then walks towards the bathroom. A moment later she came back with a cold towel and placed it on Taeyeon’s forehead. “Okay, now rest. I won’t bother you anymore.” She stated then stood up from the bed when she felt a grip on her wrist.

“Don’t leave…” Taeyeon said softly as if it was a whisper.

Tiffany turned around and gave Taeyeon a smile. It wasn’t her ordinary hyperactive smile. Nor was it her happy smile. It was a smile of agreement to Taeyeon’s request. Tiffany sat back down on Taeyeon’s bed. “Okay, sleep, I’ll stay right here.” She said soothing Taeyeon to sleep as she brushes Taeyeon’s hair with one hand and held Taeyeon’s hand with the other.

After two hours of resting, Taeyeon wakes up and finds Tiffany sleeping next to her, still holding on to her hand. She attempted to get up but was unsuccessful. Feeling movements, Tiffany wakes up.

“Taeyeon, are you okay now?” Tiffany asked then seeing Taeyeon nodded she smiled. “Do you want some water?” She asked again. After Taeyeon nodded, Tiffany gets up and

brought back a glass of water. Before handing it to Taeyeon, she blows the surface of the water and said, “The nurse said not to drink cold water. This is a bit hot, so be careful.”

After drinking some water, Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and said, “Thanks Tiffany, for taking care of me. And sorry, I couldn’t go with you to the movies.”

Tiffany chuckled. “No problem, we’re friends, right? And it’s okay. I wanted to go to the movies because I thought I was going to be bored, but you kept me company.” She replied with a smile on her face.

“Kept you company? All I did was sleep.”

“But I had fun watching you sleep_” Tiffany blurted her thought out. She knew she shouldn’t have said that and quickly covers her mouth with her hand.

“Watching me…sleep?” Taeyeon questioned shifting her eyebrows.

“Sorry Taeyeon, I left you the whole day today.” Yuri’s voice was heard when the door suddenly opens. “Tiffany? What are you two doing?” She asked staring at the two on Taeyeon’s bed.

“Nothing!” Tiffany shouted. “I’m going back to my room now.” She stated then headed towards the door. And before she went in the bathroom, Tiffany turned around and stared at Yuri. “Don’t tell Jessica.” She added.

“What’s going on? Did you guys made up?” Yuri asked staring at Taeyeon with a confused face.

“I guess?”


After being taken cared by Tiffany, Taeyeon quickly recovers and was back to normal the next day for class.

“Do you need help?” Taeyeon asked seeing how Tiffany turns her head side to side with her nervous and confused face.

“Taeyeon…?” Tiffany asked in surprise since it has been a while since Taeyeon would initiate to help or even talk to her. “Yes, I need help. Can you help me?” She asked and smiled happily at the fact that Taeyeon has offered to help her.

“Do you get it now?” Taeyeon asked after she has explained it to Tiffany. Once Tiffany nodded, she let out a smile and hesitated in continuing the conversation. “Tiffany ah, do you have anything to do tonight?”

“No,” Tiffany shook her head.

“Well, to thank you for taking care of me last night…I want to treat you to dinner. What do you say?” Taeyeon asked.

“Wait, you’re asking me to go on a date with you? I’m not dreaming right?” Tiffany stated in surprise. When Taeyeon made the notion that this is not a dream, she quickly replies with “Why would I say no?” Then she smiled like she always does causing

Taeyeon to laughs at her.


After two hours of tennis practice, the coach called the players in to adjourn the practice.

“Tiffany ah, here’s some water.” Donghae popped out of no where and handed a cup of water to Tiffany.

“Uh…thanks Donghae.” Tiffany replied and forced out a smile. “What are you doing?” She asked in her whispering voice.

“I told you, I will win your heart.” He replied.

“See that? That’s exactly what you should be doing.” Jessica told Yuri, watching Donghae and Tiffany from a few feet away.

“Okay, let me give you two options to choose from. Water or a ‘special treat’?” Yuri asked.

“I want both!” Jessica whines and pouts in front of Yuri shaking her arm like a child.

“Okay, okay. I’m no match for your pout. I shouldn’t have melted your icy heart.” Yuri gave in and quickly ran to get Jessica some water.

“And that’s how you should’ve treated her.” Jessica mocked then rolled her eyes at Taeyeon who was standing there with her and Yuri.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Taeyeon said as she watches Tiffany ran over to her side.

“Taeyeon ah, I’m not thirsty, do you want this?” Tiffany asked and brought the cup of water that Donghae gave her up to Taeyeon’s face.

“Uh…he got it for you…”

“But if you want to, you can have it.” Tiffany insisted. She obviously didn’t want to give Donghae any hope.

“Tiffany ah,” Donghae called trying to get Tiffany’s attention again. “If you’re not doing anything tonight, we should go to the movies together since we couldn’t last time.”

“Uh…” Tiffany hesitated then looked over to Taeyeon who seems a bit uneasy. “I actually have a date today already.” She finally admitted.

“Oh…then how about tomorrow? Or Friday?” Donghae continued to ask.

“We’ll see about it then.” Tiffany stated then forced out a smile again.

“Well, I guess I’ll leave you girls now. Bye.” Donghae bid his farewell then took off.

“Taeyeon ah, we should go get ready, fast!” Tiffany stated then pushes Taeyeon back to their dorm quickly.

“What just happened?” Yuri asked as she walks back and handed Jessica her cup of water. “Are they together again?”

“I don’t know.”


After Taeyeon had treated Tiffany dinner, they took a stroll home.

“Tiffany ah, are you that…forgiving?” Taeyeon asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I know, I’ve hurt you a lot in the past but you are still nice to me.” She explained.

When Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s comment she smiled sweetly at Taeyeon. “What’s the point of hating someone? It’ll only make them remember the pain from the past.” She replied. “Besides, it wasn’t your fault. I was definitely…annoying.”

Tiffany has definitely matured after the incident. Taeyeon thought as she smiles back at Tiffany. “No, I was being a jerk to you.” She said almost like arguing with Tiffany.

“Ya. Now you’re just trying to pick a fight over whose fault it was.” Tiffany stated. “Anyways, why were you in the rain anyways? You obvious were at the bus stop since I saw your umbrella.” She asked.

“Uh…I…” Taeyeon hesitated. “I saw you and Donghae kissing each other…” She stated.

“Oh…no. It wasn’t what you saw. You only saw half of it!” Tiffany exclaimed. “Don’t misunderstand. I mean he did try to kiss me but I pushed him away. I didn’t kiss him! I promise!”

“Really?” Taeyeon assured then seeing how serious Tiffany looked, she smiled.

“But wait, what does that have you to do with you getting rained on?”

“I forgot that I left the umbrella on the ground when I was tying my shoe.” Taeyeon lied. “And when I left it wasn’t raining so I didn’t remember when it started to rain and I didn’t have an umbrella…yeah…that was it.”

After hearing how Taeyeon reacted when she saw Donghae trying to kiss her, Tiffany just smiled. “Taeyeon ah…” Tiffany paused. “Can I…call you TaeTae again?” She asked.

“Huh?” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany strangely. Why would she want to call me that? But I recall she did call me that when she was carrying me to the nurse as well. She thought and replied, “Um, I guess?”

“TaeTae!” Tiffany shouted and linked her arms with Taeyeon. Afraid that Taeyeon might not like it she was about to release her arm.

Noticed that Tiffany was about to let go of her arm, Taeyeon turns to her and said. “Let’s be just like before, huh?” Tiffany smiled back at her and continued to linked arms with her till they arrive at their dorm.

Chapter 34

“Taeyeon!” Donghae’s voice was heard, catching Taeyeon’s attention while she was walking back to her room from somewhere. “I need talk to you.”

“What is it?” Taeyeon asked. “Do we even know each other that well?”

“I’ll get straight to the point. I want you to leave Tiffany.” Donghae stated.

“What? Who are you to say that?”

“You know, Tiffany is a great girl and I don’t want you to hurt her again. Tiffany still has feelings for you and I’m sure you know that but what about you? Do you love her? Do you have confidence that you won’t hurt her again? You might think that you love her now but you’re just feeling guilty about what you’ve done before or maybe you pity her but it’s not love. Once you realize what you have for her is not love, no matter how nice of a person you are, you will only hurt her. So if you even care about her just a little bit, then leave her.” Donghae reasoned while looking seriously straight at Taeyeon.

“And you think you can make her happy?!” Taeyeon rebutted.

“At least, I truly like her.” Donghae replied. “Think about it.” He added then left Taeyeon standing there

“TaeTae ah!” Tiffany called her as she ran over to Taeyeon’s side. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Nothing. I was…just looking at the scenery.” Taeyeon stated then smiled at Tiffany.

“Well, Jessica is hungry and Yuri’s taking her to cafeteria to eat dinner. She said we should join them and eat.” Tiffany stated and started to pull Taeyeon’s arm dragging her towards the direction of the cafeteria. “Come on, let’s go.” She said with a smile.

“Okay okay.” Taeyeon replied and followed Tiffany. Am I just doing this because I feel guilty? Or because I pity her? Tiffany ah, do I really deserve your love? Taeyeon thought. Maybe it’s best for me to leave her. I have hurt her enough before and shouldn’t continue to hurt her.


“TaeTae ah,” Tiffany called as she opens the bathroom door to Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room. “Where is she?” She asked seeing only Yuri in the room.

“Oh, Taeyeon left early today. Don’t ask me why because I would like to know that also.” Yuri replied. “Well, we got to go now or else we’ll be late.” She stated then rushes over to Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room. “Jessica ah, let’s go.” She called.


While everyone had already sat down, Taeyeon came in right before the bell rang.

“TaeTae!” Tiffany called. “Over here,” she added pointing to a seat she has saved for Taeyeon.

Seeing that Tiffany was calling her, Taeyeon showed the expression that she needs to talk to Sunny and thus will be sitting next to her. Tiffany understood what Taeyeon was trying to convey but pout when Taeyeon sat down next to Sunny instead of by her.

After class ends, Taeyeon took her chance and quickly gets out of class before anyone else does. Obviously, she’s trying to avoid Tiffany. And so she continued to avoid Tiffany for the next couple of days.


While wandering around the school campus on a Friday evening to avoid Tiffany, Taeyeon heard some music coming from her pocket. It was Zia’s I’m sorry I love you song, and Taeyeon quickly knew that it was no one other than Tiffany who was calling her. She picks up the phone and answered “Hello, Tiffany?”

“Taeyeon ah, where are you?” Tiffany asked on the phone.

“Uh…I’m the mall with Sunny.” She replied lying about her location.

“Really? Can I join you guys?”

“No. I mean, we’re about to watch a movie at the mall. It’s going to start soon, so I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Taeyeon stated then quickly hangs up without allowing Tiffany to say another word. After she hung up, she sighed of relief.

“Kim Taeyeon!” Tiffany voice was heard…but it wasn’t on the phone. It sounded like she was right behind Taeyeon.

Hearing Tiffany’s voice, Taeyeon was shocked. Then hesitated, she slowly turns her body around, praying that it wasn’t Tiffany. Once she could see who was behind her, all she could do was lower her head. “Tiffany…”

“Why are you lying to me? If you don’t want to see me just tell me, why do you have to lie to me?!” Tiffany exclaimed with a loud voice.


“Who do you think you are Kim Taeyeon? Who do you think you are to play with my life like this?” She questioned. “One day you would be so close to me then the next day you just avoid me! You know what? I’m sick of this! If you never want to be so close to me in the first place then don’t give me that hope! Fine, if you don’t want to deal with me anymore then I’ll stay away like you want me to!”

“Tiffany ah, I…I…”

“That’s enough! I don’t want to hear anymore of your lies. You have a good life then, because this will be the last thing I will ever say to you.” Tiffany stated then stormed off.

After Tiffany left, Taeyeon just stood there watching her walk away. “That right, just hate me. You’ll be better off without me.” She mumbled to herself, still with her head down low.


When Taeyeon looks up, she finds Yuri standing there. It seems like she saw the whole scene between Taeyeon and Tiffany. “Yuri ah…I’m such a bad person, right?”

“What happened?” Yuri asked as she browses Taeyeon’s face to find droplets of tears running down her cheeks. I’ve never seen Taeyeon cried before. What exactly is going on? Yuri thought as felt Taeyeon hugged her tightly.

“Why does it hurt so much pushing her away even if I know it’s the best for her?” Taeyeon questioned while continuing to cry on Yuri’s shoulder.

“Look at how pathetic you are.” Out of no where, Jessica’s voice was heard surprising Taeyeon.


“Do you not know how to differentiate between pity and love?” Jessica asked in her mocking tone. “If you never had any feelings for her, it wouldn’t have hurt you. And yes, I overheard your conversation with Donghae.” She disclosed. “Yuri ah, let her figure out her own feelings herself.” She stated then pulled Yuri away leaving Taeyeon standing there by herself.

“Ya, Sica ah…we can’t leave her like that.” Yuri said.

“It will only help her, don’t worry.” Jessica assured then she turned to Yuri and asked, “Do you love me or do you pity me?”

“What?” Yuri asked in surprise.

“You never told me you love me.” Jessica stated staring at Yuri waiting to see her response.

“It’s something that you don’t just say it randomly…”

“But I want to hear it. Yuri ah…tell me you love me.” Jessica whines shaking Yuri’s arm. “Unless if you don’t love me, then you don’t have to.” She added.

“Ya! How can you not know how I feel after all we’ve been through?” Yuri exclaimed.

“I do I do, but I want to hear it from you. Please?” Jessica whines again with an additional pair of puppy eyes and a pout on her face.

“Ya, that’s not fair. Stop using your secret weapon on me.” Yuri demanded but Jessica did not stop and continue to pout. “Okay, okay.” She gave in making the pouting Jessica smiled sweetly waiting to hear what Yuri had to say. Before saying anything, Yuri looked around to see if anyone was around them, then slowly she whispers “I love you” using her Korean-accented English in Jessica’s ears.

“Yuri ah…I love you too.” Jessica replied softly as her cheeks blush.

“I know.” Yuri chuckled. “I’m irresistible.”


After Yuri and Jessica left, Taeyeon went back to the room to think over her feelings. As she sat on her bed looking around the room, she was reminded of the numerous events that took place in this room. She was reminded of the day Tiffany claimed that she was her girlfriend and gave her a kiss. She was reminded of the time when Tiffany had tricked her and gave her a peck on her cheeks. Then she would be reminded of how Tiffany would always be in the room to only be ignored by her. After so much thinking, Taeyeon shrugged. As she moves around on her bed, she accidentally pressed a button on her TV remote. It seemed like she hit the power button since the TV turned on.

“Ye Eun!” A man cried while kneeling down in front of a grave.

Isn’t this that With All My Love drama that Tiffany and Sunny watch? Taeyeon thought as she continues watching.

“I’m sorry I’ve failed to see your love for me. I’m sorry Ye Eun ah.” The man continued to cry. “If only I had known sooner and convey my love to you sooner, you wouldn’t have been in so much pain. If only, I could tell you before you left. Ye Eun ah, please forgive me.”

Babo-ah. This whole time, she’s been giving you so many hints that she loves you. Why were you so blind to her love? Taeyeon thought as she remembers Tiffany’s reaction when she last saw the drama in the room. Kim Taeyeon, you have made the biggest mistake in your life to hurt her, the person that you are in love with.

Chapter 35

After Tiffany stormed off, she went off campus to the mall. She wandered around and around the mall until late at night. By the time she returns to university, she saw Taeyeon sitting on a bench.

“Tiffany!” Taeyeon called as she stands up and ran over to Tiffany. It seems like she has been sitting on the bench waiting for Tiffany the whole day. “Tiffany, let me explain.”

“Look, I don’t hate anyone as of right now, so don’t be the first person.” Tiffany stated pushing Taeyeon aside.

“Tiffany!” Taeyeon yelled and ran in front of Tiffany. “Please, just hear me out.” She said.

“I’ll give you thirty seconds.” Tiffany stated.

“Come on, Tiffany. Don’t be like this.” Taeyeon protested.

“Twenty five seconds.”

“Fine. At first I didn’t know that you like me. And after everything I wanted to treat you better but someone challenged my feelings for you. And I…I wasn’t confident enough to say that I do actually like you…but now I know. I’m sure of it. Tiffany, I like you.” Taeyeon claimed.

“Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany chuckled in sarcasm. “Please stop messing around with me. One day you tell me you hate me. Then you wanted to be ‘back to before’. And the next day you just avoided me. And now you tell me that you like me?! Any sane person would have stopped believing your words a long time ago. Only the idiot like me believed you for the longest time. Now, please leave me alone.” Tiffany exclaimed and walked away.

“Tiffany!” Taeyeon shouted but Tiffany continues to walk away.


Exactly how Tiffany had said it, she wasn’t going to speak to Taeyeon again. The next few days of school, she did not talk to Taeyeon or even take a glance at her while Taeyeon was always gazing over at Tiffany.

“Give her some time,” Yuri said patting on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Maybe she doesn’t like me anymore. Maybe I should just give up.” Taeyeon replied softly lowering her head.


“Yuri ah,” Taeyeon called peaking her head in through the bathroom doors of Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room.

“Yuri went to get some food for me,” Jessica replied while lying on her bed reading a book.

“Oh…” Taeyeon nodded in acknowledgement as she scans around the room. Something suddenly caught her eyes, they were two large pink suitcases by Tiffany’s bed. “Is she going somewhere?” She asked.

“She’s going back to the States.”


“What do you think? After all this drama she’s been through with you, of course she would want to go back to the States.” Jessica stated coldly still sitting on her bed.

“When is she leaving?!”

“Next week, when the semester ends.”

After hearing Jessica’s words, Taeyeon was blown away. She walked back to her room without saying anything back to Jessica. Just mindlessly, she walks back to her room. She must hate me a lot now. I should just leave her alone. Taeyeon thought.

“Taeyeon, you were looking for me?” Yuri asked coming from Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room.

“Tiffany, she’s going back to the States, isn’t she?” Taeyeon asked still sitting on her bed mindlessly. “She’s leaving because of me?”

“Ya, Kim Taeyeon. Don’t tell me you’re just going to give her up like that. After all you guys have been through? After you realize that you like her?” Yuri questioned challenging Taeyeon.

“Well, if she hates me, I should just give up.” Taeyeon replied.

“If you don’t try, how do you know she doesn’t still like you?! You’re always like that, yet you never try to apologize to her and show her that you’re sincere.” Yuri exclaimed shaking her head at Taeyeon. “I’m going back to Jessica now, you should think about how you can apologize to Tiffany.” She added before leaving Taeyeon in the room

Yuri is right, I should try to apologize to her again. More serious and sincere. Taeyeon thought and snapped her fingers. She then jumps off from her bed, quickly gets dressed, and left the room.


“Hi, welcome to our restaurant. I’m Wenting, and I will be your waitress tonight.” A waitress said welcoming the lonely Tiffany into the restaurant. “Is it just you tonight?” She asked.

“Yes, I’m just alone tonight. Actually, I think you were our waitress last time too. I remember you.” Tiffany stated as she sits down at a table that was guided by the waitress named Wenting.

“Oh really, I think I remember you too. So, what can I get you tonight?” Wenting asked taking out her writing pad and took Tiffany’s order.

As she sat waiting for her food, her phone suddenly vibrated. You got a new text message. Tiffany read to herself. It was from Taeyeon. Can you give me one last chance to show you my sincerity? Meet me at the place where you first met me at 8:00 tonight. Rain or shine, I will be there waiting until you show up. Tiffany read the message. “What does she want now?” She asked and rolled her eyes then glancing at the clock in the restaurant. It was 7:00 PM.

“Here’s your food, enjoy!” Wenting stated as she place the plate down on the table with a smile. “If you need anything else, just call me over.” She added before leaving Tiffany alone.

It took Tiffany about half an hour to finish eating. And after leaving the restaurant, she headed to the mall to wander around. As she wanders around from store to store at the mall, she came across an electronic store. She went it to check out the itouch that she has always wanted to buy. But before reaching to the itouch section, she came across a TV that was broadcasting the weather channel.

“It’s predicted that there will be a 90% chance of rain within a couple of hours. So if you really need to leave the house, please do so carefully.”

“I’m sure she’s not that dumb.” Tiffany mumbled and continues to walk towards the itouch section.


While Tiffany was wandering around the mall, Taeyeon was sitting on a bench at the stated location waiting for Tiffany the whole time. It has already past 8 but Tiffany was no where in sight but she continues to wait. It was cold. Although Taeyeon was in her big coat, she was freezing while sitting there waiting for Tiffany. And as she continues to sit there, she felt droplets of water on back of her hand. By the time she looks up to the sky, a heavy rain has already poured down on her.

“Oh no, my drawings!” Taeyeon exclaims as she gets up from where she’s sitting to cover up the drawings she has drawn with chalk on the sidewalk. But the rain was too hard for her little body to cover her numerous drawings that are all scattered around. “If only I brought an umbrella.” She muttered under her breath still trying to cover her drawings.

After a while, she gave up on trying to cover up the drawings and sat back down the bench hugging herself in the rain. “Tiffany can come at any moment now, so I can’t leave. I’m sure she’s going to be here soon. I’m sure.” She mumbles as her body trembles in the freezing cold weather.


“Jessica ah…” Yuri called. She was lying on Tiffany’s bed while Jessica was reading her book on her bed again.


“I’m bored.” Yuri stated then slowly climbs on Jessica’s bed lying next to her. “What are you reading?”

“A book.”

“What is it about?”


“How about you give me a kiss?”

“Okay.” Jessica replied without even thinking. “Wait. What did you just ask me?” She asked turning over to face Yuri but all Yuri did was smiling. “What?”

“No one’s home, Jessica. We should…do something.” Yuri suggested giving Jessica a wink.

“…like what?...”

“I don’t know, what do you think?”


Yuri just rolled her eyes at Jessica’s answer then grabbed the book from Jessica’s hand. “No more reading for you tonight.” She stated placing the book on the table next to the bed.

“Yuri ah…if you get me food, I’ll give you a kiss.”

“What?” Yuri asked. “You’re always using me, this is no fair.” She complains shaking her head.

“It’s a fair trade.” Jessica stated with her mischievous smile. “Food for a kiss.”

“I really wonder if you like me or food more.” Yuri stated in disappointment as she gets up from the bed.

“Ya…Yuri ah…” Jessica whines pulling Yuri back down on the bed. “Food is essential to my life and so are you. Is that a good enough answer for you?” She stated pulling Yuri’s face closer to her own. Looking into Yuri’s eyes, she gave Yuri a smile before reaching for a light kiss on her lips.

“Jessica ah, do you think Tiffany would mind if I spend the night here?” She asked as she lies down next to Jessica putting herself under Jessica’s blanket.

“Kwon Yuri, trying to take advantage of me again?”

Chapter 36

It was about 9:30 when Tiffany arrives at the school gate. Knowing that it was going to rain, she was smart enough to buy an umbrella and was safe from the heavy rain that was going on. After getting off the taxi, Tiffany walks quickly to her dorm building. There, she saw someone that she didn’t expect to see, Donghae.

“Tiffany.” He called, standing up from sitting on the sofa in the lobby of the dorm building.

“What is it?” Tiffany asked, though not interested in what he has to say.

“I’m actually leaving by the end of this week, and want to say goodbye.” He stated.

“Oh, well good luck to wherever you’re going.” Tiffany said with a smile.

“Actually, besides that I also wanted to talk to you about Taeyeon.” He paused, waiting for Tiffany’s reaction.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“It was my fault. I told her to leave you. I challenged her to her own feelings, saying that the only reason why she’s treating you better is because she feels guilty and pities you.” Donghae stated lowering his head with guilt. “You should let her explain.” He added.

Now Tiffany finally understands what Taeyeon was trying to tell her before. “But if she didn’t have doubts about her feelings, she wouldn’t have done so.” Tiffany argued.

“Well, it’s up to you to decide. I guess I’m leaving now. It was nice knowing you Tiffany.” He stated then walks up the stairs to his dorm.

Tiffany too, walks up stairs back to her dorm after Donghae left. Once she enters the room, she can hear Yuri and Jessica giggling inside.

“What are you guys doing?!” Tiffany asked seeing how they were both on Jessica’s bed.

“It’s not what you think!” Yuri exclaimed. “We’re just sleeping…together.”

“Nothing else.” Jessica added

“Right. Whatever.” Tiffany said then sat down on her bed.

“Yuri, your phone is vibrating.” Jessica stated pointing to Yuri’s phone on the desk.

“Thanks.” Yuri replied and picks up the phone. “Hello, ahjusshi?...Oh, Taeyeon? I haven’t seen her today…hmm you can’t call her? I’ll try to find her for you. Don’t worry too much ahjusshi. Ok, bye.” After hanging up, Yuri stood up and goes through the bathroom doors to her room. After a few seconds, she came back. “Have you guys seen Taeyeon?” She asked.

Both Tiffany and Jessica shook her head to Yuri’s question.

Hmm, could she still be waiting for me? Tiffany thought. Nah, I doubt it, it’s raining heavily outside, who would be so stupid to wait.

“Args, she’s not picking up her phone.” Yuri grumbles as she hangs up her phone call to Taeyeon.

“I might know where she is…” Tiffany let out softly causing Jessica and Yuri to look at her. “She sent me a text message saying she wants to meet me at 8…” She continued.

“8? It’s already 10.” Jessica commented.

“Where at?” Yuri asked.

“She said the first time I met her.”

“So at the park?” Jessica asked.

“I guess?”

“But it’s raining really hard would she still be there?” Yuri questioned.

“And if she’s out there…” Jessica proposed.

“We need to find her.” Tiffany stated then rushes out the door.

It took the girls about 30 minutes to get to the park since it was hard getting a taxi in the rain, and driving there wasn’t great either. But once the girls got there, they did not see Taeyeon.

“Where could she be?” Yuri asked.

“I think I know where she is. You guys head home, I’ll go over there myself.” Tiffany stated then hopped on another taxi.

After telling the taxi driver where she needs to be dropped off, the taxi driver drove off leaving Yuri and Jessica behind. She must be at the bridge then if she’s not here. Tiffany thought as she sits in the taxi waiting until she arrives. Through the windows she can see that Taeyeon was sitting on a bench at the bridge. She told the driver to drop her off and he did. After paying him, Tiffany got off the taxi with a pink umbrella over her head.

As she walks towards Taeyeon, who did not see her, Tiffany notice there were some blurry image on the sidewalk. She tries to make up what they were and only see blurry figures and words. She could barely make up what the words were saying, and they looked like “I’m Sorry” in English. Then she continues to walk to Taeyeon who was sitting on the bench hugging herself. “Kim Taeyeon! What do you think you’re doing?! Let’s go home!” Tiffany shouted.

Hearing Tiffany’s voice, Taeyeon woke up from sitting there in the cold. Her face was as pale as a sheet of paper. Her body was still trembling from the cold weather and soaked in the heavy rain. Once she finally opens her eyes, she saw Tiffany running to her with her pink umbrella. “Tiffany ah!” Taeyeon whispers weakly with a smile on her face and

attempted to stand up. Unfortunately, Taeyeon never got the chance to stand up before she fell down on the ground.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany shouted and rushes to see Taeyeon on the ground. “Taeyeon!”

“Tiffany ah,” Taeyeon whispered and slowly pulled the phone from her pocket out. “The pictures_” was all she could continue before losing conscious.


Taeyeon was immediately rushed to the hospital with Tiffany along her side. Yuri and Jessica came in afterwards after hearing about it from Tiffany who had called them.

“Where is she?” Yuri asked rushing to Tiffany who was sitting on a chair.

“She’s in the emergency room right now.” Tiffany stated. “Apparently she had been outside in the rain this whole time.” She added with a sense of guilt that she did not show up.

“What?! Is she crazy?!’ Yuri exclaimed.

“She was telling the truth…she was going to stay there till I show up.”

“Ya, Tiffany. I know you have every right not to show up, but couldn’t you at least tell her that? She was sitting there waiting for you?” Yuri exclaimed. “Don’t you know she could get sick sitting out there in the rain?!”

“Yuri ah, calm down.” Jessica stated holding her back.

“I didn’t think she was going to continue to stay there.” Tiffany stated.

“Why wouldn’t she? She loves you!” Yuri yelled but Jessica continues to hold her back. “Have you ever put yourself in her shoes? Right, she did hurt you badly before but can you really blame her for being ignorant to your love? And did you know that after that day that you confronted her that she was avoiding you she was crying to me? She thought it would be the best if you were to stay away from her because she was not confident of her love and afraid that she was going to hurt you again.” She disclosed.

“Yuri, calm down. Yelling at Tiffany isn’t going to help anything right now.” Jessica asserted.

“If you want to side with her than go ahead, I’m leaving.” Yuri stated then stormed out.

“Yuri!” Jessica shouted. “Tiffany, I’ll be right back.” She said then quickly chase after Yuri.

As Tiffany waited outside the emergency room, she remembers that Taeyeon had given her her phone. Curious of what Taeyeon meant by “the pictures” she took out Taeyeon’s phone. It was wet. No wonder we couldn’t reach her. Tiffany thought as she tries to dry the phone with her shirt. Still wasn’t able to turn the phone back on, she opens the battery and cleaned it. Finally, Tiffany thought as she sees the screen turned on. Assuming she meant the pictures that she took, Tiffany looked for the picture folder on Taeyeon’s phone. There, she saw them. They were pictures of the chalk drawings that Taeyeon has drawn on the sidewalk of the bridge. Tiffany could tell that Taeyeon had taken these

pictures while it was raining since she can see the droplets of rain on the ground. Although it was raining, Taeyeon had managed to take the picture before the chalk was completely washed away and thus could see clearly what the drawings were of.

The first drawing was of a little girl on her knees looking very sad and sincere. Above her head was “I’m Sorry” written in English. With the droplets of rain there, it seems though like the girl was crying while kneeling. The second drawing was of the same little girl, but this time it looks like she was slapping herself with the saying, “I deserve to be punished” written in Korean. The third drawing was of the same little girl with her hands together like she was begging for something. And above it was the words “please forgive me, I can’t live without you.” The last picture, with the additional of the previous ones, had left an impression in Tiffany as it shows in her teary eyes. It wasn’t really a drawing. All it was, was “Tiffany, I love you” written in English.

Babo-ah. Tiffany thought as she closes her eyes letting the tears that were formed in her eyes to drip off.

Chapter 37

Yuri continued to walk away while Jessica continued to chase after her. Soon, they were outside of the hospital. Although the rain has stopped for a while now, the ground was still wet causing Yuri to halt.

“Yuri ah!” Jessica shouted chasing after Yuri.

“Go back to your Tiffany!” Yuri shouted back.

“Oh…so that’s what this is all about.” Jessica realized. “Why would I go back with Tiffany when you’re out here?” She asked while wrapping her arm around Yuri’s waist hugging her back. “I wasn’t siding with her, I was just trying to calm you down, Yuri ah. Don’t you know my love for you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yuri lied though her smile was definitely visible. “I was just mad that Tiffany could have called and tell Taeyeon then she wouldn’t be in this state.” She stated.

“But don’t you think it’s a good thing?” Jessica questioned. “Think about it. This shows that Taeyeon loves Tiffany a lot and I’m sure Tiffany would acknowledge that.” She proposed.

“I guess you’re right.” Yuri agreed then turns her body around facing Jessica. “Let’s go back with Tiffany.” She suggested then smiled at Jessica.

“Ok,” Jessica replied smiling at Yuri.

So Yuri and Jessica walked back in the hospital together. Once they arrived at the emergency room, they noticed that the emergency room’s door was open.

“Doctor Dong, how is she?” Tiffany asked as Taeyeon was pushed away on a bed.

“She should be fine now. Just don’t let her stand in the rain anymore. Her body is very weak and wouldn’t be able to stand it.” Doctor Dong answered.

“Thank you, doctor.” Tiffany said bowing to him. Turning to Yuri and Jessica she stated, “She’s okay now. You guys must be tired. Go home, I can take care of her.”

After Yuri and Jessica looked at each other, they decided that they should leave Tiffany and Taeyeon alone. “Ok then.” Jessica replied. “We’ll be back tomorrow to check on you two.” She added before leaving the hospital with Yuri.

After Yuri and Jessica left, Tiffany walks to Taeyeon’s room. Taeyeon was sleeping peacefully when Tiffany entered the room.

“I’m Miwa,” A nurse introduced herself. “If you need anything, I’ll be right out there.” She stated then left Tiffany and Taeyeon in the room.

Seeing that nurse had left, Tiffany sat down on a chair besides Taeyeon’s bed. She scooted her chair closer to the bed to be able to watch Taeyeon clearly. Slowly she strokes Taeyeon’s hair with her hand while watching Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon, all you

know how to do is to hurt me. Do you think I’m happy seeing you like this? Tiffany thought.


Once Taeyeon regained her conscious and opens her eyes she saw Tiffany sleeping with her upper body on the bed while the rest of the body was on the chair. Knowing that Tiffany is easily awakened, she did not move at all and just lay there watching Tiffany. Not long after did Tiffany wakes up.

“Taeyeon, you’re okay now?” Tiffany asked sitting up from the bed.

“I’m fine now.” Taeyeon replied with a smile on her face.

“Do you want some water? Let me get you some.” Tiffany stated and was about to get up when she felt Taeyeon grip on her wrist. She sat back down and turned to Taeyeon.

“Don’t leave me, please?” Taeyeon stated. “I know have done many wrong things and have hurt you greatly and I’m truly sorry. I know that I don’t even deserve your forgiveness but I beg of you to forgive me.” She continued with a droplet of tears rolling down her cheeks. “Tiffany ah, I love you. I’m sorry for realizing this too late but I really do Tiffany ah. I don’t know when it started but all I know now is that I don’t wish to live without you. So please, give me one more chance to prove my love to you, to treat you better, to love you.”

Tiffany didn’t say anything but the tears on her face were visible. After Taeyeon finished her sentence, Tiffany nodded in tears and hugged Taeyeon. “Taeyeon ah, there was never a day that I stopped loving you and I hate you for that.” She cried.

After the long warm and passionate hug, they let go of each other. Seeing that there are still tears on Tiffany’s face, Taeyeon uses her hands to wipe them away. After she had finished wiping Tiffany’s tears away, she brought her hands down from Tiffany’s cheeks to her jaw line. Their eyes were locked on each others as Taeyeon pulls Tiffany in closer to her. Slowly but steady their faces move in closer and closer to each other. Soon, their lips touch one another’s and the next they know, they were making out with each other.

“Tae_” Yuri shouted as she opens the door to the room but as soon as she saw Taeyeon and Tiffany, she was shocked.

“What’s going on?” Jessica asked trying to see why Yuri was standing still.

Hearing Jessica’s question, Yuri turned around and blocked her from entering the room. “Jessica, close your eyes!” She demanded.

By this time, Taeyeon and Tiffany had pulled themselves away from each other in embarrassment. “Ya, Kwon Yuri.” Tiffany called. “Don’t act like you two have never made out before.” She stated.

“You guys were making out?!” Jessica shouted pushing Yuri aside and enters the room. “You should have let me see!” She stated staring at Yuri who just rolled her eyes at her.

“I see you guys are fine?” Yuri asked as she and Jessica walks towards Taeyeon’s bed.

“Why of course.” Taeyeon smirked as she lets Tiffany’s head rest on her shoulder. “Tiffany ah, so does this mean you’re not going back to the States?” She asked.

“Of course I’m going back. I’ve already bought the ticket.” Tiffany answered

“But…but…I thought we made up. Doesn’t this mean you’re going to stay with me?”

“What are you talking about? I’m just going back to visit my parents for winter break.” Tiffany stated looking at Taeyeon with a clueless face.

“But_” Taeyeon was about to say something when she heard Jessica and Yuri giggling. She knew she has been tricked. “Jessica, you tricked me!” She yelled.

“I didn’t trick you. All I said was she’s going back to the States. I didn’t say for how long.” Jessica rebutted.

“Don’t look at me.” Yuri stated. “She tricked me too until last night.”

“Wait. So the reason why you apologized was because you thought I was going back to the States?” Tiffany questioned.

“No, of course not. I would have done the same thing if you weren’t leaving.” Taeyeon claimed then smiled nervously at Tiffany.


It was about 9 AM in the morning when Taeyeon and Tiffany arrived at the airport with her two pink suitcases. One by one, Taeyeon helped Tiffany carry them through the check in station.

“Ya, you’re just going back for a few weeks, why are you taking so much stuff?” Taeyeon complained at the weights and sizes of the two suitcases. Once Tiffany gave her a glare, Taeyeon knew she shouldn’t complain anymore.

“Here’s your plane ticket.” The airport worker said giving Tiffany her ticket.

“Thanks,” Tiffany replied and with Taeyeon they left the station so the next person behind them could check in. “I told you, you didn’t have to take me to the airport. You’ve just healed. What if you get sick again?” She petitioned.

“You’re going to leave me for so long, and expect me not to see you off?” Taeyeon rebutted.

“When did you ever like being together with me? Remember? I was that annoying girl who bugs you 24/7.” Tiffany stated rolling her eyes at Taeyeon.

“It was different then. Now, I just want to be with you as much as possible.” Taeyeon replied with a mischievous smile on her face. “Tiffany ah, we just made up and you’re going to leave me like this?” She whines with a pout on her face that caused Tiffany to giggles.

“It’s not my fault you made up with me too late.” Tiffany reasoned and used her hands to pinch Taeyeon’s cheeks. Suddenly, she leaned in and gave the pouting Taeyeon a peak on

her lips. “Don’t worry, I will be back soon. I promise I’ll call you as much as I can, okay?” She claimed.

“Passengers going to the United States, please board the plane at this moment.”

“I have to go now.” Tiffany stated then hugged Taeyeon tightly. “I’ll be back soon. Bye Taeyeon!” She bid her farewell waving at Taeyeon as she walks towards the gate.

“Remember to call me!” Taeyeon shouted.


It’s been a couple of weeks since Tiffany had gone back to United States. And Taeyeon has waited long for this day to come, the day Tiffany returns. Taeyeon wait patiently at the arrival gate for Tiffany to come out any second now. After a while, Taeyeon sees many people coming through the arrival gate. She knew it has to be Tiffany’s flight and looked hard to find her. After looking back and forth, side to side, she finally spotted Tiffany. Taeyeon was excited and was about to shout out Tiffany’s name when she saw two handsome guys besides her. Taeyeon didn’t say anything and just follow them until the two guys separated from Tiffany.

“Tiffany!” Taeyeon shouted as she rushes over to Tiffany. “Who were those two guys with you?” She questioned.

“Your first question after I came back is that?” Tiffany asked rolling her eyes. “Taeyeon ah, when did you learn to be jealous? From your best friend, Yuri?” She asked again. “They’re as straight as you and I are.” She added brighten up Taeyeon’s mood.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just curious who they were.” Taeyeon stated lying about her jealousy.

“Bye Tiffany!” A girl voice’s shouted.

“Bye Wenting! See you around.” Tiffany shouted back to the girl who was waving her hand at her.

“And who was that?!” Taeyeon asked.

“My girlfriend.”


“But don’t worry, you’re my wife.” Tiffany stated then wraps her arm around Taeyeon’s arm as the both of them exit the airport with Tiffany’s suitcases.

“Who said you’re the man in the relationship?” Taeyeon asked. “You’re MY wife.” She emphasized. “But really, who was she?” She asked again.

“She’s a waitress at a restaurant that I go to and we just happen to be on the same flight.” Tiffany stated.

“Are you sure she’s not stalking you?”

“I’m sure, Taeyeon ah.” Tiffany assured. “Let’s go home now, I want to give you a kiss.” She stated.


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