Wireshark Filter for Lte

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To Find out single end to end LTE call Flow from multiple wireshark Capture trac e, Please follow the below sequential steps: Only input we required to make the fillter is IMSI 404909060013311. NAS and S1-AP message in between UE-MME, eND-MME (NAS, S1-AP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nas_eps.emm.imsi == "404909060013311" "404909060013311" //with this filter, we are able to extrac t InitialUEMessage, AttachRequest, PDNConnectivity Request. From above output output try to get get s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID == 607 the meesages on S1-AP, NAS-EPS message.

// which gives you all

s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID == 607 Diameter Message in between MME to HSS (S6a and S13) -------------------------------------------We can easily put fillter as username diameter.User-Name == "404909060013311" "404909060013311" // Result of this Filter gives u s the output as AIR, ME-Identity Check and ULR from MME to HSS. Now our aim should be find the response for each corresponding Request. diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x57539708 // look for the fillter as Hop by Hop identifier on AIR message diameter.User-Name == "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x57539708 // Now we are able to get AIR, ME-Identity Check, ULR and AIA next Pending Message id ME-Identity Check Response diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x219bbd08 only pending message is ULA, for that we need to extract the fillter fro m Hop-by-Hop of ULR message (diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x78267708). diameter.User-Name == "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x57539708||diameter.hopbyhopid 0x57539708||diameter.h opbyhopid == 0x219bbd08||diameter.ho 0x219bbd08||diameter.hopbyhopid pbyhopid == 0x78267708 //Gives us all the message in s6a interfaces or We can easily put fillter as username diameter.User-Name == "404909060013311" "404909060013311" // Result of this Filter gives u s the output as AIR, ME-Identity Check and ULR from MME to HSS. diameter.Session-Id == "mme01.e2elte.ril.in;44 "mme01.e2elte.ril.in;44527db4;772a0b5f;041cda8a" 527db4;772a0b5f;041cda8a" for AIR and AIA diameter.Session-Id == "mme01.e2elte.ril.in;44 "mme01.e2elte.ril.in;44527db4;772a0b5f;39b9f14a" 527db4;772a0b5f;39b9f14a" for ULR and ULA diameter.Session-Id == "mscp01.pgw2.e2elte.ril "mscp01.pgw2.e2elte.ril.in;1695a065;4de4beb8;404 .in;1695a065;4de4beb8;4040 0 90000000010-00a00100" all the message in between in PGW and PCRF

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Diameter Message in between PCRF and P-CSCF ------------------------------------------(diameter.Session-Id == "Video_Streaming2") || (diameter.Framed-IP-Addr (diameter.Framed-IP-Address.IPv4 ess.IPv4 == //message in between between Rx Interface !! GTPv2 messages in between MME to SGW (S11), SGW to PGW (S5/S8) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steps to filter out the CSR, CSResp, from MME to SGW, SGW to PGW First figure out gtpv2.imsi == "404909060013311" // result give us CSR f rom MME to SGW, SGW to PGW. Then Extract EPS Bearer ID which is unique among this gtpv2.ebi == 5, wh ich gives us all the message on GTPv2 header from MME to SGW, SGW to PGW. Now update fillter is gtpv2.imsi == "404909060013311" "404909060013311" ||gtpv2.ebi ||gtpv2.ebi == 5 messages in between , MME, SGW, and PGW on GTPv2 Interfaces.

// for all the

Diameter message in between PGW to PCRF (Gx). ---------------------------------------------diameter.Subscription-Id-Data diameter.SubscriptionId-Data == "404909060013311" "404909060013311" ive you the CCR message, but but not the CCResponse for for this.

this filter filter result result g

But with help of this filter we can figure out diameter.hopbyhopid , as a result we can able to find out the CCResp message diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x03d86c6a Now updated filter for Diameter message in between PGW to PCRF is as bel ows: diameter.Subscription-Id-Data diameter.SubscriptionId-Data == "404909060013311"||di "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid ameter.hopbyhopid == 0x03d86c6a

Now below filter gives us the result for Both GTPv2 messages in between MME to SGW, SGW to PGW and Diameter message in between PGW to PCRF (S11, S5/S8, Gx) gtpv2.imsi == "404909060013311"||gtpv2 "404909060013311"||gtpv2.ebi .ebi == 5||diameter.Subscription5||diameter.Subscription-I I d-Data == "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x03d86c6a SGsAP Message in between MME to MSC (SGs) -------------------------------------gsm_a.imsi == "404909060013311"

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nas_eps.emm.imsi == "404909060013311"||s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID "404909060013311"||s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID == 607||gsm_a.imsi == "404909060013311"||diameter.User-Name "404909060013311"||diamet er.User-Name == "404909060013311"||diame "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid ter.hopbyhopid == 0x57539708||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x219bbd08||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x7826 7708||gtpv2.imsi == "404909060013311" ||gtpv2.ebi == 5||diameter.Subscripti 5||diameter.Subscription-Id on-Id -Data == "404909060013311"||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x03d86c6a

s1ap.ENB_UE_S1AP_ID == 607||diameter.hopbyhopid == 0x57539708||diameter.hop 0x57539708||diameter.hopbyhop byhop id == 0x219bbd08||diameter.hop 0x219bbd08||diameter.hopbyhopid byhopid == 0x78267708||gsm_a.ims 0x78267708||gsm_a.imsi i == "404909060013 311"

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