Wipro CIB 3 Transition Plan

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Wipro CIB 3 Transition Plan...


Wipro’s Response to SBG CIB RFP No RFP/SBG00053/2011

Transition Solution Document

Submitted to:

Submitted by:

Wipro Technologies

Date: 16th January, 2012

This document is submitted to Standard Bank of South Africa (SBSA) by Wipro Technologies (Wipro) on the understanding that SBSA will not divulge the contents of this proposal to a third party without a prior written consent from Wipro.

Table of Contents 1.

Application Portfolio Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 3


Transition Considerations ............................................................................................................................ 5


Overall Transition Approach ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.1. People Transfer .......................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2. Knowledge Transition .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.3. Transition Sequencing using Wipro’s Wip-Trans Framework .................................................................. 16 3.4. Wipro Differentiators ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.5. Performance Measurement during Transition ........................................................................................ 18 3.6. Resource Ramp up and Offshoring approach .......................................................................................... 20 3.7. Transition Governance ............................................................................................................................. 24 3.8. Critical Success factors ............................................................................................................................. 26 3.9. Transition Risks and Mitigation ................................................................................................................ 27 3.10.Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................................................... 28


Key Profiles................................................................................................................................................ 30


Annexure: Wipro credentials ..................................................................................................................... 32

Wipro’s Response to SBG CIB RFP No: RFP/SBG/00053/2011 Transition Plan for SBG-CIB


Application Portfolio Analysis

The current IT landscape at CIB provides support across all business areas of CIB and is currently categorized into 4 organizational groups viz. Transactional products and services technology, Global markets technology, Operations Technology and Risk & Finance Technology. Key functionalities that are handled by applications within these groups are represented in the below diagram: Front Office/ Channels

Middle Office

Transactional Products & Services Cash Management International Trade Customer Billing Cash Pooling

Liquidity Management Bank Connectivity Business Connectivity

Interest Rate derivatives Equity & Credit derivatives Foreign exchange Money markets

Treasury Trading systems Resource banking eMarkets

Risk & Finance Technology Credit, Market and Operational Risk Reg and Economic Capital Banking Book Collateral Document Management

Back Office

Global Markets

Accounting Engine CRT & CRM Central Market Rates Repository

Operations Technology Settlements Confirmations & Reconciliations Investment banking, Property & Lending Payment System processing

Trading book Collateral Management Messaging Static Data * Note - Some Applications listed under Front office would provide end to end life cycle processing

Figure 1:

CIB IT Landscape

Some of our key understandings of the current CIB IT eco-system are given below: 

Transactional Products and services technologies (TPS) primarily supports electronic channels for corporate banking and includes support for cash management, international trade, customer billing, liquidity management and bank & business connectivity. Some of the key applications under TPS include Business Online, new Business Online, ITAPS & Bank connect and Business Connect. New Business Online is a strategic solution from TPS that would replace business online. The applications under TPS as we understand can be classified into:  Order Management System  Transaction Gateways  Online Channels  Front end Applications for customers and system partners  Payments and Trading Platforms  Liquidity Management and Cash Pooling Systems

Global Markets (GM) technologies currently support all trading business areas viz. Money markets, Equity Trading and Front and Back office ‘trading functions’. The applications that are in scope for the proposed transition include:  BDA-MSS – Application that provides online connectivity between JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange) & Standard Bank and handles processing, settlement & managing of equity transactional data)  Research Portal and Business Intelligence – Web based application that provides research Portal to Standard Bank customers)  Murex and Murex MXIR – Money Markets Trading & Front and Back Office Trading Systems)  Calypso – Money Markets Trading  Max – Money Markets Trading

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Online Share Trading – Customer centric trading

Risk and Finance Technology provides middle office support for all firm wide risk portfolios across various applicable groups. Some of the key applications and their associated functionalities include:  Credit Rating System (CRS) that would provide central credit risk ratings to determine Probabilities of Default (PD) and Risk Grades (RG). A business process flow (BPM) has been implemented within CIB credit risk to automated credit applications  Adaptiv Credit Risk & Analytics  ALM & FTP processes for regulatory compliance  Suspicious Transaction Monitoring for regulatory compliance & group wide guidelines  Document management solution  Reconciliation Engine  CRM system (SalesForce)  Accounting system upgrades for IFRS compliance

Operations technology (OT) provides the back office support for the supporting common services across investor services, international trade and global markets. Applications under this group provide the common services that are required across the CIB application landscape. Some of these services include:  Custody Clearing systems across Africa and South Africa  Regulatory Reporting  Domestic ZAR payment processing  SWIFT message processing  Foreign currency payment processing  Back office settlement systems  Identity and Access Management System

The applications that would be in scope across these 4 organizational groups are given below: Transactional Products & Services technologies •Business Online • Custody Communications • Domestic Banking • FX Trading • Host to Host Connection • International Cash Management •New Business Online •ITAPS Eximbills Enterprise • LM & Cash Pooling System •Connectivity • CIG • ATG • BVA

Figure 2:

Global Markets Technologies •BDA – MSS • Research Portal and Business Intelligence • Murex • Murex - MXIR • Max • Calypso • Online Share Trading

Risk & Finance Technology •GBBC(Systematic Treatment of Collateral) •Credit Automation •Adaptiv Credit Risk – ACR • Adaptive – Africa •Credit Ratings System •Mapping System •Recon Engine •Project Galaxy •ALM/ QRM Project •FCS • Accounting Engine (IFRS)

Operations Technology •NCS – Africa & NCS – SA (Custody Clearing System) •Tiamat (Import Verification) •Meridian GUI (Message Front End) •RTGS/ Limits Manager •ZAPS •ICMS •Meridian •SAMEX •SAMOS •PMSG, MESMAN, MERVA •iTrade • Travel Wallet • KYC Automation • SWIFT, Other Payment Systems

Applications in Scope

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Transition Considerations

Wipro understands that for a successful transition of the Testing activities it is important that a balance is struck between existing knowledge retention and service optimization through bringing in industry best practices. Following are the guiding principals for the transition plan proposed by us. Guiding Principals Knowledge Retention • • • •

Ensure knowledge retention by retaining key CIB personnel in the Wipro team 20 SBG-CIB Employees Contractors based on Criticality, Knowledge level and current Role Knowledge circulation to the Wipro team (SMEs+ Execution team) using “Train the Trainer” method

Risk free transition and faster initiation to project • Structured transition plan to ensure rapid on boarding by Wipro for Change the Bank activities - “In-flight” and “Upcoming” Projects • Focused Knowledge acquisition for applications not affected by CTB initiatives to ensure glitch free transition of BAU activities to Wipro • Upfront productivity benefit of 8% to be passed on to CIB Best practice assimilation and enhancement • Synchronise CIB Test process, Methodologies, Defect management process , Metrics and SLAs with Wipro’s framework to build upon a standard process model for the engagement • Leverage the tools, utilities and frameworks developed at other areas of SBG (PBB+ Africa IT) Dignified People Transfer • Sensitivity in People Transfers and transparent two way communications process • Comparable terms and conditions including salary and benefits • Seamless Assimilation of employees into Wipro fabric through focused and customised Induction and Integration Plan • Ability to offer rewarding careers through commitment to training and development

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Overall Transition Approach

The most important phase of the engagement would be the transition to the target operating model. This happens in the first year. For such a journey to be successful, it is critical to lay a strong foundation. Detailed planning to the level of work breakdown structure (WBS) ensures a predictable outcome during this stage. Wipro plans to use its transition framework Wip-Trans for efficiency during this stage. Our approach involves undertaking a comprehensive due-diligence, followed by a multi-pronged transition including People Transfer and Knowledge Acquisition, managing risk and ensuring undisrupted BAU activities, while focussing on assuming responsibility and delivering value early. The following diagram represents the overall transition plan. The timelines are indicative and will be finalised during the initiation phase. M1 PeopleTransfer Employment Analysis






2 weeks

Transfer & Consultation

2 weeks

On-boarding & Integration

2 Weeks


1 week

KnowledgeTransition Track Plan and Prepare


4 Weeks

10-12 weeks

2 weeks

Change the Bank Transition

8-10 weeks

KAP In-flight projects Shadow Support

In-Flight Projects Primary Support Stabilization and Ownership

4 weeks

BAU Track KAP Shadow Support Delivery Ownership



Baseline Test Process & Metrics Synchronize & document To be process

Link Set up

Figure 3:


3 weeks

Transition Plan

People Transfer

Wipro has transitioned about 18,000 employees across the globe till date. People transfers is a part of our Human Resources strategy to expand our global footprint, which also helps us in acquiring new skills, competencies, diversity in workforce and ensuring business continuity in the transitioned operations from the clients. We believe that our experiences and learning’s from transitions have equipped us with processes, tools and methodologies to handle these in the most efficient manner. As a company, we have been growing at a CAGR upwards of 30% and our need for skilled resources is forever high across the globe. Keeping this trend in perspective, we propose taking

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over SBG’s employees and giving them a career with Wipro in SBG-CIB and its associate lines of business PBB and Africa IT, other growing accounts and re-skilling for relevant opportunities, as required. We believe that there are 3 elements that drive the success in such a people transfer scenario: Information: a clear and timely understanding by each individual employee of what is planned; the rationale for change; their personal situation; what the organisation expects from them; and the likely outcome for them and their colleagues Structure: a roadmap and a framework within which the transition will be managed. This will include a timeline and key milestones; policies and procedures; a definition of the rights and obligations of the organisation and individuals; and details of the nature of support to be provided Support: a range of programmes to address the emotional and psychological needs of individuals and equip them to fulfil the roles and responsibilities expected of them during the transition Wipro believes that its success in employee transfers and integrations in the past can be attributed to the following principles that are adopted by its team: No.

Key Principles followed in Transitions


The ‘Spirit of Wipro’ (Passion to Win, Act with Sensitivity, Integrity) – values that are reflected in all our interactions with the transferring staff


People transition aligned closely to business objectives - No business downtime with availability of a fully trained resource from Day 1.


Open and honest communications – No secrets, no hype, no empty promises


Focus on retention of key skills


Minimise legal risks by complying fully to the Section 197 regulations

We have a well-defined process for people transition in outsourcing deals, including experience of such transfers under similar laws across the globe, primarily in Europe. Our understanding of Section 197 gives us close similarities with Europe Transfer Laws on employment. A clearly defined programme office, governance and escalation process would assist in the management of these transfers. Approach to staff transfer that will be followed for SBG-CIB is explained below:

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Wipro’s Response to SBG CIB RFP No: RFP/SBG/00053/2011 Transition Plan for SBG-CIB Proposed Staff Transfer Plan For SBSA

May 2012 W eek 1

Pre Contract Signature - Due Diligence & MSA

W eek 2

W eek 3

W eek 4

Contract Sign Off

DD completion/ Contract Sign Off Planning

Post Contract Signature – Transfer & Consultation


T&C’s Agreed T&C’s Confirmed to Individuals

Staff Transfer to Wipro - On-Boarding & Integration

Payroll/Admin/ On Boarding Preparations

Orientation, W elcome & Integration

Join W ipro

Figure 4:

Phase I - Pre Contract Signature

From our past experience, our approach to employee transitions has been co-creation of transfer plan and approach with client teams. Prior to commencing the HR program we would look to agree a joint HR strategy with SBG-CIB HR, focusing specifically in the following areas:        

Initial Meeting with the SBG-CIB and Wipro HR transition team to agree the list of in-scope employees and contractors, which in current understanding is 20 employees including 5 contractors Wipro will explore the opportunity to consider a higher number of contractors for transition based on their experience, criticality in projects and role At this meeting, we would expect to agree a common approach and timelines for transition and consultations and to develop a joint HR plan. Initiate Due-Diligence with SBG HR to understand the terms and conditions, benefits, contractual & non contractual obligations and pending legal issues pertaining to the “in- scope” employees, if any. Discussion on the approach on resolving specific issues like Pension, Redundancy policy and any other statutory obligations towards affected employees. Mapping of managerial staff, critical / Subject Matter Experts (SME) employees and retention strategy Development of a joint HR communications strategy to support the overall program. Development of a joint consultation strategy with the employee reps as appropriate.

During this phase our deliverable will be:   

Creating a comprehensive HR due diligence plan and ensure that it is completed on time Create a joint transition and communications plan encompassing consultation approach, with detailed dateline agreed by both SBSA and Wipro HR. Development of a ‘key knowledge retention plan’ focusing on key staff, retention initiatives, where appropriate and key knowledge gaining.

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Wipro’s HR strategy is divided into the following stages:       

Agree Joint HR Plan Agree approach Agree steps in process, plan and timescales to fit the business needs Agree responsibilities Agree HR meeting schedule and contacts Agree approach to consultations, attendance at meetings, frequency, message, leadership Agree detailed planning for each event, letters, one to one meetings, benefits workshops, etc. on a rolling basis

The HR plan needs to be jointly signed off by both the parties. 

Carry Out HR Due Diligence  Excel spreadsheet of staff, listing terms and conditions and role within the organization  Payroll file downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet showing what was paid in the previous month and for the last year to date  Copy of all relevant employee handbooks, policies and collective agreements where appropriate  Copies of union or consultative group framework, remit and recognition agreement where appropriate  Copies of remuneration policies, banding/grading, bonuses and pay awards (outstanding)  Copy of welfare benefits, pension provision and medical plans and subsidies  Information on additional payments year to date i.e. overtime, call-out, shifts etc.  Any additional outstanding monetary obligation  Understanding of average pay hikes in previous years and promotion polices and any future commitments made

Phase II – Post Contract Signature 

SBG Information & Consultation  SBG HR gain written agreement to release data to Wipro  Agree and activate Communication Program for all internal and external stakeholders (ongoing)  Agree medium (how) and ownership (who) for message to stakeholders  Agree overall plan for each week of process, newsletters, email questions, updates, minutes of consultation meetings  Agree roles and responsibilities, contributors and timings for communications. Wipro Information & Consultation:  Follow on from SBG HR consultation with same consultation group as appropriate  Initial meeting immediately ahead of staff communications  Regular meetings thereafter, as appropriate  Agree meeting leader from Wipro and SBG  Agree strategy and information required for submission, input and responsibilities for information  Agree follow up meetings between Wipro and SBG consultation leaders to review and agree next steps Transition  Initiate HR communications to staff and consultation group and link this with corporate communications initiatives.  Begin consultations and begin sharing the people plan  Receive from SBG-CIB individual staff data (agreed by employees under the data protection regulations, if any)  Start 1st round of discussion with the employee representatives to discuss measures to T&C’s of transferred employees

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    

Start next level, Face to Face discussion with the impacted employee’s i.e. ‘in-scope’ staff to engage and address their concerns and issues, if any Engage focused groups (where appropriate) for discussions with the employees to articulate and clarify any policy related queries Present any proposed changes made to existing employees benefits or working conditions to employee representatives, under broadly comparable terms and conditions Formally confirm changes to T&C's and transfer process with the employees Activate all the infrastructure items (enrolment into Wipro employee database, phones, email accounts, intranet access, access cards etc.) for staff to be able to begin working on their first day with Wipro with ease.

Phase III - Staff Transfer to Wipro  On-boarding and Wipro orientation sessions  Agree content and process for staff file transfer  Liaise and manage payroll transfer - ready for Wipro first payroll run During this phase, we expect to:  

    

 

Introduce the transferred employees to the Wipro Organization (process and policies) Communicate the plan to integrate the transferred employees to the Wipro Manager/ Employee sessions to acclimatize “Wipro way of working”, new working environment, Wipro’s Employee Self Service portal, infrastructure, various support teams etc. Employee Orientation and Assimilation program post transfer Transfer and start running the payroll “Welcome Aboard” – a one day orientation session focusing on The Spirit of Wipro, Organization structure and people processes and policies Open Houses: Create an opportunity to meet Wipro leaders and share opinions and concerns Brief Pulse surveys to understand employee perception and feedback are administered during various phases of the entire program to help us understand the concerns and alter our approach/ carve action plans in line with feedback Team building initiatives and social events to meet other Wipro employees and to create a sense of belongingness, welcome dinner and messages One to one meetings with their new manager(s) where appropriate

During this phase, we focus on:  

Assimilation of transferred employees Mapping all processes, policies and systems to the Wipro Way.

Approach to Staff Terms and Conditions Wipro's approach to staff terms and conditions can be described as follows;  

It is Wipro’s general policy to offer comparable offers and make as little change as possible with regard to staff terms and conditions, in compliance with Section 197 Where items cannot be replicated, for example bonus schemes, or administratively a change in payroll dates; then Wipro would look to compensate staff appropriately for any loss they have suffered. Wipro would expect to agree such changes with staff as part of the consultation process. Wipro’s objective would be that, in aggregate, the staff receives a comparable package as they would have on transfer. As part of the due diligence process, Wipro will work with SBG-CIB to fully understand and compile analysis of staff existing terms

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and conditions. As part of the consultation process, Wipro will make proposals for the treatment of such terms and conditions. Wipro would adhere to all legislative protection with regard to pension provisions and any other statutory obligation


Expectations from SBG-CIB


Collaborative, joint, and two-way communication process and information sharing from SBG-CIB HR team to ensure detailed compensation and benefits study and thereby ensure a comparable offer and a smooth employee transfer process

Short, Medium and Long Term Implications for the Staff Transferred In short term, Wipro would assess each of the individuals to be transferred from various perspectives. Some of the key assessment areas would include: 

 

Criticality of the individual. The individual would be assessed by:  Domain knowledge  Technology Skills  Trainings and Certifications  Business Acumen Criticality of the individual from managing and relationship with any external supplier Criticality of the individual from any specific knowledge perspective

While there will be lock in mechanisms for key/critical employees to services of SBG for minimum 24 months, based on the above key assessment criteria, medium and long term implications for each role would be made whether the individual is retained in similar role in SBG-CIB, re-deployed or re-skilled for some other role within Wipro or is at a potential risk of redundancy after 24 months of contractual obligation of employee service with Wipro. For ascertaining the key employee list, SBG’s inputs will also be taken into consideration. Wipro plans to re-deploy the employees on large programs running in other portfolios such as PBB and Africa IT to ensure critical knowledge retention and employee welfare. Contractor Transition   

Identify all the critical contractor roles jointly with SBG-CIB management The focus will be on personnel with significant application and test process knowledge existing within CIB Discussion and negotiation with the respective contracting agencies for term of service of the identified contractors

Our experience in People Transfer Case 1: Rebadging – Leading Insurance Provider Company

Engagement Type (Rebadging)

Leading Insurance Provider in UK with more than 6000 employees

The awarding of the contract to UK Wipro for IT and BPO services in 2009 entailed transfer of around 150 staff to Wipro in UK under the TUPE

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Geography (Country)


No. of employees

% Accepted

3 -6 months



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Engagement Type (Rebadging)

Geography (Country)


No. of employees

% Accepted

Geography (Country)


No. of employees

% Accepted

Europe, China, US, Canada & Mexico

3 -6 months



regulations. Since the services were divided into ‘waves’ there were 4 separate dates for staff transfer across 3 locations in UK Case 2: Rebadging – Global Telecom Equipment Provider Company

Engagement Type (Rebadging)

Global Telecom Equipment Provider

5 Global Locations, across APAC, Europe and Americas covering shared service centres covering F&A, OM, Procurement + ITO in January 2010

Change Management This track is championed by a change champion and is co-facilitated by a representative from the client side to leverage bests practice, process, models, tools and methodologies. We cover the following topics through a series of workshops as part of the solution. The duration of each workshop and the sub topics are usually done through a joint discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Baseline Current & Future State Design Conduct cultural alignment workshops Designing Retained Organisation & Governance Structure Assessing Capabilities & Competencies Workshop Leadership & Stakeholders Alignment and Communications Risk Mitigation and Retention Strategies People Process, Planning & Transition Activities

We also have a dedicated Organisation Change Management team whose expertise is leveraged for such requirement.


Knowledge Transition

With our vast experience in transitions of similar magnitude across Financial Services and other industry verticals, Wipro has evolved a transition approach that enables smooth transitions with proven methodologies and frameworks. There are multiple ways of designing transition tracks based on people, locations, LOB, project and release cycles. With our current understanding we believe in order to ensure faster initiation to projects as well as in-depth knowledge gain on the CIB application we need to follow a two pronged approach.

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Change the Bank track 

The transition phase for Change the bank track is expected to take a timeframe of 8 weeks to 10 weeks, preceded by 2 weeks of initiation phase

Finalized project plan for the year will be analyzed during the due diligence phase to ensure the following  Prioritization of projects for KAP  In-Flight  Upcoming  Key SME identification and plan for retention (Employees and Contractors)  Plan for faster Knowledge acquisition from critical SMEs not part of the Wipro team. This is to avoid any delay in the project schedule or quality issues due to lack of sufficient knowledge

Project specific requirements will be covered in a period of 3-8 days depending on project size

Projects from the same functional area will be clustered together for joint KAP session thereby ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the functional area as well as optimization of SME time. This Project based KAP will enable faster initiation to projects

For In-Flight projects,  Wipro SMEs will shadow the existing team after the functional KAP phase is over. For a period of 2-3 weeks depending on the project requirement.  After the shadow phase Wipro will take the primary responsibility of project execution supported by the existing team  In flight projects will be further divided into the following categories and Wipro’s delivery responsibility will vary accordingly:  Projects where Wipro team can get involved only at the stage where Test Execution is about to commence. In such cases, Wipro will support in Test execution. In this scenario, Wipro team performance will be measured on the basis of Test execution productivity. The accountability rests with CIB.  Projects where Wipro will get involved from Test Design and will get involved in Test Case Creation and execution. In this scenario, Wipro team performance will be measured on the basis of metrics that measure test coverage and DRE along with Test Execution Metrics.  If more than 40% of the project personnel are transitioned to Wipro as part of the People Transfer, then Wipro will take ownership of the Project with SLR commitment  Projects where Wipro will get involved from Solutioning: Wipro will have primary responsibility and will be measured by all Test Service Delivery SLAs as agreed

For Up-coming/New Projects  Wipro SMEs will be trained by the transitioned employees and contractors on the project requirement and functionalities  The offshore team in turn will be trained by the Wipro SMEs to be ready for execution

BAU Track:    


As per SBG-CIB’s direction Wipro has planned to transition the business as usual testing work from the 6 month onwards Wipro plans to have a short 1 week KAP phase to bridge any application related knowledge gap that might exist Wipro BAU team will provide shadow support for 3 weeks and will work with CIB BAU team during this time to gain hands-on knowledge across the application portfolio Shadow support for BAU will cover activities like observing CIB team test defects, assisting in test case creation and assistance in testing.

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The Wipro BAU team will document and update the SMTD in parallel with shadow BAU support by studying product related documentation; current defect logs/test cases and testing old defects on the Test Environment. Post 1 month for any BAU activity Wipro will agree on its scope/deliverables and will take up testing for the same

Process Track:   

   

Perform Inventory of existing Testing artefacts and organize the same in the Test Management Tool (QC). Baseline existing Test Process framework /Metrics in first 2 months Design “To Be“ Test Processes Based on learning’s from projects executed & Wipro's Rapid TestQ framework Institutionalize Test Management Tool for end to end test process and collection of metrics and make Incremental changes to Testing Service delivery projects during execution where possible. Example if Wipro starts a project it will create a Traceability matrix for the project During transition, the team will adopt the processes currently followed by the testing team to ensure minimum disruption to the ongoing activities. Hold Test process workshops for all re-badged employees and transitioned contractors across LOBs A separate team of process consultants would engage in assessing and base lining the processes to be followed in the steady state. We will deploy in-house developed test estimation tool as part of this engagement to standardise the test estimation effort. As a key highlight, this tool can be used for estimating the following 2 types of testing effort for project/release.  Level 0 estimate (using development effort)  Level 1 test estimation (using count and complexity of functional specifications) During the transition phase, the following quality assurance processes will be followed.  Internal reviews: Wipro’s Transition manager will review the progress of day to day activities and provide review comments and suggestions.  Weekly Progress Review with client  Wipro’s Transition manager will review the progress of the actual transition activities completed against the planned activities with the SBG-CIB SPOC. This weekly progress meeting will help in planning for the next week, identifying tasks that need more attention, and any risks and issues.  External milestone reviews  For each stage of the transition, Wipro suggests to have milestone reviews of the deliverables by the CIB SMEs when completing each stage of the transition. This will ensure the deliverables are up to the CIB expected quality.  SMTD (System Maintenance Technical Document)  Playback session to CIB SMEs by Wipro team

Phases of Transition The section below details out the activities that we will perform, deliverables and dependencies we have on CIB during  

Knowledge Acquisition Phase (KAP) Parallel perform phase

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Parallel Perform Knowledge Acquisition

Figure 5:

Secondary Support

Primary Support/Stabilization

Phases of Transition

Knowledge Acquisition Objective: Focused sessions with CIB SMEs from testing and domain detailing different aspects of the Application cluster including functional and technical details. This is the foundation for understanding of existing processes & practices from an end to end test perspective. Activities


• Workshops related to existing test processes & practices • Workshops with SMEs to understand portfolio business functionalities, application functionality, architecture, interfaces etc • Test inventory analysis and walk through • Study and analysis of available documentation • Understand the batch processes involved • Understand the test data & test environment setup • Understand the test process and methodology being followed, Initiate process definition • Understanding the upload process for various applications. • Understand the existing scripts & test scenarios / test cases • Identify applications & activities to be performed as part of Parallel performance plan • Understand Automation framework, % automation accomplished • ( based on availability) • Domain centric workshop for appreciation of business functionalities from testing perspective • Definition of plan for Parallel Perform in consultation with CIB • Interim playback sessions with CIB SMEs

• KAP report • Draft system Maintenance technical documents (SMTD) • Signed off Parallel Perform plan

Dependencies on CIB       

SPOC from each Application portfolio SPOC/Business area to help identify SME and schedule session Ensure SME time availability for the scheduled sessions i.e. approximately 10-15 hrs /per week per SME Ensure SME availability for process reviews and replays (2hrs/week) Ensure the contractors are available in the system during the entire transition duration (KAP and Parallel Perform) Application availability for walkthrough Timely sign offs to meet overall timelines

Parallel Perform Objective: To acquire hands on skills after the knowledge acquisition phase. Identified Wipro resources will map with the ongoing test service delivery and build further on the knowledge acquired during KAP SBG and Wipro Confidential

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• Secondary Shadow Phase: Wipro team observes existing team deliver BAU test projects  Study of test plan, test strategy  Project documents • Primary Shadow Phase : Wipro team performs defined test activities for identified projects under the supervision of CIB • The deliverables from primary phase activities to be reviewed & signed off as per agreed timelines • Knowledge transfer to offshore team by the onsite Wipro team • SMTD update & baseline

• Final System Maintenance technical document (SMTD)

Dependencies on CIB   

Availability of CIB SMEs 8-10 hrs/ week per SME Availability of SMEs for review and sign off of deliverables Timely sign off of deliverables


Transition Sequencing using Wipro’s Wip-Trans Framework

Wipro’s Transition framework Wip-Trans will be leveraged to determine the Application/Project transition sequencing. Application clusters will be analyzed and weighted against the following parameters:      

Dependency on other upstream and downstream applications Size of the application Business Complexity Maturity Business Criticality Documentation

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Wip-Trans Framework

Figure 6:

Wip-Trans Framework for Transition Sequencing

Clustering approach for Project based transition track Analyze and logically cluster projects based on their Functional Areas & scheduled timelines. 

Projects that are of related requirements and belonging to the same functional area will be grouped together. This would ensure appropriate focus from Wipro and SBG-CIB SME to cover the functional landscape spanning these in flight projects at the same point in time. This will ensure we avoid issues of overlap and incomplete information.

Projects that are about to initiate testing activity (Test Design, Test Execution) would be sequenced earlier to ensure Wipro is able to contribute to these projects earlier.

For each Project, where Wipro performs independent Testing Activities, there will be a Project specific KAP ranging from 3 days to 8 days based on Project complexity and duration. Wipro resources will be prepared to undertake a rapid knowledge acquisition for these projects due to prior training and availability of SBG SMEs in Wipro team


Wipro Differentiators

Wipro Transition Accelerators Wipro has a long association with the Corporate and Investment banking industry and has created various accelerators that aid in testing ensuring that less effort and less time is required for test cycles. Following diagram depicts Wipro’s Transition framework that will be used for CIB transition.

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In the following table we will discuss all those accelerators that we consider will bring in significant value to CIB in terms of reducing transition cost. However, the applicability of these accelerators will be decided during the pre-KT phase. Steps

Representative Tools

Application Diagnostics & Portfolio Analysis

• Portfolio Analysis tool

Transition Estimation and Costing

• Timeline and FTE estimation tool

Transition Planning & Governance

• CA – Clarity

Knowledge Acquisition – Enable offshore KAP

• Collaboration Tools WebEX, Live Meeting • EpiPlex – SOP capture tools, Flow breeze


• Wipro K Net Portal

Steady State Governance

• Ecube


Performance Measurement during Transition

Governance during Transition: 

During the transition phase, the following quality assurance processes will be followed.  Internal reviews: Wipro’s Program manager will review the progress of day to day activities and provide review comments and suggestions.

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 

Daily stand up meetings with CIB Transition Manager: To discuss any immediate issues, delays, escalations and review progress Weekly Progress Review with SB  Wipro’s Program manager will review the progress of the actual transition activities completed against the planned activities with the CIB SPOC. This weekly progress meeting will help in planning for the next week, identifying tasks that need more attention, and any risks and issues. External milestone reviews  For each stage of the transition, Wipro suggests to have milestone reviews of the deliverables by the CIB SMEs when completing each stage of the transition. This will ensure the deliverables are up to the CIB expected quality.  SMTD (System Maintenance Technical Document) progress reviews  Playback session to CIB SMEs by Wipro team at an interim milestone during transition when the SMTD is in progress and finally when the complete SMTD is delivered for sign off

Wipro will have an entry exit criteria for each phase of transition and these will be monitored during the engagement. The entry-exit criteria for each of these phases are described below. Initiation 

Entry Criteria:  In principle agreement from CIB to start the transition  Letter of Intent from CIB prior to Initiation Exit Criteria:  Approved KT plan

Transition Knowledge Acquisition Phase (KAP)  

Entry Criteria:  Approved KAP Plan Exit Criteria:  Submission of KAP Report  Reverse playback of application knowledge and process understanding  CIB Portfolio SPOCs to approve Parallel Perform Plan

Parallel Perform (PP)  

Entry Criteria:  CIB approved Parallel Perform Plan Exit Criteria:  CIB approval of Parallel perform plan execution  Signed off SMTD documents

Transition Metrics: Deliverable

Acceptance Criteria

Measurement Criteria

SMTD document

Playback rating

Playback rating on a scale of 1 to 5 for SMTD

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Rating>3 Wipro will submit request for getting playback rating score for the KAP reverse Page | 19

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Acceptance Criteria

Measurement Criteria


Remarks presentation.

SMTD document

Document quality rating

Document quality rating on a scale of 1 to 5

Parallel perform test artifacts

Test execution coverage

Number of test cases executed during PP phase/Number of test cases planned for execution during parallel perform (PP) phase


Number of test cases prepared for given set of requirements/Number of test cases that are expected to be prepared to ensure 100% coverage


Parallel perform test artifacts


Test functional coverage

Rating>3 Wipro will submit request for getting document quality rating score for the SMTDs submitted Test cases to be detailed and accurate for the tester to execute Test cases to be identified upfront with the CIB test manager Test requirements to be identified upfront with the CIB test manager

Resource Ramp up and Offshoring approach

Wipro’s Ramp-up Approach:      

Complete the SBG CIB employee re-badge and Contractor transition process after the Initiation phase During the Initiation phase the key Wipro resources including the Business Analysts and Test Portfolio managers will be ramped up for overall transition planning st The offshore team Test Managers and Test Leads will start ramping up from the 1 week for. The offshore team will start preparing for execution phase for all subsequent projects. For Application track the ramp up will start after 2 weeks of Knowledge transition kick off As the KAP phase of each application/project ends, some key resources will come back to Offshore for training and knowledge transfer to the Offshore team By the end of the transition phase the team will be ramped up to its full strength

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Ramp up-Plan 140

Resource Plan

120 Wipro Onsite

100 80

Wipro Offshore



SBGCIBContractor s


Wipro Total

0 W1W2W3W4W5W6W7W8W9W10 W 11 W 12 M1

W1 SBSA Employee-Wipro Onsite SBSA Contractor-Wipro Onsite Wipro Onsite Wipro Offshore SBSA contractor Figure 7:

W2 20 5 5 0 115


M1 W3 20 20 7 4 95

W4 20 20 10 8 57


W5 20 20 12 11 50

W6 20 20 15 12 45

M2 W7 20 20 16 15 40


W8 20 20 18 17 35

W9 20 20 17 26 35

W10 20 20 17 26 35

M3 W11 20 20 17 26 35





W12 20 20 17 26 35

20 20 17 26 35

20 20 17 26 35

20 20 17 26 35

20 20 17 26 35

20 20 35 34 10

Ramp Up Plan

Resource Pyramid followed While Wipro will leverage the current CIB skill matrix, we will optimize the same by adapting the following resource pyramid. This resource pyramid structure ensures a balance mix of Test Management, Domain and execution capability in the team.

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Figure 8:

Resource Pyramid

Approach To Offshore 

Wipro will leverage its existing Chennai ODC for SBG for the CIB Testing scope. Wipro will identify any additional Data Security requirements for SBG-CIB during the initiation phase and implement the same accordingly. Considering the CIB domain complexity and dependencies we have considered a higher Onsite presence (60%) for year 1 with gradual off-shoring happening in year 2 onwards. However Wipro is flexible to revisit the Onsite-Offshore mix during the initiation phased based on CIB inputs During the transition phase and initial phase of steady state, Wipro will do an evaluation to determine the optimal offshore mix and finalize the complete list of activities that can be done at onsite and offshore during the subsequent stages.  Key factors that will be considered when finalizing the onsite-offshore activity split are  Functional Complexity/ Dependencies  Environment availability  Data confidentiality  Knowledge on business and technical aspects

Following diagram illustrates at a high level the activities that Wipro generally recommends to be performed at onsite and offshore during transition and stabilization phase:

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Engagement Phase Wise Onsite-Offshore break-up • Onsite Coordination

100% onsite 90 80

• Resources for KAP


• Preparing questionna ire for KAP

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90

100% offshore

• Understand Scope of testing

• Gradually start working on higher priority tasks • Perform day to day activities

• Knowledge acquisition from onsite team • Support onsite for shadow

• Start working on the low priority tasks

• Gradually start working on higher priority tasks • Perform day to day activities

• Participation in PMO • Interaction with various team • Process improvement • Gather new request and requirements and work on that with help of offshore team

• Interaction with various teams • Getting signoff from CIB for various activities of testing

• Create test framework

• Get issues clarified from CIB • Start taking ownership of complete activities • Monthly test planning and execution

• Bring improvement in productivity and process



• Start working on the low priority tasks



• Understand current test process and identify Gaps

• Wipro observes testing activities



• Gain Knowledge of all applications



• Gathering brief knowledge of Application s



Pre – KAP


• Create guidelines and methodologies to be followed during the course of the project.

• Planning for KAP

• Project management and status reporting

• Perform day to day activates • Test planning scheduling and executing for applications • Test environment setup and maintenance • Test data preparations and maintenance

The above Onsite-Offshore ratios have been customized for SBG-CIB. Considering the criticality of the application landscape and this being CIB testing organizations initial experience with Offshoring we have proposed a higher Onsite presence (around 60%) for the initial 1 year of the engagement.

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Test Phase wise Onsite-Offshore break-up 100% onsite



Tes t Life Cycle



Performance analysis


Perf. Test Design and Execution


Perf. Strategy and Planning


Script Execution


Auto. Framework Design


Defect Tracking & Management


Test Execution& Reporting


Auto. Strategy and Planning

20 10

Test Data Prep


Test Plan and Strategy


Test Management & Coordination


Performance Requirement Gathering


Automation Assessment


Requirement Gathering



100% offshore

Figure 9:


Onsite-Offshore Delivery Approach

Transition Governance

Wipro will work closely with the CIB Executive Management and Transition team to ensure a successful transition of services based on mutually agreed terms and conditions. A transition governance team will be set up for this purpose. This team will consist of three structural layers– Executive, Service Delivery layer and Operational Layer.

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The Transition Governance and communication model is depicted below –

Figure 10: Transition Governance Structure

Key features of the Transition Governance Model 

The Executive Committee to comprise of CIB CIO , CIB Testing Head, Wipro Account Manager, Wipro Offshore delivery head and Wipro-CIB Program Manager. This committee will monitor the progress of the transition and serve as the final escalation layer for any issues arising in transition. The Service Delivery Layer to comprise of the Wipro Program Manager, Offshore Delivery Manager and CIB Area Managers. The Wipro Program Manager and CIB Testing Head will be jointly responsible for managing the overall transition. The Operational Layer to comprise of the Transition leads, Test leads and Business Analysts from Wipro side and CIB Portfolio SPOCs. The Wipro team will be spread across South Africa and Chennai.

Issue Management For transition, Wipro and SB will establish an “Issue Management Process” to identify the following,   

Issue Escalation Path: This defines the path of escalation in terms of who can escalate to whom and what can be escalated where. Issue Resolution Responsibilities: This identifies the roles and responsibilities of various teams in resolving problems. Issue Resolution: All issues will be brought to the notice of SB through the Weekly Status Report from Wipro. Similarly, issues from SB can be directly addressed to the Wipro Transition Manager in the weekly status review meets. In such cases, the primary resolution step will be through a discussion between the Wipro Program Manager and the SB Testing Head. Our experience tells that most of the issues are solved at this level. Issue escalation can happen in case the issue is not resolved to either party’s satisfaction. The first level of escalation for SB will be the Wipro Program Manager.

Escalation Table: The following table outlines an indicative escalation path during transition:

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Escalation Level


1st Level

Program Manager

2nd Level

Account Manager

3rd Level

Account Executive

Wipro and SB will mutually agree to the escalation points and response timelines at the start of the engagement.


Critical Success factors

Through Wipro’s experience in facilitating transitions and conducting a large transition in PBB, we have identified a number of Critical Success Factors for the effectiveness of the transition exercise to ensure steady state success. CIB should help make the transition a success by implementing the following measures:  

     

Transition is a collaborative effort between CIB and Wipro. Ownership lies with both the parties. Transition plan should be jointly owned by Wipro and CIB Active participation in transition governance, with a dedicated Transition Manager and SPOCs who are empowered and singularly-tasked to make the transition a success. The CIB Transition Manager should plan for and own all CIB internal threads including interactions with the multiple teams involved from CIB in the transition Steering committee (the Executive governance layer) meeting should be held at agreed intervals ( agreed upon governance) to monitor the progress of transition, identify the risks and take corrective action Daily transition review meetings to take stock of any changes in plans, discuss roadblocks, issues and provide quick decisions and resolutions so that transition progress is not hampered. Participate in transition planning activities with Wipro, discuss within CIB for SME time and commit for and schedule SME time for sessions Availability of tools, documentation and environment Establish robust gating criteria for each phase including steady state Timely review and sign-off deliverables including playback session so that transition timelines can be met

Leverage Wipro’s previous transition experience in PBB Smooth Service Transition in A smooth transition of services that does not impact BAU is another critical factor is other areas of SBG group determining the success of the engagement in the long term. Wipro’s prior (PBB & Africa IT) successful transition experience at SBG PBB has enabled it to understand the complexities of this transition in the SBG context and understand the main drivers for transition success. Wipro will apply its learning from the previous transition to drive a successful transition in CIB and mitigate transition risks. The proposed transition plan factors in this knowledge from Wipro’s earlier transition at PBB.

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Ease of transitioned employees and contractor re-deployment

While according to the terms of this contract key resources need to be retained in the CIB engagement for a period of 24 months, it will be imperative to move around other resources as and when required. Wipro’s presence in the other portfolios of SBG group puts it in a unique position to re-deploy the transitioned employees on large projects in other areas. This arrangement will ensure complete knowledge retention within SBG and employee welfare.

Knowledge Management and SBG Group testing experience

Wipro brings to this engagement not just knowledge of testing, transitions or managed services but also its knowledge of the SBG Group. Wipro’s experience in managing testing services in PBB, Africa and Liberty across the SBG Group will ensure that this engagement has a strong foundation and support from within the larger established Wipro engagement. The CIB engagement, while managed with separate focus, will have all the benefits that this foundation can provide. A number critical start up glitches (Infrastructure issues, Stakeholder non- alignment issues etc) that often disrupt a smooth transition and service delivery in new engagements thus be mitigated.


Transition Risks and Mitigation

Potential Risks

Mitigation Plan

Apprehension of employees about transitioning to a new and unfamiliar organization

• Brand Awareness to be a part of selling pitch before offer rollouts. Post transfer, culture/brand and value sessions are a part of the transition plan which explains the unique entrepreneurial culture of small organization within the bigger Wipro world

Delay in Contract sign off

• Finalise all the nuances of the proposal during the due diligence and planning phase to have a faster contract sign off, in compliance with local law

Knowledge loss due to Transition

• Re-badge of SBG-CIB employees with significant domain and process knowledge • Flexibility to transition critical Contractor resources to Wipro delivery team based on CIB inputs • Prioritise knowledge transfer for application which are business critical and have dependency on single SME

Non acceptance of offers by critical resources

• Show them the bigger picture/ arrange counseling and coaching sessions for identifying their needs and re-training them accordingly • Assign suitable staff to alternative positions in other accounts after discussions with them

High attrition of re-badged employees leading to Knowledge loss

• Prioritise knowledge transfer for application which are business critical • Retention programs for critical employees to be launched • Back fill through Wipro’s existing employee pool, with similar competencies • ‘Meet your people program’ to ensure ongoing employee engagement

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Potential Risks

Mitigation Plan

Non availability of SMEs not transitioned to Wipro

• Loss of critical resources during transition to be highlighted and reviewed in review meetings. • Role based transition timeline and consequently SME dependency • Escalate to designated CIB personnel if required • Delays in sessions or getting information during transition to be reviewed in transition and program review meetings • Identify a transition evangelist who will help in smoother dealings with the CIB SMEs

Lack of documentation

• Review the available documentation and drive the knowledge transition around must-have sessions • Wipro senior Business Analysts to be involved for quick knowledge gathering

Delay in transition timelines leading to delay • Periodic status check during the transition phase • Any delays or issues to be immediately escalated to the Steering in Commencement Date of steady state Committee delivery • Daily progress meetings to address any sessions that are postponed or speedily plan around other potential delays such as in sign offs Non alignment of stakeholders towards the Enterprise TCoE model

• Strong governance model to manage all stakeholders of the engagement • Defined communication model for periodic interaction between the various stakeholders • Identify Change agent and incentivize the team for successful transitioning to Wipro

Data security issues : There could be Potential roadblocks in Testing on account of Data Security

• Wipro proposes to explore potential Data Security issues in PreTransition Check list. • Wipro could work closely with Bank to implement data obfuscation framework for data masking

Organisational change management and cultural issues

• Wipro’s process consultant to build a OCM governance framework • Conduct evangelist session to socialise the new process regime • Conduct cross cultural workshops, informal events


Assumptions and Dependencies

We understand that the success of this transition and subsequently the entire engagement can only be achieved through a collaborative working model between SBG-CIB and Wipro team. In the following table we have listed down some of the critical support that we need from SBG-CIB to ensure a smooth, risk free transition. No. Assumptions For the Solution Presented 1

For the people transfer following data has been considered: 20 SBG-CIB employees 20 SBG-CIB contractors including the 5 critical contractors However Wipro is open to explore possibilities of getting more SBG-CIB contractors/employees on-board

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No. Assumptions For the Solution Presented based on requirement 2

We assume that all the employees and contractors to be transitioned to Wipro as part of this engagement are part of the Change the Bank(CTB) team


As per CIB’s guidance we have considered taking ownership of the BAU activities from the 7th month onwards


CIB needs to ensure that the key BAU team members are available till the 6th month for knowledge transfer and shadow support activities


For personnel projection the working hour has been taken as 8.75 at offshore and 8 at onsite according to standard Wipro norms


Cost of all benefits/bonus is included cost structure/total Cost to Company shared with Wipro


No allowance has been made for the transfer of any pensions liabilities relating to employment prior to Wipro employment.


Contractors are employed on a commercial contract and do not have employment rights, specifically the right to transfer their employment to Wipro or a termination payment. The details however on their nature of contracts is not available


SBG-CIB will allow Wipro for Consultation process of 2-3 weeks before transfer


All resources will be available for Knowledge Transition phase


SBG management enable Wipro to identify and offer employment to the critical employees and contractors in the Wipro team


SBG will furnish Wipro with all the details regarding the planned projects, SME dependency, criticality etc


SBG-CIB will retain a thin layer of management to act as interface between Wipro team and Business for requirements


SBG-CIB will retain the existing team and critical SMEs who are not transitioned to Wipro team till the end of the transition phase


SBG management will ensure that the KAP play back documents are duly reviewed and signed off by the stakeholders


SBG management will create an organizational awareness about this transformation program and help Wipro in conducting organizational change management activities such as workshops, open house etc


SBG management need to ensure all the 3rd party product vendors are aligned to the changes in the testing organization


SBG management will ensure that the governance meetings have proper representation of the SBG-CIB team


Provide a dedicated SPOC from each of the 4 lines of business for coordination and governance purpose


Provide a dedicated HR for facilitating the people transfer process

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Project Plan & Key Profiles

Indicative Project Plan: The attached document highlights the high level transition project plan.

WIP_CIB_Transition plan.mpp

Key Profiles: Wipro has identified few key profiles for the CIB engagement. Considering the criticality of the CIB landscape, Wipro plans to On-board experienced professionals onto the team. These are indicative profiles identified for CIB subject to availability at the start of the engagement Roles

Key Highlights

Lead Consultant TPS & Operations Technology

Name: Sundararaj Krishnan

Lead Consultant - Risk & Finance Global Markets

Name: Pardeep Kumar

Business Analyst

Name: J Dhinesh Kumar More than 11 years of experience in Banking Industry including Payment Gateway Systems - Master Debit Switch (MDS), a proprietary product of Client Worldwide and switching software Tandem Connex Advantage, a proprietary product of eFunds Corporation.

23 years in International Banking Business in a leading bank in India. Expert in SWIFT messaging and has developed SWIFT test message repository. As Domain consultant, rolled out International Remittances products and developed software for Mid office, Back Office, Nostro Reconciliation and Vostro Accounting of International Operations Division

More than 29 years of experience in the banking industry with a wide exposure to Retail Banking, Corporate/Commercial Banking, Credit Appraisals, Non-performing Asset Management, Foreign Exchange (also including Treasury Back-Office Operations), Trade Finance, Core Banking Solutions, Risk Management and Compliance in Banking as well as IT Industry (Testing Services).

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Lead_Consultant_Su ndararaj.docx

Lead_Consultant_Pa rdeep Kumar.docx

Profile-J Dhinesh Kumar.docx

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Key Highlights

Business Analyst

Name: Ramakrishna V S Well versed with Derivative Products like OTC Rates, Equities, OTC Credit & Exchange traded Equity Front to back process – Trading, Confirmations (drafting & matching) and Settlements. Credit Default Swap, Index, Index Tranche, ABX,CMBX ,ABS, CMBS, Option on CDS (Swaption) and handling both DTCC (TIW)&Paper, Interest Rate Swaps, Cap & Floor, Swaption Strangle, Swaption, Swaption Straddle, CCY Swap, NDF Currencies, Overnight Index Swap, Basis Swap, FRA, Zero Coupon, Asset Swaps, CCY MTM swaps, Accumulators, Decumalators, TRS, PRS, Dividend Swaps

Automation lead

Test Lead

Test Lead

Profile_Devaraj Ranganathan.docx

Debadatta Hota Over 13+ years of experience and expertise in Performance Engineering, Capacity Planning, Test Management and has been a Test Manager, Project Manager and Delivery manager

Test Lead

Profile-Ramkrishna VS.docx

Name: Devaraj Ranganathan Automation testing of Web applications and Windows based applications using QTP for around 3 years. Manual testing of Web applications and Windows based application. Validation of Embedded products in Automotive and Medical domain. Development of Windows based applications using Delphi IDE and Automotive Embedded Software using C.

Performance Lead


Name: Ramesh Jayapalan 9+ years of experience in testing, test planning, leadership and test management. Experienced in working directly with clients in defining validation requirements, scope and validation strategy. Have extensive testing experience in Finance, Telecom and Transportation application Name: K Sankar 12 Years of experience in Software Testing with Manual and Automation Testing. Well versed communicator with strong interpersonal and relationship management skills. Possess significant experience and ability to work in multicultural and diverse environment and leading personnel from various cultures, locations, time zones and backgrounds

Performance_Consul tant_Debadatta Hota.doc

Profile_Ramesh Jayapalan.docx

Profile Sankar-withphoto.docx

Name: Ajith KR Thodathara Overall 13 years of diversified experience in Software Quality Assurance testing. Profile_Ajith.docx 5 years of Project Management experience as Test Manager / QA Project Manager. Proven skills involving Project Planning, estimation, Resource planning, Deliverables & tracking and Team formation.Worked on managing multiple teams for the Onsite – Off shore projects. Extensive experience in Test Plans, Test strategies/methodologies, Testing Methodology, metrics, tracking/auditing, reporting and resource management.

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Annexure: Wipro credentials

We understand that for a successful transition of the current in-scope CIB application portfolios at Standard Bank into a managed services TCoE engagement, we would require a team that has the required domain knowledge and has the right experience to understand the current complex CIB business and technology landscape. For ensuring the same, we would leverage on our past experiences in this domain and tap onto a resource pool who have worked for similar tier-1 corporate and investment banking QA engagements. Some of our key engagements & initiatives in the corporate & investment banking space that we propose to leverage for the CIB QA transition are:     

 

Implemented and Tested Flexcube wholesale core banking platform supporting commercial lending in the EMEA region for one of the largest US banks Implemented a Leasing solution for a large Equipment Financing major in Europe on the SAP IS-Leasing platform Mobile application solution for account managers, drivers and fleet owners for a large US bank Experience in building applications to support competitive advantage in the area of front, middle and back office for a large global financial services firm Have successfully conceptualized, designed and built high volume trading applications in equity, fixed income, structured products and derivatives across various engagements Provided end-to-end testing across multiple leasing applications including InfoLease, LeasePlus, and LeaseTrack and custom-built applications for a large US Bank Implemented “WGS NetOxygen” for end to end loan origination functionality for a large commercial mortgage lender in the US Wipro has a Dealer Floor Plan Financing solution built on WGS NetOxygen accelerators. Various engagements in the Payment processing space – Wipro has a dedicated practice with 40+ consultants specializing in payments origination, clearing, settlement & reconciliation. We have domain experts who have a sound understanding of end to end payment processing. Our payments expertise has been a key to the successful delivery of large scale, payments related programs.  We have been engaged with certain payments/check processing product partners in developing IT and BPO value proposition for banks  Application development and testing of an integrated funds transfer application for a banking major in the US  Integration of a large global bank’s payments platform  Helping a card association manage over 25 billion card transactions involving over USD 2.5 trillion of payments globally  Maintenance of a payments hub solution for bulk payments and faster payments for a leading bank in UK  Re-engineering legacy payments platform for a leading Swiss bank

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