Wills Under Muslim Law

March 23, 2019 | Author: Pranav Tanwar | Category: Will And Testament, Inheritance, Social Institutions, Society, Qur'an
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Wills under Muslim Law...





Submitted by -Pranav Tanwar  - IInd Year  - Seti!n "




P&# N!#
























 I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Prof. (Dr.) Kahkashan Y. Danyal who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic

“WILLS UN!" #USLI# L$W%& L$W%& which also helped me in doing a lot of "esearch and I came to know a'out so many new things I am really thankful to her( her( Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finali)ing this assignment within the limited time frame( *+ranav ,anwar 




Wi33 i4 t5e 3e&a3 de3arati!n !6 a 7er4!n84 intenti!n w5i5 5e wi45e4 t! be 7er6!rmed a6ter 5i4 deat5 and !ne t5e Wi33 i4 made by t5e te4tat!r it an !n3y be rev!9ed durin& 5i4 3i6etime# A Wi33 d!e4 n!t inv!3ve any tran46er: n!r a66et any tran46er inter-viv!4: but it i4 an e;7re44i!n !6 intendin& t! a77!int a 7er4!n w5! wi33 3!!9 a6ter t5e 7r!7ertie4 a6ter 5i4 Seti!n 8 !6 ?T5e Indian Sue44i!n At: '@+ w5i5  7r!vide4 di66erent ru3e4 6!r inte4tate 4ue44i!n and te4tamentary 4ue44i!n in India# It a773ie4 t! a33 t5e !mmunitie4 in India e;e7t Mu43im# In India t5ere i4 a we33-deve3!7ed 4y4tem !6 4ue44i!n 3aw4 t5at &!vern4 a 7er4!n84 7r!7erty a6ter 5i4 deat5# >T5e Indian Sue44i!n At '@+8 a773ie4 a773ie4 e;7re443y e;7re443 y t! Wi334 and !dii34 made by /indu4: "udd5i4t4: Si954: Bain4: Par4i4 and %5ri4tian4 but n!t t! M!5ammedan4 a4 t5ey are 3ar&e3y !vered by Mu43im Per4!na3 Law# T5ere are ertain 5arateri4ti4 w5i5 45!u3d be in3uded in t5e in4trument !6 wi33 4u5 a4C'# +# *# ,#

T5e T5e Name Name !6 !6 t5e t5e Te Te4tat! 4tat!r  r  Ri&5 Ri&5tt t! a77! a77!in intt Le& Le&at atee ee T! ta9 ta9ee e66e e66et t a6t a6ter er dea deat5 t5 Intent Intenti!n i!n !6 !6 t5e Te4 Te4tat tat!r !r i4 4u7r 4u7reme eme

Every 7er4!n w5! i4 !m7etent t! !ntrat may ma9e a wi33 but 5e mu4t be ma!r: 4!und mind and wi33in& t! write a wi33# A 7er4!n !6 un4!und mind an a34! ma9e a wi33 but !n3y in 3uid interva34# A Wi33 Wi33 ann!t be made by 4!me 7er4!n4 i#e# min!r4: in4!3vent: 7er4!n4 di4ua3i6ied under any 3aw by t5e !urt# A Wi33 Wi33 under M!5ammedan Law i4 a33ed a3 3ed a4 Wasiyat : w5i5 mean4 a m!ra3 e;5!rtati!n !r a de3arati!n in !m73iane wit5 m!ra3 duty !6 every Mu43im t! ma9e arran&ement4 6!r t5e di4tributi!n !6 5i4 e4tate !r 7r!7erty# T5e M!5ammedan Law re4trit4 a Mu43im 7er4!n t!  beueat5 5i4 w5!3e 7r!7erty in a wi33 and a33!w4 5im t! beueat5 '*rd !6 5i4 e4tate by writin& wi33: w5i5 wi33 ta9e e66et a6ter 5i4 deat5# T5e 3aw i4 main3y un!di6ied i4 &!verned  by t5e 5!3y b!!9 and u4t!m4# A33 4u5 ru3e4 re3ated t! Mu43im 3aw !n Wi334 Wi334 wi33 be di4u44ed in detai34 in t5e a44i&nment#




T5e re!rd4 t5at 5ave been 5anded d!wn t! u4 6r!m antiuity re&ardin& t5e u4t!m4 and u4a& u4a&e4 e4 !6 t5e t5e 7re7re-I43 I43am amite ite Arab4 rab4 4eem 4eem t! e4tab e4tab3i 3i45 45 abun abunda dant nt3y 3y t5at t5at te4ta te4tame menta ntary ry di47!4iti!n4 were n!t un9n!wn am!n& t5e 7a&an tribe4 !6 t5e 7enin4u3a# "ut it i4 di66iu3t t! 4ay: 6r!m t5e materia34 in !ur 7!44e44i!n: w5at were t5e !nditi!n4 w5i5 re&u3ated t5e va3idity !r inva3idity !6 wi334 made by t5em# T5e Rabbinia3 Law w5i5 wa4 in 6!re am!n& t5e Bewi45 tribe4 7r!5ibited t5e te4tat!r  6r!m de7rivin& 5i4 3aw6u3 5eir4 6r!m 4ue44i!n it a34! 7re3uded 5im 6r!m !n4titutin& a 4tran&er a4 an 5eir# "ut w5en a di47!4iti!n wa4 e66etuated by t5e immediate de3ivery !6   7!44e44i!n: t5e Rabbinia3 Law a77arent3y re&arded it a4 va3id# A wi33 !u3d be made eit5er verba33y !r in writin&: but: &enera33y 47ea9in&: t5e 6ir4t m!de wa4 !n4idered a4 t5e m!re 7re6erab3e !6 t5e tw!# T5e (!ran e;7re443y 4anti!ned t5e 7!wer !6 ma9in& a te4tamentary di47!4iti!n: and re&u3ated t5e 6!rma3itie4 and !nditi!n4 t! w5i5 it i4 4ubeted '# T5e 3eadin& aut5!rity !n t5e 4ubet !6 wi334 i4 t5e -edaya t5e  -edaya:: w5i5 wa4 tran43ated 6r!m t5e !ri&ina3 Arabi by 6!ur  Mau3vi4 !r Ma5!medan 3awyer4C and 6r!m Per4ian int! En&3i45 by %5ar3e4 /ami3t!n by !rder !rder !6 Waren /a4tin /a4tin&4 &4 w5en w5en 5e wa4 G!vern G!vern!r!r-Gen Genera era33 !6 India# India# T5e  -edaya wa4 !m7!4ed by S5ai95 "ur5an-ud-Din A3i w5! 63!uri45ed in t5e twe36t5 entury# T5e aut5!r  !6 t5e -edaya t5e -edaya be3!n&ed  be3!n&ed t! t5e /ana6i S5!!3: and it i4 t5e d!trine4 !6 t5at 45!!3 t5at 5e 5a4 7rini7a33y re!rded in t5at w!r9# ?Wills& ay4 t5e  -edaya: Wills& 4ay4  -edaya: ?are lawful on a favoura'le construction( $nalogy would   suggest that they are unlawful& 'ecause a 'e.uest signifies s ignifies an endowment e ndowment with a thing in a way which occasions such endowment to 'e referred to a time when the property has 'ecome void in the proprietor /i(e(& the testator0& and as an endowment with reference to a  future period /as if a person were to say to another& another& 1I constitute you proprietor of this article on the morrow&20 is unlawful& supposing even that the donor2s property in the article still continues to exist at that time& it follows that the suspension of the deed to a  period when the property is null and void /as at the decease of the party0& is a fortiori unlawful( ,he reasons& however& for for a more favoura'le construction in this particular are twofold3* twofold3* 4irst& there there is an indispensa'le indispensa'le necessity necessity that men should have the power of  making 'e.uests& for a man& from the delusion of his hopes& is improvident and deficient  in practice& 'ut when sickness sickness invades invades him& he 'ecomes alarmed and afraid of death( death( at  1 (!ran: %5a7# H: ver4e 2


that period& therefore& he stands in need of compensating for his deficiencies 'y means of  his property* and this in such a manner that if he should die of that illness& his o'jects /namely& compensation or his deficiency and merit in a future state0 may 'e o'tained*or& on the other hand& if he should recover& that he may apply the said property to his wants* and as these o'jects are attaina'le 'y giving a legal validity to wills& there are& therefore& ordained ordained to 'e lawful( Secondly& Secondly& wills wills are decided decided to 'e lawful in the 5oran and the traditions& and all doctors& moreover& moreover& have concurred in this opinion# opinion #+ T5e nu3eu4 !6 t5e 3aw !6 Wi334 i4: by !mm!n !n4ent: t! be 6!und in a traditi!n !6 t5e Pr!75et: re7!rted by "u95ari *C Sa8d ibn Abi Waa4 4aidC ?T5e Me44en&er !6 G!d u4ed t! vi4it me at Mea: in t5e year  !6 t5e Farewe33 7i3&rima&e: !n a!unt !6 i33ne44 w5i5 5a4 be!me very 4ever# S! I 4aid: ?My i33ne44 5a4 be!me very 4evere and I 5ave mu5 7r!7erty and t5ere i4 n!ne t! in5erit 6r!m me but a dau&5ter: 45a33 I t5en beueat5 tw!-t5ird4 !6 my 7r!7erty a4 a 5arity 5e 4aid: ?N!# I 4aid: ?/a36 5e 4aid: ?N!# t5en 5e 4aidC ? 6e.ueath one*third  and  and !ne-t5ird i4 mu5: 6!r i6 t5!u 3eave4t t5y 5eir4 6ree 6r!m want: it i4 better t5an t5!u 3eave4t t5em in want: be&&in& !6
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