Facts: 1. Respondents Respondents Power Power Master Inc. and Tri-C General Services employed employed and assigned the petitioners as janitors and leadsmen in varios Philippine !ong "istance Telephone Company #P!"T$ o%ces in Metro Manila area. &. S'se(en S'se(ently) tly) the petition petitioners ers *led a complaint complaint +or money money claims claims against Power Master Inc.) Tri-C General Services and their o%cers) the sposes ,omer and Carina lmisin #collectively) the respondents$. . The petition petitioners ers alleged alleged in their their complaint complaint that they they were not paid paid minimm wages) overtime) holiday) premim) service incentive leave) and thirteenth month pays. /. They +rther +rther averred averred that that the respondents respondents made them sign 'lan0 payroll sheets. . The petitioners petitioners amended amended their their complaint complaint and inclded illegal dismissal as their case o+ action. 2. They claimed claimed that that the responde respondents nts relieve relieved d them +rom +rom service service in retaliation retaliation +or the *ling o+ their original complaint. 7. 3ota'ly) the respondents did not participate in the proceedings 'e+ore the !a'or r'iter e4cept on pril 15) &661 and May &1) &661 when Mr. Romlo Pacia) 7r. appeared on the respondents8 'ehal+. The respondents8 consel also appeared in a preliminary mandatory con+erence on 7ly ) &661. LA’s Ruling: Rulin g: The ! awarded the petitioners 9. LA’s petitioners salary di:erential) di:erential) th service incentive leaves and 1 month pays. In awarding these these claims the ! stated that the 'rden in proving the payment o+ these money claims rests with the employer. ,owever) they were not awarded 'ac0wages) overtime) holiday and premim pays +or +ailre to show that they rendered overtime wor0 and wor0ed on holidays. Moreover) it was not decided that they were illegally dismissed +or +ailre to show notice o+ termination o+ employment. 5. NLRC: ;oth parties appealed to the rling o+ the !. 3!RC a%rmed !8s rling with regard the payment o+ holiday pay and attorney8s +ees 't vacated the awards o+ salary di:erential) 1 th month pays and service incentive leaves. Moreover) 3!RC allowed the respondents to present pieces o+ evidence +or the *rst time on appeal on the grond that they have 'een deprived o+ de process. It also rled that petitioners were legally dismissed de to gross miscondct. 16. CA: Rling o+ the 3!RC was a%rmed.
Issue: an appeal 'y the employer may 'e per+ected) only pon the posting o+ a cash or srety 'ond issed 'y a repta'le 'onding company) dly accredited 'y the Commission) in the amont e(ivalent to the monetary award in the jdgment appealed +rom.? #. In the present case) the respondents *led a srety 'ond issed 'y Secrity Paci*c ssrance Corporation #Secrity Paci*c$ on 7ne &9) &66&. $. t that time) Secrity Paci*c was still an accredited 'onding company. %. ,owever) the 3!RC revo0ed its accreditation on @e'rary 12) &66. &. 3onetheless) t'is su(se)uent *ev+cati+n s'+ul, n+t -*eu,ice t'e *es-+n,ents /'+ *elie, +n its t'en su(sisting acc*e,itati+n in g++, 0ait'. 7. In "el Rosario v. Philippine 7ornalists) Inc.) we rled that a 'onding company8s revocation o+ athority is prospective in application. 1. ,owever) the respondents shold post a new 'ond issed 'y an accredited 'onding company in compliance with paragraph /) Section 2) Rle 2 o+ the 3!RC Rles o+ Procedre. This provision states that >AaB cash or srety 'ond shall 'e valid and e:ective +rom the date o+ deposit or posting) ntil the case is *nally decided) resolved or terminated or the award satis*ed.? 5. Contrary to the respondents8 claim) t'e issue +0 t'e a--eal (+n,’s vali,it2 3a2 (e *aise, 0+* t'e 4*st ti3e +n a--eal since its -*+-e* 4ling is a u*is,icti+nal *e)ui*e3ent. 16.The re(irement that the appeal 'ond shold 'e issed 'y an accredited 'onding company is mandatory and jrisdictional. The rationale o+ re(iring an appeal 'ond) is to discorage the employers +rom sing an appeal to delay or evade the employees8 jst and law+l claims. It is intended to assre the wor0ers that they will receive the money jdgment in their +avor i+ the employer8s appeal is dismissed. A party may only adduce evidence for the rst time on appeal if he adequately explains his delay in the submission of evidence and he suciently proves the allegations sought to be proven . 1. In la'or cases) strict adherence to the technical rles o+ procedre is not re(ired. &. ,owever) this li'eral policy shold still 'e s'ject to rles o+ reason and +air play. . The li'erality o+ procedral rles is (ali*ed 'y two re(irements= #1$ a party shold ade(ately e4plain any delay in the s'mission o+ evidence and #&$ a party shold s%ciently prove the allegations soght to 'e proven. /. The reason +or these re(irements is that) the li'eral application o+ the rles 'e+ore (asi-jdicial agencies cannot 'e sed to perpetate injstice and hamper the jst resoltion o+ the case.
. 3either is the rle on li'eral constrction a license to disregard the rles o+ procedre.
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