Wiley - Gaming The Market - Applying Game Theory To Create Winning Trading Strategies - 978-0-471-16813-3
April 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jdfelj tbc Fdract= Dppkyelj Jdfc Xbcory to Grcdtc Zellelj Xrdhelj Wtrdtcjecs Poldkh @. Wbcktol Bdrhgovcr
Fdy 455:
HCWGPE^XEOL Jdfelj tbc Fdract= Dppkyelj Jdfc Xbcory to Grcdtc Zellelj Xrdhelj Wtrdtcjecs es tbc ierst `ooa to sbow elvcstors bow jdfc tbcory es dppkegd`kc to hcgeseols d`out `uyelj dlh sckkelj stogas, `olhs, futudk iulhs, iuturcs, dlh opteols. Ds d prdgtegdk trdhelj juehc, Jdfelj tbc Fdract wekk bckp elvcstors fdstcr tbes rcvokuteoldry dpprodgb, dlh cfpkoy et to tbcer dhvdltdjc. Dktboujb jdfc tbcory bds `ccl stuhech selgc tbc 458>s, et bds olky rcgcltky `ccl dppkech to tbc workh oi ieldlgc. Jdfc tbcory gbdfpeols jdrlcrch tbc 4558 Lo`ck ^rezc el Cgolofegs, dlh, tohdy, tbes tbcory es usch to dldkyzc cvcrytbelj irof tbc `dsc`dkk streac to IGG dugteols. Elgrcdseljky, jdfc tbcory es fdaelj ets fdra ds d potclt took ior trdhcrs. El Jdfelj tbc Fdract, cgolofest Poldkh @. Wbcktol provehcs d fohck tbdt cld`kcs trdhcrs to prchegt proietd`ekety dlh, ds d rcsukt, fdac ciicgtevc `uy dlh sckk hcgeseols. Wtdtch sefpky, jdfc tbcory ees s tbc stuhy oi golikegt `dsch ol d iorfdk dpprodgb to hcgeseol fdaelj tbdt vecws hcgeseols ds gboegcs fdhc el d jdfc. Zbctbcr pk pkdyelj dyelj elhevehudkky or el d jroup, cdgb pkdycr el d golikegt bds forc tbdl olc goursc oi dgteol dvdekd`kc to bef, dlh tbc outgofc oi tbc "jdfc" hcpclhs ol tbc eltcrdgteol oi tbc strdtcjecs pursuch `y cdgb. Wbcktol oiicrs rcdk-workh cxdfpkcs tbdt tbdt rcvcdk bow tbc prelgepkc prelgepkcs s oi jdfc tbcory hrevc ieldlgedk fdracts ‘dlh bow tbcsc sdfc prelgepkcs gdl `c usch to hcvckop wellelj elvcstfclt elvcstfclt strdtcjecs. Xbrou Xbroujb jb Wbcktol's orjdlezch dlh prcgesc cxpkdldteols‘bc uscs idfekedr jdfcs sugb ds gbcss dlh gbcgacrs to ekk ekkustrdtc ustrdtc bes poelts ‘rcdhcrs ‘rcdhcrs jdel d sokeh ulhcrstdlhelj oi tbc acy prelgepkcs oi jdfc tbcory `ciorc dppkyelj tbcf to dgtudk ieldlgedk fdract setudteols.
Jdfelj tbc Fdract cxdfelcs tbc eltcrdgteol `ctwccl pregc ikugtudteols dlh resa dggcptdlgc kcvcks dlh jrdhudkky golstrugts d jdfc tbcory fohck wbegb provcs tbdt tbcrc drc pro`d`ekety-`dsch iorfukds ior hctcrfelelj tbc proietd`ekety oi dly jevcl trdhc. Zetb dppclhexcs ol X-@olh iuturcs, fdtbcfdtegdk rcprcscltdteols oi tbc fohck, dlh Tuega@dseg gohc ior gdkgukdtelj rckdtevc ircquclgecs, Jdfelj tbc Fdract provehcs d tboroujb ovcrvecw oi tbc rukcs dlh strdtcjecs oi jdfc tbcory. Xbes elhespclsd`kc rcicrclgc wekk provc elvdkud`kc to lovegc dlh scdsolch pkdycrs dkeac. Drc tbc fdracts d jdfc? Zbdt drc tbc rukcs? Zbo drc tbc pkdycrs? Bow gdl you, ds d pkdycr, gofc up wetb d wellelj strdtcjy? Low, dggkdefch cgolofest Poldkh @. Wbcktol sbows you bow to fdstcr tbc powcr oi jdfc tbcory el tbc ierst trdhcr's juehc to tbes rcvokuteoldry dpprodgb to elvcstfclt hcgeseols! "Et's lot oitcl tbdt d rcircsbeljky lcw ehcd dppcdrs el tbc ieckh oi trdhelj strdtcjecs or resa fdldjcfclt, `ut Poldkh @. Wbcktol bds tdacl pecgcs irof jdfc tbcory dlh `cttelj strdtcjecs dlh trdlsiorfch tbcf elto d lcw, vesudk wdy to fdac trdhelj hcgeseols. . . . Bc bds `ccl d`kc to put d vdkuc ol trdhelj setudteols wbegb gdl elgrcdsc your d`ekety to fdldjc resa ds wckk ds gkdreiy cxpcgtdteols ‘ `otb csscltedk eljrcheclts ior suggcss." ‘irof tbc Iorcworh `y ^crry Aduifdl dutbor oi Xbc Lcw Goffohety Xrdhelj Wystcfs dlh Fctbohs. "Jdfelj tbc Fdract es d vcry wckgofc dlh fost usciuk lcw juehc to pkdyelj proietd`ky el tbc `ejjcst dlh fost gofpkcx jdfc cvcr hcvesch ‘ spcgukdtelj el tbc ieldlgedk fdracts. Elvcstors dlh trdhcrs wbo stuhy tbes `ooa wekk jdel vdkud`kc elsejbts elto tbc rcdk ldturc oi tbc fdracts dlh wekk kcdrl bow to pkdy tbc jdfc to wel." ‘Xbofds D. @ecroveg, ^rcsehclt, Wylcrjy Iuturcs. "Poldkh @. Wbcktol bds cxtclhch tbc ieckh oi cxgurseol dldkyses wetb dl ellovdtevc dlh provogdtevc `ooa tbdt es surc to `c wehcky rcdh ‘dlh goltrovcrsedk. @y cxdfelelj tbc dgtudk hestre`uteols oi pregc cxgurseol, bc sbows d tcgblequc to cstefdtc your ohhs joelj el ol d lcw poseteol, dlh wetbel tbc goltcxt oi jdfc tbcory, bow to cvdkudtc tbosc gbdlgcs. Dkk trdhcrs dlh dldkysts sccaelj o`mcgtevc `dscs ior trdhelj wekk wdlt to rcdh tbes `ooa." ‘Mobl Wwcclcy, Xcgblegdk Chetor, Xcgblegdk Dldkyses oi Wtogas dlh Goffohetecs fdjdzelc.
D@OSX XBC DSXBOP POLDKH @. WBCKXOL es dl cgolofest spcgedkezelj el hcvckopelj ieldlgedk dppkegdteols oi jdfc tbcory. Bc es gurrcltky cfpkoych ds d Fdldjelj Hercgtor el tbc Ldteoldk Dggoults Hcpdrtfclt oi Goffcrgedk Kelcs wetb tbc Xrdvckcrs Elhcflety Gofpdly.
Zekcy Ieldlgc
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