Wildlife for Sale Reaction Paper

December 15, 2016 | Author: Michaela Micole Derelo | Category: N/A
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Wildlife For Sale -Documentary by Richard Gutierrez (GMA 7)...


Derelo, Michaela Micole M. 8- Captain of Salvation

Science (Film Viewing) September 10, 2013

GUIDE QUESTIONS (Wildlife For Sale) Write a short summary about the movie? The Philippines is well-known for its rich biodiversity-with numerous animal species endemic only to the archipelago. But this has also consequently made the country a wildlife trafficking hot spot. Wildlife for Sale is a documentary that investigates the controversial wildlife trade in the Philippines and in neighboring Asian countries. It traces the intricate wildlife trafficking trail right from the source, to transshipment points, down to the markets where they are sold. In Wildlife for sale, Richard Gutierrez investigates this underground trade which ranks third in the world's most profitable illegal industry-next to drugs and firearms – in the world, putting the Philippines’ wildlife “treasures” in grave danger. How does wildlife trafficking affect our diversity? Wildlife Trade causes the loss of species Trade in some animal and plant species is high, and is capable of heavily depleting their populations and even bringing some species close to extinction. Why is it important to protect our wildlife? If we will not protect our wildlife, the earth's riches and beauty would be gone otherwise. Wildlife protection is also essential because if the animal is gone, it will be impossible to study and learn from them. Unfortunately, a lot of wildlife has disappeared from earth due to human activities. We should always remember that extinction is forever. And also, one can learn a lot from animals which can benefit the human race. For instance, a lot of medicines have been derived from the chemicals produced by animals. These medicines are then used to help cure various health conditions, such as heart diseases, disorders, and other illnesses. What must the government do to stop wildlife trafficking? Governments should employ modern intelligence-led investigative techniques to identify and prosecute the criminals at the heart of the trade and apply penalties severe enough to create the deterrent required to discourage criminal involvement. Governments must recognize the impact that escalating wildlife crime has not only on wildlife but also on people, economies and regional security. What can you do to protect other species in this planet? Heroic acts aren’t necessary, and small things can add up to a big difference. You simply have to care. Each of us has a role to play in saving Earth’s biodiversity. As a student, all that I think I can do is to: Help in Protecting Wildlife Habitat , Join a Conservation Organization , Recycle and Reduce Energy and Goods Consumption , Voice my Concerns and Get Involved Locally , and Share My Enthusiasm for Wildlife and Nature through encouraging others to learn about nature, enjoy watching wildlife, and value protecting habitats and species with which we share this planet.

Reaction Paper (Wildlife For Sale)

In Wildlife for Sale, environmental advocate Richard Gutierrez went deep into the heart of the wildlife industry. He followed the trail of trafficked wildlife from their native habitat where the poaching happens, to the ports where they are secretly shipped, to the marketplaces where they are often traded as exotic pets, traditional medicine and even as ingredients for exotic gourmet dishes. He uncovered the reasons behind the illegal dealings and its repercussions. He witnessed the often-horrific ordeal wildlife for sale is subjected to and perhaps helps in saving them in the process. The documentary traced how widespread the wildlife trade is across Asia. Documenting the trade from Myanmar, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and other parts of Southeast Asia, Wildlife for Sale is a comprehensive report on the state of wildlife in various parts of the world. The report uncovered what wild animals go through before they become souvenir items, pets in cages, and even delicacies on the table. Wildlife for Sale also revealed the major root of the trade—the demand for wildlife. Poachers and traders during interviews admitted that engaging in this business is highly lucrative; and because of the demand, the sale of wild animals has become their bread and butter. A trader also narrated how they were able to ship animals from Palawan to Manila without being caught by authorities. At the heart of this controversial issue is the very survival of species. Every year, more animals are added to the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), revealing an alarming trend. More and more of the world's wildlife are pushed to the brink of extinction by habitat destruction, and by excessive and illegal hunting. There are also many "firsts" that he experienced while filming the documentary. He joined Palawan's CIDG on a buy-bust operation against poachers and traders of Philippine Geckos. He and the team discovered more than seventy geckos inside plastic bottles bound for Malaysia. Richard also surveyed a seized foreign vessel that was caught fishing along Philippine waters. Remains of poached sea turtles or pawikan, critically endangered animals, are found inside the vessel. The television host and environmental advocate say being part of this show is a learning experience because he was like a journalist on the field to cover.

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