White Vedic Spells - Full e. Course

March 19, 2017 | Author: mad_dog_richards | Category: N/A
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Required Articles – Your True Trust and Full Faith


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Experience of Aspirants or Successful Stories


We have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, stay home, yet inwardly we are sad why? Why is oppressed? Why are you upset? Awaken your inner consciousness because we have forgotten the Skills, contained in inner Anandsagr (God) lost contact with the divine, to research the interaction - are sitting up formula, Chanting the Spell and his predestination has been abandoned. Days of the Today’s world are being affected by external appearances. As a result, they are disturbed by the way, while the physical means our life is falling toward the disturbance. He was also the age of the house - a house and a man earns a hundred men used to eat in peace, joy won. Tyagi (Who have left all thing), who lived in the fun by wearing only a loincloth. Right now, coat, trousers, suit, boots, etc. all tie chic - while Mat is Holly in Heart. We tranquility of mind, self-relaxation lost. So all type of desire or wishes can be fulfill by the spell chanting. There is non in this world which can not be get by chanting the spell. In God Words: “Mantra Jap mn mein khood virajman hoon” means I lives in spell chanting, Who chant the spell that one have also the right to use my powers to fulfill his / her desire.


Requirement and benefits of spells chanting course: This means that our inner consciousness mantra to awaken that sleeping does reveal that our greatness, we develop the latent powers. From master spells correctly, the method and means, romantic heart chanting what can not be done? When the telephone so small - the right to use the dial Telephone in the world ever get busy or dead 'Angej get' but Vishweshwar's telephone ever Angej “busy or dead” absent. He is everywhere and forever. Is ready. Yes ... Please rotate negligible variation number will then solder. Ring where the bell rings elsewhere. The mantra also little variation turn left handedness if not properly will result. Religion today so he should be seen in the life of the human being not satisfied, the music, the joy. What is the reason? Vishweshwar(God) contact does not add to the number properly. Do not understand the meaning of spells, rituals do not know how or when knowing the mantra does not prove negligence. The method of chanting the mantra, the mantra of the characters, the meaning of the mantra, Spells Chanting Course know if the method we have brightened up our ability. We can unite with Vishweshwar


1. Our physical bodies parents give birth and true Spells master awake our consciousness in supernatural power to give birth. 2. Spells can fulfill our all type of desires and wishes because it contains the power of God. 3. Casting spells never gone in vain, It will always show the result either 100% or less depend on the faith of spell caster. 4. Spell chanting can save you by any sudden accident, attack by enemy or any other danger whatever can be misshapen. 5. Only spell chanting can fulfill your all type of wish because spell always works on the based of you thinking, wishing or desire. Spells closely and directly connected to your inner fillings. There are lots of and too many advantages or benefits of Spells chanting which are not countable. Just start spell chanting and see the result your self.

SELECTION OF PLACE FOR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OR SPELL CHANTING Spells chanting mantras such feeling in your mind like the place where you can do that, you can delve into the meaning of the mantra, self-guilt disappears and increased happiness. It is the very best place for rituals. Do not like the place where you have a ritual to be scared, be a natural event are insane, violent creatures to be afraid of and where the people are opposed to ritual. Reflections of mind against the opponents will be thinking of the enemy, and then fear will not look like a mantra. Where thieves - fear of hoods, etc., the snake - the fear of scorpions, etc. .. There are no rituals. A room in your home or go elsewhere spruce, made holy, sun - lamps, incense sticks, floral - can sit for ritual arguments and pleasing atmosphere. If the room is not available then only one of a corner of the house can also run.


Meditation, chanting and any spiritual practice is essential for the proper posture. A type of electricity energy arises from our body by chanting the spells. This power is very important in spiritual upliftment. The proof is in body mass electricity energy, courage, courage, and his nature becomes disease free. The body is at the electricity energy encircled her disease. Sitting posture without seat electricity energy arising in the body pulls the ground. Therefore, conservation of electricity energy should sit on the seat while chanting. The seat of power Awahk (Non-conductor) must have passed the power to overcome it. Hot seat is folded blanket so good. Cushion can also run on a plain piece of burlap or plastic. Long-term stability and concentration ritual to sit in Padmasana, Ardhpdmasn, siddhasana, Swstikasn practice the better. When not practicing healthy posture in a chair, sit up straight. Note that typically sit much time and especially during rituals at the backbone to keep straight. Our vitality, supernatural power of God seed in the center of the bottom, lying dormant in the Muladhara chakra. He is awakened by chanting. When he awakened and rises only helps. Revive it by chanting, develop. Precise manner dictated by the master, well understood, love - appreciatively chanting is awakened to vitality. He's awake rising upward force to the spine straight is absolutely necessary. With the support of those who chant wall to wall as root makes them sit. Therefore, the right to develop their vitality lean against the wall, except for the time of chanting Sit straight.

DIRECTION SELECTION Generally the chanting should be facing east or north. Yet individually for motives individually chanting the direction towards the mouth of the legislation. By chanting peace and sit facing north, east, toward Captivate, south facing and west facing Amaaran (Killing anybody) proves to the receipt of funds is chanting. Fire angles to the main attractions and chanting, destroyer of enemies on aerial angle, the angle philosophy and chanting the northeast side of the face is the realization of self.

ROSARY Rosary is a very significant tool for seekers. Spells Chanting on the rosary is very helpful. So intelligent seeker like your rosary dear life to understand and protect the pattern of secret funds. Ritual must have a certain number of days the daily chanting. To complete this number, enthusiasm and passion to continue the ritual, large wreath is helpful to avoid intoxication. Japa - the mind will go elsewhere or drowsiness arrest will cover the floor. If the chain is moving tongue will continue to do so while wandering heart and bring pull back. जीभ और माऱा दोनों घूमती रह ॊ तो बाहर घूमने वाऱा मन थोडी ह दे र में अऩने वह स्थथर अॊश के ऩास ऱौट आयेगा जो मस्ू ्छि त रूऩ से जीभ और माऱा को चऱाने में कारणरूऩ था। Beads and run the tongue in which he is working on the power of faith and trust express power will surely one day, will be awakened. Rosary plays very very important role in rituals, It must be keep with full respect like holy books. Never anybody else should be able to see it while chanting the spells or in ritual process. Floor pan right index finger (with the thumb) should not finger the beads. Meru (End or starting point of Rosary) should not be violated. Floor pan - pan upturned on the other side of the beads rotate the spine should start here.

Swing beads covered with a clean cloth. Japa mala (Chanting Rosary) should be put in Gumuki (Fresh cloth little bag type) racing is so perfect.

SELECTION THE NUMBER OF SPELL CHANTING Our Spells is to assume a character, then we must do the ritual chanting a 10 millions. Neither too early nor too late in the chanting should. Singing chanting, nod, written, read and know the meaning of spells between - forget - these are Spells power commitments. God of Spells thinking that it should be chanting, spells and God are the same.

FOOD TYPE REQUIRED DURING SPELL CASTING PRACTICE In very simple ritual food, Sattvic (Pure Veg Food), must be light and nourishing. Stomach should be as heavy and special Smooth - Cpata, not heavy meals. Do not eat less, Less Food not mind that because of the chanting began spinning, the head should be up to the dryness. The constipation, vengeful, is rajasic and inedible food taboos. Eggs - not to speak of fish, garlic, onion, parsnip and do things they are consumed during the ritual. Onions, garlic, fried and late in Silence harmful Things are digested. Them peace of mind and happiness is disturbed.

Should not take stale food.

POWER OF SILENCE DURING SPELL CHANTING PRACTICE In those days when the ritual runs absolutely has to be reticent. Maybe speak three words that do not say a word if you can and take exactly the same Silence. Silence is very helpful to improve our spiritual and consciousness powers.

CELEBACY REQUIRED Female - contact, discuss their lives and if they should leave the place. In addition to the period of his feminine touch is prohibited. Sadikaon women should understand that in relation to men. In the days following the ritual is necessary to fasten. Body tree fadeless

interest-bearing semen. Oz everything in life - fast, daring, courage, strength and all the best qualities appear are result of semen.

SLEEP RULE During rituals, Spells casters should sleep on ground, should not use bed. If sleeping on bed then foam should be replaced with simple cloth sheet.

FULL FAITH IN SPELL "`This spells is great or that he's great spells is awesome! This spells will not benefit from that? '- It spells chanting will be in doubt then result will not be a hundred percent. So First decide what spells need to chant then start it with full faith and trust.

Cleanliness and Holiness Body and mind are interconnected. The effect on the mind and body makes the mind has influence over tan. Tan also swell the mind can not be messy. Tamas (Type of quality like laziness) on tan on the mind, there will be garments passionate. Therefore, those who wear dirty clothes, wearing night clothes after bathing in the morning will wear them again should be careful. Clothing should be washed wear. I saw a man pitied the poor! Rate - the rate dusting eating. Were here .... But there was not anywhere to stay. I checked her personality; her pitiful situation discovered the cause of the situation showed that it was due to her enters in filthy clothes. Mouth garbage, dirty clothes and dirty teeth, it will reduce your vitality. If you wear clothes defecate, then they never should wear clothing after bathing. At the same time they wear should be washed with a bath, let it drown in water without soap Garments are plain but it may have been washed, dirty - dirty, dirty - dirty, sweat full or may not stale. With water, while water is a must. Sense the urge to pour cold water wash, hand - foot wash and rinse it. Some Eat - Drink pureness and then rinse it. Teeth should be clean and white. Dirty, yellow teeth, our personality, our speed to create blur. Teeth in the morning and after meals should be cleaned as well. Month to once or twice a day at bedtime to rub salt and mustard oil mixed teeth. Aging also not rotten the teeth.


||ॐ गं गणऩतये नमः || OM GAN GANPATEY NAMHE || ॐ श्री सरस्वत्यै नमः || OM SHREE SARASWATYE NAMHE || ॐ श्री गरु ु भ्यो नमः || OM SHREE GURUBHYOO NAMHE The Magnificence of Mantras

Even in this present age of materialistic life Mantra-Shakti (Spells Chanting Power) can prove to be more powerful than the Yantra-Shakti. Mantra is a divine instrument with the rare potential of arousing our dormant consciousness. Thus it helps develop our latent powers and brings our original greatness to the fore. The parents give birth merely to our physical body whereas the True Brahmanishtha Sadgurus, the personages established in their True Self, give birth to our Chinmay Vapoo (Inner Consciousness Power) through Mantra-Diksha. Man can attain greatness by developing his dormant powers through Mantra. The regular japa of a mantra reduces restlessness of the mind, brings restraint in life; and works wonders in developing the concentration and memory. A Mantra has different effects on different energy centers of the body. Many personages like Mahavir, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swami Vivekanand, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Ramtirtha, Pujyapaad Swami Sri Lilashahji Maharaj, etc. have attained respect and reverence all around the world through their awareness of the True glory of Mantra.

To marry to desire good husband जय जय गगररवर राज ककशोर , जय महे श मुख चॊद्र चकोर jai jai girivar raaj kishori, jai mahesh mukh chandra chakori

Tulsi Mantra तुऱसी माता ऩर जऱ चढ़ाते हुए इस मंत्र को बोऱें : Chant this spells during offering the spells to Tulsi महाप्रसाद जननी सविसौभाग्यवगधिनी

आगध व्यागध जरा मुक्तॊ तुऱसी त्वाम ् नमोथतुते mahaprasad janani sarvasaubhagyavadhini aadhi vyaadhi jara muktam tulsi tvaam namostute

Brahmcharya Raksha Mantra ॐ अयिमायै नम् | Om Aryamaayai Namah | Japa this mantra whenever anti-celibacy thoughts comes in mind, Do japa for 21 times before going to sleep to avoid wet dreams.

A Mantra useful in celibacy Take some milk in a cup. While gazing at the milk, repeat the following mantra twenty-one times and thereafter drink the milk. This is an excellent aid to Brahmacharya. This Mantra is worth remembering by heart.

Health Protection Mantra ॐ हॊ सॊ हॊ स् | Om hansam hansaha|

रोज सुबह-शाम श्रद्धाऩूवक व इस मंत्र की १-१ माऱा करने से शीघ्रता से स्वास््य ऱाभ होता है |

For accident-free Journey ॐ हौं जॉ ू स् | ॐ भूभव ुि ् थव् | ॐ त्रयम्बकॊ यजामहे सुगॊगधॊ ऩुस्टटवधिनम ् उव्वािरुकममव बॊधनान्मत्ृ योमऺ ुि ीय मामत ृ ात ॐ | थव् भुव् भू् ॐ | स् जॉू हौं ॐ |

om haum joom saha | om bhoorbhuvaha svaha | om trayambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhnam urvvarukamiva bandhanaanmrityormuksheeya maamrataat om | svaha bhuvaha bhooh om | saha joom haum om | Chant this Mahamrityunjay mantra once before starting your journey.

For problem-free Journey ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय om namo bhagvate vaasudevaay Chant one mala of above mantra before starting your journey.

For Job,Marriage related problems ॐघॊकाऱ काऱ कायैनम् | Om gham kaalee kaaleekaayai namah |

Japa this mantra to remove hurdles in marriage, job or other important occasions.

For Court-cases related problems ऩवनतनय बऱ ऩवन समाना | बुद्गध वववेक ववऻान ननधाना ||

pavantanaya bal pavan samaana | buddhi vivek vigyaan nidhaana || Do one mala daily of above mantra to get true results of court-cases. Keep your court related files in North-East direction not locked in Almirah.Keep the file in lotus feet of your beloved Ishta.

Anusthana of Saraswatya Mantra Spells is: Om Ainm Namhe

Regular and sincere jap of Saraswatya mantra leads to the development of the intellect and memory power beyond our imagination. The elevated lives of great many students initiated by Pujya Bapuji in the Saraswatya mantra bear a testimony to this. If a student wants to make his life brilliant, vibrant and divine and to emerge out victorious in all fronts of life, he must observe an Anushthana of Saraswatya mantra. The procedure for the Anushthana is as follows: o

The Anushthana of Saraswatya mantra is to be completed in seven days.


170 rounds of mala are to be done each day.


One should wear only white clothes during these seven days.


One should take a saltless diet during the Anushthana. Khir prepared from milk and rice is recommended.


One should worship goddess Saraswati with white flowers before beginning the jap of the mantra. The Bhog offered to Goddess Saraswati should also be Khir.

o o o

One should pray to Maa Saraswati for a pure and sharp intellect. One should sleep on the ground on a mat or a blanket and observe Mauna as much as possible. Jap done on a mala of crystal beads is all the more beneficial.

Other rules are as same as mentioned above in this e. book.

Blow away the Impediments with MOON SPELLS o

‘tam’(टं ) is a beej mantra, representing Moon, the presiding deity of the Moon. The japa of this mantra is just enough to do away with the sudden impediment inflicting your life.


Write „tam‟(टं ) on a piece of ‘Bhojpatra and insert it into an amulet. Then put this amulet on your right hand. This will remove all sorts of obstacles out of your way.


Just wear an amulet having in it the mantra, „tam‟(टं )written eleven times on a piece of paper. This helps in cases of deficiency of calcium, poor lactation among women and also comes in handy in soothing a fretting child.

Mantra for Sound Sleep

शुद्धे शुद्धे महायोगगनी महाननद्रे थवाहा shuddhe shuddhe mahaayogini mahaanidre swaahaa

 The japa of this mantra before going to bed ends the harrowing streak of your sleepless nights and ushers a propitious era of sound and refreshing sleep into your life.


अगथत्यम कुम्भकणं च शननॊच बडवानऱॊ | आहार ऩररऩाकाथि थमरे द भीमॊ च ऩॊचमॊ ||

Agastyam kumbhakarnam cha shanim cha badavaanalam Aahaara paripaakaartham smared bhimam cha panchakam o

Chant this mantra while caressing your stomach with your left hand in the anti clock wise direction after having your meal. It helps in quick digestion.

Mantra to attain Wealth People practise several methods to acquire Lakshmi (wealth) at the time of Dipawali. Following is a very simple 3-day method for this purpose: Starting from the day of Diwali till the day of Bhai Dooj (for 3 days), light Dhoop, Deep & Agarbatti in a clean room early in the morning, wear yellow colored clothes, put the Tilak of Kesar (saffron) on the forehead, then do 2 mala of the following mantra on a mala with beeds of Sfatik.

om namah bhagyalakshmi cha vidmahe| ashtalakshmi cha dheemahi | tanno lakshmi prachodayaat | It is more beneficial to do japa by concentrating on the picture of Lakshmi, Guru or Ishtha (Tratak). Deepawali is the birthday of Lakshmi ji. Lakshmi ji had appeared at the time of the SamudraManthan from the Kshir-Sagar. Therefore Lakshmi ji bestows her blessings to the person who does this sadhna with the desire that Laksmi stays in his/her home, poverty gets removed & one is able to earn daily bread & butter easily.

Mantra To Elleviate Sudden Trouble Chanting this mantra 108 times everyday, elleviates one from miseries and sudden trouble. ॐ राां राां राां राां राां राां राां राां मम ् कष्टां स्वाहा Aum raan raan raan raan raan raan raan raan mam kashtam svaahaa Note:- in above mantra raan is for 8 times


: To Get success in all type of Work “ॐ गॊ गणऩतये नम्” Om gam ganpatay Namah

हर कायव शुरु करने से ऩहऱे इस मंत्र का 108 बार जऩ करें , कायव ससद्ध होगा | Chant this spells 108 times before starting any important work.

Surya Gayatri Mantra ॐ आदित्याय वविमहे भास्कराय धीमदह तन्नो भानु प्रचोियात ् | om aadityaay vidmahe bhaaskaraaye dheemahi tanno bhaanu prachodayaat

Mala Mantra जऩ करने से ऩूवव माऱा को प्रणाम कर के मंत्र बोऱें : Just need to chant one time before starting the chant on rosary.

ॐ ऐॊ श्री अऺ माऱाय नम् Before mala jap, recite the following mantra offering obeisances to the mala om aim shree aksh maalaay namah

Panchakshari Shiva Mantra Spells :-

ॐ नम् मशवाय

Spells in English Pronunciation:- Om Namah Shivaya The benefits of Panchakshari Shiva Mantra The mantra can: • Dissolve your All Types of bad situation or condition • It is one of the best mantras for physical and spiritual growth • Enlighten you • Invites auspiciousness into your life • Generate immense spiritual power

GAYATRI MANTRA - THE SECRETS OF THE FIVE-FACED GODDESS ॐ भभ ू व ुव ः स्वः तत्सववतुवरव े ण्यं

भगो दे वस्यः धीमहह

धधयो यो नः प्रचोदयात ्



Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat • Dissolve your All Types of bad situation or condition and Fulfill his / her true desire. • It is one of the best mantras for physical and spiritual growth • Enlighten you • Invites auspiciousness into your life • Generate immense spiritual power

Money, Job or Business Spell: Om Someshvray Namhe You need to chant this spell before sun rise in front of burning candle for half an hour to one hour. During this chanting you will gaze the lighted candle fire for half an hour to one hour. All Rules and regulations are provided on following url for Spell chanting:

Most Important point: while chanting the spells you need to gaze the candle light, and keep your wish in your heart, that time nothing will be in your mind and heart except your wish. Duratioin: This spiritual practice need to done in ever year for the 40 days, Mean regular 40 days in this year and then next year and so on. Benefits: Business will never stuck any where, always success will be in your feet.

Master Spell for All Type of Problems You just need to do Chant this spell with full concentration And result will be on you doorstep Spell: ॐ मशव गुरु गोरख नाथाय नमह:

English Pron: Om Shiv Guru Gorakh Nathaya Namah THIS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE WILL BE COMPLETE IN 40 DAYS Timing: 4A.M. in morning, and after 10 P.M. At Night (Half to One Hour Daily on both times) Required articles: Jyot of Mustard Oil, Dhop or Agarbati, Ak Lota Jal, and sweet for parsad Keep the Lota of Jal on the place of your spiritual practice place, in the morning when your chant procedure complete then Sprinkle the water in whole house.

Special Mantra /Spells For Vashikaran / Hypnotism : 1) ॐ क्ऱ ॊ कृटणाय नम् Eng. Pron: Om Klin Krishnay Namah 2) ॐ नमो नारायणाय सविऱोकान मम वश्य कुरु कुरु थवाहा Eng Pro: Om Namoh Naraynay sarvlokan mum vasya karu karu swaha

Above both spells are very powerful spells for Hypnotism

Woman Good luck Spells Spell: ॐ ॐ ह् ॊ ॐ क्रॊ ह् ॊ ॐ थवाहा English Version: Om Om Hreem Om Krinm Hreem Om Swaha All type of Family problems will be solved or destroyed with the chanting of this Spells / Mantra. As you take food daily to feed and keep your body healthy, same theory with this spell, If you keep regular and continue chanting of this mantra then that process will make strong your soul. It will generate very powerful spiritual energy

inside your body. Second Benefits of this Mantra is that it will protect you to evil spirits or black magic. SUN SPELLS TO REMOVE BLACK MAGIC / KALA JADOO: Take a pure fresh washed glass or any pot, fill it with pure water, put some sugar into this pot or glass (don’t mix it with water), Now in the morning while sun rising before eating and after bathing, offer this water to SUN. Keep remember while offering the water your eye should be towards sun inside the flowing water. During this process person need to chant the following mantras 4 time… Spells : ॐ आदित्याय वििमहे भास्कराय धीमदह तन्नो भानु प्रचोियात ् | English Version: om aadityaay vidmahe bhaaskaraaye dheemahi tanno bhaanu prachodayaat This remedies are very very powerful, Black Magic or Kala Jadu never can harm the persons who follow above remedies.

NOTE: All required spells are provided here. Even if any body didn’t found his required spells. Then let us know immediately. I will delivered that immediately. Thanks

Experience of Aspirants or Successful Stories My name is Jessicca from United State of American. i want to testify on what geart priest Yogi Raj did for me. my ex boyfriend left me because he saw another girl who be witched him with witchcraft. i suffered almost for 7 years no good relationship with my ex love. Then my friend introduced me to great great spell caster called priest Yogi Raj who helped me cast a spell on my husband. Very Amazing He didn’t cast spell for me but he guide me how should I spell cast for my husband. I do some spiritual practice and complete it easily. I got the success unbelievable, I was not confidence on me that how I can learn spell casting but Yogi raj provide me the very easy and simple way of spell casting which any one can learn perfectly. Now I have full confidence about spell casting. After that I have spell cast for my boyfriend business (Business Spell Casting for Money), Now business running in best stage. Now we are happy we got married and we are now big family with a beautiful baby girl lima. Yogi Raj is real Master of Magic Spells.


Now days, I am also doing spell casting for my neighbors and relatives. One of my neighbors (the 11 year old boy) was in very trouble due to h was caught by evil soul. That evil soul was casted by another black magician. Doctors have no ideas what is happening with him, Then I check it and contact to Yogi Raj again. Yogi Raj just explain me the spell and I do cast for that boy. Evil soul go back to it origin from where it come. Since then he is happy and healthy.


Best Spells Caster Specialist One another case, one of my relative was in very trouble due to false court case on him. Some Evil persons file a case on him due to a piece of land. Then Again I contacted to Yogi Raj. Then Yogi Raj explained me the Court case spell and I cast the spells for my relative. Just in one month, two year old court case finished, They won the case and now they are living happy and prosperous life. Thanks So much Yogi Raj, For your unlimited Grace and love full blessed. I prayer you to please keep this grace and bless on me always. Jessicca from USA EX LOVE BACK

Hi, i am Linda i want to share to all of you about everything that Yogi Raj is really real spell caster and that he have just helped me to get my husband back for me and the kids. I met this spell through a friends description, friends problems also solved by him and my friend told me that he help always needy people and is really the very nice hearted and powerful personality, He told me how to get his wife back when another man took her from him and then I also decided to try him out and i discover that he is the best spell caster, He took 2 months in his spell casting and I also had to do some spiritual practice but I know the my experience, I am not able to describe my experience in words and he is very powerful and just yesterday my husband come back whom i thought will never come and said to me that he was sorry for leaving me. Now I am so happy that my wish came to true or fulfilled. DELONEY, from Africa


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