White Dwarf #89

March 27, 2018 | Author: drstrobe | Category: Leisure
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White Dwarf Issue 89...


Orcs arc the bnvcst. fiercest ud most daagctollS of ill gobtiDoid races. Their cntdc ..d .~ moaghoIds lie .. th. lhtk ~...t~ ........... from whore !hoy ckscawIlo ..... ......,.. piI/osing Hord. It) Chrill Ao:;hill_ II.WSTlIATION: John Blench.. Paul Bonner, 0_ C81son.

Pell! kniftOl\, EIIII'I Smith. David S_nI TYPESETTlHQ; Julie .........-r.g, ""1 ~


Awesome lies


Every word the purest truth ... straight up. guv... honest Critical Mass Once upon a time there was a book, with Dave Langford

INVAlUABLE TYPIHG; Mary Anne Naismith ADVERTISINO; 1_ Chom.eki PUBUCATIONS MAHAG£R:,oJ ." Menlll PflOOUCTtON ASSISTAN'r. Anlhonv 81rt011 STUDIO MANAGER: Riehard Ellard

HIGH PftOGRAMMER: Bry8ll·U·NSl·l PUBUSHER: G _ WQfbhop limited "'lr1ted by Th_,Moulll Web 011181. Buiklon, UI:;' All COIluponcience .tIo~ be ~'hU8d 10' White Dworl, G_ 'o\\Jrbhop Design Studio, Enfield Chamber&. 14-16 low Pawmen~ Noltir>o+l8m NGl 1DL.

We' re giving away £2000 this issue. Wall, sort of gi vi ng away £2000. On the centre pages you'll find the details of what has to be the biggest and best competition that White DW8ffhas ever run. £2000 worth of Citadel Miniatures (the winner gets £1000 worth of models; four runner-up get £250 worth each) will almost certainly rupture a small pack elephant. But go on, have a go at the R8VfJning Madnass GiveaWBY. You'll have to provide your own pack elephant to take the prize away though. And we don't want to hear about how the winner managed to balance the whole lot on the top of a Thtud ... A,d now for something completely different. Next issue, White Dwarf changes. It's our tenth binhday, aher all, and a small celebration is in order. Yippft/ That's enough for now. Anyway, WD90 will be larger: an extra 16 pages of articles, features and adventures l CooL That's 25% biggarthan at the moment, and all of it about games, which has to be rather spiffy news, what? The less spiffy news is that tha cowr price has to rise to £1.25. But, as I'm sure the statisticians among you will realise, 80 pages means you get a w hole lot more magazIne for you r money - and who knows what extra bits we're going to be Including In the future ...


Open Box Rogue Trooper, Judge Dredd RPG, Traveller 2300 and more

Mike Brunton

The Editor and publllha,. of White Dwen'would like 10 apologise unreservedly 10 Grell Coslikysn and wast End a.rnes for 1l'1li lone and eonIsm of rems",. made In Whits Owarl81 conc8rninll The Price of Freedom.

Thrud Barbarism from the epitome of Good Taste, Carl Critchlow


Do Troubleshooters Dream of Electronic Killer Sheep Baa baa black sheep, have you any clones ... by Marcus Rowland


Derek the Troll Trolls have all the luck when drawn by Lew Stringer


On Ealden Bergen 26 ' Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen; Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of Graham Staplehursts.. : The Great Ravening Madness Giveaway Competition Win £2000 worth of Citadel Miniatures! It's Easyl


Friends in High Places And with such friends, who needs enemies? Simon Nicholson explains


'Eavy Metal Painting Miniatures The Phil Lewis Way


Onwards and Upwards Graeme Davis explains character ca reers in WBrhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Illuminations The art of Brett Ewins


Arcana or Errata? I never wanted to be a barbarian anyway... criticisms from Allan Miles


letters Pen and Sword in accord


Classifieds All the small print you could want




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Be Afraid ... Be VERY Afraid ... EEEEK! Things to terrify in Call of Cthulhu from Carl Sargent

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Phobias In Call OE Cthulhu b y Carl Sargent

'Hideous, slavering tongues, slicking around my legs... drooling,

obscene mouths, gibbering, hot with slime. The snickering of many moutbs, the dribbling 0/ snake·like tongues. Aiiiieeeell' ' H>s, yes, Mr Smith, I undersfaud Ibat

,'Ou have been tbrough some kind of traumatic e..yperience. By Just what bar Ibis to do wflb l'OU being a/raid of

driving gloves? Phobias play an importam pan in Call of Cfbtl ibu , and most intrepid investigators should develop at least one major psycbological quirk during tbeir careers. Phobias will appear as a res ult of tempof2.l'y insanity and are frequently found even in the permanently insane. 1b mue the most of phobias, therefore, keepers should ~ looking to de\'dop personality disorders as a l't'Suh of what their investlg:ators experience. It is clear, as urged in the CoC rulebook and in many of Lovecraft's own tales, that the form of phobi2S should rdlect the forms andlor prinCiples of the Mythos ho rrors which drove the afflicted person insane. In other words, whatever it W'aS that the poor Investigator experienced ought to be a major pan in the phobia be or she develops. The CoC rulebook and Companion (~cen tly printed wgether in a hardback format) list many plioblas, but keepers can alW2YS do with more. What is fear of slime called, a phobia rdeYolOl to Cthulbu if ever [he~ wu one? What Is fear of solitude? The Ctbulbu Companion cI:liIns thar iI is monophobia, but it's wrong, sln~ this is fear of o ne tbing. So, seeing as I know a little bit about phObias, and since I h:we developed three or four as a ~sult of

dealing with Wbtle Dwarf editors, this article reveals many useful secrets for keepers to introduce. If your players have read everything In the book about phobias, surprise them w ith a few of these. Most of them have been selected because of their obvious relevance 10 Ca" of Ctbulbu, but ODe or tWO are included beClUse they're rather odd, and one :u least because it 's very silly. In fact , let's sWt with the silly one. ..

ALEKTOROPHOBIA Feu of Cblckens I kId you nol. We all know that

chickens are Shantak birds hiding Inside chicken suits, don't we? All th2t stuff w ith clucking and laying eggs is JUSt a front. Chickens are heavy dut r. You should alW2)'S blow them away on the off·chance.

AMYCHOPHOBIA Feu of Being Scr.uched Things have claws. Things scratch yo u with th:.tt nameless, unspeakable inner resonance Wt means your soul is 105t to the Great Old Ones or one of the many clawed, scratching abominations of the Mythos. A sC[2tch is an intimal' ion of tbe n~lIure of damnation. Auto· amychophobia means you'd sooner feel that Itch for the rest of your life than scratcb it yourself... BUI then, what if it isn't an Itch ?


Cold-blooded creatures seem 10 have an obvious affinity with all sorts of creeping, oozing horrors like Ser~DI People and Hunting Horrors and even more unimaginable scaly, cold, e1dritcb creatures with buge teeth and forked tongues and vast bumanophagic ap~tites. Even garden lizards, stupidly dismissed as barmless by most fools, are watching. watching ...


Show me a Cthulhu campalgn that won' , benefit from the introduction of this o ne! Everything in the Mythos is sHmr (well , almosl everything). And it won t stop with slime; viscous oils, jellies, the signs of the passage of Mythos creatures are everywhere. 1b make this playable. il might be restricted to organic sUmes like the horrible mess you get in the oven tray after roasting a Shantak bird· sorry, I mean chicken. of course.

CARNOPHOBIA Fe:u- of Me2t How can you be certain where mis stuff comes from? Butchers look at you in such an odd way.. . they'rt' almOSt

certainl y cuJ[ists, and If mc:!.! is wh:u you fear it could be, can ghouls be far behindl Or worse? The possibilities are too horrible to comcmpl2.lc.


Stings are ovipositors; they m:l.y lay eggs. Lwlde you. You our not even feel ii , since the stinger may have: lUi own local anaesthetic. All yo u will know Is the fin:od few $t:conds of mind-numbing

shock as the gba.stly spawn crupt from your innards, uttering a gutteral ulul:uion. Watch our for unexpected weight gain . the developing larvae are absorbing nutrients within you - or watch for we,igh! loss :IS they drain your viul fluids ",way. Be afraid of anything, but be especially afraid of stingers, wei and bubed and chitinous and

glistening. Squeceek.

CREMNOPHOBIA Fear of Precipices

This is 10 simple vertigo what malaria is [0 car sickness. The sheer drop below a precipice... ii 's too potently symbolic. It's not a question of wondering what's down there, and whether it will come for you. You know what's down there. :md that it will come unless you fall down and grab ho ld of the ledge, hold II tight, and no way :Itt you moving from here. .. The simple thought of the possibility of a p~cipice is enough to paralyze you.

EISOPTROPHOBIA Feu of Mlrron The most ghastly thought is nOl simply that mirrors might show you bow things ~lIy are. It is not enough thar your ageing, wd those odd marks of foul o rigin , should be revealed , Nor is it o nly that thoSt: around you who maintain some illusion of normality to cloak their true. monstro us, nalU~ might have that nature revealed as you take a look at them in the true-seeing lens. No. the horror goes dee~r than tbis, It is tbe progressive changes which lIfC so terrible. Each dar shoVr"S the horrors of reality more and mo~ clearly, and this raises the obvious question: are the abominations you St:e de8cneratc~ with eacb· passing day actually deteriorat ing, or is it that the brooding mirror chooses only to reveal the full horror of things 2t its own chosen rate?

EREMOPHOBIA Fezr of Solitude

Being alone is t.be most terrifying thing tbe world. By definition, there is no help to be had, no source of comfort . no-one to shue adversity and fellow· feeling With .. It is impossible. intoler.Ible, to be alone. Because: something will come, md then you 'll wish you really were alone. In the quiet of solitude there will be a rustling or a slithedng or t.be sounds of movement of some obscene mass, approaching in

with tbe impliCit promise that you will nt:\ler be alone :lgain. B«:luse you will ne\'er be anylbing ag:dn...


Doctors :u-e truld; this OUght to be obvious to :lnyone. They h:lve many years of Intensive study which putS them under severe stress. And they are learned men and they re:ld books. Dangerous books, perhaps. Worst of all, they :Ire Interested in medicine, and lh:lt m~s life, Ilfe-forces ... It's obvious we're taI.kin~ serious MylbOS involvement bere. So, doctors ~ sick, dangerous fanatics :md surgery is the worst thing of all beC:luse you :Ire anaesthetized and helpless as they ~rform their profane operations and extract God knows what fluids and org:lns from you o r lose" some slithering, licking obscenity... )bu know the feeling, you'~ helpless bUI not inseotient_ Everyone knows someone who has h:ld out-of-the-bodyo.pe.riences during surgery, who b:lve been helpless but llW:lre, railing impotently 21 the dreadful acts of tbe demented medics. Surgery? Death is infinitely preferable.

their seemingly mindless w:1y. Worms, more th:m :mything, epitOmize the most foetid Mythos horrors, not least the haunters of tombs wbe~ worms feed, ghouls prowl, and nJghtlIl2n:s :Ire conjun:d up. Above :Ill, worms are at (heir most truly disgusting whe:n they move:; thaI limbless, squeezing·2nd· squelching, writhing motion ... Think how that feds on sensitive skin; think how It will fed when you discover th:lt the worms' best·hidden secret is tbeir tiny but uhim:ue1y fully destructive teeth .


More dre2dful b}' (ar than darkness, In darkness then: Is at le2St the mercy of liurpriSt: and a sudden de:uh . But in the fog, terrors 100m. They slowly emerge, every noisome detlil of thor membrano us forms forcing itseU into an atrocious awareness on the victim's part. Vaporous blasphemies materialize from the mucus gloom :lnd slowly enmesh victims, stifling their screams with suffocatingly wet embraces. Fog is nOi II pleasant business.



Feu of Fish

Feu of BeIng 1bucbed

Enough said. Fish come from the deeps. So do many other things, and we know exactly what they'n: like... don't even think about tbem . Dread, nOisome things arc hauled up in fishing nets. And even ordinllf)', de2d fish sometlmes look at you In a certain way... they k"ow. They have seen your futUf'C. '1'ou 'd ben er stan writing your a.utobiogr:aphy now. because you do n't have long left . Fish are old, old beyond ~cko njng , and they know abominable secrets.

If it C:nl (ouch you, it can e:u you, lnfect you, flay your skin aWAY, and/or cover you with acidic paralyzing slime which will slowly eat your flesh aW2y. .... nd those :Ire just the easUy·im2gined possibilities. Of all the senses, touch is undoubtedly the most disgusting, because it is so p rimal, so primitive, JUSt like the undifferentiated blobs of protoplasm, the Spawn of the Deep Ones, reaching OUt with their blind, mindless, touch ... Squirmmmmmmmm.

HELMINTHOPHOBIA Feu of Wonns And not just dholes either. The smaller oncs are the.ir spies, seeking out prey io


Fear of losing one's mind is to some extent universal a.nd fairly rational, but tbere is a difference between a t:ltional

Fe-.tt" aod :I phobi:a which dumin:lfcs much of a person's waking Ufe. The Iyssophobe is obseslied by insanily. terrified of it. Are you gOing mad?

Perhaps you

2~ ...

how would you

know? And what arc you goiog to do about it wben it happens? I don', see how you can go on fu!-ing "'0 Investig:uof. A variant problem would be 10 modify this phobia to be a feu of

llSyJum,. This is even more f'1tJonal man a fear of madne.~.s today. 10 the 1930s with tbe prospect of lobolornles, primitive shock treatments and re.ll snake-pit conditions.

some gibbering, sltme-cO\'ered unmentionable occludes your nose and mouth - that is horrible beyond endurance. You know il is worse than anything else )'ou can i.nl3gl.nc (and you brood on Ibis a 101), because of the :ucane knowledge the Horrors h2ve of pneuma. Pneuma, Wind and brc:lIh, is soul and spiflt . By ~pP;~g you r brea:th and your dymg shrIek mSliIe you , the dread oamcless o nes trap Jour soul. The,. may feast on that lor all eternity. Smothcrinj; i., the promise of an endkss dying, sh[]eking on and on throughoillt \leons,

}'Ou !mow wllat I mean. And whal clue dld this unholy demon reveal. to show that It W2S nOt delivered of any n:ilure we koow of? It Callt no shadow. A lerrible. unrunur.tl cre:uure with ao equally uno:uur.t.l Iifeles~ atrrlbme. But, f.u more than dreading the Ctt:alUre w hich casts no shadow, the sdophobc knows that there exist an t!\'en more ultimate horror of giblx:ring and ddritch illusion - The Shadow Wbere Tbere Is No Crea ture, ..

SIDERODROMOPBOBIA Fe:u of R:dl w.2 ys And nOl iust BR's Killer Suph'n'Kidney pies either. This is fairly odd , but


tunnels and embankment... add to a theme of daustrOphobi2:, and everyone knows you can't escape from a speeding tnin , However, taking everything into account , the Buffet is 5tlll probably the best bet as the place for some seething j nameless horror to appear,

Feu of Teeth

,(eeth bite and inject \'coom. There are some which are sh:rrp for fending flesh :lOd there :tre some which are blunt for chewing flesh. Some are barbed and

snagged :md some drip Ichurous fluids which digest or paralyze or inflict p:lins beyond knowing. Above all, mODsters b2VC teeth :l.Dd they frequcnrly use tbem even wben 00 provocauon is offered. You cannot negoti:lle with u:eth openuing :u full speed, DI~mbodltd teeth , perhaps still attached 10 some oecroue, gulping guUel, are tbe 'w orst . lbey can appear at :my time, anywhere...


E\-en someone with ani}' nominal Mytbos knowledge knows where tbe Outer Gods :md aimosl all the Gre:1.I Old Ones c:.une from, and the nalure aod n:ames of al least lil few of the moostrosities which make their way belween the nightmare ","'Orlds in the firmament. A starlit nlght is :I window on the true horror of oistcnce. Stars are abomin:uion factories.


You can be seen. There is nowhe~ 10 bide. Flee wherever rou choose, but the divinational eyes wil always seck rou out. At first, you will only notice occ:lSional, unusual gazes, eyes whIch look the other way when you IUrn , the one person io a hundred who gives thc game away. _. BUI :is you grow 10 realize the universllliry of their sadistic scrutinies, you will see :l.lso that what appc:ared :at first 10 ~ merely phYSical organs, were actually pOjm-proJection,'! of an Idiotic, blasphemous, al1-sedng 2warcness, lbe eyes ha...e iI after alL.

TAPBOPHOBIA Fear of Gr.avcs

Let's face it, going anywhere near a gf';lve is suicidal. Even assuming thai Ihe grave hasn't got an Undead occupant, yo u're SUl'(' to fiod a bunch of demented cultisu armed 10 the teeth with firearms and summoning spells. or else a flock of ghouls who are going horne from the'" pub and ~nc}' a quick takeaway. If you get really lucky and a,'Oid all of this, the gr.lvc wW cornain some awfUl item w hiCh will blow your SAN to bits or else 2 book (which iJI much thc same thinfl). Graves cn.:.Lke you shiver. Fear is a man s best friend, here.



.P:arasites invade the hody. so lil phthiriophobic shares some coocerns with cnldophobics (s~ above). But p:u-asites are worse fOr they will remain with you and sap your stamina, reducing you to a shell hUI nor pennhting you lhe relief of death until they find a bater host. And that will be someone close 10 }'ou, someone you speod much time with, someon e you l(h'e.. , Your last image as the Thing forces its' wa)' up }'our gagging throat and explodes in '" bloody sh~r is the frozen scream On your loved Qne's f:.LCe as the p:tr:l.she tllkes up residence: ill its' new horne. :arCing 11) a crimson spl.nl as it doses in rdentlessly. yeeughh .

Men with lxard.s have three outstanding attributes. First, they are fanatics, possibly cultists and almou cenainly mad. Sec-and, tbey are se."'IIIoI_.,_ ,IUS ...


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from our new range 01 dWilrvea. For s. The poinr »nt/hat "n't'Ws of GW products would fI(J 10llger be seen as '~~'s' in Ih~ trodillona/sense. bw as desiglter's and der.oewper 's nol~S on rhe product. They ohl~ou.rly think that their work Is good. and usually tlury htn'f! smllethillg interestiltg 10 say about it. The ChainsQw Hbrrior (WD88). Rogue 'TnJoper and Slaughtt!r Margin rrviews (this is.fue) all try 10 make valid points, H tMe\>er, they do so witholll the h)pOCrisy of 1')1ng to appear 'independent· (whatt!l'er tllat means in this comat). The intent was to lay, in effect, 'This is our product, he~ 's I\M we think rrwkt!,f it good, lhis is what '$ different about it... : which is surely the purpose 0/ a r~vjew. ~ can 't make independ~nt qualiry judge· menu about our ow/'I work, so why bother? Revin..'ers usually get paid for their tlvr/( , so by accepting mt)ncy do (hey lose th~jr independence? '/ndependelll ' m;t!'I'.'S stiIJ come under the editorial blue peltcil at one stage or another. Surely i, 's better fo r us 10 actually stand up and say that Itn.". ......,...,.SonO 10". "'"



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