WHFB - Triumph & Treachery

February 23, 2017 | Author: john smith | Category: N/A
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Warhammer Fantasy Triumph & Treachery...


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INTRODUCTION Trust no one! The Warhammer world is a dark and dangerous place, where cunning and guile are vital if you wish to survive. This book is an expansion for the llarhauuer rulebook, that contains rules for battles where your wits will be every bit as important as the strength ofyour army, Not all battles are stra'ightftrrward contests betrreen nlo


The blood-soaked history ofthe \Varhammct rvorld is hllecl with tales ofbattles fought betlveen tltrce or more arrries, each rvith their own goals and agclrdas, or occasions lrlere largc contingcnts ofmercenary warriors u,erc hircd b! a dcspcrate general to even thc odds ofa battlc in his fi* our. I rrarpli c; Tt'eatherl allorus you and your fricnds ro fight such hattles tith your o\vn afmlcs. As well as providing rules for multi sirle.l battles and nrercenary forces, Iiiumph
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