Where Do I Begin

July 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  HERE DO I BEGIN? By Romeman

In Gann's course "Forecasting by Time Cycles," on Page 1, he wrote: "The ancient hunters had a rule that when they were searching to locate an animal in his den, they always alw ays followed his tracks backwards, figuring f iguring that it was the shortest route to his lair."  What is the thing that that you need to study more than anything else when st studying udying Gann? The thing you need to find in its lair? TIME. Study it over and over and over and over and over again. "TIME is the most important factor," Gann said. http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/wheelsinthesky/message/35668 "Get the idea of prices out of your head ." ." Gann, Truth of the Stock Tape, p. 126 (italics in the original) So your Gann study begins and ends with TIME. Does he tell you what time is? No. Most of us know very little about time. I made a series of posts in WITS called “What time is it?” that shows this to be the case. Gann also says: "...by a proper study of the repetition of cycles we can determine the time when w hen important events  will take place in the future. future. ... "My calculations are based on the cycle theory and on mathematical sequences. History repeats itself. That is  what I have always contended, -- that that in order to know and predict the future of anything you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a correct base or starting point. My authority for stating that the future is but a repetition of the past is found in the Bible. "Read Eccl. 1: 9:' The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.' Again 'That which has been is now and that which w hich is to be hath already been.' This makes it plain pl ain that everything works according to past cycles, and that history repeats itself in the lives of men, nations and the stock market. ... "In making my calculations on the stock market, or any future event, I get the past history and find out what cycle we are in and then predict the curve for the future, which is a repetition of past market movements. The great law of vibration is based on like producing like. Like causes produce like effects. Wireless telegraphy, the phonograph and the radio are based on this law. The limit of future predictions based on exact mathematical law is only restricted by lack of knowledge of correct data on past history to work from. It is just as easy to figure 100  years or 1000 years in the future as one one or two years ahead, if you have the correct starting poin pointt and know the cycle which is going to be repeated. "A few years ago even scientific men, not alone the public, would have laughed at such a thing and refused to  believe it. But mathematical mathematical science, which is the only real science that that the entire civi civilized lized world has agreed upon, furnishes unmistakable proof of history repeating itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely upon to ascertain the future. ... "'How do I forecast future cycles?' you may ask. In order to forecast future cycles, the most important thing is to  begin right, for if we have the right beginnin beginning, g, we will get the right ending. ending. If we know the caus causee of the effect, then there can be no doubt about predicting the future event or effect. I have always llooked ooked for causes and when once I determine a cause I can always be sure of the effect or future event which I predict. IT IS NOT MY AIM TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would w ould not understand or believe it if I explained it." W. D. Gann, The Tunnel Thru the Air, Air, pp. 74-78 Therefore Gann studied time through CYCLES: "... everything works according to past cycles ..." "cycle theory ... IS THE ONLY THING that we can rely upon to ascertain the future." "Time is the most important factor."


If you know little or nothing about astrology, in order to begin to approach its study as a cyclical idea of time (which is the way we w e want to approach it), I highly recommend Palden Jenkins's Living Jenkins's Living in Time, Time, which is http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/time.html .  . available on-line:  on-line: http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/time.html  Also find a copy of Astronautica Astronautica Astrologer's Toolbox, whic which h I posted in WITS and should be stored stored somewhere in the Solaris Archives: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/wheelsinthesky/message/31844 . Or go to the Gannstudygroup files section, where you will find it archived in the Astrology Resources folder: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/gannstudygroup/files/ . http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/gannstudygroup/files/ . It contains basic concepts that are useful to know. Listen to the Astrolonomy series and Turbo 5, found f ound in the Audiovisual section of the WITS Solaris site. Check out the Natal Astrology course at:  at: http://ceze.com/berglund/english/webcourse/index.htm  http://ceze.com/berglund/english/webcourse/index.htm .  All of these resources will act act as an “entering wedge” in in your consciousness and and awareness of the subject.  As you progress, there are certain certain astrologers you will want to know about and Bonnie Lee Hill has helpfully identified them at her website: “The following are famous astrologers. I suggest that you read all their books. “Alan Leo “Charles E. O. Carter “Max Heindel “Raphael “Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old) “People known as 'Gann's astrologers'. “L. Edward Johndro “L. J. Jensen”  You may not want to read “all their books” books” immediately. That can take place over time. But whe when n you feel you have a knowledge of some basic astrological points, you might want to work through, again and again, Luther (“L. J.”) Jensen's book Astro-Cycles book  Astro-Cycles and Speculative Speculative Markets Markets,, sold by Lambert-Gann. Jensen uses one word  where 20 or 100 might be more helpful, so you will want to work with him ve very ry methodically and patiently. He  was found by WITS investigators investigators to have worked for W. D. Gann. A Also lso the WITS archives and whateve whateverr WITSaffiliated products may be currently available are a rich resource.  You will also want to have a copy of W. W. D. Gann's book The Tunnel Thru the Air, the Air, which is, according to Gann,  written in “veiled language”. language”.  As Brian, one of the founding founding members of WITS has written in in this group (this iiss a composite of different different posts): “I have been thinking alot tonight about how one should start out. First and foremost I would get and read the  book Tunnel Thru The Air by Gann. ... I would definately definately start there. Next I would read the books on Ganns recommended reading list. Many available free to you here at WITS (more from the list are on the way). THEN I  would go over to the Solaris site site and start looking thro through ugh it. I can almost gaurantee gaurantee you that by doing tthis his your thinking about Gann will have expanded dramatically. Please follow these as I am sure it will help!!! ... I can assure you the best Gann book is 'The Tunnel Thru The Air'. ... The book you absolutely must have by W.D. Gann is the Tunnel book. Which is the most important book ever written on financial markets.”  Another good introductory introductory book – since Gann said, in his Master Charts course, course, that “numbers do determine everything in the future” – is Michael S. Schneider's A Schneider's  A Beginner's Guide to to Constructing the Universe, a fascinating book that will help you begin to think about Gann's interest in that field.  A final would beortoastrological emphasize in emphasize yourisstudy what ccongenial ongenial to you, allthat along th thee you. way.Or If you initthe end thatnote Gann study study not for you,isthen find something is for waitfind until is congenial to you.

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