What is the Definition of Plan and Non Plan Expenditure

November 13, 2016 | Author: Ankit Damani | Category: N/A
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What is the definition of Plan and Non Plan expenditure

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Answ ers.com > W ikiAnsw ers > Categories > Literature & Language > Languages and Cultures > English Language > D efinitions and W ord D ifferences > W hatis the definition ofPlan and N on Plan expenditure?

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Answ er: There are tw o com ponents ofexpenditure -plan and non-plan.

Com parisons English Language Exam ple Sentences Languages and Cultures LegalD efinitions

O fthese,plan expenditures are estim ated after discussions betw een each ofthe m inistries concerned and the Planning Com m ission.

N on-plan revenue expenditure is accounted for by interestpaym ents,subsidies (m ainly on food and fertilisers),w age and salary paym ents to governm entem ployees,grants to States and U nion Territories governm ents,pensions,police,econom ic services in various sectors,other general services such as tax collection,socialservices,and grants to foreign governm ents.

N on-plan capitalexpenditure m ainly includes defence,loans to public enterprises,loans to States, U nion Territories and foreign governm ents.

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What is the definition of Plan and Non Plan expenditure

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