What Is Matter
August 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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akes up space!!! What is matter??? Matter is anything that ttakes What are the three states of matter??? The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases! (click the words or pictures to find out about each state)
An apple is a solid Solids have three main properti properties: es: 1. It has has a def defnit nite e shape shape.. 2. It has a defni defnite te mas mass. s. 3. It has has a defn defnite ite vol volume ume..
Liquids have three main properties: 1. It does does not not have have a defnit defnite e shape. shape. 2. It has a defni defnite te mas mass. s. 3. It has has a defn defnite ite vol volume ume..
Water is a liquid
This means that liquids will always take up the same amount of space and have the same amount of molecules in it. However, because it does not have a denite shape, it takes the shape of its container. Coke, koolaid, and paint are liquids too. Can you think of more Air is a Gases have three main properties: 1. It does does not not have have a defnit defnite e shape. shape. 2. It does does not not have have a defnit defnite e mass. mass. 3. It does does not not have have a defni defnite te volum volume. e. !as
This means that a !as does not always take up the same amount of space, nor does it wei!h the same all the time. "ike liquids, !ases take the shape of their containers. However, However, they will ll the space they are !iven. That is why they don#t always take up the same amount of space$$
The sun %made up of many !ases&, smoke from re, and water vapor in clouds are all !ases too. Can you think of more
Matter is all around you. Your computer is matter. Air is matter. Water is matter. You are matter. In fact, you are made of the 3 major states of matter; solid, liquid and gas . If you're curious about matter you've come to the riht place!
What is Matter?
What is Matter Made of? States
The 3 States of Matter Change of
"he #ind of science that deals $ith the study of matter is called physical science.
What is matter?
Matter is is anything that takes up space and has mass. %efore $e loo# at the states of matter $e need to study a fe$ vocabulary $ords& ELEMENT
a substance that cannot be separated into a simpler substance. (lements are made of atoms.
the smallest particle of an element that has the %ro%ertiesof that element.
a substance made of ) or more elements that are chemically joined.
(*ample (*a mples& s& +old, +old, opp opper, er, -ilver -ilver (*ample (*amples& s& salt, salt, $ater, suar
) or more substances that are mi*ed but not chemically joined. (*ample& fruit salad
What is matter made of?
o$ $e can ans$er this /uestion. All matter is made of atoms. Matter is made of either the atoms of one element or more than one element. 0 -ilver is made of one #ind of atom $hile $ater is made of t$o #inds of atoms called o*yen and hydroen.1
"here are 2 naturally occurrin elements. Matter has Pro%erties. "hey can -cientists have been able to ma#e about be&hemi&al or %h(si&al properties )4 more elements ! "his lin# sho$s all the elements in the Periodi& Ta'le of the Elements
The 3 States of Matter There are three main states of matter) The( are SOLID, LIQUID, and GAS ) Ea&h of these states is also *no+n as a %hase) Ea&h state has different %ro%erties) The state that matter is in de%ends on ho+ mu&h energ( atoms hae)
SOL"! Atoms that that don't have have much enery tend tend to stay stay in place place and form form a solid. solid. A solid has a definite si5e and shape. Atoms in a solid vibrate or jile but do not move from place to place.
"o vie$ an e*ample of this, clic# on this 6lash animation $hich sho$s the structure of ice crystals.
L"-"! 7i/uids are formed $hen temperature is increased and atoms ain enery. "he atoms then move faster and spread out. 7i/uids don't have a definite shape but ta#e the shape of the container they're in. If you pour li/uid into a bottle, it $ill ta#e the shape of that container.
In this 6lash animation you'll see that li/uid has particles that move past each other.
.AS You can feel as $hen the $ind blo$s. Air is made of many ases and is all around you. A as is matter that has no shape, si5e or color of its o$n. As the temperature of a as increases 0$hen enery is added1 the atoms move /uic#ly, become $idely separated and spread out in all directions. "he atoms spread out e/ually in any container it is in. "hin# of a balloon. "he atoms are spread e/ually throuhout the entire balloon.
In this 6lash animation you'll see that a as can really spread out.
Ta'le 'le of the Pro%erties of The 3 States of Matter A Ta mi&ros&o%i& vie$s mi&ros&o%i& vie$s
8. 9articles in a solid...
8. 9articles in a li/uid...
8. 9a 9articles in a as...
...are tihtly pac#ed, usually ...are close toether $ith no ...are $ell separated $ith no in a reular pattern reular arranement reular arranement
...vibrate 0jile1 but enerally...vibrate, move about, and do not move from place to slide past each other place
). A solid...
). A as...
). A li/uid...
...vibrate and move freely at hih speeds speeds +at&h this http&::$$$.falstad.com:as:
...retains a fi*ed volume and ...assumes the shape of the ...assumes the shape and part of the container $hich it volume of its container, and riid shape occupies e*pand or &om%ress to fill the $hole container ...has particles $hich can ...has particles loc#ed into place... does not flo$ easily move and slide past one another... flo$s easily
...has particles that can move past one another...flo$s easily
...is not easily &om%ressi'le ... is not easily compressible ... is compressible Watch this &om%arison of all three states of matter. r this one...http&::$$$.harcourtschool.com:activity:states
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