What Is Information Age?: Gutenberg in 1439 Was The First European To Use Movable Type. Among His
September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download What Is Information Age?: Gutenberg in 1439 Was The First European To Use Movable Type. Among His...
What is Information Age? Ever wonder how it is become possible to have instant access to knowledge and information without having a hard time? Ever think how difficult the life is for people in the past who do not have the the ability to transfer in information formation widely? We are now living in the world where technology and information has the power to transform society. We are living in the Information Age. The Information Age began around in 1970s and is still going on in the present. It is known as the the Computer Age, Digi Digital tal Age, or New Media Age. It is also a period in human history identified by the change from fr om traditional industry (that is brought by industrial revolution through industrialization) to an economy based on the manipulation manipulation of information, an in information formation society. This era brought brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily. Before, there are books, newspapers, magazines or the the print print media that provides relevant information information from time to time. Readers enjoy enjoy visiting libraries looking for knowledge obtained from investigation studies, or instruction. But now, life has made easier because of what we call new media There media There were many different inventions that came about because of the Information Age, one of which was the computer . Computers, the Internet, and other information technologies are exceptionally powerful tools. They have huge impact both to benefit and to harm societies that grasp them. The Internet allowed people to acquire information with just one touch of a button. button. It has turned so society ciety into homebody, iindividual ndividual who work everything from the comfort of their homes instead of doing tasks outdoors and accomplish things. People can do everything online; shopping, communicating, bill paying, working, education, entertainment, even ordering food. This may be good, but it has also made us a very lazy and uneducated society. Even though it brought our lives in this state, we couldn’t hide that internet plays a big role in our our everyday life. But how d did id we come up with tthis his great innovation of tools for information? Here are some of the well-known contributors of information technology. Gutenberg in 1439 was the first European to use movable type. Among his many contributions to printing are: the invention of a process for mass-producing
movable type; the use of oil-based ink for printing books; adjustable molds; mechanical movable type; and the use of a wooden printing press similar to the agricultural screw presses of the period. His truly epochal invention was the combination of these elements into a practical system that allowed the mass production of printed books and was econo economically mically viable for printers and readers alike. Samuel Finley Breese Morse was an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter, in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. He was a co-developer of Morse code and helped to develop the commercial use of telegraphy. The word "telegraph" is derived from f rom Greek and means "to write far," which describes exactly what a telegraph does. Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who has been described as America's America's greatest inventor. He developed developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. The Edison Manufacturing Co. (later known as Thomas A. Edison, Inc.) not only built the apparatus for filming and projecting motion pictures, but also produced produced films for public consumpt consumption. ion. Valdemar Poulsen was a Danish engineer who made significant contributions to early radio technology. He developed a magnetic wire recorder called the telegraphone in 1898 and the first continuous wave radio transmitter, the Poulsen arc transmitter. He developed an electromagnetic phonograph capable of registering human speech by the alternating magnetization of a wire. John William Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the scientists credited with the invention of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, which was completed in 1946. Claude Elwood Shannon was an American mathematician, electrical engineer, and cryptographer known as "the father of information theory and is noted for having founded information theory with a landmark paper, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", that he published in 1948. He is also well known for founding digital circuit design theory in 1937, when as a 21-yearold master's degree student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology T echnology (MIT), he
wrote his any thesis demonstrating electrical Shannon applications of Boolean algebra construct logical numericalthat relationship. contributed to the field could of
cryptanalysis for national defense during World War II, including his fundamental work on codebreaking and secure telecommunications. His works definitely boosted more inventions inventions and tool innovations innovations for information and commun communication ication technology. Steven Paul Jobs was an American business magnate, m agnate, entrepreneur,
industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc., the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors. He developed Macintosh developed Macintosh - A great leap in the career of Steve Jobs was the introduction of the original Macintosh (1984), the first consumer computer with a graphical user interface. Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. Here are some facts about social media:
It is estimated that a week’s worth The New York Times contains more information that the average person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century. Every 5 minutes, 360 hours of new video are uploaded to YouTube; 2,855 websites are created; 1.3900,000 tweets are posted 90% of the world’s data has been generated in the past two years. There are about 540,000 words in English language that’s about 5x more that during Shakespeare’s time. In 1900, human knowledge doubled every 100 years; In 1945, human knowledge doubled every 25 years; In 2014, human knowledge doubled every 13 months; In 1900, human knowledge doubled every 100 years; In 2020, human knowledge doubled every 12 hours.
So, what does this mean? More and more people adore and grasp the use of technology and social media. How can we insist visiting social media platforms and easy-to-use applications if it provides fun and entertainment for everyone in different approaches and pitch. That is also a reason why every person in the whole world was captured by the Internet. It never lacks pleasures and enjoyment. It can also provide relatable entertainment for different types of people’s personalities. The Information Age has changed people, technology, science, economies, culture, and even the way people think. The Internet is arguably the most prominent
innovation of the Information Age. The Internet changed the way people do everything. It has made people lazier, but it also makes a large amount of the population smarter. The Information Information Age has made indu industrial strial countries stronger. With online companies being some of the most successful and economically improving businesses out there, economies receive more from them and keep our world People are Internet. becomingThis more mature and more educated due to things like theturning. computer and the time period has reshaped governments, with new technology being created every day. Governments can now have more advanced and effective militaries. Because of things like the Internet, new laws had to be put in place to stop hacking, piracy, and identity theft. The Information Age brought about many new inventions and innovations. Many communication services like texting, email, and social media developed and the world has not been the same since. People learn new languages easier and many books have been translated into different languages, so people around the world can become more educated. However, the Information Age is not all good. There are people in the world that believe they can live their entire life through the Internet. Also, huge criminal organizations rely on hacking into government systems and obtaining confidential confidential information to continue their wa way y of life. Jobs have also become easier, and some jobs can even be done from the comfort of your own home. The Information Age is also known as the Age of Entrepreneurship. Now entrepreneurs can start and and run a company easier than than ever before. It also impacts our work ethics by distracting us and causing us to lose interest in the task we are doing. This time period has also created a shortage of jobs and making many jobs obsolete because machines are now being used to do the work humans once did. The Information Age has made education system more adequate in constructing tools for academic improvement. It became more effective in producing students’ knowledge knowledge necessities over ttime. ime. Online education has made educational material and data accessible anywhere. There are convenient downloadable applications used to load heavy-paged instructional materials. It is also possible to convert a written text into a portable document format (PDF). This is a computer file format for the transmission of a multimedia document. Technology has created new methods of education especially for toddlers. Use of educational video games and puzzles has been very interesting way to teach the children. Many schools practice this method of educationto capture the interests of youngsters. On the other hand, people become over-dependent on information
technology. Students are not interested in giving too much attention for written home works. They just search the answer over the internet without scanning if the text is legit and accurate. Poor quality publications online is also a result r esult of too much easy access of information. People also spends more time in social media. This is what we call Cyber-sickness. So just as night follows day, the information age will eventually be followed by another age; and it it pushes those with ssenior enior executive responsi responsibility bility to develop a point of view on what that age might look like. We are now in the modern business world. Everyone of of us must be knowledge knowledgeable able and adaptive to survive such changes. Change is constant, we must not lie in our own understanding. Our world is becoming more and more technical. We must learn to go with the flow. You may not like it being left. Innovate not only tools, but also ourselves and remember to look out for technology’s harmful effects. It can be a gift to mankind and can also be an enemy. Use it wisely not abusively
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