What is Hazard Analysis

November 14, 2016 | Author: Melbert Tangalin | Category: N/A
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WHAT IS HAZARD ANALYSIS ? Controlling of process about food hygiene Determining of potential problems , Providing of needed controls efficiency HYGIENE There are 3 basics elements about hygiene : All ambient which are found starting from purchasing, until services are consumed- Foundation hygiene , All food hygiene which are found starting from purchasing, until services are consumed, All people hygiene who are found starting from purchasing, until services are consumed ( These matters are considered in back cycling's , after consuming) WHAT IS HAZARD ? Briefly: everything which will give to consumer. Classify of it will be in HACCP literature the following: Microbial contagious Physical contagious Chemical contagious Allergens Microbial contagiousness are basic reason of food resources disease. MICROBIAL CONTAGIOUS Viruses Microscopic parasites Food prisoner batteries which come from different resources PHYSICAL CONTAGIOUS As metal, glass, plastic As stone, leaf As jewelers, hair, nail As dirt, dust, insects, bone CHEMICAL CONTAGIOUS Cleaning chemicals Industrial production chemicals Medicine and agriculture chemicals Pesticide poisons ALLERGENS Foods which substrate danger reactions Immunity reaction against foreign proteins Too many people are in confidence Products are marked generally Food safety : Assurance which does not give harmful to consumer, when food are prepared as suitable to aim and eaten Food chain : A food and its components, is phases and operational serials which are found from first production until consuming, production, operating, distribution, storage and transport. Food safety hazard: biological, chemical or physical elements or food situations which can give inverse effect for health in food. Food safety policy : Detailed commitment which means top management of organization formal related food safety . Final product : product which is not operated or changed in further by organization. Flow diagram : presenting of schema and systematic of interacting and range of steps until final

product is occured. Control guarding : operation or action which is to guard or to remove or to be acceptable level food safety hazard. Prerequisite program: Suitable production should be done in hygienic ambient along food safety and food chain, final product should be safety and it is basic requirements and actions to consume in food safety. (GAP) Good agriculture practices (GVP) Good vet practices (GMP) Good management practices (GHP) Good hygiene practices (GPP) Good production practices (GDP) Good distribution practices (GTP) Good trade practices Operational prerequisite program (OPRP): Prerequisite program which is identified to control food safety hazards in product and/or process. CCP (critical control points): control can be applied and food safety steps which are to guard or to remove or to be acceptable level for food safety hazard. Critical Limit: Criteria which divides acceptable level from unacceptable level. Monitoring : Planed priging of measurement or observations weather control guard is operating as suitable to aim. Corrective action: Action which is to remove reason of nonconformity or unwanted case Validation : determining of efficiency of data got from control guarding which is governed by OPRP and HACCP plan Verification: Performing of determined needs by objective evidence. Validation : Done operations to show that performance of tool, equipment, method or system are suitable to requirements. Verification : To confirm with written records that tool, equipment method or system are suitable to determined aim testing. Qualification: occurring clearly part of validation process , control and/or test confirming which is done before using of parts of system. Calibration: done operations which determines relation between known measurement and worth which was shown on tool in clearly condidtions.

HACCP Definition Hazard analysis and critical control point. Food production, storage, and distribution monitoring system for identification and control of associated health hazards. It is aimed at prevention of contamination, instead of end-product evaluation. In place of relying on food inspectors to detect food safety problems, HACCP shifts the responsibility to the food producer to ensure that the product is safely consumable. Proposed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for the food industry in general, and meat, poultry, and seafood industry in particular, it has been adopted by some 150 countries. See also HACCP process, and seven principles of HACCP.

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