What is a Research Design

June 28, 2018 | Author: karl12 | Category: N/A
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What is a research design?  A researcher’s overall plan for obtaining answers answers to the research quesons or for tesng the research hypotheses is referred to as the research design. Aspects of research design  Intervenon  Comparison  Controls of etraneous variables  !iming of data collecon  "esearch sites and se#ngs  Communicaon with the study parcipants $. %tudying me&related processes *. +etermining me sequences ,. +eveloping comparisons . 'nhancing research control

& 'g. (ealing) earning) growth etc & 'g. Inferlity results in depression & 'g. %mo-ing and lung & 'g. !wo groups with alternave intervenons

Characteriscs of good design $. Approp Appropria riaten teness ess to to the resea research rch ques queson on *. /ac- of bi bias ,. 0recis cision . 0ower !ips on designing research $. 1a-e 1a-e a wri2en wri2en list list of the pros and cons of each *. 3alance 3alance a number of consider consideraon aons) s) such as me) me) cost) ethical ethical issues issues and and the integrity integrity of the the study. study. Ancipate alternave 4ndings and consider whether design ad5ustments might a6ect the results. ,. %ee- the the advice advice of research research eperts eperts in decidin deciding g the design design . Write Write out a raonale raonale for for your choices choices one you have have made made your design design decision decisionss "easons for under ta-ing non&eperimental research in nursing (uman characteriscs are inherently not sub5ect to eperimental manipulaon 7eg. blood type personality etc8 and the e6ects of these characteriscs on some phenomenon of interest cannot be studied eperimentally.  o 9or ethical reasons. o :ot praccal to conduct a true eperiment o 'perimental design is not appropriate to some research quesons

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