What Has Happened to Lulu

November 4, 2018 | Author: NIRINDER | Category: N/A
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Notes on What has happened to Lulu...


What Has Happened to Lulu?

What has happened to Lulu, mother? What has happened to Lu? There’s nothing in the bed but an old rag-doll  And by its side a shoe shoe Why is her window wide, mother, The curtain flapping free,  And only a circle circle on the dusty shelf  shelf  Where her money used to be? Why do you turn your head, mother   And why do the tear-drops tear-drops fall?  And why do you you crumple that note note on the fire  And say it is nothing nothing at all? " woke to #oices late last night, " heard an engine roar. Why do you tell me the things t hings " heard Were a dream and nothing more? " heard somebody cry, mother, "n anger or in pain, $ut now " ask you why, mother, %ou say it was a gust of rain. Why do you wander about as though %ou don’t know what to do? What has happened to Lulu, mother? What has happened to Lu?

The persona and his mother cannot find Lulu in her room in the morning. They only see an old rag doll and a shoe. The persona asks about his missing sister. The window is open and the curtain is flapping.  A circle circle on the dusty shelf shelf indicates the money-bo is missing. The persona wants to know why his mother is shaking her  head crying. !he has crumpled up a note and thrown it into the fire. !he says it is not of any importance. The persona hears people talking and the sound of engine late at night $ut he is told it was all part of a dream &e also heard someone cry either in pain or anger  but the mother tells him it was a gust of rain

The persona cannot understand why his mother looks helpless and does not know what to do about the situation. &e is confused about the whereabouts of Lulu.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grief & love over a lost child

Feelings of  helplessness

Running away from home/ problems


Appreciation of  family love & concern

No one is exempted from having problems

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MORAL VALUES

#e should not thin! of running away from

#e should be concerned about our

veryone " young and old" has to face

#e should not give parents and siblings reason to grief / be

very problem can be solved if we wor!

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