West Lake Home Furnishing Ltd

August 26, 2018 | Author: manjeet39 | Category: Retail, Inventory, Income Statement, Profit (Accounting), Option (Finance)
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Written Analysis and Communication I Assignment 3 West Lake Home Furnishings Ltd: Projections of the sales offer made by a Client

Submitted to Dr. Rohini Patel

By Rathod Manjeet R. Roll No. 144086 Section:  P!P "014#16

$n %0.08."014

emorandum &o: 'harle( Bo)man* '+$* ,e(t -ae /ome urni(hin( -td. rom: Manjeet Rathod* +2ecuti3e ((i(tant to 'harle( Bo)man Date: 1th 5un* "00 Subject: naly7in the rojection( o9 the romotional o99er made by a .S. ba(ed retail chain client

Plea(e 9ind the attached reort* analy7in the 9uture imlication( o9 the (ale(  romotional o99er on the (inature line o9 ,e(t -ae /ome urni(hin( -td.* ro3ided  by a .S. ba(ed retail chain client* includin the 9inancial and maret (hare  rojection(.


!e"ort #ummary &he reort (ummari7e( the content o9 the document in a nut(hell to ro3ide the reader a comrehen(i3e er(ecti3e o9 the content(. #ituation Analysis: &he home 9urni(hin maret ha( )itne((ed comounded annual

ro)th o9 6.1; in recent year(. ,e(t -ae /ome urni(hin -td
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