Download Wenger Engineering HExTemp - Light English...
HExTemp light calculates the temperature profle and the heat ux o heat exchangers
Type Transming media
Heat-transfer coecient
[kg/s] [°C] [J/kgK]
Flow type Area Mass ow 1 Inlet temperature 1 Heat capacity 1
100.00 1000.00
estio [W/m²K]
Outlet temperature 1
Outlet temperature 2 Heat ux
97.0 6.5
] C ° [ e r 120 u t a r e 100.0 °C 97.0 °C p 100 m e T
[°C] [°C] [kW] 2
10; 99.3 °C 10; 95.3 °C
67.7 °C
60 40 20
Mass ow 2 Inlet temperature 2 Heat capacity 2
0.02 20.00 4200.00
[kg/s] [°C] [J/kgK]
20.0 °C
0 Posion in the he at excha exchanger nger [%] Te mp mpe rra at u urre f ui ui d 1
Te mp mp e errat u urre fu iid d2
Wenger Engineering GmbH - Einsteinst Einsteinstrasse rasse 55 - Germany - 89077 Ulm - Tel. +49 731 / 159 37 -500 -
[email protected] [email protected]
About HExT HExTemp emp HExTemp light Version 1.1 - July 28th, 2016
Available in HExTemp advanced: # Suggeson o values or the heat transmission coecient by selecng rom several types o heat exchangers and the transming uids # Several print views or documentaon
Terms of a license
These license terms orm a legally binding contract between the user (either an individual or an enty) and Wengerr Engineering GmbH at the soware product or the calculaon o heat exchangers. By downloading and using the Wenge program, you agree to the terms o the license agreement. 1. The paid distribuon o the soware is not permied. A reere reerence nce to the download source
hp://www.wenger hp://www tauscher-berechnungsprogr rechnungsprogramm.html amm.html is however allowed, when not entled to levy a charge. 2. Should graphic cutouts and screenshots o the program be used, they must be chosen c hosen so that the logo o Wenger Wenger Engineering GmbH can be seen in the graphic. 3. The removal or eding o the logo in the illustraons is not permied. 4. It must not show any changes in the program code or the associated fles. In addion, it is not permied to decompile the program.
5. It will not grant you any rights in connecon with any trademarks or service marks o Wenger Engineering GmbH by this treaty. 6. The General Terms and Condions o Wenger Engineering GmbH apply.
Copyright Wenger Engineering GmbH retains owner Wenger ownership ship and all rights and intellectual property rights o the soware (including, but not limited to pictures, calculaon equaons, text and "applets" that are included in the program), the accompanying materials and any copies o the soware.
No warranty