Wendy Peterson

October 24, 2018 | Author: Harshal Naik | Category: Leadership & Mentoring, Leadership, Norm (Social), Employment, Action (Philosophy)
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Wendy Peterson case - International business...


Harshal Naik


How was Wendy Peterson taken charge of the Plano branch office? • • • • • • • •

Took charge under pressure to fuel growth Took Junior manager of account service clients  No eperience with sales organi!ation "cellent at #ringing #usiness through client $nherited team of 11 sales persons and 3 sales assistants %ecent mi of eperience and enthusiasm in sales team &ta#le revenue through esta#lished clients $nherited underperforming division

What is your evaluation of Wu's performance? •

'u(s performance is am#iguous since although he landed one large client and generated generat ed revenue revenuess of )00*000 he generat generated ed furt further her revenues though add+on add+onss

that the client perhaps didn(t need 'u(s work ethic was ,uestiona#le* there are numerous instances to support this- He was alwa.s at a meeting with a client* he was rarel. at his desk* never  updated the sales pipeline tool which he knew ver. well and never took sales

calls pu#licl. He also printed his #usiness card in mandarin 'hile one ma. argue /eterson was a little too involved in her emplo.ees

work* 'u derelict his administrative duties entirel. $n his first moths he eposed himself as a dedicated student He arrived earl.

and sta.ed late nearl. ever. da. He showed curiosit. and attention to detail

He* also* eno.ed #eing epert for a change 2fter his first month he started his real sales efforts Then he spent onl. earl. mornings in the office He was not updating /eterson for his dail. progress

with clients his attendance at the weekl. weekl . pipeline meeting was inconsistent* as well

Harshal Naik


'u eno.ed passing knowledge along to his colleagues and /eterson was  pleased wit his office conduct 'u was disconnected with the rest of us on a personal level

If you were Peterson, how would you respond to Wu's request for an assistant? What factors would you consider? what specific actions would you take to improve Wu's performance, as well as your working relationship with him?

$ would #e impressed with his signing his first client with a contract of over 4 )00*00000 he almost dou#led his annual goal of 450*00000 2 dark spot on his  performance was the sale of additional services to the eisting client without manager(s approval 6verall he achieved his goals #ut $ am ver. unpleased #. the wa. he did it 2llowing 'u to have personal assistant would #e a precedent for  2ccount7ack with negative conse,uences for the compan. in long run and it is unaccepta#le "ver. true manager should show empath. and melt the cross+ cultural differences with his emplo.ees $ #elieve his re,uest for assistant is also a counter reaction of m. negative feed#ack for his office and administrative work $  #elieve that repairing m. relationship with 'u and make him feel appreciated in the compan. would improve his performance %oing some research in hinese culture revealed that 2sians are high contet culture and 2mericans are low contet culture $n order to improve his performance $ have to acknowledge his hinese culture and tr. to incorporate him in our 2merican organi!ation $ would tr. to sponsor some hinese activities in /lano to have their communit. to recogni!e our compan. as a friend This should help me connect #etter with 'u as well $t is ver. complicated situation and eplaining the reason for refusing the

Harshal Naik


re,uest for an assistant is onl. the #eginning of the solution process $ have to face the cross+cultural differences and find the eplanation of 'u(s #ehavior 2lso* $ have to revise the ps.chological contract with him and assure m.self that as a compan. we guarantee our input in it $ also have to revise m. leadership st.le to his personal norms #ased on the cultural differences and his readiness to accept more duties $n our conversation tomorrow $ will clearl. set m. epectations from his work so he have the performance standards #. which he will #e evaluated 2cknowledging the cultural differences $ will insist for him to do his office work  as ever. other salesman $ am thinking of giving m. salesman more freedom to sign and manage accounts and spend less time in paperwork and useless reports $ do nor want m. emplo.ees to feel that the. have #een micro+managed: 2s far as sta.ing close with the customers after signing the contract $ could allow if this  pleases the customer /rett. much will show him the wa. to solve the conflict is moving from competitiveness to cooperation trough compromises from #oth sides

! What are the particular challenges and dilemmas in managing subordinates who have different cultural backgrounds and working styles from your own?

;anaging su#ordinates with different cultural #ackgrounds and working st.les from .our  own is ver. hard #ecause it makes .our decision as manager su#ective ;anagers tend to evaluate the attitude of the su#ordinate not his performance and an. differences are seen as pro#lems This creates tension at workplace* atmosphere of low cooperation %ealing with situation like this should #e done with reflecting mind set and self regulation The

Harshal Naik


manager should step #ack* eplore the issue* weight positives versus negatives* accept the  person the wa. he is and tr. to #e o#ective in his evaluation %ealing with
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