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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Welcome To The world of Islamic Wazaif Here You Can Find Wazaif for All Your Pro...


Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

Welcome To The world of Islamic Wazaif Here You Can Find Wazaif for All Your Problems Please contact me if you can’t find a wazifa on this website for a specific problem.

http://www.wazifas.com/co ntact-us.php

Mizar of My Master, Murshid, Molayi, Owner of my Heart, Soul and Body, Ocean of Allahs Love, Shamsul Auliya, Lover and Beloved of the Prophet (SAW), Imam of Auliya Allah, Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi Rehmatullah Aleh MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ WARNING: Whenever you enter a turbe/mizar/grave of a Prophet, Sahabi or a Wali Allah please do not turn your back towards them while leaving. It is extremely disrespectful. They are all friends and lovers of Allah. The angels present there send lanat on you. Instead of leaving with barakat (blessings) you will come back with a lanat (cursed).

HADIS ABOUT AULIA ALLAH: Sayyedina Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu) said: “I heard the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alayhi wa Sallam) saying "Among Allāh’s servants there are some who are neither prophets nor martyrs but on the Day of Judgement the prophets and the martyrs will envy their grades. The Companions asked: ‘O Messenger of Allāh, tell us, who are those people?’ He replied: ‘those are the people who love one another on Allāh’s count. They are neither related to one another nor do they have any property to exchange. I swear on Allāh that they will have faces of light; they will be on pulpits of light. They will not have any fear when others will be afraid, they will not have any grief when others will be aggrieved.’ Then he recited the verse: Beware! No doubt, there is no fear for the friends of Allāh nor shall they be sad and sorrowful. " [Qur’ān (Yūnus, Jonah) 10:62.] Abū Dāwūd, Sunan, b. of ijārah (wages) 3:288

HADIS ABOUT AULIA ALLAH: Allah Most High says: "He who is hostile to a friend of Mine I declare war against him. My slave approaches Me with nothing more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory upon him, and My slave keeps drawing nearer to Me with voluntary works until I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his foot with which he walks. If he asks me, I will surely give to him, and if he seeks refuge in Me, I will surely protect him" (Sahih Bukhari - Fath al-Bari, 11.340 41, hadith 6502)

HADIS ABOUT AULIA ALLAH: Imam Abu Nu'aym al-Asbahani relates a Hadith in his Magnum Opus "Hilyat-ul-Awliya": On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be well pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah Almighty has created three hundred people, whose hearts are like that of Adam, and He created forty people whose hearts are like Moses. He also created seven people whose hearts are MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ like that of Abraham, and he created five people with a heart like that of Gabriel, and three people with a heart like that of Mika'il and only one person with a heart like that of Rafa'il (Raphael). When such a person dies, Allah Almighty will replace him with one of the three. When one of such three dies, Allah Almighty will replace him with one of the five. When one of the seven dies, Allah Almighty will replace him with one of the forty, and when one of the forty dies, He will replace him with one of the three hundred and when one of the three hundred elite dies, Allah Almighty will replace him with someone He chooses from among the pious masses. Such a person will live among the people, and through his prayers (dua), by Allah Almighty's permission, life and death, rain and prosperity will come and calamity will be averted." When Allah can grant filthy impurities such as garments and Noor, then what will he be able to give his pure servants. Jalalud-din Rumi ( ) is at a loss of vocabulary to express what bounties Allah grants those salikeen and murideen and those who tread His path.........Masnevi Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (rahmatullah alaih) mentions in his Mathnawi, a story of Sultan Mahmood: One day the Sultan decided to test his ministers and ordered them to crush the most prized pearl of his treasury. One by one, each of 65 ministers declined, stating that the pearl was far too valuable to be destroyed. The King then summoned his closest and trusted courtier, Ayaaz, and ordered him to crush the pearl. Without any delay or hesitation, Ayaaz crushed the pearl into fragments. When the ministers expressed disbelief and shock at such audacity, the King asked Ayaaz to inform them as to the reason for him having broken the pearl. In response, Ayaaz asked these ministers: “Which is more important, the Royal Decree or the pearl? “ The question we pose to ourselves is: “Which is more important, the command of my Allah or the haram desire of my heart?” The haram desires of the heart are akin to pearls, which appear to be quite beautiful but we should not fulfill these haram desires at the cost of breaking the decrees of Allah. Ayaaz attained closeness to the king through his loyalty and faithfulness and his obedience and submission. Similarly, we will gain the extreme nearness and intimate closeness to the King of Kings through loyalty and faithfulness. This in turn is dependent upon sincere obedience and complete submission to His decrees. "O People, if for one moment you experience the splendour of His nearness, You will in great earnestness submit yourself to earnest Mujahadah. And if you should within your self see the splendour of His nearness, You will find this world and all its pleasures tasteless and bitter."...........................Mesnevi MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

After living in UK for 20 years i (UnKnown) left for Turkey, where i now spend most of my time. I travelled in the almost all muslim countries and read books of almost all Aulia Allah. I also had the honour of visiting their grave/mizar/turbe for a fatiha. I (an unknown writer) saw that people in turkey and all other Islamic countries have the same problems like every where but cannot find any books of wazaif to solve their problems. Our Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alihey wa aalehi wa sallim) told us a lot of duas and wazaif but there there is no mention in hadis about the number of times we have to read those duas. This information was revealed by the Sufi saints or Auliya Allah. Our Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alihey wa aalehi wa sallim) told every thing to the sahabis. There is a big difference between their iman and our iman. Basically comparing to the sahabis our iman is less than zero. If a sahabi will read a dua or a wazifa it will happen immediately. There are hundreds of examples of that in the lives of the sahabis. The most famous example is when a blind sahabi asked the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim) for a dua to get his eye sight back. Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim) told him to go to the mosque and do 2 rakat nafal salah and read a small dua. Few minutes later he came back as Allah had given him his eye sight back. Today if a blind man will read the same dua hundreds of time nothing will happen.

Why? Obvious reason is because his iman is so weak. Which in turn means he does not believe 100% that what the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim) said was true. Hence we needed some one to tell us how to read a dua or a surah from Kuran and read it how many times aswell. This information for us ordinary Muslims with a very weak belief was given by the Sahabis and Sufi saints over the past 1400 years. According to the ulema if you doubt the authenticity of Kuran or the hadis you become a kafir instantly. I (an unknown writer) have collected these wazaif from the books of Auliya Allah (Sufi saints). Who without any shadow of doubt are friends of Allah and his lovers and beloved. These have been tried and tested wazaif and people have used them to obtain their hajat or wish. I (an unknown writer) made this website to help the ummet and our fellow Muslims. May Allah guide us on the right path.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ WARNING: Anyone who will do any wazifa for an unislamic reason, the angels of the wazifa will destroy his life. Especially the wazaif for love which can only be done for husband and wife or to create love in between family members. The wazaif for enemies can only be read if shariat allows it. Be very very careful about it. If you read any wazifa for an un islamic reason and harm came to you, it will be nearly impossible to help you. I (an unknown writer) take no responsibilty if that happens. The burden of responsibilty is on your shoulders.

If for any reason you do not find a wazifa for your particular problem, or you have a question about anything from this website, please feel free to get in touch with me through this website. I will insallah try to answer you as soon as possible. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE YOUR MOTHERS NAME. I DO NOT NEED ANY NAMES TO GIVE YOU THE WAZIFA YOU DO NOT NEED PERMISSION TO DO ANY WAZIFA FROM THIS WEBSITE ALL WAZAIF ON THIS WEBSITE ARE APPROVED BY SAYYEDINA MAULANA JALAL UD DIN RUMI (REHMATULLAH ALAIH)

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

RULES OF READING WAZAIF Before you start reading a wazifa please read the following rules. 1- The reason for which you are doing a wazifa is correct and according to shariat. 2- You must read the wording with correct pronunciation.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 3- 5 times salah is compulsory for any wazifa to work. Dont expect Allah to grant you your wish while you blatantly disobey his orders. 4- Your income must be halal. Even if there is one Pound/Dollar/Lira of haram income no dua, wazifa or ibadat will work. 5- The time and place must be the same every day. If there is an emergency and you have to go to another place then take your musalla/prayer mat/ sajjade on which you read your wazifa with you. 6- You must be in wudu while you read a wazifa. Your clothes and body must be clean. 7- Men and women both must dress up in an Islamic way during the wazifa. I mean at least during the duration of the wazifa. 8- While reading a wazifa you must be alone in a room. 9- While reading a wazifa you cannot talk to anyone even by gestures and no one should disturb you or divert your attention. That means keep your mobile phones off. 10- For men please do not shave during the duration of the wazifa. Shaving is breaking the sunnah of the Prophet and is deemed as a sin. 11- While reading a wazife please use an ittar or a non alcoholic perfume. 12- If you are doing a wazifa to see the result in your dream, you should sleep on the floor on a clean bed. Also you must sleep in the same position as the Prophet Muhammad (sallal la ho alaihi wa aalihi wa sallim) used to sleep. 13- At least during the duration of the wazifa do not lie or do back bitting (gheybat) at all. 14- BEFORE YOU START A WAZIFA PLEASE ALWAYS DO A 2 RAKAT TOBAH SALAH AND DO A TOBAH. 15- IF YOU READ THE WAZIFE NEXT TO THE GRAVE OF A PROPHET, SAHABI, AULIA ALLAH, SHAHEED OR A SALIH PERSON, THE WAZIFA WILL WORK LIKE A BULLET. THAT’S GURANTEED. 16- Once you have started a wazifa please do not leave it in the middle or get dishearted. If you nafs tells you that it won’t work don’t listen to him and continue. 17- If the wazifa does not work in the stated time period please continue it until you get what you want from Allah. MIA REV01

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19- LAST BUT NOT LEAST ANYONE NOT BELIEVING IN THE AULIA ALLAH SHOULD FORGET ABOUT DOING ANY WAZIFA. HE WILL NOT GET ANYTHING SINCE ALL PRAYERS ARE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL WALI ALLAH AND THEN THE KUTUB OF THAT AREA AND THEN THE GHAUS OF THE TIME AND THEN BY SAYYIDINA SHEYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI (Rahmatullah aleyh) 20- You can not do two wazifas at the same time. If you do that no wazifa will work. Be careful about it. No two persons can do a wazifa for the same hajat aswell. Only one person can do a wazifa.

21- If you do a wazifa for someone who is not doing 5 times salah, wazifa wil not work. Allah does not accept duas of any Muslim for another Muslim who is not doing salah.

How to find a murshid, how to find a sheikh Doing a bait (Baya) of a Murshid or Sheikh is Sunnah.

According to Hadis 1- "If you died without doing a bait you died as a fasiq" 2-"If you died with out doing a bait you died an ignorant (Jahil) death" 3-"If you dont have a Sheikh (murshid) your sheikh is Sheytan (Devil)" For the past 1400 years Muslims have been doing bait (baya) of a sheikh. According to hadis " At any one time there are 313 Auliay Allah who run this world" The number of Prophets who came with a book or a sahifa (chapter) is 313. The number of Sahabis in badar war was 313. The number (adad) of Ayettal Kursi is 313. If you add up 313 it becomes 7. There are 7 skies and there are 7 most holy people in Islam. First 4 Khalifas, Sayyeda Fatima, Sayyedina Imam Hasan and Sayyedina Imam Hussain (Ridwanullahe Ajmaeen). In Tariqat there are also 7 Aulia Allah who are the highest in Islam. As per my research and knowledge there are only two open real Wali Allah I know, who without any shadow of doubt are real Auliya Allah. The hands of Our Holy Prophet are on their back. Be MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ very careful with him and his Khalifa Sheikh Hisham Rehmatullah Alaih. Any form of disrespect towards them will make you a mardood /cursed. No other Wali Allah will accept you if you disrespect them. Allah will destroy your life as well. Of course there are more Auliya Allah but I do not know them so I can’t say who is real and who is not. He is a Nakshbandi Wali Allah who is from Cyprus. His Name is Sayeydina Sheikh Nazim (Rehmatullah Alaih). He does not speak any English but people can translate for you. He is very old now and lives in the Turkish Cyprus. If you want to join his tariqa please contact www.eshaykh.com. You will find all information about him and how to become his mureed. To read about the Nakshbandi aulia allah and about Sayyedina Sheikh Nazim Rehmatullah Alaih in detail please visit http://www.naqshbandi.org/chain/names.htm. Apart from him I know 3 more who are secret and dont want to be named. Two are in Turkey and the third is a Chisti Wali Allah and lives in Bangladesh. That is all I can tell you.

To find your murshid/sheikh it is best to ask Allah to point you to him. Click here or see from the main menu how to see your Murshid/Sheikh in your dream. Before you join any tariqa it is best to do a Istikhara before you join. Read here how to do an


To do any wazifa you must have a correct Sunni belief. If you didn't, either the wazifa will not work or it will harm you instead. If your belief is not correct and you did a wazifa and it worked, it only means that Allah is giving you a chance to get back on the track and correct your belief. I (an unknown writer) will only write about commonly found incorrect beliefs. The following is what we all Sunni should believe in according to Quran and hadis. 1. Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) is present ever where at all times. 2. Sahabi Sayyidna Muaviya (Radi allah o anha) is our 5th caliph and a true Sahabi. He was a writer of the wahi. No one can blame him for the actions of his son. Anyone who will disrespect him or any other Sahabi, in any way will instantly become a kafir. According to hadis the Prophet said any one who insults my sahabis, my lanat and Allahs lanat and his angels’ lanat and lanat of all creation of Allah be on him. 3. All shias and salafis and vahabis are Murtids. Meaning who became non muslims after being a muslim. The lowest part of hell is reserved for them. 4. There are several hadis banning muslims to make friends with kuffar/kafir and munafik. Do not expect Allah to grant you your wish while you have friends who are vahabis or MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ shias or kafir. Stay away from them even if they are your own brothers or sisters. Loyalty is the first quality in Islam. 5. Celebrating Urs/Moulud/Death anniversay of a Wali Allah is Sunnah. 6. According to Hadis everyone including Kafir can see us and hear us after death. That is why women are not allowed to visit grave yards except to visit the graves of family members. 7. According to hadis and Quran all Prophets, Sahabis, Auliya Allah, Salih Muslims, shaheed, or even your own parents or family members can help you after death, provided they want to. I (an unknown writer) have come across hundreds of cases where the dead father or mother or grand parents came in the dream of their children and told them do something or not to do it. Happened to me hundreds of times and has happened to most Muslims once at least. Even happened to non Muslims. So you know exactly what I (an unknown writer) am talking about. Do not believe in Wahabi ideas which are totally against the Hadis and Quran. 8. Allah has given us the permission to ask for help from people who have died since they are not dead. Only that they are living in another world. From where they can see us and hear us. Allah has given them the power to help us and solve our problems according to their rank and status which only Allah knows. 9. According to hadis " If you did a minnah (minnet) complete it". To do a minnah at the Grave/Mizar/Turbe of a Wali Allah is Mustahab. Meaning it is preferred. Your Hajat or problem will be solved quickly. 10. Anyone who refuses to believe that Prophets, Sahabis, Auliya Allah, Salih Muslims and shaheeds can help you after passing away from this world becomes a kafir instantly. 11. Allah in Quran pacifically said that he prefers if you do a dua with the waseela of a Prophet or a Sahabi or a Wali Allah. Allah has declared it a favour which, he granted, to use the waseela of his friends. 12. Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani (Rehmatullah aleyh) with the permision of Allah is also present every where at all times. He is the biggest Wali Allah and all Auliya Allah (Sufi saints) are under his direct command. He is the biggest Kutub or Ghaus until the arrival of Imam Mehdi. His feet are on the neck of all Auliya Allah. 13. If you call Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani (Rehmatullah aleyh) for help, he will come as he promised to come to the help of any Muslim who will call him. I(an unknown writer) personally called him many times and twice in life threating situations and he came to help me. 14. Anyone who refuses the Auliya Allah or their powers or says " i dont need them" is a murtid. Refusing one Wali Allah is equal to refusing them all and calling them all a lier. Allah says "if you want to fight with my Auliya Allah (Sufi saints) be ready for a fight with me". 15. When leaving the mizar/turbe/Grave of a Prophet, Sahabi, or a Wali Allah, do not turn your back towards them. It is extremely disrespectful. The angels present there send lana (lanat) on that person. 16. There are 5 main sufi traiqas in Islam. Namely Nakshbandi, Suharwardi, Chisti, Qadri and Shazli. The source of all of them is Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani (Rehmatullah aleyh). 17. According to hadis anyone who saw the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) in his dream saw only him and no one else. After seeing MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) in his dream all his sins were forgiven. Shifaat of the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) becomes compulsory (vajib) for him. He will go to jannah (paradise) for sure. It does not mean he will not do any more sins (Gunah), it only means that Allah will give him the izin/permission to do a tobah before death. Hence he will die clean. 18. The biggest thing in islam is seeing the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) in your dream. No other ibadah or prayers or any deed what so ever equals to seeing the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) in your dream. 19. As a Muslim it is your duty to try to see the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim) in your dream since he is the father of the whole Ummet. Anyone who does not want to see his own father does not belong to him. On Meraj Allah asked 3 times from the Prophet (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) "what do you want" and 3 times he replied "forgive my Ummet". So please have a bit of shame and sense of gratitude that our own Prophet (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) loves us so much. What have we done for him? 20. Ayone can write a Salavat/Darood in praise of the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim) according to Sayyedina Ali (Radi allaho anha). Hence anyone who refuses the recognised Salavat/Darood written by other Aulia Allahs is a murtid. Those Darood/Salavat are tried and tested and are favourite of our Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam). Especially Qasida Burda (Author:Sayyedina Imam Buseri Rehmatullah alaih) which is loved by the prophet extremely. Anything that the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wasallam) likes and you dislike it, your place in hell is confirmed. Be very careful about this. 21. The Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) knows everything and anything that there is to know as he is present every where. Allah has created everything from the noor/Nur/Light of the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam) and he is the owner of jannah and every thing that Allah created.

Hadis: "A respectful person gets his murad" (desire)............Do not take names of any Prophets, Sahabis, Aulia Allah as if they are your friends. You must use appropriate titles like Sayyedina and always say Alai his salam for Prophets, Radi Allaho anha for Sahabis and Aulia Allah or Rahmatullah Alaih for Auliya Allah. Be warned that all Aulia Allah are brothers among themselves. You disrespect one of them, you insult all of them.

HOW TO SEND SAVAB/HASANA/FOOD In Islam you can send Savab/Hasana of reading Quran or Salawat/Darood. Also you can cook food and send the Savab/Hasana of the food. You can eat the food yourself or give to poor people or neighbours. Remember if the food was cooked with the


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ niyet (intention) of a sadaka you cannot eat it at all. Put the food infront of you and do like this Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Fatiha once Surah Ikhlas 3 times (at least) or 11 times Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dua like this: Ya Allah accept our Khatim and send the savab/hasana of this food and this ibadah to our Prophet Mohammad (Sallal la ho alai he wa aale hi wasallam) and through his vasile send the savab/hasana to Sayyedina Adam (Alaihis salam) and Sayyeda Hava (Alaihis salam) and their children. Do not forget to include them as they are our father and mother. Then to all the Prophets and their wives, families and their ummats. (here you can take names of any Prophets whom you especially love). Especially to Sayyedina (IBrahim, Nooh, Daud, Musa, Eisa) alaihis salam. Then to all Khulafai Rashdeen (The first 5 caliphs), Asra-e-Mubashrah, All Ansar and Muhajireen, Ashab-e-Badr (Sahabis who fought in badar war), Shuhda-i-Uhad, All Sahabis, all family and wives of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallal la ho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam)….(you can take names of all those you love for example Sayyedina Abu Ayyub Ansari (Radi Allaho Anha), Sayyedina Imam Hasan and Sayyedina Imam Hussain and to all shuhodai Karbala (People who died in Karbala). All those who saw the sahabis (tabeen), especially Sayyedina Ovais karani (Radi Allaho Anha). All those who saw the people who saw the sahabis (taba tabeen), To all Angels…especially the Angels who are close to Allah (for example Sayyedina Gibrael, Sayyedina Mekaeel, Sayyedina Israfeel, and Sayyedina Israel...Alaihis salam). Then through the vaseele of Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah alaih) send the savab/hasana to all ummet and all Auliya Allah. Especially here take names of Auliya Allah you love or who are from your country. For example 1. Sayyedina Imam Zainul Abedeen (Cairo), 2. Sayyedina Imam Abul Hasan Shazli (Egypt), 3. Sayyedina Abul Abbas Mursi (Alexandria, Egypt), 4. Sayyedina Syed Ahmad Bedevi (Egypt), 5. Sayyedina Imam Buseri (Alexandria, Egypt), 6. Sayyedina Mohayyud Deen Ibne Arabi (Damascus, Syria), 7. Sayyedina Zun Noon Misri (Damascus, Syria), 8. Sayyedina Maulana Jalal ud din Rumi (Konya,Turkey), 9. Sayyedina Abul Hasan Kharkani or Harakani (Kars,Turkey), 10. Sayyedina Bayazid Bustami (Iran), 11. Sayyedina Junaid Bagdadi (Baghdad, Iraq), 12. Sayyedina Imam Rifai (Iraq), 13. Sayyedina Naj mud din Kubra (Central Asia), 14. Sultan ul Hind Sayyedina Moeen ud din Chisti (Ajmeer,India), 15. Sayyedina Baha ud din Nakshband (Bukhara), 16. Sayyedina Khawaja Baqi Billah (India), MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 17. Imam Rabbani Sayyedina Mujadad Elif Sani (India), 18. Sayyedina Sheikh Shahab ud din Omar Suharwardi (Central Asia), 19. Sayyedina Ali Hajveri (Pakistan), 20. Sayyedina Shah Hussain Zanjani (lahore, Pakistan), 21. Sultan ul Arifeen Sayyedina Sultan Bahu (Pakistan), 22. Sayyedina Bakhtiar kaki (Delhi,India), 23. Sayyedina Baba Farid (Pakistan), 24. Sayyedina Nizam ud din Auliya (Delhi,India), 25. Sayyedina Jalal ud din Surkh Bukhari (Bangladesh), 26. Sayyedina Siri Saqti (Iraq), 27. Sayyedina Maroof Karkhi, 28. Sayyedina Ali Ahmad Sabir (India), 29. Sayyedina Shams ud din Turk (India), 30. Sayyedina Bu Ali Kalandar (India), 31. Sayyedina Fadeel Bin Ayad, 32. Sayyedina Ibrahim adham, 33. Sayyedina Hasan Basri (Iraq), 34. Sayyedina Sufyan Sauri, 35. Sayyedina (Imam Abu Hanifa, 36. Imam Hanbal, Imam Shafi, 37. Imam Malik, Imam Jafar Sadik), 38. Sayyedina Yusuf Ali Hamadani (Kirgistan), 39. Sayyedina Imam Bukhari, 40. Sayyedina Habib Ujmi, 41. Sayyeda Rabia Basri, 42. Sayyedina Shah Shams Tabrezi (Pakistan), 43. Sayyedina Farid ud Din Attar (central Asia), 44. Sayyedina Shah Inayat Hussain Qadri (Lahore, Pakistan), 45. Sayyedina Baba Bulleh Shah (Kusur,Pakistan), 46. Sheikh ul Islam Sayyedina Baha ud din Zikria (Multan,Pakistan), 47. Sayyedina Sheikh Sadar ud din Arif (Pakistan), 48. Sayyedina Shah Rukun ud din Alam (Pakistan), 49. Sayyedina Ghaus Mohammad Shah Gwaliari (India), 50. Sayyedina Ghaus Ali Shah Qalandar (India), 51. Sayyedina Lal Shahbaz Qalandar (Pakistan), 52. Sayyedina Pir Mehr Ali Shah (Islamabad,Pakistan), 53. Sayyedina Makhdoom Jahaniyan Jahan Gasht (India), 54. Sayyedina Hatam Asam, 55. Sayyedina Mian Mir Qadri (Pakistan), 56. Sayyedina Ilim Din Shaheed (Pakistan), 57. Sayyedina Shah Naseer ud din Charagh Dehlavi(India), 58. Sayyedina Abul Hajjaj (Luxor,Egypt), 59. Sayyedina Burhan ud din (Kayseri,Turkey), 60. Sayyedina Aziz mahmoud Hudai (Istanbul,Turkey), 61. Sayyedina Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza khan Barelvi (India), 62. Sayyedina Abdul Aziz Dabagh (Morroco), MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 63. Sayyedina Madu Lal Hussain (Lahore,Pakistan), 64. Sayyedina Abdus Salam Mashis (Morroco), 65. Sayyedina Suleiman Bin Jazuli (Morroco), 66. Sayyedina Wali Songo (the 9 wali allah in Indonesia), 67. Sayyedina Moulay Idrees I & II (Morroco),....Ridwan ullahi Ajmaeen.......to name a few. And to your parents and relatives and friends. Savab/Hasana can also be sent to living people whom you love.

Then blow on the food. Please remember that this food now has become holy food. Do not throw it in the bin. You must eat it all.

How to do a Istikhara In every country you can find the Istikhara dua but no one explains how to do it exactly. There is no hadis explaining how to do it and how many times to read the dua. Only Aulia Allah explain this. This is how you do it. Firstly convert your first name into Arabic and the find out the aded (numerical value) of your first name from this website. Please click here or look it up from the main menu. Suppose your name is Mustafa and aded of Mustafa are 4505. You will add up all the aded like this 4+5+0+5=14=1+4=5 Hence the aded of Mustafa are 5. Mustafa will read the Istikhara dua 5 times. 1. First do fresh wudu and do 2 rakat tahayatul wudu salah. 2. After salam read Darood/salavat 3 times , 3. then read Surah fatiha 3 times, 4. then Darood/salavat 3 times.....then , 5. Do 2 rakat nafal for Itikhara and Istianat( help) from Allah. This is the niyet of the nafal. In first rakat you will read Surah Kafiroon once.  In 2nd rakat Surah Ikhlas once.  6. After salam you will read the Istikhara dua 5 times in total. 7. In the dua there two places where a word comes ..hazal amre…..when you have read this word you must do a dua like this "Ya allah I want to marry Brittany spears" 8. The word comes twice in each dua. Each time after reading it you must say the above dua in a loud voice. Loud enough that you can hear yourself. Do not say ….can I marry Brittany spears? 9. After reading the dua for 5 times. Read Darood/salavat 3 times. 10. You must do the Istikhara 7 days non stop after any salah. But once you do it after a certain salah, do it after every same salah.Even if you see a dream just ignore it. 11. You must do it 7 days. After 7 days whatever is good for you will happen and if it’s bad for you, you will not do it automatically. Meaning, not marrying Brittany spears. 12. If for any reason you cannot calculate the numerical value of your name just read istikhara dua for 9 times every day.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 13. Under no circumstances stop doing the Itikhara after you see a dream. You must complete 7 days.

You can take a fal from Quran as it is a recommended and preferred method by all Aulia Allah. Fal means to take a sign or answer from Quran about some thing. The message is always loud and clear. But there is a way to do it. 1. Firstly take a Quran which has been translated by a Sunni Alim. Not everybody can translate Quran. Translation of Maulana Maududi (tafheem ul Quran in sub continent) is strictly illegal. He had no qualifications to translate it and he is a Wahabi. 2. The most authentic translation is from Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Rehmatullah alaih). But this is in urdu. So please make sure that the Quran you will use, in your language has been translated by a Sunni "QUALIFIED" alim. Not by a pseudo alim who had no qualifications to translate it. 3. Do a wudu and take the Quran in your hands. Sit on a prayer mat. 4. If the time is in between morning till 10am then use Quran chap 1 till chap 10 . 5. If the time is between 1000 hrs (10 AM) till 1400 hours (2 PM) please open Quran chap 11 till chap 20. 6. If you will do it between 1400 hrs (2 PM) till sunset, you will use chap 21 till 30. These are the times when the fal should be taken. 7. Then read the following Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah fatiha 1 time Ayettal Kursi 1 time Surah Ikhlas 3 times Darood/Salavat 11 times 8. then do a dua like this:


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Ya Allah what i have read please accept it due to your fazal and rehmat, and what ever savab/hasana you will give me please send it to Prophets (Sallal laho alaihe wa aale hi wa saalam) soul and the souls of all Prophets and Sahaba kiram and Ahli bait and all Aulia Allah and all Muslim men and women and children dead or alive. Especially send the savab/hasana to the soul of the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aale hi wa saalam) and Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and Hazrat Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Rehmatullahe Ajmaeen) and because of their bareket please make me successful in this fal. 9. Then while reading Darood/Salavat open the Quran from some where. The page you will see, count 7 pages form there. Your answer is on the seventh page on the 7th 8th and 9th line. 10. Some times to understand even translation is very difficult. for that start reading Darood/Salavat and re read the translation (in your language). Then read Darood/Salavat few times and read the translation again. Keep on doing it and the answer will come in your brain automatically.

I am reading a wazifa but nothing is happening? Following might be the reason 1. You don’t have a correct sunni belief 2. You don’t believe in Auliya Allah and you say i can ask Allah directly why should I ask from any wali allah or I don’t need them. 3. This is vahabi belief. Allah said in the Quran especially that we should ask with the waseela of a prophet, sahabi, wali allah. Allah calls that a favour he did to us. Also that all these holy people are here to help us. Also that allah says pecifically that after leaving this world they can help us. If you don’t believe in this then you are doing kufur. 4. You never went to a Grave/mizar/turbe of a Wali allah or a Sahabi even though you had a chance to do so. It means you don’t like them. In that case you dislike Allahs friends. 5. You never sent any savab/Hasana to any Prophet, Sahabi, Wali allah or the ummat or are not sending it. 6. You hate Arabs. Don’t forget that our beloved prophet was a Arab. He specifically said that do not say bad things about Arabs as I am an Arab. 7. Your income is not halal. 8. You are using interest. 9. Someone gave you a bad dua. Your parents or someone to whom you did injustice. 10. You are not doing 5 times salah daily. No wazifa will work if you don’t do salah. 11. If your excuse is that I work and I can’t do salah at work then basically what you just said is that my work is more important than Allah’s orders. 12. You did not do salah before and just started for the wazifa. If you have salah outstanding the wazifa will work very slowly. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 13. You did not fast before in Ramadan but now you do. You have outstanding fasts. Wazifa will work slowly. 14. You are a jealous person and when you see someone better than yourself, you get the desire to destroy them. 15. You beat up your wife and give her mental torture for no reason. 16. Your wife/husband and kids are doing haram and you don’t say anything. 17. As a man you are hen packed. You live in your house as a slave of your wife and she is the boss in the house. According to hadis Allah does not look at a man like that with rahmet. 18. You drink alcohol or use drugs. 19. You do (geybat) back bitting. 20. You lie. 21. You look at other men or women. This is zina for eyes. 22. You are watching TV. Remember that you are not allowed to see any one who is not a mahram. 23. You are disrespectful towards your parents. 24. Your parents are unhappy from you

When the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) came back from Meraj he called Sayyedina Bilal (Radi Allah o anha) and asked him "what ibadet do you do extra?" He replied "Ya Rasulullah (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) I don’t do any extra ibadet except that I always do 2 rakat nafal after every wudu”. The Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) said I heard the sound of your footsteps in front of me in Jannah (paradise).

Hadis Kudsi: Allah says anyone who was without wudu and he did not do wudu he did jafa (disloyalty) with me. And anyone who was without wudu and he did wudu and did not do 2 rakat tahayyatul wudu Salah he did disloyalty with me. And anyone who was without wudu and he did wudu and did 2 rakat Tahayyatul wudu salah and he asked a question from me and I did not give him what he asked for then I would be a zalim (Cruel). But your Allah is not zalim.

Any one who wants to fall in love with Allah or wants to increase his love of Allah should do this wazifa. Every night after Eisha salah read the follwoing dua 1000 times each night with the niyet of increasing your love of Allah.

"Ya badi al ajaibe bil khaire be rehmateka astagheso" (For correct pronunciation please ask any imam of a mosque. I cannot send you the Arabic script) MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Your love of Allah will increase within days to an extent that it will be difficult to handle it.

Warning: This dua is for Auliya Allah only. I wrote it here but it can make you a mejzub. For all practical purposes you will become useless for this world. Your world will be destroyed by Allah. Because you can either love Allah or someone else. Not both.Allah does not tolerate anyone who loves him, loving some one else too. Best is to read this wazifa with the permission of your Sheikh/Murshid who can control your love.

Please read this story before you proceed. One day Sayyedin Musa (Alaihisselam) asked Allah if there was any one whom he loved more than him. Allah replied to whom I can love more than you? Sayyedina Musa asked again and Allah said go to that mountain and you will find a man in a cave. Sayyedin Musa (Alaihisselam) went there. Found a lepper in that cave. No one would go near him and the cave stank as his body was rotting. Sayyedin Musa (Alaihisselam) thought he made a mistake and closed his nose and was about to leave when that man shouted. Musa you came with such love and now you are leaving with such disgust. Sayyedina Musa (Alaihis selam) was shocked to see such a person in that condition. He asked the man. He replied i am happy the way Allah wants to keep me. Sayyedina Musa (Alaihis selam) feeling sorry for him asked him if he had any wishes. He said i had only two wishes. My first wish was to see you. So i have seen you. My second wish is that I haven’t drunk cold water for years. It would be great if you could get me some cold water. Sayyedina Musa (Alaihis selam) went to get some cold water. Came back and saw that the man was dead and a lion had tore his body in to pieces. He was more surprised by this. Sayyedina Musa (Alaihis selam) went to the Toor mountain and asked Allah to explain to him the secret of all that. Allah replied that man made two mistakes No1: he claimed to love me and he wished to see you. No2: he asked you for cold water. If he had asked me i would have run a river of cold water just for him. So my brothers and sisters, be careful about loving Allah. Allah does not tolerate any mistakes and especially if you are his lover. You cannot love Allah and someone else at the same time. Be that your wife or children. I strongly suggest loving our Holy Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) instead. It is easy and you will become the beloved of Allah. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

If you want to increase your love for Allah then after every fajr and Asr salah do the following Salawat/Darood 1 time Surah Fathiha 7 times Ayet tal Kursi 7 times Suah Ikhlas 7 times Salawat/Draood 1 time Inshallah in few weeks your love for Allah will take over your life. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you want Allahs raza please do the following. Allah will be happy from you forever and will never get angry. Every morning after Fajr salah read whole Surah Yasin once like this. When you come to the following ayets in Surah Yasin, repeat them as stated. “Yasin” the Word 5 times “Selamun kolum min rabirrahim”.......this is an ayet in Surah yasin......16 times and the last ayet of Surah Yasin “fa subhannellezi beyade hil melekuto kulle sheyin”…......3 times Allah will be happy from you forever.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Imam Hanbal (Rehmatullah alaih) saw Allah 199 times in his dream. He asked 199 times the same question from Allah. If anyone wants to see Allah in his dream what should he do? Allah gave the same answer 199 times. "He should do chast salah…..(salah which you read once the sun has come up ..Usually around 10 –11am) and read this dua 13 times at chast salah and keep on doing it. Here is the dua: "Bismillah hirrahma nirrahim.Allah huma safferid dunya be aa yo nena va azzim jalalaka fi kulube na. Allah humme vaf fikna le mer daate ka va sab bitna ala diineka va taa ate ka"

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you want that whatever you say from your mouth should happen meaning to make your tongue a sword of Allah. Read "Ya Vahhab-o"..Allah’s name… 1.2 million times in a time period you decide. Meaning 1,200,000 times. It is not difficult to do aswell. To read Ya vahhabo 1000 times takes 10 minutes. Once you have done that whatever you say will happen immediately. This Is the name of Allah which Prophet Suleiman (Alai his salam) used to read. After finishing the vazifa you must read ya vahhabo 46 times after every salah to keep it working. Time period means in any days or months or years.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you want to increase your love of the Prophet (Sallal laho alihay wa aalehi wasallim) Please do the following after every Fajr and Asr salah. Kausar surah 7 times Salawat/Darood 7 times Surah Wad Duha. Chapter 30 (among the last few surahs in Quran)….7 times Insallah after a short period of time your love will increase immensely.

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

There is a hadis which is a rivayet from Sayyedina Abbas (Radi Allaho anha), uncle of the Prophet (sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) The Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) said anyone who will read 2 rakat nafal on Friday night. In each rakat will read Surah Ikhlas 25 times and after salam will read this Darood/Salawat 1000 times will see me in his dream. And anyone who will see me in his dream Allah will forgive all his sins. Aulia Allah say If you don’t see him please continue Saturday night and Sunday night too.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ click here to download the darood /salavat

Remember we are all sinners. The highest thing in our religion is to see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in a dream. Anyone who saw the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in his dream, according to hadis Prophets (sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) shifat becomes vajib (compulsory) for him. Meaning he will go to Jannah for sure. It does not mean he will not do any more sins (if you are thinking that) but it means whatever sins he will do, Allah will give him the tofeek (permission) to do a true tobah. So he will die clean. Apart from this there is no guarantee in our religion. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Friday night (in between Friday and Thursday ) wear clean clothes and use perfume (non alcoholic), after Esha salah do 2 rakat nafal. Then read 1000 times Surah kausar and then 1000 times Darood/Salawat . Any Drood/Salawat. Then sleep without talking to anyone the same way the Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasallam) used to sleep. If you don’t see him do the same on the next Friday night. Maximum within 3 Friday nights you will see him. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Anyone who will read Surah muzamil 41 times on Friday night..the night between Thursday and Friday.......will see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalihi wa sallaim) insallah. Pease read Darood/salavat 11 times before and after. Wear ittir (non alocoholic perfume) when you read it and sleep like the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalihi wa sallaim) used to sleep. If you don’t see him in your dream do it again the next Friday night. Remember we are all sinners. The highest thing in our religion is to see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in a dream. Anyone who saw the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in his dream, according to hadis Prophets (sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) shifat becomes vajib (compulsory) for him. Meaning he will go to Jannah for sure. It does not mean he will not do any more sins (if you are thinking that) but it means whatever sins he will do, Allah will give him the tofeek (permission) to do a true tobah. So he will die clean. Apart from this there is no guarantee in our religion. efore you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Very easy wazifa to do if you can continue it. There is no fixed time for this wazifa. You can do it whenever you have time. Everyday do 2 rakat nafal salah. In each rakat read Surah Kausar 3 times and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. Send the savab/hasana to Sayyeda Fatima (Radi Allaho Anha), daughter of the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). Inshallah you will see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) very soon in your dream. This wazifa is one of the easiet and the best wazifa to see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). If you are a female you might also see Sayyeda Fatima (Radi Allaho Anha) aswell. In case of women if you just see Sayyeda Fatima (Radi Allaho Anha) it is equal to seeing the Rasullulah (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) himself. Your Jannah (Paradise) will be guaranteed. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

In any Islamic month. The first Friday night (night between Thursday and Friday) of that month. Take a bath after Esha Salah and wear clean clothes. Then read this Darood/Salawat 10,000 times "Allah huma salle ala sayyedina muhammade nin nabi yil ummiye wa aale hi wa barik va sallim" Then 1000 times Sura Kausar. After that while reading the same darood/Salawat sleep the way the Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasallam) used to sleep. Meaning your face, facing the kaba and on your right side. Please check in your area how they bury the dead people. Sleep like that in the same direction. Inshallah you will see the Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasallam).

If you want to see not only the Prophet (Sallal laho alihe wa aale hi wasallam) but also Sahaba Karam in your dream please do the following. Start on any Friday night (night before friday) and read the wazifa until the next friday night. that makes it 8 nights. Every night just after Esha Salah Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Aaraf....Aytet No 157.......1000 times (Fal la zeena aminu................till.............humul muflehoon) Darood/Salavat 11 times Insallah you will see them in your dream. Please make sure for at least 8 days you do not do any gunah, lie, break any islamic rules or do gaybat (talk bad people peoples back)


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

All Auliya Allah say that anyone who will read Surah Ikhlas 1000 times every day and will continue that for some time. He will know himself what Allah will give him. He will receive what Allah says in kuran……”Say I am the follower of the nation of Ibrahim, who had his full attention to Allah” Meaning Sayyedina Ibrahim (Alaihis salam) never ever looked at anything except Allah himself. No other thought ever crossed his mind except Allah. This Wazifa, only that person will do whom Allah will give the taufeeq/permission to do it. Who loves Allah and his Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) May allah give you the taufeeq to do this and to all of us. Darood/Salawat 11 times as usual before and after. After reading this Wazifa every night please send the savab/hasana to all ummat. Your niyet/intention for this wazifa is nothing but Allah himself. Your dua after finishing the wazifa every day is “YA ALLAH I WANT YOU FROM YOU”. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

There are 7 skies above us according to Quran and above them is Arsh. Which is also divided into different parts. Above which is Allah. If you want to be able to see all the skies (but not arsh) when ever you want then it’s a big wazifa. It is not easy since you are not asking for an easy thing.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ In 40 days read complete Surah Takasur (Quran Chap 30) for 125,000 times. you decide how many times a day you want to read it but it must be done in 40 days.That’s all. Who so ever will do it. Allah will open all skies for him. He will see everything with open eyes. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

According to hadis a true dream is 46th part of the wahi. If you sleep in wudu every night and while you are trying to sleep read “Ya badi-o” (Allah’s name) you will not only see true dreams but also will see what ever is going to happen with you the next day in your dream. The condition is that you cannot tell anyone about your dreams. If you did they will stop. Slowly and slowly the dreams will become clearer. You will not need any one to tell you the meaning. So be patient. If you see some thing bad is about to happen please do this when you wake up (and don’t tell anyone about it) Darood/Salavat 1 time "Bismillah hil lazi la ya durro ma as me hi Shay un fil arde vala fis sema-e va ho vas sami ul aleem"….3 times Darood/Salavat 1 time. This Is the famous dua the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) told Sahabi Sayyedina Osman (Radi allah o anha) to read 3 times every morning and 3 times every evening and nothing bad will happen to you.

In Quran at several places Allah talks about the knowledge of the book. This is the secret knowledge that all Aulia Allah are given as a gift. In Quran Allah says about Hz Asif bin berkhia (Alaihis salam) , the Wizier of Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman (Alaihis Salam) that “he said that i


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ can bring it (the throne of Bilquis,Alaihis Salam) in the blink of an eye. And i gave him the knowledge of the book”. Meaning Hz Asif Bin Berkhia (Alaihis salam) who was a jin, used that knowledge to bring the throne. Please note that according to hadis revealing that knowledge is kufur (Forbidden) in islam. If you want to learn this secret knowledge this is what you do. For 41 nights after Esha salah alone in a dark room, read this ayet 100 times every night, from Quran chap 30 “Bal hova kuranun macidün fi lo hay mehfuzun” Darood/Salavt 11 times before and after the wazifa. On the 41st night some one will appear in front of you. Do not be scared. He will not harm you at all. Ask him that you want to learn the (Ilim ul Kitab), knowledge of the book. He will teach you. Please note that if you are a not a dindar or a pious person, you will not be able to complete this wazifa. After some days you will start getting the ideas that it is all a lie, nothing will work, why am i doing it, i am wasting my time etc etc. It only means that the wazifa is trying to stop you. To stop that from happening please do a istikhara first and better still ask your Sheikh/Murshid. If you have one, who will guide you. If it is not in your luck you will not be able to complete this wazifa. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WAZIFA IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE VERY VERY DINDAR / PIOUS. IF YOU DO NOT DO TAHAJJUD SALAH PLEASE DO NOT ASK PERMISSION FOR THIS WAZIFA. PERMISION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS WAZIFA

If you want to see your relatives in your dream who died, do the following. After Esha Salah read Darood/Salawat 11 times MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Surah Shams, Wal lail, Wad Duha, Alem Nashra.all 7 times each Then Darood/Salawat 11 times. Without talking to anyone go to bed and sleep alone in a room. You will see them with in 7 nights. Most people saw their relatives the first night. Please make sure your clothes and bedding is clean

In Islam your Nafs is always telling you to do wrong things. The desire to do Gunah or sins comes directly from nafs. This is how you kill your Nafs forever. Take a raw brick and break it in to pieces. Raw brick is before it is placed in the oven to be baked. Raw brick is made from normal soil. If you can’t find one just make one from the soil in your garden. Let it dry first though. Put the brick on a white piece of cloth and then break it in to 2-3 or more pieces while on the cloth. Now read Surah Yasin 7 times on the pieces and do a dam (Blow) on them. After that wrap them into the cloth and carry it like a Janaza (funeral) to a river. Throw them with the cloth in the water. When they will dissolve in the water your Nafs will die. You will never ever hear anything from inside you telling you to do any Gunah (sins)

If you think that you have black magic on you and you have all indications that it is black magic then read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah taha Ayet no 68 and 69......100 times (Read them together as one ayet) Darood/Salavat 11 times Do a dam (blow) on water and give it to the person who has black magic or you can drink the water yourself. Do this for 11 days exactly. Do not read any other wazifa or dua during this time. I mean the person who has black magic on him and the person who is reading the wazifa for him, both of them will not read any other wazifa or dua during this period. If you think the magic has been done to your whole family please make everyone drink it and ask them not to read any other dua or wazifa during these 11 days. Inshallah after 11 days the black magic will disappear. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you think you have black magic and you have all indications that it is black magic. Do the following and it will go away within 7 days. Guaranteed by the biggest Wali Allah in sub continent. Sayyedina Sheikh Ali Hajveri (Rehmatullah alaih), who is buried in Lahore in Pakistan. He came from Iraq 1000 years ago and brought Islam to the sub continent. Darood/Salavat 11 times Read “Ya Mumeet-o”(Allahs name) 7000 times every day It takes an hour to read it 7000 times. Do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and the person who has black magic on him should drink it. If the magic is on yourself, you drink the water. If it is whole family please make everyone drink this water. Please mix the water with normal water and drink it whole day also. But first everyone should take a sip from the new water every day. Then you can mix the left over water with normal water. Do this every day for 7 days. Not only the black magic will disappear but it go back and attack the person who did it to you.

If you think that you have black magic on your or on your children or family, or on your home and business too. Read the following for 7 days at least. Darood/Salavat Ibrahimi 3 times......the one your read in Salah "Auzobillahi minish shaytan nir rajeem"....once Surah Nuh once Same darood/Salavat 3 times Then do a dua like this...."Ya Allah what ever black magic there is on me, my wife, my children, my family, my house and my business return it to the person who did it. When you return it please reveal that person to me". You will know when the magic is finished when you will see that person in your dream or in reality some one will tell you that so and so did it. You will find out about the culprit. That is when you can stop doing the wazifa. Note: You will not read Bismillah in this wazifa any where. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you think some will do black magic on you or you think someone has done it. for all cases of black magic and for future protection too. Please do the following always. No one will ever be able to harm you through black magic. No black magic will work on you. For protection of whole family please after reading it do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and give it to everybody everyday to drink. After fajr and Maghrib Salah Draood/Salavat once Ya Qabid0 (Allahs Name) 21 times Darood/ Salavat once

If Your children are not obedient or dont listen to you please read this every day: Darood/Selavat 11 times Surah Al Ahkaf, Ayet no 15...........73 times Darood/Selavat 11 times Then do a dua everyday. Inshallah with few weeks they will all become very obedient to you. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If some one in your household is doing haram and is not listening to you do this for 21 days. Every day before azan of Fajr Salah read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah lahab 19 times. Darood/Salavat 11 times and then do a dam(blow) on him while he/she is sleeping. If the person is not in your house, imagine his face and do a dam (blow) on his face. You may keep a foto in front of you for imagination. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website

If someone in your family is having a haram relationship with some one. to break it up please do this. On Tuesday midday....at 12 exactly visit a grave yard. Doesnt have to be a Muslim Grave yard. Sit in between two old graves and read Darood/Salavat 1 time Surah Lahab 500 times (without bismillah)


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Darood/Salavat 1 time The afterwards do a dua like this...."Ya Allah please create hatred between Adam son of Mary and Nicole daughter of Mary. You must take names with the name of their mother. They will start to hate each other immediately. Note: please do not read bismillah in this wazifa anywhere.

If you have a fear of any enemy…..or from anyone who wants to harm you in any way do the following until the threat is gone away. In fajr salah in the first rakat of the sunnet read Surah Alim Nasrah and in the second read Surah fiil. Both once only Insallah your enemy will be defeated by Allah himself. He will not be able to harm you in any way. Keep on doing it until enemy is defeated completely.

If any one is trying to harm you especially a non muslim you can do this and with few days he will stop or disappear from the area. Surah Inam ayet no 45.

Then the unjust were uprooted completely; and a praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

non stop for few days and then see how it works. If you did it for wrong reasons it will work opposite. Will harm you instead. Be careful. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ This is a Jalali Ayet. Do not smoke and do not eat onions or garlic. No smell should come from mouth and you must be in wudu at all times if possible. You can read it without wudu but you must be clean physically.

If your enemy is creating problems for you. This will save you from every thing. Same time every day read Darood/Selavat 11 times Surah Rehman Ayet no 26,27 “Kulo mun alaiha fan….till……zuljilale wal ikram.... 144 times

All that is on earth is to perish.

And there is abiding for ever is the Entity of your Lord Majestic and Venerable. Darood/Selavat 11 times Then do a sacda and make a dua in sacda. Do it for 12 days. With in 12 days he will either applogise to you, or will stop being a enemy or will leave the area for ever.

If you have an enemy who is creating problems for you, especially if he is a non muslim.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Do this wazifa. This is a jalali wazifa. Please do not do it under no circumstances for wrong reasons. For 11 days after Esha Salah Darood/Salavat 5 times Read “Ya Jabbar-o (Allahs name)………..121 times

Al-Jabbaar  The Compeller, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.

Darood/Salavat 5 times While reading the wazifa think of your enemy. Insallah your enemy will be defeated by Allah himself.

Nothing will happen to anyone in this hisar (Hisar means to encircle) except death. Do this to your house especially your children and your family. Every night Darood/Selavat 1 time Surah Fatiha 1 time Ayetal Kursi 1 time MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 4 kul (Surah Ikhlas, kafiroon, falak , Nas) 1 time each Darood/salavat 1 time Then in your imagination make a circle around everything you want to protect. Your children, house, family etc……complete the circle in your imagination. Everybody and everything in that circle will remain in Allah’s protection for one day. The day you will have any problem you will realize that you forgot to do the hisar that day. If this hisar is done around a dead person Allah will stop the azab for one day as well.

If you have a enemy and you have tried everything and nothing is happening and you are in a situation that your own life is in danger or your families life. You can do this wazifa. You must be very sure that you have no other solution. For 10 days with the intention that you want your enemy to die , at the same place and same time read Surah Lahab 1000 times everyday. Do not Read Bismillah or Darood/Salavat with this wazifa. Your enemy will be killed by Allah in 10 days

Again if you are in a situation that your enemy is about to harm you or your family and you have a fear of life, you can do this wazifa. Please make sure that Shariat allows you to do this. Take a brick and go next to a river. Read Surah Yasin 41 times with the intention of your enemy to die. while reading it think of your enemy dying. Each time you will finish Surah Yasin you will make a line on that brick to count. Take a nail or a knife to do that. Once you have made 41 lines, facing the kibla, throw that brick in the water. Do Not read bismillah or Darood / Salavat with this wazifa. Allah will kill him himself.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ If you are wrong according to shariat then you will die instead. be careful.


This the most powerful wazifa on this whole website. Nothing is more powerful than this. Anyone who will do this wazifa will come under direct supervision of Allah himself. He will never ever and i mean never ever have any problems in his life. He will be shown the right way by Allah and he will never go astray in his Din. He will see the future in his dreams and Allah will tell him every thing that is about to happen with him before hand. He will never have to ask any one for anything. what ever he needs Allah will provide. What ever he wants is Allah's responsibility personally. No enemy will be able to harm him. No black magic will work on him. Everyone who will see him will respect him. Basically what ever you want will be provided. You will wish in your heart for some thing and it will happen. Angels of Bismillah will start to stay with you 24 hours a day on orders of Allah. After some time they will start to advise you on what to do and what not to do. You will hear them in your heart as they will put thoughts in your mind. But you will not see them. It will also protect you from yourself. If what you want is not good for you, Bismillah will not let you do it. You cannot use it to marry any particular person as wazifas to marry a person are forbidden and haram in islam. You can only ask Allah to marry you to a suitable person and not to a person of your choice. Bismillah contains names of Our Holy Prophet (sallal la ho alai hey wa sallam), first four Caliphs, Sayyeda Fatima (RA), Sayyedina Imam Hasan and Sayyedina Imam Hussain. It also contains the whole of Quran in it.

This wazifa is the king of all wazifas. It is a forever wazifa. Meaning you must read it everyday at a set time if possible. If you cannot do it at a set time just read it when ever you can. You can also do it half one time and half another time. Women should continue reading it even during periods (special days). If you miss your wazifa one day for some reason please read it double the next day. You will see its effects after one week. Do not tell your dreams to any one and do not tell people that you are doing this wazifa.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Send all savab/Hasana of this wazifa everyday to Our Holy Prophet (sallal la ho alai hey wa aale hi sallam), Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) and all Ummat. Do a dua after sending the savab. Wazifa will not work if you dont do that. Darood/Salavat 11 times Bismillah hir rehman nir rehim 1000 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then everyday do a dua for your hajat/wish if you want, though you will not need to do it. Just thinking about your problem is enough. Watch how it will change your life completely. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NIYET/INTENTION FOR THIS WAZIFA IS ALLAHS RAZA AND NOT YOUR PROBLEMS. IF YOU ARE DOING THIS WAZIFA YOU DO NOT NEED ANY OTHER WAZIFA. IF YOU START THIS WAZIFA YOU SHOULD STOP READING ALL OTHER WAZIFAS FOR HAJAT. YOU CAN ONLY DO OTHER WAZIFAS IF YOUR INTENTION IS FOR ALLAHS RAZA AND NOT FOR ANY HAJAT. PLEASE BE PATIENT IN DOING THIS WAZIFA. YOUR HAJAT/WISH WILL HAPPEN ONLY IF IT IS GOOD FOR YOU. DO NOT ASK ALLAH FOR HARAM THINGS. IF YOU CAN NOT DO THIS WAZIFA FOREVER, YOU MAY STOP IT AT ANYTIME WITHOUT ANY BAD EFFECTS. YOU CAN ALSO READ IT UNTIL YOUR WISH/HAJAT IS GRANTED AND THEN STOP DOING IT. SAME TIME AND PLACE IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THIS WAZIFA BUT IF YOU CAN READ IT AT THE SAME PLACE AND AT THE SAME TIME, IT WILL WORK QUICKLY. NO PERMISSION IS REQUIRED TO DO THIS WAZIFA.

Allah will help you in a secret way that even u will be surprised. Everyday after Esha Salah


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 11 times Darood/Salavat Ayet karima 51 times...(la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto minaz zalimeen) 11 times Darood/Salavat Then do a dua. This is wazifa which you can do for any hajat or always do it for all hajats and problems. It is easy and small and was given by Sayyedina Ghaus Ali Shah kalender (Rehmatullah Aleh). A very famous Wali Allah from India.

Anyone who will do this will never become sick. Will never have problems. All he wants will happen. Cure for every disease and solution of every problem is in this wazifa and it is very easy to do too. In Fajr, Zuhr, Marib, and Esha salah there 2 vajib sunnet (compulsory). Which we all do. In all these Salahs in the 2 sunnet you will read forever the following Surahs 1 rakat……….bismillah with every surah …Surah Kafiroon, Surah Nasr and Surah lahab. 2 rakit…again all surahs with bismillah…Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak, and Surah Nas. thats all. This is a forever wazifa. Always do it and you will see how your life will become so easy and relaxed. No problems will ever come near you.

Anyone who will do this will never become sick. Will never have problems. All he wants will happen. Cure for every disease and solution of every problem is in this wazifa and it is very easy to do too. In Fajr, Zuhr, Marib, and Esha salah there 2 vajib sunnet (compulsory). Which we all do. In all these Salahs in the 2 sunnet you will read forever the following Surahs 1 rakat……….bismillah with every surah …Surah Kafiroon, Surah Nasr and Surah lahab. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ 2 rakit…again all surahs with bismillah…Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak, and Surah Nas. thats all. This is a forever wazifa. Always do it and you will see how your life will become so easy and relaxed. No problems will ever come near you.

To Live without any problems and for all your wishes/hajat do this wazifa forever. Allah will help you in all your daily life secretly. After Esha Salah every night read this ayet 101 times. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after the wazifa. Quran Chap 28, Surah Saf, ayet no 8 In all your problems Allah will help you in such a way that even you will be surprised about it. This is a forever wazifa. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Allah will help you in a secret way that even u will be surprised. Everyday after Esha Salah 11 times Darood/Salavat Ayet karima 51 times...(la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto minaz zalimeen) 11 times Darood/Salavat Then do a dua. This is wazifa which you can do for any hajat or always do it for all hajats and problems. It is easy and small and was given by Sayyedina Ghaus Ali Shah kalender (Rehmatullah Aleh). A very famous Wali Allah from India.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

Anyone who will do this will never become sick. Will never have problems. All he wants will happen. Cure for every disease and solution of every problem is in this wazifa and it is very easy to do too. In Fajr, Zuhr, Marib, and Esha salah there 2 vajib sunnet (compulsory). Which we all do. In all these Salahs in the 2 sunnet you will read forever the following Surahs 1 rakat……….bismillah with every surah …Surah Kafiroon, Surah Nasr and Surah lahab. 2 rakit…again all surahs with bismillah…Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak, and Surah Nas. thats all. This is a forever wazifa. Always do it and you will see how your life will become so easy and relaxed. No problems will ever come near you.

Anyone who will do this will never become sick. Will never have problems. All he wants will happen. Cure for every disease and solution of every problem is in this wazifa and it is very easy to do too. In Fajr, Zuhr, Marib, and Esha salah there 2 vajib sunnet (compulsory). Which we all do. In all these Salahs in the 2 sunnet you will read forever the following Surahs 1 rakat……….bismillah with every surah …Surah Kafiroon, Surah Nasr and Surah lahab. 2 rakit…again all surahs with bismillah…Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak, and Surah Nas. thats all. This is a forever wazifa. Always do it and you will see how your life will become so easy and relaxed. No problems will ever come near you.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ To Live without any problems and for all your wishes/hajat do this wazifa forever. Allah will help you in all your daily life secretly. After Esha Salah every night read this ayet 101 times. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after the wazifa. Quran Chap 28, Surah Saf, ayet no 8 In all your problems Allah will help you in such a way that even you will be surprised about it. This is a forever wazifa. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

To Live without any problems and for all your wishes/hajat do this wazifa forever. Allah will help you in all your daily life secretly. After Esha Salah every night read this ayet 101 times. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after the wazifa. Quran Chap 28, Surah Saf, ayet no 8 In all your problems Allah will help you in such a way that even you will be surprised about it. This is a forever wazifa. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you want to live problem free then do what the hadis says. The most easiest wazifa on this site. CUT YOUR NAILS EVERY FRIDAY. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Yes cut your nails on a Friday. According to hadis no problem will come near you.

The easiet wazifa you can do to live without any problems. When it is raining please collect some rain water and Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Takasur 41 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dam (blow) on the water. You must complete all of this while it is still raining. Now everyday drink a bit of that water. When it becomes less please add normal water in it. No problem will ever come near you.

The easiet wazifa you can do to live without any problems. When it is raining please collect some rain water and Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Takasur 41 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dam (blow) on the water. You must complete all of this while it is still raining. Now everyday drink a bit of that water. When it becomes less please add normal water in it. No problem will ever come near you.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

If you ever get into a situation where you have no money or a job and it is about to effect your honour do the following to look for a job. Read Darood/Salawat Taj (You can find it at the bottom of this page) after every Salah/Namaz 7 times and after Eisha Salah/Namaz 101 times. Every day you must go out and look for a job actively. This is the condition of the vazife. Do this for 3 days. If you do not find a job in 3 days on the 4th day after Fajr Salah/Namaz start reading Darood/Salawat Taj and keep on reading it until someone comes and give you the news that you have a job. It works like a bullet for getting a job in 3 days.

After Esha salah every night read Has bo nallaho wa nae mal vakeel…575 times Darood/Salavat 11 times before and after. Then do a dua after reading the Darood. Inshallah within a week you will find a job. Please read the Darood/Salavat which you read in salah. If you don’t find a job within a week it only means that either you been missing your salah or your iman is weak, in that case please continue the wazifa until you have a job. Most people got a job with in a week. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Start on a Sunday. Read Surah Yasin like this for 40 days. On the first Mubeen read it 7 times. Then go back and start reading Surah Yasin again. On the second Mubeen read it 7 times gain and go back. Keep on reading each mubeen 7 times and going back. Once you done this then finally read whole surah yasin once normally, without repeating any Mubeen.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Darood/Salawat 41 times before and after. Do a dua after reading Darood/Salawat for job. Do this after Fajr Salah and the wazifa must finish before sunrise. Insallah with in 40 days you will find a job. When you find job please stop reading Surah Yasin as a wazifa. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you don’t have a job and can’t find any job. Do the following. I guarantee you that you will find a suitable job. Every morning after fajr salah and after every Asr salah read the following Darood 11 times Full Bismillah 786 times Darood 11 times Do this until you find a job. Insallah you will find a job in one week. Remember that without salah no wazifa will work. Salah is compulsory so make sure you do 5 times Salah without missing any salah. If you continue the vazife after finding a job…you will see what Allah will give you. All your hajats and problems will be Allahs responsibility. Do not doubt this what I wrote here. If you don’t believe me. Do the wazifa and see its effects yourself. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

First Friday night or a Sunday of an Islamic month (night before Friday or Sunday) start the wazifa. After Esha Salah every night facing the Kibla Darood/Salawat 11 times Then read Surah Al Imran Ayet no 26…101 times MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Finally Darood/Salavat 11 times. Make sure your thoughts don’t go here and there. Think of only a job. With in 21 days you will find a job..if you do not, it only means your iman is weak. Then continue for 40 days in total. Please stop the wazifa as soon as you find a job. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you don’t have a job this wazifa will get you a job within 4 weeks. You will not need to do it again. Start on the first Monday night (the night between Sunday and Monday) of an Islamic month. Read Surah fatiha with full bismillah each time. Time of wazifa is after sunset till 12 at night. After that the time for wazifa is finished. Wazifa must be completed with in this time. Wazifa is for 4 weeks. Monday night Darood/Salavat ….7 times Surah fatiha 70 times Darood/Salavat 7 times Tuesday night Darood/Salavat ….6 times Surah fatiha 60 times Darood/Salavat 6 times MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Wednesday night Darood/Salavat ….5 times Surah fatiha 50 times Darood/Salavat 5 times Thursday night Darood/Salavat ….4 times Surah fatiha 40 times Darood/Salavat 4 times Friday night Darood/Salavat ….3 times Surah fatiha 30 times Darood/Salavat 3 times Saturday night Darood/Salavat ….2 times Surah fatiha 20 times Darood/Salavat 2 times Sunday night Darood/Salavat ….1 times Surah fatiha 10 times Darood/Salavat 1 times Read like this for 4 weeks. Once you get the job even then complete 4 weeks.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Note: You must read full Bismillah with each Surah Fatiha Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If your boss is always nasty towards you and is creating problems for no reason. Do the following and he will change with you. Read "Ya Jabbar-o (allahs name) 12500 times every day for 10 days. Darood/Salavat 11 times before and after. He will stop being nasty to you. During this vazifa salah is very important. Do not miss your salah. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you lost your job and you want it back please do the following Darood/ Salavat 11 times Surah Yusuf 13 times Darood/ Salavat 11 times Then do a dua every day. The time and place must be the same every day. Inshallah first day someone will tell you that you can have your old job back. Continue until some one gives you the news that you can have it back. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If in your job you have been transferred to another city or office and you don’t want to go there then do this. After Esha salah/namaz read Surah Lahab (Quran Chap 30)…..21 times everyday but do not read Darood or Salavat or bismillah with this wazifa at all. I repeat do not read any bismillah or Darood/Salavat. Do not wear anything on your head. Your head must be bare. For women as well please do not wear anything on your head. You have to take off your hijab or scarf. Do it until your transfer is stopped. Usually happens within a week. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you want your company to transfer you to some other place or department

and they refuse then do this: After Esha salah/namaz Read Darood/Salavat 11 times. Then read Ayettal Kursi 40 times. Darood/Salavat 11 times. This is a 40 days wazifa. If you missed a day please read double the next day meaning 80 times. When you are transferred to where you want to go you may stop the wazifa. All will happen within 40 days. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

After every Salah/Namaz without talking to anyone Ayet kursi once Surak Talak (Quran Chap 28) Ayet no 2, and 3, from “Wa mun yat ti killah ho…..till…. kad Ja aa lal la ho le kul ley shey in kadra.” :…………once Surah fatiha once Surah ihlas 3 times Drood/Salawat 3 times Then do a dam (Blow) on the sky The reader of this Wazifa will get the following: Allah will take his soul himself directly. No angel of death will come near him to take his soul. Allah will send his soul directly to heaven without any hisab. In life his rizk will always be very big. Will never have problems with money. His grave will be very wide. He will die with Iman

According to Quran our Prophet Rasullul lah (Sallal laho alihe Wa aalehi wa sallam) is present every where and especially in the houses of all muslims. When a Sahabi complained about being poor the Prophet Rasullul lah (Sallal laho alihe Wa aalehi wa sallam) advised him to the following. Every time you enter the house whether it is empty or not say in loud voice


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ As salam o alikum wa rehmatullahe wa barakatuhoo Read any Draood/Salavat once Read Surah ikhlas 3 times Allah will increase your rizk immensely. The Prophet Rasullul lah (Sallal laho alihe Wa aalehi wa sallam) said even if you enter the house 70 times in a day do this procedure. You must do this all in loud enough voice. Such a easy way to becoming rich and no effort is required.

Did you ever want to become rich?. Well here is the wazifa. Who so ever will do it will become rich. After Esha Salah read "Ya musabbe bal asbab" 500 times. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa. But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head. No cap no scarf no Hijab no tree no shade no roof. This vazife is considered to be ikseer/elixir for gettinng rich. Within days you will become rich. Keep on doing it until you are happy with your financial situation. Warning: Asking Allah for money you don't need is very dangerous. You can loose your iman as more money than you need can lead to temptations. Instead of asking for more money you should use the dua of our beloved Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasaalam) which I wrote here. You can find it in all books. Please use the Arabic version for correct pronunciation. "Allahumma Akfeni be halale ka un harameka wa aghneni be fadleka am man sivak" Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Did you ever want to become rich?. Well here is the wazifa. Who so ever will do it will become rich. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ After Esha Salah read "Ya musabe bal asbabe" 500 times. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa. But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head. No cap no scarf no Hijab no tree no shade no roof. This vazife is considered to be ikseer for rizk. Within days you will become rich. Warning: Asking Allah for money you don't need is very dangerous. You can loose your iman as more money than you need can lead to temptations. Instead of asking for more money you should use the dua of our beloved Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasaalam) which I wrote here. You can find it in all books. Please use the Arabic version for correct pronunciation. "Allahumma Akfeni be halale ka un harameka wa aghneni be fadleka am man sivak" Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

You will never need any other wazifa again to become rich if you can do this every night. Read “Ya Vahhabo” (Allahs name) 1000 times between the 2 sunnet of Esha Salah and vitar. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after. This is a forever wazifa. It takes hardly 7-8 minutes to read it 1000 times. Such a small wazifa but it works like fire for rizk. Vahhab was the name of Allah that Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman Alaihis salam used to read. It was the barakat of this name of Allah that every thing used to obey him.

You will never need any other wazifa again to become rich if you can do this every night. Read “Ya Vahhabo” (Allahs name) 1000 times between the 2 sunnet of Esha Salah and vitar. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after. This is a forever wazifa. It takes hardly 7-8 minutes to read it 1000 times. Such a small wazifa but it works like fire for rizk. Vahhab was the name of Allah that Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Alaihis salam used to read. It was the barakat of this name of Allah that every thing used to obey him.

If you are poor and have very little money please do the following regularly. Insallah you will become rich. Condition is that you do not miss any day. After Esha salah every night read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Muzammal 11 times While reading Surah Muzammal Everytime when u reach this ayet…..fatta khuz ho vakila…. after reading this whole ayet Read Has bo nalla ho va naemal vakeel ..20 times This has to be done each time you read Surah Muzammal. At the end of the wazifa Darood/Salavat 11 times. Then do a dua and send the Savab/Hasana to the Holy Prophet, maulana Rumi (RA) and all Ummet and ask Allah to make you rich. You will see the effects after 1 week of this wazifa.

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Read Surah Tehreem everyday once. Imam Jafir sadik (our 5th imam) said if your loan is as big as mountain it will be paid off. Please read Darood 11 times before and after and then do a dua every day. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

Wazifas to marry a particular person are totally haram and forbidden in Islam. Do not do any wazifa to marry anyone as you would be using Quran for some thing which is equivalent to black magic. You will be seriously harmed. If it was allowed, we would all be married to a movie star. Even if your marriage has been arranged or you are already engaged, and there are problems, you must do an istikhara only. Islam does not recognise engagement as a relationship of any kind. If your family is arranging your marriage with someone and you wish to marry that person, you must do an istikhara only. No wazifa can be done also. Only a Wali Allah can change your luck. No wazifa will do that for you. Only Allah knows what is best for you. I get a lot of emails everyday from brothers and sisters who did a love marriage. That love disppeared after few years and now their lives are literally hell. They want help to sort out their miserable lives. This is the result of marrying someone without doing an istikhara. Let Allah decide what is good for you in future. No matter how innocent your love is, there is no guarantee that you or your partner will feel the same after 5-10 years. You can only do an istikhara as ORDERED by our Holy Prophet. The method is written in the website. If it is good for you, it will happen automatically without the need for a wazifa. You have been warned.

Very easy wazifa to do. You will be married inshallah with in 21 days. After every Fajr salah read ayet no 36 of surah yasin 100 times. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after. Then do a dua for yourself or for your son or daughter. Anyone can do this vazife. You can do it for your brother, sister or even a friend. Continue until you are married or the person you are doing it for, gets married. The duration of this vazife is 21 days minimum. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

This is a tried and tested wazifa. It works each time any one has ever done it. It can also be done by anyone for anyone. Everyday at a fixed time and fixed place read Darood/Salavat 11 times. Surah Rehman 3 times daily Darood/Salavat 11 times. Please do it until you or your daughter gets married. I repeat, time has to fixed and the place as well. Always do a dua after reading. If you are doing it for another person please take their name in the dua. Insallah with in 21 days you or the person you doing it for, will get married. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

Do this once and insallah you will get married. Man or a woman this is for both. This is especially for those people who can not do a wazifa for some reason. Weigh yourself in kilos. Buy rice exactly the same as your weight. If you are for example 80.50 kilos buy 80.50 kilo of rice. Any quality of rice will do. Throw the rice in the sea If possible or in the river if you don’t live near a sea. This is sadaka to the sea animals. Just do it once. Insallah you will get married with 1-2 months. Before throwing the rice do a dua. Darood/Salavat 11 times then your dua to get married and then Darood/Salavat 11 times. Then throw the rice in the sea. That’s all.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Best is to throw in the sea if not then a river. Just wait after that. Insallah all will happen in 1-2 months. River means a river with fish in it. Not dirty canals for drainage you find in third world countries.

After Esha Salah read "Ya latifo Ya Vadudo" 1111 times. 11 times Darood/Salawat before and after the wazifa. Do this for 40 days exactly. If you miss one or two days increase the the same number in 40 days. If you missed the wazifa for 3 days in a row, then start the wazifa again from zero and complete 40 days. For women please increase the number of days you have periods. Even if you do get married within 40 days do not stop. You must complete 40 days, that is the condition. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

The man/woman who wants to marry or his/her parents can do this wazifa. Other people can not do it. For 11 days after every Esha Salah read Darood/Salavat 11 times. 11000 times "Ya mo-ti" (Allahs name). Darood/Salwat 11 times. Do a dua after you finish the wazifa every day. Insallah with 11 days you will be engaged and will find the right person to marry. This is a tried and tested wazifa. You must do 5 times salah during this period and follow Islamic laws. If you did not then it will take longer to work. Please blame yourself if you do not get married with in 11 days. If during the wazifa you see yourself getting married in a dream, you might, it means the wazifa is working. Do not get dishearted and stop doing it.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you are not getting married please read this Ayet 24 hours a day in your mouth all the time. With wudu or without wudu. You are clean or not clean. Just keep on reading it. For women even if you have periods don’t stop. Inshallah with in days you will get married. Surah Yusuf, Ayet no 86 “Inna ma asku va bassi va huzni ilallah” This method was told by a Wali Allah to a person in her dream. This is the famous dua of the Prophet Yaqub (Alai his salam). It works like fire if you are adhering to 5 times salah and Islamic laws. Inshallah you will get married within few weeks. Do not doubt the power of duas told in Quran.

After finishing Juma Salah sitting at the same place read… Darood/Selavat 11 times "Ya Vadudo" (Allahs name) 3125 times Darood/Selavat 11 times Do this every Juma only. Women can do it at home. Most people who did this wazifa got married in 3 weeks. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ website.

Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Mumtahina 7 times Darood/Salavat 11 times..then do a dua. Do this for 41 days. Inshallah you will get married within 41 days. Continue even if you get married. You must complete 41 days. that is the condition of this wazifa. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

You will get married in 21 days if you do this vazifa. You do it and see the effects yourself. Don’t doubt it, just trust Allah and the power of Quran. You will see. Even if you get married in these 21 days please do not stop. Complete it for 21 days. After getting married your niyet is for shukkur and don’t forget to send me some sweets too.(I am joking). Darood/Salavat 11 times 319 times Ayet no 1, 2, and 3 of Surah Al Imran. Do not read them separately 319 times but read all 3 Ayets as one Ayet. Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dua like this ….”Ya Allah I want to marry some one of your choice who is suitable for me”. Happy marriage. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If you are having problems in your marriage for example: Your husband is beating you or making illegal demands Your husband / wife is having a haram relationship with someone Your husband / wife have left you Your husband / wife refuse to come back to you Your husband /wife are not fulfilling their rightful duties or for any kind of marital problems please do this wazifa until you see a dream. You will see a clear dream and someone will tell you if your wish has been granted by Sheikh Abdul qadir Jilani (RA). Every night after Esha Salah read 1000 times ….."Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after. While reading it think of your hajat. His name acts as Isim-e-Azam. After finishing the wazifa do not do a dua as during the wazifa you have been thinking of it. You are asking him for help. You cannot do this wazifa at any other time. For women, during periods please stop doing it and then restart it after the periods. Duration for the wazifa is until you see the dream.

This wazifa only women can do and only for a husband. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Take 2 almonds and after Esha Salah put them in your mouth. On your tongue, not under your tongue. Imagine your husband and read Darood/Salavat 11 times Then read only this part of Ayat no 39 from Quran chap 16, Surah Taha, 500 times like this: “Wa alkaito alika muhabba tan minni va le nus aa ala ainee”. This is the last bit of ayet no 39. You will read only this part not the whole ayet. Read it 100 times then take out the almonds and do a dam (blow) on them. Do not clean them at all. Put hem back in your mouth and start reading again. On every 100 you will take them out and do a dam(blow) on them and put them back in your mouth. So in total you will do a dam 5 times. When you finish the wazifa put them safely in a clean piece of paper and wrap them. Again do not clean them no matter how wet they are. You will do this Wazifa for exactly 5 days only. You will do a dam(blow) on same almonds each day. Do not remove the saliva from the almonds at all and do not clean them. After 5 days somehow make him eat them. But do not put them in any thing hot. Neither bring them near to fire. Best is to cook some thing which is cold and put them inside it or inside anything sweet. He will fall in love with you instantly. While reading keep the meaning of the ayet and your hajat in your mind. That you want your husband to fall in love with you. You can put his photo in front of you to help you imagine his face.

If you want your husband/wife/Children to love you please do the follwing for 7 days eactly. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Read Darood/ Salavat 11 times Surah fatiha 100 times Darood/ Salavat 11 times Then do a dam (blow) on something sweet and make the person eat it. You must do it everyday for 7 days. Each day you will do it on a new sweet. You cannot put that sweet/sugar into anything hot or make it hot. Note: You must be alone in a room when you read the wazifa Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If your husband is always angry and is always in a bad mood. Every day for 40 days non stop..even if u have periods do the following. Each time you give him the food, that is 3 times a day. Read the following and do a dam (blow) on the food. Then give him the food. Darood/Salavat 11 times Read "Ya Uffuv-vo" Allahs name….. 111 Times Darood/Salavat 11 times before and after. Within 40 day he will stop being angry and will become very loving and kind to you. You must complete 40 days. He will not become a slave but will be nice to you and love you. In islam to make a husband your slave is haram. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ If your partner doesn’t love you for any reason and you want him /her to love you, do this wazifa. This is only for husband and wife. And no one else. Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Yusuf 1 time Darood/Salavat 11 times After reading the above (blow) do a dam on something sweet or on water. And make him/her eat it or drink it. The sweet must be cold not hot.With in few days he/she will love you. Please do it for one week minimum or until you see he/she has improved enough. Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If your husband or your in laws are not treating you nice or do not respect you then do this. Inshallah they will not only treat you nice but respect you as well. Do this for 7 days non stop Take a Ghusul (bath) every day before the wazifa. Wear freshly washed clothes every day. Make sure you have not worn those clothes after washing. You can wear different clothes each day but they must be freshly washed. Then do 2 rakat salah. Read Surah Ikhlas once in each rakat. After the Salah/namaz get up and while standing read any Darood/Salavat 11 times. then “Ya Aziz-0” (Allah’s name) 3000 times. Then Darood/Salavat 11 times and do a dua for yourself


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ You will not sit during the wazifa. On the 4thday you will read “Ya Aziz-o”5000 times but sitting down. Meaning you will not stand up after the salah/namaz on this days only. All other days you will do the wazifa standing up.

If someone in your family is doing haram and she is not listening to anyone then do this for 7 days. Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Nisa 7 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and make her drink it everyday. She will become a very salih person. If she is your wife she will become a very good wife. This wazifa is only for a woman. You can not do it for a man Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

If your husband or your wife or your children or anyone does not love you for any reason, please read the following 11 times Darood 786 times full bismillah 11 times darood. Blow on water and give it to the person whom you want to love you. He will start loving you.In case of the whole family fighting with each other everyone should drink this water. You can also do this for your children who are disrespectful towards you or do not look after you. Please continue for 7 days at least. Warning: Under no circumstances use it for un Islamic reasons. It will back fire and will destroy your life. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

According to Hadis solution to all problems lie in Surah fatiha. This is how you read it. In between sunnet and fard of fajr Salah (Namaz) Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Fatiha 41 times Darood/Salavat 11 times But each time you read surah fatiha, you will join bismillah with Surah Fatiha like this Bismillah hir rahman nir rehimil hamdo lilah hay rabbil aalimeen Here I have joined the the end of “bismillah with the alhamdolillah. So it becomes MIL. then you will repeat "ar rehman nir rehim" …..3 times (each time you read surah fatiha) and amin 3 times. (each time you read surah fatiha) For every problem every hajat it works like fire. What ever you want will happen with 7 days or longer. There is no way that your hajat will not happen. Its Guaranteed. Please continue it until your hajat is given. Please read this before starting the wazifa

If you have a hajat/problem which you think is very difficult and is impossible please read Surah fatiha as follows. What ever you wish it will happen in 21 days. Even if you want the government to change it will happen. Yes it will change. That is how strong this Wazife is. Have no doubts in your mind that it wont work. Conditions MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Time and place must be same every day. Your clothes must be same every day. Keep one set of clothes just for the wazifa. Do not wash them during the wazifa. Keep them separate in a safe place. If you think you made a mistake in counting during the wazifa , Restart the vazifa again from zero on the following Friday. You must be alone in the room, cannot talk to anyone even by making a sign. Lock the door before so no one can disturb you. Keep mobile telephones off during the wazifa.

If You did any thing else during the wazifa you will have to start it again. After finishing the wazifa get up and leave the room. you may come back to the same room after 5 minutes. Do not start reading other ayets or wazifas just after. The total duration is 21 days non stop. Women can not do this wazifa if they cant complete 21 days. Wazifa must be read after esha salah and at no other time. What ever you want will happen in 21 days. Even if your hajat/wish is granted please continue 21 days. Your niyet/intention is shukkur/thanks after that. You must complete 21 days. Salah/Namaz 5 times a day in extremely important during this wazifa. Do not expect Allah to give you what you want while you totally disobey his orders. Do the following every night After Esha salah/namaz on Friday night..(the night before Friday). Read Darood/Salavat 14 times then Do 2 rakat nafal salah/namaz for hajat. Read any surah in the namaz/salah. Then read Surah Fatiha with bismillah following times. Every time you read Surah Fatiha it must be with full bismillah. At the end of the wazifa, read 14 times Darood/Salavat again. (the above procedure has to be repeated every night)


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Friday











































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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Please note that the whole procedure of reading 2 rakat nafal has to be repeated every night. If you were not able to finish the wazifa or you made a mistake during the wazifa or were disturbed by anything, it only means that what you ask is not Allahs wish to give you. This wazifa cannot be used to marry anyone. Savab of the wazifa must be sent to Sayyedina Maulana Jalal ud Din Rumi (RA) every night. Your hajat must be a very difficult one. Do not do this wazifa for petty or small problems. please use other wazifas if your hajat is a small one. This wazifa is elixir for askig allah for his maarifet or if you want the love of the Holy Prophet.

If you have a Hajat or a problem or a wish you can do this wazifa as this is the only flexible wazifa I have found. All other wazifas must be read at certain times every day. This wazifa can be done at any time during day or night or several times during a day. Or just once a day.For quick solution I advise after every Salah. Though the best time is tahajud. If your Hajat is not solved in one day continue for 3 days. If it doesn’t happen in 3 days continue until it happens. It all depends upon the person and how many times a day you do the wazifa. For Salih and dindar people the wazifas work very quickly. For us normal people it takes times. This is mainly due to our own sins (Gunah). Do 2 Rakat Salatul Hajat (Hajat salah). Afterwards without talking to anyone and sitting at the same place 3 times Darood/Salavat, the one you read in salah. 3 times Surah Yasin. 3 times Darood/Salavat again. The same Darood/salavat you read in Salah. Then do a dua for your Hajat.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ In a mosque for men and at home for women. After every salah/namaz do a sajda and in the sajda read Surah fatiha once only. In the sajda when you come to “iiya ka na budu va iiya ka nasta een”. Repeat it 21 times. then complete the Surah and raise your head from the sajda. Then do a dua for your Hajat. You must do this after every salah/namaz. This vazifa is small takes 2-3 minutes and is very powerful. Continue until your Hajat is given. Inshallah it will happen within a week.

This is also iksiir for hacet. You can do it anytime, day or night. Whenever you have a problem or a hacat. Do 2 Rakat Nafal Salah and in each sajda read Ayetul Kursi 40 times. After salam read Darood/Salavat 11 times and the do a dua for minimum 10 minutes. This is the condition. You must do a dua for minimum 10 minutes. Put a clock infront of you so you know that it was more than 10 minutes. At the end of dua read Darood/Salavat 11 times. Your hajat will happen immediately. Provided your income is halal and you do 5 times Salah.

If you have a Hajat you want very quick please read Surah Yasin as follows for 3 days only. Darood/Salavat 3 times The first word "Yasin" 10 times After reading the first Mubeen of Surah Yasin please read this Ayet of Surah Fatiha 10 times ”iiya ka na budu va iiya ka nasta een” After that, after reading each Mubeen you will read the above Ayet 10 times. when you come to this Ayet


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ ”salam mun kolum min rabi rahim” read it 1000 times. Then read the surah till the end. Finally Darood/Salavat 3 times. Then do a dua for your hajat/wish. Repeat the whole process 7 times everyday. Yes 7 times each day in one sitting. what ever you wish will happen within 3 days. Please write your dua on a piece of paper and use the same words each time you do your dua. If you made a mistake in counting you will have to start the whole wazifa from zero again.

When it is raining please read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Kausar 100 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dua for your Hajat. It will happen immediately. If you dont believe me, do it and then complain. The whole procedure must be done while it is raining.

If you want a quick solution to your problem then on a sunday morning 10-20 minutes before sunrise Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Kafiroon 10 times Darood/Salavat 11 times


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ then do a dua. It will happen immediately. If not do it again the next Sunday morning. Inshallah it will happen on the first Sunday.

If you have a hacet/wish/problem and it is not being solved by anything. Do the following Take a thin paper and write “Ya Allah” in Arabic on the paper in ink. You will write it 3125 times. Take wheat flour. Make a dough and then wrap the dough around the paper. Fold the paper before and then wrap the dough around it so it is inside the dough. Make a round ball. Now take it to a river or sea and do a dua for your hacet. As usual Darood /Salavat 11 times before the dua 11 times after the dua. Then throw the ball of dough in the sea or a river. You must do all that in wudu. Please use non alcoholic ink. Inssallah within 40 days you will get the result. You will do that once only and not again and again.

After Juma Salah stay on the same place in the mesjid (for men only) women can do it at home. The place where you did your fard. Do not move from the spot. After finishing the Salah read Surah Yasin 3 times like this On 1st mubeen

read Suah Ihklas 3 times

2nd mubeen

read Surah kausar 3 times

3rd mubeen

read Surah Alem Nashrah 3 times

4th mubeen

read Surah fatiha 3 times

5th mubeen

read Ayetal Kursi 3 times

6th mubeen

read this dua 3 times

"Allaho latifun le ibadehee yarzako mun yasha-o be ghere hisab" 7th mubeen

read any Darood/Salavat 3 times and this dua 7 times


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ "Allah humma vasse rizki vus a tan la ahtajo ala ahadin min khal keka" Please do this only for only 3 Jumas. Insallah what your hajat is will happen within 3 Cumas

On a Friday after Asr Salah azan do your Salah and then close your eyes and read “Ya Allaho Ya Rehmano Ya Raheemo" Nonstop until Magrib azan. When you hear the azan do a dua for your hajat/wish. Do not open your eyes until the Magrib azan. This wazifa is ikseer (Elixir) for all hajats. Whatever you want will happen within 3 Fridays. If it doesn’t, continue it.You only do this on a Friday and no other day. While reading the wazifa please think of your hajat. This wazifa is also tried and tested by a lot of people. It works each time. According to hadis there is a moment every friday where what ever you ask Allah, he will give it you. According to all Aulia Allah this moment is in between the Asr and Magrib azan

Whatever you wish will happen with in a week. You must read this wazifa same time and same place everyday. That is the condition. it takes 5 minutes to read this wazifa. After every Fajr Salah read the following names of Allah 100 times. Insallah within one week the effects will be obvious. Darood/ Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa. Friday Ya Hoo Ya Allah Saturday

Ya Rehmano Ya rehimo


Ya Vahido Ya ahado Ya Samado


Ya Zuljilale Wal Ikram


Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyumo


Ya Hannano ya Munnano


Ya Malikul MulkeYa Zuljilale Wal Ikram


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/

Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah alaih) without a shadow of doubt is the biggest Wali Allah in this world. All wishes and all requests are approved by him. His feet are on the neck of all Auliya Allah. He is present everywhere at all times as well. His coming was told by the Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). He promised that any Muslim who will call me in need I will come for his help and believe me he does. I personally called him twice for help and he came. All Auliya Allah say that if you have any problem/ Hajat/Wish you should call him. In case of emergency where ever you are, just shout 3 times in loud voice "Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" that problem will be go away immediately. That is guaranteed. Dont believe me? Try it. This is how you call him in normal circumstances if you have a problem or hajat. Every night after Esha Salah read 1000 times ….."Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after. While reading it think of your hajat. Insallah within 3 days it will be solved. This is guaranteed. His name acts as Isim-e-Azam. If it does not, please keep on reading it. until you see a dream. You will be told if your hajat / wish has been answered. After finishing the wazifa do not do a dua as during the wazifa you have been thinking of it. You are asking him for help.

Start this on the night between Saturday and Sunday. After midnight take a bath and wear fresh clothes. Stand on the Musalla/ Sajjade/ Prayer Mat and Read any Surah which you can remember by heart, correctly 3 times. Then read any Darood/Salawat which you remember 21 times. Then read “Ya Allah” 4000 times. Then do a dua for yourself asking for your hajat. Then read Darood/Salawat 21 times after the dua with your hands spread like in a dua. Then do a dam (blow) on your hands and rub your hands on all your body where ever you can reach with your hands. MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Do all this while standing. If due to any reason you have to sit or you get tired, sit down to rest a little bit but keep on reading “Ya Allah”. Once you have rested then get up. Do this for 3 days every day. After 3 days do all the above everyday but read“Ya Allah” only 66 times each day. When the night arrives when you stared the wazifa, on that night get up for Fajr Salah. Take a bath. Then do the all the above procedure but read “Ya Allah” only 400 times. Do these for further 3 days only. Please make sure that you have enough time to do the Fajr Salah each day after the wazifa. Your wazifa should finish before fajr azan. After 3 days, after every Esha Salah and Fajr Salah read “Ya Allah” 66 times always. but without the whole procedure. This is to keep the effects of the wazifa working. Whatever hajat you have it will happen. Whatever money you need Allah will arrange it. You will not need anything else in life. This is a forever wazifa. You will not need to ask anyone for anything. All your needs will be the responsibility of Allah himself. Needless to say that this is for a very dindar/pious person who can follow the laws and not commit any sins.

First of all after every Salah start reading "Ya vahhabo" 46 times. It is a name of Allah (plz make sure you can pronounce it correctly). Darood /Salawat 11 times before and after. Then at midnight take a ghusul (bath) after that go outside where there is nothing above your head. No cap no Hijab no Scarf no tree no roof. Do 2 rakat nafal Salah. After the Salah while sitting down read "Ya vahhabo" 1042 times. When you have read it 300 times, get up and do a dua for income or hajat or a job. Then sit down and start reading it again. When you reach near 700, (for example 691) again get up and do a dua. Then sit down again and complete the rest of the wazifa. Do this for 3 nights only. If you don’t get what you want you can do it again. But do not do this vazife more than 3 days without a break. You can do this wazifa maximum 3 times. Meaning 9 nights but always do 3 nights then MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ wait few days to see if your wish has been granted. During the wazifa and during waiting you must continue reading it 46 times after every Salah. Insallah what ever you want will happen in 3 nights. This Wazifa is one of the most strongest wazifas.

Read Surah fatiha the following times after Esha Salah and in between sunnet and fard of Fajr Salah. Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after the wazifa. Note: In islam after the sunset next day starts Saturday night ( Night between Friday and Saturday) Esha Salah 30 times Saturday Fajr Salah 10 Sunday Esha 40

Fajr Salah 20

Monday Esha 50

Fajr Salah 30

Tuesday Esha 60

Fajr Salah 40

Wednesday Esha 70

Fajr Salah 50

Thursday Esha 80

Fajr Salah 60

Friday Esha 90

Fajr Salah 70

After one week start reducing the quatity of Sura fatiha by 10 each day. So on following Saturday you will read Surah Fatiha 80 times in Esha and 60 times in fajr, and so on. Insallah within 2 weeks you will get what you want.

For 7 days after Esha Salah do 2 Rakat nafal. In every sajde read 40 times ayet karima (la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto minaz zalimeen.). Do not read anything else in the sajde. After you finish the nafal do a dua and ask for your hajat. As usual Darood/Salwat 11 times before and after the dua.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ What ever you wish will happen within 7 days. This is guaranteed by the Prophet (sallal laho alihey wa alehi wa sallaim) himself. This wazifa was told to a Wali Allah by the Prophet (sallal laho alihey wa alehi wa sallaim). It has never ever failed to get the reader what he wants. You can hold a tasbeeh in your hand during a sajde to count.

Start it on the first Sunday of an Islamic month. Doesn’t matter how difficult the hajat is it will be done within a week. Select a time and place and do it the same time each day. If your hajat is religious (Dini), face the kibla. If your hajat is anything to with this world, face the south. You will read Surah Fatiha like this Darood/Salawat 21 times before and after the wazifa every day. On Sunday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Then al hamdo lillahe rabil alameen…500 times Ameen……….100 times Monday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Ar rehman nirehim ….556 times Ameen……100 times Tuesday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Malike yom mid din……….211 times Ameen……100 times Wednesday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Iiiya ka nabudu va iiya ka nastaeen…….876 times Ameen……100 times Thursday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Ihde nas sirat ul mustakeema..1040 times Ameen……100 times Juma Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Sirat talla ze zeena an amta alihum….1100 times Ameen……100 times Saturday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Garil mag zube alihum walad daleen…………4070 times Ameen …100 times Note: If what ever you asked for is not in your luck you will make a mistake in counting or will do it late one day. best is to do a Istikhara before you do this wazifa. Once Allah has given you the permission to do this Wazifa you will not make a mistake.

After Fajr Salah read the following Ayets of Surah Muzammal 3 times each. Darood/Salavat 3 times before and after. Ayet no 9 Ayet no 20 in three pieces..read each piece 3 times separately Valla ho bekadril lail va nihar Yabghuna min fad lillah Va astag filrullah. In nallaha ghafu run rehim After reading the wazifa please send the savab/hasana to the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). Then do a dua for your wish. Please conitune until your wish is granted. It is short and easy.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Read Surah Muzammal 11 times every day for 11 days. Hajat will happen within 11 days. Even if it happens after 1 day you must complete 11 days. This wazifa must be done at same time every day exactly. The angels of the surah come and they don’t like being made to wait. The whole wazifa takes hardly 30 minutes to read. It is a small Surah. 11 times Darood/Salavat Read Surah Muzammal 11 times. Each time when you come to read the ayet no 9, read it completely. After it Read 41 times “Hasbonallho va naimal vakeel”. Then complete the surah. At the end 11 times Darood/Salavat Then do a dua for your problem or wish.

This wazifa works like fire for any Hajat. No matter what your Hajat is, it will happen. Darood/Salavat 11 times Everyday “Allahus Samad” 1000 times……it is the second Ayet of Surah Ikhlas. Darood/Salavat 11 times Send the savab/hasana to the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aale hi wasallam) and do a dua for your Hajat. Condition is that your clothes and time must be same everyday. As always remember 5 times salah/namaz is compulsory for this wazifa and all wazifas.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Do not wash the clothes or use them for anything else. Every day after the wazifa keep them safe to use the next day. Do it until your Hajat is given. The whole wazifa takes less than 10 minutes. Inshallah it will happen within a week.

Warning: Please note that you must be on the right according to the shariat and not according to the civil law. Anyone who will do this wazifa for the wrong reason will be severely punished by Allah. The angels of these two Surahs will destroy your life. Please be careful. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after. Then every morning before sunrise after Fajr salah read Surah fatah (Quran Chap 26) and Surah Toor (Quran Chap 27) once. Do a dua for your court case. Do this until you win the case.

Do 2 rakat nafal salah. Then read complete Hiz bul behir 7 times. Do this for only 7 days. You can find it in good Islamic book shops. You will win the case for sure. This is a very Jalali wazifa. Dua Hiz bul Behir was given to Sayyedina Sheikh Abul Hasan Shazli (Rehmatullah alah) by the Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasallam). Warning: Under no circumstances do it for more than 7 days or for the wrong reasons. Your life will surely be destroyed. There is no one who will be able to help you.

Prophet(Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) said … “I swear in the name of Allah who has my life in his hands that anyone who will read Surah Fatiha, Ayetal Kursi, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak, Surah Nas all 70 times, on rain water and do a dam(blow) on it…and drink only that water for 7 days , Allah will not only remove all diseases from his body but even from his bones. Everyone please do this vazifa and drink the water for 7 days non stop and no other water. See the benefits yourself.


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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ You cannot use this water for cooking or heat it up. It must be drunk normally and make sure you do not drop even a drop on the floor. Drink carefully.

If you have Diabetes please do this wazifa for 11 days and you will be cured in 11 days. This is a tried and tested wazifa. Each time it works. Condition is that your income must be halal and you must be doing 5 times Salah. Feel free to complain if it does not work. Take a glass of water and put it next to you before you do your Fajr Salah. Then after every Fajr Salah while sitting read Darood/Salavat 3 times Surah Yasin Ayet no 58 “salamun kolum min rabbir rehim” 100 times Darood/Salavat 3 times But the Darood/Salavat has to be the one you read in Salah. Meaning Darood Ibrahimi. Put a glass of water infront of you before starting the wazifa. Then do a dam on it (blow on the water) and drink it all. Then write the same Ayet on a piece of paper with non alcoholic ink. Then take a bottle of water and put it inside and drink that water whole day. Finish the water before you sleep each night. You will write a new paper each day. keep the old paper in the bottle. At the end of the wazifa bury the papers in the bottle in a safe place where no one steps or drop them in flowing water after tieing them to a stone. Do this every day for 11 days. Your sugar will disappear for ever.

Darood/Salavat 3 times Surah Beni Isreal (Quran Chap 15) "Rabbe id khilni mad khal sid ka va akh rijni makhraja vaj al li min ladunka sultan nin naseeran" MIA REV01

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Islamic Wazaif http://www.wazifas.com/ Read the ayet 3 times only. then after that 3 times darood/Salavat Then do dam(blow) on glass of water and drink it. Do this until you are ok or the patient. You will see how it will cure sugar. Feel free to check your blood sugar level to see the effects of the ayet every day or weekly. Second benefit of this ayet is that anyone who will drink the water will start salah 5 times a day.

Do this everyday after any salah and then do it after same salah every day. After reading blow (Dam) on your body. Continue until you have total shifa (Cure)
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