Weglogic11g Monitor and Tune Performance

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Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: Monitor and Tune Performance

Student Guide

D61529GC21 Edition 2.1 December 2011 D75328


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Shankar Raman


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Course Introduction Objectives 1-2 Agenda 1-3 Target Audience 1-4 Course Objectives 1-5 Course Agenda 1-6 Course Practice Environment 1-7 Classroom Guidelines 1-8 Quiz 1-9 Summary 1-10


Introduction to Performance Monitoring Objectives 2-2 Road Map 2-3 Performance Terminology 2-4 Scalability 2-5 Performance Testing 2-6 Benchmarking 2-7 Load and Stress Testing 2-8 Why Is Testing Important? 2-10 Performance Testing Methodology 2-11 Performance Testing Concerns 2-12 Performance Testing Methodology Tips 2-13 Metrics 2-14 Results Reporting 2-15 Bottlenecks 2-16 Road Map 2-17 Load-Testing Tools 2-18 Choosing Testing Tools 2-19 The Grinder 2-20 The Grinder Architecture 2-21 The Grinder Agent Configuration 2-22 Installing The Grinder 2-23 Steps to Use The Grinder 2-24 Setting Up a Test Directory for The Grinder 2-25


The Grinder Scripts 2-26 Recording Scripts with TCPProxy 2-27 Sample grinder.properties File 2-28 httpscript.py File 2-29 Running the Tests 2-31 Test Results 2-32 out_host-n.log 2-33 The Grinder Console 2-34 The Grinder Summary Statistics 2-36 Monitoring Performance by Using the Administration Console 2-37 Oracle WLS Monitoring Dashboard 2-40 Monitoring Dashboard: Views 2-41 Creating a View and Adding a Chart to View 2-42 Oracle Enterprise Manager: Integrated Management 2-43 Oracle Application Quality Management Solutions 2-44 Oracle Application Testing Suite 2-45 Oracle Functional Testing 2-46 Oracle Load Testing 2-47 Oracle Test Manager 2-48 Web Services Testing 2-49 Road Map 2-50 CPU Bound 2-51 I/O Bound 2-52 Database Bound 2-53 Network Bound 2-54 Quiz 2-55 Summary 2-60 Practice 2-1 Overview Setting Up and Using The Grinder 2-61 3

Monitoring and Tuning JRockit JVM Objectives 3-2 Roadmap 3-3 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 3-4 Choice of JVM Usable with WLS 3-5 Oracle JVM Support 3-6 JVM Memory 3-7 Setting WLS JVM Arguments 3-8 Garbage Collection 3-9 Garbage Collection (GC) Types 3-10 Heap Fragments 3-11 Tuning Tradeoff: Concurrent Collection 3-12


Tuning Tradeoff: Pausing to Compact 3-13 Administrator-Initiated Garbage Control 3-14 Detecting Low Memory Conditions by Using the Administration Console 3-15 Section Summary 3-16 Roadmap 3-17 JRockit VM Benefits 3-18 JRockit JDK Location 3-19 How JRockit Optimizes Code 3-20 JRockit Management Tools 3-21 jrcmd 3-22 JRockit Mission Control 3-23 JRockit Discovery Protocol (JDP) 3-24 JRockit Mission Control: Architecture 3-25 JVM Browser 3-26 JRockit Management Console 3-27 Management Console: General Page 3-28 Best Practices 3-29 JRockit Flight Recorder 3-30 JRockit Flight Recorder: Benefits 3-31 Data Flow in JFR 3-32 Initiating Recording Using the Management Console 3-33 Tab Groups of JFR 3-34 JFR General Tab 3-35 JFR Memory: Overview Tab 3-36 JFR Memory: GC Graph Tab 3-37 Details of a Selected GC 3-38 JFR Memory: Heap Contents 3-39 JFR Memory: Object Statistics 3-40 Comparing Recorded JFR Sessions 3-41 Initiating Recording Using jrcmd 3-42 Generational Heap: JRockit 3-43 Garbage Collection in JRockit 3-44 Command-Line Monitor Garbage Collection 3-45 JRockit Memory Leak Detector 3-46 Tips to Avoid Memory Leaks 3-47 Tuning JRockit JVM 3-48 Tuning the Heap Size 3-50 Tuning the Garbage Collection 3-51 Advanced Tuning 3-52 JRockit Performance Tips 3-54 Quiz 3-56


Summary 3-58 Practice 3-1 and 3-2 Overview: Monitoring and Tuning JRockit JVM 3-59 4

Tuning HotSpot JVM Objectives 4-2 Road Map 4-3 J2SE Monitoring and Management Architecture 4-4 HotSpot JVM Generational Heap 4-5 Setting Heap Memory Size 4-6 Setting Heap Size Options 4-7 HotSpot JVM Monitoring Tools 4-8 Java VisualVM 4-9 Java VisualVM Connections 4-10 Remote Monitoring 4-11 Java VisualVM Interface 4-12 Monitoring JVM 4-13 Monitoring Threads 4-14 Application Snapshot 4-15 Profiler Snapshot 4-16 Road Map 4-17 jps 4-18 jinfo 4-20 Why Use jinfo? 4-21 jstack 4-22 Road Map 4-24 Ergonomics 4-25 Ergonomics Behavior 4-26 More Ergonomics 4-27 GC Algorithms 4-28 Throughput Goal 4-29 Footprint Goal 4-30 Maximum Pause Time Goal 4-31 Evaluating GC Algorithm 4-32 Road Map 4-34 Monitoring GC: –XX:+PrintGC 4-35 GC Manually Using the Administration Console 4-36 GC Tuning Tips 4-37 Monitoring GC: –XX:+PrintGC 4-40 GC Tuning Tips 4-41 Server-Class Machine Detection 4-44


Summary 4-45 Practice 4-1 Overview: Monitoring and Tuning HotSpot JVM 4-46 5

Configuring Work Managers Objectives 5-2 Road Map 5-3 WebLogic Server Threads 5-4 Monitoring a Server Thread Pool 5-5 WebLogic Server Thread Tuning 5-6 Work Manager 5-7 Default Work Manager 5-8 Request Classes 5-9 Request Class Types 5-10 Fair Share Request Class 5-11 Response Time Request Class 5-12 Context Request Class 5-13 Constraints 5-14 Maximum Threads Constraint 5-15 Minimum Threads Constraint 5-16 Capacity Constraint 5-17 Referencing Classes or Constraints 5-18 Sharing Constraints Among Work Managers 5-19 Section Summary 5-20 Road Map 5-21 Work Manager Scope 5-22 Creating Global Work Managers 5-23 Global Work Manager Component 5-24 Assigning Work Managers to Applications 5-25 Application-Scoped Work Managers 5-26 Section Summary 5-27 Road Map 5-28 Understanding CommonJ 5-29 Accessing CommonJ Work Managers 5-30 Mapping CommonJ to Work Managers 5-31 Section Summary 5-33 Quiz 5-34 Summary 5-37 Practice 5-1 Overview: Using Work Managers 5-38



Tuning Other WLS Components Objectives 6-2 Domain Startup Mode 6-3 On-Demand Deployment 6-4 Native IO Performance Pack 6-5 Socket Readers 6-6 Stuck Threads 6-7 Configuring Stuck Threads Behavior 6-8 Parameters for Stuck Threads at the Server Level 6-9 Actions upon Stuck Threads Condition 6-10 Auto Restart of the Server 6-11 Stuck Threads Work Manager 6-12 Work Manager for Stuck Threads 6-13 Garbage Collection Thresholds 6-14 Chunk Size 6-15 Tuning the Chunk Size 6-16 Tuning the Chunk Pool Size 6-17 Connection Backlog Buffering 6-18 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 6-20 Logging Considerations 6-21 Log Filters Review 6-22 Quiz 6-23 Summary 6-28


Tuning Web Applications Objectives 7-2 What Is a JavaServer Page? 7-3 JSP Request Processing 7-4 Precompiled JSP 7-5 Using the jspc JSP Compiler 7-6 The appc Application Compiler 7-7 Using the precompile Parameter 7-8 keepgenerated Parameter 7-9 Page Check Interval 7-10 verbose Parameter 7-12 Servlet Reload Check Interval 7-13 Using Web Servers for Static Content 7-14 Session Persistence Considerations 7-15 Session Persistence Cache Size 7-16 Session Timeout 7-17 Session Invalidation 7-18


Page Directive and HTTP Session 7-19 Using Custom JSP Tags 7-20 Using the WebLogic cache Tag 7-21 Summary 7-22 Practice 7-1 Overview: Tuning JSP 7-23 8

Tuning JDBC Objectives 8-2 What Is JDBC? 8-3 JDBC Drivers 8-4 JDBC Architecture 8-5 Data Sources 8-6 Connection Pools 8-7 JDBC and Application Design 8-8 Connection Pool Capacity 8-9 Connection Testing 8-10 Shrink Frequency 8-12 Row Prefetch 8-13 Statement Caching 8-14 Connection Pinned to Thread 8-16 Logging Last Resource Transactions 8-17 Logging Last Resource: Example 8-18 Configuring the Logging Last Resource 8-19 Batch Updates 8-20 Combining Transactions 8-21 Transaction Isolation Levels 8-22 Database Tuning: Oracle 8-24 Database Tuning: SQL Server 8-26 Quiz 8-27 Summary 8-28 Practice 8-1 Overview: Tuning JDBC 8-29


Tuning EJB Objectives 9-2 Enterprise JavaBeans 9-3 Stateless Session Beans 9-5 Pool Management 9-6 Determining the Pool Size 9-7 Configuring a Stateless Session EJB Pool 9-8 Message-Driven Beans (MDBs) 9-9 Configuring an MDB Pool 9-10


Configuring to Use Batching with an MDB 9-11 Stateful Session Beans 9-12 Cache Management 9-13 What Happens When the Cache Fills Up? 9-15 Determining the Cache Size 9-16 Idle Timeout and Eligibility 9-17 Cache Type 9-18 Configuring a Stateful Session EJB Cache 9-19 Quiz 9-20 Summary 9-21 Practice 9-1 Overview: Tuning EJB 9-22 10 Tuning JMS Objectives 10-2 Java Message Service 10-3 WebLogic JMS Resources 10-4 WebLogic JMS Resource Configuration 10-5 JMS Quotas 10-6 Configuring a JMS Server Quota 10-7 Creating a Destination Quota 10-8 Freeing Up Memory by Paging Messages 10-9 Send Timeout 10-10 Blocking Send Policy on JMS Servers 10-11 Thresholds and Flow Control 10-12 Configuring Thresholds 10-13 Flow Control 10-14 Configuring Flow Control 10-15 Message Compression 10-16 Expiration Scan Interval 10-17 Message Ordering 10-18 Unit of Order (UOO) 10-19 Connection Factory UOO 10-20 UOO Distributed Destination 10-21 Asynchronous Messages 10-22 Aggregation and Message Pipeline 10-23 Persistent Stores 10-24 Comparing a JDBC Store with a File Store 10-25 File Persistence 10-26 Direct-Write-With-Cache 10-27 Paging 10-28 Message Buffer Size 10-29


Handling Expired Messages 10-30 Configuring the Expiration Policy 10-31 Expired Message Scanning 10-32 Messaging Preference 10-33 Design of JMS Applications 10-34 Design of JMS: Acknowledgment 10-36 Design of JMS: Message Selectors 10-37 Design of JMS: Transactions 10-38 Store and Forward (SAF) 10-39 SAF Tuning 10-41 Quiz 10-42 Summary 10-43 Practice 10-1 Overview: Tuning JMS 10-44 11 Tuning WLS Clusters Objectives 11-2 What Is Clustering? 11-3 Load Balancing and Failover 11-4 HTTP Session State Replication 11-5 In-Memory Replication 11-6 Persistent JDBC Replication 11-7 Persistent File Replication 11-9 Session Persistence Comparison 11-10 Replication Configuration 11-11 Section Summary 11-12 Quiz 11-13 Remote Calls 11-14 Peer-to-Peer Communication 11-16 Basic Cluster Architecture 11-17 Multitier Cluster Architecture 11-19 Metropolitan Area Network Replication 11-21 MAN Replication Example 11-22 MAN Replication Example: Server Failover 11-23 Wide Area Network (WAN) Replication 11-24 WAN Replication Example 11-25 WAN Replication Example: Cluster Failover 11-26 Configuring Cross-Cluster Replication 11-27 Advanced MAN and WAN Settings 11-28 WAN Replication Table 11-29 Oracle Coherence Overview 11-30 Coherence*Web Overview 11-32


Coherence*Web and WebLogic Clusters 11-33 Load Balancers 11-34 Hardware Load Balancers 11-35 Quiz 11-37 Summary 11-41 Practice 11-1 Overview: Tuning Session Persistence 11-42 12 Tuning Operating System Resources Objectives 12-2 Road Map 12-3 What to Monitor in Operating System 12-4 CPU Utilization: What to Look For 12-5 CPU Usage in Linux Environment 12-6 System Monitor 12-7 sar Command 12-8 vmstat Command 12-9 iostat Command 12-10 Other Useful Commands 12-11 Monitoring Disk I/O 12-12 Swapping 12-13 inode Cache 12-14 File Handles 12-15 Road Map 12-16 Windows Performance Monitoring 12-17 Performance Monitor 12-18 Performance Monitor Terms 12-19 Task Manager 12-20 Event Viewer: Application Log 12-21 Windows Web Server Registry 12-23 MemCacheSize 12-24 ObjectCacheTTL 12-25 MaxCachedFileSize 12-26 Road Map 12-27 Bit Size Basics 12-28 Comparison of 32- and 64-Bit Sizes 12-29 Disadvantage of 64-Bit 12-30 Summary 12-31 A Appendix: New Features Road Map A-2 Exalogic Optimizations A-3


GridLink Data Source A-4 GridLink Data Source and Exalogic: Enable SDP A-5 JTA Read-only One-Phase Commit A-6 Oracle JDBC Driver Properties A-7 Road Map A-8 Connection Pools: Capacity Changes A-9 GridLink Data Source Features A-10 Transaction Logs Can Be in a Database A-11


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