Week 3 CSP600-Arpah

May 13, 2018 | Author: fartien91 | Category: N/A
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Methodology By Siti Arpah Ahmad Ahmad Modified by azian 28 th A  April pril 2014


Methodology • Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Methodology frameor!" S#$C% rapid% aterfall% agile 3.2 #e&ign 'Conte(t diagram ')&e *a&e diagram '$ogi*al +ie ',ro*e&& flo ' #raft of -nterfa*e #e&ign ' ardare and Softare

3.3 -mplementation - Flow Chart of Project activity  - Gantt Chart of Project activity  - Milestones and Dates 3.4 /e&ting

Methodology • Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Methodology frameor!" S#$C% rapid% aterfall% agile 3.2 #e&ign 'Conte(t diagram ')&e *a&e diagram '$ogi*al +ie ',ro*e&& flo ' #raft of -nterfa*e #e&ign ' ardare and Softare

3.3 -mplementation - Flow Chart of Project activity  - Gantt Chart of Project activity  - Milestones and Dates 3.4 /e&ting

Methodology framework:

Computer and Information Science » Science » Numerical Analysis and Scientic Computing » Computing » "Ecient !ecision Support Systems  #ractice and Challenges $rom Current to $uture", $uture" , book edited by Chiang Jao, ISBN 978-953-307-326-2, !b"i#hed$ Se%te&be' 9, 20(( !nde' CC B)-NC-S* B)-NC-S* 3+0 "ien#e %etrie&ed on '(th march '()*+ http:,,www+intechopen+com http:, ,www+intechopen+com,-ooks,ec ,-ooks,ecientdecis ientdecisionsuppor ionsupportsystems tsystemspractice practice andchallengesfromcurrenttofuture,designandde&elopmentofacompounddssforla-oratoryresearch

%apid Application !e&elopment Methodology

.aterfall Metodology a se/uential de&elopment process0 in which de&elopment is seen as 1owing steadily downwards 2like a waterfall3 through the phases of re/uirements analysis0 design0 implementation0 testing 2&alidation30 integration0 and maintenance+

Agile Methodology

ef" /e*hini Methologie&% etrie+e on 20 th Mar*h 2014% http".te*hini.*omorapproa*h'methodologie&.html

Method of !ata Collection )


Secondary sources !ocuments

Primary sources 4ualitati&e

6o&t+ #u-lication 5-ser&ation Inter&iewing Earlier %esearch Census0 #ersonal %ecords .e- #ages


4uestionnaire Scientic E/uipment,Apparatus

Ref: Sandra Harding, Prof of Social Sciences and Comara!i"e Educa!ion, #CL$

Acti&ity $lowchart

#apers ,Articles7 E8amples

E8amplespro9ect -ased  

5or!ing title that *learly refle*t the proe*t

,aper 1

,aper 2

,aper 1


,aper 2

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'problem it addre&&e&% 'hat &oltion it propo&e&%  ho the &oltion differ&  from pre+io& &oltion&  and hat are the main *ontribtion and *on*l&ion.

'problem it addre&&e&% 'hat &oltion it propo&e&%  ho the &oltion differ&  from pre+io& &oltion&  and hat are the main *ontribtion and *on*l&ion.

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