Wedding Night

June 13, 2019 | Author: snappyprincess | Category: N/A
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Wedding Night...



^`kklcn Clnht

OGN! L dmccot r`g`ge`r who `xmdtby trmcsbmt`k thls lc th` Tucnjyucjwmc Tdmckmb Toogpl thr`mk, wms lt softy or ebu`, pmrkoc gy poor g`gory, eut stlbb, mppr`dlmtloc for th` hmrk worj no`s to th` two of th`g. L koc“t thlcj thls wms post`k lc mcy ebon, eut lf you wmct to kln up th` obk thr`mk, lt“s frog th`r`. Tmkby, thls wms th` ocby pmrt (thmt L jcow of) trmcsbmt`k frog th` s`dock eooj. Ms p`r th` Jor`mc r`mk`rs, th`r` wmsc“t gudh B`` T`oc Aooc mck Jlg \ooch`` \ ooch`` lc th` s`dock eooj. [h` trmcsbmtloc e`bow ls post`k ms lt ls. L koc“t wmct to mbt`r mcythlcn thmt L dopl`k frog th` thr`mk e`bow. e`bow. @caoy r`mklcn! ♠~♠~♠

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T`oc aooc hmv`ct spoj` m work slcd` aust cow . [hounh th`y slbb `xdhmcn`k nbmcd`s mck nlv` `mdh oth`r slgb`s , eoth of th`g hmkct `xdhmcn`k m slcnb` work . [h` slb`cd` stmrt`k frog th` gog`ct th`y hmk `ct`r`k th` roog k`dormt`k for th`lr w`kklcn . [h` roog ls so kmrj thmt th` blnhts frog th` olb bmgp lc lt ls th` ocby thlcn `cmeblcn th`g to s`` `mdh oth`r ‘s fmd` . Eut stlbb h` ls slb`ct, ms sh` e`dog` lgpmtl`ct wlth hls slb`cd` flcmbby yuc h`` spoj` flrst ‗ thls hurts so gudh ‒ ms sh` pr`kldt`k , thls gmk` s`oc aooc augp`k lc shodj ‗ hurt ? wh`r` ko`s lt hurt ? ‒ ‗ thmcjs to gy h`mrtb`ss nroog , gy shoubk`rs hurt , mck gy h`mk f``b so h`mvy [h` eurk`c of e`lcn kr`ss`k lc th` h`mvy w`kklcn dostug` , of dours` lt wlbb e` hurtlcn h`r eoky. [hounh s`oc aooc uck`rstmck thls ,eut h` klkct r`spock wlth th` mcsw`r sh` k`slr` to h`mr . ‗ sorry , eut dmc you `ckur` lt for m whlb` gor`. L koct wmct you to klsroe` y`t. \uc h`` wms sp``dhb`ss, wmtdhlcn hlg wlth `y`s wlk` wlth surprls` . [h` nroog ls smylcn thmt h` ko`sct wlsh to hmv` hls erlk` klsroe` wh`c th`y mr` oc th`lr w`kklcn clnht , ls thmt mcythlcn gor` strmcn` thmc thls ! Eut h` spoj` wlth sudh slcd`r` mck s`rlous `xpr`sloc thmt h` ko`sct s``g to e` aojlcn . 7 ‗ mr` you r`mbby gy erlk` e rlk` ? mr` w` r`mbby gmrrl`k? l stlbb dmct r`mbby e`bl`v`k lt `v`c thounh l mg s``lcn thls wlth gy owc `y`s? ! ‒ ‒lf you ko cot lct`ck to pr`pmr` for your erlk` ‘s fuc`rmb togorrow , you e`tt`r h`bp g` r`gov` thls h`mvy thlcn kowc cow ! ‒ H`mrlcn h`r dogpbmlcs , h` r`spock t`mslcn h`r ‗ thls ls th` flrst tlg` s``lcn you kr`ss`k lc f`gmb` mttlr` . l woct `v`r n`t sldj of wmtdhlcn you kr`ss`k blj` thls ‒ \uch`` dmct e`mr to doctlcu` h`r dogpbmlcts .lcst`mk h`r h`mrt ls flbb`k wlth sudh mpobony towmrks hlg , who ls cow frowclcn wlth sudh m s`rlous r`qu`st . h`r vold` mck `xpr`ssloc tooj oc m hlct of t`mslcn . ‗ Lc futur` l wlbb aust b`t you hmv` your flbb of wmtdhlcn g` blj` thls tlbb you n`t sldj`k of lt , wlbb thmt e` ojmy ?‗

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Lc fuftur` , .s`oc aooc r`p`mt`k thls work lc hls h`mrt ov`r mck ov`r mnmlc . @v`c lf th` futur` wbbb hmv` gor` oestmdb`s , eut cow h` wlbb stlbb wlsh to e` w`k wlth h`r Lf th`y ko cot ov`rdog` thls hurkb` cow , th`y glnht c`v`r hmv` mcy lc futur` ‗ y`s.. you gust! ‒ h` mcsw`r`k wlth sudh docvldtloc . [h`c h` stmrt`k to h`bp h`r klsroe` . eut mft`r r`govlcn th` w`kklcn h`mkn`mr , h` stopp`k. \uc H`` nmz` mt th` obk h`mkn`mr thmt wms eorrow`k ‗ Tmhyucn ls m gmc wlth sudh nr`mt stmtus ,eut cow l mg gmjlcn you no throunh sudh m hugeb` w`kkklcn w`kkklcn , l mg r`mbby mshmg`k ‒ ‗ whmt ko`s lt gmtt`r thls jlck of w`kklcn or thmt jlck of w`kklcn . aust hmvlcn you slttcn rlnht lcfroct of g` blj` thls , l mg mbr`mky doct`ct ! [h` works w`r` spoj`c wlth sudh t`ck`rc`ss mck k`votloc … mck hls `y`s sp`mj th` smg` s mg` ms h` nmz`k mt h`r . Mck mbso hls hmcks thmt ls cow n`ctby dov`rlcn h`r hmcks ,mr` flbb`k wlth bov` mck t`ck`rc`ss. ‗ `v`c lf l w`r` r`mbby m gmc ,l wlbb hmv` bov` smhyucn .‗ @v`r slcd` h` g`t thls wogmc , how gmcy tlg`s hmk h` e``c throunh h`bb ,mck how gmcy tlg`s gor` lc futur` ? eut ms bocn ms h` dmc e` wlth h`r ton`th`r , `v`c lf th`r` ls h`bb fmr wors` th`c thls , h` wlbb e` meb` to `ckur` lt Tooc a`oc ‘s frowc`k slnhtby eut sooc lt wss r`pbmd`k ey twlcjb` lc hls `y`s mck m slgb` thmt `g`rn`k aust for h`r ‒thmcj you for e`lcn m wogmc . for g`, th` fmdt thmt you mr` m wogmc ,th`r` ls cothlcn gor` thmt l mg nrmt`fub for , \uc H`` dmc s`cs`k hls f``blcns for h`r throunh hls hmcks thmt hobk h`rs so tlnthby ‗ ^l ..wlsh .. l dmc stlbb n`t m wlsh frog you, rlnht ? ‒ ‒y`s ‒ ‗ cow dmc l us` thmt wlsh ? ‒ ‗ whmt jlck of wlsh ? Tlcd` l progls`k you, l wlbb ko gy e`st to gmj` lt dog` tru` for you ‒ ‒thls glnht e` melt shmg`b`ss to msj .eut dmc you progls` to bov` ocby g` for`v`r ?‗ Th` msj`k so dmutlousby mck h` r`pbl`k wlthout h`sltmt` ‗ l dmccot nrmct you thls wlsh ‒

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\uc h`` h`bk h`r er`mth` ms sh` stmr`k mt hlg . Doctrmry to th` mcsw`r thmt h` hmk nlv`c to h`r , hls slgb` wms flbb`k wlth sudh bov` ms h` wmtdh`k h`r . ‗ bovlcn you ocby for`v`r , `v`c lf you klk ct gmj` m wlsh , to g` thmt ls th` gost cmturmb thlcn to ko. so l woct docslk`r lt m wlsh mck nrmct lt to you.‗ \uc h`` booj`k lcto hls `y`s , h`r `y`s flbb`k wlth sudh hmpplc`ss E`lcn wlth hlg blj` thls , mbb th` worrl`s s``g to hmv` vmclsh`k . sh` klkct `v`c kmr` kr`mgt of e`lcn hls wlf` , mck `v`c lf sh` hmk , sh` wms so mfrmlk th` kr`mg wlbb e` eroj`c mck lt wlbb hurt `v`c gor` . so of dours` ,sh` dmc uck`rstmck hlg cow ,thmt h` dmct `v`c e`mr to s`` h`r out of th`s` dboth`s (dh`rlshln th` gog`ct so gudh thlcjlcn lt glnht e` m kr`mg ) Th` str`tdh`k out h`r hmcks to h`bp hlg r`gov` hls hmt .Th` slglb`k ms sh` doctlcu` oc to r`gov` thmt e`bt mrouck hls wmlst . ‗ l hmv`ct h`mrk of m erlk` r`govlcn th` dboth`s for h`r nroog oc th` w`kklcn clnht ‒ lt glnht soucks blj` oc` of th` nroog b`dtur` mnmlc eut th`r` ls co hlct of r`prlgmcklcn lc th`r`. [h` erlk` r`spock`k lc jlck wlth m r`eurt thmt wmsc“t lct`ck to soucks blj` oc` eut gor` blj` t`mslcn ‒ lf th`r` ls m nroog who lct`ck to slt th`r` tlbb gorclcn , th`c of dours` th`r` hmk to e` m erlk` thmt wlbb ko thmt ‒ H` wms dmptlvmt`k ey thmt sunn`stlv` nrmz` lc h`r `y`s mck quldjby `xtlcnulsh`k th` blnhts out wlth th` dhopstldjs . H` us`k hls s`cs` of toudh to r`gov` h`r dboth`s , hls hmcks klff`r`ct frog e`for` ..cow th`y hmk e`dog` gor` `mn`r mck hurrl`k . Ms lf r`prlgmcklcn hlg for hls lgpmtl`cd` , \uc H`` spoj` 1‗ thounh lt ls worrylcn wh`c th` nroog slt tlbb th` gorclcn eut m nroog thmt s``g to e` oes`ss`k wlth bust tlbb lt hurt hls h`mbth , ls `v`c gor` worrylcn . ‒Tog`oc` smlk thmt co gmtt`r how gudh rld` wlc` you krlcj , you woct e` krucj , co gmtt`r how gudh you mkor` your wlf` ,lt woct hurt your h`mbth . Hmvlcn lctlgmdy wlth oc`“s wlf` ls cot docslk`r`k bustlcn ‒ ‒whos` works mr` thos` ? whldh smn` smlk thmt ? Docfudlus or G`cdlus ? Frog cow ocwmrks ,L wlbb ocby fobbow th` p`rsoc who hmk smlk thos` works .‗ H`r r`slstmcd` gmj` hlg gor` mcxlous . h` push`k mwmy h`r hmcks , mck ms h` stmrt`k to r`gov` h`r out`r domt , h` smlk 1 Fortucmt`by thls ls aust m smylcn ,oth`rwls` L wlbb e` a`mbous of th` smn`s . ‒ whmt wlbb hmpp`c to th` Docfudlus mck oth`r smn`s thmt L hmv` fobbow`k for gy blf` ? L woct stop gy mkglrmtloc for th`g lc futur` too … H` klkc“t stop whmt hls hmcks hmcks w`r` kolcn , r`govlcn h`r kr`ss. Mck wlth m hlct of bmunht`r lc hls vold` :

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Huh, Cmc-Tub-Huc“s Cmc-Tub-Huc“s * ( shlrb`y 1 m fmgous f`gmb` po`t lc dhosuc kycmsty ) husemck tr`mt`k Ku Fu ( m fmgous gmb` po`t lc dhlcm ) to e` hls bov` rlvmb ,ko you lct`ck for g` to gmj` Docfudlus lcto gy bov` rlvmb . L mg m p`tty husemck who wlbb n`t a`mbous ! [h` bmy`rs of lcc`r nmrg`cts uck`r th` kr`ss ls gmjlcn hlg bost pmtl`cd` , th`r` s``g to e` co `ck to th` bmy`rs . Mck thmt whlsp`rlcn vold` of hls wlf` ls gmjlcn hlg `v`c gor` mcxlous . ‒L smlk e`for` thmt th` sjl`s( h`mv`c) ls nr`mt`r thmc th` smn` , so how dmc th` smn` dogpmr`k to gy husemck who ls ms hlnh ms th` sjy ‒ th` g`gorl`s of thmt gog`ct fbmsh`k throunh hls glck , h` push`k h`r to th` fboor ( shlrb`y 1 ojmy L kuc jcow why why lt wmsc“t oc th` e`k ! ) hls blps s`mb`k h`rs, mck th`y krowc lc `mdh oth`r jlss mck lt wms mkkldtlv` thmt th`y dmct stop . Tukk`cby th`r` w`r` shoutlcns frog outslk` th` koor ‒ \o Kmgu`b! ‒ \o Nmrmcn! mr` you lc th`r` !‒ T`oc Aooc hmcks stopp`k whmt h` wms kolcn , thmt mguslcn toc` s``g to e`bocn to \ocn Hm Tmhyucn. Lc Tucnjyucjwmc , thls vold` wlbb c`v`r fmlb to mpp`mr` mt thls jlck of gog`ct . Cow h` ls `v`c hmbbudlcmtlcn meout lt . \uc h`` wms bmunhlcn 1 Lt ls r`mbby mgmzlcn thls thlcn meout hmelt . L thlcj L h`mrk \`orlg Tmhyucn vold` ! ‒\`s L h`mrk lt too ‒ Eut h` ko`sc“t dmr` meout thls hmbbudlcmtloc cow , mck doctlcu` hls qu`st to r`gov` whmt ls r`gmlclcn of h`r pmcts . Mck \ocn hm vold` e`dog` gor` db`mr`r cow . ‒ L r`d`lv`k lcforgmtloc thmt th` oc` mck ocby nmrmcn ls hmvlcn m s`dr`t w`kklcn h`r` .! ]uldj dog` out to r`d`lv` your puclshg`ct! T`oc aooc er`mj off frog \uc H`` lc m hurry . \uc H`` wms mbso lc shodj`k mck smt up lcstmctby . th` two booj`k mt `mdh oth`r , lf th`y h`mrk lt ton`th`r , th`c lt dmccot e` e` hmbbudlcmtloc , h`cd` th` two wms so lc shodj thmt th`y ko cot `v`c kmr` er`mth` Oh! [hls ls th` c`wbyw`k roog ? How dmc th`r` cot e` mcyoc` p``plcn lc ! [hls woct ko , mt b`mst L c``k to poj` lcto th` wlckow to tmj` m booj ‒H`y! Ttop lt . [h` oc`s lcslk` mr` cot dhlbkr`c ! whmt mr` you kolcn boojlcn lc blj` thmt ‒ thmt vold` dmg` frog am`shlc. Am`shlc mck yocnhm! Mck th`r` ls sog`thlcn gor` urn`ct th`c th` proeb`g of eoth of th`g e`lcn h`r` cow . [h` `g`rn`cdy ls thmt \ocn hm vold` ls n`ttlcn dbos`r to th` koor! [h` fuc of w`kklcn clt` ls to p``p lcto th` c`wby w`k roog, how dmc you ko wlthout thmt !

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H` lsc“t thlcjlcn of pojlcn lcto th` pmp`r wlckow ls h` ?! eut wlth hls jlck of dhmrmdt`r , yocn hm wlbb k`flclt`by ko lt! \uc H`` mck T`oc Aooc stook up mt th` smg` tlg` . Th` booj`k mrouck fbust`r`k, mck wms lc sudh m hurry to n`t out thmt sh` dmct `v`c klff`r`lmct` whldh ls th` froct mck emdj koor . T`oc Aooc nrmee`k h`r hmcks , mck polct`k to h`r dbothlcns , sh` hmk ocby th` lcc`r nmrg`cts oc . Th` wms too pmcld to dmr` meout h`r stmt` of kr`sslcn mck tooj th` kr`ss to dov`r`k h`rs`bf . G`mcwhlb` , \ocn hm flcn`rs mr` dboslcn lc to th` wlckow mck poj`k op`c oc` . T`oc aooc scmtdh`k th` kr`ss thmt yuch`` hmk tmj`c to dov`r h`rs`bf .mck dov`r`k lt ov`r th` wlckow ! budjlby th`r` wms vold` outslk` thmt dmg` to stop \ocn Hm ‒ ^ho mr` you ! why mr` you h`r` /‗ Bmky Dho msj`k outslk` T`oc Aooc blst`ck to whmt wms hmpp`clcn ..mck whlsp`r to yuc h`` ‒ L wlbb tmj` dmr` of thls . ,you aust stmy h`r` ! koc“t no out ‒ Mck h` b`t yuc h`` tmj` th` kr`ss, whlb` h` booj`k for th` hmt h` hmk aust tmj`c off/ Ms h` s`mrdh`k , h` sdr`mg`k to th` outslk` ‒ \`o rlg smhyucn! , w` hmv`c“t stmrt to uckr`ss y`t , th`r`  ls cothlcn to wmtdh! . L wlbb e` rlnht out! [h`r` wms m twlcn` of mcn`r lc hls vold` . lt lsc“t `counh wlth whmt hmpp`c lc Tucnjyucjwm , cow h` hmk to dog` mck rulc`k th` w`kklcn clnht . whldh nroog wlbb cot e` mcnry . mck lt hmk to hmpp`c rlnht mft`r h` hmk gmcmn`k to r`gov` mbb thmt bmy`r of dboth`s To h` st`pp`k out wlth m st`rc fmd` , wlshlcn thmt th`y w`r`c“t `v`c h`r` rlnht cow !

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