WebServices Complete Notes-JavaEra.com

February 28, 2017 | Author: Sri Dharan | Category: N/A
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Hi Friends! Welcome to JavaEra.com. As an admin,, let me introduce myself to all of you. I am Anil

Reddy from Hyderabad. I’m a normal guy who lives life to

the fullest, loves programming and lives a happy-go-lucky lucky kind of life. Why I started JavaEra.com? JavaEra.com I was a job seeker like you all but I was not sure about how to attempt an interview or various companies selection process. I had searched many Portals on the web & joined many job groups. From all those sources I was getting the information regarding latest job openings only but not any resources to chase job selection process by improving my skills. Why we need those skills? Just go through this small story... Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter asks for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The paid was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the t area where he was supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees "Congratulations," the boss said. "Go on that way!" Very motivated for the boss' words, the woodcutter try harder the next day, but he only could bring 15 trees. The third thir day he try even harder, but he only could bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees. "I must be losing my strength", the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. on "When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked. "Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees.

If we are just busy in applying for jobs, when we will sharpen our skills to chase the job selection process? p I don’t have many friends who can suggest me or who can share some tips. I got irritated like anything. I thought that like me, there may be millions of my brothers and sisters across the nation facing same kind of problem. So I strongly committed to start a special zone for all job seekers & IT professionals where everyone can sharpen their skills to find their dream job & in their dream company. As a result in 10 months nearly 15000+ job seekers joined our family. Thousands of people got benefited by utilizing our resources. This is just a start, what we have achieved till now is just 0.1% in our vision which is “Creating a perfect place to share Java knowledge”. Now I am not alone in chasing this challenge. We will work together by sharing knowledge knowle & giving a ray of hope to millions of our brothers and sisters across the nation. My Technical Skills: Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Certified. JSE (Certified), Servlets, JSP, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, PHP, Zend Framework. HTML, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, CSS, Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS5, CS5 Adobe Flash. My aim is to provide good and quality articles and content to readers and visitors to understand easily. All articlesare written and practically tested by me before publishing online. ine. If you have any query or questions regarding any article feel free to leave a comment or You ou can get in touch with me On [email protected], www.facebook.com w.facebook.com/JavaAnil

Regards Anil Reddy Founder & Administrator JavaEra.com Email : [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]. www.facebook.com/JavaAnil /JavaAnil

WebServices www.JavaEra.com






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By Mr. SekharReddy i; . ,

Q.) What is distributed technology? I


A technology is said t o be distributed if it's business objects are geographically dispersed (across multiple JVM's) and st111communicating one another.





Q.) Why distributed technology? I-)

Load balancing


High Availability


High Processing

Q.) What are different distributed technologies?


> There are so many distributed technologies o

o o o


CORBA > More complexity in t h e implementation I-> Heavy weight Language dependent > Commercial :, Plat from independent I


RMI > Lack of Enterprise services/Middle ware services I

Open source IVo acknowledgement > Language dependent > Plat from independent

I > I I



E3 B I->

Supports Enterprise services/Middle ware services in the declarative manner Having multiple flavors of APIs t o handle different requirements o Session beans Stateless Stateful o Entity beans(not using now) = JPA o Message Driven Beans



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Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-23746666,23734842 An IS0 9001 : 2000 Certified Company - .-.. . . ... ...- - ........ ... - - . .- .- - -.-.... ..- - - - -- ..-,

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By Mr. ~ e k h a r ~ e d d v

> Managed by Application server

Robust Heavy weight c> Language Dependent G Plat from independent I


Supports Enterprise services > Interoperable (Language independent & Plat from independent)

I-? I

So, Web services is interoperable distributed technology




Q.) What we require if two persons need to communicate?


1 .) Two persons @ 2.) Medium 3.) Language 4.) RuIes(protocoI)


Web services architecture I f two applications needs to communicate

a Both the applications should be connected (network)



Both application needs to communicate by following some rules(protocols) o HrrP o FTP o SMTP...etc. To communicate language is required(Neutra1 language) o XML



~ a G s ihTechnologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Arneerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-23746666,23734842 An I S 0 9001 : 2000 Certified Company .... .. . .. .-. .-- -- ---


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Bv Mr. ~ e k h a r ~ F d x F T


I n the internet world we prefer t o use H-TTP protocol, and we have so many technologies which supports HlTP protocol. I

> Lets assume that we are sending employee information form "Consumer" to "Provider" in





the XML format as follows.


ysreddy+.-..** * * * * JAX-RPC, Contract first approach 3 JAX-RPC , Contract last approach





/ -

NOTE: I n the internet world w& prefer to use HlTP protocol, and we have so many technologies which supports HlTP protocol.


Q.) What are the HTTP protocols implemented API's?





1. Servlet API 2. EJB API



Naresh i Technologies, opp.Satyarn Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-23746666,23734842 An IS0 9001 : 2000-. Certified Company ......................... .-....... --

II Page8--.

I1 I ,



Bv Mr. ~ e k h a r ~ e d T l t 7

WEB-SERVICES (lntro'l--'

Q.) W h a t i s e n d p o i n t ? 1

I, I,

A component which receives "Consumer" request I n general we use either servlet or ejb as an End Po~nt.

So, we can say we are developing web services using > JAX-RPC, Servlet end point url, Contract first approach > JAX-RPC, EJB end point url, Contract last approach I 1


i MEP 1 1




MEP stands for ~ e s s a g d ~ x c h a n g i nPatterns g " C o n s ~ ~ r n can e r ~ ~communicate with "Provider" in three ways o Synchronous request-reply o Asynchronous request-reply o Fire and forget


Synchronous request-reply 0 I n this "Consumer" sends the request t o "Provider", and "Consumer" blocks until response comes back from the "Provider", Until response comes back "Consumer" can't proceed.



After Response Received, c o n t i n u e s i t s process



A s v n c h r o n o u s reauest-re~ly



e In this "Consumer" sends the.request t o "Provider", and "Consumer" will not wait until it I > I



gets the response. After request sent t o the "Provider" it continues its flow of execution "Consumer" will have " R e s p o n s e L i s t e n e r " which listens t h e response from the "Provider".





Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-23746666,23734842 An I S 0 9001 : 2000 Certified Company -




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I would try to update our site JavaEra.com everyday with various interesting facts, scenarios and interview questions. Keep visiting regularly.....

Thanks and I wish all the readers all the best in the interviews.

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